Esempio n. 1
        public void TryReStitch_RealCases()
                                               new CigarAlignment("41M59S"));

                                               new CigarAlignment("52S48M"));

            var stitcher = new BasicStitcher(20, false,
                                             true, debug: false, nifyUnstitchablePairs: true, ignoreProbeSoftclips: true, maxReadLength: 1024, ignoreReadsAboveMaxLength: false, thresholdNumDisagreeingBases: 1000);

            var stitchedPairHandler = new PairHandler(new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }
            }, stitcher, tryStitch: true);
            var restitcher = new PostRealignmentStitcher(stitchedPairHandler, new Mock <IStatusHandler>().Object);

            var pair = new ReadPair(read1.BamAlignment);


            var mockNmCalculator = new Mock <INmCalculator>();
            var reads            = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 1, 1, false, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);

            Assert.Equal(1.0, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("22S78M22S", reads.First().CigarData.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        public void Restitch()
            var stitchedPairHandler = new PairHandler(new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }
            }, new BasicStitcher(5), tryStitch: true);
            var restitcher       = new PostRealignmentStitcher(stitchedPairHandler, new Mock <IStatusHandler>().Object);
            var mockNmCalculator = new Mock <INmCalculator>();
            var pair             = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M1I4M", "3M1I4M");
            var reads            = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 0, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);

            Assert.Equal(1.0, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M1I4M", reads.First().CigarData.ToString());

            pair  = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M1I4M", "3M5S");
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 0, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);
            Assert.Equal(1.0, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M1I4M", reads.First().CigarData.ToString());

            pair  = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M2I4M", "3M1I");
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 0, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);
            Assert.Equal(1, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M2I4M", reads.First().CigarData.ToString());

            // Second read insertion is longer, can't stitch
            pair  = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M2I4M", "3M3I");
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 0, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);
            Assert.Equal(2, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M2I4M", reads[0].CigarData.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("3M3I", reads[1].CigarData.ToString());

            // Same insertion introduced. One read had NM=4 before (included insertion), other did not. Stitched NM is 4 (3 from the insertion, 1 from the mismatch in the original read)
            pair = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M3I4M", "3M3I6M");
            mockNmCalculator.Setup(x => x.GetNm(It.IsAny <BamAlignment>())).Returns(4);
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 4, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, true);
            Assert.Equal(1, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M3I6M", reads[0].CigarData.ToString());

            // Same insertion introduced. One read had NM=4 before (included insertion), other did not (was perfect).
            // Stitched NM is 5 (3 from the insertion, 1 from the mismatch in the original read, and, say, 1 from a mismatch introduced by realignment in the first read)
            pair = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M3I4M", "3M3I6M");
            mockNmCalculator.Setup(x => x.GetNm(It.IsAny <BamAlignment>())).Returns(5);
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 4, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, true);
            Assert.Equal(2, reads.Count);

            // Partial insertion, from right
            pair  = TestHelpers.GetPair("3M2I4M", "1I4M", read2Offset: 3);
            reads = restitcher.GetRestitchedReads(pair, pair.Read1, pair.Read2, 0, 0, true, mockNmCalculator.Object, false);
            Assert.Equal(1, reads.Count);
            Assert.Equal("3M2I4M", reads.First().CigarData.ToString());
        private static List <BamAlignment> ExtractReadsFromRealignerAndCombiner(PairResult pair, string refSeq,
                                                                                int refSeqOffset, List <PreIndel> preIndels, bool hasExistingIndels = false)
            var stitchedPairHandler =
                new PairHandler(new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }
            }, new BasicStitcher(0), tryStitch: true);

            var snippetSource = new Mock <IGenomeSnippetSource>();
            var genomeSnippet = new GenomeSnippet()
                Chromosome    = "chr1",
                Sequence      = new string('A', refSeqOffset) + refSeq + new string('T', 1000),
                StartPosition = 0

            snippetSource.Setup(x => x.GetGenomeSnippet(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(genomeSnippet);
            var mockStatusHandler = new Mock <IStatusHandler>();
            var comparer          = new GemBasicAlignmentComparer(false, false);

            var readRealigner = new GeminiReadRealigner(comparer, remaskSoftclips: false,
                                                        keepProbeSoftclips: false, keepBothSideSoftclips: false,
                                                        trackActualMismatches: false, checkSoftclipsForMismatches: true,
                                                        debug: false, maskNsOnly: false, maskPartialInsertion: false,
                                                        minimumUnanchoredInsertionLength: 1,
                                                        minInsertionSizeToAllowMismatchingBases: 4,
                                                        maxProportionInsertSequenceMismatch: 0.2); // TODO fix // TODO figure out what I was saying to fix here...

            var filterer = new Mock <IRegionFilterer>();

            filterer.Setup(x => x.AnyIndelsNearby(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(true);

            var indels               = preIndels.Select(x => HashableIndelSource.GetHashableIndel(genomeSnippet, x, 0, false)).ToList();
            var indelSource          = new ChromosomeIndelSource(indels, snippetSource.Object);
            var realignmentEvaluator = new RealignmentEvaluator(indelSource, mockStatusHandler.Object, readRealigner,
                                                                new RealignmentJudger(comparer), "chr1", false, true, true, true, filterer.Object, false);

            var combiner = new ReadPairRealignerAndCombiner(new NonSnowballEvidenceCollector(),
                                                            new PostRealignmentStitcher(stitchedPairHandler, new DebugStatusHandler(new ReadStatusCounter())),
                                                            realignmentEvaluator, new PairSpecificIndelFinder(), "chr1", false, hasExistingIndels: hasExistingIndels);
            var nmCalc = new NmCalculator(snippetSource.Object);

            var result = combiner.ExtractReads(pair, nmCalc);

Esempio n. 4
        public void RankPlayers(List <PlayerHand> players)
            StraightFlushHandler straightFlushHandler  = new StraightFlushHandler();
            ThreeofKindHandler   threeofKindHandler    = new ThreeofKindHandler();
            StraightFlushHandler straightFlushHandler1 = new StraightFlushHandler();
            FlushHandler         flushHandler          = new FlushHandler();
            PairHandler          pairHandler           = new PairHandler();


            foreach (var player in players)
        public ReadPairRealignerAndCombiner GetRealignPairHandler(bool tryRestitch, bool alreadyStitched,
                                                                  bool pairAwareRealign,
                                                                  Dictionary <int, string> refIdMapping, ReadStatusCounter statusCounter, bool isSnowball,
                                                                  IChromosomeIndelSource indelSource, string chromosome, Dictionary <string, IndelEvidence> masterLookup,
                                                                  bool hasIndels, Dictionary <HashableIndel, int[]> outcomesLookup, bool skipRestitchIfNothingChanged)
            var stitcher = GetStitcher();

            var stitchedPairHandler = new PairHandler(refIdMapping, stitcher, tryStitch: tryRestitch);

            var judger = new RealignmentJudger(GetAlignmentComparer());

            var readRealigner = new GeminiReadRealigner(GetAlignmentComparer(), remaskSoftclips: _geminiOptions.RemaskMessySoftclips,
                                                        keepProbeSoftclips: _geminiOptions.KeepProbeSoftclip, keepBothSideSoftclips: _geminiOptions.KeepBothSideSoftclips || (_geminiOptions.KeepProbeSoftclip && alreadyStitched),
                                                        trackActualMismatches: _realignmentAssessmentOptions.TrackActualMismatches, checkSoftclipsForMismatches: _realignmentAssessmentOptions.CheckSoftclipsForMismatches,
                                                        debug: _geminiOptions.Debug, maskNsOnly: !(_geminiOptions.RemaskMessySoftclips || _geminiOptions.KeepProbeSoftclip || _geminiOptions.KeepBothSideSoftclips), maskPartialInsertion: _realignmentOptions.MaskPartialInsertion,
                                                        minimumUnanchoredInsertionLength: _realignmentOptions.MinimumUnanchoredInsertionLength,
                                                        minInsertionSizeToAllowMismatchingBases: 4, maxProportionInsertSequenceMismatch: 0.2); // TODO fix // TODO figure out what I was saying to fix here...

            IStatusHandler statusHandler = new DebugSummaryStatusHandler(statusCounter);

            if (_geminiOptions.Debug)
                statusHandler = new DebugStatusHandler(statusCounter);

            // Only softclip unknowns if it is not stitched to begin with (we believe in these more, plus it makes our lives simpler for dealing with stitched directions)
            var softclipUnknownIndels = _geminiOptions.SoftclipUnknownIndels && !alreadyStitched;

            //var regionFilterer = new RegionFilterer(chromosome, indelSource.Indels);
            var regionFilterer       = new DummyRegionFilterer();
            var collector            = GetCollector(isSnowball);
            var realignmentEvaluator = new RealignmentEvaluator(indelSource.DeepCopy(), statusHandler, readRealigner, judger, chromosome,
                                                                _realignmentAssessmentOptions.TrackActualMismatches, _realignmentAssessmentOptions.CheckSoftclipsForMismatches, _geminiOptions.AllowRescoringOrigZero, softclipUnknownIndels,
                                                                regionFilterer, _geminiOptions.LightDebug);

            return(new ReadPairRealignerAndCombiner(
                       GetRestitcher(stitchedPairHandler, statusHandler),
                       GetIndelFinder(pairAwareRealign, chromosome, indelSource), chromosome, alreadyStitched, pairAwareRealign,
                       masterLookup: masterLookup, hasExistingIndels: hasIndels,
                       masterOutcomesLookup: outcomesLookup, skipRestitchIfNothingChanged: skipRestitchIfNothingChanged, allowedToStitch: !_geminiOptions.SkipStitching));
 private IReadRestitcher GetRestitcher(PairHandler pairHandler, IStatusHandler statusHandler)
     // TODO also allow not restitch
     return(new PostRealignmentStitcher(pairHandler, statusHandler, _stitcherOptions.StringTagsToKeepFromR1));
Esempio n. 7
        private void ExtractReads(bool addUmiTags)
            var refIdMapping = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }

            var stitcher = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(10, false);

            var readStatusCounter = new ReadStatusCounter();

            var pairHandler = new PairHandler(refIdMapping, stitcher, readStatusCounter, filterUnstitchablePairs: true);

            var alignment1 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 0,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]

            var tagUtils = new TagUtils();

            tagUtils.AddStringTag("BC", "14");
            tagUtils.AddIntTag("SM", 40);
            if (addUmiTags)
                tagUtils.AddIntTag("XV", 1);
                tagUtils.AddIntTag("XW", 2);
                tagUtils.AddStringTag("XU", "ABBA-ZABBA");


            var alignment2 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 0,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]

            var tagUtils2 = new TagUtils();

            tagUtils2.AddIntTag("NM", 5);
            tagUtils2.AddStringTag("BC", "14");
            tagUtils2.AddIntTag("SM", 20);
            if (addUmiTags)
                tagUtils2.AddIntTag("XV", 1);
                tagUtils2.AddIntTag("XW", 2);
                tagUtils2.AddStringTag("XU", "ABBA-ZABBA");

            var readPair = new ReadPair(alignment1);


            var alignmentResults = pairHandler.ExtractReads(readPair);

            Assert.Equal(1, alignmentResults.Count);
            var alignment = alignmentResults[0];

            if (addUmiTags)
                Assert.Equal("ABBA-ZABBA", alignment.GetStringTag("XU"));
                Assert.Equal(1, alignment.GetIntTag("XV"));
                Assert.Equal(2, alignment.GetIntTag("XW"));
Esempio n. 8
        private void ExtractReadsStrand(bool r1Reverse, bool r2Reverse, string expectedXRTag)
            var refIdMapping = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }

            var stitcher = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(10, false);

            var readStatusCounter = new ReadStatusCounter();

            var pairHandler = new PairHandler(refIdMapping, stitcher, readStatusCounter, filterUnstitchablePairs: true);

            var alignment1 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 0,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]

            var alignment2 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 0,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]

            var readPair = new ReadPair(alignment1);


            var alignmentResults = pairHandler.ExtractReads(readPair);

            Assert.Equal(1, alignmentResults.Count);
            var alignment = alignmentResults[0];
            var XD        = alignment.GetStringTag("XR");

            Assert.Equal(expectedXRTag, alignment.GetStringTag("XR"));
Esempio n. 9
        private void ExtractReadsStrandXRValidation()
            var refIdMapping = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 1, "chr1" }

            var stitcher = StitcherTestHelpers.GetStitcher(10, false);

            var readStatusCounter = new ReadStatusCounter();

            var pairHandler = new PairHandler(refIdMapping, stitcher, readStatusCounter, filterUnstitchablePairs: true);

            var alignment1 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 99,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]
            var tagUtils = new TagUtils();

            tagUtils.AddStringTag("XR", "BLABLA"); //start with random XR tag and confirm whether it is overwritten by read direction

            var alignment2 = new BamAlignment()
                AlignmentFlag  = 144,
                Bases          = "ABCF",
                Bin            = 4,
                CigarData      = new CigarAlignment("2S2M"),
                FragmentLength = 42,
                MapQuality     = 30,
                MatePosition   = 2,
                MateRefID      = 43,
                Name           = "Read1",
                Position       = 1,
                Qualities      = new byte[4],
                RefID          = 1,
                TagData        = new byte[0]

            var tagUtils2 = new TagUtils();

            tagUtils.AddStringTag("XR", "BLABLA");  //start with random XR tag and confirm whether it is overwritten by read direction

            var readPair = new ReadPair(alignment1);


            var alignmentResults = pairHandler.ExtractReads(readPair);

            Assert.Equal(1, alignmentResults.Count);
            var alignment = alignmentResults[0];

            Assert.Equal("FR", alignment.GetStringTag("XR"));