Esempio n. 1
        public void TestSelectNoRows(string commandText, MultiShardExecutionPolicy policy)
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText     = commandText;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = policy;

                    // Read first
                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count);
                        while (sdr.Read())
                            Assert.Fail("Should not have gotten any records.");

                    // HasRows first
                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count);
                        while (sdr.Read())
                            Assert.Fail("Should not have gotten any records.");
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestFailedCommandWithConnectionCloseCmdBehavior()
            Parallel.For(0, 100, i =>
                    using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                        using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd.CommandText = "select * from table_does_not_exist";
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                            using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                while (sdr.Read())
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Encountered exception: {0} in iteration: {1}",
                                      ex.ToString(), i);
                    Console.WriteLine("Completed execution of iteration: {0}", i);
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestQueryShardsAsync()
            // Create new sharded connection so we can test the OpenAsync call as well.
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT dbNameField, Test_int_Field, Test_bigint_Field  FROM ConsistentShardedTable";
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = ExecAsync(conn, cmd).Result)
                        int recordsRetrieved = 0;
                        while (sdr.Read())
                            var dbNameField     = sdr.GetString(0);
                            var testIntField    = sdr.GetFieldValue <int>(1);
                            var testBigIntField = sdr.GetFieldValue <Int64>(2);
                            Logger.Log("RecordRetrieved: dbNameField: {0}, TestIntField: {1}, TestBigIntField: {2}, RecordCount: {3}",
                                       dbNameField, testIntField, testBigIntField, recordsRetrieved);

                        Assert.AreEqual(recordsRetrieved, 9);
        public DataSet MultiShardQuery(string commandText)
            DataSet _ds = new DataSet();

                RetryPolicy.DefaultExponential.ExecuteAction(() =>
                    using (MultiShardCommand cmd = new MultiShardConnection(lsm.GetShards(), shardConnectionString).CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText      = commandText;
                        cmd.CommandType      = CommandType.Text;
                        cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.None;
                        //04/23/2015 by Mark Berman - switched to Partial results versus CompleteResults as timeout exception was being thrown
                        cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;
                        using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            if (sdr.Read())
                                // the multi-shard query does not return a dataset or datarow.
                                // we have to manually re-create a table structure, then fill it with data.
                                object[] sqlValues = new object[sdr.FieldCount];
                                DataTable dtValues = new DataTable();
                                foreach (var column in sqlValues)
                                    dtValues.Columns.Add(new DataColumn {
                                        DataType = column.GetType()
                                while (sdr.Read())
            catch { _ds = null; }
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the SQL command and returns the output in text format.
        /// </summary>
        private static string ExecuteCommand(MultiShardConnection conn, string commandText)
                StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

                int rowsAffected = 0;

                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText            = commandText;
                    cmd.CommandTimeout         = s_commandLine.QueryTimeout;
                    cmd.CommandTimeoutPerShard = s_commandLine.QueryTimeout;

                    // Execute command and time with a stopwatch
                    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = s_commandLine.ExecutionPolicy;
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = s_commandLine.ExecutionOptions;
                    using (MultiShardDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default))

                        // Get column names
                        IEnumerable <string> columnNames = GetColumnNames(reader).ToArray();

                        // Create table formatter
                        TableFormatter tableFormatter = new TableFormatter(columnNames.ToArray());

                        // Read results from db
                        while (reader.Read())

                            // Add the row to the table formatter
                            object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];

                        // Write formatter output

                    output.AppendFormat("({0} rows affected - {1:hh}:{1:mm}:{1:ss} elapsed)", rowsAffected, stopwatch.Elapsed);

            catch (MultiShardAggregateException e)
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestSchemaMismatchErrorPropagation()
            // First we need to alter the schema on one of the shards - we'll choose the last one.
            string origColName = "Test_bigint_Field";
            string newColName  = "ModifiedName";

            MultiShardTestUtils.ChangeColumnNameOnShardedTable(2, origColName, newColName);

            // Then create new sharded connection so we can test the error handling logic.
            // We'll wrap this all in a try-catch-finally block so that we can change the schema back
            // to what the other tests will expect it to be in the finally.
                using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                    using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        // Need to do a SELECT * in order to get the column name error as a schema mismatcherror.  If we name it explicitly
                        // we will get a command execution error instead.
                        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ConsistentShardedTable";
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                        using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = ExecAsync(conn, cmd).Result)
                            // The number of errors we have depends on which shard executed first.
                            // So, we know it should be 1 OR 2.
                                ((sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count == 1) || (sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count == 2)),
                                string.Format("Expected 1 or 2 execution erros, but saw {0}", sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count));

                            int recordsRetrieved = 0;
                            while (sdr.Read())
                                var dbNameField = sdr.GetString(0);

                            // We should see 9 records less 3 for each one that had a schema error.
                            int expectedRecords = ((9 - (3 * sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count)));

                            Assert.AreEqual(recordsRetrieved, expectedRecords);
                MultiShardTestUtils.ChangeColumnNameOnShardedTable(2, newColName, origColName);
        // GET: Captain
        public ActionResult Index()
            Dictionary <int, int> votes = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            //Perform a multi shard query to tally all the votes
            // Get the shards to connect to
            var shards = _shardMap.GetShards();

            // Create the multi-shard connection
            using (var conn = new MultiShardConnection(shards, Util.SqlHelper.GetCredentialsConnectionString()))
                // Create a simple command
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    // Because this query is grouped by CustomerID, which is sharded,
                    // we will not get duplicate rows.
                    cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT Captain, COUNT(*) AS Votes FROM [dbo].[Votes] GROUP BY [Captain]";

                    // Allow for partial results in case some shards do not respond in time
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    // Allow the entire command to take up to 30 seconds
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 30;

                    // Execute the command.
                    // We do not need to specify retry logic because MultiShardDataReader will internally retry until the CommandTimeout expires.
                    using (MultiShardDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            votes.Add(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1));

            var vm = new ViewModels.Captain.IndexViewModel();

            foreach (var captain in _captainContext.Captains)
                int voteCount = 0;
                votes.TryGetValue(captain.ID, out voteCount);

                vm.Captains.Add(new ViewModels.Captain.IndexViewModelCaptain()
                    ID    = captain.ID,
                    Name  = captain.Name,
                    Votes = voteCount

Esempio n. 8
        // POST api/CustomLogin
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(LoginRequest loginRequest)
            Guid shardKey;

            // SAVE companiesId to shardKey!
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.ShardMap.GetShards(), WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.connstring))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    // CHECK SCHEMA
                    // SQL INJECTION SECURITY ISSUE
                    cmd.CommandText      = "SELECT CompaniesID FROM [mpbdm].[Accounts] JOIN [mpbdm].[Users] ON [mpbdm].[Users].Id = [mpbdm].[Accounts].User_Id WHERE email='" + + "'";
                    cmd.CommandType      = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;
                    // Async
                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        bool res = sdr.Read();
                        if (res != false)
                            shardKey = new Guid(sdr.GetString(0));
                            return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Account doesn't exist!"));
            // Connect with entity framework to the specific shard
            mpbdmContext <Guid> context = new mpbdmContext <Guid>(WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.ShardMap, shardKey, WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.connstring);
            Account             account = context.Accounts.Include("User").Where(a => a.User.Email ==;

            if (account != null)
                byte[] incoming = CustomLoginProviderUtils.hash(loginRequest.password, account.Salt);

                if (CustomLoginProviderUtils.slowEquals(incoming, account.SaltedAndHashedPassword))
                    ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity();
                    claimsIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, account.User.Email));
                    // Custom Claim must be added to CustomLoginProvider too !!
                    claimsIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim("shardKey", account.User.CompaniesID));
                    var               customLoginProvider = new CustomLoginProvider(handler);
                    LoginResult       loginResult         = customLoginProvider.CreateLoginResult(claimsIdentity, Services.Settings.MasterKey);
                    MobileLoginResult res = new MobileLoginResult(account, loginResult);
                    return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res));
            return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Invalid username or password"));
Esempio n. 9
        public void TestSimpleSelect(MultiShardExecutionPolicy policy)
            // What we're doing:
            // Grab all rows from each test database.
            // Load them into a MultiShardDataReader.
            // Iterate through the rows and make sure that we have 9 total.
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText      = "SELECT dbNameField, Test_int_Field, Test_bigint_Field FROM ConsistentShardedTable";
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = policy;

                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        int recordsRetrieved = 0;
                        Logger.Log("Starting to get records");
                        while (sdr.Read())
                            string dbNameField         = sdr.GetString(0);
                            int    testIntField        = sdr.GetFieldValue <int>(1);
                            Int64  testBigIntField     = sdr.GetFieldValue <Int64>(2);
                            string shardIdPseudoColumn = sdr.GetFieldValue <string>(3);
                            string logRecord           =
                                    "RecordRetrieved: dbNameField: {0}, TestIntField: {1}, TestBigIntField: {2}, shardIdPseudoColumnField: {3}, RecordCount: {4}",
                                    dbNameField, testIntField, testBigIntField, shardIdPseudoColumn, recordsRetrieved);


                        Assert.AreEqual(recordsRetrieved, 9);
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestSelect_PartialFailure_PartialResults()
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText     = GetPartialFailureQuery();
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        // Exactly one should have failed
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count);

                        // We should be able to read
                        while (sdr.Read())
Esempio n. 11
        // POST api/CustomRegistration
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(RegistrationRequest registrationRequest)
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(, "^([a-z.A-Z0-9]{1,})@([a-z]{2,}).[a-z]{2,}$"))
                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid email!"));
            else if (registrationRequest.password.Length < 8)
                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid password (at least 8 chars required)"));

            // SEARCH BY EMAIL
            mpbdmContext <Guid> context = null;
            Guid shardKey;

            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.ShardMap.GetShards(), WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.connstring))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    // Get emailDomain
                    char[] papaki = new char[1];
                    papaki[0] = '@';
                    // SQL INJECTION SECURITY ISSUE
                    string emailDomain =;

                    // CHECK SCHEMA
                    cmd.CommandText      = "SELECT Id FROM [mpbdm].[Companies] WHERE Email LIKE '%" + emailDomain + "'";
                    cmd.CommandType      = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        bool res = sdr.Read();
                        if (res != false)
                            shardKey = new Guid(sdr.GetString(0));
                            if (registrationRequest.CompanyName == null || registrationRequest.CompanyAddress == null)
                                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "Company under this email domain doesn't exist! To create a company with your registration please provide CompanyName and CompanyAddress parameters"));

                            Companies comp = new Companies();
                            comp.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                            comp.Name    = registrationRequest.CompanyName;
                            comp.Address = registrationRequest.CompanyAddress;
                            comp.Email   =;
                            comp.Deleted = false;

                            // SHARDING Find where to save the new company
                            Shard shard = WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.FindRoomForCompany();
                            WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.RegisterNewShard(shard.Location.Database, comp.Id);
                            //Connect to the db registered above
                            shardKey = new Guid(comp.Id);
                            context  = new mpbdmContext <Guid>(WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.ShardMap, shardKey, WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.connstring);
                            // Add to the db

            // MUST RECHECK CORRECT DB!!!!!!!!!!!
            if (context == null)
                context = new mpbdmContext <Guid>(WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.ShardMap, shardKey, WebApiConfig.ShardingObj.connstring);
            Account account = null;

            var aa = context.Set <Account>();
            var bb = aa.Where(a => a.User.Email ==;

            account = bb.FirstOrDefault();
            if (account != null)
                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Email already exists"));
                byte[] salt = CustomLoginProviderUtils.generateSalt();

                string compId = shardKey.ToString();

                Users newUser = new Users
                    Id          = CustomLoginProvider.ProviderName + ":" +,
                    CompaniesID = compId,
                    FirstName   = registrationRequest.firstName,
                    LastName    = registrationRequest.lastName,
                    Email       =

                Account newAccount = new Account
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    //Username = registrationRequest.username,
                    Salt = salt,
                    SaltedAndHashedPassword = CustomLoginProviderUtils.hash(registrationRequest.password, salt),
                    User = newUser

                catch (Exception ex)
                    var a = ex.InnerException;
Esempio n. 12
        public List <string[]> ExecuteMultiShardQuery(ListShardMap <int> shardMap, string credentialsConnectionString)
            // Get the shards to connect to
            IEnumerable <Shard> shards = shardMap.GetShards();

            // Create the multi-shard connection
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(shards, credentialsConnectionString))
                // Create a simple command
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    // Because this query is grouped by CustomerID, which is sharded,
                    // we will not get duplicate rows.
                    cmd.CommandText = @"
                            c.Name AS CustomerName, 
                            o.OrderID AS OrderCount
                            dbo.Customers AS c INNER JOIN 
                            dbo.Orders AS o
                            ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
                        ORDER BY 

                    // Append a column with the shard name where the row came from
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;

                    // Allow for partial results in case some shards do not respond in time
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    // Allow the entire command to take up to 30 seconds
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 30;

                    // Execute the command.
                    // We do not need to specify retry logic because MultiShardDataReader will internally retry until the CommandTimeout expires.
                    using (MultiShardDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        // Get the column names
                        TableFormatter formatter = new TableFormatter(GetColumnNames(reader).ToArray());

                        int rows = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            // Read the values using standard DbDataReader methods
                            object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];

                            // Extract just database name from the $ShardLocation pseudocolumn to make the output formater cleaner.
                            // Note that the $ShardLocation pseudocolumn is always the last column
                            int shardLocationOrdinal = values.Length - 1;
                            values[shardLocationOrdinal] = ExtractDatabaseName(values[shardLocationOrdinal].ToString());

                            // Add values to output formatter


                        Console.WriteLine("({0} rows returned)", rows);

Esempio n. 13
        public static void Main()
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder connStrBldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder
                UserID          = userName,
                Password        = password,
                ApplicationName = applicationName

            #region Create Shards
            // Bootstrap the shard map manager, register shards, and store mappings of tenants to shards
            // Note that you can keep working with existing shard maps. There is no need to
            // re-create and populate the shard map from scratch every time.
            Console.WriteLine("Checking for existing shard map and creating new shard map if necessary.");

            Sharding sharding = new Sharding(server, shardmapmgrdb, connStrBldr.ConnectionString);
            sharding.RegisterNewShard(server, shard1, connStrBldr.ConnectionString, tenantId1);
            sharding.RegisterNewShard(server, shard2, connStrBldr.ConnectionString, tenantId2);


            #region Insert Items
            // Do work for tenant 1 :-)

            // Create and save a new Blog
            Console.Write("Enter a name for a new Blog: ");
            var name = Console.ReadLine();

            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext <int>(sharding.ShardMap, tenantId1, connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
                    var blog = new Blog {
                        Name = name

            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext <int>(sharding.ShardMap, tenantId1, connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
                    // Display all Blogs for tenant 1
                    var query = from b in db.Blogs
                                orderby b.Name
                                select b;

                    Console.WriteLine("All blogs for tenant id {0}:", tenantId1);
                    foreach (var item in query)

            // Do work for tenant 2 :-)
            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext <int>(sharding.ShardMap, tenantId2, connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
                    // Display all Blogs from the database
                    var query = from b in db.Blogs
                                orderby b.Name
                                select b;

                    Console.WriteLine("All blogs for tenant id {0}:", tenantId2);
                    foreach (var item in query)

            // Create and save a new Blog
            Console.Write("Enter a name for a new Blog: ");
            var name2 = Console.ReadLine();

            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext <int>(sharding.ShardMap, tenantId2, connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
                    var blog = new Blog {
                        Name = name2

            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (var db = new ElasticScaleContext <int>(sharding.ShardMap, tenantId2, connStrBldr.ConnectionString))
                    // Display all Blogs from the database
                    var query = from b in db.Blogs
                                orderby b.Name
                                select b;

                    Console.WriteLine("All blogs for tenant id {0}:", tenantId2);
                    foreach (var item in query)


            #region Query

            Console.WriteLine("Staring Multi Shard Read via MultiShardCommand");

            /// Multi Shard querying
            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(
                    using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText      = "SELECT BlogId, Name FROM Blogs";
                        cmd.CommandType      = CommandType.Text;
                        cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;
                        cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                        using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (sdr.Read())
                                var c2Field = sdr.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
                                var c1Field = sdr.GetFieldValue <string>(1);

                                Blog blog = new Blog(c2Field, c1Field, null);

                                Console.WriteLine("Blog Entry: " + blog.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Staring Multi Shard Read via Elastic Scale");

            //Elastic Query
            SqlDatabaseUtils.SqlRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() =>
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(elasticqueryString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT BlogId, Name FROM Blogs";
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


                        using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (sdr.Read())
                                var c2Field = sdr.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
                                var c1Field = sdr.GetFieldValue <string>(1);

                                Blog blog = new Blog(c2Field, c1Field, null);

                                Console.WriteLine("Blog Entry: " + blog.Name);


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
        public void TestDataReaderReadException()
            // Setup two data readers from shards
            var  mockReader1         = new MockSqlDataReader("Reader1");
            var  mockReader2         = new MockSqlDataReader("Reader2");
            bool movedOnToNextReader = false;
            int  invokeCount         = 1;
            Func <MockSqlDataReader, Task <bool> > ExecuteOnReadAsync = (r) =>
                return(Task.Run <bool>(() =>
                    // First reader throws an exception when Read
                    if (r.Name == "Reader1")
                        if (invokeCount == 2)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException();
                        movedOnToNextReader = true;
                    return true;

            Action <MockSqlDataReader> ExecuteOnGetColumn = (r) =>
                if (r.Name == "Reader1")
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            mockReader1.ExecuteOnReadAsync = ExecuteOnReadAsync;
            mockReader1.ExecuteOnGetColumn = ExecuteOnGetColumn;
            mockReader2.ExecuteOnReadAsync = ExecuteOnReadAsync;
            var labeledDataReaders = new LabeledDbDataReader[2];

            labeledDataReaders[0] = new LabeledDbDataReader(mockReader1, new ShardLocation("test", "Shard1"),
                                                            new MockSqlCommand()
                Connection = new MockSqlConnection("", () => { })
            labeledDataReaders[1] = new LabeledDbDataReader(mockReader2, new ShardLocation("test", "Shard2"),
                                                            new MockSqlCommand()
                Connection = new MockSqlConnection("", () => { })

            // Create the MultiShardDataReader
            var mockMultiShardCmd    = MultiShardCommand.Create(null, "test");
            var multiShardDataReader = new MultiShardDataReader(mockMultiShardCmd, labeledDataReaders,
                                                                MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults, false);

            // Validate that if an exception is thrown when reading a column,
            // it is propagated back to the user
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex is InvalidOperationException, "Expected InvalidOperationException!");

            // Validate that we didn't automatically move on to the next reader when we
            // hit an exception whilst reading the column and that
            // an exception from a second Read() call is stored and the reader is closed
            Assert.AreEqual(multiShardDataReader.MultiShardExceptions.Count, 1, "Expected exception to be recorded");
            Assert.IsTrue(mockReader1.IsClosed, "Expected reader to be closed!");

            // Validate we immediately moved on to the next reader
            Assert.IsTrue(movedOnToNextReader, "Should've moved on to next reader");
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestShardResultFailures()
            ProxyServer proxyServer = GetProxyServer();

                // Start up the proxy server.  Do it in a try so we can shut it down in the finally.
                // Also, we have to generate the proxyShardconnections *AFTER* we start up the server
                // so that we know what port the proxy is listening on.  More on the placement
                // of the connection generation below.

                // PreKillReads is the number of successful reads to perform before killing
                // all the connections.  We start at 0 to test the no failure case as well.
                for (int preKillReads = 0; preKillReads <= 10; preKillReads++)
                    // Additionally, since we are running inside a loop, we need to regenerate the proxy shard connections each time
                    // so that we don't re-use dead connections.  If we do that we will end up hung in the read call.
                    List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> > proxyShardConnections = GetProxyShardConnections(proxyServer);
                    using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(proxyShardConnections))
                        using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT db_name() as dbName1, REPLICATE(db_name(), 1000) as longExpr, db_name() as dbName2 FROM ConsistentShardedTable";
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                            cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;
                            cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;

                            using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default))
                                int tuplesRead = 0;

                                while (sdr.Read())
                                    // Read part of the tuple first before killing the connections and
                                    // then attempting to read the rest of the tuple.

                                        // The longExpr should contain the first dbName field multiple times.
                                        string dbName1  = sdr.GetString(0);
                                        string longExpr = sdr.GetString(1);

                                        if (tuplesRead == preKillReads)

                                        // The second dbName field should be the same as the first dbName field.
                                        string dbName2 = sdr.GetString(2);
                                        Assert.AreEqual(dbName1, dbName2);

                                        // The shardId should contain both the first and the second dbName fields.
                                        string shardId = sdr.GetString(3);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        // We've seen some failures here due to an attempt to access a socket after it has
                                        // been disposed.  The only place where we are attempting to access the socket
                                        // is in the call to proxyServer.KillAllConnections.  Unfortunately, it's not clear
                                        // what is causing that problem since it only appears to repro in the lab.
                                        // I (errobins) would rather not blindly start changing things in the code (either
                                        // our code above, our exception handling code here, or the proxyServer code) until
                                        // we know which socket we are trying to access when we hit this problem.
                                        // So, the first step I will take is to pull additional exception information
                                        // so that we can see some more information about what went wrong the next time it repros.
                                        Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception, rethrowing.  Here is some info: \n Message: {0} \n Source: {1} \n StackTrace: {2}",
                                                    ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace);

                                Assert.IsTrue((tuplesRead <= preKillReads) || (0 == preKillReads),
                                              String.Format("Tuples read was {0}, Pre-kill reads was {1}", tuplesRead, preKillReads));
                // Be sure to shut down the proxy server.
                string proxyLog = proxyServer.EventLog.ToString();
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a sql command on an elastic scale DB over all shards available in the provided shard map and returns incidents.
        /// </summary>
        public static IList <IncidentModel> ExecuteMultiShardQuery(string credentialsConnectionString, string commandText, params Shard[] shards)
            if (shards == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shards));
            if (credentialsConnectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentialsConnectionString));
            if (commandText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandText));

            // Get the shards to connect to
            List <IncidentModel> result = new List <IncidentModel>();

            // Create the multi-shard connection
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(shards, credentialsConnectionString))
                // Create a simple command
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = commandText;

                    // Append a column with the shard name where the row came from
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;

                    // Allow for partial results in case some shards do not respond in time
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    // Allow the entire command to take up to 30 seconds
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 30;

                    // Execute the command.
                    // We do not need to specify retry logic because MultiShardDataReader will internally retry until the CommandTimeout expires.
                    using (MultiShardDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var incidentId     = reader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
                            var departmentType = reader.GetFieldValue <int>(1);
                            var title          = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(2);
                            var desc           = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(3);
                            var region         = reader.GetFieldValue <int>(4);
                            var shardName      = ExtractDatabaseName(reader.GetFieldValue <string>(5));
                            var incident       = new IncidentModel
                                IncidentId     = incidentId,
                                DepartmentType = departmentType,
                                ShardName      = shardName,
                                Description    = desc,
                                Title          = title,
                                RegionId       = region

Esempio n. 17
        public void TestSelectNonQuery(string commandText, MultiShardExecutionPolicy policy)
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText     = commandText;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = policy;

                    using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count);

                        // TODO: This is a weird error message, but it's good enough for now
                        // Fixing this will require significant refactoring of MultiShardDataReader,
                        // we should fix it when we finish implementing async adding of child readers
                        AssertExtensions.AssertThrows <MultiShardDataReaderClosedException>(() => sdr.Read());
Esempio n. 18
        public void TestShardNamePseudoColumnOption()
            bool[] pseudoColumnOptions = new bool[2];
            pseudoColumnOptions[0] = true;
            pseudoColumnOptions[1] = false;

            // do the loop over the options.
            // add the excpetion handling when referencing the pseudo column
            foreach (bool pseudoColumnPresent in pseudoColumnOptions)
                using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(_shardMap.GetShards(), MultiShardTestUtils.ShardConnectionString))
                    using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT dbNameField, Test_int_Field, Test_bigint_Field  FROM ConsistentShardedTable";
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                        cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.CompleteResults;
                        cmd.ExecutionOptions = pseudoColumnPresent ? MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn :
                        using (MultiShardDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default))
                            Assert.AreEqual(0, sdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count);

                            int recordsRetrieved = 0;

                            int expectedFieldCount        = pseudoColumnPresent ? 4 : 3;
                            int expectedVisibleFieldCount = pseudoColumnPresent ? 4 : 3;
                            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFieldCount, sdr.FieldCount);
                            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVisibleFieldCount, sdr.VisibleFieldCount);

                            while (sdr.Read())
                                var dbNameField     = sdr.GetString(0);
                                var testIntField    = sdr.GetFieldValue <int>(1);
                                var testBigIntField = sdr.GetFieldValue <Int64>(2);

                                    string shardIdPseudoColumn = sdr.GetFieldValue <string>(3);
                                    if (!pseudoColumnPresent)
                                        Assert.Fail("Should not have been able to pull the pseudo column.");
                                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                    if (pseudoColumnPresent)
                                        Assert.Fail("Should not have encountered an exception.");

                            Assert.AreEqual(recordsRetrieved, 9);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a sql command on an elastic scale DB over all shards available in the provided shard map and returns incidents.
        /// </summary>
        public static IList <IncidentModel> ExecuteMultiShardQuery(string credentialsConnectionString, string commandText, params Shard[] shards)
            if (shards == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shards));
            if (credentialsConnectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentialsConnectionString));
            if (commandText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandText));

            // Get the shards to connect to
            List <IncidentModel> result = new List <IncidentModel>();

            // Create the multi-shard connection
            using (MultiShardConnection conn = new MultiShardConnection(shards, credentialsConnectionString))
                // Create a simple command
                using (MultiShardCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = commandText;

                    // Append a column with the shard name where the row came from
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.IncludeShardNameColumn;

                    // Allow for partial results in case some shards do not respond in time
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

                    // Allow the entire command to take up to 30 seconds
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 30;

                    // Execute the command.
                    // We do not need to specify retry logic because MultiShardDataReader will internally retry until the CommandTimeout expires.
                    using (MultiShardDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var id                     = reader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
                            var cityId                 = reader.GetFieldValue <int>(1);
                            var callNumber             = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(2);
                            var phone                  = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(3);
                            var unmaskedPhone          = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(4);
                            var title                  = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(5);
                            var receivedTime           = reader.GetFieldValue <DateTime>(6);
                            var address                = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(7);
                            var reportingParty         = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(8);
                            var unmaskedReportingParty = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(9);
                            var description            = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(10);
                            var updateDescription      = reader.GetFieldValue <string>(11);
                            var longitude              = reader.GetFieldValue <double>(12);
                            var latitude               = reader.GetFieldValue <double>(13);
                            var isHighPriority         = reader.GetFieldValue <bool>(14);
                            var incidentCategory       = reader.GetFieldValue <IncidentType>(15);

                            var incident = new IncidentModel
                                Id                     = id,
                                CityId                 = cityId,
                                CallNumber             = callNumber,
                                Phone                  = phone,
                                UnmaskedPhone          = unmaskedPhone,
                                Title                  = title,
                                ReceivedTime           = receivedTime,
                                Address                = address,
                                ReportingParty         = reportingParty,
                                UnmaskedReportingParty = unmaskedReportingParty,
                                Description            = description,
                                UpdateDescription      = updateDescription,
                                Longitude              = longitude,
                                Latitude               = latitude,
                                IsHighPriority         = isHighPriority,
                                IncidentCategory       = incidentCategory,
                                SearchAreaId           = null
