Esempio n. 1
        public AWSArchiveResult DownloadFile(AWSArchiveRquest request)
            archiveRequest = request;

            using (manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
                if (CheckRequiredFields())
                        Form1.log.Info("Download  Archive" + request.ArchiveID + " " + request.Description + " " + request.FileName);

                            var options = new DownloadOptions();
                            options.StreamTransferProgress += OnProgress;

                            // Download an archive.
                            manager.Download(vaultName, request.ArchiveID, request.Description, options);

                            if (request.Description.Contains(".tif"))
                                String outfileName = String.Empty;

                                String fileName = request.Description;

                                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

                                fi.MoveTo(fileName + ".z");

                                fileName = fileName + ".z";

                                outfileName = fileName.Replace(".z", "");

                                FileStream inputFile   = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                byte[]     treeHash    = Form1.ComputeSHA256TreeHash(inputFile);
                                String     zipChecksum = BitConverter.ToString(treeHash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                                Form1.log.Info(fileName + "  Tree SHA 256 Checksum : " + zipChecksum);

                                Form1.log.Info(fileName + "  Original Injection Tree SHA 256 Checksum : " + request.ChecksumTreeSHA256Compressed);

                                ParallelCompress.doNotUseTPL = false;

                                ParallelCompress.compressStrictSeqential = false;

                                ParallelCompress.UncompressFast(outfileName, fileName, true);

                                inputFile = File.Open(outfileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                treeHash  = Form1.ComputeSHA256TreeHash(inputFile);
                                String decompressedChecksum = BitConverter.ToString(treeHash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                                Form1.log.Info(outfileName + "  Decmpressed Tree SHA 256 Checksum : " + zipChecksum);

                                Form1.log.Info(outfileName + "  Decmplressed Original Tree SHA 256 Checksum : " + request.ChecksumTreeSHA256Compressed);
                        catch (AmazonGlacierException e) { Form1.log.Error(e.ToString()); }
                        catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Form1.log.Error(e.ToString()); }
                        catch (Exception e) { Form1.log.Error(e.ToString()); }
                    catch (AmazonGlacierException e)
                    catch (AmazonServiceException e)
                return(new AWSArchiveResult());
Esempio n. 2
        private void archiveFile(String sinkDirectory, string sourceDirectory, string fileName, ArrayList awsDynamoFields, ArrayList awsDynamoVals)
                log.Info("Moving " + sourceDirectory + fileName + " to " + sinkDirectory);

                awsDynamoFields.Add("sourceDirectory"); awsDynamoVals.Add(sourceDirectory);

                awsDynamoFields.Add("fileName"); awsDynamoVals.Add(fileName);

                awsDynamoFields.Add("awsVaultName"); awsDynamoVals.Add(awsVaultName);

                awsDynamoFields.Add("tarLogName"); awsDynamoVals.Add(tarLogName);

                String sha256TreeHash = String.Empty;

                File.Copy(sourceDirectory + "\\" + fileName, sinkDirectory + "\\" + fileName, true);

                sha256TreeHash = String.Empty;

                if (doCompress.Checked == true)
                    klDOTNETTimer kldnt = new klDOTNETTimer();

                    ParallelCompress.doNotUseTPL             = false;
                    ParallelCompress.compressStrictSeqential = false;
                    String outfileName = String.Empty;

                    String fileNameLoc = sinkDirectory + "\\" + fileName;

                    FileStream inputFile = File.Open(fileNameLoc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    byte[] treeHash     = ComputeSHA256TreeHash(inputFile);
                    String fileChecksum = BitConverter.ToString(treeHash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                    double itime = kldnt.Duration;
                    log.Info("dt Compute SHA256 Tree Hash : " + fileName + "  = " + Convert.ToString(itime));
                    sha256TreeHash = BitConverter.ToString(treeHash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                    log.Info("dt Compute SHA256 Hash : " + fileName + "  = " + Convert.ToString(itime));
                    log.Info("SHA 256 Tree : " + fileName + " = " + sha256TreeHash);

                    FileInfo fio       = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName);
                    String   shortName = fileName.Replace(fio.Extension, "");
                    outfileName = sinkDirectory + "\\" + shortName + ".z";
                    log.Info("Compressing " + fileName + "\\n");
                    ParallelCompress.CompressFast(outfileName, fileNameLoc, true);

                    FileStream outputFileStream      = File.Open(outfileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    byte[]     treeHashZipFile       = ComputeSHA256TreeHash(outputFileStream);
                    String     sha256TreeHashZipFile = BitConverter.ToString(treeHashZipFile).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                    TarEntry entry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile(fileNameLoc);
                    archive.WriteEntry(entry, true);
                    log.Info("SHA256 Checksum  : " + fileNameLoc + " = " + fileChecksum);
                    tarLog.WriteLine(fileName + "," + fileChecksum + "," + shortName + ".z" + "," + sha256TreeHashZipFile);
                    awsDynamoFields.Add("sha256TreeHashUncompressed"); awsDynamoVals.Add(sha256TreeHash);
                    awsDynamoFields.Add("sha256TreeHashCompressed"); awsDynamoVals.Add(sha256TreeHashZipFile);
                    String fileNameLoc = sinkDirectory + "\\" + fileName;

                    //For files less than 1MB this is the same as the simple checksum.
                    FileStream inputFile = File.Open(fileNameLoc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    byte[]     treeHash  = ComputeSHA256TreeHash(inputFile);

                    sha256TreeHash = BitConverter.ToString(treeHash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                    TarEntry entry = TarEntry.CreateEntryFromFile(fileNameLoc);
                    archive.WriteEntry(entry, true);

                    awsDynamoFields.Add("sha256TreeHashUncompressed"); awsDynamoVals.Add(sha256TreeHash);

                    tarLog.WriteLine(fileNameLoc + "," + sha256TreeHash + "," + fileName + "," + "NoCompression");

                    log.Info("SHA256 Checksum  : " + fileNameLoc + " = " + sha256TreeHash);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;