Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here


            updatables = new List <Element>();

            // Display the mouse cursor
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;

            // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework
            State.InitGoblin(graphics, Content, "");

            // Initialize the scene graph
            scene = new Scene();

            // Use the newton physics engine to perform collision detection
            scene.PhysicsEngine = new NewtonPhysics();

            // For some reason, it sometimes causes memory conflict when it attempts to update the
            // marker transformation in the multi-threaded code, so if you see weird exceptions
            // thrown in Shaders, then you should not enable the marker tracking thread
            State.ThreadOption = (ushort)ThreadOptions.MarkerTracking;

            // Set up optical marker tracking
            // Note that we don't create our own camera when we use optical marker
            // tracking. It'll be created automatically

            // Set up the lights used in the scene

            // Enable shadow mapping
            // NOTE: In order to use shadow mapping, you will need to add 'MultiLightShadowMap.fx'
            // and 'SimpleShadowShader.fx' shader files to your 'Content' directory. Also in here,
            // we're creating the ShadowMap before the creation of 3D objects since we need to assign
            // this ShadowMap to the IShadowShader used for the 3D objects
            scene.ShadowMap = new MultiLightShadowMap();

            // Create 3D objects

            // Create the ground that represents the physical ground marker array

            // Show Frames-Per-Second on the screen for debugging
            State.ShowFPS = true;

            collisionCount = 0;
            // Set up physics material interaction specifications between the shooting box and the ground
            NewtonMaterial physMat = new NewtonMaterial();

            physMat.MaterialName1   = "CannonBall";
            physMat.MaterialName2   = "Ground";
            physMat.Elasticity      = 0.7f;
            physMat.StaticFriction  = 0.8f;
            physMat.KineticFriction = 0.2f;
            // Define a callback function that will be called when the two materials contact/collide
            physMat.ContactProcessCallback = delegate(Vector3 contactPosition, Vector3 contactNormal,
                                                      float contactSpeed, float colObj1ContactTangentSpeed, float colObj2ContactTangentSpeed,
                                                      Vector3 colObj1ContactTangentDirection, Vector3 colObj2ContactTangentDirection)
                if (contactSpeed > 2)

                // When a cube box collides with the ground, it can have more than 1 contact points
                // depending on the collision surface, so we only play sound and add 3D texts once
                // every four contacts to avoid multiple sound play or text addition for one surface
                // contact
                if (collisionCount >= 8)
                    // Reset the count
                    collisionCount = 0;

            // Add this physics material interaction specifications to the physics engine
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Display the mouse cursor
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;

            // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework
            State.InitGoblin(graphics, Content, "");

            this.Activated += Sound.Instance.GameActivated;

            // Initialize the scene graph
            scene = new Scene();

            // Set the background color to CornflowerBlue color.
            // GraphicsDevice.Clear(...) is called by Scene object with this color.
            scene.BackgroundColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;

            // We will use the Newton physics engine (
            // for processing the physical simulation
            scene.PhysicsEngine = new NewtonPhysics();
            scene.PhysicsEngine = new MataliPhysics();
            scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity = 30;

            ((MataliPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).SimulationTimeStep = 1 / 30f;

            text3ds = new List <Text3DInfo>();

            // Set up the lights used in the scene

            // Set up the camera which defines the eye location and viewing frustum

            // Create 3D objects

            // Set up physics material interaction specifications between the shooting box and the ground
            NewtonMaterial physMat = new NewtonMaterial();
            physMat.MaterialName1   = "ShootingBox";
            physMat.MaterialName2   = "Ground";
            physMat.Elasticity      = 0.7f;
            physMat.StaticFriction  = 0.8f;
            physMat.KineticFriction = 0.2f;
            // Define a callback function that will be called when the two materials contact/collide
            physMat.ContactProcessCallback = delegate(Vector3 contactPosition, Vector3 contactNormal,
                                                      float contactSpeed, float colObj1ContactTangentSpeed, float colObj2ContactTangentSpeed,
                                                      Vector3 colObj1ContactTangentDirection, Vector3 colObj2ContactTangentDirection)
                if (contactSpeed > 2)

                // When a cube box collides with the ground, it can have more than 1 contact points
                // depending on the collision surface, so we only play sound and add 3D texts once
                // every four contacts to avoid multiple sound play or text addition for one surface
                // contact
                if (collisionCount >= 4)
                    // Set the collision sound volume based on the contact speed
                    SoundEffectInstance instance = Sound.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(bounceSound);
                    //instance.Volume = contactSpeed / 50f;
                    // Print a text message on the screen
                    Notifier.AddMessage("Contact with speed of " + contactSpeed);

                    // Create a 3D text to be rendered
                    Text3DInfo text3d = new Text3DInfo();
                    text3d.Text = "BOOM!!";
                    // The larger the contact speed, the longer the 3D text will stay displayed
                    text3d.Duration    = contactSpeed * 500;
                    text3d.ElapsedTime = 0;
                    // Scale down the vector font since it's quite large, and display the text
                    // above the contact position
                    text3d.Transform = Matrix.CreateScale(0.03f) *
                                       Matrix.CreateTranslation(contactPosition + Vector3.UnitY * 4);

                    // Add this 3D text to the display list

                    // Reset the count
                    collisionCount = 0;

            // Add this physics material interaction specifications to the physics engine

            // Add a mouse click handler for shooting a box model from the mouse location
            MouseInput.Instance.MouseClickEvent += new HandleMouseClick(MouseClickHandler);

            // Show some debug information
            State.ShowFPS = true;

            // Show debugging messages on the screen
            State.ShowNotifications = true;

            // Make the debugging message fade out after 3000 ms (3 seconds)
            Notifier.FadeOutTime = 3000;