Esempio n. 1
        public static void Main232()
            //Instantiating a delegate

            //Using the new keyword
            PerformCalculation performCal = new PerformCalculation(Add);

            //Using delegate inference
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = Add;
            SecondDelegate     secondDelegate     = CountEvenNumbers;

            //Invoking a delegate

            //Invoking Asynchronously
            int[] numArray = { 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 };
            secondDelegate.BeginInvoke(numArray, null, null);

            //Using the () operator
            performCal(40, 45);

            //Using the Invoke() method of the delegate class
            performCalculation.Invoke(40, 45);

            //End on the asynchronous invocation
            int sam = secondDelegate.EndInvoke(null);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DelegateExample"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public DelegateExample()
     //Type safety
     PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSumMethod);
     PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSubtractMethod);
     //PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSubtractDoubleMethod);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DelegateExample"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public DelegateExample()
     //Type safety
       PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSumMethod);
       PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSubtractMethod);
       //PerformCalculationVar = new PerformCalculation(PerformSubtractDoubleMethod);
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation performCalculation1 = Operations.Sum;
            PerformCalculation performCalculation2 = Operations.Multiply;

            // operator +=
            performCalculation1 += performCalculation2;

            // static method Delegate.Combine
            performCalculation1 = (PerformCalculation)Delegate.Combine(
                performCalculation1, performCalculation2);

            var multipleResult = performCalculation1(10, 5);

            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(multipleResult)} = {multipleResult}");


            // operator -=
            performCalculation1 -= performCalculation2;

            // method Remove()
            performCalculation1 = (PerformCalculation)Delegate.Remove(
                performCalculation1, performCalculation2);

            multipleResult = performCalculation1(10, 5);
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(multipleResult)} = {multipleResult}");
Esempio n. 5
        private static void LambdaExample()
            Console.WriteLine("=====Example 4 (Lambda example)=====");

            //Use lamba expression to create a Func delegate instance
            Func <double, double, double> sum_Function = (double var1, double var2) => { return(var1 + var2); };

            //Use lambda expression without data type to create a Func delegate instance
            Func <double, double, double> sum_Function_withoutType = (var1, var2) => var1 + var2;

            //Use lamba expression to create a delegate instance
            PerformCalculation prod_Function = (double var1, double var2) => var1 * var2;

            //Use lamba expression without data type to create a delegate instance
            PerformCalculation prod_Function_withoutType = (var1, var2) => var1 * var2;

            double val1 = 4.0, val2 = 3.0;

            //Call sum function
            double sum_Result = sum_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine($"{val1} + {val2} = {sum_Result}");

            //Call product function
            double prod_Result = prod_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine($"{val1} * {val2} = {prod_Result}");

            //Using sum_function reference
            Console.Write($"{val1} + {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunctionUsingFunc(sum_Function, val1, val2);

            //Using product_function reference
            Console.Write($"{val1} * {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(prod_Function, val1, val2);

            //Omitting the explicit creation of a Func instance
            Console.Write($"{val1} - {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunctionUsingFunc((var1, var2) => var1 - var2, val1, val2);

            //Omitting the explicit creation of a delegate instance
            Console.Write($"{val1} - {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction((var1, var2) => var1 - var2, val1, val2);

            List <int> numbersList = new List <int>(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 21, 24, 10 });

             * TODO 9
             * Create a lambda expression which receives two parameters and returns the biggest number
             * and use it to extract the biggest number from numbersList collection.

             * TODO 10 (for home)
             * Use the lambda expression from TODO 9  to sort the collection ascending.

Esempio n. 6
        private static void DelegateWithAnonymousFunction()
            // Anonymous functions
            PerformCalculation pc4 = (x, y) => x * y;

            Helpers.Print(pc4(2, 5));
Esempio n. 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var calc = new SimpleCalculator();
            int result;
            PerformCalculation calcReference;

            /*calcReference = calc.Sum;
             * result = calcReference(10, 15);
             * Console.WriteLine(result);*/

            //DoCalculation(10, 15, calc.Sum);
            //DoCalculation(10, 15, calc.Multiply);

            PerformCalculation first  = calc.Sum;
            PerformCalculation second = calc.Multiply;

            second = (PerformCalculation)Delegate.Combine(first, second);

            result = second(10, 15);

            result = second.Invoke(20, 20);

            PerformCalculation emptyCalculation = null;             //NullReferenceException

            result = emptyCalculation.Invoke(40, 40);
Esempio n. 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation handler = Calculation;

            Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}", handler(1, 2, 3));
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;
            //getSum(5.0, 5.0);
            PerformCalculation getQuotient = Division;
            //getQuotient(5.0, 5.0);

            PerformCalculation multiCal = getSum + getQuotient;

            multiCal += Subtraction;
            multiCal(3.2, 3.2);

            GetTextDelegate getTextDelegate = delegate(string name)
                return("Hello, " + name);

            GetTextDelegate getHelloText = (string name) => { return("Hello, " + name); };

            // Statement lamda
            GetTextDelegate getGoodbyeText = (string name) => {
                Console.WriteLine("I'm inside of an statment lambda");
                return("Goodbye, " + name);

            GetTextDelegate getWelcomeText = name => "Welcom, " + name;

    static void Main(string [] args)
        PerformCalculation calc1 = Addition;
        PerformCalculation calc2 = Substraction;
        PerformCalculation mix   = calc1 + calc2;

Esempio n. 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation functionVariable = Substract;

            functionVariable += Multiply;
            functionVariable += Substract;
            functionVariable -= Multiply;
            Console.WriteLine(functionVariable(5, 6));
        public static void Main()
            PerformCalculation addition = delegate(int i, int j)
                return(i + j);

            Console.WriteLine($"Addition of two numbers {addition(10, 20)}");
Esempio n. 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation simpleInterestCalc   = GetSimpleInterest;
            PerformCalculation compelexInterestCalc = GetCompoundInterest;
            var simpleInterest  = new InterestCalculator(2500, 0.072, 15, simpleInterestCalc);
            var complexInterest = new InterestCalculator(500, 0.056, 10, compelexInterestCalc);

Esempio n. 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation add = Add;
            PerformCalculation sub = Subtract;
            PerformCalculation mul = Multiply;
            PerformCalculation div = Divide;

            Console.WriteLine((sub(10, 5)));
Esempio n. 15
        private static void DelegateExample()
            Console.WriteLine("=====Example 1 (Delegate)===");

            //Create Delegate instances
            PerformCalculation sum_Function  = new PerformCalculation(SpecialFunctions.Sum);
            PerformCalculation prod_Function = new PerformCalculation(SpecialFunctions.Product);

            double val1 = 2.0, val2 = 3.0;

            //Call sum function
            double sum_Result = sum_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", val1, val2, sum_Result);

            //Call product function
            double prod_Result = prod_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", val1, val2, prod_Result);

            //Using sum_function reference
            Console.Write("{0} + {1} = ", val1, val2);
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(sum_Function, val1, val2);

            //Using product_function reference
            Console.Write("{0} * {1} = ", val1, val2);
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(prod_Function, val1, val2);

             * TODO 0
             * Goto SpecialFunctions sources and resolve TODO 1, 2 and 3.

            //TODO 4: Create an instance of NumberCheck (TODO 1)
            NumberCheck even_Numbers = new NumberCheck(SpecialFunctions.IsNumberEven);

            //TODO 5: Use function GetEvenNumbers to select the even numbers from numbersList collection
            List <int> numbersList = new List <int>()
                0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 21, 24, 10

            List <int> result = SpecialFunctions.GetEvenNumbers(even_Numbers, numbersList);

            //alternativa pt todo4 si 5
            //List<int> result = SpecialFunctions.GetEvenNumbers(SpecialFunctions.IsNumberEven, numbersList);

            //TODO 6: Print the resulted numbers
            foreach (int evenNumber in result)
Esempio n. 16
    static void Main(string [] args)
        PerformCalculation calc = Addition;

        calc = Addition;
        Console.WriteLine(calc(45, 33));
        calc = Substraction;
        Console.WriteLine(calc(34, 12));
        calc = Divide;
        Console.WriteLine(calc(45, 3));
Esempio n. 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = Operations.Sum;
            var result = performCalculation(10, 5);


            performCalculation = Operations.Multiply;
            result             = performCalculation(10, 5);
Esempio n. 18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Calculator         _calcObj   = new Calculator();
            PerformCalculation _funObject = new PerformCalculation(_calcObj.Add);
            Computer           _comp      = new Computer();


            PerformCalculation _newFunObject = new PerformCalculation(_calcObj.Sub);

Esempio n. 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;
            //getSum(5.0, 5.0);
            PerformCalculation getQuotient = Devision;
            //getQuotient(5.0, 5.0);

            PerformCalculation multiCalc = getSum + getQuotient;

            multiCalc += Substraction;
            multiCalc(3.2, 3.2);
Esempio n. 20
        private void SetDelegate()
            // Set delegate to function
            PerformCalculation pc = new PerformCalculation(Add);

            Helpers.Print(pc(2, 5));

            // Set same delegate to another function
            pc = Sub;

            Helpers.Print(pc(2, 5));
Esempio n. 21
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n--------   Calculation   --------\n");

            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;

            Console.WriteLine(getSum(6, 4.5));

            PerformCalculation getSub = Substraction;

            Console.WriteLine(getSub(6, 4.5));

            /*********    Multi-cast     ***********/

            PerformCalculation operations = getSum + getSub;

            operations(3, 5);

            operations += Multiplication;
            operations(3, 5);

            operations -= Addition;
            operations(3, 5);
            operations -= getSub;
            operations(3, 5);

            //Dont do it: Give a logical fails, it runs but return last method.
            //Console.WriteLine(operations(3, 5));


            GetText welcomeMsg = Intro;


            GetText welcomeName = delegate(string nametxt)
                return("Hello, " + nametxt);


            // Call display method, send anonymous delegate function (one param and one string return)


Esempio n. 22
        public static void Main()
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = new PerformCalculation(Add);
            PerformCalculation performCal         = Multiply;

            performCalculation += Multiply;
            //performCalculation += performCal;

            int val = performCalculation(40, 45); //returns 1800

            performCalculation -= Multiply;
            int result = performCalculation(40, 45); //returns 95
Esempio n. 23
        private void DelegateAndFunctionThatTakesDelegates()
            // using 'delegate' keyword
            PerformCalculation pc5 = delegate(int x, int y) {
                return(x * 5 + x - y);

            Helpers.Print(pc5(5, 1));

            // function that has delegate as input param
            SomeCalc(2, 5, Add);
            SomeCalc(2, 5, pc5);
Esempio n. 24
        private void MulticastDelegates()
            // Multicast delegates / combine delegates
            PerformCalculation pc1 = Add;
            PerformCalculation pc2 = Sub;
            PerformCalculation pc3 = pc1 + pc2;

            Helpers.Print(pc3(2, 5));

            pc3 += pc3;

            Helpers.Print(pc3(2, 5));
Esempio n. 25
        private static void AnonymousFunctExample()
            Console.WriteLine("=====Example 3 (Anonymous Functions)=====");

            //Create a Func Delegate instance
            Func <double, double, double> sum_Function = delegate(double var1, double var2)
                return(var1 + var2);
            //Create a Delegate instance
            PerformCalculation prod_Function = delegate(double var1, double var2)
                return(var1 * var2);

            double val1 = 4.0, val2 = 3.0;

            //Call sum function
            double sum_Result = sum_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine($"{val1} + {val2} = {sum_Result}");

            //Call product function
            double prod_Result = prod_Function(val1, val2);

            Console.WriteLine($"{val1} * {val2} = {prod_Result}");

            //Using sum_function reference
            Console.Write($"{val1} + {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunctionUsingFunc(sum_Function, val1, val2);

            //Using product_function reference
            Console.Write($"{val1} * {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(prod_Function, val1, val2);

            List <int> numbersList = new List <int>(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 21, 24, 10 });

             * TODO 8
             * Create an instance of function created at TODO 2 and use it to print the odd numbers from numbersList collection

            //Omitting the explicit creation of a Func instance
            Console.Write($"{val1} + {val2} = ");
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunctionUsingFunc(delegate(double var1, double var2) { return(var1 + var2); },

        public static void Main()
            PerformCalculation performCalculation = Add;

            Console.WriteLine($"Addition of two numbers {performCalculation(10, 20)}");

            performCalculation = Multiply;
            Console.WriteLine($"Multiplication of two numbers {performCalculation(10, 20)}");

            AdditionalOperations additionalOperations = new AdditionalOperations();

            performCalculation = additionalOperations.Substractions;
            Console.WriteLine($"Substractions of two numbers {performCalculation(20, 10)}");
Esempio n. 27
 public Testing()
     CountdownCompleted = null;
     OurDelegate        = Calculate;
     OurDelegate       -= Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += Calculate;
     OurDelegate       += CalculateSum;
     OurDelegate        = null;
     OurDelegate?.Invoke(4, 8);
     //CountdownCompleted.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
     // CountdownCompleted = null;
Esempio n. 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;
            //getSum(5.0, 5.0);
            PerformCalculation getQuotient = Division;
            //getQuotient(5.0, 5.0);

            PerformCalculation multiCalc = getSum + getQuotient;

            multiCalc += Subtraction; // adds subtraction method reference
            multiCalc -= getSum;      // removes getSum reference
            multiCalc(3.2, 3.2);

Esempio n. 29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;

            getSum(2.5, 5.6);

            PerformCalculation getQuotient = Division;

            getQuotient(5.0, 2.4);

            PerformCalculation multiCalc = getSum + getQuotient;

            multiCalc += Substraction;
            multiCalc(3.2, 6.4);
        public static void ExplainLambdaExpressions()
            //Expression Lambda
            GetTextDelegate getTextDelegate = (string name) => { return("Hello " + name); };
            //Statement Lambda
            GetTextDelegate getTextDelegate1 = (string name) => {
                string value = "Hello " + name + " Good morning";


            PerformCalculation performCalculation = (a, b) => (a + b);

            Console.WriteLine(performCalculation(10, 20));
Esempio n. 31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // point at a method
            PerformCalculation getSum = Addition;

            getSum(7.6, 8.5);

            PerformCalculation getDivided = Divide;

            getDivided(25, 5);

            // multi-cast delegate -> useful to trigger multiple calculation with events
            PerformCalculation multipleCalculation = getSum + getDivided;

            multipleCalculation(99, 100.2);
Esempio n. 32
        private static void DelegateExample()
            Console.WriteLine("=====Example 1 (Delegate)===");

            //Create Delegate instances
            PerformCalculation sum_Function = new PerformCalculation(SpecialFunctions.Sum);
            PerformCalculation prod_Function = new PerformCalculation(SpecialFunctions.Product);

            double val1 = 2.0, val2 = 3.0;

            //Call sum function
            double sum_Result = sum_Function(val1, val2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", val1, val2, sum_Result);

            //Call product function
            double prod_Result = prod_Function(val1, val2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", val1, val2, prod_Result);

            //Using sum_function reference
            Console.Write("{0} + {1} = ", val1, val2);
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(sum_Function, val1, val2);

            //Using product_function reference
            Console.Write("{0} * {1} = ", val1, val2);
            SpecialFunctions.ExecuteFunction(prod_Function, val1, val2);

             * TODO 0
             * Goto SpecialFunctions sources and resolve TODO 1, 2 and 3.

            //TODO 4: Create an instance of NumberCheck (TODO 1)

            //TODO 5: Use function GetEvenNumbers to select the even numbers from numbersList collection
            List<int> numbersList = new List<int>(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 21, 24, 10 });

            //TODO 6: Print the resulted numbers

 public static void ExecuteFunction(PerformCalculation function, double param1, double param2)
     double result = function(param1, param2);
Esempio n. 34
 public InterestCalculator(int sum, double interest, int years, PerformCalculation calc)
     this.Sum = calc(sum, interest, years);