public static void RemoveAllACL(string _playerId)
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = GetPersistentPlayerData(_playerId);

            if (_persistentPlayerData != null)
                PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = PersistentOperations.GetPersistentPlayerList();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PersistentPlayerData> _persistentPlayerData2 in _persistentPlayerList.Players)
                    if (_persistentPlayerData2.Key != _persistentPlayerData.PlayerId)
                        if (_persistentPlayerData2.Value.ACL != null && _persistentPlayerData2.Value.ACL.Contains(_persistentPlayerData.PlayerId))
                            _persistentPlayerData2.Value.Dispatch(_persistentPlayerData, EnumPersistentPlayerDataReason.ACL_Removed);
                        if (_persistentPlayerData.ACL != null && _persistentPlayerData.ACL.Contains(_persistentPlayerData2.Value.PlayerId))
                            _persistentPlayerData.Dispatch(_persistentPlayerData2.Value, EnumPersistentPlayerDataReason.ACL_Removed);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void CheckLP(ClientInfo _cInfo)
            EntityPlayer player = PersistentOperations.GetEntityPlayer(_cInfo.entityId);

            if (player != null)
                Vector3              position = player.GetPosition();
                int                  x        = (int)position.x;
                int                  y        = (int)position.y;
                int                  z        = (int)position.z;
                Vector3i             vector   = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
                PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
                PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(player.entityId);
                EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner = GameManager.Instance.World.GetLandClaimOwner(vector, _persistentPlayerData);
                if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.None)
                    if (CheckStuck(position.x, position.y, position.z))
                        TeleToSurface(_cInfo, player);
                        Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue("Stuck4", out string _phrase);
                        ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, Config.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase + "[-]", -1, Config.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                    Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue("Stuck2", out string _phrase);
                    ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, Config.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase + "[-]", -1, Config.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void CheckLP(ClientInfo _cInfo)
            World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = world.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
            int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
            int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
            int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
            Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
            EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);

            if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.None)
                if (CheckStuck(_position.x, _position.y, _position.z))
                    TeleToSurface(_cInfo, _player);
                    Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(554, out string _phrase554);
                    ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, Config.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase554 + "[-]", -1, Config.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(552, out string _phrase552);
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, Config.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase552 + "[-]", -1, Config.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 4
        public static PersistentPlayerData GetPPD(string playerName)
            PersistentPlayerList playerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData ppd        = playerList.GetPlayerData(playerName);

Esempio n. 5
        private static void FClaimCheck(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _waypoint)
            World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = world.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
            int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
            int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
            int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
            Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
            EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);

            if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.None)
                FCommandCost(_cInfo, _waypoint, _player);
                string _phrase576;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(576, out _phrase576))
                    _phrase576 = " you can only use a waypoint that is outside of a claimed space.";
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase576 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 6
 public static void SaveClaimCheck(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _waypoint)
     if (!Event.PlayersTeam.ContainsKey(_cInfo.playerId))
         World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
         EntityPlayer         _player               = world.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
         Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
         int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
         int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
         int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
         Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
         PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
         PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
         EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);
         if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.None)
             SetPoint(_cInfo, _waypoint);
             string _phrase586;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(586, out _phrase586))
                 _phrase586 = " you can only save a waypoint that is outside of a claimed space.";
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase586 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + ", you can not use waypoint commands while signed up for or in an event.[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
        private void removeById(string _id)
            try {
                PersistentPlayerList ppl = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();

                if (_id.Length < 1 || !ppl.Players.ContainsKey(_id))
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Not a valid Steam ID or user has never logged on. Use \"listlandprotection\" to get a list of keystones.");
                if (ppl.Players [_id].LPBlocks == null || ppl.Players [_id].LPBlocks.Count == 0)
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Player does not own any keystones. Use \"listlandprotection\" to get a list of keystones.");

                List <BlockChangeInfo> changes = new List <BlockChangeInfo> ();
                foreach (Vector3i pos in ppl.Players[_id].LPBlocks)
                    BlockChangeInfo bci = new BlockChangeInfo(pos, 0, true);

                SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Tried to remove #" + changes.Count + " land protection blocks for player \"" + _id + "\". Note " +
                                            "that only blocks in chunks that are currently loaded (close to any player) could be removed. " +
                                            "Please check for remaining blocks by running:");
                SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("  listlandprotection " + _id);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Out("Error in RemoveLandProtection.removeById: " + e);
        public static void RemoveAllClaims(string _playerId)
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = PersistentOperations.GetPersistentPlayerData(_playerId);

            if (_persistentPlayerData != null)
                List <Vector3i> landProtectionBlocks = _persistentPlayerData.LPBlocks;
                if (landProtectionBlocks != null)
                    PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < landProtectionBlocks.Count; i++)
                        Vector3i   _position   = landProtectionBlocks[i];
                        World      world       = GameManager.Instance.World;
                        BlockValue _blockValue = world.GetBlock(_position);
                        Block      _block      = _blockValue.Block;
                        if (_block != null && _block is BlockLandClaim)
                            world.SetBlockRPC(0, _position, BlockValue.Air);
                            ConnectionManager.Instance.SendPackage(NetPackageManager.GetPackage <NetPackageEntityMapMarkerRemove>().Setup(EnumMapObjectType.LandClaim, _position.ToVector3()), false, -1, -1, -1, -1);
                            world.ObjectOnMapRemove(EnumMapObjectType.LandClaim, _position.ToVector3());
Esempio n. 9
        public static void RemoveAllACL(string _playerId)
            PersistentPlayerData persistentPlayerData = GetPersistentPlayerDataFromId(_playerId);

            if (persistentPlayerData != null)
                PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PlatformUserIdentifierAbs, PersistentPlayerData> persistentPlayerData2 in persistentPlayerList.Players)
                    if (persistentPlayerData2.Key != persistentPlayerData.UserIdentifier)
                        if (persistentPlayerData2.Value.ACL != null && persistentPlayerData2.Value.ACL.Contains(persistentPlayerData.UserIdentifier))
                            persistentPlayerData2.Value.Dispatch(persistentPlayerData, EnumPersistentPlayerDataReason.ACL_Removed);
                        if (persistentPlayerData.ACL != null && persistentPlayerData.ACL.Contains(persistentPlayerData2.Value.UserIdentifier))
                            persistentPlayerData.Dispatch(persistentPlayerData2.Value, EnumPersistentPlayerDataReason.ACL_Removed);
        private void removeByPosition(List <string> _coords)
            try {
                int x = int.MinValue;
                int.TryParse(_coords [0], out x);
                int y = int.MinValue;
                int.TryParse(_coords [1], out y);
                int z = int.MinValue;
                int.TryParse(_coords [2], out z);

                if (x == int.MinValue || y == int.MinValue || z == int.MinValue)
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("At least one of the given coordinates is not a valid integer");

                Vector3i vectorKfpValue = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
                Vector3i vectorKfpMin   = new Vector3i(x - 3, y - 3, z - 3);
                Vector3i vectorKfpMax   = new Vector3i(x + 3, y + 3, z + 3);

                PersistentPlayerList PlayersLst = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
                Boolean KFound = false;
                Dictionary <Vector3i, PersistentPlayerData> positionToLPBlockOwner = PlayersLst.m_lpBlockMap;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3i, PersistentPlayerData> current in positionToLPBlockOwner)
                    if ((int)current.Key.x >= (int)vectorKfpMin.x && (int)current.Key.x <= (int)vectorKfpMax.x)
                        SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Coordinates X found: " + (int)current.Key.x);

                        if ((int)current.Key.y >= (int)vectorKfpMin.y && (int)current.Key.y <= (int)vectorKfpMax.y)
                            SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Coordinates Y found: " + (int)current.Key.y);

                            if ((int)current.Key.z >= (int)vectorKfpMin.z && (int)current.Key.z <= (int)vectorKfpMax.z)
                                SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Coordinates Z found: " + (int)current.Key.z);

                                Vector3i               vectorKfpEnd = new Vector3i((int)current.Key.x, (int)current.Key.y, (int)current.Key.z);
                                BlockChangeInfo        bci          = new BlockChangeInfo(vectorKfpEnd, 0, true);
                                List <BlockChangeInfo> changes      = new List <BlockChangeInfo> ();

                                SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Land protection block at (" + vectorKfpEnd.ToString() + ") removed");
                                KFound = true;
                if (!KFound)
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Aucune keystone trouvee a cet emplacement (" + vectorKfpValue.ToString() + ").");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Out("Error in RemoveLandProtection.removeByPosition: " + e);
Esempio n. 11
 public static void CheckLocation(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _amount, int _exec)
     if (Inside_Claim)
         World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
         EntityPlayer         _player               = world.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
         Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
         int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
         int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
         int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
         Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
         PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
         PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
         EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);
         if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally)
             if (_exec == 1)
                 Deposit(_cInfo, _amount);
             if (_exec == 2)
                 Withdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
             if (_exec == 3)
                 WalletDeposit(_cInfo, _amount);
             if (_exec == 4)
                 WalletWithdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + " you can not use this command here.Stand in your own or a friend's claimed space.[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
         if (_exec == 1)
             Deposit(_cInfo, _amount);
         if (_exec == 2)
             Withdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
         if (_exec == 3)
             WalletDeposit(_cInfo, _amount);
         if (_exec == 4)
             WalletWithdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
        public static void SetHome2(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _playerName, bool _announce)
            bool                 Found                 = false;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
            int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
            int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
            int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
            int                  _claimSize            = GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.LandClaimSize) / 2;
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_cInfo.playerId);
            List <Vector3i>      _blocks               = _persistentPlayerData.LPBlocks;

            for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
                Vector3i _vec3i = _blocks[i];
                if ((_vec3i.x - x) * (_vec3i.x - x) + (_vec3i.z - z) * (_vec3i.z - z) <= _claimSize * _claimSize)
                    Found = true;
                    string _sposition = x + "," + y + "," + z;
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId, true].HomePosition2 = _sposition;
                    string _phrase607;
                    if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(607, out _phrase607))
                        _phrase607 = "{PlayerName} your home2 has been saved.";
                    _phrase607 = _phrase607.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                    if (_announce)
                        GameManager.Instance.GameMessageServer((ClientInfo)null, EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase607), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", true);
                        _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase607), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
            if (!Found)
                string _phrase817;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(817, out _phrase817))
                    _phrase817 = "{PlayerName} you are not inside your own claimed space. You can not save this as your home.";
                _phrase817 = _phrase817.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                if (_announce)
                    GameManager.Instance.GameMessageServer((ClientInfo)null, EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase817), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", true);
                    _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase817), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
        public static PersistentPlayerList GetPersistentPlayerList()
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.persistentPlayers;

            if (_persistentPlayerList != null)
        public static void RemovePersistentPlayerData(string _playerId)
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();

            if (_persistentPlayerList != null)
                if (_persistentPlayerList.Players.ContainsKey(_playerId))
        public static PersistentPlayerData GetPersistentPlayerData(string _playerId)
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.persistentPlayers;

            if (_persistentPlayerList != null)
                PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_playerId);
                if (_persistentPlayerData != null)
Esempio n. 16
        public static EnumLandClaimOwner ClaimedByWho(PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _uId, Vector3i _position)
            PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();

            if (persistentPlayerList != null)
                PersistentPlayerData persistentPlayerData = persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_uId);
                if (persistentPlayerData != null)
                    return(GameManager.Instance.World.GetLandClaimOwner(_position, persistentPlayerData));
Esempio n. 17
        public static PersistentPlayerData GetPersistentPlayerDataFromEntityId(int _entityId)
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.persistentPlayers;

            if (_persistentPlayerList != null)
                PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_entityId);
                if (_persistentPlayerData != null)
Esempio n. 18
        public static PersistentPlayerData GetPersistentPlayerDataFromUId(PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _uId)
            PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();

            if (persistentPlayerList != null)
                PersistentPlayerData ppd = persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_uId);
                if (ppd != null)
Esempio n. 19
        private static bool Claimed(ClientInfo _cInfo, Vector3i _position)
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = PersistentOperations.GetPersistentPlayerList();

            if (_persistentPlayerList != null)
                PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_cInfo.entityId);
                EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner = GameManager.Instance.World.GetLandClaimOwner(_position, _persistentPlayerData);
                if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.None)
Esempio n. 20
        public static void RemovePersistentPlayerData(string _id)
            PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();

            if (persistentPlayerList != null)
                PlatformUserIdentifierAbs uId = GetPlatformUserFromNameOrId(_id);
                if (uId != null)
                    if (persistentPlayerList.Players.ContainsKey(uId))
Esempio n. 21
 public static void Exec1(ClientInfo _cInfo, EntityPlayer _player)
     if (Inside_Claim)
         World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
         Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
         int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
         int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
         int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
         Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
         PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
         PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
         EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);
         if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally)
             string _phrase781;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(781, out _phrase781))
                 _phrase781 = "saved your current bike for retrieval.";
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase781 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
             string _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Players SET bikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             string _phrase780;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(780, out _phrase780))
                 _phrase780 = "you have not claimed this space or a friend. You can only save your bike inside a claimed space.";
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase780 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
         string _phrase781;
         if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(781, out _phrase781))
             _phrase781 = "saved your current bike for retrieval.";
         ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase781 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
         string _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Players SET bikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
Esempio n. 22
        public static PersistentPlayerData GetPersistentPlayerDataFromId(string _id)
            PlatformUserIdentifierAbs uId = GetPlatformUserFromNameOrId(_id);

            if (uId != null)
                PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();
                if (persistentPlayerList != null)
                    PersistentPlayerData ppd = persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(uId);
                    if (ppd != null)
Esempio n. 23
        public static void CheckLP(ClientInfo _cInfo)
            World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = world.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
            int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
            int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
            int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
            Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
            EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);

            if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally)
                if (CheckStuck(_player))
                    Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                    string _phrase923;
                    if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                        _phrase923 = "you do not seem to be stuck.";
                    ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase923 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                string _phrase921;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(921, out _phrase921))
                    _phrase921 = "you are outside of your claimed space or a friends. Command is unavailable.";
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + _phrase921 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 24
        public static void CheckLocation(ClientInfo _cInfo, string _amount, int _exec)
            bool                 Found                 = false;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            int                  _claimSize            = GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.LandClaimSize) / 2;
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_cInfo.playerId);
            List <Vector3i>      _blocks               = _persistentPlayerData.LPBlocks;

            for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
                Vector3i _vec3i = _blocks[i];
                if ((_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) * (_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) + (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) * (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) <= _claimSize * _claimSize)
                    Found = true;
                    if (_exec == 1)
                        Deposit(_cInfo, _amount);
                    if (_exec == 2)
                        Withdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
                    if (_exec == 3)
                        WalletDeposit(_cInfo, _amount);
                    if (_exec == 4)
                        WalletWithdraw(_cInfo, _amount);
            if (!Found)
                _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}You can not use this command here. Stand in your own claimed space.[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
Esempio n. 25
        public static bool ClaimedByNone(Vector3i _position)
            Chunk chunk = (Chunk)GameManager.Instance.World.GetChunkFromWorldPos(_position);

            if (chunk != null)
                PersistentPlayerList persistentPlayerList = GetPersistentPlayerList();
                if (persistentPlayerList != null)
                    int claimSize = GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.LandClaimSize);
                    Dictionary <Vector3i, PersistentPlayerData> claims = persistentPlayerList.m_lpBlockMap;
                    foreach (var claim in claims)
                        float distance = (claim.Key.ToVector3() - _position.ToVector3()).magnitude;
                        if (distance <= claimSize / 2 && GameManager.Instance.World.IsLandProtectionValidForPlayer(claim.Value))
Esempio n. 26
        public static void CheckLP(ClientInfo _cInfo)
            EntityPlayer         _player = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _landOwner            = _persistentPlayerList.GetLandProtectionBlockOwner(new Vector3i((int)_player.position.x, (int)_player.position.y, (int)_player.position.z));
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_cInfo.playerId);

            if (_landOwner != null)
                if (_landOwner != _persistentPlayerData)
                    EntityPlayer _player2 = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_landOwner.EntityId];
                    if (_player2 != null)
                        if (_player.IsFriendsWith(_player2))
                            if (CheckStuck(_player))
                                Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                                string _phrase923;
                                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                                    _phrase923 = "{PlayerName} you do not seem to be stuck.";
                                _phrase923 = _phrase923.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                    _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase923), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
                            string _phrase921;
                            if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(921, out _phrase921))
                                _phrase921 = "{PlayerName} you can not use this command here.";
                            _phrase921 = _phrase921.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase921), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
                        string _phrase921;
                        if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(921, out _phrase921))
                            _phrase921 = "{PlayerName} you can not use this command here.";
                        _phrase921 = _phrase921.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                            _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase921), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
                    if (CheckStuck(_player))
                        Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                        string _phrase923;
                        if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                            _phrase923 = "{PlayerName} you do not seem to be stuck.";
                        _phrase923 = _phrase923.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                            _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase923), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
                if (CheckStuck(_player))
                    Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                    string _phrase923;
                    if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                        _phrase923 = "{PlayerName} you do not seem to be stuck.";
                    _phrase923 = _phrase923.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                        _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase923), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
Esempio n. 27
 public static void Exec1(ClientInfo _cInfo, Entity _player, int _vehicle)
     if (Inside_Claim)
         World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
         Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
         int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
         int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
         int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
         Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
         PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
         PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
         EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);
         if (_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally)
             string _vehicleName = "";
             string _messageName = "";
             if (_vehicle == 1)
                 _vehicleName = "vehicleBicycle";
                 _messageName = "bike";
             if (_vehicle == 2)
                 _vehicleName = "vehicleMinibike";
                 _messageName = "minibike";
             if (_vehicle == 3)
                 _vehicleName = "vehicleMotorcycle";
                 _messageName = "motorbike";
             if (_vehicle == 4)
                 _vehicleName = "vehicle4x4Truck";
                 _messageName = "jeep";
             if (_vehicle == 5)
                 _vehicleName = "vehicleGyrocopter";
                 _messageName = "gyro";
             if (_player.AttachedToEntity.EntityClass.entityClassName.ToString() == _vehicleName)
                 string _phrase781;
                 if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(781, out _phrase781))
                     _phrase781 = " saved your current vehicle for retrieval.";
                 ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase781 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                 string _sql = "";
                 if (_vehicle == 1)
                     _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET bikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
                 if (_vehicle == 2)
                     _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET miniBikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
                 if (_vehicle == 3)
                     _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET motorBikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
                 if (_vehicle == 4)
                     _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET jeepId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
                 if (_vehicle == 5)
                     _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET gyroId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
                 SQL.FastQuery(_sql, "VehicleTeleport");
                 string _phrase787;
                 if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(787, out _phrase787))
                     _phrase787 = " you are on the wrong vehicle to save it with this command. You are using a {Vehicle}.";
                 _phrase787 = _phrase787.Replace("{Vehicle}", _messageName);
                 ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase787 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
             string _phrase780;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(780, out _phrase780))
                 _phrase780 = " you have not claimed this space or a friend. You can only save your vehicle inside a claimed space.";
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase780 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
         string _vehicleName = "";
         string _messageName = "";
         if (_vehicle == 1)
             _vehicleName = "vehicleBicycle";
             _messageName = "bike";
         if (_vehicle == 2)
             _vehicleName = "vehicleMinibike";
             _messageName = "minibike";
         if (_vehicle == 3)
             _vehicleName = "vehicleMotorcycle";
             _messageName = "motorbike";
         if (_vehicle == 4)
             _vehicleName = "vehicle4x4Truck";
             _messageName = "jeep";
         if (_vehicle == 5)
             _vehicleName = "vehicleGyrocopter";
             _messageName = "gyro";
         if ( == _vehicleName)
             string _phrase781;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(781, out _phrase781))
                 _phrase781 = " saved your current vehicle for retrieval.";
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase781 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
             string _sql = "";
             if (_vehicle == 1)
                 _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET bikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             if (_vehicle == 2)
                 _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET miniBikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             if (_vehicle == 3)
                 _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET motorBikeId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             if (_vehicle == 4)
                 _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET jeepId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             if (_vehicle == 5)
                 _sql = string.Format("UPDATE Vehicles SET gyroId = {0} WHERE steamid = '{1}'", _player.AttachedToEntity.entityId, _cInfo.playerId);
             SQL.FastQuery(_sql, "VehicleTeleport");
             string _phrase787;
             if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(787, out _phrase787))
                 _phrase787 = " you are on the wrong vehicle to save it with this command. You are using a {Vehicle}.";
             _phrase787 = _phrase787.Replace("{Vehicle}", _messageName);
             ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, ChatHook.Player_Name_Color + _cInfo.playerName + LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase787 + "[-]", _cInfo.entityId, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 28
        public static void SaveVehicle(ClientInfo _cInfo, Entity _player, int _vehicle, int _vehicleId)
            if (Inside_Claim)
                World                world                 = GameManager.Instance.World;
                Vector3              _position             = _player.GetPosition();
                int                  x                     = (int)_position.x;
                int                  y                     = (int)_position.y;
                int                  z                     = (int)_position.z;
                Vector3i             _vec3i                = new Vector3i(x, y, z);
                PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
                PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerDataFromEntityID(_player.entityId);
                EnumLandClaimOwner   _owner                = world.GetLandClaimOwner(_vec3i, _persistentPlayerData);
                if (!(_owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Self || _owner == EnumLandClaimOwner.Ally))
                    string _phrase780;
                    if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(780, out _phrase780))
                        _phrase780 = "You have not claimed this space or a friend. You can only save your vehicle inside a claimed space.";
                    ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase780 + "[-]", -1, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
            string _entityName = "", _vehicleName = "";

            if (_vehicle == 1)
                _entityName  = "vehicleBicycle";
                _vehicleName = "bike";
            else if (_vehicle == 2)
                _entityName  = "vehicleMinibike";
                _vehicleName = "minibike";
            else if (_vehicle == 3)
                _entityName  = "vehicleMotorcycle";
                _vehicleName = "motorbike";
            else if (_vehicle == 4)
                _entityName  = "vehicle4x4Truck";
                _vehicleName = "jeep";
            else if (_vehicle == 5)
                _entityName  = "vehicleGyrocopter";
                _vehicleName = "gyro";
            if (_player.AttachedToEntity.EntityClass.entityClassName.ToString() == _entityName)
                if (_vehicle == 1)
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId].BikeId = _vehicleId;
                else if (_vehicle == 2)
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId].MiniBikeId = _vehicleId;
                else if (_vehicle == 3)
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId].MotorBikeId = _vehicleId;
                else if (_vehicle == 4)
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId].JeepId = _vehicleId;
                else if (_vehicle == 5)
                    PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[_cInfo.playerId].GyroId = _vehicleId;
                string _phrase781;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(781, out _phrase781))
                    _phrase781 = "Saved your current {Vehicle} for retrieval.";
                    _phrase781 = _phrase781.Replace("{Vehicle}", _vehicleName);
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase781 + "[-]", -1, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
                string _phrase787;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(787, out _phrase787))
                    _phrase787 = "You are on the wrong vehicle to save it with this command. You are using a {Vehicle}.";
                _phrase787 = _phrase787.Replace("{Vehicle}", _vehicleName);
                ChatHook.ChatMessage(_cInfo, LoadConfig.Chat_Response_Color + _phrase787 + "[-]", -1, LoadConfig.Server_Response_Name, EChatType.Whisper, null);
Esempio n. 29
        public static void CheckLP(ClientInfo _cInfo)
            bool                 Found                 = false;
            EntityPlayer         _player               = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo.entityId];
            int                  _claimSize            = GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.LandClaimSize) / 2;
            PersistentPlayerList _persistentPlayerList = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();
            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData = _persistentPlayerList.GetPlayerData(_cInfo.playerId);
            List <Vector3i>      _blocks               = _persistentPlayerData.LPBlocks;

            for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
                if (!Found)
                    Vector3i _vec3i = _blocks[i];
                    if ((_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) * (_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) + (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) * (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) <= _claimSize * _claimSize)
                        Found = true;
                        if (CheckStuck(_player))
                            Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                            string _phrase923;
                            if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                                _phrase923 = "{PlayerName} you do not seem to be stuck.";
                            _phrase923 = _phrase923.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase923), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
            if (!Found)
                List <ClientInfo> _cInfoList = ConnectionManager.Instance.GetClients();
                for (int i = 0; i < _cInfoList.Count; i++)
                    ClientInfo _cInfo2 = _cInfoList[i];
                    if (_cInfo2 != null && _cInfo != _cInfo2)
                        EntityPlayer _player2 = GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict[_cInfo2.entityId];
                        if (_player2 != null && _player.IsFriendsWith(_player2))
                            int _claimSize2 = GameStats.GetInt(EnumGameStats.LandClaimSize) / 2;
                            PersistentPlayerData _persistentPlayerData2 = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList().GetPlayerData(_cInfo2.playerId);
                            List <Vector3i>      _blocks2 = _persistentPlayerData.LPBlocks;
                            for (int j = 0; j < _blocks2.Count; j++)
                                if (!Found)
                                    Vector3i _vec3i = _blocks2[j];
                                    if ((_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) * (_vec3i.x - _player.position.x) + (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) * (_vec3i.z - _player.position.z) <= _claimSize2 * _claimSize2)
                                        Found = true;
                                        if (CheckStuck(_player))
                                            Exec(_cInfo, _player);
                                            string _phrase923;
                                            if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(923, out _phrase923))
                                                _phrase923 = "{PlayerName} you do not seem to be stuck.";
                                            _phrase923 = _phrase923.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                                                _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase923), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
            if (!Found)
                string _phrase921;
                if (!Phrases.Dict.TryGetValue(921, out _phrase921))
                    _phrase921 = "{PlayerName} you are outside of your claimed space or a friends. Command is unavailable.";
                _phrase921 = _phrase921.Replace("{PlayerName}", _cInfo.playerName);
                    _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageGameMessage(EnumGameMessages.Chat, string.Format("{0}{1}[-]", Config.Chat_Response_Color, _phrase921), Config.Server_Response_Name, false, "ServerTools", false));
        public override void Execute(List <string> _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo)
            try {
                if (_senderInfo.RemoteClientInfo != null)
                    if (_params.Count >= 1 && _params [0].ToLower().Equals("nearby"))

                World w = GameManager.Instance.World;
                PersistentPlayerList ppl = GameManager.Instance.GetPersistentPlayerList();

                bool     summaryOnly       = false;
                string   steamIdFilter     = string.Empty;
                Vector3i closeTo           = default(Vector3i);
                bool     onlyCloseToPlayer = false;
                int      closeToDistance   = 32;

                if (_params.Count == 1)
                    long tempLong;

                    if (_params [0].ToLower().Equals("summary"))
                        summaryOnly = true;
                    else if (_params [0].Length == 17 && long.TryParse(_params [0], out tempLong))
                        steamIdFilter = _params [0];
                        ClientInfo ci = ConsoleHelper.ParseParamIdOrName(_params [0]);
                        if (ci != null)
                            steamIdFilter = ci.playerId;
                            SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Player name or entity id \"" + _params [0] + "\" not found.");
                else if (_params.Count >= 2)
                    if (_params [0].ToLower().Equals("nearby"))
                        try {
                            if (_params.Count == 3)
                                if (!int.TryParse(_params[1], out closeToDistance))
                                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Given radius is not an integer!");
                            ClientInfo   ci = ConsoleHelper.ParseParamSteamIdOnline(_params [_params.Count - 1]);
                            EntityPlayer ep = w.Players.dict [ci.entityId];
                            closeTo           = new Vector3i(ep.GetPosition());
                            onlyCloseToPlayer = true;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Error getting current player's position");
                            Log.Out("Error in ListLandProtection.Run: " + e);
                        SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Illegal parameter list");
                Boolean Bol = false;
                Dictionary <Vector3i, PersistentPlayerData> d = ppl.m_lpBlockMap;
                if (d != null)
                    Dictionary <PersistentPlayerData, List <Vector3i> > owners = new Dictionary <PersistentPlayerData, List <Vector3i> > ();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3i, PersistentPlayerData> kvp in d)
                        if (!onlyCloseToPlayer || (Math.Abs(kvp.Key.x - closeTo.x) <= closeToDistance && Math.Abs(kvp.Key.z - closeTo.z) <= closeToDistance))
                            if (!owners.ContainsKey(kvp.Value))
                                owners.Add(kvp.Value, new List <Vector3i> ());
                            owners [kvp.Value].Add(kvp.Key);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <PersistentPlayerData, List <Vector3i> > kvp in owners)
                        if (steamIdFilter.Length == 0 || kvp.Key.PlayerId.Equals(steamIdFilter))
                            PersistentData.Player p = PersistentData.PersistentContainer.Instance.Players [kvp.Key.PlayerId, false];
                            string name             = string.Empty;
                            if (p != null)
                                name = p.Name;
                            name += " (" + kvp.Key.PlayerId + ")";
                            Bol   = true;

                                                            "Player \"{0}\" owns {3} keystones (protected: {1}, current hardness multiplier: {2})",
                            if (!summaryOnly)
                                foreach (Vector3i v in kvp.Value)
                                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("   (" + v.ToString() + ")");
                if (Bol == false)
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Player not found...");

                if (steamIdFilter.Length == 0)
                    SdtdConsole.Instance.Output("Total of " + d.Count + " keystones in the game");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Out("Error in ListLandProtection.Run: " + e);