private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision) { if (gameObject.tag == "PlayerHitBox" && collision.tag == "PlayerHurtBox") { return; } if (gameObject.tag == "EnemyHitBox" && collision.tag == "EnemyHurtBox") { return; } if (collision.transform.root.TryGetComponent(out CharacterBase Other)) { if (!_isSoundPlayed && HitSound != "") { SoundManager.Instance.Play(HitSound); _isSoundPlayed = true; } if (Other.GetState() == CharacterBase.eState.Down || Other.GetState() == CharacterBase.eState.Dead || Other.GetState() == CharacterBase.eState.Wake) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < _CollidedObjects.Count; i++) // 한 오브젝트가 두 번 충돌하는걸 방지 { if (Other.gameObject == _CollidedObjects[i]) { return; } } _CollidedObjects.Add(Other.gameObject); MainCamera.Instance.CameraShake(_CameraShakeTime == -1 ? _HitStop * 2f : _CameraShakeTime, _CameraShakeForce); TimeManager.Instance.HitStop(_HitStop); _Knockback.x *= Mathf.Sign(transform.root.localScale.x); Other.DealDamage(_Damage, _StunTime, _Knockback, transform.root.gameObject); } }
private void spBar_D_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { if (spBar_D.BytesToRead == 0) { return; } try { string sReceive = spBar_D.ReadTo(Other.Chr(13)); spBar_D.DiscardInBuffer(); sReceive = sReceive.Trim(); this.Invoke((EventHandler)(delegate { updateMessage(lstMessage, "BarD->PC:" + sReceive); saveLog(p.LogType.SysLog, "BarD->PC:" + sReceive); updateMessage(lstMessage, "BarD:" + sReceive); saveLog(p.LogType.SysLog, "BarD:" + sReceive); updateMessage(lstBar, "BarD:" + sReceive); p.BarD = sReceive.Trim().ToUpper(); txtBarD.Text = p.BarD; saveLog(p.LogType.SNLog, "BarD:" + p.BarD); //check A,B,C,D if (_runing) { if (CheckAllBarComplete()) { sendData(spPLC, "B"); updateMessage(lstMessage, "PC->PLC:B"); saveLog(p.LogType.SysLog, "PC->PLC:B"); } else { } } })); } catch (Exception) { // throw; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(Other otherModel) { try { if (otherModel.ImageFile != null) { otherModel.ImageTitle = otherModel.ImageFile.FileName; otherModel.ImageData = ImageManager.GetByteArrayFromImage(otherModel.ImageFile); } string accessToken = await this.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token"); await ApiRequests.PostAsync(accessToken, string.Format("{0}/{1}", this.apiBaseUrl, this.apiController), otherModel); return(this.RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { return(this.View()); } }
private static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { try { //This is used when trying to load missing assemblies, which are not located in same folder as the main executable. var name = args.Name.Split(',').First(); if (!name.StartsWith("SharpDX")) return null; var path = Other.AdjustPath(UserSettings.All.SharpDxLocationFolder ?? ""); return Assembly.LoadFrom(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, $"{name}.dll")); } catch (Exception e) { LogWriter.Log(e, "Error loading assemblies"); return null; } }
public void TestGetOtherFundsNullableType_NullUSGovt() { string binationalCommission = "commission"; string personal = "peronsal"; string evGovt = "ev gov"; Other other = new Other("name", "amount"); USGovernmentFunding usGovt = null; InternationalFunding international = new InternationalFunding(null, null, null, null, null, null); var otherFunds = new OtherFunds( exchangeVisitorGovernment: evGovt, binationalCommission: binationalCommission, personal: personal, usGovernmentFunding: usGovt, internationalFunding: international, other: other); var instance = otherFunds.GetOtherFundsNullableType(); Assert.IsNotNull(instance); Assert.IsNull(otherFunds.USGovernmentFunding); }
private static void ExecuteUACCommand(string commandName) { log.Info("Trying to execute command : " + commandName); switch (commandName.ToLower()) { case "installadminservice": case "installservice": Admin.InstallService(); break; case "startservice": Admin.StartService(); break; default: var msg = "Unknown command : " + commandName; Other.Warn(msg); log.Warn(msg); break; } }
public async Task RemoveAsync(Other other) { using (DbConnection connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_databaseSettings.DbConnection)) { connection.Open(); using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { await connection.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM others WHERE other_id = @OtherId", new { other.OtherId }, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } } }
public void Remove(Other other) { using (var context = DapperHelper.GetConnection()) { context.Open(); using (var transaction = context.BeginTransaction()) { try { context.Execute("DELETE FROM Others WHERE OtherId = @OtherId", new { other.OtherId }, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the symbolic represenation of this PathPermissions as a string. /// </summary> /// <returns>string.</returns> public string ToSymbolicPermissions() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(Owner.ToSymbolicRolePermissions()); sb.Append(Group.ToSymbolicRolePermissions()); sb.Append(Other.ToSymbolicRolePermissions()); if (StickyBit) { sb.Remove(8, 1); sb.Append('t'); } if (ExtendedAcls) { sb.Append('+'); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hash = 17; hash = hash * 23 + ((AlertMessage == null) ? 0 : AlertMessage.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Risk.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Confidence.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Url == null) ? 0 : Url.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Other == null) ? 0 : Other.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Parameter == null) ? 0 : Parameter.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Attack == null) ? 0 : Attack.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Evidence == null) ? 0 : Evidence.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Description == null) ? 0 : Description.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Reference == null) ? 0 : Reference.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + ((Solution == null) ? 0 : Solution.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + CWEId.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 23 + WASCId.GetHashCode(); return(hash); } }
public void TestDynamicSelectByBool() { Other other = new Other(); other.Bool = true; Other anOther = sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicSelectByBool", other) as Other; Assert.IsNotNull(anOther); Assert.AreEqual(2, anOther.Int); Assert.AreEqual(9999999999, anOther.Long); Assert.AreEqual(true, anOther.Bool); other.Bool = false; anOther = sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicSelectByBool", other) as Other; Assert.IsNotNull(anOther); Assert.AreEqual(1, anOther.Int); Assert.AreEqual(8888888, anOther.Long); Assert.AreEqual(false, anOther.Bool); }
public Item CreateResourceItem() { Item resourceItem; switch (itemType) { case ItemType.Other: resourceItem = new Other(itemName, cost); return(resourceItem); case ItemType.Consumable: resourceItem = new Consumable(itemName, cost); return(resourceItem); case ItemType.Equipment: resourceItem = new Equipment(itemName, cost); return(resourceItem); } return(null); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["access"].ToString() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessok"].ToString()) { string page = Request.Url.Segments[Request.Url.Segments.Length - 1].ToString(); if (Session["Role"] != null) { if (!Other.Get_UserAccess(page, Session["Role"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect("dashboard.aspx"); } } } EmpCode = Convert.ToString(Session["UserName"]); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = Customer_cs.GetSchool_Names(EmpCode); DdlCustomer.DataSource = ds; DdlCustomer.DataBind(); DdlCustomer.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-Select-", "0")); }
public void WriteHeader() { int Address = Block.GetAddressInBlock(StartByte); UInt32 NodeBlock = Block.GetNodeBlock(StartByte); byte[] EntryBlock = this.CurrPart.NewBlockArray(1); this.CurrPart.ReadBlock(NodeBlock, 1, EntryBlock); if (IsDeleted) { EntryBlock[Address] = 0x80; } else { EntryBlock[Address] = 0x50; } if (EntryType == Entry.Directory) { EntryBlock[Address + 1] = 0x0D; } else if (EntryType == Entry.File) { EntryBlock[Address + 1] = 0x0F; } Byte[] labelData = Other.StringToByte(EntryName); for (int i = Address + 2; i < Address + 2 + labelData.Length; i++) { EntryBlock[i] = labelData[i - 2 - Address];//File Name } for (int i = Address + 50; i < Address + 54; i++) { EntryBlock[i] = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)BlockData.Length)[i - 50 - Address]; } this.CurrPart.WriteBlock(NodeBlock, 1, EntryBlock); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromForm] Other other) { try { if (other.File == null || other.File.Length <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Image file is required")); } IList <string> allowedFileExtensions = new List <string> { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png" }; string extension = other.File.FileName.Substring(other.File.FileName.LastIndexOf('.')).ToLower(); if (!allowedFileExtensions.Contains(extension)) { return(BadRequest("Not image file")); } string imageFolderPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Images"); string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-hhmmss.fff"); string storedFileName = $"{now}_{other.File.FileName}"; using (FileStream fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(imageFolderPath + "/" + storedFileName)) { other.File.CopyTo(fileStream); await fileStream.FlushAsync(); } other.ImageUri = $"images/{storedFileName}"; var createdOther = await otherServ.Create(other); return(Ok(createdOther)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(StatusCode(500)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["access"].ToString() != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessok"].ToString()) { string page = Request.Url.Segments[Request.Url.Segments.Length - 1].ToString(); if (Session["Role"] != null) { if (!Other.Get_UserAccess(page, Session["Role"].ToString())) { //Response.Redirect("dashboard.aspx"); } } if (Session["ChetanaCompanyName"] != "" || Session["ChetanaCompanyName"] != null) { if (Session["FY"] != "" || Session["FY"] != null) { strChetanaCompanyName = Session["ChetanaCompanyName"].ToString(); strFY = Session["FY"].ToString(); } else { Session.Clear(); } } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Session["tstlData"] = null; getDDLdata(); txtcustomer.Focus(); } // lblMessage.Visible = false; //fillReport(); // ValidateDate(); MaskedEditExtender2.CultureName = "en-GB"; if (txtFromdate.Text != "" && txttoDate.Text != "") { getdata(2); } }
static void Event() { List <Character> CHARDATABASE = Database.GetActiveDatabase().CharList(); if (CHARDATABASE.Count < 2) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < CHARDATABASE.Count; i++) { if (CHARDATABASE[i].SPD == 0) { CHARDATABASE[i].SPD = 2; } } Character First = CHARDATABASE[prng.Next(0, CHARDATABASE.Count)]; Character Other; while (true) { Other = CHARDATABASE[prng.Next(0, CHARDATABASE.Count)]; if (Other != First) { break; } } int var = prng.Next(1, 101); if (var < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You meet up with " + Other.Name + " and some stuff happens. Nobody kills each other though!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You run into " + Other.Name + " out on the street and a fight breaks out between you!"); First.FullHeal(); Other.FullHeal(); MockBattle(First, Other); } }
public async Task GumiPic(CommandContext ctx) { var c = new HttpClient(); var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Entities.MeekMoe>(await c.GetStringAsync($"")); var img = new MemoryStream(await c.GetByteArrayAsync(Other.resizeLink(res.url))) { Position = 0 }; var emim = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = $"[Full Source Image Link]({res.url})", ImageUrl = $"attachment://image.{MimeGuesser.GuessExtension(img)}" }; if (res.creator.Length != 0) { emim.AddField("Creator", res.creator); } emim.WithAuthor(name: "via", url: ""); emim.WithFooter("Requested by " + ctx.Message.Author.Username, ctx.Message.Author.AvatarUrl); await ctx.RespondWithFileAsync(fileName : $"image.{MimeGuesser.GuessExtension(img)}", fileData : img, embed : emim.Build()); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Other a = new Other(); Other b = new Other(); a.Value = 10; b.Value = 20; MessageBox.Show("a=" + a.Value); MessageBox.Show("b=" + b.Value); // 参照型が同じ場所になる a = b; MessageBox.Show("a=" + a.Value); MessageBox.Show("b=" + b.Value); b.Value = 30; MessageBox.Show("a=" + a.Value); MessageBox.Show("b=" + b.Value); }
public ActionResult Edit(Other other) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { AssetService assetService = new AssetService(); int res = assetService.UpdateOther(other); if (res > 0) { ViewBag.Msg = "Data Updated successfully...."; //return RedirectToAction("Others"); } return(View(other)); } catch { } } return(View()); }
public void FillForm(JObject obj) { jsClick(add); //if(obj["position"].ToString() == "0") { // Click(buttonKiemSatVien); //} else Click(buttonDieuTraVien); Click(textBoxKiemSatVien); SendKeys(obj["ksvHoTen"].ToString(), textBoxKiemSatVien); SendKeys(Keys.Enter, textBoxKiemSatVien); Click(textBoxQuyetDinhPhanCongSo); Other _textBoxKiemSatVien = new Other("họ tên", "//*[@id='bodyForm:inspcodef_hinput']", ""); var firstName = FindElementByXPath(_textBoxKiemSatVien); string value = firstName.GetAttribute("value"); if (value == null || value == "") { Clear(textBoxKiemSatVien); SendKeys(" ", textBoxKiemSatVien); SendKeys(Keys.Enter, textBoxKiemSatVien); } Click(textBoxQuyetDinhPhanCongSo); SendKeys(obj["ksvSoQuyetDinh"].ToString(), textBoxQuyetDinhPhanCongSo); Click(textBoxNgayPhanCong); SendKeys(obj["ksvNgayPhanCong"].ToString(), textBoxNgayPhanCong); Click(textBoxNgayKetThuc); SendKeys(obj["ksvNgayKetThuc"].ToString(), textBoxNgayKetThuc); Sleep(); jsClick(save); Sleep(); jsClick(back); Sleep(); }
public void DownloadDanmaku(string saveto) { //todo //savedir+".ass" //""+ cid WebClient MyWebClient = new WebClient(); MyWebClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;//获取或设置用于向Internet资源的请求进行身份验证的网络凭据 string content = Other.GetHtml("" + cid); Byte[] pageData = MyWebClient.DownloadData("" + cid); //从指定网站下载数据 string xmlname = saveto + "\\" + name + ".xml"; File.WriteAllText(xmlname, content); string back = Other.HTTPGetXML("" + cid); XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(back); //Console.WriteLine(xml.Element("i").Element("chatserver").Value); //xml.Element("i").Elements("d"); return; //TODO }
public void Add(Other other) { using (var context = new MicrobrewitContext()) { context.Entry(other).State = EntityState.Added; try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); Log.DebugFormat("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } } }
public void JsonSerialization() { var cm = new ConverterManager(); // empty cm.AddConverter <string, Wrapper>(str => new Wrapper { Value = str }); var objSrc = new Other { Value2 = "abc" }; // Json Serialize: (Other --> string) // custom (string -->Wrapper) var func = cm.GetConverter <Other, Wrapper, Attribute>(); Wrapper obj2 = func(objSrc, null); string json = obj2.Value; var objSrc2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Other>(json); Assert.Equal(objSrc.Value2, objSrc2.Value2); }
public void Add(Other other) { using (var context = DapperHelper.GetConnection()) { context.Open(); using (var transaction = context.BeginTransaction()) { try { var otherId = context.Query <int>("INSERT Others(Name,Type,Custom) VALUES(@Name, @Type, @Custom); SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)", new { other.Name, other.Type, other.Custom }, transaction); other.OtherId = otherId.SingleOrDefault(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); transaction.Rollback(); } } } }
public UserInfoForm() { InitializeComponent(); var materialSkinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance; materialSkinManager.AddFormToManage(this); if (Other.IsDarkMode()) {//Dark Mode materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.BlueGrey500, Primary.BlueGrey900, Primary.BlueGrey500, Accent.LightBlue200, TextShade.WHITE); materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.DARK; } else { materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.Indigo500, Primary.Indigo500, Primary.Indigo500, Accent.LightBlue200, TextShade.WHITE); materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT; } User.RefreshUserInfo(); UserNameBox.Text =; pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(User.face); UserLevel.Text = "LV" +; if ( == 2) { VipType.Text = "年度大会员"; } else if ( == 1) { VipType.Text = "大会员"; } else { VipType.Text = ""; } coinBox.Text = "硬币:" +; RefreshBangumiData(); RefreshLikeList(); }
/// <summary> /// 打开条码枪串口,并保存log /// </summary> /// <param name="sp">串口控件</param> /// <param name="str2">log前缀,如”PC->BarA:"</param> private void closeScanner(SerialPort sp, string str2) { //sp.PortName = portname; if (p.Send_Command_Use_Hex) { sendHex(sp, p.Close_Scan_Command); } else { if (p.Close_Add_Enter) { sendData(sp, p.Close_Scan_Command + Other.Chr(13)); } else { sendData(sp, p.Close_Scan_Command); } } updateMessage(lstMessage, str2 + p.Close_Scan_Command); saveLog(p.LogType.SysLog, str2 + p.Close_Scan_Command); closeSerialPort(sp); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { var other = obj as AdditionalLocatorsDataItem; if (other == null) { return(false); } if (Other == null && other.Other != null || Other != null && other.Other == null) { return(false); } if (Other != null && (Other.Count != other.Other.Count || Other.Exists(locator => !other.Other.Contains(locator)))) { return(false); } return(GalileoHostLocator == other.GalileoHostLocator && HostLocator == other.HostLocator && HostSupplier == other.HostSupplier); }
public void Update(Other other) { using (var context = DapperHelper.GetConnection()) { context.Open(); using (var transaction = context.BeginTransaction()) { try { context.Execute("UPDATE Others set Name=@Name, Type=@Type, Custom=@Custom WHERE OtherId = @Id;", new { other.Name, other.Type, other.Custom, Id = other.OtherId }, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error(exception.ToString()); transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } } }
public LikeSelect(string id) { InitializeComponent(); var materialSkinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance; materialSkinManager.AddFormToManage(this); if (Other.IsDarkMode()) {//Dark Mode materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.BlueGrey500, Primary.BlueGrey900, Primary.BlueGrey500, Accent.LightBlue200, TextShade.WHITE); materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.DARK; } else { materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.Indigo500, Primary.Indigo500, Primary.Indigo500, Accent.LightBlue200, TextShade.WHITE); materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT; } // WebClient MyWebClient = new WebClient(); MyWebClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;//获取或设置用于向Internet资源的请求进行身份验证的网络凭据 MyWebClient.Headers.Add("Cookie", User.cookie); MyWebClient.Headers.Add("Origin", ""); MyWebClient.Headers.Add("Referer", "" + id); LikeDataRAW = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(MyWebClient.DownloadData("" + id)); //如果获取网站页面采用的是UTF-8,则使用这句 LikeJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONCallback.LikeBoxItem.LikeBoxItem>(LikeDataRAW); int lasty = 0; foreach (JSONCallback.LikeBoxItem.DataItem data in { string avid = Other.TextGetCenter("/av", "?", data.short_link); LikeSelectItem item = new LikeSelectItem(avid); panel1.Controls.Add(item); item.Location = new Point(0, lasty); lasty += item.Size.Height; } }
public Other(Other source, string value) { }
public void DoStuff(Other.IDemo remotingDemo) { remotingDemo.ProcessString("in"); }
private static AdjustableDataLut GetPresentationDataLut(Other applicator) { IDicomVoiLutsProvider voiLutsProvider = applicator.DicomVoiLutsProvider; if (voiLutsProvider == null) return null; AutoVoiDataLut dataLut = AutoPresentationVoiDataLut.CreateFrom(voiLutsProvider); if (dataLut == null) return null; return new AdjustableAutoVoiDataLut(dataLut); }
public Other(Other source) { }
private static AutoVoiLutLinear GetPresentationLinearLut(Other applicator) { IDicomVoiLutsProvider voiLutsProvider = applicator.DicomVoiLutsProvider; if (voiLutsProvider == null) return null; return AutoPresentationVoiLutLinear.CreateFrom(voiLutsProvider); }
public void JsonSerialization() { var cm = new ConverterManager(); // empty cm.AddConverter<string, Wrapper>(str => new Wrapper { Value = str }); var objSrc = new Other { Value2 = "abc" }; // Json Serialize: (Other --> string) // custom (string -->Wrapper) var func = cm.GetConverter<Other, Wrapper, Attribute>(); Wrapper obj2 = func(objSrc, null); string json = obj2.Value; var objSrc2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Other>(json); Assert.Equal(objSrc.Value2, objSrc2.Value2); }
private void OnSearchBoxShow(object sender, EventArgs e) { TransportSearchBox t_SearchBox = sender as TransportSearchBox; if (t_SearchBox.DialogResult == true) { int pivotActiveItem = transportPivot.SelectedIndex; int searchCretria = t_SearchBox.SearchCretria; string searchText = t_SearchBox.SearchText; if (!searchText.Equals("")) { if (pivotActiveItem == 0) { var specialHireData = retrieveSpecialHireData(searchText, searchCretria); if (specialHireData.Any() == false) { SpecialHire spHire = new SpecialHire(); spHire.Name = "No special Hire found!"; specialHireData = new[] { spHire }; } specialHireList.ItemsSource = specialHireData; transportPivot.SelectedItem = specialHirePivot; } else if (pivotActiveItem == 1) { var tourNTravelData = retrieveTourTravelData(searchText, searchCretria); if (tourNTravelData.Any() == false) { TourTravel tTravel = new TourTravel(); tTravel.Name = "No travel n travel found!"; tourNTravelData = new[] { tTravel }; } tourTravelList.ItemsSource = tourNTravelData; transportPivot.SelectedItem = tourNTravelPivot; } else if (pivotActiveItem == 2) { var otherData = retrieveOtherData(searchText, searchCretria); if (otherData.Any() == false) { Other other = new Other(); other.Name = "No record found!"; otherData = new[] { other }; } otherList.ItemsSource = otherData; transportPivot.SelectedItem = otherPivot; } } enableApplicationBarButton(); } else { enableApplicationBarButton(); } }
public IVoiLut GetLut(Other applicator) { return _lutGetter(applicator); }