public ArmController(MyIni ini, MyGridProgram p, CommandLine cmd, IMyShipController cont, WheelsController wCont, ISaveManager manager) { var rotors = new List <IMyMotorStator>(); p.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(rotors, r => r.CubeGrid == p.Me.CubeGrid && r.DisplayNameText.Contains("Arm Rotor")); this.rotors = rotors.Select(r => new ArmRotor(r, r.WorldMatrix.Up.Dot(cont.WorldMatrix.Right) > 0)).ToList(); var keys = new List <MyIniKey>(); ini.GetKeys(SECTION, keys); this.pos = keys.Where(k => !k.Name.StartsWith("$")).ToDictionary(k => k.Name, k => new ArmPos(ini.Get(k).ToString())); this.pos["$top"] = new ArmPos(this.rotors[0].Max); this.pos["$mid"] = new ArmPos(0.2f); this.pos["$bottom"] = new ArmPos(this.rotors[0].Min); this.pos["$auto-high"] = new ArmPos(ArmPos.R_ELEVATION, 0); this.pos["$auto-low"] = new ArmPos(ArmPos.L_ELEVATION, 0); var tools = new List <IMyFunctionalBlock>(); p.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(tools, t => t.IsSameConstructAs(cont) && (t is IMyShipToolBase || t is IMyShipDrill)); this.autoCont = new ArmAutoControl(ini, this.Angle, wCont, tools); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("arm-del", Command.Wrap(this.deletePosition), "Deletes a saved position of the arm", nArgs: 1)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("arm-elevation", Command.Wrap(this.autoElevate), "Makes the arm elevate at the correct position", detailedHelp: @"First argument is elevation ('high'/'low'/float) Second argument is angle", maxArgs: 2)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("arm-drill", Command.Wrap(this.drill), "Engages the drills and move slowly to position", nArgs: 1)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("arm-recall", Command.Wrap(this.recallPosition), "Recalls a saved position of the arm", nArgs: 1)); cmd.RegisterCommand(new Command("arm-save", Command.Wrap(this.savePosition), "Saves the current position of the arm", nArgs: 1)); manager.Spawn(pc => this.updateRotors(cont), "arm-handle"); manager.AddOnSave(; }
public void IsolatedRun(Action work) { if (lastException == null) { try { Current = this; Log.NewFrame(); work(); Current = null; } catch (Exception e) { lastException = e; } } if (lastException != null) { EchoException(); return; } }
public LocustAttackTaskGenerator(MyGridProgram program, LocustCombatSystem combatSystem, IAutopilot autopilot, IAgentSubsystem agentSubsystem) { Program = program; CombatSystem = combatSystem; Autopilot = autopilot; AgentSubsystem = agentSubsystem; }
public PrisonManager(MyGridProgram program) { this.program = program; this.grid = program.GridTerminalSystem; = program.Me; Init(); }
public AutoAntennaRelaySlave(MyGridProgram p, String tagGroup) : base(p, tagGroup) { p.IGC.UnicastListener.SetMessageCallback(AutoAntennaRelayManager.TAG_ASK_CHANGE_RANGE); AddListener(AutoAntennaRelayManager.TAG_ASK_UPDATE_INFO, true); AddListener(AutoAntennaRelayManager.TAG_ASK_UPDATE_INFO_OPTIONNAL, true); SendMyInfo(); }
internal Airlock(MyGridProgram p, string id) { caller = p; shipGrid = caller.Me.CubeGrid; airlockID = id; build(); }
public AbstractSEClass(MyGridProgram p) { this.p = p; this.LOGGER = Logger.GetDefaultInstance(); this.config = new ConfigUtils(p.Me); BuildConfig(); }
public static void InitDefaultInstance(MyGridProgram p) { if (DEFAULT_INSTANCE == null) { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new Logger(p); } }
public void Reset(WaypointTask holdTask, WaypointTask approachTask, WaypointTask enterTask, WaypointTask closeTask, DockTask dockTask, MyTuple <IntelItemType, long> intelKey, MyGridProgram program, MyCubeSize dockSize, IMyTerminalBlock connector, IMyTerminalBlock indicator = null) { Reset(); if (indicator != null) { Indicator = indicator; Connector = connector; } EnterHoldingPattern = holdTask; WaitForClearance = new WaitTask(); ApproachEntrance = approachTask; ApproachDock = enterTask; FinalAdjustToDock = closeTask; DockTask = dockTask; IntelKey = intelKey; DockSize = dockSize; Program = program; closeTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 0.5f; enterTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 5; TaskQueue.Enqueue(EnterHoldingPattern); TaskQueue.Enqueue(WaitForClearance); TaskQueue.Enqueue(ApproachEntrance); TaskQueue.Enqueue(ApproachDock); TaskQueue.Enqueue(FinalAdjustToDock); TaskQueue.Enqueue(DockTask); }
public Thruster(IMyThrust t, MatrixD m, MyGridProgram argPg) { pg = argPg; th = t; double force = 0; if (t.DetailedInfo.Contains("Atmospheric")) { TYPE = ATM; } else if (t.DetailedInfo.Contains("Hydrogen")) { TYPE = HY; } else if (t.DetailedInfo.Contains("Thruster")) { TYPE = ION; } else { } force = t.MaxEffectiveThrust; FORCE = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Forward) { FORCE_DIM = 2; FORCE_MULT = 1; } else if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Backward) { FORCE_DIM = 2; FORCE_MULT = -1; } else if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Right) { FORCE_DIM = 0; FORCE_MULT = -1; } else if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Left) { FORCE_DIM = 0; FORCE_MULT = 1; } else if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Up) { FORCE_DIM = 1; FORCE_MULT = -1; } else if (t.WorldMatrix.Forward == m.Down) { FORCE_DIM = 1; FORCE_MULT = 1; } else { throw new Exception("Thruster(): invalid matrix"); } FORCE.SetDim(FORCE_DIM, FORCE_MULT); }
public WriteLCD(MyGridProgram script, string lcdName) { _script = script; lcd1 = new StringBuilder(); lcds = new List <IMyTextPanel>(); LCDBuild(lcdName); }
// bool cleared = false; public UndockSeperationTask(IAutopilot autopilotSubsystem, IDockingSubsystem dockingSubsystem, MyGridProgram program) { AutopilotSubsystem = autopilotSubsystem; DockingSubsystem = dockingSubsystem; WaitTask = new WaitTask(); Program = program; }
public DoorManager(MyGridProgram program, IProcessSpawner spawner, Action <string> logger) { this.logger = logger; this.mainProcess = spawner.Spawn(this._handleDoors, "autodoors-main"); this.Scan(program); this.mainProcess.Spawn(p => this.Scan(program), "scan", period: 431); }
public void Scan(MyGridProgram program) { this.doors.Clear(); this.sases.Clear(); program.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(this.tmpDoorList, d => d.CubeGrid == program.Me.CubeGrid && d.IsFunctional); foreach (IMyDoor door in this.tmpDoorList) { var match = SAS_DOOR_RE.Match(door.DisplayNameText); if (match != null) { IMyDoor otherDoor = this.tmpSases.GetValueOrDefault(match.Groups[1].Value); if (otherDoor != null) { this.sases.Add(new Sas($"{match.Groups[1].Value})", door, otherDoor)); this.tmpSases.Remove(match.Groups[1].Value); } else { this.tmpSases.Add(match.Groups[1].Value, door); } } else { this.doors.Add(door); } } this.doors.AddRange(this.tmpSases.Values); this.logger?.Invoke($"Found {this.doors.Count} doors and {this.sases.Count} sases"); this.tmpSases.Clear(); }
public AutoAntennaRelayManager(MyGridProgram p, String tagGroup) : base(p, tagGroup) { p.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10; AddListener(TAG_INFO_MEMBER, true); WriteToChanel(TAG_ASK_UPDATE_INFO, ""); members.Add(MyInfo.Id, MyInfo); }
internal Hangar(MyGridProgram p, string id) { caller = p; shipGrid = caller.Me.CubeGrid; hangarID = id; build(); }
public SetHomeTask(MyTuple <IntelItemType, long> intelKey, long myId, MyGridProgram program, IDockingSubsystem ds) { IntelKey = intelKey; MyId = myId; Program = program; DockingSubsystem = ds; }
public static TBlock GetClosestBlockOfType <TBlock>(this MyGridProgram program) where TBlock : class, IMyCubeBlock { var blocks = GetAllBlocksOfType <TBlock>(program); if (blocks.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"No block of type {typeof(TBlock).Name} found!"); } TBlock block = null; var distance = double.MaxValue; var myPosition = program.Me.GetPosition(); foreach (var x in blocks) { var d = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(x.GetPosition(), myPosition); if (d < distance) { block = x; distance = d; } } return(block); }
public MyAutoGyro(AutoGyroMode mode, MyGridProgram program, string RC_name) { Init(); gyroMode = mode; if (program == null) { return; } GridTerminalSystem = program.GridTerminalSystem; Echo = program.Echo; Me = program.Me; List <IMyRemoteControl> RCs = new List <IMyRemoteControl>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(RCs, b => b.CustomName == RC_name); if (RCs.Count == 0) { Echo("No functional remote control blocks found."); return; } RC = RCs.First(); UpdateGyroList(); }
public Program() { PROGRAM = this; InitializeParsers(); ParameterProcessorRegistry.InitializeProcessors(); Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UPDATE_FREQUENCY; }
static List <MyIGCMessage> provideMessages(MyGridProgram program) { List <IMyBroadcastListener> listeners = new List <IMyBroadcastListener>(); program.IGC.GetBroadcastListeners(listeners); return(listeners.Where(l => l.HasPendingMessage).Select(l => l.AcceptMessage()).ToList()); }
internal GasSystem(string name, string blockName, float min, float max, MyGridProgram caller) { = name; minFrac = min; maxFrac = max; caller.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyGasTank>(tanks, b => b.CubeGrid == caller.Me.CubeGrid && b.CustomName.Contains(blockName) && !b.CustomName.Contains("Compress")); caller.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyGasTank>(compressors, b => b.CubeGrid == caller.Me.CubeGrid && b.CustomName.Contains(blockName) && b.CustomName.Contains("Compress")); }
public static new GraphicalStationMonitor GetInstance(MyGridProgram program) { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new GraphicalStationMonitor(program); } return(_instance); }
public ZACommons(MyGridProgram program, string shipGroup = null, ZAStorage storage = null) { Program = program; ShipGroupName = shipGroup; Storage = storage; IsDirty = false; }
public Goto(MyGridProgram argPg, Grid argG, Mover m, Aligner a) { pg = argPg; g = argG; mover = m; aligner = a; rc = new RemoteControl(g); }
public static List <TBlock> GetAllBlocksOfType <TBlock>(this MyGridProgram program) where TBlock : class { var blocks = new List <TBlock>(); program.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(blocks); return(blocks); }
public ShipControlCommons(MyGridProgram program, UpdateType updateType, ShipOrientation shipOrientation, string shipGroup = null, ZAStorage storage = null) : base(program, updateType, shipGroup: shipGroup, storage: storage) { this.shipOrientation = shipOrientation; }
public Program() { // Set the update speed in milliseconds Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1; // Get a reference to SELF, for debugging from other contexts PROGRAM = this; }
public StateOfShip(MyGridProgram gridProg) { pgr = gridProg; LeftRight_thruster_Bship = new List <MyGravitonThruster>(12); UpDown_thruster_Bship = new List <MyGravitonThruster>(12); BackForw_thruster_Bship = new List <MyGravitonThruster>(12); }
public FileSystem(MyGridProgram gridProgram) { if (gridProgram == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gridProgram)); } this.gridProgram = gridProgram; }
public ShipControlCommons(MyGridProgram program, ShipOrientation shipOrientation, string shipGroup = null, ZAStorage storage = null) : base(program, shipGroup: shipGroup, storage: storage) { this.shipOrientation = shipOrientation; // Use own programmable block as reference point Reference = program.Me; ReferencePoint = Reference.GetPosition(); }
public void Run(MyGridProgram program, string prefix) { prefix = prefix.Trim(); // Get list of all blocks var blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>(); program.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocks(blocks); var countsByType = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();) { var block = e.Current; if (EXCLUDED_BLOCK_TYPES.Contains(block.DefinitionDisplayNameText)) continue; if (EXCLUDED_BLOCK_NAMES.Contains(block.CustomName)) continue; var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(prefix); builder.Append(' '); builder.Append(block.DefinitionDisplayNameText); var genericName = builder.ToString(); // If it starts with a generic prefixed name, look at it closer.. if (block.CustomName == genericName) { // No need to check more } else if (block.CustomName.StartsWith(genericName + " ")) { var rest = block.CustomName.Substring(genericName.Length + 1); // See if it's a simple number uint num; if (rest.Length > 0 && !uint.TryParse(rest, out num)) { // Can't parse it, must be customized continue; } } else if (block.CustomName == prefix || block.CustomName.StartsWith(prefix + " ")) { // Otherwise, if it already has the prefix, leave it alone continue; } uint count; if (!countsByType.TryGetValue(block.DefinitionDisplayNameText, out count)) { count = 0; } count++; countsByType[block.DefinitionDisplayNameText] = count; if (count > 1) { builder.Append(' '); builder.Append(count); } block.SetCustomName(builder); } }