bool DeleteMapFromOfficial(int index) { if (index >= mapInfoJson.officialMaps.Count) { Debug.Log("out of range"); return(false); } else { string dir = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Levels/"; string name = mapInfoJson.officialMaps[index].name; string author = mapInfoJson.officialMaps[index].author; dir = dir + name + '_' + author; MyUtils.DeleteDir(dir); return(true); } }
bool DeleteMapFromCustom(int index) { if (index >= mapInfoJson.customMaps.Count) { Debug.Log("out of range"); return(false); } else { string dir = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Levels/"; string name = mapInfoJson.customMaps[index].name; string author = mapInfoJson.customMaps[index].author; dir = dir + name + '_' + author; MyUtils.DeleteDir(dir); return(true); } }