public virtual void Move(MoveEventArgs e) { if (e.distance == 0) { return; } lock (privateLock) { if (!this._movable) { return; } if ((DateTime.Now - lastMoveTime).TotalSeconds < 1 / _frameRate) { return; } MoveStart?.Invoke(this); XYPosition previousPosition = _position; _position = _position + new XYPosition(e.distance * Math.Cos(e.angle), e.distance * Math.Sin(e.angle)); Debug(this, "Move from " + previousPosition.ToString() + " angle : " + e.angle + " distance : " + e.distance + " aim : " + _position.ToString()); OnMove?.Invoke(this, e, previousPosition); Debug(this, "Move result poition : " + this._position.ToString()); MoveComplete?.Invoke(this); } }
public override void SetModeMove(Vector3 vector) { RaycastHit hit; //Debug.DrawLine((transform.position + orientation), (transform.position + orientation) + Vector3.down,, 10f); if (!Physics.Raycast((transform.position + orientation), Vector3.down, out hit, 1f)) { return; } canReset = false; OnMove?.Invoke(orientation); RotationCheck(); _elapsedTime = 0; direction = transform.position + orientation; previousRot = transform.rotation; addedRotation = previousRot * Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, axis); previousPos = transform.position; // init move StartMoveBehavior(); DoAction = DoActionMove; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void HandleComponentState(ComponentState state) { var newState = (TransformComponentState)state; if (LocalRotation != newState.Rotation) { SetRotation(newState.Rotation); OnRotate?.Invoke(newState.Rotation); } if (_position != newState.LocalPosition || GridID != newState.GridID) { var oldPos = LocalPosition; // TODO: this is horribly broken if the parent changes too, because the coordinates are all messed up. // Help. OnMove?.Invoke(this, new MoveEventArgs(oldPos, LocalCoordinatesFor(newState.LocalPosition, newState.GridID))); SetPosition(newState.LocalPosition); GridID = newState.GridID; } var newParentId = newState.ParentID; if (Parent?.Owner?.Uid != newParentId) { DetachParent(); if (!newParentId.HasValue || !newParentId.Value.IsValid()) { return; } var newParent = Owner.EntityManager.GetEntity(newParentId.Value); AttachParent(newParent.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>()); } }
public void Reveal(int row, int col) { TestCoord(row, col, nameof(Reveal)); if (UnsField[row, col] != Hidden) { return; } UnsField[row, col] = SolField[row, col]; OnMove?.Invoke(this, new MoveArgs(row, col, Move.Reveal, UnsField[row, col])); if (UnsField[row, col] == Mine) { OnEnd?.Invoke(this, new ResultArgs(GameResult.Lost)); return; } if (UnsField[row, col] == 0) { foreach ((int nRow, int nCol) in GetAdj(row, col)) { Reveal(nRow, nCol); } } if (Game.HasWon()) { OnEnd?.Invoke(this, new ResultArgs(GameResult.Won)); } }
private void onMove(Vector3 target) { if (CurrentDrag == Drag.None) { OnMove.Invoke(target); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the Movement. /// </summary> public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (Freeze) { return; } TargetSpeed.MaxX = Speed.MaxX; TargetSpeed.MaxY = Speed.MaxY; if (Axis != null) { TargetSpeed.X = Axis.X * TargetSpeed.MaxX; TargetSpeed.Y = Axis.Y * TargetSpeed.MaxY; // Multiply by 1/sqrt(2) for circle clamp. if (CircleClamp && Math.Abs(TargetSpeed.X) == 1 && Math.Abs(TargetSpeed.Y) == 1) { TargetSpeed.X *= .7071f; TargetSpeed.Y *= .7071f; } } Speed.X = Util.Approach(Speed.X, TargetSpeed.X, Accel); Speed.Y = Util.Approach(Speed.Y, TargetSpeed.Y, Accel); MoveXY((int)Speed.X, (int)Speed.Y, Collider); OnMove?.Invoke(); }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { OnMove?.Invoke(Vector2Int.left); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { OnMove?.Invoke(Vector2Int.right); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { OnMove?.Invoke(Vector2Int.up); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { OnMove?.Invoke(Vector2Int.down); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { OnRestart?.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { OnEscape?.Invoke(); } }
private void InitializePositionEvents() { MovFun = (Glfw.Window P, int X, int Y) => { foreach (IMonitor monitor in Environment.Platform.AvaiableMonitors) { if (Position > monitor.Position && Position < monitor.Position + monitor.CurrentResolution.ResolutionSize) Monitor = monitor; } OnMove?.Invoke(this, new WindowMoveEventArgs { Position = new Vector2i(X, Y) }); }; SizFun = (Glfw.Window P, int W, int H) => { foreach (IMonitor monitor in Environment.Platform.AvaiableMonitors) { if (Position > monitor.Position && Position < monitor.Position + monitor.CurrentResolution.ResolutionSize) Monitor = monitor; } OnResize?.Invoke(this, new WindowResizeEventArgs { Size = new Vector2i(W, H) }); }; Glfw.SetWindowPosCallback(Handle, MovFun); Glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(Handle, SizFun); }
public void OnClickButton(string message) { if (message == "move") { if (OnAttack != null) { OnMove.Invoke(Actor); } } else if (message == "attack") { if (OnAttack != null) { OnAttack.Invoke(Actor); } } else if (message == "turn") { if (OnTurn != null) { OnTurn.Invoke(Actor); } } else if (message == "finish") { if (OnFinish != null) { OnFinish.Invoke(Actor); } } }
private void Update() { var hadAKeyPressed = keyPressed; keyPressed = false; var direction =; if (Input.GetKey(up)) { direction += new Vector2(0, 1); } if (Input.GetKey(down)) { direction += new Vector2(0, -1); } if (Input.GetKey(left)) { direction += new Vector2(-1, 0); } if (Input.GetKey(right)) { direction += new Vector2(1, 0); } if (direction != { keyPressed = true; } if (hadAKeyPressed || keyPressed) { OnMove?.Invoke(direction); } }
/// <summary> /// Makes a new instance of <see cref="GlfwMouse"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="window">Current context.</param> public GlfwMouse(GlfwWindow window) { handler = window; handler.OnRestore += Handler_OnRestore; cursorCallback = (w, x, y) => { OnMove?.Invoke(this, new MousePositiontEventArgs { Position = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) }); }; scrollCallback = (w, x, y) => { OnScroll?.Invoke(this, new MouseOffsetEventArgs { Offset = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) }); }; buttonCallback = (w, button, action, modifiers) => { OnButtonEvent?.Invoke(this, new MouseKeyEventArgs { Key = (MouseButton)button, Action = (KeyState)action, Modifiers = (KeyModifier)modifiers }); }; }
public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { base.OnPointerDown(eventData); joystickHandle.position = eventData.pressPosition; OnMove?.Invoke(this, input); }
void SetCellToStone(Cell prevCel, Cell newCell, Stone s, bool isBack = false) { if (newCell != null) { if (!isBack) { movesCount++; } else { movesCount--; } OnMove?.Invoke(movesCount); bool inPit = !s.Interactable; newCell.SetStone(s); prevCel.TakeStone(); Debug.Log(" s.StartMove start"); s.StartMove(newCell.transform, inPit, isBack); Debug.Log(" s.StartMove finish"); } }
public static void Attach(Transform target, Vector3 localPosition) { = target; Instance.transform.SetParent(target); Instance.transform.localPosition = localPosition; OnMove.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Generates new position for idle move. /// </summary> /// <param name="normalStep">idle step</param> private void GenerateRandomIdlePosition(byte normalStep) { float x1 = PosX - normalStep; if (x1 < MoveArea.X1) { x1 = MoveArea.X1; } float x2 = PosX + normalStep; if (x2 > MoveArea.X2) { x2 = MoveArea.X2; } float z1 = PosZ - normalStep; if (z1 < MoveArea.Z1) { z1 = MoveArea.Z1; } float z2 = PosZ + normalStep; if (z2 < MoveArea.Z2) { z2 = MoveArea.Z2; } PosX = new Random().NextFloat(x1, x2); PosZ = new Random().NextFloat(z1, z2); //_logger.LogDebug($"Mob {Id} walks to new position x={PosX} y={PosY} z={PosZ}."); OnMove?.Invoke(this); }
void KeyboardMovement() { var position = boardMover.Position; int delta = 0; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { delta--; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { delta++; } if (delta != 0) { var newPosition = new RadialPosition(position.Lane + delta, 0); if (BoardController.Instance.TryMove(boardMover, newPosition)) { Factory.Instance.PlaySound(MovementClip, pitchVariance.GetRandomPitch(), MovementVolume); sr.sprite = PlayerSprites[newPosition.Lane]; OnMove?.Invoke(newPosition); } else { Factory.Instance.PlaySound(BlockedClip, pitchVariance.GetRandomPitch(), BlockedVolume); } } }
private void LateUpdate() { m_TimeRate = Mathf.Lerp(m_MaxTimeRate, m_MinTimeRate, m_FoodAmount / m_MaxFoodAmount); m_ElapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (m_ElapsedTime < m_TimeRate) { return; } if (MoveUp > 0.0f) { m_Movement = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); } else if (MoveRight > 0.0f) { m_Movement = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); } else if (MoveDown > 0.0f) { m_Movement = new Vector3(0, 0, -1); } else if (MoveLeft > 0.0f) { m_Movement = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); } OnMove?.Invoke(); m_FirstBody.ChangePosition(transform.position); transform.position += m_Movement; Reset(); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void HandleComponentState(ComponentState state) { var newState = (TransformComponentState)state; Rotation = newState.Rotation; if (_position != newState.Position || MapID != newState.MapID || GridID != newState.GridID) { OnMove?.Invoke(this, new MoveEventArgs(LocalPosition, new LocalCoordinates(newState.Position, newState.GridID, newState.MapID))); _position = newState.Position; MapID = newState.MapID; GridID = newState.GridID; } if (Parent?.Owner?.Uid != newState.ParentID) { DetachParent(); if (!(newState.ParentID is int parentID)) { return; } var newParent = Owner.EntityManager.GetEntity(parentID); AttachParent(newParent.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>()); } }
public void Move() { x = new Random().Next(); y = new Random().Next(); OnMove?.Invoke(x, y); }
private void InvokeMoveEvents() { var event_args = new ElementMoveArgs(this, ActualRow, ActualColumn); OnMove?.Invoke(event_args); Grid.OnMove?.Invoke(event_args); }
/// <summary> /// Moves mob to the specified position. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">x coordinate</param> /// <param name="z">z coordinate</param> private void Move(float x, float z) { if (Math.Abs(PosX - x) < DELTA && Math.Abs(PosZ - z) < DELTA) { return; } if (_dbMob.ChaseStep == 0 || _dbMob.ChaseTime == 0) { return; } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var mobVector = new Vector2(PosX, PosZ); var destinationVector = new Vector2(x, z); var normalizedVector = Vector2.Normalize(destinationVector - mobVector); var deltaTime = now.Subtract(_lastMoveUpdate); var deltaMilliseconds = deltaTime.TotalMilliseconds > 2000 ? 500 : deltaTime.TotalMilliseconds; var temp = normalizedVector * (float)(_dbMob.ChaseStep * 1.0 / _dbMob.ChaseTime * deltaMilliseconds); PosX += float.IsNaN(temp.X) ? 0 : temp.X; PosZ += float.IsNaN(temp.Y) ? 0 : temp.Y; _lastMoveUpdate = now; // Send update to players, that mob position has changed. if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastMoveUpdateSent).TotalMilliseconds > 1000) { OnMove?.Invoke(this); _lastMoveUpdateSent = now; } }
private void Update() { if (target != null && target.hasChanged) { OnMove.Invoke(); target.hasChanged = false; } }
internal void RegisterInputMove(PointerEventArgs args) { if (CountMovingAsDown) { downPointers.Add(args.RawTouchLocation.Id); } OnMove?.Invoke(this, args); }
void HandleMovementInput() { var normalizedRawInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical")).NormalizeIfMagnitudeGreaterThanOne(); var movementVector = CalculateMovementVector(normalizedRawInput); OnMove?.Invoke(movementVector); }
public virtual void MoveTo(Vector3Int destination) { Movement.CanMove = false; Position = destination; OnMove?.Invoke(); UpdateVision(); }
protected override void OnDeltaChanged() { base.OnDeltaChanged(); LatestMoveAmount = Delta - PreviousDelta; PreviousDelta = Delta; OnMove?.Invoke(this, LatestMoveAmount); SkiaManager.InvalidCanvas(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the object has moved. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (prevPosition != Holder.Position) { OnMove?.Invoke(this, args); } prevPosition = Holder.Position; args.PreviousPosition = prevPosition; }
void Update() { if (Input.touches.Length < 0) { return; } if (Input.touches.Length > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { this._downPossition = Input.GetTouch(0).position; } if (this._downPossition == { return; } else if (this._dragTimer > 0) { this._dragTimer -= Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { this._currentPossiton = Input.GetTouch(0).position; float distance = this.GetSwipeDistance(this._downPossition, this._currentPossiton); if (distance != 0 && this._dragTimer > 0) { this._swiping = true; OnMove?.Invoke(distance); } else if (this._dragTimer <= 0 && !this._swiping) { OnDrag?.Invoke(this._currentPossiton); } } if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { this._upPossition = Input.GetTouch(0).position; int direction = this.GetSwipeDirection(this._downPossition, this._upPossition); if (direction != 0) { this._swiping = false; OnSwipe?.Invoke(direction); } else if (!this._swiping) { OnTouch?.Invoke(this._downPossition); } this._dragTimer = this._dragTimerReset; this._downPossition =; } }
private void OnInputMovement(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { Vector2 movement = context.ReadValue <Vector2>(); //Debug.Log($"{index}: Move {movement}"); OnMove?.Invoke(movement); OnMoveHorizontal?.Invoke(movement.x); OnMoveVertical?.Invoke(movement.y); }
private void Update() { OnMove?.Invoke(); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { OnSpawnBomb?.Invoke(); } }