Esempio n. 1
        public override async Task <bool> Execute(Source source, BlockchainType blockchain, BlockchainNetwork network)
            await using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(OTHubSettings.Instance.MariaDB.ConnectionString))
                int blockchainID = await GetBlockchainID(connection, blockchain, network);

                var pendingJobs = (await connection.QueryAsync(
                                       @"SELECT * FROM findnodesbywalletjob WHERE EndDate is null AND BlockchainID = @blockchainID ORDER BY StartDate",

                foreach (var pendingJob in pendingJobs)
                    OTIdentity[] identities = await OTIdentity.GetAll(connection, blockchainID);

                    uint   id      = pendingJob.ID;
                    string address = pendingJob.Address;
                    string userID  = pendingJob.UserID;

                                     "Finding wallets for address " + address + " and user id " + userID + " on blockchain " +

                        await ProcessJob(connection, blockchainID, identities, address, blockchain, network, source, id);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.WriteLine(source, ex.ToString());
                        await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"UPDATE findnodesbywalletjob SET Failed = 1, EndDate = @endDate   WHERE ID = @id", new
                            id      = id,
                            endDate = DateTime.UtcNow


Esempio n. 2
        public override async Task <bool> Execute(Source source, BlockchainType blockchain, BlockchainNetwork network)
            ClientBase.ConnectionTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 0);

            await using (var connection =
                             new MySqlConnection(OTHubSettings.Instance.MariaDB.ConnectionString))
                int blockchainID = await GetBlockchainID(connection, blockchain, network);

                var cl = await GetWeb3(connection, blockchainID, blockchain);

                var profileStorageContractAddress = (await OTContract
                                                     .GetByTypeAndBlockchain(connection, (int)ContractTypeEnum.ProfileStorage, blockchainID)).SingleOrDefault(a => a.IsLatest);

                if (profileStorageContractAddress == null)

                var profileStorageContract =
                    new Contract(new EthApiService(cl.Client),
                                 AbiHelper.GetContractAbi(ContractTypeEnum.ProfileStorage, blockchain, network),
                var profileFunction = profileStorageContract.GetFunction("profile");

                var currentIdentities = await OTIdentity.GetAll(connection, blockchainID);

                Dictionary <string, decimal> paidOutBalances = (await connection
                                                                .QueryAsync <PayoutGroupHolder>(
                                                                    @"SELECT Holder, SUM(Amount) Amount FROM OTContract_Holding_Paidout WHERE BlockchainID = @blockchainID GROUP BY Holder",
                    blockchainID = blockchainID
                                                               .ToDictionary(k => k.Holder, k => k.Amount);

                Dictionary <string, OfferGroupHolder> offerTotals = (await connection.QueryAsync <OfferGroupHolder>(
                                                                         @"select i.Identity, COUNT(o.OfferID) as OffersTotal,
(SELECT count(so.OfferID) FROM otoffer_holders sh join otoffer so on so.OfferID = sh.OfferID AND so.BlockchainID = sh.BlockchainID
    WHERE sh.blockchainid = @blockchainID and sh.Holder = i.Identity AND so.CreatedTimestamp >= Date_Add(NOW(), INTERVAL -7 DAY)) as OffersLast7Days
 from otidentity i
join otoffer_holders h on h.Holder = i.Identity AND h.BlockchainID = i.BlockchainID
join otoffer o on o.OfferID = h.OfferID AND o.BlockchainID = h.BlockchainID
WHERE i.blockchainid = @blockchainID
GROUP BY i.Identity", new
                })).ToDictionary(k => k.Identity, k => k);
//                NodeManagementWallet[] managementWallets = (await connection.QueryAsync<NodeManagementWallet>(
//                    @"SELECT I.Identity, PC.ManagementWallet as CreateWallet, IT.ManagementWallet TransferWallet FROM OTIdentity I
//LEFT JOIN OTContract_Profile_ProfileCreated PC ON PC.Profile = I.Identity AND PC.BlockchainID = I.BlockchainID
//LEFT JOIN OTContract_Profile_IdentityTransferred IT ON IT.NewIdentity = I.Identity AND IT.BlockchainID = I.BlockchainID
//WHERE I.Version > 0 AND I.BlockchainID = @blockchainID", new
//                    {
//                        blockchainID
//                    })).ToArray();

                foreach (OTIdentity currentIdentity in currentIdentities)
                    bool     updateProfile    = true;
                    DateTime?lastActivityDate = null;

                    if (currentIdentity.Version != Constants.CurrentERCVersion)
                        if (currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp.HasValue)
                            DateTime adjustedNowTime = DateTime.Now;

                            if ((adjustedNowTime - currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp.Value).TotalDays <= 14)
                                updateProfile = false;
                    else if (currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp.HasValue)
                        var dates = (await connection.QueryAsync <DateTime?>(@"
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_identitycreated r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.NewIdentity = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_identitytransferred r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.NewIdentity = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_profilecreated r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.Profile = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_tokensdeposited r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.Profile = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_tokensreleased r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.Profile = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_tokensreserved r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.Profile = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_tokenstransferred r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE (r.Sender = @identity OR r.Receiver = @identity) AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(Timestamp) from otcontract_profile_tokenswithdrawn r
join ethblock b on r.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber AND r.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
WHERE r.Profile = @identity AND r.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(b.Timestamp) from otoffer_holders h
join otoffer o on o.offerid = h.offerid and o.BlockchainID = h.BlockchainID
join ethblock b on b.blocknumber = o.finalizedblocknumber AND h.BlockchainID = b.BlockchainID
where h.Holder = @identity  AND h.blockchainID = @blockchainID
SELECT MAX(Timestamp)
FROM otcontract_litigation_litigationcompleted lc
WHERE lc.HolderIdentity = @identity AND lc.DHWasPenalized = 1 AND lc.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(b.Timestamp) from otcontract_holding_paidout p
join ethblock b on b.blocknumber = p.blocknumber and b.BlockchainID = p.BlockchainID
where p.holder = @identity AND p.blockchainID = @blockchainID
select MAX(b.Timestamp)  from otcontract_holding_offerfinalized of
join otcontract_holding_offercreated oc on oc.OfferId = of.OfferId and oc.BlockchainID = of.BlockchainID
join OTIdentity i on i.NodeId = oc.DCNodeId and i.BlockchainID = oc.BlockchainID
join ethblock b on of.BlockNumber = b.BlockNumber and b.BlockchainID = of.BlockchainID
where i.Identity = @identity AND of.blockchainID = @blockchainID", new
                            identity = currentIdentity.Identity,
                        })).ToArray().Where(d => d.HasValue).Select(d => d.Value).ToArray();

                        var adjustedNowTime = DateTime.Now;

                        if (dates.Any())
                            lastActivityDate = dates.Max();

                            if (lastActivityDate.Value <= currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp)
                                if ((adjustedNowTime - currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp.Value).TotalHours <= 16)
                                    updateProfile = false;
                            if ((adjustedNowTime - currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp.Value).TotalHours <= 24)
                                updateProfile = false;

                    if (updateProfile || (currentIdentity.NodeId ?? "").Length > 40)
                        var output =
                            await profileFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <ProfileFunctionOutput>(

                        var stake               = Web3.Convert.FromWei(output.stake);
                        var stakeReserved       = Web3.Convert.FromWei(output.stakeReserved);
                        var nodeId              = HexHelper.ByteArrayToString(output.nodeId, false).Substring(0, 40);
                        var withdrawalAmount    = Web3.Convert.FromWei(output.withdrawalAmount);
                        var withdrawalTimestamp = (UInt64)output.withdrawalTimestamp;
                        var reputation          = (UInt64)output.reputation;

                        if (currentIdentity.Stake != stake ||
                            currentIdentity.StakeReserved != stakeReserved ||
                            currentIdentity.NodeId != nodeId ||
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalAmount != withdrawalAmount ||
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalPending != output.withdrawalPending ||
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalTimestamp != withdrawalTimestamp ||
                            currentIdentity.Reputation != reputation)
                            currentIdentity.Stake               = stake;
                            currentIdentity.StakeReserved       = stakeReserved;
                            currentIdentity.NodeId              = nodeId;
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalAmount    = withdrawalAmount;
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalPending   = output.withdrawalPending;
                            currentIdentity.WithdrawalTimestamp = withdrawalTimestamp;
                            currentIdentity.Reputation          = reputation;
                            currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

                            await OTIdentity.UpdateFromProfileFunction(connection, currentIdentity);
                            currentIdentity.LastSyncedTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                            await OTIdentity.UpdateLastSyncedTimestamp(connection, currentIdentity);

                    if (!paidOutBalances.TryGetValue(currentIdentity.Identity, out var paidRow))
                        paidRow = 0;

                    offerTotals.TryGetValue(currentIdentity.Identity, out var offerRow);

                    if (currentIdentity.Paidout != paidRow ||
                        currentIdentity.TotalOffers != (offerRow?.OffersTotal ?? 0) ||
                        currentIdentity.OffersLast7Days != (offerRow?.OffersLast7Days ?? 0) ||
                        currentIdentity.ActiveOffers != 0 ||
                        (currentIdentity.LastActivityTimestamp != lastActivityDate && lastActivityDate.HasValue))
                        currentIdentity.Paidout               = paidRow;
                        currentIdentity.TotalOffers           = offerRow?.OffersTotal ?? 0;
                        currentIdentity.OffersLast7Days       = offerRow?.OffersLast7Days ?? 0;
                        currentIdentity.ActiveOffers          = 0;
                        currentIdentity.LastActivityTimestamp = lastActivityDate;

                        await OTIdentity.UpdateFromPaidoutAndApprovedCalculation(connection, currentIdentity);
