public PawnSkills(Pawn_SkillTracker pawnskills, Settings settings) { foreach (SkillRecord sr in pawnskills.skills) { skills.Add(new SkillData(sr, settings)); } }
// Token: 0x06000005 RID: 5 RVA: 0x000020B4 File Offset: 0x000002B4 public override void PawnDied(Corpse corpse) { float value = (float)corpse.InnerPawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; float value2 = (float)corpse.InnerPawn.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalYears; Name name = corpse.InnerPawn.Name; Pawn_PlayerSettings playerSettings = corpse.InnerPawn.playerSettings; Pawn_TrainingTracker training =; Pawn_HealthTracker health =; Pawn_RecordsTracker records = corpse.InnerPawn.records; Pawn_RelationsTracker relations = corpse.InnerPawn.relations; Pawn_SkillTracker skills = corpse.InnerPawn.skills; Faction faction = corpse.InnerPawn.Faction; Comp_TimeLord timeLord = corpse.InnerPawn.TryGetComp <Comp_TimeLord>(); if (timeLord != null) { if (timeLord.TimesRegenerated < 13) { int regens = timeLord.TimesRegenerated; regens++; Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequest(corpse.InnerPawn.kindDef, faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, false, false, false, false, true, false, 0f, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, null, 1, null, null, null)); pawn.TryGetComp <Comp_TimeLord>().TimesRegenerated = regens; GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, corpse.Position, corpse.Map, Rot4.Random); pawn.Name = name; pawn.relations = relations; = training; pawn.records = records; pawn.skills = skills; pawn.playerSettings = playerSettings; corpse.Destroy(0); } } }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { //Kill all invalid spawns if (this.station == null) { this.Kill(null); return; } base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(this); skillSettings = station.def.GetModExtension <ModExtension_Skills>(); station.GetDroneSkillsRecord = DroneSkills.UpdateSkills(skills, station.GetDroneSkillsRecord, skillSettings, true); story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(this) { bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Thin, crownType = CrownType.Average, childhood = DroneBackstories.childhood, adulthood = DroneBackstories.adulthood }; drafter = new Pawn_DraftController(this); relations = new Pawn_RelationsTracker(this); Name = new NameSingle("PRFDroneName".Translate()); //Set the AreaRestriction. null means Unrestricted playerSettings.AreaRestriction = this.station.droneAllowedArea; }
static bool Prefix(Pawn_SkillTracker __instance, ref Pawn ___pawn) { if (___pawn.IsHacked()) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static void GetSkill_Postfix(ref SkillRecord __result, Pawn_SkillTracker __instance, SkillDef skillDef, Pawn ___pawn) { if (___pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(SyrTraitDefOf.SYR_GreenThumb) && WorkGiver_GrowerSowPatch.greenThumb) { SkillRecord fakeRecord = new SkillRecord(___pawn, SkillDefOf.Plants); fakeRecord.Level = 20; __result = fakeRecord; } }
public static Thing MakeBrainScan(Pawn pawn, ThingDef genomeDef) { Thing brainScanThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(genomeDef); BrainScanTemplate brainScan = brainScanThing as BrainScanTemplate; if (brainScan != null) { //Standard. brainScan.sourceName = pawn?.Name?.ToStringFull ?? null; //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker story = pawn.story; if (story != null) { brainScan.backStoryChild = story.childhood; brainScan.backStoryAdult = story.adulthood; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = pawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (SkillRecord skill in skillTracker.skills) { brainScan.skills.Add(new SkillRecord() { def = skill.def, Level = skill.Level, passion = skill.passion }); } } //Animal brainScan.isAnimal = pawn.RaceProps.Animal; //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap <TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap <TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap <TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in learned) { brainScan.trainingLearned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in steps) { brainScan.trainingSteps[item.Key] = item.Value; } } } return(brainScanThing); }
static bool Prefix(Pawn_SkillTracker __instance) { Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (pawn.IsHacked()) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static void ApplyBrainScanTemplateOnPawn(Pawn thePawn, BrainScanTemplate brainScan, float efficency = 1f) { if(thePawn.IsValidBrainScanningTarget()) { //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker storyTracker = thePawn.story; if (storyTracker != null) { //story.childhood = brainScan.backStoryChild; storyTracker.adulthood = brainScan.backStoryAdult; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = thePawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (ComparableSkillRecord skill in brainScan.skills) { SkillRecord pawnSkill = skillTracker.GetSkill(skill.def); pawnSkill.Level = (int)Math.Floor((float)skill.level * efficency); pawnSkill.passion = skill.passion; pawnSkill.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } } //Dirty hack ahoy! if(storyTracker != null) { AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "cachedDisabledWorkTypes").SetValue(storyTracker, null); } //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap<TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap<TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap<TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap<TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingLearned) { learned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingSteps) { steps[item.Key] = (int)Math.Floor((float)item.Value * efficency); } } //Apply Hediff; Messages.Message("QE_BrainTemplatingComplete".Translate(thePawn.Named("PAWN")), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent, false); } }
public void Initialize() { bool unexpected = workTypes == null; ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks = 0; ageTracker.SetChronologicalBirthDate(GenDate.CurrentYear, GenDate.DayOfYear); RaceType = def.label; RaceProps.nameGenerator = RulePackDef.Named("NamerAnimalGeneric"); GiveRandomName(); InitStory(); // Skills skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(this); skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Melee); skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Melee, KindDef.minSkillPoints); if (!DisplayThoughtTab) { //def.inspectorTabs.Remove(typeof (ITab_Pawn_Needs)); } // Talker talker = new Pawn_Converted_TalkTracker(this); SpawnSetupWorkSettings(); // = new Need_Beauty_Mechanoid(this); = new Need_Food(this); = new Need_Rest(this); needs.mood = new Need_Mood(this); // = new Need_Space_Mechanoid(this); apparel = new Pawn_ApparelTracker(this); UpdateWorkCapacity(); // Job (should go last!) if (jobs.curJob == null) { var jobPackage = thinker.ThinkNodeRoot.TryIssueJobPackage(this); mindState.lastJobGiver = jobPackage.SourceNode; //.finalNode; jobs.StartJob(jobPackage.Job); } Log.Message(Label + " initialized."); if (unexpected) { TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Crush, Rand.Range(15000, 20000))); } }
static GenLevelingInfo() { pawn = new Pawn() { Name = new NameSingle("Levelyn") }; Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = new Pawn_SkillTracker(pawn); pawn.skills = skillTracker; skillRecord = skillTracker.skills.RandomElement(); skillRecord.levelInt = Rand.RangeInclusive(SkillRecord.MinLevel, SkillRecord.MaxLevel - 1); }
static SkillRecord TryGetSkill([NotNull] Pawn_SkillTracker tracker, [NotNull] SkillDef def) { foreach (SkillRecord skillRecord in tracker.skills.MakeSafe()) { if (skillRecord.def == def) { return(skillRecord); } } return(null); }
public override void CompPostTick(ref float severityAdjustment) { Pawn_SkillTracker skills = base.Pawn.skills; if (skills != null) { for (int i = 0; i < skills.skills.Count; i++) { SkillRecord skillRecord = skills.skills[i]; float num = parent.Severity * Props.decayPerDayPercentageLevelCurve.Evaluate(skillRecord.Level); float num2 = skillRecord.XpRequiredForLevelUp * num / 60000f; skillRecord.Learn(0f - num2); } } }
/// <summary> /// Merges the skills from the given original pawns into the given meld /// </summary> /// <param name="originals">The originals.</param> /// <param name="meld">The meld.</param> public static void MergeSkills([NotNull] IEnumerable <Pawn> originals, [NotNull] Pawn meld) { if (originals == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(originals)); } if (meld == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(meld)); } Pawn_SkillTracker mSkills = meld.skills; if (mSkills == null) { return; } var tmpDict = new Dictionary <SkillDef, int>(); var passionDict = new Dictionary <SkillDef, int>(); var count = 0; foreach (Pawn original in originals) { Pawn_SkillTracker skills = original.skills; if (skills == null) { continue; } foreach (SkillRecord skill in skills.skills) { tmpDict[skill.def] = tmpDict.TryGetValue(skill.def) + skill.Level; passionDict[skill.def] = (int)skill.passion + passionDict.TryGetValue(skill.def); } count++; } count = Mathf.Max(1, count); float scaleVal = 1 / (count * 0.7f); foreach (KeyValuePair <SkillDef, int> keyValuePair in tmpDict) { int skVal = Mathf.Min(10, Mathf.RoundToInt(keyValuePair.Value * scaleVal)); var passion = (Passion)Mathf.Min(passionDict.TryGetValue(keyValuePair.Key) / count, 2); SkillRecord sk = mSkills.GetSkill(keyValuePair.Key); sk.Level = skVal; sk.passion = passion; } }
public static bool Pawn_SkillTracker_SkillsTick_Prefix(Pawn ___pawn, Pawn_SkillTracker __instance, ref int ___lastXpSinceMidnightResetTimestamp) { if (___pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(200)) { var raceSettings = AutomataRaceSettingCache.Get(___pawn.def); if (raceSettings != null) { if (!raceSettings.skillDecayActivated) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
// Token: 0x0600005D RID: 93 RVA: 0x00005B98 File Offset: 0x00003D98 public static void DoMSTranscendence(Pawn p, ThingDef t) { List <SkillDef> skills = MSSkillChanger.GetSkillList(MSSkillChanger.GetTranscendenceQuality(t)); List <SkillDef> candidates = new List <SkillDef>(); if (skills.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < skills.Count; i++) { if (p != null) { Pawn_SkillTracker skills2 = p.skills; int?num; if (skills2 == null) { num = null; } else { SkillRecord skill2 = skills2.GetSkill(skills[i]); num = ((skill2 != null) ? new int?(skill2.Level) : null); } int?num2 = num; int num3 = 20; if ((num2.GetValueOrDefault() < num3 & num2 != null) && p != null) { Pawn_SkillTracker skills3 = p.skills; num2 = ((skills3 != null) ? new int?(skills3.GetSkill(skills[i]).Level) : null); num3 = 0; if (num2.GetValueOrDefault() > num3 & num2 != null) { candidates.Add(skills[i]); } } } } } if (candidates.Count > 0) { SkillDef skill = candidates.RandomElement(); int before = p.skills.GetSkill(skill).Level; float Rnd = Rand.Range(1f, 3f); p.skills.Learn(skill, 32000f * Rnd, true); int after = p.skills.GetSkill(skill).Level; Messages.Message("MSExotic.TSkillBoost".Translate(p.LabelShort, skill.label.CapitalizeFirst(), before.ToString(), after.ToString()), p, MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent, true); } }
private Pawn getTanya() { PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamed("ra2_AlliedTanya", true), Faction.OfPlayer, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, false, false, false, false, true, true, 1f, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, Gender.Female, null, null); Pawn item = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); Pawn_StoryTracker ps = item.story; HairDef hair = DefDatabase <HairDef> .GetNamed("Curly"); ps.childhood = null; ps.adulthood = null; ps.traits.allTraits = new List <Trait>(); ps.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(DefDatabase <TraitDef> .GetNamed("ra2_MakeSoldier", true))); ps.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath)); Pawn_WorkSettings pws = item.workSettings; pws.DisableAll(); NameTriple triple = NameTriple.FromString(item.kindDef.label); triple.ResolveMissingPieces("Adams".Translate()); item.Name = triple; Pawn_SkillTracker skt = item.skills; foreach (SkillRecord sr in skt.skills) { sr.Level = 20; } item.inventory.DestroyAll(); ps.bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Female; ps.hairDef = hair; ps.hairColor = new UnityEngine.Color(1, 0.8f, 0); //st.SkinColor = new UnityEngine.Color(0.98f,0.76f,0.71f); ps.melanin = 0f; Pawn_EquipmentTracker pe =; pe.Remove(pe.Primary); pe.AddEquipment((ThingWithComps)ThingMaker.MakeThing(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Gun_Tanya", true))); //item.story = st; return(item); }
// Token: 0x06000072 RID: 114 RVA: 0x00006354 File Offset: 0x00004554 public static void CheckSkills(Pawn p, ThingDef t, out string reason, out bool passed) { reason = ""; passed = true; List <SkillDef> chkskills = MSSkillChanger.GetSkillList(MSSkillChanger.GetTranscendenceQuality(t)); if (chkskills.Count > 0) { int numCants = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chkskills.Count; i++) { if (p != null) { Pawn_SkillTracker skills = p.skills; int?num; if (skills == null) { num = null; } else { SkillRecord skill = skills.GetSkill(chkskills[i]); num = ((skill != null) ? new int?(skill.Level) : null); } int?num2 = num; int num3 = 20; if (num2.GetValueOrDefault() >= num3 & num2 != null) { numCants++; } } } if (numCants == chkskills.Count) { reason = "MSExotic.WontLearnUsing".Translate(p.LabelShort, t.label.CapitalizeFirst()); passed = false; return; } } else { reason = "MSExotic.NoTSkillList".Translate(p.LabelShort, t.defName); passed = false; } }
public static void HandleSkillTick(Pawn_SkillTracker pst, Pawn pawn) { if (!pawn.IsColonist) { return; } if (interestList.tickHandlers.Count == 0) { return; } if (pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(200)) { List <SkillRecord> handleSkills = pst.skills.Where(x => interestList.tickHandlers.ContainsKey((int)x.passion)).ToList(); foreach (SkillRecord sr in handleSkills) { interestList[(int)sr.passion].HandleTick(sr, pawn); } } return; }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(this); foreach (SkillRecord record in skills.skills) { record.levelInt = 20; record.passion = Passion.None; } story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(this) { bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Thin, crownType = CrownType.Average, childhood = DroneBackstories.childhood, adulthood = DroneBackstories.adulthood }; drafter = new Pawn_DraftController(this); relations = new Pawn_RelationsTracker(this); Name = new NameSingle("PRFDroneName".Translate()); }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(this); foreach (SkillRecord record in skills.skills) { record.levelInt = station.ConstructSkillLevel(); record.passion = Passion.None; } story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(this) { bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Thin, crownType = CrownType.Average, childhood = ConstructBackstories.childhood, adulthood = ConstructBackstories.adulthood }; drafter = new Pawn_DraftController(this); relations = new Pawn_RelationsTracker(this); Name = new NameSingle(ConstructDefOf.CanoptekScarab.label); }
private static void Postfix(ref Passion __result, WorkTypeDef workDef, Pawn_SkillTracker __instance) { int highestPassion = InterestBase.interestList.GetDefaultIndex(); if (workDef.relevantSkills.Count == 0) { __result = (Passion)highestPassion; return; } for (int i = 0; i < workDef.relevantSkills.Count; i++) { int passion2 = (int)__instance.GetSkill(workDef.relevantSkills[i]).passion; if (InterestBase.interestList[passion2] > InterestBase.interestList[highestPassion]) { highestPassion = passion2; } } __result = (Passion)highestPassion; }
private static Pawn getTanya(IncidentParms parms) { PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamed("ra2_AlliedTanya", true), parms.faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, false, false, false, false, true, true, 1f, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, Gender.Female, null, null); Pawn item = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); Pawn_StoryTracker st = item.story; HairDef hair = DefDatabase <HairDef> .GetNamed("Curly"); Dictionary <String, Backstory> bsdb = BackstoryDatabase.allBackstories; Backstory child = bsdb.TryGetValue("YouthSoldier99"); Backstory old = bsdb.TryGetValue("VeteranSoldier2"); st.adulthood = old; st.childhood = child; NameTriple triple = NameTriple.FromString(item.kindDef.label); triple.ResolveMissingPieces("Adams".Translate()); item.Name = triple; Pawn_SkillTracker skt = item.skills; foreach (SkillRecord sr in skt.skills) { sr.Level = 20; } st.bodyType = BodyTypeDefOf.Female; st.hairDef = hair; st.hairColor = new UnityEngine.Color(1, 0.8f, 0); //st.SkinColor = new UnityEngine.Color(0.98f,0.76f,0.71f); st.melanin = 0f; //item.story = st; return(item); }
// runs every 100 ticks, postfix to stub StartInspirationMTBDays patch public static void HandleInspirationMTB(ref float result, InspirationHandler ih) { if (interestList.inspirers.Count == 0) { return; } if (ih.pawn.needs.mood == null) // result = -1, no mood value yet, so return { return; } // go through each skill this pawn has, see if they have an inspiring passion Pawn_SkillTracker pst = ih.pawn.skills; if (pst == null) { return; } if (pst.skills == null) { return; } // find any inspiring interests this pawn has and get their indices List <int> inspiringList = pst.skills.Select(s => (int)s.passion).Where(x => interestList[x].inspires).ToList(); if (inspiringList.Count < 1) // no pawn skill with inspiring passion { return; } InterestDef interest = getBestInspirer(inspiringList); result = interest.MTBDays(ih); }
private static void Postfix(Object model, SkillDef def, object __instance) { var r = AccessTools.PropertyGetter(Patch_RimHUDBase.hudPawnModel, "Base"); Pawn b = (Pawn)r.Invoke(model, null); Pawn_SkillTracker st = b.skills; SkillRecord skillRecord = (st != null) ? st.GetSkill(def) : null; if (skillRecord == null) { return; } var label = AccessTools.Field(Patch_RimHUDBase.hudSkillModel, "<Label>k__BackingField"); if (label == null) { return; } InterestDef i = InterestBase.interestList[(int)skillRecord.passion]; string end = ""; float val = i.GetValue(); if (val < 0) { end = new string('-', -(int)Math.Floor(val / 75.0f)); } else if (val > 0) { end = new string('+', (int)Math.Floor(val / 75.0f)); } string l = def.LabelCap + end; label.SetValue(__instance, l); }
static bool Prefix(ref Pawn_SkillTracker __instance, ref float xp) { xp *= RefcellRespeedConfig.currentTimeMultiplier; return(true); }
public static Thing MakeBrainScan(Pawn pawn, ThingDef genomeDef) { Thing brainScanThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(genomeDef); BrainScanTemplate brainScan = brainScanThing as BrainScanTemplate; if (brainScan != null) { //Standard. brainScan.sourceName = pawn?.Name?.ToStringFull ?? null; brainScan.kindDef = pawn?.kindDef ?? null; //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker story = pawn.story; if (story != null) { brainScan.backStoryChild = story.childhood; brainScan.backStoryAdult = story.adulthood; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = pawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (SkillRecord skill in skillTracker.skills) { brainScan.skills.Add(new ComparableSkillRecord() { def = skill.def, level = skill.Level, passion = skill.passion }); } } //Animal brainScan.isAnimal = pawn.RaceProps.Animal; //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap <TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap <TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap <TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in learned) { brainScan.trainingLearned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in steps) { brainScan.trainingSteps[item.Key] = item.Value; } } //Hediffs if (pawn?.health?.hediffSet?.hediffs != null) { List <Hediff> pawnHediffs =; if (pawnHediffs.Count > 0) { foreach (Hediff h in pawnHediffs) { if (GeneralCompatibility.includedBrainTemplateHediffs.Any(hediffDef => h.def.defName == hediffDef.defName)) { QEEMod.TryLog("Hediff " + h.def.defName + " will be added to brain template"); brainScan.hediffInfos.Add(new HediffInfo(h)); } } } } } return(brainScanThing); }
public static void PostFix(ref Mineable __instance, Map map, float yieldChance, bool moteOnWaste, Pawn pawn) { if (pawn != null) { bool isSource = false; if (__instance.def.defName == "CollapsedRocks" || __instance.def.defName == "rxCollapsedRoofRocks") { isSource = Controller.Settings.AllowCollapseRocks; } Mineable mineable = __instance; object obj; if (mineable == null) { obj = null; } else { ThingDef def = mineable.def; if (def == null) { obj = null; } else { BuildingProperties building = def.building; obj = (building?.mineableThing); } } if (obj != null || isSource) { int mining = 0; bool flag; if (pawn == null) { flag = (null != null); } else { Pawn_SkillTracker skills = pawn.skills; flag = ((skills?.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Mining)) != null); } if (flag) { mining = pawn.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Mining).Level / 4; } if (Rand.Range(1, 100) <= 20 + mining) { Mineable mineable2 = __instance; ThingDef defSource; if (mineable2 == null) { defSource = null; } else { ThingDef def2 = mineable2.def; if (def2 == null) { defSource = null; } else { BuildingProperties building2 = def2.building; defSource = (building2?.mineableThing); } } if (MSBitsUtility.GetIsBitsSource(defSource, isSource, pawn, out ThingDef bitsdef, out int bitsyield) && bitsdef != null && bitsyield > 0) { int num = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt((float)bitsyield * Find.Storyteller.difficulty.mineYieldFactor)); Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(bitsdef, null); thing.stackCount = num; GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, pawn.Position, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing newbitsthing, null, null, default);
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="skill">Pawn_SkillTracker To Set</param> /// <param name="skillRecords">Skill Record Cache</param> /// <param name="modExtension_Skills">Optional ModExtension_Skills</param> /// <param name="forceUpdate">Enforce a reload of the Skills</param> /// <returns>Cache Output</returns> public static List <SkillRecord> UpdateSkills(Pawn_SkillTracker skill, List <SkillRecord> skillRecords, ModExtension_Skills modExtension_Skills = null, bool forceUpdate = false) { if (skillRecords.Count == 0 || forceUpdate) { foreach (SkillRecord record in skill.skills) { if (modExtension_Skills != null) { //Additional Logic switch (modExtension_Skills.SkillUsage) { case ModExtension_Skills.enum_ModExtension_SkillsskillUsage.ThisOverrides: { record.levelInt = modExtension_Skills.GetSkillLevel(record.def); break; } case ModExtension_Skills.enum_ModExtension_SkillsskillUsage.ReserchIsCapping: { record.levelInt = Mathf.Clamp(modExtension_Skills.GetSkillLevel(record.def), 0, ReserchSkillModifier.GetResechSkillLevel()); break; } case ModExtension_Skills.enum_ModExtension_SkillsskillUsage.ThisIsCapping: { record.levelInt = Mathf.Clamp(ReserchSkillModifier.GetResechSkillLevel(), 0, modExtension_Skills.GetSkillLevel(record.def)); break; } case ModExtension_Skills.enum_ModExtension_SkillsskillUsage.ReserchOverrides: { record.levelInt = ReserchSkillModifier.GetResechSkillLevel(); break; } default: { record.levelInt = modExtension_Skills.GetSkillLevel(record.def); break; } } } else { record.levelInt = ReserchSkillModifier.GetResechSkillLevel(); //No Settings Found use the Reserch Directly } record.passion = Passion.None; if (record.xpSinceLastLevel > 1f) { record.xpSinceMidnight = 100f; record.xpSinceLastLevel = 100f; } } } else { skill.skills = skillRecords; } return(skill.skills); }
public static void ApplyBrainScanTemplateOnPawn(Pawn thePawn, BrainScanTemplate brainScan, float efficency = 1f) { if (thePawn.IsValidBrainScanningTarget()) { //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker storyTracker = thePawn.story; if (storyTracker != null) { //story.childhood = brainScan.backStoryChild; storyTracker.adulthood = brainScan.backStoryAdult; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = thePawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (ComparableSkillRecord skill in brainScan.skills) { SkillRecord pawnSkill = skillTracker.GetSkill(skill.def); pawnSkill.Level = (int)Math.Floor((float)skill.level * efficency); pawnSkill.passion = skill.passion; pawnSkill.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } } //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap <TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap <TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap <TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingLearned) { learned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingSteps) { steps[item.Key] = (int)Math.Floor((float)item.Value * efficency); } } //Add Hediffs; if (brainScan.hediffInfos != null && brainScan.hediffInfos?.Count > 0) { //add hediffs to pawn from defs in HediffInfo class foreach (HediffInfo h in brainScan.hediffInfos) { Hediff addedHediff =, h.part); //Psychic Awakened compatibility if (h.psychicAwakeningPowersKnownDefNames != null && h.psychicAwakeningPowersKnownDefNames?.Count > 0) { //create a List of the type PsychicPowerDef via Reflection. Cast it as IList to interact with it. var listType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(PsychicAwakeningCompat.PsychicPowerDefType); var powers = Activator.CreateInstance(listType); IList powersInterface = (IList)powers; //iterate through the defNames saved in the list inside HediffInfo foreach (string defName in h.psychicAwakeningPowersKnownDefNames) { //look for this PsychicPowerDef in the DefDatabase var psychicPowerDef = GenDefDatabase.GetDef(PsychicAwakeningCompat.PsychicPowerDefType, defName, false); if (psychicPowerDef != null) { //add this to the list powersInterface.Add(psychicPowerDef); } else { QEEMod.TryLog("Psychic Power def " + defName + " not loaded in database of Rimworld Defs. This power will not be applied."); } } if (powersInterface.Count > 0) { QEEMod.TryLog("assigning " + powersInterface.Count + " psychic powers to " + thePawn.LabelCap + " from brain template"); PsychicAwakeningCompat.powersKnownField.SetValue(addedHediff, powers); } } } } Messages.Message("QE_BrainTemplatingComplete".Translate(thePawn.Named("PAWN")), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent, false); } }
private static void Postfix(Pawn_SkillTracker __instance, Pawn ___pawn) { InterestBase.HandleSkillTick(__instance, ___pawn); }