private bool FindMaterial(IMyStorage storage, byte[] findMaterial)
            if (findMaterial.Length == 0)

            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();

            storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 2, Vector3I.Zero, storage.Size - 1);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("check", string.Format("SizeLinear {0}  {1}.", oldCache.SizeLinear, oldCache.StepLinear));

            Vector3I p;

            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < storage.Size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < storage.Size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < storage.Size.X; ++p.X)
                        var content  = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                        if (content > 0 && findMaterial.Contains(material))
Esempio n. 2
        byte IMyOctreeLeafNode.GetFilteredValue()
            MyStorageData filteredValueBuffer = FilteredValueBuffer;

            this.m_provider.ReadRange(filteredValueBuffer, this.m_dataType.ToFlags(), ref Vector3I.Zero, this.m_cell.Lod, ref this.m_cell.CoordInLod, ref this.m_cell.CoordInLod);
            return((this.m_dataType == MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Material) ? filteredValueBuffer.Material(0) : filteredValueBuffer.Content(0));
        private bool ReplaceAsteroidMaterial(ulong steamId, IMyVoxelBase originalAsteroid, string searchMaterialName1, string searchMaterialName2)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material1;
            string suggestedMaterials = "";

            if (!Support.FindMaterial(searchMaterialName1, out material1, ref suggestedMaterials))
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendMessage(steamId, "Invalid Material1 specified.", "Cannot find the material '{0}'.\r\nTry the following: {1}", searchMaterialName1, suggestedMaterials);

            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material2;

            if (!Support.FindMaterial(searchMaterialName2, out material2, ref suggestedMaterials))
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendMessage(steamId, "Invalid Material2 specified.", "Cannot find the material '{0}'.\r\nTry the following: {1}", searchMaterialName2, suggestedMaterials);

            var oldStorage = originalAsteroid.Storage;
            var oldCache   = new MyStorageData();

            oldStorage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, Vector3I.Zero, oldStorage.Size - 1);

            Vector3I p;

            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < oldStorage.Size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < oldStorage.Size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < oldStorage.Size.X; ++p.X)
                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);
                        if (material == material1.Index)
                            oldCache.Material(ref p, material2.Index);

            oldStorage.WriteRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, Vector3I.Zero, oldStorage.Size - 1);

            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendMessage(steamId, "Asteroid", "'{0}' material '{1}' replaced with '{2}'.", originalAsteroid.StorageName, material1.Id.SubtypeName, material2.Id.SubtypeName);
Esempio n. 4
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt(this VRage.Game.Voxels.IMyStorage self, ref Vector3D localCoords)
            Vector3I      lodVoxelRangeMin = Vector3D.Floor(localCoords / 1.0);
            MyStorageData target           = new MyStorageData(MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All);

            self.ReadRange(target, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, lodVoxelRangeMin, lodVoxelRangeMin);
Esempio n. 5
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt(this VRage.Game.Voxels.IMyStorage self, ref Vector3I voxelCoords)
            MyStorageData target = new MyStorageData(MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All);

            self.ReadRange(target, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All, 0, voxelCoords, voxelCoords);
            byte materialIndex = target.Material(0);

            return((materialIndex != 0xff) ? MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(materialIndex) : null);
        public static void GetMaterialContent(this VRage.Game.Voxels.IMyStorage self, ref Vector3I voxelCoords, out byte material, out byte content)
            MyStorageData myStorageData = new MyStorageData(MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial);

            self.ReadRange(myStorageData, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, voxelCoords, voxelCoords);

            material = myStorageData.Material(0);
            content  = myStorageData.Content(0);
Esempio n. 7
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt_R(this IMyStorage self, ref Vector3I voxelCoords)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition def;

            var cache = new MyStorageData();


            self.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, voxelCoords, voxelCoords);

            def = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(cache.Material(0));

            private unsafe void DrawMaterialsInfo(MyStorageData data)
                int *counts = stackalloc int[256];

                int cellCount = data.SizeLinear / data.StepLinear;

                for (int i = 0; i < data.SizeLinear; i += data.StepLinear)
                    byte mat = data.Material(i);

                Section("Probing Materials ({0} {1})", cellCount, cellCount > 1 ? "voxels" : "voxel");

                List <MatInfo> hits = new List <MatInfo>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    if (counts[i] > 0)
                        hits.Add(new MatInfo()
                            Material = (byte)i,
                            Count    = counts[i]


                int maxMaterial = MyDefinitionManager.Static.VoxelMaterialCount;

                foreach (var info in hits)
                    if (info.Material == MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL)
                        Text("    Null Material: {0}", info.Count);
                    else if (info.Material > maxMaterial)
                        Text("    Invalid Material({1}): {0}", info.Count, info.Material);
                        Text("    {1}: {0}", info.Count, MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(info.Material).Id.SubtypeName);
Esempio n. 9
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt(this IMyStorage self, ref Vector3D localCoords)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition def;

            Vector3I voxelCoords = Vector3D.Floor(localCoords / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES);

            MyStorageData cache = new MyStorageData();


            self.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, ref voxelCoords, ref voxelCoords);

            def = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(cache.Material(0));

Esempio n. 10
        private MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetVoxelMaterial(MyVoxelBase voxelBase, Vector3D hitPos)
            if (voxelBase.Storage == null || voxelBase.PositionComp == null)

            Vector3D localPosition;
            var      wm = voxelBase.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            Vector3D.TransformNoProjection(ref hitPos, ref wm, out localPosition);

            var voxelPosition = voxelBase.StorageMin + new Vector3I(localPosition) + (voxelBase.Size >> 1);

            voxelBase.Storage.ReadRange(StorageData, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, voxelPosition, voxelPosition);

            byte materialIndex = StorageData.Material(0);

        private bool IsValidVoxelTarget(NaniteMiningItem target, IMyEntity entity)
            if (entity == null)

            byte         material2 = 0;
            float        amount = 0;
            IMyVoxelBase voxel = entity as IMyVoxelBase;
            Vector3D     targetMin = target.Position;
            Vector3D     targetMax = target.Position;
            Vector3I     minVoxel, maxVoxel;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref targetMin, out minVoxel);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref targetMax, out maxVoxel);

            MyVoxelBase voxelBase = voxel as MyVoxelBase;

            minVoxel += voxelBase.StorageMin;
            maxVoxel += voxelBase.StorageMin;

            voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref minVoxel);
            voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref maxVoxel);

            MyStorageData cache = new MyStorageData();

            cache.Resize(minVoxel, maxVoxel);
            var flag = MyVoxelRequestFlags.AdviseCache;


            byte original = 0;

            voxel.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, minVoxel, maxVoxel, ref flag);

            original  = cache.Content(0);
            material2 = cache.Material(0);

            if (original == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                Logging.Instance.WriteLine("[Mining] Content is empty!", 2);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.InvokeOnGameThread(() =>
                                                          { AddMinedPosition(target); });

            Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"[Mining] Material: SizeLinear: {cache.SizeLinear}, Size3D: {cache.Size3D}, AboveISO: {cache.ContainsVoxelsAboveIsoLevel()}", 2);
            cache.Content(0, 0);

            var voxelMat = target.Definition;

            target.Amount = CalculateAmount(voxelMat, original * 8f);

            Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"[Mining] Removing: {target.Position} ({material2} {amount})", 2);

            if (material2 == 0)
                Logging.Instance.WriteLine("[Mining] Material is 0", 2);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.InvokeOnGameThread(() =>
                                                          { AddMinedPosition(target); });

            if (target.Amount == 0f)
                Logging.Instance.WriteLine("[Mining] Amount is 0", 2);
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.InvokeOnGameThread(() =>
                                                          { AddMinedPosition(target); });

        internal void ReadMaterialRange(MyStorageData target, ref Vector3I writeOffset, int lodIndex, ref Vector3I minInLod, ref Vector3I maxInLod)
            float          lodVoxelSizeHalf;
            BoundingBox    queryBox;
            BoundingSphere querySphere;

            SetupReading(lodIndex, ref minInLod, ref maxInLod, out lodVoxelSizeHalf, out queryBox, out querySphere);
            float lodVoxelSize = 2f * lodVoxelSizeHalf;

            var overlappedDeposits = OverlappedDeposits;

                ProfilerShort.Begin("Testing deposit shapes");
                ContainmentType testDeposits = ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_data.Deposits.Length; ++i)
                    var test = m_data.Deposits[i].Shape.Contains(ref queryBox, ref querySphere, lodVoxelSize);
                    if (test != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                        testDeposits = ContainmentType.Intersects;

                if (testDeposits == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                    target.BlockFillMaterial(writeOffset, writeOffset + (maxInLod - minInLod), m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index);

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Material computation");

            Vector3I v;

            for (v.Z = minInLod.Z; v.Z <= maxInLod.Z; ++v.Z)
                for (v.Y = minInLod.Y; v.Y <= maxInLod.Y; ++v.Y)
                    for (v.X = minInLod.X; v.X <= maxInLod.X; ++v.X)
                        Vector3 localPos = v * lodVoxelSize;

                        float closestDistance    = 1f;
                        byte  closestMaterialIdx = m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index;
                        if (!MyFakes.DISABLE_COMPOSITE_MATERIAL)
                            foreach (var deposit in overlappedDeposits)
                                float distance = deposit.Shape.SignedDistance(ref localPos, MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES, m_data.MacroModule, m_data.DetailModule);
                                if (distance < 0f && distance <= closestDistance)
                                    closestDistance = distance;
                                    // DA: Pass default material to the layered deposit so only that does these if-s.
                                    var materialDef = deposit.GetMaterialForPosition(ref localPos, lodVoxelSize);
                                    closestMaterialIdx = materialDef == null ? m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index : materialDef.Index;

                        var write = v - minInLod + writeOffset;
                        target.Material(ref write, closestMaterialIdx);
        private bool ReplaceAsteroidMaterial(IMyVoxelBase originalAsteroid, string searchMaterialName1, string searchMaterialName2)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material1;
            string suggestedMaterials = "";
            if (!Support.FindMaterial(searchMaterialName1, out material1, ref suggestedMaterials))
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Invalid Material1 specified.", "Cannot find the material '{0}'.\r\nTry the following: {1}", searchMaterialName1, suggestedMaterials);
                return true;

            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material2;
            if (!Support.FindMaterial(searchMaterialName2, out material2, ref suggestedMaterials))
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Invalid Material2 specified.", "Cannot find the material '{0}'.\r\nTry the following: {1}", searchMaterialName2, suggestedMaterials);
                return true;

            var oldStorage = originalAsteroid.Storage;
            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();
            oldStorage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, Vector3I.Zero, oldStorage.Size - 1);

            Vector3I p;
            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < oldStorage.Size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < oldStorage.Size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < oldStorage.Size.X; ++p.X)
                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);
                        if (material == material1.Index)
                            oldCache.Material(ref p, material2.Index);

            oldStorage.WriteRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, Vector3I.Zero, oldStorage.Size - 1);

            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Asteroid", "'{0}' material '{1}' replaced with '{2}'.", originalAsteroid.StorageName, material1.Id.SubtypeName, material2.Id.SubtypeName);
            return true;
        private static MyStorageBase Compatibility_LoadCellStorage(int fileVersion, Stream stream)
            //  Size of this voxel map (in voxels)
            Vector3I tmpSize;
            tmpSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            var storage = new MyOctreeStorage(null, tmpSize);

            //  Size of data cell in voxels. Has to be the same as current size specified by our constants.
            Vector3I cellSize;
            cellSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            Trace.Assert(cellSize.X == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Y == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Z == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);

            Vector3I cellsCount = tmpSize / cellSize;

            Dictionary<byte, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition> mappingTable = null;
            if (fileVersion == STORAGE_TYPE_VERSION_CELL)
                // loading material names->index mappings
                mappingTable = Compatibility_LoadMaterialIndexMapping(stream);
            else if (fileVersion == 1)
                // material name->index mappings were not saved in this version

            var startCoord = Vector3I.Zero;
            var endCoord = new Vector3I(MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);

            var cache = new MyStorageData();
            cache.Resize(Vector3I.Zero, endCoord);
            Vector3I cellCoord;
            for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                    for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                        MyVoxelRangeType cellType = (MyVoxelRangeType)stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();

                        //  Cell's are FULL by default, therefore we don't need to change them
                        switch (cellType)
                            case MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY); break;
                            case MyVoxelRangeType.FULL: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL); break;
                            case MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED:
                                Vector3I v;
                                for (v.X = 0; v.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.X++)
                                    for (v.Y = 0; v.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Y++)
                                        for (v.Z = 0; v.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Z++)
                                            cache.Content(ref v, stream.ReadByteNoAlloc());
                        startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                        endCoord = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                        storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);

            { // In case materials are not saved, catch any exceptions caused by this.
                // Read materials and indestructible
                for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                    for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                        for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                            bool isSingleMaterial = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc() == 1;
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material = null;

                            if (isSingleMaterial)
                                material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                byte indestructibleContent;
                                Vector3I voxelCoordInCell;
                                for (voxelCoordInCell.X = 0; voxelCoordInCell.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.X++)
                                    for (voxelCoordInCell.Y = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Y++)
                                        for (voxelCoordInCell.Z = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Z++)
                                            material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                            indestructibleContent = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();
                                            cache.Material(ref voxelCoordInCell, material.Index);
                            startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                            endCoord = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                            storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);
            catch (EndOfStreamException ex)

            return storage;
        private void ProcessAsteroid(string displayType, string displayName, IMyVoxelMap voxelMap, double distance, BoundingBoxD aabb)
            Vector3I min = Vector3I.MaxValue;
            Vector3I max = Vector3I.MinValue;
            Vector3I block;
            Dictionary <byte, long> assetCount = new Dictionary <byte, long>();

            // read the asteroid in chunks of 64 to avoid the Arithmetic overflow issue.
            for (block.Z = 0; block.Z < voxelMap.Storage.Size.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = 0; block.Y < voxelMap.Storage.Size.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = 0; block.X < voxelMap.Storage.Size.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cacheSize = new Vector3I(64);
                        var oldCache  = new MyStorageData();
                        // LOD1 is not detailed enough for content information on asteroids.
                        voxelMap.Storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        Vector3I p;
                        for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < cacheSize.Z; ++p.Z)
                            for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < cacheSize.Y; ++p.Y)
                                for (p.X = 0; p.X < cacheSize.X; ++p.X)
                                    var content = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                                    if (content > 0)
                                        min = Vector3I.Min(min, p + block);
                                        max = Vector3I.Max(max, p + block + 1);

                                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);
                                        if (assetCount.ContainsKey(material))
                                            assetCount[material] += content;
                                            assetCount.Add(material, content);

            var assetNameCount = new Dictionary <string, long>();

            foreach (var kvp in assetCount)
                var name = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(kvp.Key).Id.SubtypeName;
                if (assetNameCount.ContainsKey(name))
                    assetNameCount[name] += kvp.Value;
                    assetNameCount.Add(name, kvp.Value);
            assetNameCount = assetNameCount.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            var sum  = assetNameCount.Values.Sum();
            var ores = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var kvp in assetNameCount)
                ores.AppendFormat("{0}  {1:N}  {2:P}\r\n", kvp.Key, (double)kvp.Value / 255, (double)kvp.Value / (double)sum);

            var contentBox  = new BoundingBoxD(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + min, voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + max);
            var description = string.Format("Distance: {0:N}\r\nSize: {1}\r\nBoundingBox Center: [X:{2:N} Y:{3:N} Z:{4:N}]\r\n\r\nContent Size:{5}\r\nLOD0 Content Center: [X:{6:N} Y:{7:N} Z:{8:N}]\r\n\r\nMaterial  Mass  Percent\r\n{9}",
                                            distance, voxelMap.Storage.Size,
                                            aabb.Center.X, aabb.Center.Y, aabb.Center.Z,
                                            max - min,
                                            contentBox.Center.X, contentBox.Center.Y, contentBox.Center.Z,

            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMissionScreen(string.Format("ID {0}:", displayType), string.Format("'{0}'", displayName), " ", description, null, "OK");
Esempio n. 16
        private void MergeAsteroidMaterialFrom(ref MyVoxelMap newAsteroid, Vector3 min, StructureVoxelModel modelPrimary, StructureVoxelModel modelSecondary, Vector3 minPrimary, Vector3 minSecondary)
            var      filenameSecondary = modelSecondary.SourceVoxelFilepath ?? modelSecondary.VoxelFilepath;
            var      filenamePrimary   = modelPrimary.SourceVoxelFilepath ?? modelPrimary.VoxelFilepath;
            Vector3I block;
            Vector3I newBlock;
            Vector3I cacheSize;

            var asteroid = new MyVoxelMap();

            BoundingBoxI content = modelPrimary.InflatedContentBounds;

            for (block.Z = content.Min.Z; block.Z <= content.Max.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = content.Min.Y; block.Y <= content.Max.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = content.Min.X; block.X <= content.Max.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cache = new MyStorageData();
                        cacheSize = new Vector3I(MathHelper.Min(content.Max.X, block.X + 63) - block.X + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Y, block.Y + 63) - block.Y + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Z, block.Z + 63) - block.Z + 1);

                        asteroid.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        newBlock = ((minPrimary - min) + (Vector3D)(block - content.Min)).RoundToVector3I();
                        newAsteroid.Storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);

            content = modelSecondary.InflatedContentBounds;
            for (block.Z = content.Min.Z; block.Z <= content.Max.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = content.Min.Y; block.Y <= content.Max.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = content.Min.X; block.X <= content.Max.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cache = new MyStorageData();
                        cacheSize = new Vector3I(MathHelper.Min(content.Max.X, block.X + 63) - block.X + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Y, block.Y + 63) - block.Y + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Z, block.Z + 63) - block.Z + 1);

                        asteroid.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        newBlock = ((minSecondary - min) + (Vector3D)(block - content.Min)).RoundToVector3I();
                        var newCache = new MyStorageData();
                        newAsteroid.Storage.ReadRange(newCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);

                        Vector3I p;
                        for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < cacheSize.Z; ++p.Z)
                            for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < cacheSize.Y; ++p.Y)
                                for (p.X = 0; p.X < cacheSize.X; ++p.X)
                                    byte volume   = cache.Content(ref p);
                                    byte material = cache.Material(ref p);
                                    if (volume > 0)
                                        newCache.Material(ref p, material);

                        newAsteroid.Storage.WriteRange(newCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voxelMap"></param>
        /// <param name="resolution">0 to 8. 0 for fine/slow detail.</param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int FindMaterial(IMyVoxelBase voxelMap, Vector3D center, int resolution, double distance)
            int hits = 0;
            var materials = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinitions().Where(v => v.IsRare).ToArray();
            var findMaterial = materials.Select(f => f.Index).ToArray();
            var storage = voxelMap.Storage;
            var scale = (int)Math.Pow(2, resolution);

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("center", center.ToString());
            var point = new Vector3I(center - voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("point", point.ToString());

            var min = ((point - (int)distance) / 64) * 64;
            min = Vector3I.Max(min, Vector3I.Zero);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("min", min.ToString());

            var max = ((point + (int)distance) / 64) * 64;
            max = Vector3I.Max(max, min + 64);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("max", max.ToString());

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", voxelMap.StorageName + " " + storage.Size.ToString());

            if (min.X >= storage.Size.X ||
                min.Y >= storage.Size.Y ||
                min.Z >= storage.Size.Z)
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", "out of range");
                return 0;

            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();

            //var smin = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);
            //var smax = new Vector3I(31, 31, 31);
            ////var size = storage.Size;
            //var size = smax - smin + 1;
            //size = new Vector3I(16, 16, 16);
            //storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, Vector3I.Zero, size - 1);

            var smax = (max / scale) - 1;
            var smin = (min / scale);
            var size = smax - smin + 1;
            storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, smin, smax);

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("smax", smax.ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", size .ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size - 1", (size - 1).ToString());

            Vector3I p;
            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < size.X; ++p.X)
                        // place GPS in the center of the Voxel
                        var position = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (p * scale) + (scale / 2) + min;

                        if (Math.Sqrt((position - center).LengthSquared()) < distance)
                            var content = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                            var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                            if (content > 0 && findMaterial.Contains(material))
                                var index = Array.IndexOf(findMaterial, material);
                                var name = materials[index].MinedOre;
                                var gps = MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.Create("Ore " + name, "scanore", position, true, false);
                                MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.AddGps(MyAPIGateway.Session.Player.IdentityId, gps);
            return hits;
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt(this IMyStorage self, ref Vector3I voxelCoords)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition def;

            MyStorageData cache = new MyStorageData();

            self.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, ref voxelCoords, ref voxelCoords);

            def = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(cache.Material(0));

            return def;
Esempio n. 19
        public MyIsoMesh Precalc(IMyStorage storage, int lod, Vector3I voxelStart, Vector3I voxelEnd, bool generateMaterials, bool useAmbient, bool doNotCheck = false)
            // change range so normal can be computed at edges (expand by 1 in all directions)
            voxelStart -= 1;
            voxelEnd   += 1;

            if (storage == null)

            using (storage.Pin())
                if (storage.Closed)

                MyVoxelRequestFlags request = MyVoxelRequestFlags.ContentChecked; // | (doNotCheck ? MyVoxelRequestFlags.DoNotCheck : 0);
                //if (lod == 0 && generateMaterials) request |= MyVoxelRequestFlags.AdviseCache;

                bool readAmbient = false;

                if (generateMaterials && storage.DataProvider != null && storage.DataProvider.ProvidesAmbient)
                    readAmbient = true;

                m_cache.Resize(voxelStart, voxelEnd);
                if (readAmbient)
                    m_cache.StoreOcclusion = true;

                storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd, ref request);

                if (request.HasFlag(MyVoxelRequestFlags.EmptyContent) || request.HasFlag(MyVoxelRequestFlags.FullContent) ||
                    (!request.HasFlag(MyVoxelRequestFlags.ContentChecked) && !m_cache.ContainsIsoSurface()))
                    //if(generateMaterials && lod == 0) Debugger.Break();
                    //storage.DebugDrawChunk(voxelStart, voxelEnd);

                var    center           = (storage.Size / 2) * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES;
                var    voxelSize        = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES * (1 << lod);
                var    vertexCellOffset = voxelStart - AffectedRangeOffset;
                double numCellsHalf     = 0.5 * (m_cache.Size3D.X - 3);
                var    posOffset        = ((Vector3D)vertexCellOffset + numCellsHalf) * (double)voxelSize;

                if (generateMaterials)
                    // 255 is the new black

                if (readAmbient)
                    m_cache.Clear(MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Occlusion, 0);

                IsoMesher mesher = new IsoMesher();
                ProfilerShort.Begin("Dual Contouring");
                    fixed(byte *content = m_cache[MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Content])
                    fixed(byte *material = m_cache[MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Material])
                        var size3d = m_cache.Size3D;

                        Debug.Assert(size3d.X == size3d.Y && size3d.Y == size3d.Z);
                        mesher.Calculate(size3d.X, content, material, m_buffer, useAmbient, posOffset - center);

                if (generateMaterials)
                    request = 0;

                    request |= MyVoxelRequestFlags.SurfaceMaterial;
                    request |= MyVoxelRequestFlags.ConsiderContent;

                    var req = readAmbient ? MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material | MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Occlusion : MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material;

                    storage.ReadRange(m_cache, req, lod, ref voxelStart, ref voxelEnd, ref request);

                    FixCacheMaterial(voxelStart, voxelEnd);
                        fixed(byte *content = m_cache[MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Content])
                        fixed(byte *material = m_cache[MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Material])
                            int materialOverride = request.HasFlag(MyVoxelRequestFlags.OneMaterial) ? m_cache.Material(0) : -1;
                            var size3d           = m_cache.Size3D;

                            Debug.Assert(size3d.X == size3d.Y && size3d.Y == size3d.Z);

                            if (readAmbient)
                                fixed(byte *ambient = m_cache[MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Occlusion])
                                mesher.CalculateMaterials(size3d.X, content, material, ambient, materialOverride);
                                mesher.CalculateMaterials(size3d.X, content, material, null, materialOverride);


                if (m_buffer.VerticesCount == 0 || m_buffer.Triangles.Count == 0)

                ProfilerShort.Begin("Geometry post-processing");
                    var positions   = m_buffer.Positions.GetInternalArray();
                    var vertexCells = m_buffer.Cells.GetInternalArray();
                    var materials   = m_buffer.Materials.GetInternalArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_buffer.VerticesCount; i++)
                        Debug.Assert(positions[i].IsInsideInclusive(ref Vector3.MinusOne, ref Vector3.One));
                        vertexCells[i] += vertexCellOffset;
                        Debug.Assert(vertexCells[i].IsInsideInclusive(voxelStart + 1, voxelEnd - 1));
                        Debug.Assert(materials[i] != MyVoxelConstants.NULL_MATERIAL);

                    m_buffer.PositionOffset = posOffset;
                    m_buffer.PositionScale  = new Vector3((float)(numCellsHalf * voxelSize));
                    m_buffer.CellStart      = voxelStart + 1;
                    m_buffer.CellEnd        = voxelEnd - 1;

                // Replace filled mesh with new one.
                // This way prevents allocation of meshes which then end up empty.
                var buffer = m_buffer;
                m_buffer = new MyIsoMesh();
        protected override IEnumerator <bool> ProcessVoxels(HashSet <IMyVoxelBase> Voxels)
            if (!MyKernel.Session.Settings.EnableDrilling)
                yield return(false);
            if (Voxels.Count == 0)
                yield return(false);
            if (MyKernel.TermControls.ToolMode == true)
                yield return(false);
            if (!SafeZonesHelper.IsActionAllowed(MyKernel.Block.GetPosition(), MySafeZoneAction.Drilling, MyKernel.Block.EntityId))
                yield return(false);
            //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Processing {Voxels.Count} voxels");
            Stopwatch stopwatch  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            LineD     WorkingRay = new LineD(MyKernel.BeamDrawer.BeamStart, MyKernel.BeamDrawer.BeamEnd);

            foreach (MyVoxelBase Voxel in Voxels.OfType <MyVoxelBase>())
                if (!SafeZonesHelper.IsActionAllowed((Voxel as IMyEntity).WorldAABB, MySafeZoneAction.Drilling, MyKernel.Block.EntityId))
                if (Voxel.GetOrePriority() == -1)
                    continue;                               // Idk why, but the same early exit is found in MyShipDrill
                Vector3D?VoxelHit = Voxel.GetClosestPointOnRay(WorkingRay, step: 0.99f);
                if (VoxelHit.HasValue)
                    MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"\r\nFound a voxel", true);
                    lock (BlockedVoxels)
                        if (!BlockedVoxels.ContainsKey(Voxel.EntityId))
                            BlockedVoxels.Add(Voxel.EntityId, new List <Vector3I>());
                    Vector3D hitpos = VoxelHit.Value;
                    //MyVoxelMaterialDefinition Material = Voxel.GetMaterialAt(ref hitpos);
                    Vector3D CutoutSphereCenter = hitpos + (-WorkingRay.Direction * DrillingOffsetM);
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Hit: {Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(WorkingRay.From, hitpos), 2)}m, cutout: {Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(WorkingRay.From, CutoutSphereCenter), 2)} m away, Material: {(Material != null ? Material.MaterialTypeName : "null")}");

                    BoundingSphereD Cutout = new BoundingSphereD(CutoutSphereCenter, CutoutRadius);

                    //List<Vector3I> VoxelPoints = Voxel.GetVoxelPointsInSphere(Cutout);
                    Vector3I      refCorner;
                    Vector3I      refMaxCorner;
                    MyStorageData cutoutVoxels = Voxel.GetVoxelCacheInSphere(Cutout, out refCorner, out refMaxCorner);
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Cutout cache Min is {Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(hitpos, Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + refCorner), 2)}m away");
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Cutout cache Max is {Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(hitpos, Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + refCorner + cutoutVoxels.Size3D), 2)}m away");
                    Dictionary <MyVoxelMaterialDefinition, float> Materials = new Dictionary <MyVoxelMaterialDefinition, float>();

                    int       nullMaterials   = 0;
                    int       totalPoints     = 0;
                    Stopwatch enumeratorWatch = new Stopwatch();
                    using (MyStorageData.MortonEnumerator VoxelLoop = new MyStorageData.MortonEnumerator(cutoutVoxels, MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Content | MyStorageDataTypeEnum.Material))
                        MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Entered enumerator", true);
                        Dictionary <byte, float> RawMaterials = new Dictionary <byte, float>();
                        Vector3I VoxelInSphereCenter;
                        Vector3  CoordsSystemOutValue;
                        //MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(Cutout.Center, Voxel.PositionComp.WorldMatrix, Voxel.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled, Voxel.SizeInMetresHalf, out CoordsSystemOutValue);
                        //VoxelInSphereCenter = new Vector3I(CoordsSystemOutValue / 1f) + Voxel.StorageMin;
                        Vector3D sphereCenter = Cutout.Center;
                        MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref sphereCenter, out CoordsSystemOutValue);
                        VoxelInSphereCenter = new Vector3I(CoordsSystemOutValue / 1f) + Voxel.StorageMin;
                        Vector3D ReconstructedPosition = Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + VoxelInSphereCenter;
                        //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"VoxelInSphereCenter is {Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(hitpos, ReconstructedPosition), 2)}m away from hitpos");
                        double CutoutRadiusSquared = Cutout.Radius * Cutout.Radius;

                        int processedPoints = 0;
                        int skippedPoints   = 0;
                        int linearIndex     = -1;
                        for (bool move = true; move != false;)
                                move = VoxelLoop.MoveNext();
                                move = false;
                                MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport("Keen enumerator died", true);
                            if (move)
                                Vector3I voxelPoint;
                                cutoutVoxels.ComputePosition(linearIndex, out voxelPoint);
                                voxelPoint += refCorner;
                                BoundingBoxD voxelBox = new BoundingBoxD(Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelPoint, Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelPoint + 1);

                                var  PointContainment = Cutout.Contains(voxelBox);
                                bool Contacts         = PointContainment.HasFlag(ContainmentType.Contains) || PointContainment.HasFlag(ContainmentType.Intersects);
                                if (Contacts || Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ReconstructedPosition, Voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner + voxelPoint) <= CutoutRadiusSquared)
                                    bool pointBlocked = true;
                                    lock (BlockedVoxels)
                                        pointBlocked = BlockedVoxels[Voxel.EntityId].Contains(voxelPoint);
                                        if (!pointBlocked)
                                    if (!pointBlocked)
                                        byte  ContentFillLevel  = cutoutVoxels.Content(linearIndex);
                                        byte  MaterialId        = cutoutVoxels.Material(linearIndex);
                                        float MaterialFillRatio = ContentFillLevel / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL_FLOAT;

                                        if (!RawMaterials.ContainsKey(MaterialId))
                                            RawMaterials.Add(MaterialId, MaterialFillRatio);
                                            RawMaterials[MaterialId] += MaterialFillRatio;


                                int voxelIterationLimit = MyKernel.Session.Settings.SpeedMultiplierAcceleratesDrilling ? VoxelIterationLimit * MyKernel.TermControls.SpeedMultiplier : VoxelIterationLimit;
                                if (processedPoints > 0 && processedPoints % voxelIterationLimit == 0)
                                    //MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Cutting out {Math.Round(Cutout.Radius * 2, 1)}m sphere:\r\n{linearIndex} voxels processed", append: true);
                                    yield return(true);
                            totalPoints = linearIndex;
                        MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Total processed points: {totalPoints} ({processedPoints}/{skippedPoints})", true);
                        MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"EnumeratorWatch: {Math.Round(enumeratorWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 3)}ms", true);
                        //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Found {processedPoints} valid voxel points out of {totalPoints}", EemRdx.SessionModules.LoggingLevelEnum.DebugLog, true, 2000);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, float> kvp in RawMaterials)
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(kvp.Key);
                            if (material != null)
                                Materials.Add(material, kvp.Value * DrillingYield);
                    MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Quitted enumerator", true);
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Found {VoxelPoints.Count} valid voxel points", EemRdx.SessionModules.LoggingLevelEnum.DebugLog, true, 2000);
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Found {Materials.Count} valid materials{(nullMaterials > 0 ? $" and {nullMaterials} null materials" : "")}", EemRdx.SessionModules.LoggingLevelEnum.DebugLog, true, 2000);
                    //foreach (var kvp in Materials)
                    //    WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Material: {kvp.Key.MaterialTypeName} (mined ore: {(kvp.Key.MinedOre != null ? kvp.Key.MinedOre : "null")}), amount: {kvp.Value}");

                    MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Calculating materials", true);
                    Dictionary <MyObjectBuilder_Ore, float> MaterialsToAdd = new Dictionary <MyObjectBuilder_Ore, float>();
                    int nullMinedOres = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <MyVoxelMaterialDefinition, float> kvp in Materials)
                        MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material = kvp.Key;
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(material.MinedOre))
                            if (MyKernel.TermControls.DumpStone && material.MinedOre == "Stone")
                            MyObjectBuilder_Ore oreBuilder = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject <MyObjectBuilder_Ore>(material.MinedOre);
                            oreBuilder.MaterialTypeName = new MyStringHash?(material.Id.SubtypeId);
                            MyPhysicalItemDefinition oreDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPhysicalItemDefinition(oreBuilder);
                            float MinedAmountInKg           = (kvp.Value / 1000 / oreDef.Volume) * oreDef.Mass * kvp.Key.MinedOreRatio * 32;
                            //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Found material {material.MaterialTypeName}, {Math.Round(kvp.Value)} points, mined amount would be {Math.Round(MinedAmountInKg)} kg");
                            MaterialsToAdd.Add(oreBuilder, MinedAmountInKg);
                        catch (Exception Scrap)
                            LogError("ProcessVoxels().dict_Materials.Iterate", $"Unknown error occurred on material {material.MinedOre}", Scrap);

                    Stopwatch cutoutWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    //Voxel.Storage.WriteRange(cutoutVoxels, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, refCorner - 1, refMaxCorner + 1);
                    Voxel.RootVoxel.PerformCutOutSphereFast(Cutout.Center, (float)Cutout.Radius, true);
                    //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Sphere was cut in {cutoutWatch.ElapsedTicks} ticks, which is {Math.Round(cutoutWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 4)} ms");

                    foreach (var kvp in MaterialsToAdd)
                        MyDefinitionId OreId       = kvp.Key.GetId();
                        MyItemType     oreItemType = new MyItemType(OreId.TypeId, OreId.SubtypeId);
                        float          amountToAdd = kvp.Value;
                        while (amountToAdd > 0.1f)
                            while (((float)ToolCargo.CurrentVolume / (float)ToolCargo.MaxVolume) > 0.9f)
                                yield return(true);

                            MyInventoryItem oreItem       = new MyInventoryItem(oreItemType, 0, (VRage.MyFixedPoint)amountToAdd);
                            float           FittingAmount = (float)(ToolCargo as Sandbox.Game.MyInventory).ComputeAmountThatFits(OreId);
                            if (FittingAmount > amountToAdd)
                                FittingAmount = amountToAdd;
                            ToolCargo.AddItems((VRage.MyFixedPoint)FittingAmount, kvp.Key);
                            amountToAdd -= FittingAmount;
                            //MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Adding {Math.Round(FittingAmount)}u of {OreId.SubtypeId}, {amountToAdd} remains", append: false);
                    MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"No voxel found", true);
            double ElapsedMs = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

            //WriteToLog("ProcessVoxels", $"Voxels processed, elapsed time: {stopwatch.ElapsedTicks} ticks, which is {Math.Round(ElapsedMs, 3)} ms");
            MyKernel.ResponderModule.UpdateStatusReport($"Cycle finished", true);
            yield return(false);
Esempio n. 21
        public unsafe void ReadMaterialRange(ref MyVoxelDataRequest req, bool detectOnly = false)
            Vector3I vectori4;

            req.Flags = req.RequestFlags & MyVoxelRequestFlags.RequestFlags;
            Vector3I minInLod            = req.MinInLod;
            Vector3I maxInLod            = req.MaxInLod;
            float    lodSize             = 1 << (req.Lod & 0x1f);
            bool     flag                = req.RequestFlags.HasFlags(MyVoxelRequestFlags.SurfaceMaterial);
            bool     flag2               = req.RequestFlags.HasFlags(MyVoxelRequestFlags.ConsiderContent);
            bool     preciseOrePositions = req.RequestFlags.HasFlags(MyVoxelRequestFlags.PreciseOrePositions);

            if (this.m_biomes != null)
                if (req.SizeLinear > 0x7d)
                    BoundingBox request = new BoundingBox((Vector3)(minInLod * lodSize), (Vector3)(maxInLod * lodSize));
                    this.PrepareRulesForBoxInternal(ref request);
                else if (!m_rangeClean || !ReferenceEquals(CachedProvider, this))
            Vector3  vector   = (minInLod + 0.5f) * lodSize;
            Vector3  pos      = vector;
            Vector3I vectori3 = (Vector3I)(-minInLod + req.Offset);

            if (detectOnly)
                vectori4.Z = minInLod.Z;
                while (vectori4.Z <= maxInLod.Z)
                    vectori4.Y = minInLod.Y;
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori4.Y > maxInLod.Y)
                            float *singlePtr3 = (float *)ref pos.Z;
                            singlePtr3[0] += lodSize;
                            pos.Y          = vector.Y;
                            int *numPtr3 = (int *)ref vectori4.Z;
                        vectori4.X = minInLod.X;
                        while (true)
                            byte num2;
                            if (vectori4.X > maxInLod.X)
                                float *singlePtr2 = (float *)ref pos.Y;
                                singlePtr2[0] += lodSize;
                                pos.X          = vector.X;
                                int *numPtr2 = (int *)ref vectori4.Y;
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition definition = this.GetMaterialForPosition(ref pos, lodSize, out num2, preciseOrePositions);
                            if ((definition != null) && (definition.Index != 0xff))
                            float *singlePtr1 = (float *)ref pos.X;
                            singlePtr1[0] += lodSize;
                            int *numPtr1 = (int *)ref vectori4.X;
                MyVoxelRequestFlags *flagsPtr1 = (MyVoxelRequestFlags *)ref req.Flags;
                *((int *)flagsPtr1) |= 8;
                bool          flag4  = true;
                MyStorageData target = req.Target;
                vectori4.Z = minInLod.Z;
                while (true)
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori4.Z <= maxInLod.Z)
                            vectori4.Y = minInLod.Y;
                        if (flag4)
                            MyVoxelRequestFlags *flagsPtr2 = (MyVoxelRequestFlags *)ref req.Flags;
                            *((int *)flagsPtr2) |= 8;
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori4.Y > maxInLod.Y)
                            float *singlePtr6 = (float *)ref pos.Z;
                            singlePtr6[0] += lodSize;
                            pos.Y          = vector.Y;
                            int *numPtr6 = (int *)ref vectori4.Z;
                        vectori4.X = minInLod.X;
                        Vector3I p         = (Vector3I)(vectori4 + vectori3);
                        int      linearIdx = target.ComputeLinear(ref p);
                        while (true)
                            if (vectori4.X <= maxInLod.X)
                                byte num4;
                                if ((!flag || (target.Material(linearIdx) == 0)) && (!flag2 || (target.Content(linearIdx) != 0)))
                                    byte num5;
                                    MyVoxelMaterialDefinition definition2 = this.GetMaterialForPosition(ref pos, lodSize, out num5, preciseOrePositions);
                                    num4 = (definition2 != null) ? definition2.Index : ((byte)0xff);
                                    num4 = 0xff;
                                target.Material(linearIdx, num4);
                                flag4     &= num4 == 0xff;
                                linearIdx += target.StepLinear;
                                float *singlePtr4 = (float *)ref pos.X;
                                singlePtr4[0] += lodSize;
                                int *numPtr4 = (int *)ref vectori4.X;
                                float *singlePtr5 = (float *)ref pos.Y;
                                singlePtr5[0] += lodSize;
                                pos.X          = vector.X;
                                int *numPtr5 = (int *)ref vectori4.Y;
        internal void ReadMaterialRange(MyStorageData target, ref Vector3I writeOffset, int lodIndex, ref Vector3I minInLod, ref Vector3I maxInLod)
            float lodVoxelSizeHalf;
            BoundingBox queryBox;
            BoundingSphere querySphere;
            SetupReading(lodIndex, ref minInLod, ref maxInLod, out lodVoxelSizeHalf, out queryBox, out querySphere);
            float lodVoxelSize = 2f * lodVoxelSizeHalf;

            var overlappedDeposits = OverlappedDeposits;
                ProfilerShort.Begin("Testing deposit shapes");
                ContainmentType testDeposits = ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_data.Deposits.Length; ++i)
                    var test = m_data.Deposits[i].Shape.Contains(ref queryBox, ref querySphere, lodVoxelSize);
                    if (test != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                        testDeposits = ContainmentType.Intersects;

                if (testDeposits == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                    target.BlockFillMaterial(writeOffset, writeOffset + (maxInLod - minInLod), m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index);

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Material computation");

            Vector3I v;
            for (v.Z = minInLod.Z; v.Z <= maxInLod.Z; ++v.Z)
                for (v.Y = minInLod.Y; v.Y <= maxInLod.Y; ++v.Y)
                    for (v.X = minInLod.X; v.X <= maxInLod.X; ++v.X)
                        Vector3 localPos = v * lodVoxelSize;

                        float closestDistance = 1f;
                        byte closestMaterialIdx = m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index;
                        if (!MyFakes.DISABLE_COMPOSITE_MATERIAL)
                            foreach (var deposit in overlappedDeposits)
                                float distance = deposit.Shape.SignedDistance(ref localPos, MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES, m_data.MacroModule, m_data.DetailModule);
                                if (distance < 0f && distance <= closestDistance)
                                    closestDistance = distance;
                                    // DA: Pass default material to the layered deposit so only that does these if-s.
                                    var materialDef = deposit.GetMaterialForPosition(ref localPos, lodVoxelSize);
                                    closestMaterialIdx = materialDef == null ? m_data.DefaultMaterial.Index : materialDef.Index;

                        var write = v - minInLod + writeOffset;
                        target.Material(ref write, closestMaterialIdx);

Esempio n. 23
        public static void MakeCrater(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3 direction, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material)

            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - voxelMap.RootVoxel.WorldMatrix.Translation);

            Vector3I minCorner, maxCorner;

                Vector3D sphereMin = sphere.Center - (sphere.Radius - MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES) * 1.3f;
                Vector3D sphereMax = sphere.Center + (sphere.Radius + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES) * 1.3f;
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref sphereMin, out minCorner);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref sphereMax, out maxCorner);

            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minCorner);
            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxCorner);

            Vector3I worldMinCorner = minCorner + voxelMap.StorageMin;
            Vector3I worldMaxCorner = maxCorner + voxelMap.StorageMin;

            //  We are tracking which voxels were changed, so we can invalidate only needed cells in the cache
            bool changed = false;

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Reading cache");
            m_cache.Resize(minCorner, maxCorner);

            voxelMap.Storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, ref worldMinCorner, ref worldMaxCorner);


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Changing cache");
            int      removedVoxelContent = 0;
            Vector3I tempVoxelCoord;
            Vector3I cachePos = (maxCorner - minCorner) / 2;

            byte oldMaterial = m_cache.Material(ref cachePos);

            float digRatio = 1 - Vector3.Dot(normal, direction);

            Vector3 newCenter = sphere.Center - normal * (float)sphere.Radius * 1.1f;//0.9f;
            float   sphRadA   = (float)(sphere.Radius * 1.5f);
            float   sphRadSqA = (float)(sphRadA * sphRadA);
            float   voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosA = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * (2 * sphRadA + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF);
            float   voxelSizeHalfTransformedNegA = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * (-2 * sphRadA + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF);

            Vector3 newDelCenter = newCenter + normal * (float)sphere.Radius * (0.7f + digRatio) + direction * (float)sphere.Radius * 0.65f;
            float   sphRadD      = (float)(sphere.Radius);
            float   sphRadSqD    = (float)(sphRadD * sphRadD);
            float   voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosD = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * (2 * sphRadD + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF);
            float   voxelSizeHalfTransformedNegD = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * (-2 * sphRadD + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF);

            Vector3 newSetCenter = newCenter + normal * (float)sphere.Radius * (digRatio) + direction * (float)sphere.Radius * 0.3f;
            float   sphRadS      = (float)(sphere.Radius * 0.1f);
            float   sphRadSqS    = (float)(sphRadS * sphRadS);
            float   voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosS = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * (2 * sphRadS + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF);

            for (tempVoxelCoord.Z = minCorner.Z, cachePos.Z = 0; tempVoxelCoord.Z <= maxCorner.Z; tempVoxelCoord.Z++, ++cachePos.Z)
                for (tempVoxelCoord.Y = minCorner.Y, cachePos.Y = 0; tempVoxelCoord.Y <= maxCorner.Y; tempVoxelCoord.Y++, ++cachePos.Y)
                    for (tempVoxelCoord.X = minCorner.X, cachePos.X = 0; tempVoxelCoord.X <= maxCorner.X; tempVoxelCoord.X++, ++cachePos.X)
                        Vector3D voxelPosition;
                        MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToWorldPosition(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref tempVoxelCoord, out voxelPosition);

                        byte originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);

                        //Add sphere
                        if (originalContent != MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL)
                            float addDist = (float)(voxelPosition - newCenter).LengthSquared();
                            float addDiff = (float)(addDist - sphRadSqA);

                            byte newContent;
                            if (addDiff > voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosA)
                                newContent = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                            else if (addDiff < voxelSizeHalfTransformedNegA)
                                newContent = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL;
                                float value = (float)Math.Sqrt(addDist + sphRadSqA - 2 * sphRadA * Math.Sqrt(addDist));
                                if (addDiff < 0)
                                    value = -value;
                                //  This formula will work even if diff is positive or negative
                                newContent = (byte)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - value / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL);

                            if (newContent > originalContent)
                                if (material != null)
                                    m_cache.Material(ref cachePos, oldMaterial);

                                changed = true;
                                m_cache.Content(ref cachePos, newContent);

                        //Delete sphere
                        float delDist = (float)(voxelPosition - newDelCenter).LengthSquared();
                        float delDiff = (float)(delDist - sphRadSqD);

                        byte contentToRemove;
                        if (delDiff > voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosD)
                            contentToRemove = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                        else if (delDiff < voxelSizeHalfTransformedNegD)
                            contentToRemove = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL;
                            float value = (float)Math.Sqrt(delDist + sphRadSqD - 2 * sphRadD * Math.Sqrt(delDist));
                            if (delDiff < 0)
                                value = -value;
                            //  This formula will work even if diff is positive or negative
                            contentToRemove = (byte)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - value / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL);

                        originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);

                        if (originalContent > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY && contentToRemove > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                            changed = true;

                            int newVal = originalContent - contentToRemove;
                            if (newVal < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                                newVal = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                            m_cache.Content(ref cachePos, (byte)newVal);

                            removedVoxelContent += originalContent - newVal;

                        //Set material

                        float setDist = (float)(voxelPosition - newSetCenter).LengthSquared();
                        float setDiff = (float)(setDist - sphRadSqS);

                        if (setDiff <= MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES * 1.5f)  // could be VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF, but we want to set material in empty cells correctly
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition originalMaterial = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(m_cache.Material(ref cachePos));

                            // Change the material:
                            // - always on boundaries between material and nothing
                            // - smoothly on inner boundaries
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition newMaterial = material;
                            if (setDiff > 0)
                                byte content = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);
                                if (content == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL)
                                    newMaterial = originalMaterial;
                                if (setDiff >= voxelSizeHalfTransformedPosS && content != MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)  // set material behind boundary only for empty voxels
                                    newMaterial = originalMaterial;

                            if (originalMaterial == newMaterial)

                            m_cache.Material(ref cachePos, newMaterial.Index);
                            changed = true;

                        float dist = (float)(voxelPosition - newCenter).LengthSquared();
                        float diff = (float)(dist - sphRadSqA);

                        if (diff <= 0f)
                            originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);
                            if (originalContent > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                                bool wrinkled = m_cache.WrinkleVoxelContent(ref cachePos, MyVoxelConstants.DEFAULT_WRINKLE_WEIGHT_ADD, MyVoxelConstants.DEFAULT_WRINKLE_WEIGHT_REMOVE);
                                if (wrinkled)
                                    changed = true;

            if (changed)
                ProfilerShort.BeginNextBlock("Writing cache");
                minCorner += voxelMap.StorageMin;
                maxCorner += voxelMap.StorageMin;
                voxelMap.Storage.WriteRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, ref minCorner, ref maxCorner);
                MyShapeSphere sphereShape = new MyShapeSphere();
                sphereShape.Center = sphere.Center;
                sphereShape.Radius = (float)(sphere.Radius * 1.5);
                OnVoxelChanged(MyVoxelBase.OperationType.Cut, voxelMap, sphereShape);

        public override bool Invoke(string messageText)
            if (messageText.StartsWith("/rotateroid ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var match = Regex.Match(messageText, @"/rotateroid\s{1,}(?<Key>.+){1,}\s{1,}(?<X>[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+)))\s{1,}(?<Y>[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+)))\s{1,}(?<Z>[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+)))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (match.Success)
                    var rotateVector = new Vector3(
                        double.Parse(match.Groups["X"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        double.Parse(match.Groups["Y"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        double.Parse(match.Groups["Z"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    var searchName = match.Groups["Key"].Value;

                    var currentAsteroidList = new List<IMyVoxelBase>();
                    IMyVoxelBase originalAsteroid = null;
                    MyAPIGateway.Session.VoxelMaps.GetInstances(currentAsteroidList, v => v.StorageName.Equals(searchName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                    if (currentAsteroidList.Count == 1)
                        originalAsteroid = currentAsteroidList[0];
                        MyAPIGateway.Session.VoxelMaps.GetInstances(currentAsteroidList, v => v.StorageName.IndexOf(searchName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0);

                        if (currentAsteroidList.Count == 1)
                            originalAsteroid = currentAsteroidList[0];

                    int index;
                    if (searchName.Substring(0, 1) == "#" && Int32.TryParse(searchName.Substring(1), out index) && index > 0 && index <= CommandAsteroidsList.AsteroidCache.Count)
                        originalAsteroid = CommandAsteroidsList.AsteroidCache[index - 1];

                    if (originalAsteroid == null)
                        MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Cannot find asteroid", string.Format("'{0}'", searchName));
                        return true;

                    var quaternion = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(rotateVector.X / (180 / MathHelper.Pi), rotateVector.Y / (180 / MathHelper.Pi), rotateVector.Z / (180 / MathHelper.Pi));
                    var oldStorage = originalAsteroid.Storage;

                    var oldCache = new MyStorageData();
                    oldStorage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, Vector3I.Zero, oldStorage.Size - 1);

                    var transSize = Vector3I.Transform(oldStorage.Size, quaternion);
                    var newSize = Vector3I.Abs(transSize);
                    var newName = Support.CreateUniqueStorageName(originalAsteroid.StorageName);
                    var newVoxelMap = Support.CreateNewAsteroid(newName, newSize, originalAsteroid.PositionLeftBottomCorner);

                    var cache = new MyStorageData();
                    var min = Vector3I.Zero;
                    var max = newSize - 1;
                    cache.Resize(min, max);

                    Vector3I p;
                    for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < oldStorage.Size.Z; ++p.Z)
                        for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < oldStorage.Size.Y; ++p.Y)
                            for (p.X = 0; p.X < oldStorage.Size.X; ++p.X)
                                var content = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                                var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                                var newP = Vector3I.Transform(p, quaternion);
                                // readjust the points, as rotation occurs arround 0,0,0.
                                newP.X = newP.X < 0 ? newP.X - transSize.X - 1 : newP.X;
                                newP.Y = newP.Y < 0 ? newP.Y - transSize.Y - 1 : newP.Y;
                                newP.Z = newP.Z < 0 ? newP.Z - transSize.Z - 1 : newP.Z;

                                cache.Content(ref newP, content);
                                cache.Material(ref newP, material);

                    newVoxelMap.Storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, min, max);

                    // Invalidate the cache, to force user to select again to prevent possible corruption by using an old cache.
                    return true;

            return false;
        public static MyVoxelMaterialDefinition GetMaterialAt(this IMyStorage self, ref Vector3D localCoords)
            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition def;

            Vector3I voxelCoords = Vector3D.Floor(localCoords / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES);

            MyStorageData cache = new MyStorageData();

            self.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, ref voxelCoords, ref voxelCoords);

            def = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(cache.Material(0));

            return def;
        private bool FindMaterial(IMyStorage storage, byte[] findMaterial)
            if (findMaterial.Length == 0)
                return false;

            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();
            storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 2, Vector3I.Zero, storage.Size - 1);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("check", string.Format("SizeLinear {0}  {1}.", oldCache.SizeLinear, oldCache.StepLinear));

            Vector3I p;
            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < storage.Size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < storage.Size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < storage.Size.X; ++p.X)
                        var content = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                        if (content > 0 && findMaterial.Contains(material))
                            return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 27
        public unsafe MyStorageBase Compatibility_LoadCellStorage(int fileVersion, Stream stream)
            Vector3I vectori;
            Vector3I vectori2;
            Vector3I vectori6;

            vectori.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            vectori.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            vectori.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            MyOctreeStorage storage = new MyOctreeStorage(null, vectori);

            vectori2.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            vectori2.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            vectori2.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            Vector3I vectori3 = (Vector3I)(vectori / vectori2);
            Dictionary <byte, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition> mapping = null;

            if (fileVersion == 2)
                mapping = this.Compatibility_LoadMaterialIndexMapping(stream);
                int num2 = fileVersion;
            Vector3I      zero   = Vector3I.Zero;
            Vector3I      end    = new Vector3I(7);
            MyStorageData source = new MyStorageData(MyStorageDataTypeFlags.All);

            source.Resize(Vector3I.Zero, end);
            vectori6.X = 0;
            while (vectori6.X < vectori3.X)
                vectori6.Y = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (vectori6.Y >= vectori3.Y)
                        int *numPtr6 = (int *)ref vectori6.X;
                    vectori6.Z = 0;
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori6.Z >= vectori3.Z)
                            int *numPtr5 = (int *)ref vectori6.Y;
                        MyVoxelContentConstitution constitution = (MyVoxelContentConstitution)stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();
                        switch (constitution)
                        case MyVoxelContentConstitution.Empty:

                        case MyVoxelContentConstitution.Full:

                        case MyVoxelContentConstitution.Mixed:
                            Vector3I vectori7;
                            vectori7.X = 0;
                            while (vectori7.X < 8)
                                vectori7.Y = 0;
                                while (true)
                                    if (vectori7.Y >= 8)
                                        int *numPtr3 = (int *)ref vectori7.X;
                                    vectori7.Z = 0;
                                    while (true)
                                        if (vectori7.Z >= 8)
                                            int *numPtr2 = (int *)ref vectori7.Y;
                                        source.Content(ref vectori7, stream.ReadByteNoAlloc());
                                        int *numPtr1 = (int *)ref vectori7.Z;

                        zero = vectori6 * 8;
                        storage.WriteRange(source, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, zero, (Vector3I)(zero + 7), true, false);
                        int *numPtr4 = (int *)ref vectori6.Z;
                vectori6.X = 0;
                while (vectori6.X < vectori3.X)
                    vectori6.Y = 0;
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori6.Y >= vectori3.Y)
                            int *numPtr12 = (int *)ref vectori6.X;
                        vectori6.Z = 0;
                        while (true)
                            if (vectori6.Z >= vectori3.Z)
                                int *numPtr11 = (int *)ref vectori6.Y;
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition definition = null;
                            if (stream.ReadByteNoAlloc() == 1)
                                source.ClearMaterials(this.Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mapping).Index);
                                Vector3I vectori8;
                                vectori8.X = 0;
                                while (vectori8.X < 8)
                                    vectori8.Y = 0;
                                    while (true)
                                        if (vectori8.Y >= 8)
                                            int *numPtr9 = (int *)ref vectori8.X;
                                        vectori8.Z = 0;
                                        while (true)
                                            if (vectori8.Z >= 8)
                                                int *numPtr8 = (int *)ref vectori8.Y;
                                            definition = this.Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mapping);
                                            source.Material(ref vectori8, definition.Index);
                                            int *numPtr7 = (int *)ref vectori8.Z;
                            zero = vectori6 * 8;
                            storage.WriteRange(source, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, zero, (Vector3I)(zero + 7), true, false);
                            int *numPtr10 = (int *)ref vectori6.Z;
            catch (EndOfStreamException exception)
        //  Linearly interpolates position, normal and material on poly-cube edge. Interpolated point is where an isosurface cuts an edge between two vertices, each with their own scalar value.
        void GetVertexInterpolation(MyStorageData cache, MyTemporaryVoxel inputVoxelA, MyTemporaryVoxel inputVoxelB, int edgeIndex)
            MyEdge edge = m_edges[edgeIndex];

            byte contentA  = cache.Content(inputVoxelA.IdxInCache);
            byte contentB  = cache.Content(inputVoxelB.IdxInCache);
            byte materialA = cache.Material(inputVoxelA.IdxInCache);
            byte materialB = cache.Material(inputVoxelB.IdxInCache);

            if (Math.Abs(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentA) < 0.00001f)
                edge.Position = inputVoxelA.Position;
                edge.Normal   = inputVoxelA.Normal;
                edge.Material = materialA;
                edge.Ambient  = inputVoxelA.Ambient;

            if (Math.Abs(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentB) < 0.00001f)
                edge.Position = inputVoxelB.Position;
                edge.Normal   = inputVoxelB.Normal;
                edge.Material = materialB;
                edge.Ambient  = inputVoxelB.Ambient;

            float mu = (float)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentA) / (float)(contentB - contentA);

            Debug.Assert(mu > 0.0f && mu < 1.0f);

            edge.Position.X = inputVoxelA.Position.X + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.X - inputVoxelA.Position.X);
            edge.Position.Y = inputVoxelA.Position.Y + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.Y - inputVoxelA.Position.Y);
            edge.Position.Z = inputVoxelA.Position.Z + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.Z - inputVoxelA.Position.Z);
            //edge.Normal = ComputeVertexNormal(ref edge.Position);

            edge.Normal.X = inputVoxelA.Normal.X + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.X - inputVoxelA.Normal.X);
            edge.Normal.Y = inputVoxelA.Normal.Y + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.Y - inputVoxelA.Normal.Y);
            edge.Normal.Z = inputVoxelA.Normal.Z + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.Z - inputVoxelA.Normal.Z);
            if (MyUtils.IsZero(edge.Normal))
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelA.Normal;
                edge.Normal = MyUtils.Normalize(edge.Normal);

            if (MyUtils.IsZero(edge.Normal))
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelA.Normal;

            float mu2 = ((float)contentB) / (((float)contentA) + ((float)contentB));

            edge.Material = (mu2 <= 0.5f) ? materialA : materialB;
            edge.Ambient  = inputVoxelA.Ambient + mu2 * (inputVoxelB.Ambient - inputVoxelA.Ambient);

        //  Linearly interpolates position, normal and material on poly-cube edge. Interpolated point is where an isosurface cuts an edge between two vertices, each with their own scalar value.
        void GetVertexInterpolation(MyStorageData cache, MyTemporaryVoxel inputVoxelA, MyTemporaryVoxel inputVoxelB, int edgeIndex)
            MyEdge edge = m_edges[edgeIndex];

            byte contentA = cache.Content(inputVoxelA.IdxInCache);
            byte contentB = cache.Content(inputVoxelB.IdxInCache);
            byte materialA = cache.Material(inputVoxelA.IdxInCache);
            byte materialB = cache.Material(inputVoxelB.IdxInCache);

            if (Math.Abs(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentA) < 0.00001f)
                edge.Position = inputVoxelA.Position;
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelA.Normal;
                edge.Material = materialA;
                edge.Ambient = inputVoxelA.Ambient;

            if (Math.Abs(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentB) < 0.00001f)
                edge.Position = inputVoxelB.Position;
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelB.Normal;
                edge.Material = materialB;
                edge.Ambient = inputVoxelB.Ambient;

            float mu = (float)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - contentA) / (float)(contentB - contentA);
            Debug.Assert(mu > 0.0f && mu < 1.0f);

            edge.Position.X = inputVoxelA.Position.X + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.X - inputVoxelA.Position.X);
            edge.Position.Y = inputVoxelA.Position.Y + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.Y - inputVoxelA.Position.Y);
            edge.Position.Z = inputVoxelA.Position.Z + mu * (inputVoxelB.Position.Z - inputVoxelA.Position.Z);
            //edge.Normal = ComputeVertexNormal(ref edge.Position);

            edge.Normal.X = inputVoxelA.Normal.X + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.X - inputVoxelA.Normal.X);
            edge.Normal.Y = inputVoxelA.Normal.Y + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.Y - inputVoxelA.Normal.Y);
            edge.Normal.Z = inputVoxelA.Normal.Z + mu * (inputVoxelB.Normal.Z - inputVoxelA.Normal.Z);
            if (MyUtils.IsZero(edge.Normal))
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelA.Normal;
                edge.Normal = MyUtils.Normalize(edge.Normal);

            if (MyUtils.IsZero(edge.Normal))
                edge.Normal = inputVoxelA.Normal;

            float mu2 = ((float)contentB) / (((float)contentA) + ((float)contentB));
            edge.Material = (mu2 <= 0.5f) ? materialA : materialB;
            edge.Ambient = inputVoxelA.Ambient + mu2 * (inputVoxelB.Ambient - inputVoxelA.Ambient);

Esempio n. 30
        private unsafe void ProcessCell(MyStorageData cache, IMyStorage storage, Vector3I cell, long detectorId)
            Vector3I lodVoxelRangeMin = cell << 3;
            Vector3I lodVoxelRangeMax = (Vector3I)(lodVoxelRangeMin + 7);

            storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 2, lodVoxelRangeMin, lodVoxelRangeMax);
            if (cache.ContainsVoxelsAboveIsoLevel())
                Vector3I            vectori3;
                MyVoxelRequestFlags preciseOrePositions = MyVoxelRequestFlags.PreciseOrePositions;
                storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 2, lodVoxelRangeMin, lodVoxelRangeMax, ref preciseOrePositions);
                MaterialPositionData[] materialData = MaterialData;
                vectori3.Z = 0;
                while (vectori3.Z < 8)
                    vectori3.Y = 0;
                    while (true)
                        if (vectori3.Y >= 8)
                            int *numPtr4 = (int *)ref vectori3.Z;
                        vectori3.X = 0;
                        while (true)
                            if (vectori3.X >= 8)
                                int *numPtr3 = (int *)ref vectori3.Y;
                            int linearIdx = cache.ComputeLinear(ref vectori3);
                            if (cache.Content(linearIdx) > 0x7f)
                                byte     index      = cache.Material(linearIdx);
                                Vector3D vectord    = ((vectori3 + lodVoxelRangeMin) * 4f) + 2f;
                                Vector3 *vectorPtr1 = (Vector3 *)ref materialData[index].Sum;
                                vectorPtr1[0] += vectord;
                                int *numPtr1 = (int *)ref materialData[index].Count;
                            int *numPtr2 = (int *)ref vectori3.X;
                MyEntityOreDeposit item = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < materialData.Length; i++)
                    if (materialData[i].Count != 0)
                        MyVoxelMaterialDefinition voxelMaterialDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition((byte)i);
                        if ((voxelMaterialDefinition != null) && voxelMaterialDefinition.IsRare)
                            if (item == null)
                                item = new MyEntityOreDeposit(this.VoxelMap, cell, detectorId);
                            MyEntityOreDeposit.Data data = new MyEntityOreDeposit.Data {
                                Material             = voxelMaterialDefinition,
                                AverageLocalPosition = (Vector3)Vector3D.Transform((materialData[i].Sum / ((float)materialData[i].Count)) - this.VoxelMap.SizeInMetresHalf, Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(this.VoxelMap.WorldMatrix))
                if (item != null)
                Array.Clear(materialData, 0, materialData.Length);
        private void ProcessCell(MyStorageData cache, IMyStorage storage, Vector3I cell, long detectorId)
            //bool m_miningDebug = false;

            if (cache == null || storage == null)

            Vector3I vector3I         = cell << 3;
            Vector3I lodVoxelRangeMax = vector3I + 7;

            // Advice cache because of performance issues
            var flag = MyVoxelRequestFlags.ContentCheckedDeep;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, 0, vector3I, lodVoxelRangeMax, ref flag);

            int readingTime = (int)((stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * 1000000) / Stopwatch.Frequency);

            if (readingTime > 1000)
                int changeAmount = (int)(readingTime / 1000);

                if (MyAPIGateway.Physics.ServerSimulationRatio < 1.00f)
                    sleepTimer += changeAmount * 100;
                    sleepTimer = Math.Max(sleepTimer - 1, 1);


            //if (m_miningDebug)
            //Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"ProcessCell.ReadRange(1) took {(stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * 1000000)/Stopwatch.Frequency} microseconds");

            if (cache.ContainsVoxelsAboveIsoLevel())
                //Stopwatch stopwatch2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, 0, vector3I, lodVoxelRangeMax, ref flag);

                //if (m_miningDebug)
                //Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"ProcessCell.ReadRange(2) took {(stopwatch2.ElapsedTicks * 1000000)/Stopwatch.Frequency} microseconds");

                Vector3I p = default(Vector3I);
                p.Z = 0;
                while (p.Z < 8)
                    p.Y = 0;
                    while (p.Y < 8)
                        p.X = 0;
                        while (p.X < 8)
                            int linearIdx = cache.ComputeLinear(ref p);

                            if (cache.Content(linearIdx) > 127)
                                byte b = cache.Material(linearIdx);

                                if (HasFilterUpgrade)
                                    var voxelDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(b);

                                    if (voxelDefinition != null && voxelDefinition.MinedOre != null)
                                        foreach (string mat in OreListSelected)
                                            if (voxelDefinition.MinedOre.ToLower() == mat.ToLower())
                                                Materials.AddMaterial(b, vector3I + p);
                                        Materials.AddMaterial(b, vector3I + p);
                                    Materials.AddMaterial(b, vector3I + p);
Esempio n. 32
        private void ReadVoxel(IMyVoxelBase voxel, Vector3D position, Dictionary <Vector3D, NaniteMiningItem> targets, HashSet <string> allowedOreList = null)
            var m_cache = new MyStorageData();
            NaniteShapeSphere shapeSphere = new NaniteShapeSphere();

            shapeSphere.Center = position;
            shapeSphere.Radius = NaniteConstructionManager.Settings.MiningRadius / 2;

            //NaniteShapeCapsule shapeCapsule = new NaniteShapeCapsule();
            //shapeCapsule.A = positionA;
            //shapeCapsule.B = positionB;
            //shapeCapsule.Radius = NaniteConstructionManager.Settings.MiningRadius;

            Vector3I minCorner, maxCorner, numCells;

            GetVoxelShapeDimensions(voxel, shapeSphere, out minCorner, out maxCorner, out numCells);

            var cacheMin = minCorner - 1;
            var cacheMax = maxCorner + 1;

            //bool bRareOnly = true;
            //if (allowedOreList != null && allowedOreList.Contains("Stone"))
            //    bRareOnly = false;

            m_cache.Resize(cacheMin, cacheMax);
            var flags = MyVoxelRequestFlags.AdviseCache;

            voxel.Storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, cacheMin, cacheMax, ref flags);

            //voxel.Storage.PinAndExecute(() =>
                Vector3I pos;
                for (pos.X = minCorner.X; pos.X <= maxCorner.X; ++pos.X)
                    for (pos.Y = minCorner.Y; pos.Y <= maxCorner.Y; ++pos.Y)
                        for (pos.Z = minCorner.Z; pos.Z <= maxCorner.Z; ++pos.Z)
                            // get original amount
                            var relPos = pos - cacheMin;
                            var lin    = m_cache.ComputeLinear(ref relPos);

                            //var relPos = pos - cacheMin; // Position of voxel in local space
                            var original = m_cache.Content(lin); // Content at this position

                            if (original == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)

                            var      material = m_cache.Material(lin); // Material at this position
                            Vector3D vpos;
                            MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToWorldPosition(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref pos, out vpos);
                            if (targets.ContainsKey(vpos))

                             * var volume = shapeSphere.GetVolume(ref vpos);
                             * if (volume == 0f) // Shape and voxel do not intersect at this position, so continue
                             *  continue;

                            // Pull information about voxel required for later processing
                            var voxelMat = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(material);
                            //if ((bRareOnly && voxelMat.IsRare) || !bRareOnly)
                            if (allowedOreList != null)// || (allowedOreList == null && bRareOnly && voxelMat.IsRare))
                                if (allowedOreList != null && !allowedOreList.Contains(voxelMat.MinedOre))

                                NaniteMiningItem miningItem = new NaniteMiningItem();
                                miningItem.Position      = vpos;
                                miningItem.VoxelMaterial = material;
                                miningItem.VoxelId       = voxel.EntityId;
                                miningItem.Amount        = original; // * 3.9f;
                                miningItem.MiningHammer  = this;
                                targets.Add(vpos, miningItem);

                            //m_cache.Content(lin, 0);
                            //m_cache.Material(lin, 0);

                //voxel.Storage.WriteRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, cacheMin, cacheMax);

             * int count = 0;
             * for (var itCells = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref Vector3I.Zero, ref numCells); itCells.IsValid(); itCells.MoveNext())
             * {
             *  Vector3I cellMinCorner, cellMaxCorner;
             *  GetCellCorners(ref minCorner, ref maxCorner, ref itCells, out cellMinCorner, out cellMaxCorner);
             *  var cacheMin = cellMinCorner - 1;
             *  var cacheMax = cellMaxCorner + 1;
             *  voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref cacheMin);
             *  voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref cacheMax);
             *  m_cache.Resize(cacheMin, cacheMax);
             *  voxel.Storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, cacheMin, cacheMax);
             *  for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref cellMinCorner, ref cellMaxCorner); it.IsValid(); it.MoveNext())
             *  {
             *      var relPos = it.Current - cacheMin; // Position of voxel in local space
             *      var original = m_cache.Content(ref relPos); // Content at this position
             *      var material = m_cache.Material(ref relPos); // Material at this position
             *      if (original == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
             *          continue;
             *      Vector3D vpos;
             *      MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToWorldPosition(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref it.Current, out vpos);
             *      if (targets.ContainsKey(vpos))
             *          continue;
             *      var volume = shapeSphere.GetVolume(ref vpos);
             *      if (volume == 0f) // Shape and voxel do not intersect at this position, so continue
             *          continue;
             *      // Pull information about voxel required for later processing
             *      var voxelMat = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(m_cache.Material(ref relPos));
             *      //if ((bRareOnly && voxelMat.IsRare) || !bRareOnly)
             *      //if(voxelMat.IsRare)
             *      if (allowedOreList != null)// || (allowedOreList == null && bRareOnly && voxelMat.IsRare))
             *      {
             *          if (allowedOreList != null && !allowedOreList.Contains(voxelMat.MinedOre))
             *              continue;
             *          NaniteMiningItem miningItem = new NaniteMiningItem();
             *          miningItem.Position = vpos;
             *          miningItem.VoxelMaterial = material;
             *          miningItem.VoxelId = voxel.EntityId;
             *          miningItem.Amount = original; // * 3.9f;
             *          miningItem.MiningHammer = this;
             *          targets.Add(vpos, miningItem);
             *          count++;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            //Logging.Instance.WriteLine(string.Format("Voxels Read: {0} - {1}", voxel.GetType().Name, count));
Esempio n. 33
        private void MergeAsteroidVolumeInto(ref MyVoxelMap newAsteroid, Vector3D min, StructureVoxelModel modelPrimary, StructureVoxelModel modelSecondary, Vector3D minPrimary, Vector3D minSecondary)
            var      filenameSecondary = modelSecondary.SourceVoxelFilepath ?? modelSecondary.VoxelFilepath;
            var      filenamePrimary   = modelPrimary.SourceVoxelFilepath ?? modelPrimary.VoxelFilepath;
            Vector3I block;
            Vector3I newBlock;
            Vector3I cacheSize;

            var asteroid = new MyVoxelMap();

            BoundingBoxI content = modelSecondary.InflatedContentBounds;

            for (block.Z = content.Min.Z; block.Z <= content.Max.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = content.Min.Y; block.Y <= content.Max.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = content.Min.X; block.X <= content.Max.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cache = new MyStorageData();
                        cacheSize = new Vector3I(MathHelper.Min(content.Max.X, block.X + 63) - block.X + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Y, block.Y + 63) - block.Y + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Z, block.Z + 63) - block.Z + 1);

                        asteroid.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        newBlock = ((minSecondary - min) + (Vector3D)(block - content.Min)).RoundToVector3I();
                        newAsteroid.Storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);

            content = modelPrimary.InflatedContentBounds;
            for (block.Z = content.Min.Z; block.Z <= content.Max.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = content.Min.Y; block.Y <= content.Max.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = content.Min.X; block.X <= content.Max.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cache = new MyStorageData();
                        cacheSize = new Vector3I(MathHelper.Min(content.Max.X, block.X + 63) - block.X + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Y, block.Y + 63) - block.Y + 1,
                                                 MathHelper.Min(content.Max.Z, block.Z + 63) - block.Z + 1);

                        asteroid.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        newBlock = ((minPrimary - min) + (Vector3D)(block - content.Min)).RoundToVector3I();
                        var newCache = new MyStorageData();
                        newAsteroid.Storage.ReadRange(newCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);

                        Vector3I p;
                        for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < cacheSize.Z; ++p.Z)
                            for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < cacheSize.Y; ++p.Y)
                                for (p.X = 0; p.X < cacheSize.X; ++p.X)
                                    byte volume   = cache.Content(ref p);
                                    byte material = cache.Material(ref p);
                                    if (volume > 0)
                                        byte existingVolume = newCache.Content(ref p);
                                        if (volume > existingVolume)
                                            newCache.Content(ref p, volume);
                                        // Overwrites secondary material with primary.
                                        newCache.Material(ref p, material);
                                        // try to find cover material.
                                        Vector3I[] points = CreateTestPoints(p, cacheSize - 1);
                                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                                            byte testVolume = cache.Content(ref points[i]);
                                            if (testVolume > 0)
                                                material = cache.Material(ref points[i]);
                                                newCache.Material(ref p, material);

                        newAsteroid.Storage.WriteRange(newCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, newBlock, newBlock + cacheSize - 1);
Esempio n. 34
        public static void RemoveVoxelContent(long voxelId, Vector3D position, out byte materialRemoved, out float amountOfMaterial)
            materialRemoved  = 0;
            amountOfMaterial = 0f;

            IMyEntity entity;

            if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.TryGetEntityById(voxelId, out entity))

            var      voxel = entity as IMyVoxelBase;
            var      targetMin = position;
            var      targetMax = position;
            Vector3I minVoxel, maxVoxel;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref targetMin, out minVoxel);
            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxel.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref targetMax, out maxVoxel);

            MyVoxelBase voxelBase = voxel as MyVoxelBase;

            minVoxel += voxelBase.StorageMin;
            maxVoxel += voxelBase.StorageMin + 1;

            voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref minVoxel);
            voxel.Storage.ClampVoxel(ref maxVoxel);

            MyStorageData cache = new MyStorageData();

            cache.Resize(minVoxel, maxVoxel);
            var flag = MyVoxelRequestFlags.AdviseCache;


            byte original = 0;
            byte material = 0;

            // I don't really think pinning is necessary since I'm in the main thread, but this hasn't been working for awhile, so I'll keep it here.
            voxel.Storage.PinAndExecute(() =>
                voxel.Storage.ReadRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, minVoxel, maxVoxel, ref flag);

                // Grab content and material
                original = cache.Content(0);
                material = cache.Material(0);

                if (original == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                    //Logging.Instance.WriteLine(string.Format("Content is empty"));

                // Remove Content
                Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"Material: SizeLinear: {cache.SizeLinear}, Size3D: {cache.Size3D}, AboveISO: {cache.ContainsVoxelsAboveIsoLevel()}");
                cache.Content(0, 0);
                voxel.Storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, minVoxel, maxVoxel);

            // Calculate Material Mined
            var voxelMat = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(material);

            materialRemoved  = material;
            amountOfMaterial = CalculateAmount(voxelMat, original * 3.9f);

            // This will sync the clients.  Apparently voxel writes do not sync, lovely.
            if (Sync.IsServer)
                VoxelRemovalData data = new VoxelRemovalData();
                data.VoxelID  = voxelId;
                data.Position = position;
                MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageToOthers(8969, ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML(data)));
Esempio n. 35
        private static MyStorageBase Compatibility_LoadCellStorage(int fileVersion, Stream stream)
            //  Size of this voxel map (in voxels)
            Vector3I tmpSize;

            tmpSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            var storage = new MyOctreeStorage(null, tmpSize);

            //  Size of data cell in voxels. Has to be the same as current size specified by our constants.
            Vector3I cellSize;

            cellSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
#if !XB1
            Trace.Assert(cellSize.X == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Y == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Z == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);
#else // XB1
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cellSize.X == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                                            cellSize.Y == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                                            cellSize.Z == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);
#endif // XB1

            Vector3I cellsCount = tmpSize / cellSize;

            Dictionary <byte, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition> mappingTable = null;
            if (fileVersion == STORAGE_TYPE_VERSION_CELL)
                // loading material names->index mappings
                mappingTable = Compatibility_LoadMaterialIndexMapping(stream);
            else if (fileVersion == 1)
                // material name->index mappings were not saved in this version

            var startCoord = Vector3I.Zero;
            var endCoord   = new Vector3I(MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);

            var cache = new MyStorageData();
            cache.Resize(Vector3I.Zero, endCoord);
            Vector3I cellCoord;
            for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                    for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                        MyVoxelRangeType cellType = (MyVoxelRangeType)stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();

                        //  Cell's are FULL by default, therefore we don't need to change them
                        switch (cellType)
                        case MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY); break;

                        case MyVoxelRangeType.FULL: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL); break;

                        case MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED:
                            Vector3I v;
                            for (v.X = 0; v.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.X++)
                                for (v.Y = 0; v.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Y++)
                                    for (v.Z = 0; v.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Z++)
                                        cache.Content(ref v, stream.ReadByteNoAlloc());
                        startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                        endCoord   = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                        storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);

            { // In case materials are not saved, catch any exceptions caused by this.
                // Read materials and indestructible
                for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                    for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                        for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                            bool isSingleMaterial = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc() == 1;
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material = null;

                            if (isSingleMaterial)
                                material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                byte     indestructibleContent;
                                Vector3I voxelCoordInCell;
                                for (voxelCoordInCell.X = 0; voxelCoordInCell.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.X++)
                                    for (voxelCoordInCell.Y = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Y++)
                                        for (voxelCoordInCell.Z = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Z++)
                                            material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                            indestructibleContent = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();
                                            cache.Material(ref voxelCoordInCell, material.Index);
                            startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                            endCoord   = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                            storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);
            catch (EndOfStreamException ex)

Esempio n. 36
            private void ExecuteQuery()
                    var      shape = _component._cachedRegion;
                    var      worldMin = shape.Center - shape.Radius;
                    var      worldMax = shape.Center + shape.Radius;
                    Vector3I voxMin, voxMax;
                    MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(_vox.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldMin, out voxMin);
                    MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(_vox.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldMax, out voxMax);

                        var tmp = Vector3I.Max(voxMin, voxMax);
                        voxMin = Vector3I.Min(voxMin, voxMax);
                        voxMax = tmp;

                        voxMin = voxMin >> _component.Definition.LevelOfDetail;
                        voxMax = (voxMax >> _component.Definition.LevelOfDetail) + 1;

                    _storage.Resize(voxMin, voxMax);
                    // ReSharper disable once RedundantCast
                    ((IMyStorage)_vox.Storage).ReadRange(_storage, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, _component.Definition.LevelOfDetail, in voxMin,
                                                         in voxMax);

                    for (var i = 0; i < _countsWorking.Length; i++)
                        _countsWorking[i] = 0;
                    for (var itr = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref voxMin, ref voxMax); itr.IsValid(); itr.MoveNext())
                        var      local     = itr.Current;
                        var      localRoot = local << _component.Definition.LevelOfDetail;
                        Vector3D box;
                        MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToWorldPosition(_vox.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref localRoot, out box);
                        if (!shape.Intersects(new BoundingBoxD(box, box + (1 << _component.Definition.LevelOfDetail))))
                        var stor    = local - voxMin;
                        var idx     = _storage.ComputeLinear(ref stor);
                        var content = _storage.Content(idx);
                        if (content == 0)
                        if (_component.Definition.Mode == VoxelPowerCountMode.Surface)
                            if (content == byte.MaxValue)
                            content = 1;

                        _countsWorking[_storage.Material(idx)] += content;

                        var tmp = _countsWorking;
                        _countsWorking = Counts;
                        Counts         = tmp;
                    _currentlyExecuting = false;
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voxelMap"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="resolution">0 to 8. 0 for fine/slow detail.</param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <param name="scanHits"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void FindMaterial(IMyVoxelBase voxelMap, Vector3D center, int resolution, double distance, List <ScanHit> scanHits)
            const double checkDistance = 50 * 50;  // 50 meter seperation.
            var          materials     = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinitions().Where(v => v.IsRare).ToArray();
            var          findMaterial  = materials.Select(f => f.Index).ToArray();
            var          storage       = voxelMap.Storage;
            var          scale         = (int)Math.Pow(2, resolution);

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("center", center.ToString());
            var point = new Vector3I(center - voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("point", point.ToString());

            var min = ((point - (int)distance) / 64) * 64;

            min = Vector3I.Max(min, Vector3I.Zero);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("min", min.ToString());

            var max = ((point + (int)distance) / 64) * 64;

            max = Vector3I.Max(max, min + 64);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("max", max.ToString());

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", voxelMap.StorageName + " " + storage.Size.ToString());

            if (min.X >= storage.Size.X ||
                min.Y >= storage.Size.Y ||
                min.Z >= storage.Size.Z)
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", "out of range");

            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();

            //var smin = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);
            //var smax = new Vector3I(31, 31, 31);
            ////var size = storage.Size;
            //var size = smax - smin + 1;
            //size = new Vector3I(16, 16, 16);
            //storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, Vector3I.Zero, size - 1);

            var smax = (max / scale) - 1;
            var smin = (min / scale);
            var size = smax - smin + 1;

            storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, smin, smax);

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("smax", smax.ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", size .ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size - 1", (size - 1).ToString());

            Vector3I p;

            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < size.X; ++p.X)
                        // place GPS in the center of the Voxel
                        Vector3D position = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (p * scale) + (scale / 2f) + min;

                        if (Math.Sqrt((position - center).LengthSquared()) < distance)
                            byte content  = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                            byte material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                            if (content > 0 && findMaterial.Any(m => m == material))
                                bool addHit = true;
                                foreach (ScanHit scanHit in scanHits)
                                    if (scanHit.Material == material && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(position, scanHit.Position) < checkDistance)
                                        addHit = false;
                                if (addHit)
                                    scanHits.Add(new ScanHit(position, material));
        private void ProcessAsteroid(string displayType, string displayName, IMyVoxelMap voxelMap, double distance, BoundingBoxD aabb)
            Vector3I min = Vector3I.MaxValue;
            Vector3I max = Vector3I.MinValue;
            Vector3I block;
            Dictionary<byte, long> assetCount = new Dictionary<byte, long>();

            // read the asteroid in chunks of 64 to avoid the Arithmetic overflow issue.
            for (block.Z = 0; block.Z < voxelMap.Storage.Size.Z; block.Z += 64)
                for (block.Y = 0; block.Y < voxelMap.Storage.Size.Y; block.Y += 64)
                    for (block.X = 0; block.X < voxelMap.Storage.Size.X; block.X += 64)
                        var cacheSize = new Vector3I(64);
                        var oldCache = new MyStorageData();
                        // LOD1 is not detailed enough for content information on asteroids.
                        voxelMap.Storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, block, block + cacheSize - 1);

                        Vector3I p;
                        for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < cacheSize.Z; ++p.Z)
                            for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < cacheSize.Y; ++p.Y)
                                for (p.X = 0; p.X < cacheSize.X; ++p.X)
                                    var content = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                                    if (content > 0)
                                        min = Vector3I.Min(min, p + block);
                                        max = Vector3I.Max(max, p + block + 1);

                                        var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);
                                        if (assetCount.ContainsKey(material))
                                            assetCount[material] += content;
                                            assetCount.Add(material, content);

            var assetNameCount = new Dictionary<string, long>();
            foreach (var kvp in assetCount)
                var name = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(kvp.Key).Id.SubtypeName;
                if (assetNameCount.ContainsKey(name))
                    assetNameCount[name] += kvp.Value;
                    assetNameCount.Add(name, kvp.Value);
            assetNameCount = assetNameCount.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            var sum = assetNameCount.Values.Sum();
            var ores = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var kvp in assetNameCount)
                ores.AppendFormat("{0}  {1:N}  {2:P}\r\n", kvp.Key, (double)kvp.Value / 255, (double)kvp.Value / (double)sum);

            var contentBox = new BoundingBoxD(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + min, voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + max);
            var description = string.Format("Distance: {0:N}\r\nSize: {1}\r\nBoundingBox Center: [X:{2:N} Y:{3:N} Z:{4:N}]\r\n\r\nContent Size:{5}\r\nLOD0 Content Center: [X:{6:N} Y:{7:N} Z:{8:N}]\r\n\r\nMaterial  Mass  Percent\r\n{9}",
                distance, voxelMap.Storage.Size,
                aabb.Center.X, aabb.Center.Y, aabb.Center.Z,
                max - min,
                contentBox.Center.X, contentBox.Center.Y, contentBox.Center.Z,

            MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMissionScreen(string.Format("ID {0}:", displayType), string.Format("'{0}'", displayName), " ", description, null, "OK");
Esempio n. 39
        public static void MakeCrater(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, BoundingSphereD sphere, Vector3 normal, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material)

            Vector3I minCorner, maxCorner;

                Vector3D sphereMin = sphere.Center - (sphere.Radius - MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES);
                Vector3D sphereMax = sphere.Center + (sphere.Radius + MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref sphereMin, out minCorner);
                MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToVoxelCoord(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref sphereMax, out maxCorner);

            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref minCorner);
            voxelMap.Storage.ClampVoxelCoord(ref maxCorner);

            //  We are tracking which voxels were changed, so we can invalidate only needed cells in the cache
            bool changed = false;

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Reading cache");
            m_cache.Resize(minCorner, maxCorner);
            voxelMap.Storage.ReadRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, 0, ref minCorner, ref maxCorner);

            ProfilerShort.Begin("Changing cache");
            int      removedVoxelContent = 0;
            Vector3I tempVoxelCoord;
            Vector3I cachePos;

            for (tempVoxelCoord.Z = minCorner.Z, cachePos.Z = 0; tempVoxelCoord.Z <= maxCorner.Z; tempVoxelCoord.Z++, ++cachePos.Z)
                for (tempVoxelCoord.Y = minCorner.Y, cachePos.Y = 0; tempVoxelCoord.Y <= maxCorner.Y; tempVoxelCoord.Y++, ++cachePos.Y)
                    for (tempVoxelCoord.X = minCorner.X, cachePos.X = 0; tempVoxelCoord.X <= maxCorner.X; tempVoxelCoord.X++, ++cachePos.X)
                        Vector3D voxelPosition;
                        MyVoxelCoordSystems.VoxelCoordToWorldPosition(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref tempVoxelCoord, out voxelPosition);

                        float addDist = (float)(voxelPosition - sphere.Center).Length();
                        float addDiff = (float)(addDist - sphere.Radius);

                        byte newContent;
                        if (addDiff > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)
                            newContent = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                        else if (addDiff < -MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)
                            newContent = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL;
                            //  This formula will work even if diff is positive or negative
                            newContent = (byte)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - addDiff / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL);

                        byte originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);

                        if (newContent > originalContent && originalContent > 0)
                            if (material != null)
                                m_cache.Material(ref cachePos, material.Index);

                            changed = true;
                            m_cache.Content(ref cachePos, newContent);

                        float delDist = (float)(voxelPosition - (sphere.Center + (float)sphere.Radius * 0.7f * normal)).Length();
                        float delDiff = (float)(delDist - sphere.Radius);

                        byte contentToRemove;
                        if (delDiff > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)
                            contentToRemove = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                        else if (delDiff < -MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)
                            contentToRemove = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL;
                            //  This formula will work even if diff is positive or negative
                            contentToRemove = (byte)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - delDiff / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL);

                        originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);

                        if (originalContent > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY && contentToRemove > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                            changed = true;

                            int newVal = originalContent - contentToRemove;
                            if (newVal < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                                newVal = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                            m_cache.Content(ref cachePos, (byte)newVal);

                            removedVoxelContent += originalContent - newVal;

                        float setDist = (float)(voxelPosition - (sphere.Center - (float)sphere.Radius * 0.5f * normal)).Length();
                        float setDiff = (float)(setDist - sphere.Radius / 4f);

                        if (setDiff <= MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES * 1.5f)  // could be VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF, but we want to set material in empty cells correctly
                            byte indestructibleContentToSet = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL;
                            if (setDiff >= MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)  // outside
                                indestructibleContentToSet = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY;
                            else if (setDiff >= -MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF)  // boundary
                                indestructibleContentToSet = (byte)(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL - setDiff / MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL);

                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition originalMaterial = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinition(m_cache.Material(ref cachePos));

                            // Change the material:
                            // - always on boundaries between material and nothing
                            // - smoothly on inner boundaries
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition newMaterial = material;
                            if (setDiff > 0)
                                byte content = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);
                                if (content == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL)
                                    newMaterial = originalMaterial;
                                if (setDiff >= MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES_HALF && content != MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)  // set material behind boundary only for empty voxels
                                    newMaterial = originalMaterial;

                            if (originalMaterial == newMaterial)

                            m_cache.Material(ref cachePos, newMaterial.Index);
                            changed = true;

                        float dist = (float)(voxelPosition - sphere.Center).Length();
                        float diff = (float)(dist - sphere.Radius);

                        if (diff <= 0f)
                            originalContent = m_cache.Content(ref cachePos);
                            if (originalContent > MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY)
                                bool wrinkled = m_cache.WrinkleVoxelContent(ref cachePos, MyVoxelConstants.DEFAULT_WRINKLE_WEIGHT_ADD, MyVoxelConstants.DEFAULT_WRINKLE_WEIGHT_REMOVE);
                                if (wrinkled)
                                    changed = true;

            if (changed)
                ProfilerShort.BeginNextBlock("Writing cache");
                voxelMap.Storage.WriteRange(m_cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, ref minCorner, ref maxCorner);

Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voxelMap"></param>
        /// <param name="resolution">0 to 8. 0 for fine/slow detail.</param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int FindMaterial(IMyVoxelBase voxelMap, Vector3D center, int resolution, double distance)
            Util.GetInstance().Log("Finding Mineral", "findingOres.txt");
            int hits         = 0;
            var materials    = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinitions().Where(v => v.IsRare).ToArray();
            var findMaterial = materials.Select(f => f.Index).ToArray();

            var storage = voxelMap.Storage;
            var scale   = (int)Math.Pow(2, resolution);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("center", center.ToString());
            var point = new Vector3I(center - voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("point", point.ToString());

            var min = ((point - (int)distance) / 64) * 64;

            min = Vector3I.Max(min, Vector3I.Zero);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("min", min.ToString());

            var max = ((point + (int)distance) / 64) * 64;

            max = Vector3I.Max(max, min + 64);
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("max", max.ToString());

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", voxelMap.StorageName + " " + storage.Size.ToString());

            if (min.X >= storage.Size.X ||
                min.Y >= storage.Size.Y ||
                min.Z >= storage.Size.Z)
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", "out of range");

            var oldCache = new MyStorageData();

            //var smin = new Vector3I(0, 0, 0);
            //var smax = new Vector3I(31, 31, 31);
            ////var size = storage.Size;
            //var size = smax - smin + 1;
            //size = new Vector3I(16, 16, 16);
            //storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, Vector3I.Zero, size - 1);

            var smax = (max / scale) - 1;
            var smin = (min / scale);
            var size = smax - smin + 1;

            storage.ReadRange(oldCache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.ContentAndMaterial, resolution, smin, smax);

            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("smax", smax.ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size", size .ToString());
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("size - 1", (size - 1).ToString());

            Vector3I p;

            for (p.Z = 0; p.Z < size.Z; ++p.Z)
                for (p.Y = 0; p.Y < size.Y; ++p.Y)
                    for (p.X = 0; p.X < size.X; ++p.X)
                        // place GPS in the center of the Voxel
                        var position = voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner + (p * scale) + (scale / 2) + min;

                        if (Math.Sqrt((position - center).LengthSquared()) < distance)
                            var content  = oldCache.Content(ref p);
                            var material = oldCache.Material(ref p);

                            if (content > 0 && findMaterial.Contains(material))
                                var index = Array.IndexOf(findMaterial, material);
                                var name  = materials[index].MinedOre;
                                Util.GetInstance().Log(hits + " Ore " + name + " scanore " + position, "findingOres.txt");
                                //var gps = MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.Create("Ore " + name, "scanore", position, true, false);