Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var calc = new SimpleCalculator();
            int result;
            PerformCalculation calcReference;

            /*calcReference = calc.Sum;
             * result = calcReference(10, 15);
             * Console.WriteLine(result);*/

            //DoCalculation(10, 15, calc.Sum);
            //DoCalculation(10, 15, calc.Multiply);

            PerformCalculation first  = calc.Sum;
            PerformCalculation second = calc.Multiply;

            second = (PerformCalculation)Delegate.Combine(first, second);

            result = second(10, 15);

            result = second.Invoke(20, 20);

            PerformCalculation emptyCalculation = null;             //NullReferenceException

            result = emptyCalculation.Invoke(40, 40);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main232()
            //Instantiating a delegate

            //Using the new keyword
            PerformCalculation performCal = new PerformCalculation(Add);

            //Using delegate inference
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = Add;
            SecondDelegate     secondDelegate     = CountEvenNumbers;

            //Invoking a delegate

            //Invoking Asynchronously
            int[] numArray = { 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 };
            secondDelegate.BeginInvoke(numArray, null, null);

            //Using the () operator
            performCal(40, 45);

            //Using the Invoke() method of the delegate class
            performCalculation.Invoke(40, 45);

            //End on the asynchronous invocation
            int sam = secondDelegate.EndInvoke(null);
Esempio n. 3
 public Testing()
     CountdownCompleted = null;
     OurDelegate        = Calculate;
     OurDelegate       -= Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += CalculateSum;
     OurDelegate        = null;
     OurDelegate?.Invoke(4, 8);
     //CountdownCompleted.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
     // CountdownCompleted = null;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Action <int, int>       action    = New;
            Func <int, int, string> func      = Populate;
            Predicate <int>         predicate = Compare;
            //Creates a new PerformCalculation type
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = new PerformCalculation(Add);
            PerformCalculation perform            = Add;

            perform += Multiply;

            //add method to feedback to user
            //add methods to store data in database, send Mail
            performCalculation(40, 45);
            performCalculation.Invoke(40, 45);
            perform.BeginInvoke(40, 45, null, null);
            //feedback to the user synchronously
            // store data in database, send Mail  runs asynchronously on another thread
            int sam = perform.EndInvoke(null);
Esempio n. 5
 public int PerformCalculationMethod(int x, int y)
     return((PerformCalculationVar?.Invoke(x, y)).GetValueOrDefault());
Esempio n. 6
        public void  Compute(PerformCalculation obj)
            int result = obj.Invoke(10, 20);

Esempio n. 7
 public void Hi(PerformCalculation calc)
     calc.Invoke(1, 5);