Esempio n. 1
        private static void ShowPaths(HexBoardViewModel boardViewModel)
            PathLengthBase pathLength = new PathLengthAStar(boardViewModel.Board);

            List <Location> playerXPath = pathLength.GetCleanPath(true);
            List <Location> playerYPath = pathLength.GetCleanPath(false);

            foreach (HexCellViewModel cell in boardViewModel.Cells)
                bool onXPath = playerXPath.Contains(cell.Location);
                cell.DebugData.OnShortestPathForPlayerX = onXPath.ToVisibilityCollapsed();

                bool onYPath = playerYPath.Contains(cell.Location);
                cell.DebugData.OnShortestPathForPlayerY = onYPath.ToVisibilityCollapsed();
Esempio n. 2
        public void SpeedTest()
            const int RandSeed   = 24;
            const int BoardCount = 100;
            const int BoardSize  = 12;

            Random rands = new Random(RandSeed);

            HexBoard[] boards = new HexBoard[BoardCount];

            // make some boards
            for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < BoardCount; loopIndex++)
                boards[loopIndex] = RandomBoard(BoardSize, 10 + loopIndex, rands);

            // time it the old way
            DateTime oldStart = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (HexBoard board in boards)
                PathLengthLoop oldPath = new PathLengthLoop(board);

            DateTime oldEnd = DateTime.Now;

            // and the new way
            DateTime newStart = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (HexBoard board in boards)
                PathLengthAStar newPath = new PathLengthAStar(board);

            DateTime newEnd = DateTime.Now;

            TimeSpan oldDuration = oldEnd - oldStart;
            TimeSpan newDuration = newEnd - newStart;

            double ratio = newDuration.Milliseconds / (double)oldDuration.Milliseconds;

            Assert.IsTrue(ratio < 1.0);
Esempio n. 3
        private static double GetRatio(int cellFilledCount)
            const int RandSeed   = 24;
            const int BoardCount = 50;
            const int BoardSize  = 12;

            Random rands = new Random(RandSeed + cellFilledCount);

            HexBoard[] boards = new HexBoard[BoardCount];

            // make some boards
            for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < BoardCount; loopIndex++)
                boards[loopIndex] = RandomBoard(BoardSize, cellFilledCount, rands);

            // time it the old way
            DateTime oldStart = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (HexBoard board in boards)
                PathLengthLoop oldPath = new PathLengthLoop(board);

            DateTime oldEnd = DateTime.Now;

            // and the new way
            DateTime newStart = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (HexBoard board in boards)
                PathLengthAStar newPath = new PathLengthAStar(board);

            DateTime newEnd = DateTime.Now;

            TimeSpan oldDuration = oldEnd - oldStart;
            TimeSpan newDuration = newEnd - newStart;

            double ratio = newDuration.Milliseconds / (double)oldDuration.Milliseconds;

Esempio n. 4
        private static void CheckPathLength(HexBoard board, int boardIndex)
            // first do it with the old path length
            PathLengthLoop oldPath = new PathLengthLoop(board);
            int            oldX    = oldPath.PlayerScore(true);
            int            oldY    = oldPath.PlayerScore(false);

            // now the new
            PathLengthAStar newPath = new PathLengthAStar(board)
                UseNeighbours2 = false

            int newX = newPath.PlayerScore(true);
            int newY = newPath.PlayerScore(false);

            Assert.AreEqual(oldX, newX, "X not equal at board index" + boardIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(oldY, newY, "Y not equal at board index" + boardIndex);