public static string UseNameset(this string str, Nameset ns) { return(str.Replace("${townsperson}", ns.townsperson) .Replace("${mafia}", ns.mafia) .Replace("${cop}", ns.cop) .Replace("${doctor}", .Replace("${mayor}", ns.mayor)); }
public async Task CreateNameSet(string name, string mafia, string townsperson, string doctor, string detective, string mayor) { Nameset nameset = new Nameset { mafia = mafia, townsperson = townsperson, doctor = doctor, cop = detective, mayor = mayor }; if (!Messages.SaveNameset(nameset, name)) { await ReplyAsync("A nameset with the name '" + name + "' already exists. Pick a new name and try again..."); } else { await ReplyAsync("A nameset with the name " + name + " has now been created! Just type '" + MafiaBot.delimeter + "startgame " + name + "' to use it!"); } }
private static string RemoveUser(ref IUser[][] users, IUser rem, Nameset names) { if (users[1].Contains(rem)) { users[1] = users[1].Remove(rem); return(rem.Mention + " was hanged! They were a " + names.mafia); } else if (users[2].Contains(rem)) { users[2] = users[2].Remove(rem); return(rem.Mention + " was hanged! They were a " + names.cop); } else if (users[3].Contains(rem)) { users[3] = users[3].Remove(rem); return(rem.Mention + " was hanged! They were a " +; } else { users[0] = users[0].Remove(rem); return(rem.Mention + " was hanged! They were a " + names.townsperson); } }
public static bool SaveNameset(this Nameset names, string name) { if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/name-sets/" + name + ".json")) { return(false); } string lines = File.ReadAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/nameset-template.json"); lines = lines.UseNameset(names); FileStream fs = File.Create(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/name-sets/" + name + ".json"); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs); writer.Write(lines); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); return(true); }
public async Task StartGame(SocketCommandContext context, string nameset) { if (gamesInProgress.ContainsKey(context.Guild.Id)) { gamesInProgress[context.Guild.Id] = true; } else { gamesInProgress.Add(context.Guild.Id, true); } string settings = DBUtils.CheckDBsForServer(context.Guild.Id.ToString()); if (GuildUtils.NumberOfOnlineUsers(context.Guild) < int.Parse(Settings.ReadSetting(settings, "minplayers")) && !MafiaBot.DEBUG_MODE) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("\u274C Looks like the Mafia's finished everyone off. Try again when more people are online!"); return; } FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/name-sets/" + nameset + ".json"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fs); Nameset names = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Nameset>(reader.ReadToEnd()); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); //CREATE CATEGORY SocketCategoryChannel cat = await GuildUtils.AddCategoryChannel("Mafia Game Channels", context.Guild); await GuildUtils.RemoveAllCategoryChannels(cat); List <RestTextChannel> channels = new List <RestTextChannel>(); //SETTING UP CHANNELS --------------------- RestTextChannel town = await GuildUtils.AddChannel("Town", context.Guild, catergory : cat.Id); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(town, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.CANT_SEND); channels.Add(town); RestTextChannel mafia = await GuildUtils.AddChannel(names.mafia, context.Guild, catergory : cat.Id); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(mafia, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.CANT_SEND); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(mafia, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.BANNED_PERMISSIONS); channels.Add(mafia); RestTextChannel doctor = await GuildUtils.AddChannel(, context.Guild, catergory : cat.Id); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(doctor, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.CANT_SEND); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(doctor, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.BANNED_PERMISSIONS); channels.Add(doctor); RestTextChannel detective = await GuildUtils.AddChannel(names.cop, context.Guild, catergory : cat.Id); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(detective, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.CANT_SEND); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(detective, (new List <IUser>(context.Guild.Users)).ToArray(), GuildUtils.BANNED_PERMISSIONS); channels.Add(detective); CreateGame(context, settings, channels.ToArray(), names); return; }
public async Task <IUser[]> Night(SocketCommandContext context, string settings, RestTextChannel[] channels, Nameset names, IUser[][] users, IUser[] allUsers) { RestTextChannel townChannel = channels[0]; RestTextChannel mafiaChannel = channels[1]; RestTextChannel doctorChannel = channels[2]; RestTextChannel detectiveChannel = channels[3]; IUser[] townspeopleUsers = users[0]; IUser[] mafiaUsers = users[1]; IUser[] detectiveUser = users[2]; IUser[] doctorUser = users[3]; await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(townChannel, context, "Hang tight! The " + names.mafia + " are choosing who to kill!", Color.Blue); try { IUser killed = await RunVote(context.Guild, mafiaChannel, 60, Messages.MAFIA_VOTE_MESSAGE.Replace("${delimeter}", MafiaBot.delimeter).UseNameset(names), users[1], allUsers); await channels[1].SendMessageAsync(killed.Username + " will be killed..."); await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(townChannel, context, "Hang tight! The " + + " is choosing who to save!", Color.Blue); IUser saved = await RunVote(context.Guild, doctorChannel, 40, Messages.DOCTOR_VOTE_MESSAGE.Replace("${delimeter}", MafiaBot.delimeter).UseNameset(names), doctorUser, allUsers); await channels[3].SendMessageAsync(saved.Username + " will be saved..."); await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(townChannel, context, "Hang tight! The " + names.cop + " is learning someone's role!", Color.Blue); IUser learned = await RunVote(context.Guild, detectiveChannel, 40, Messages.DETECTIVE_VOTE_MESSAGE.Replace("${delimeter}", MafiaBot.delimeter).UseNameset(names), detectiveUser); Console.WriteLine(learned); if (learned != null) { if (mafiaUsers.Contains(learned)) { await detectiveChannel.SendMessageAsync(learned.Username + " is part of the " + names.mafia); } else if (doctorUser.Contains(learned)) { await detectiveChannel.SendMessageAsync(learned.Username + " is the " +; } else { await detectiveChannel.SendMessageAsync(learned.Username + " is a " + names.townsperson); } } if (killed.Id != saved.Id) { string roleReveal = ""; if (mafiaUsers.Contains(killed)) { roleReveal = "They were a " + names.mafia + "."; mafiaUsers = mafiaUsers.Remove(killed); } else if (detectiveUser.Contains(killed)) { roleReveal = "They were a " + names.cop + "."; detectiveUser = detectiveUser.Remove(killed); } else if (doctorUser.Contains(killed)) { roleReveal = "They were a " + + "."; doctorUser = doctorUser.Remove(killed); } else { roleReveal = "They were a " + names.townsperson + "."; townspeopleUsers = townspeopleUsers.Remove(killed); } await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(townChannel, context, Messages.GenerateDeathMessage(killed, roleReveal)); } else { await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(townChannel, context, Messages.GenerateSaveMessage(killed), new Color(255, 255, 255)); } return(new IUser[] { killed, saved }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(null); } }
//Channels //0 = town, 1 = mafia, 2 = doctor, 3 = detective //User Lists //0 = Townspeople, 1 = Mafia, 2 = Detective, 3 = Doctor private async Task RunGame(SocketCommandContext context, string settings, RestTextChannel[] channels, Nameset names, IUser[][] users) { try { IUser[] allUsers = users[0].Concat(users[1]).Concat(users[2]).Concat(users[3]).ToArray(); bool gameOver = false; await Task.Delay(25000); while (!gameOver) { //0 = killed, 1 = saved IUser[] results = await Night(context, settings, channels, names, users, allUsers); if (results[0].Id != results[1].Id) { if (MafiaBot.DEBUG_MODE) { Console.WriteLine(results[0] + " - " + results[1] + " - " + allUsers.Length); } allUsers = allUsers.Remove(results[0]); RemoveUser(ref users, results[0], names); } WinCondition condition = CheckWinCondition(users, ref gameOver); if (condition == WinCondition.MafiaWin) { await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(Messages.MAFIA_WIN_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); break; } else if (condition == WinCondition.TownspeopleWin) { await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(Messages.TOWNSPEOPLE_WIN_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); break; } await Task.Delay(5000); if (!mayors.ContainsKey(context.Guild.Id) || results[0].Id == mayors[context.Guild.Id].Id) { IUser mayor = await RunVote(context.Guild, channels[0], 30, Messages.MAYORAL_ELECTION_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names), allUsers, allUsers); await channels[0].SendMessageAsync("The votes are in and the electoral college has decided. Congratulations " + mayor.Mention + "! You're the new mayor!!"); if (mayors.ContainsKey(context.Guild.Id)) { mayors[context.Guild.Id] = mayor; } else { mayors.Add(context.Guild.Id, mayor); } } await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(mayors[context.Guild.Id].Mention + ": will there be a hanging today? If so, type '?hanging' within 20 seconds to start a vote."); await Task.Delay(20000, cancelTokens[context.Guild.Id].Token); if (cancelTokens[context.Guild.Id].IsCancellationRequested) { IUser hanged = await RunVote(context.Guild, channels[0], 30, Messages.HANGING_VOTE.UseNameset(names), allUsers, allUsers); allUsers = allUsers.Remove(hanged); await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(RemoveUser(ref users, hanged, names)); condition = CheckWinCondition(users, ref gameOver); if (condition == WinCondition.MafiaWin) { await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(Messages.MAFIA_WIN_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); } else if (condition == WinCondition.TownspeopleWin) { await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(Messages.TOWNSPEOPLE_WIN_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); } } else { await GuildUtils.SendEmbed(channels[0], context, "Fine coward, I guess there's no trial... Now I'm disappointed. Whelp, time for another round of the old-fashioned killing...", Color.Green); } } mayors.Remove(context.Guild.Id); votes.Remove(context.Guild.Id); gamesInProgress.Remove(context.Guild.Id); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private async Task CreateGame(SocketCommandContext context, string settings, RestTextChannel[] channels, Nameset names) { int milliseconds = int.Parse(Settings.ReadSetting(settings, "timetostart")) * 1000; await channels[0].SendMessageAsync("@here There's a game of mafia starting in " + (milliseconds / 1000) + " seconds!"); await Task.Delay(milliseconds / 2); await channels[0].SendMessageAsync((milliseconds / 2000) + " seconds until the game starts!"); await Task.Delay(milliseconds / 2); if (int.Parse(Settings.ReadSetting(settings, "maxplayers")) > await GuildUtils.NumberOfOnlineUsers(channels[0])) { await channels[0].SendMessageAsync("According to server settings, there can only be " + Settings.ReadSetting(settings, "maxplayers") + " players in the game. Anyone in this channel is considered a player, so some will have to go. Think something's wrong? Talk to the server owner..."); return; } //0 = Townspeople, 1 = Mafia, 2 = Detective, 3 = Doctor IUser[][] lists = GenerateUserLists(context.Guild.GetChannel(channels[0].Id)); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(channels[1], lists[1]); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(channels[3], lists[2]); await GuildUtils.SetAccessPermissions(channels[2], lists[3]); if (lists[2][0] != null) { await channels[3].SendMessageAsync(Messages.DETECTIVE_STARTING_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); } if (lists[3][0] != null) { await channels[2].SendMessageAsync(Messages.DOCTOR_STARTING_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); } await channels[0].SendMessageAsync(Messages.TOWNSPEOPLE_STARTING_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); await channels[1].SendMessageAsync(Messages.MAFIA_STARTING_MESSAGE.UseNameset(names)); if (!cancelTokens.ContainsKey(context.Guild.Id)) { cancelTokens.Add(context.Guild.Id, new CancellationTokenSource()); } RunGame(context, settings, channels, names, lists); }