Esempio n. 1
        public bool initializeFluxParameters()
            bool result = true;
                Extended_Parameter_Documentation ExtendDoc = ParamManager.Extended;
                //----  SUR_UD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SUR_UD, "SUR to UTOT Allocation", "SUR_UD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SUR_UD, seti_SUR_UD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SUR_UD, "SUR Water Supply allocated to UTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SUR to UTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SUR_AD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SUR_AD, "SUR to ATOT Allocation", "SUR_AD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SUR_AD, seti_SUR_AD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SUR_AD, "SUR Water Supply allocated to ATOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SUR to ATOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SUR_ID Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SUR_ID, "SUR to ITOT Allocation", "SUR_ID", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SUR_ID, seti_SUR_ID, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SUR_ID, "SUR Water Supply allocated to ITOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SUR to ITOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SUR_PD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SUR_PD, "SUR to PTOT Allocation", "SUR_PD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SUR_PD, seti_SUR_PD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SUR_PD, "SUR Water Supply allocated to PTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SUR to PTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SURL_UD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SURL_UD, "SURL to UTOT Allocation", "SURL_UD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SURL_UD, seti_SURL_UD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SURL_UD, "SURL Water Supply allocated to UTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SURL to UTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SURL_AD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SURL_AD, "SURL to ATOT Allocation", "SURL_AD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SURL_AD, seti_SURL_AD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SURL_AD, "SURL Water Supply allocated to ATOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SURL to ATOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SURL_ID Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SURL_ID, "SURL to ITOT Allocation", "SURL_ID", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SURL_ID, seti_SURL_ID, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SURL_ID, "SURL Water Supply allocated to ITOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SURL to ITOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SURL_PD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SURL_PD, "SURL to PTOT Allocation", "SURL_PD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SURL_PD, seti_SURL_PD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SURL_PD, "SURL Water Supply allocated to PTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SURL to PTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  GW_UD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_GW_UD, "GW to UTOT Allocation", "GW_UD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_GW_UD, seti_GW_UD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_GW_UD, "GW Water Supply allocated to UTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "GW to UTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  GW_AD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_GW_AD, "GW to ATOT Allocation", "GW_AD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_GW_AD, seti_GW_AD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_GW_AD, "GW Water Supply allocated to ATOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "GW to ATOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  GW_ID Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_GW_ID, "GW to ITOT Allocation", "GW_ID", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_GW_ID, seti_GW_ID, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_GW_ID, "GW Water Supply allocated to ITOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "GW to ITOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  GW_PD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_GW_PD, "GW to PTOT Allocation", "GW_PD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_GW_PD, seti_GW_PD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_GW_PD, "GW Water Supply allocated to PTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "GW to PTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  REC_UD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_REC_UD, "REC to UTOT Allocation", "REC_UD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_REC_UD, seti_REC_UD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_REC_UD, "REC Water Supply allocated to UTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "REC to UTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  REC_AD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_REC_AD, "REC to ATOT Allocation", "REC_AD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_REC_AD, seti_REC_AD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_REC_AD, "REC Water Supply allocated to ATOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "REC to ATOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  REC_ID Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_REC_ID, "REC to ITOT Allocation", "REC_ID", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_REC_ID, seti_REC_ID, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_REC_ID, "REC Water Supply allocated to ITOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "REC to ITOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  REC_PD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_REC_PD, "REC to PTOT Allocation", "REC_PD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_REC_PD, seti_REC_PD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_REC_PD, "REC Water Supply allocated to PTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "REC to PTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SAL_UD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SAL_UD, "SAL to UTOT Allocation", "SAL_UD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SAL_UD, seti_SAL_UD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SAL_UD, "SAL Water Supply allocated to UTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SAL to UTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SAL_AD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SAL_AD, "SAL to ATOT Allocation", "SAL_AD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SAL_AD, seti_SAL_AD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SAL_AD, "SAL Water Supply allocated to ATOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SAL to ATOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SAL_ID Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SAL_ID, "SAL to ITOT Allocation", "SAL_ID", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SAL_ID, seti_SAL_ID, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SAL_ID, "SAL Water Supply allocated to ITOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SAL to ITOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));
                //----  SAL_PD Parameter  ----------------------------
                ParamManager.AddParameter(new ModelParameterClass(eModelParam.ep_SAL_PD, "SAL to PTOT Allocation", "SAL_PD", rangeChecktype.rctCheckRange, 0, 50000, geti_SAL_PD, seti_SAL_PD, RangeCheck.NoSpecialBase));
                ExtendDoc.Add(new WaterSimDescripItem(eModelParam.ep_SAL_PD, "SAL Water Supply allocated to PTOT water consumption", "MGD", "Million Gallons Per Day", "SAL to PTOT", new string[] { }, new int[] { }, new ModelParameterGroupClass[] { }));

                FFluxParametersReady = true;
            } // try
            catch (Exception ex)
                // ouch
                result = false;
            return result;
        } // InitiallizeFluxParameters