void GenerateTerrain()
        int halfHeight = mapSize.y / 2;

        for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
                float density = halfHeight - y;
                density += Noise.CalcPixel1DFractal(x, 0.03f, 3) * 30.0f;

                float noise = Noise.CalcPixel2DFractal(x, y, 0.01f, 3);

                if (density > 0)
                    if (noise <= 0.3)

                    float randomLight = Noise.CalcPixel2D(x, y, 0.03f);
                    if (randomLight >= 0.91f)
                        float randomType = Noise.CalcPixel2D(x, y, 0.01f);
                        SetTile(new int2(x, y), tileInformations[(int)TileUtil.MinMaxNormalization(randomType, 0, 1, 3, 6)].id);
                        SetTile(new int2(x, y), tileInformations[1].id);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a noise map of layered simplex noise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the map.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the map.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">How big the noise is gonna be scaled.</param>
        /// <param name="octaves">The amount of noise layers.</param>
        /// <param name="persistance">The change of impact/ amplitude each noise layer has (higher value = more impact).</param>
        /// <param name="lacunarity">The change of scale ich noise layer has (higher value = bigger scale).</param>
        /// <param name="offsetX">The x-offset of the map.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetY">The y-offset of the map.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float[,] GenerateMap(
            int width, int height, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0, int seed = 0, float scale = 1, int octaves = 4, float persistance = 0.5f,
            float lacunarity = 2f)
            var map = new float[width, height];

            Noise.Seed = seed;

            for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    var value     = 0F;
                    var frequency = 1F;
                    var amplitude = 1F;
                    var posX      = x + offsetX;
                    var posY      = y + offsetY;

                    for (var i = 0; i < octaves; ++i)
                        var noise = Noise.CalcPixel2D(posX, posY, scale * frequency) * amplitude;

                        value += noise;

                        amplitude *= persistance;
                        frequency *= lacunarity;

                    map[x, y] = value;

            if (NormalizeValues)
                for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        var value = _Normalize(map[x, y], 0, 417) * MaxValue;
                        map[x, y] = value;

Esempio n. 3
    private static void SetBlocks2DNoise(Position globalChunkPos, Chunk chunk, int baseGlobalPosition)
        int   raise          = globalChunkPos.Y - baseGlobalPosition + 90;
        float heightSmoother = 0.5f;

        for (int x = 0; x < CHUNK_SIZE; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < CHUNK_SIZE; z++)
                Position blockPos   = globalChunkPos.Add(x, 0, z);
                float    noiseValue = Noise.CalcPixel2D(Mathf.Abs(blockPos.X), Mathf.Abs(blockPos.Z), 0.002f) * heightSmoother;
                for (int y = 0; y < CHUNK_SIZE; y++)
                    chunk.Blocks[x, y, z] = new Block(BlockDefManager.GetBlockDef(noiseValue > (raise + y) ? 1 : 0), blockPos.Add(0, y, 0), chunk);
Esempio n. 4
        public Map GenerateMap()

            Chunks = new Chunk[Config.MapWidth, Config.MapHeight];

            for (uint chunkI = 0; chunkI < Config.MapWidth; chunkI++)
                for (uint chunkJ = 0; chunkJ < Config.MapHeight; chunkJ++)
                    Chunk chunk = Chunks[chunkI, chunkJ] =
                        new Chunk(this, new Vector2f(chunkI * Config.ChunkSize, chunkJ * Config.ChunkSize));

                    for (uint voxelI = 0; voxelI < Config.ChunkSize; voxelI++)
                        float height = Noise.CalcPixel1D(
                            (int)((chunkI * Config.ChunkSize) + voxelI),
                            Config.HorizontalNoiseScale) * (Config.VerticalNoiseScale / 128f);

                        for (uint voxelJ = 0; voxelJ < Config.ChunkSize; voxelJ++)
                            bool isGround = (chunkJ * Config.ChunkSize) + voxelJ > height + Config.GroundLevel;

                            bool isFloating = Noise.CalcPixel2D(
                                (int)((chunkI * Config.ChunkSize) + voxelI),
                                (int)((chunkJ * Config.ChunkSize) + voxelJ),
                                Config.FloatingNoiseScale) / 128f
                                              < Config.FloatingNoiseThreshold;

                            chunk[voxelI, voxelJ] =
                                isGround || isFloating
                                    ? new Voxel(this, Config.GroundVoxelType)
                                    : new Voxel(this);

Esempio n. 5
    public void Run()
        Random r = new Random();

        Noise.Seed = r.Next(0, 255);

        float gridCount  = 256 + 128;
        float gridWidth  = this.width / 2f / gridCount;
        float gridHeight = this.height / gridCount;

        uint   lineCount            = 128 + 64;
        uint   lerpSteps            = (uint)gridCount;
        double viewDistance         = 256 + 128;
        double FOV                  = viewDistance * 0.5625;
        double FOVDecrease          = FOV / lineCount;
        double viewDistanceDecrease = viewDistance / lineCount;

        Vertex[]     textureMap = new Vertex[(uint)(gridCount * gridCount * 4)];
        VertexBuffer tm         = new VertexBuffer((uint)(gridCount * gridCount * 4), PrimitiveType.Quads, VertexBuffer.UsageSpecifier.Stream);

        double[] heightMap = new double[(int)(gridCount * gridCount)];

        Vertex[]     quadVertices = new Vertex[(int)(lineCount * lerpSteps * 4f)];
        VertexBuffer quadBuffer   = new VertexBuffer((uint)(lineCount * lerpSteps * 4f), PrimitiveType.Quads, VertexBuffer.UsageSpecifier.Stream);

        VertexArray skyBox = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Quads, 4);
        Vertex      v      = new Vertex(new Vector2f(0, 0), new Color(Color.Black));

        v.Color    = new Color(70, 161, 236, 255);
        v.Position = new Vector2f(0f, 0f);
        skyBox[0]  = v;
        v.Position = new Vector2f(this.width / 2f, 0f);
        skyBox[1]  = v;
        v.Color    = new Color(239, 195, 128, 255);
        v.Position = new Vector2f(this.width / 2f, this.height);
        skyBox[2]  = v;
        v.Position = new Vector2f(0f, this.height);
        skyBox[3]  = v;

        VertexArray lineVertices = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Lines, lineCount * 2);

        uint terrainIndex = 0;
        uint heightIndex  = 0;

        for (float i = 0; i < gridCount; i += 1)
            for (float j = 0; j < gridCount; j += 1)
                v.Position.X = j * gridWidth;
                v.Position.Y = i * gridHeight;
                double heightMapH = Noise.CalcPixel2D((int)v.Position.X, (int)v.Position.Y, 0.007f);

                if (heightMapH < 64)
                    if (heightMapH < 24)
                        v.Color = this.HSLToRGB(215.0, this.Lerp(heightMapH, 0f, 24, 0.55, 1), this.Lerp(heightMapH, 0f, 24, 0.55, 0.45), 255);
                        v.Color = this.HSLToRGB(215.0, 1.0, this.Lerp(heightMapH, 0.0, 64.0, 0.55, 0.7), 255);
                    heightMapH = 64;
                else if (heightMapH < 96)
                    v.Color = this.HSLToRGB(50.0, 1.0, this.Lerp(heightMapH, 64.0, 86.0, 0.64, 0.80), 255);
                    v.Color     = this.HSLToRGB(this.Lerp(heightMapH, 96f, 255f, 115f, 130), this.Lerp(heightMapH, 86.0, 220.0, 1.0, 0.40), this.Lerp(heightMapH, 86.0, 220.0, 0.6, 0.25), 255);
                    heightMapH += 20 * r.NextDouble();
                    if (r.NextDouble() < 0.1)
                        v.Color     = this.HSLToRGB(this.Lerp(heightMapH, 96f, 255f, 0f, 355f), 0.7, 0.57, 255);
                        heightMapH += 20 * r.NextDouble();

                heightMap[heightIndex++] = heightMapH;

                textureMap[terrainIndex++] = v;
                v.Position.X += gridWidth;
                textureMap[terrainIndex++] = v;
                v.Position.Y += gridHeight;
                textureMap[terrainIndex++] = v;
                v.Position.X -= gridWidth;
                textureMap[terrainIndex++] = v;

        Shader shader  = new Shader(null, null, "C:\\Users\\Alfred\\RiderProjects\\VoxelSpace\\VoxelSpace\\fra.frag");
        Shader shader2 = new Shader("C:\\Users\\Alfred\\RiderProjects\\VoxelSpace\\VoxelSpace\\ver.vert", null, "C:\\Users\\Alfred\\RiderProjects\\VoxelSpace\\VoxelSpace\\fra2.frag");

        RenderStates renderState = new RenderStates(shader);

        renderState.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha;
        RenderStates renderState2 = new RenderStates(shader2);

        renderState2.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha;

        shader.SetUniform("u_resolution", new Vector2f(this.width, this.height));
        shader2.SetUniform("u_resolution", new Vector2f(this.width, this.height));

        float angle        = 0.0f;
        float counter      = 0f;
        float targetHeight = 0f;
        float playerHeight = 0f;

        short[] ringBuffer      = new short[(int)(0.3f * this.music.SampleRate) * this.music.ChannelCount];
        int     ringBufferIndex = 0;


        while (this.window.IsOpen)
            this.deltaTime         = this.clock.Restart().AsSeconds();
            this.deltaTimeCounter += this.deltaTime;
            shader.SetUniform("u_time", this.deltaTimeCounter / 4f);
            shader2.SetUniform("u_time", counter / 32);

            float abc   = this.music.SampleRate * this.deltaTime * this.music.ChannelCount;
            float modu2 = this.song.PlayingOffset.AsSeconds() * this.music.SampleRate * this.music.ChannelCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < abc; i++)
                int   modu  = this.Mod(ringBufferIndex, ringBuffer.Length - 1);
                short value = this.copyBuffer[this.Mod((int)(modu2 + i), this.copyBuffer.Length - 1)];
                ringBuffer[modu] = value;

            float rms = this.AudioRMS(ringBuffer) * 2;

            //Console.WriteLine(1f / this.deltaTime);



            // 2D SHIP AND FOV LINES
            this.shipPos           += this.shipVec * (float)this.shipVel;
            this.shipShape.Position = this.shipPos;

            double f  = FOV;
            double vd = viewDistance;
            v.Color = Color.White;

            for (uint i = 0; i < lineCount * 2; i += 2)
                v.Position          = this.shipPos + this.shipVec * (float)vd + this.NormalDirection(this.shipVec) * (float)-f;
                lineVertices[i]     = v;
                v.Position          = this.shipPos + this.shipVec * (float)vd + this.NormalDirection(this.shipVec) * (float)f;
                lineVertices[i + 1] = v;

                vd -= viewDistanceDecrease;
                f  -= FOVDecrease;


            // 3D SKY BOX
            this.window.Draw(skyBox, renderState);

            // 3D VOXEL SPACE
            double sx = Math.Floor(this.shipPos.X / gridWidth - 1);
            double sy = Math.Floor(this.shipPos.Y / gridHeight - 1);
            if (sx >= 0 && sx < gridCount && sy >= 0 && sy < gridCount)
                targetHeight = (float)heightMap[(int)(sy * gridCount + sx)];
                targetHeight = 64;

            playerHeight += (targetHeight - playerHeight) / 10;
            shader2.SetUniform("player_height", playerHeight);

            uint  horizonHeight = (uint)(this.height / 3f);
            float alphaFadeIn   = 255f / lineCount * 4;
            uint  lineIndex     = 0;
            uint  voxelIndex    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++)
                Vector2f lineStart = lineVertices[lineIndex++].Position;
                Vector2f lineEnd   = lineVertices[lineIndex++].Position;

                for (int j = 0; j < lerpSteps; j++)
                    int xCoord = (int)(Math.Floor(this.Lerp(j, 0, lerpSteps, lineStart.X, lineEnd.X) / gridWidth) - 1);
                    int yCoord = (int)(Math.Floor(this.Lerp(j, 0, lerpSteps, lineStart.Y, lineEnd.Y) / gridHeight) - 1);

                    if (xCoord >= 0 && xCoord < gridCount && yCoord >= 0 && yCoord < gridCount)
                        double heightM = heightMap[(int)(yCoord * gridCount + xCoord)];
                        Color  color   = textureMap[(uint)(yCoord * gridCount + xCoord) * 4].Color;
                        color.A = (byte)Math.Clamp(i * alphaFadeIn, 0, 255);

                        v.Position.X = j * (this.width / 2 / lerpSteps);
                        v.Position.Y = (float)this.Lerp(heightM, 0, 255, this.height, horizonHeight) + playerHeight;
                        v.Color      = color;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.X += this.width / 2f / lerpSteps;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.Y = this.height;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.X -= this.width / 2f / lerpSteps;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Color = Color.Transparent;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.X += this.width / 2f / lerpSteps;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.Y = this.height;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;
                        v.Position.X -= this.width / 2f / lerpSteps;
                        quadVertices[voxelIndex++] = v;

            shader2.SetUniform("u_audio_average", rms);
            this.window.Draw(quadBuffer, renderState2);

            if (this.turnLeft)
                this.shipVec = this.RotatePoint(this.shipVec, 0.05f);
                this.NormalizeVector(ref this.shipVec);
                angle -= 0.01f;
                shader.SetUniform("player_angle", angle);
            else if (this.turnRight)
                this.shipVec = this.RotatePoint(this.shipVec, -0.05f);
                this.NormalizeVector(ref this.shipVec);
                angle += 0.01f;
                shader.SetUniform("player_angle", angle);
Esempio n. 6
        public Pixel(byte material)
            Material = material;
            if (material == Generator)
                color = Color.Magenta;
            if (material == Air)
                color = Color.Transparent;
                //color = new Color(Convert.ToByte(Math.Min(Math.Clamp(Program._uy, 0, Program._Height), 255)), Convert.ToByte(Math.Min(Math.Clamp(Program._uy, Program._Height / 2, Program._Height), 255)), 255);

            if (material == Sand)
                //this.color = Color.Yellow;
                Random rnd = new Random();
                byte   _RG = Convert.ToByte(rnd.Next(200, 255));
                color       = new Color(_RG, _RG, Convert.ToByte(rnd.Next(100, _RG)));
                OriginColor = color;
            if (Material == Water)
                Random rnd = new Random();
                byte   _RG = Convert.ToByte(rnd.Next(0, 100));
                color       = new Color(_RG, _RG, Convert.ToByte(rnd.Next(115, 255)));
                Pressure    = 1;
                OriginColor = color;
            if (Material == Dirt)
                uint x    = Program._ux;
                uint y    = Program._uy;
                int  xInt = Convert.ToInt32(x + Program.xOffset);
                int  yInt = Convert.ToInt32(y - Program.yOffset);
                byte _RGB = Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.2f)));
                if (Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.1f))) > 100)
                    _RGB += Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.1f)));

                if (Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.01f))) > 100)
                    _RGB += Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.01f)));

                byte _R = Convert.ToByte((_RGB + 60) / 2);
                byte _G = Convert.ToByte((_RGB + 35) / 2);
                byte _B = Convert.ToByte((_RGB + 3) / 2);
                color = new Color(_R, _G, _B);
                if (Up(Air, x, y))
                    _RGB  = Convert.ToByte(Math.Abs(128 - Noise.CalcPixel2D(xInt, yInt, 0.2f)));
                    color = new Color(0, _RGB, 0);
                if (Up(Water, x, y))
                    Program.field[x, y] = new Pixel(Sand);
                if (Up().Up(Water, x, y))
                    Program.field[x, y] = new Pixel(Sand);
Esempio n. 7
        public World CreateWorld()
            m_world  = new World(settingsScriptableObject);
            m_layout = m_world.layout;
            m_width  = m_world.size.x;
            m_height = m_world.size.y;

            m_seed = 123;
            SimplexNoise.Noise.Seed = 209323094;
            m_rand = new Unity.Mathematics.Random(m_seed);

            m_state = GenState.PRE_GEN;
            //if (File.Exists("test.txt"))
            //StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText("test.txt");

            for (int r = 0; r <= m_height; r++) // height
                int r_offset = Mathf.FloorToInt(r / 2f);
                for (int q = -r_offset; q <= m_width - r_offset; q++) // width with offset
                    Hex hex    = new Hex(q, r, -q - r);
                    var mapKey = hex.GetKey();
                    //writer.Write(mapKey.ToString() + "|");
                    Point pixel = m_layout.HexToPixel(hex);

                    if (!m_world.TileData.ContainsKey(mapKey))
                        GameObject gameobject = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3((float)pixel.x, (float)pixel.y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                        TileObject tObj       = gameobject.GetComponent <TileObject>();
                        m_world.TileData.Add(mapKey, tObj);
                        HexData hData = tObj.hexData;

                        float d = Noise.CalcPixel2D(q, r, .1f);

                        if (d < 55)
                            hData.isOcean = true;

                        tObj.hex = hex;

                        hData.age    = Random.Range(0, 50);
                        hData.height = d;

                        float distFromEquator = (float)m_world.Equator
                                                - Mathf.Abs((float)m_world.Equator - (float)r);
                        float tempFromDist = m_world.settings.poleTemp
                                             + (m_world.settings.equatorTemp - m_world.settings.poleTemp)
                                             * (distFromEquator / m_world.Equator);
                        hData.temp = tempFromDist + Random.Range(0, m_world.size.y * .25f + 1);

                        hData.wetness = Random.Range(0f, 255f);
                        Tile tile = tObj.FindCorrectTile();
            m_state = GenState.GENERATE;