public void clickimage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow, By by) { driver.FindElement(by).Click(); var url = driver.Url; datarow.Newrow("Image Click Validation", "", url, url == "" ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); driver.Navigate().Back(); }
public void Homepageimage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow) { try { var url = driver.Url; var title = driver.PageSource; _homepageimage = title.Contains("user-scalable=yes") ? ImagesV2.Homepageimage : ImagesV1.Homepageimage; // Home Page Image Validation if (IsElementPresent(driver, By.XPath("Homepageimage"), 30)) { if (title.Contains("user-scalable=yes")) { var contactus = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='main-page']/div[4]/h1/a/img")); var path1 = contactus.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Contact US Image Validation", "", path1, "PASS", driver); } var element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_homepageimage)); var path = element.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS", driver); if (path.Contains("http") || path.Contains("https") || path.Contains("blob")) { datarow.Newrow("Image URL Validation", "Image url shouldnot contain http/https", path, "FAIL", driver); } else { datarow.Newrow("Image URL Validation", "Image url shouldnot contain http/https", path, "PASS", driver); } clickimage(driver, datarow, By.XPath(_homepageimage)); } else if (IsElementPresent(driver, By.CssSelector("img.categoryImage"), 30)) { var element = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("img.categoryImage")); var path = element.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS", driver); clickimage(driver, datarow, By.CssSelector("img.categoryImage")); } else { datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", "No Image for Home Page" + "-" + url, "FAIL", driver); } } catch (Exception) { datarow.Newrow("Exception", "", "Exception Not Expected", "FAIL", driver); } }
public void Tabbatch(Datarow datarow, IWebDriver driver) { //Method Homapge validations #region HomePage Validations driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); new Driverdefining(); var title = driver.Title; //Validating the Home page title. datarow.Newrow("Home Page Title", "Tablet: Tickle Shop", title, title == "Tablet: Tickle Shop" ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); var blob = new BlobStorage(); blob.Blob(driver, datarow, ""); var home = new HomepageTab(); home.Homepage(driver, datarow); var allproducts = new LinksExpand(); allproducts.AllLink(driver, datarow); #endregion }
public void Homepage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow) { /* IWebElement element; try { string basket = CollectionMapV2.basket.Value.ToString(); { element = driver.FindElement(By.Id(basket)); driver.FindElement(By.Id(basket)).Click(); Driver. } // Identifying the Basket Element. datarow.newrow("Validate Basket Element","Basket Info","Basket Elemnt is Present","PASS"); } catch (Exception ex) { string e = ex.ToString(); datarow.newrow("Validate Basket Element","Exception Not Expected- Basket Element Should Be Present",e,"FAIL"); } * */ }
public void categoryimage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow) { try { if (_l >= 3) return; var title = driver.PageSource; _categoryimagecss = title.Contains("user-scalable=yes") ? ImagesV2.Categoryimagecss : ImagesV1.Categoryimagecss; var location = driver.Url; if (IsElementPresent(driver, By.CssSelector(_categoryimagecss), 30)) { var element = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(_categoryimagecss)); var path = element.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS", driver); if (path.Contains("http") || path.Contains("https") || path.Contains("blob")) { datarow.Newrow("Image URL Validation", "Image url shouldnot contain http/https", path, "FAIL", driver); } else { datarow.Newrow("Image URL Validation", "Image url shouldnot contain http/https", path, "PASS", driver); } clickimage(driver, datarow, By.CssSelector(_categoryimagecss)); } else { datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", "No Image for Category page" + "-" + location, "FAIL", driver); } _l++; } catch (Exception) { datarow.Newrow("Exception", "", "Exception Not Expected", "FAIL", driver); } }
public void Blob(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow, string url) { try { // Validating the Cache control and Cache - Public var request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "GET"; request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; datarow.Newrow("", "", "Validating Blob URL", ""); using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { reader.ReadToEnd(); var rawHeaders = request.GetResponse().Headers.ToString(); if (rawHeaders.Contains("public")) { datarow.Newrow("Cache Control", "Cache Control is Public", rawHeaders, "PASS"); var cache = rawHeaders.Split('f'); foreach (var s in cache.Where(s => s.Contains("Date"))) { datarow.Newrow("Cache Control", "Cache Limit is Set to 30 Mins", s, "PASS"); } } else { datarow.Newrow("Cache Control", "Cache Control is not Public", rawHeaders, "PASS"); } } } // Validating CSS URL from the page source var css = driver.PageSource; var selectedvalue = css.Split('<'); foreach (var ss in selectedvalue.Where(ss => ss.Contains("themes"))) { if (ss.Contains("http") || ss.Contains("https") || ss.Contains("blob")) { datarow.Newrow("CSS Validation", "Http/Https and Blob shouldnot contain inside the CSS Url", ss, "FAIL"); } else { datarow.Newrow("CSS Validation", "Http/Https and Blob shouldnot contain inside the CSS Url", ss, "PASS"); } break; } datarow.Newrow("", "", "Validating GET for Search Results", ""); foreach (var GET in selectedvalue.Where(GET => GET.Contains("GET"))) { datarow.Newrow("Validate Search Results Using GET", "Search Results Using GET method", GET, "PASS"); } var image = new Imagevalidation(); image.Homepageimage(driver, datarow); } catch (Exception ex) { var e = ex.ToString(); datarow.Newrow("Exception", "Exception Not Expected", e, "FAIL"); } }
public void subcategoryimage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow) { try { //string location = driver.Url; //if (IsElementPresent("css=img.categoryImage")) //{ // IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//body[@id='page-categories-details']/div/div[2]/div/img")); // string path = element.GetAttribute("src"); // datarow.newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS",driver); //} //else //{ // datarow.newrow("Image Validation", "", "No Image for Sub-Category page" + "-" + location, "FAIL",driver); //} } catch (Exception) { datarow.Newrow("Exception", "", "Exception Not Expected", "FAIL", driver); } }
public void productImage(IWebDriver driver, Datarow datarow) { try { string productimage; string productimagelink; string multiproductimage; var url = driver.PageSource; var location = driver.Url; if (url.Contains("user-scalable=yes")) { productimage = ImagesV2.productimage; productimagelink = ImagesV2.productimagelink; multiproductimage = ImagesV2.multiproductimage; } else { productimage = ImagesV1.productimage; productimagelink = ImagesV1.productimagelink; multiproductimage = ImagesV1.multiproductimage; } if (IsElementPresent(driver, By.XPath("" + productimage + "" + productimagelink + ""))) { var element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("" + productimage + "" + productimagelink + "")); var path = element.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS", driver); } //multi- Product Image //body[@id='page-products-details']/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/ul/li[2]/img else if (IsElementPresent(driver, By.XPath(multiproductimage))) { decimal count = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("" + productimage + "")).Count; for (var o = 2; o < count; o++) { var element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("" + productimage + "[" + o + "]" + productimagelink + "")); var path = element.GetAttribute("src"); datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", path, "PASS", driver); } } else { datarow.Newrow("Image Validation", "", "No Image in Product Page" + "-" + location, "FAIL", driver); } } catch (Exception) { datarow.Newrow("Exception", "", "Exception Not Expected", "FAIL", driver); } }
private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var mopaytestharness = checkBox15.Checked; var mopayconsole = checkBox16.Checked; var moshop = checkBox11.Checked; var moPayAccount = checkBox17.Checked; var moSite = checkBox12.Checked; var mositetps = checkBox13.Checked; if (mopaytestharness) { Mopaytestharness(); } if (mopayconsole) { this.Mopayconsole(); } if (moPayAccount) { mopayaccountcreation(); } if (moshop) { Moshopconsole(); } if (moSite) { Mositemodro(); } #region MositeTPS if (!mositetps) return; if (textBox3.Text != @"Please Enter Mosite URL's Seperated By Comma(,)") { var datarow = new Datarow(); datarow.Col(); var urls = textBox3.Text; if (urls != "") { //Seperating the URL's. var url = urls.Split(','); foreach (var oneurl in url) { datarow.Dataflush(); Mositetp(oneurl, datarow); } } else { MessageBox.Show(@"Please Enter Atleast One Merchant URL To Test in Text Field"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(@"Please Enter Atleast One Merchant URL To Test in Text Field"); } #endregion } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } }
public void Mositetp(string url, Datarow datarow) { try { var item = checkedListBox3.CheckedItems.Cast<object>().Aggregate<object, string>(null, (current, items) => current + "," + items); if (item == null) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please Select Atleast One Functionality To Test From Options Available"); } else { try { // Initialising the firefox driver // An Static url should be given for the browser to launch. var prof = new FirefoxProfile(); //changing the User agent to Iphone 4. prof.SetPreference("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7"); IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(prof); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); Thread.Sleep(2000); var mobileurl = driver.Url; datarow.Newrow("Mobile URL Validation", "Mobile URL", mobileurl, mobileurl == url ? "FAIL" : "PASS", driver); var testing = new BatchTesting(); testing.Batchtesting(item, url, driver, datarow); var emails = _textBox2.Text; var site = new MositeGeneral(); site.Finally(driver, url, datarow, emails); } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { var u = ex.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(u); } }
public void Moshopconsole() { try { var datarow = new Datarow(); datarow.Col(); var items = checkedListBox2.CheckedItems.Cast<object>().Aggregate<object, string>(null, (current, item) => current + (item + ",")); var versions = checkedListBox5.CheckedItems.Cast<object>().Aggregate<object, string>(null, (current, version) => current + (version + ",")); IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); var batch = new MoshopBatch(); batch.Batchmoshop(driver, datarow, items, versions); } catch (Exception) { } }