Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the class stats from the method stats
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stats">The class stats</param>
        /// <param name="method">The method nt</param>
        public static void zUpdate(this ClassNTStats_ stats, MethodNT_ method)
            var methodStats = method.Statistics;

            // Totals
            if (method.Header.Header_Scope == enCode_Scope._public)

            // Lines -
            stats.MethodTotalLines     += methodStats.MethodTotalLines;
            stats.MethodTotalBodyLines += methodStats.MethodTotalBodyLines;
            if (stats.MethodMaxLines < methodStats.MethodTotalBodyLines)
                stats.MethodMaxLines = methodStats.MethodTotalBodyLines;
            stats.MethodAvgLines = stats.MethodTotalBodyLines / stats.TotalMethods;

            stats.ClassTotalCommentLines += methodStats.MethodTotalCommentLines;
            //stats.ClassTotalLines += methodStats.MethodTotalLines;           ----- Already calculated
            //stats.ClassTotalCodeLines += methodStats.MethodTotalBodyLines;   ----- Already calculated

            // Code
            stats.CodeMaintainability += methodStats.CodeMaintainability;
            stats.CodeComplexity      += methodStats.CodeComplexity;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void MethodNTstats_Test()
            int ii;

            #region Test1:
            //      ===========================================
            var source = new List <string>
                "/// <summary>",
                "/// Return the specified chars from the right of the input string.",
                "/// </summary>",
                "/// <param name=\"inputStr\">The input string.</param>",
                "/// <param name=\"chars\">The chars.</param>",
                "/// <returns>string</returns>",
                "[BlueprintRule_Method(Ignore = true)]",
                "public string SubStr_Right(string inputStr, int chars)",
                "  if (chars > inputStr.Length) return \"\";",
                "  int position = inputStr.Length - chars;",
                "  return inputStr.Substring(position, chars);",
            ii = 0;
            var method = MethodNT_.Create(source, ref ii, 12);
            Assert.Equal(true, method.Attribute_Rule.Ignore);
            Assert.Equal(13, method.Statistics.MethodTotalLines);
            Assert.Equal(5, method.Statistics.MethodTotalBodyLines);
            Assert.Equal(2, method.Statistics.CodeComplexity);
            Assert.Equal(1, method.Statistics.CodeMaintainability);

            #region Test2:
            // ===========================================

Esempio n. 3
 public static MethodNTstats_ Create(List <string> sourceLines, ref int ii, MethodNT_ method)
     return(Create(sourceLines, ref ii, method.Comment, method.Header, method.Attribute_Lines.Count));
Esempio n. 4
        public void ClassWriteRead_Test()
            #region Create the test data
            //      ===========================================
            var source = new List <string>
                "using System;",
                "namespace Blueprint.lib.Rules.Types",
                "    /// <summary>",
                "    /// Money convertions",
                "    /// </summary>",
                "    [BlueprintRule_Class(enBlueprint_ClassNetworkType.Node_Action)]",
                "    [BlueprintCodeInjection_(typeof(Controller_BlueprintLogger), true)]",
                "    public sealed class Types_Money",
                "    {",
                "        public string Method1()",
                "        {",
                "            return \"Test\";",
                "        }",
                "        ",
                "        /// <summary>",
                "        ///     A Double extension method that converts the @this to a money.",
                "        /// </summary>",
                "        /// <param name=\"this\">The @this to act on.</param>",
                "        /// <returns>@this as a Double.</returns>",
                "        public Double ToMoney(Double @this)",
                "        {",
                "            return Math.Round(@this, 2);",
                "        }",
                "    }",

            // Write the lines
            var folderPath = Test_Config.TestFolder(@"Text/cSharp/"); //@"C:\test\stream\header.txt";
            var file       = folderPath + "Types_Money.cs";
            _lamed.lib.IO.RW.File_Write(file, source.ToArray(), true);


            bool error;
            ClassNTBlueprintRule_ methodRule;
            var       Class1 = ClassNT_.Create(source, out error, out methodRule, file);
            var       Class2 = ClassNT_.Create(file, out error, out methodRule);
            MethodNT_ method = Class1.Method_Find("public Double ToMoney(Double @this)");

            string errorMsg;
            Assert.True(_lamed.Types.Object.IsEqual(Class1, Class2, out errorMsg), errorMsg);
            //Assert.Equal(Class1, Class2);
            Assert.Equal("public Double ToMoney(Double @this)", method.Header.Method_HeaderLine);

            // Test exceptions
            var method1 = Class1.Method_Find("public Double ToMoney(Double @this)", true);
            var method2 = Class1.Method_Find("public Double ToMoney(Double @this)");
            Assert.Equal(method, method1);
            Assert.Equal(null, method2);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the specified sourceLines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceLines">The sourceLines.</param>
        /// <param name="ii">The ii.</param>
        /// <param name="classRef">The class reference.</param>
        /// <param name="error">if set to <c>true</c> [error].</param>
        /// <param name="classHeader">The class header.</param>
        /// <param name="methods">The tag_ methods.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">The tag_ properties.</param>
        /// <param name="statistics">The statistics.</param>
        /// <param name="blueprintRule">The blueprint rule.</param>
        public static void Parse_Class(List <string> sourceLines, ref int ii, ClassNT_ classRef, out bool error, out ClassNTHeader_ classHeader, out List <MethodNT_> methods,
                                       out List <PropertyNT_> properties, out ClassNTStats_ statistics, out ClassNTBlueprintRule_ blueprintRule)
            // =======================================================================================
            // Note: The ii parameter is not used but is required by the ISourceCodeTemplate interface
            // =======================================================================================

            // Create property classes
            methods       = new List <MethodNT_>(); // Methods contained in the class
            properties    = new List <PropertyNT_>();
            blueprintRule = null;

            var Setup_RegionStack = new Stack <Tuple <string, int, bool> >();  // Region name, line no,

            //Setup_SourceCode = sourceLines;

            // Variables needed to parse the body
            error = false;
            int iBlocks = 0;
            //bool header = true;
            bool methodStart  = false;
            bool commentStart = false;

            statistics = ClassNTStats_.Create();

            statistics.ClassTotalLines = sourceLines.Count;

            //// Parse the header information
            //_Header = new sourceClassHeader_(sourceLines, ref ii, Tag_Statistics);
            classHeader = ClassNTHeader_.Create(sourceLines, out ii, statistics);
            if (classHeader != null)
                blueprintRule = ClassNTBlueprintRule_.Create(classHeader.NameSpace_AttributeLines);

            //bool classHelp = false;
            string methodScope = "";

            int iiMethodStart = ii;
            int iiMethodEnd   = 0;

            // Body ====================================
            for (; ii < sourceLines.Count; ii++)
                string line = sourceLines[ii];

                if (iBlocks == 0)
                    #region -[regions

                    if (line.Contains("#region"))
                        var region = line;
                        "#region ".zVar_Next(ref region);
                        if (region == "")
                            region = "region";                                  // Needs unit test
                        Setup_RegionStack.Push(Tuple.Create(region, ii, true)); // True indicate that a new region was found
                    if (line.Contains("#endregion"))
                        if (Setup_RegionStack.Count > 0)   // Needs unit test
                            Tuple <string, int, bool> region = Setup_RegionStack.Pop();
                            Setup_RegionStack.Push(Tuple.Create(region.Item1, region.Item2, false)); // Change value to false of top item on stack


                    if (!commentStart)
                        if (line.Contains("/// ") && !line.Contains("////"))
                            commentStart  = true;
                            iiMethodStart = ii;

                    if (methodStart == false)
                        #region -[Method Start

                        if (line.zContains_Any("(", ")") && // Most methods will have this
                            line.zContains_Any(out methodScope, StringComparison.CurrentCulture, "private", "public", "internal") && // Most methods will have this
                            line.zContains_All("=", "new") == false && // Methods will not have this
                            line.zContains_Any("/// ", " class ", " get ") == false &&  // Methods header line will not have these
                            line.Trim().Substring(0, 1) != "[")    //  This is a flag
                            if (line.zContains_All("(", "=") == false || line.IndexOf("=") >= line.IndexOf("("))
                            // If there is a '(' and '=' --> '(' must always be first
                                methodStart = true;
                                if (commentStart == false)
                                    iiMethodStart = ii;
                                //iBlocks = 0;
                            // For a method the ';' will always follow the '(' and the  ')'
                            if (line.zContains_All("(", ";") && line.IndexOf(";") <= line.IndexOf("("))  // Needs unit test
                                methodStart = false;
                        else if (commentStart && (line.Contains("/// ") == false && line.Contains("[Pure]") == false))
                            commentStart = false;

                        if (line.zContains_All("{", "}") == false)
                            continue;                                        //<================================

                // This is a simple property
                if (line.zContains_All("get", "{", "??", "}") && line.Contains(".zContains_All") == false)
                // Ignore this line in  myself
                    var test = line.Trim();
                    if (test.Length <= 2 || test.Substring(0, 2) != "//") // Make sure line is not commented out
                        var propertyLine = sourceLines[ii - 2].Trim();
                        var property     = PropertyNT_.Create(propertyLine);

                // ================================================Method Body
                if (line.Contains("{"))
                    commentStart = false;

                #region -[Method End

                if (line.Contains("}") || (line.zContains_Any("private", "public", "internal") && line.Contains(");")))
                // or contains private / public with );  // private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
                    if (line.Contains("}"))
                    if (iBlocks == 0)
                        iiMethodEnd = ii;
                        #region debug
                        //var debug = false;
                        //if (debug) // || methodStart == false
                        //    var source = LamedalCore_.Instance.Types.List.String.ToString(sourceLines, "".NL(), false, iiMethodStart,iiMethodEnd + 1);
                        //    ("Class Method found:" + source).zException_Show(action: enExceptionAction.ShowMessage);
                        //    break;

                        if (methodStart == true)
                            methodStart = false;
                            var method = MethodNT_.Create(sourceLines, ref iiMethodStart, iiMethodEnd, classRef);
