private Dictionary <PlayerTask, int> SimulateAll(POGame initgame, List <PlayerTask> opitons, int depth)
            Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame> sims   = initgame.Simulate(opitons);
            Dictionary <PlayerTask, int>    scores = new Dictionary <PlayerTask, int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> sim in sims)
                int score = int.MinValue;
                if (sim.Key.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN || depth <= 0)
                    score = Score(sim.Value);
                    List <PlayerTask> new_options = sim.Value.CurrentPlayer.Options();
                    if (new_options.Count() > 0)
                        score = SimulateAll(sim.Value, new_options, depth - 1).ToList().Max(x => x.Value);
                        score = Score(sim.Value);
                scores.Add(sim.Key, score);
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player    = game.CurrentPlayer;
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            var optcount  = validOpts.Count();

            var returnValue = validOpts.Any() ?
                              validOpts.Select(x => score(x, player.PlayerId, (optcount >= 5) ? ((optcount >= 25) ? 1 : 2) : 3)).OrderBy(x => x.Value).Last().Key :
                              player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);


            KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, int> score(KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> state, int player_id, int max_depth = 3)
                int max_score = int.MinValue;

                if (max_depth > 0 && state.Value.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId == player_id)
                    var subactions = state.Value.Simulate(state.Value.CurrentPlayer.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

                    foreach (var subaction in subactions)
                        max_score = Math.Max(max_score, score(subaction, player_id, max_depth - 1).Value);
                max_score = Math.Max(max_score, Score(state.Value, player_id));
                return(new KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, int>(state.Key, max_score));
Esempio n. 3
        // Simulates an option and returns the score that this option achieves
        // maxDepth: the maximum amount of recursive calls that is allowed
        private KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, double> Simulate(POGame poGame, int playerId, int maxDepth = 3)
            List <PlayerTask> options = poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options();

            Dictionary <PlayerTask, double> scores = new Dictionary <PlayerTask, double>();

            options.ForEach(o => scores[o] = 0.0);

            poGame.Simulate(options).ToList().ForEach(simulation =>
                if (simulation.Value == null)
                    scores[simulation.Key] = Double.MinValue;

                scores[simulation.Key] += ComputeScore(simulation.Value, playerId);
                if (maxDepth > 0 && playerId == poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId)
                    scores[simulation.Key] += Simulate(simulation.Value, playerId, maxDepth - 1).Value;

            // Get the option with the highest score
            return(scores.Aggregate((x, y) => x.Value > y.Value ? x : y));
Esempio n. 4
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player = game.CurrentPlayer;
            //var opponent = game.CurrentOpponent;

            // Get all simulation results for simulations that didn't fail
            //var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options());

            //Put player options in a variable
            var playerOptions = player.Options();

            /*foreach (var x in playerOptions)
             * {
             *      Console.WriteLine($"Here is an option {x.PlayerTaskType}");
             * }*/

            List <PlayerTask> PlayerTaskList = new List <PlayerTask>(validOpts.Keys);

            PlayerTask endTurnTask = playerOptions.First();
            PlayerTask returnTask;


            //Prints the game turn and the remaining mana available
            //Console.WriteLine($"Turn {game.Turn} Move {moveNum}, you have {player.RemainingMana} mana available.");
            //Prints the board state for the game turn
            //Console.WriteLine($"Board State for Turn {game.Turn}:" + game.PartialPrint());


            returnTask = PlayCard(PlayerTaskList, game.CurrentPlayer, player.HandZone, player.BoardZone, game);
            if (returnTask != null)

            returnTask = MinionAttack(PlayerTaskList, game);
            if (returnTask != null)
            if (player.RemainingMana > 0)
                returnTask = HeroPower(PlayerTaskList, game.CurrentPlayer);
                if (returnTask != null)

            returnTask = heroAttack(PlayerTaskList);
            if (returnTask != null)

            //Console.WriteLine($"Turn {game.Turn}: Ending Turn {endTurnTask}");
Esempio n. 5
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player = game.CurrentPlayer;

            // Implement a simple Mulligan Rule
            if (player.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new WeightedScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(player.Choice.Choices.Select(p => game.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(player, mulligan));

            //Lookhead n steps and choose the best scoring <PlayerTask> and each depth -> branch ->score->until depth
            //(DFS search)

            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            var voptcount = validOpts.Count();

            if (validOpts.Any())
                var depth  = voptcount > 5 ? (voptcount > 25 ? 1: 2) : 3;
                var scored = validOpts.Select(x => Simulate(x, player.PlayerId, depth));
                // Array.ForEach(scored.Select(x=>x.Item1).ToArray(),Console.Write);
                // Console.Write($"\r{scored.Count()}  ");
                return(scored.OrderBy(x => x.Value).Last().Key);
                return(player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN));
Esempio n. 6
        KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, double> getBestTask(POGame state)
            double            bestScore = Double.MinValue;
            PlayerTask        bestTask  = null;
            List <PlayerTask> list      = state.CurrentPlayer.Options();

            foreach (PlayerTask t in list)
                debug("---->POSSIBLE " + stringTask(t));

                double score  = 0;
                POGame before = state;
                if (t.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    score = 0;
                    List <PlayerTask> toSimulate = new List <PlayerTask>();
                    Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame> simulated = state.Simulate(toSimulate);
                    //Console.WriteLine("SIMULATION COMPLETE");
                    POGame nextState = simulated[t];
                    score = scoreTask(state, nextState);                     //Warning: if using tree, avoid overflow with max values!
                debug("SCORE " + score);
                if (score >= bestScore)
                    bestTask  = t;
                    bestScore = score;

            return(new KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, double>(bestTask, bestScore));
Esempio n. 7
        private float DefaultPolicyHeuristic(Node node)
            float  result           = 0;
            POGame state            = node.State;
            int    currentTurnDepth = node.TurnDepth;

            while (state.State != State.COMPLETE &&
                   (node.Action.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN ?
                    currentTurnDepth < TurnDepth - 1 :
                    currentTurnDepth < TurnDepth))
                Controller        currentPlayer = state.CurrentPlayer;
                List <PlayerTask> actions       = currentPlayer.Options();
                List <PlayerTask> oldActions    = new List <PlayerTask>(actions);
                bool uncertainity = currentPlayer.Options()
                                    .Any(option => option.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.PLAY_CARD && option.Source.Card.Name == "No Way!");

                // end potential infinite loop of 0 cost spells (happend few times with a mage)
                if (currentPlayer.CardsPlayedThisTurn.Count > 50)

                if (uncertainity)
                    // depending on active player choose one:
                    // 1) simulate player's card draw
                    // 2) simulate opponent's possible actions
                    actions = state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId == player.PlayerId ?
                              ActionEstimator.DrawSimulation(currentPlayer) :
                              ActionEstimator.ActionEstimaton(state, currentPlayer);

                var bestPair = state.Simulate(actions.Any() ? actions : oldActions)
                               .Where(pair => pair.Value != null)
                               .OrderBy(pair => StateRateStrategies.GetStateRateStrategy(StateRateStrategy.Greedy)(pair.Value, currentPlayer))

                //Console.WriteLine(currentTurnDepth + ", " + bestPair.Key);

                if (bestPair.Key.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)

                state = bestPair.Value;

                // this should be redundant.. but, you know.. just in case..
                if (state == null)

            var firstPlayer = state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId == player.PlayerId ? state.CurrentPlayer : state.CurrentOpponent;

            result = StateRateStrategies.GetStateRateStrategy(StateRateStrategy.Greedy)(state, firstPlayer);

Esempio n. 8
        private static PlayerTask greedyTask(POGame poGame, ParametricGreedyAgent greedyAgent, Random Rnd, double CHILDREN_CONSIDERED_SIMULATING)
            PlayerTask        bestTask           = null;
            double            bestScore          = Double.MinValue;
            double            score              = 0;
            List <PlayerTask> taskToSimulate     = new List <PlayerTask>();
            POGame            stateAfterSimulate = null;

            List <PlayerTask> options = poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options();

            int cutPoint = (int)Math.Ceiling(poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options().Count *CHILDREN_CONSIDERED_SIMULATING);

            while (options.Count > cutPoint)
                options.Remove(options[Rnd.Next(0, options.Count - 1)]);

            foreach (PlayerTask task in poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options())
                stateAfterSimulate = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[task];

                score = greedyAgent.scoreTask(poGame, stateAfterSimulate);
                if (score > bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;
                    bestTask  = task;
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)

            int threadCount = 4;
            var player      = game.CurrentPlayer;
            var opponent    = game.CurrentOpponent;

            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            var optsCount = validOpts.Count();
            var history   = opponent.PlayHistory;

            // Implement a simple Mulligan Rule
            if (player.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new AggroScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(player.Choice.Choices.Select(p => game.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(player, mulligan));


            MCTS       mcts   = new MCTS(game, DecksDict, ProbabilitiesDict, TurnDepth, TimeBudget, Selection, StateRate, ExplorationConstant);
            PlayerTask result = mcts.Search();

            //StopWatch.StopWithMessage(String.Format("Compute {0} options in {1} ms", optcount, StopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            //Console.WriteLine("Final task: " + result);

            void countProbabilities()
                /* ----------- Counting probabilities ------------ */
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Card> > deck in DecksDict)
                    int similarCount      = 0;
                    var playedCards       = history.Select(h => h.SourceCard).ToList();
                    var deckCards         = deck.Value;
                    var deckCardsDistinct = deckCards.Distinct().ToList();

                    .ForEach(playedCard =>
                        deckCardsDistinct.ForEach(deckCard =>
                            if (playedCard.Name == deckCard.Name)

                    double probability = Math.Round((double)similarCount / deckCards.Count(), 2);
                    ProbabilitiesDict[deck.Key] = probability;
                    //if (probability > 0) Console.WriteLine(deck.Key + " has probability of " + ProbabilitiesDict[deck.Key] * 100 + "%");
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame poGame)
            var player    = poGame.CurrentPlayer;
            var opponent  = poGame.CurrentOpponent;
            var validOpts = poGame.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            var history   = opponent.PlayHistory;

            if (player.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new MyScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(player.Choice.Choices.Select(p => poGame.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(player, mulligan));

            ActionEstimator = new ActionEstimator(DecksDict, ProbabilitiesDict);

            int optionsCount = validOpts.Count();

            Console.WriteLine("Valid options for TestAgent: ");
            validOpts.ToList().ForEach(option => Console.WriteLine(option));

            var action = validOpts.Any() ?
                         validOpts.Select(option => Score(option, poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId, (optionsCount >= 5) ? ((optionsCount >= 25) ? 1 : 2) : 3)).OrderBy(pair => pair.Value).Last().Key :
                         player.Options().First(option => option.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);

            Console.WriteLine("TestAgent: " + action);

            void updateProbabilities()
                /* ----------- Counting probabilities ------------ */
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Card> > deck in DecksDict)
                    int similarCount      = 0;
                    var playedCards       = history.Select(h => h.SourceCard).ToList();
                    var deckCards         = deck.Value;
                    var deckCardsDistinct = deckCards.Distinct().ToList();

                    .ForEach(playedCard =>
                        deckCardsDistinct.ForEach(deckCard =>
                            if (playedCard.Name == deckCard.Name)

                    double probability = Math.Round((double)similarCount / deckCards.Count(), 2);
                    ProbabilitiesDict[deck.Key] = probability;
                    //if (probability > 0) Console.WriteLine(deck.Key + " has probability of " + ProbabilitiesDict[deck.Key] * 100 + "%");
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame poGame)
            var player = poGame.CurrentPlayer;

            var validOpts = poGame.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            return(validOpts.Any() ?
                   validOpts.OrderBy(x => Score(x.Value, player.PlayerId)).Last().Key :
                   player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN));
Esempio n. 12
        private Node Expansion(Node leaf, ref POGame poGame)
            Node   nodeToSimulate;
            POGame pOGameIfSimulationFail = poGame.getCopy();

            if (leaf.timesVisited == 0 || leaf.depth >= TREE_MAXIMUM_DEPTH || leaf.task.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                nodeToSimulate = leaf;
                foreach (PlayerTask task in poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options())
                    leaf.children.Add(new Node(task, leaf, leaf.depth + 1));

                nodeToSimulate = leaf.children[0];
                List <PlayerTask> taskToSimulate = new List <PlayerTask>();
                if (nodeToSimulate.task.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    poGame = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[nodeToSimulate.task];

                while (poGame == null)
                    if (leaf.children.Count <= 1)
                    poGame = pOGameIfSimulationFail;
                    nodeToSimulate = leaf.children[0];
                    if (nodeToSimulate.task.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                        poGame = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[nodeToSimulate.task];
        private PlayerTask BestAction(POGame state, List <PlayerTask> actions, Controller player, Func <POGame, Controller, int> strategy)
            var validOpts = state.Simulate(actions).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            PlayerTask bestAction = validOpts.Any() ?
                                    validOpts.OrderBy(x => strategy(state, player)).Last().Key :
                                    actions.First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);

Esempio n. 14
        public static TySimResult GetSimulatedGame(POGame parent, PlayerTask task, TyStateAnalyzer analyzer)
            POGame simulatedState = parent.Simulate(new List <PlayerTask>()
            float stateValue = GetStateValue(parent, simulatedState, task, analyzer);

            return(new TySimResult(simulatedState, task, stateValue));
Esempio n. 15
        private float Simulation(Node nodeToSimulate, POGame poGame)
            float      result          = -1;
            int        simulationSteps = 0;
            PlayerTask task            = null;

            List <PlayerTask> taskToSimulate = new List <PlayerTask>();

            if (poGame == null)

            if (nodeToSimulate.task.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                return(Estimator.estimateFromState(ESTIMATION_MODE, poGame));

            while (poGame.getGame().State != SabberStoneCore.Enums.State.COMPLETE)
                task = SimulationPolicies.selectSimulationPolicy(SIMULATION_POLICY, poGame, Rnd, greedyAgent, CHILDREN_CONSIDERED_SIMULATING);
                if (task.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    poGame = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[taskToSimulate[0]];


                if (poGame == null)

                if (task.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    return(Estimator.estimateFromState(ESTIMATION_MODE, poGame));


            if (poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.CONCEDED ||
                poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.LOST)
                result = 0;
            else if (poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.WON)
                result = 1;

        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player = game.CurrentPlayer;

            // Get all simulation results for simulations that didn't fail
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            //Dictionary<PlayerTask, POGame>

            Dictionary <PlayerTask, POGame> dict1 = game.Simulate(game.CurrentPlayer.Options());

            if (dict1.Any())
                return(dict1.OrderBy(s => Score(s.Value, game.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId)).Last().Key);
                return(game.CurrentPlayer.Options().First(p => p.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN));
Esempio n. 17
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player = game.CurrentPlayer;

            // Get all simulation results for simulations that didn't fail
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            // If all simulations failed, play end turn option (always exists), else best according to score function
            return(validOpts.Any() ?
                   validOpts.OrderBy(x => Score(x.Value, player.PlayerId)).Last().Key :
                   player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN));
Esempio n. 18
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame poGame)
            if (poGame.Turn != turn)
                turn = poGame.Turn;
            int actTime = (int)((30000 - turnWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 0.75);
            var player  = poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId;

            var openTasks = new Stack <SimGame>();

            openTasks.Push(new SimGame(poGame, SearchDepth));

            // lookahead all solutions until SearchDepth reached
            int     bestScore = int.MinValue;
            SimGame bestSim   = null;

            while (openTasks.Any())
                var currentSim = openTasks.Pop();
                var children   = currentSim.Next();
                for (int j = 0; j < children.Length; j++)
                    if (!children[j].hasChildren)
                        int score = children[j].GameValue(player, scoreDict);
                        if (score > bestScore)
                            bestScore = score;
                            bestSim   = children[j];
                if (actWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= actTime)

            //Debug.WriteLine($"Turn {poGame.Turn}|{poGame.CurrentPlayer.Hero.Health - poGame.CurrentOpponent.Hero.Health} took {actWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms to find {bestSim.tasks[0]}");
            //var foo = poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options();
            //var bar = poGame.Simulate(foo);
            return(bestSim?.tasks[0] ?? poGame.Simulate(poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options()).Keys.First());
Esempio n. 19
        private KeyValuePair <int, float> DefaultPolicy(POGame state, Node node)
            KeyValuePair <int, float> result = new KeyValuePair <int, float>(state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId, 0.5f);

            while (state.State != State.COMPLETE)
                List <PlayerTask> actions    = state.CurrentPlayer.Options();
                List <PlayerTask> oldActions = new List <PlayerTask>(actions);
                bool uncertainity            = state.CurrentPlayer.Options()
                                               .Any(option => option.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.PLAY_CARD && option.Source.Card.Name == "No Way!");

                Controller currentPlayer = state.CurrentPlayer;

                if (uncertainity)
                    // player's drawn cards are also unknown -> need to simulate
                    actions = state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId == player.PlayerId ?
                              ActionEstimator.DrawSimulation(currentPlayer) :
                              ActionEstimator.ActionEstimaton(state, currentPlayer);

                var bestPair = state.Simulate(actions.Any() ? actions : oldActions)
                               .Where(pair => pair.Value != null)
                               .OrderBy(pair => StateRateStrategies.GetStateRateStrategy(StateRateStrategy.Greedy)(pair.Value, player))
                //Console.WriteLine("Choosing: " + bestAction);

                state = bestPair.Value;

                // this should be redundant.. but, you know.. just in case..
                if (state == null)
                    return(new KeyValuePair <int, float>(currentPlayer.PlayerId, 0.5f));

            if (state.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == PlayState.CONCEDED || state.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == PlayState.LOST)
                result = new KeyValuePair <int, float>(state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId, 0);
            else if (state.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == PlayState.WON)
                result = new KeyValuePair <int, float>(state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId, 1);
            else if (state.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == PlayState.TIED)
                result = new KeyValuePair <int, float>(state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId, 0.5f);
Esempio n. 20
        private float Simulate(Node nodeToSimulate, POGame poGame)
            float      result          = -1;
            int        simulationSteps = 0;
            PlayerTask task            = null;

            if (poGame == null)

            List <PlayerTask> taskToSimulate = new List <PlayerTask>(1);


            while (poGame.getGame().State != SabberStoneCore.Enums.State.COMPLETE)
                task = Greedy(poGame);
                taskToSimulate[0] = task;
                if (task.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    poGame = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[taskToSimulate[0]];

                if (poGame == null)

                if (task.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)


            if (poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.CONCEDED ||
                poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.LOST)
                result = 0;
            else if (poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayState == SabberStoneCore.Enums.PlayState.WON)
                result = 1;

Esempio n. 21
        private void InitializeNode(Node node, POGame state)
            if (state != null)
                var validOpts = state.CurrentPlayer.Options()
                                .Where(option => !(option.HasSource && option.Source.Card.Name == "No Way!"));

                var simulations = state.Simulate(validOpts.ToList());
                .ForEach(option =>
                         node.Children.Add(new Node(simulations[option], option, node, state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId,
                                                    node.Action?.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN ? node.TurnDepth + 1 : node.TurnDepth)));
Esempio n. 22
        private List <HardSimulation> Simulate(POGame game, int numSolutions)
            var simulations = game
                              .Simulate(game.CurrentPlayer.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null)
                              .Select(x => new HardSimulation
                Task = x.Key, Game = x.Value, Score = Score(x.Value, game.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId)
                              .OrderBy(x => x.Score)
                              .Reverse()   // Best task first

Esempio n. 23
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame poGame)
            timeIsUp       = false;
            timer          = new Timer(28000);
            timer.Elapsed += whenTimeUp;
            timer.Enabled  = true;

            Controller player = poGame.CurrentPlayer;

            playerId = player.PlayerId;

            if (player.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new AggroScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(player.Choice.Choices.Select(p => poGame.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(player, mulligan));

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> > validOpts = poGame.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
            int countOptions = validOpts.Count();


            int        bestScore  = Int32.MinValue;
            PlayerTask chosenTask = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> option in validOpts)
                int currentScore = MiniMax(0, option.Value, true, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                //Console.WriteLine("Current Score: " + currentScore);
                if (currentScore > bestScore)
                    bestScore  = currentScore;
                    chosenTask = option.Key;
            //Console.WriteLine("Best Score: " + bestScore);

            if (chosenTask == null)
                chosenTask = player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);

            //Console.WriteLine("Zugzeit " + stopWatch.Elapsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Best Task: " + chosenTask);
Esempio n. 24
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame poGame)
            int myPlayerId            = poGame.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId;
            List <PlayerTask> options = poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options();

            // Implement a simple Mulligan Rule
            if (poGame.CurrentPlayer.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new AggroScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(poGame.CurrentPlayer.Choice.Choices.Select(p => poGame.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());               //all mulligan handlers are the same for each score
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(poGame.CurrentPlayer, mulligan));

            var simulationResults = poGame.Simulate(options);

            double     bestWorth = getWorth(poGame, myPlayerId);         //best worth starts with the current field
            PlayerTask bestTask  = null;

            foreach (PlayerTask t in options)
                double resultingWorth = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                if (simulationResults.ContainsKey(t) && t.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                    POGame resultingGameState = simulationResults[t];
                    resultingWorth = getWorth(resultingGameState, myPlayerId);
                else                  //TODO: think of something to do if the key is unvalid
                                      //for now, do nothing if the resulting value is negative

                if (bestWorth < resultingWorth)
                    bestWorth = resultingWorth;
                    bestTask  = t;

            if (bestTask == null)

Esempio n. 25
        private Node Selection(Node root, int iterations, ref POGame poGame)
            Node   bestNode   = new Node();
            double bestScore  = double.MinValue;
            double childScore = 0;

            POGame pOGameIfSimulationFail = poGame.getCopy();

            foreach (Node node in root.children)
                childScore = TreePolicies.selectTreePolicy(TREE_POLICY, node, iterations, EXPLORE_CONSTANT, ref poGame, SCORE_IMPORTANCE, greedyAgent);
                if (childScore > bestScore)
                    bestScore = childScore;
                    bestNode  = node;
            List <PlayerTask> taskToSimulate = new List <PlayerTask>();


            if (bestNode.task.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN)
                poGame = poGame.Simulate(taskToSimulate)[bestNode.task];

            if (poGame == null)
                if (root.children.Count == 0)
                    root = root.parent;

                poGame = pOGameIfSimulationFail;
                return(Selection(root, iterations, ref poGame));

            if (bestNode.children.Count != 0)
                bestNode = Selection(bestNode, iterations, ref poGame);

        public int Rollout(Node node, Controller player)
            POGame state = node.State.Value;
            KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> bestMove;

            //while (!(state.getGame().State == State.COMPLETE))
                List <PlayerTask> moves = state.CurrentPlayer.Options();
                var legalMoves          = state.Simulate(moves).Where(x => x.Value != null).ToList();
                bestMove = legalMoves.OrderBy(x => Score(x.Value, state.CurrentPlayer.PlayerId)).Last();
                state    = bestMove.Value;
            } while (bestMove.Key.PlayerTaskType != PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);

            int result = Reward(state, player.PlayerId, terminalIsEOT: true);

Esempio n. 27
        public POGame Simulation(MCTSNode node, int myPlayerId)
            int    depth   = MAX_SIMULATION_DEPTH;
            POGame simGame = node.poGame.getCopy();

            //if(node.poGame.CurrentPlayer.Id != myPlayerId) simGame = createOpponentHand(simGame.getCopy());
            while (depth > 0)
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> > subactions = simGame.Simulate(simGame.CurrentPlayer.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
                if (!subactions.Any())
                simGame = subactions.RandomElement(rnd).Value.getCopy();
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            var player = game.CurrentPlayer;

            // Implement a simple Mulligan Rule
            if (player.MulliganState == Mulligan.INPUT)
                List <int> mulligan = new AggroScore().MulliganRule().Invoke(player.Choice.Choices.Select(p => game.getGame().IdEntityDic[p]).ToList());
                return(ChooseTask.Mulligan(player, mulligan));

            // Get all simulation results for simulations that didn't fail
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            // If all simulations failed, play end turn option (always exists), else best according to score function
            return(validOpts.Any() ?
                   validOpts.OrderBy(x => Score(x.Value, player.PlayerId)).Last().Key :
                   player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN));
Esempio n. 29
        public override PlayerTask GetMove(POGame game)
            pID = game.CurrentPlayer.Id;
            var player    = game.CurrentPlayer;
            var validOpts = game.Simulate(player.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);

            /* No look-ahead*/

            /*return validOpts.Any() ?
             *      validOpts.OrderBy(x => getValue(game, x.Value)).Last().Key :
             *      player.Options().First(x => x.PlayerTaskType == PlayerTaskType.END_TURN);*/

            /* with look-ahead */
            PlayerTask best_move  = null;
            double     best_value = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> pair in validOpts)
                var game_   = pair.Value;
                var player_ = game_.CurrentPlayer;
                var move_   = pair.Key;

                if (player_.Id == player.Id)
                    var validOpts_ = game_.Simulate(player_.Options()).Where(x => x.Value != null);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerTask, POGame> pair_ in validOpts_)
                        double value = getValue(pair_.Value);
                        if (value > best_value)
                            best_value = value;
                            best_move  = move_;
            if (best_move == null)
                best_move = validOpts.OrderBy(x => getValue(x.Value)).Last().Key;
Esempio n. 30
        PlayerTask Greedy(POGame poGame)
            PlayerTask bestTask  = null;
            int        bestScore = Int32.MinValue;

            List <PlayerTask> options = poGame.CurrentPlayer.Options();
            var simulated             = poGame.Simulate(options);

            foreach (var stateAfterSimulate in simulated)
                int score = Score(stateAfterSimulate.Value);
                if (score >= bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;
                    bestTask  = stateAfterSimulate.Key;