Esempio n. 1
        static private Random random_obj = new Random();// helping for making a random order

        // Make the tree and tables function
        static public List <double> normalizeData(List <double> raw_data, int data_len, int N_LENGTH)
            List <double> norm_data;

            norm_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(raw_data, raw_data.Count);
Esempio n. 2
        private void acf_function()
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            int           data_len       = data_to_calc_w.Count;

            int period_max = Convert.ToInt16(txt_period_max.Text);

            //normalize data:
            List <double> norm_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(data_to_calc_w, data_len);
            ACF_Form      form3     = new ACF_Form(this, norm_data, 1, period_max);
            //txt_period.Text = period.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
        private void btn_GetW_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int N_LENGTH = Convert.ToInt16(txt_NLength.Text);
            //todo /*Duc*/

            //read file
            List <double> stream_data;

            stream_data = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            stream_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(stream_data, stream_data.Count);
            //get threshold:
            double threshold = Convert.ToDouble(txt_threshold.Text);

            int result = stream_data.Count;
            MinHeap <SegmentNode> segment_heap = null;

            BottomUp.Bottom_Up(stream_data, threshold, ref result, ref segment_heap);
            result = (int)(N_LENGTH / result);

            Segment_Form form2 = new Segment_Form(stream_data, segment_heap);


            /*show the result:*/
            txt_WLength.Text = result.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("W_LENGTH = " + result);
            //    MessageBox.Show("re-check the parameters !", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Esempio n. 4
        /*Fig. 11 ('Luo_2011' paper): Estimating period with the median gap between two neighboring local minima*/
        private void Luo_2011_Period()
            //get max value for p, q:
            List <double> data_to_calc_w = IOFuncs.readStreamFile(txt_data_to_calc_W.Text);
            int           data_len       = data_to_calc_w.Count;
            int           N_length       = Convert.ToInt16(txt_NLength.Text);

            //normalize data:
            List <double> norm_data = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(data_to_calc_w, data_len);

            //create a list to restore dists(p,q):
            List <double> dist_pq = new List <double>();

            //calc collection of gaps delta for local minima of dist(p,q), here:
            // p is picked randomly
            // q =  0 to (bufer_len - N_length)

            //choose a random p:
            Random random_obj = new Random();
            int    p          = random_obj.Next(data_len - N_length + 1);

            //get segment p:
            List <double> p_segment = norm_data.GetRange(p, N_length);

            //go through all q(s), compute dist(p,q) for every q:
            for (int q = 0; q <= (data_len - N_length); q++)
                dist_pq.Add(MathFuncs.EuDistance(p_segment, norm_data.GetRange(q, N_length)));

            /* Find the lower K_LOWER_PERCENT quantile of all distances calculated in the previous step.*/
            int dist_pq_len = dist_pq.Count();
            // WriteFile.WriteFile_2(dist_pq);
            // WriteFile.WriteFile_2(norm_data, "norm_data.csv");

            int k_percent_index = (int)(dist_pq_len * K_LOWER_PERCENT);
            var sorted_dist_pq  = dist_pq.OrderBy(n => n);

            //lower K_LOWER_PERCENT:
            double cp = sorted_dist_pq.ElementAt(k_percent_index);

            //get all local minima q such that dist(p, q) <= cp.
            List <int> Q = new List <int>();//store the result

            for (int q = 0; q < dist_pq_len; q++)
                if (dist_pq[q] <= cp)

            //Order Q list from smallest to largest:
            int Q_len = Q.Count;

            //calc lag 1 (delta):
            List <int> delta = new List <int>();

            for (int k = 0; k < Q_len - 1; k++)
                if (Q[k + 1] - Q[k] > 2)
                    delta.Add(Q[k + 1] - Q[k]);

            //sort delta:
            int median_index = delta.Count / 2;
            int delta_median = delta[median_index];

            txt_period.Text = delta_median.ToString();
Esempio n. 5
        private double K_LOWER_PERCENT = (5 / 100.0); // note: double type

        private void doStream(String file_name, String algorithm, List <double> result, List <double> norm_buffer, List <double> data_to_calc_w, List <double> stream_data, int N_LENGTH, int W_LENGTH, List <double> raw_buffer, double threshold_mean, double threshold_std, double threshold_sim, int R, int maxEntry, int minEntry, int period)
            bool is_the_first_time = true;//control running HOTSAX for the first time
            int  raw_buffer_len    = raw_buffer.Count;
            int  norm_buffer_len   = norm_buffer.Count;
            //get last raw segment:
            //List<double> last_raw_segment = raw_buffer.GetRange(raw_buffer_len - N_LENGTH, N_LENGTH);

            //store index of the limited searching space (in case (b)):
            List <int> candidate_list = new List <int>();

            int index_stream    = 0; //control the stream data point
            int index_table     = 0;
            int i_b             = 0; //calc number of cases (b).
            int data_calc_w_len = data_to_calc_w.Count;

            //store result from HOTSAX algorithm:
            //List<double> result
            //result[0]: dist
            //result[1]: loc

            double next_data_point;
            double currDist;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch2;; ///calc execution time
            long elapsedMs2 = 0;

            double        small_match_dist = 0;
            List <double> first_segment;

            double new_norm_point;

            AugmentedTrie            tree;
            Dictionary <string, int> count_table;
            Dictionary <int, string> total_table;

            count_table = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            total_table = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            //Making the root node:
            HOTSAX.TreeNode root = new HOTSAX.TreeNode('R');

            //init the path (to print the tree later)
            List <char> path = new List <char>();

            // Making the augmented tree:
            tree = new AugmentedTrie(root, path);

            // Squeezer
            List <int> cluster_belong         = new List <int>();
            List <Cluster_Squeezer> b_cluster = new List <Cluster_Squeezer>();
            List <int> lCluster_NonMember     = new List <int>();

            // Bounding_Box
            int         this_id_item     = int.MinValue;
            List <int>  this_id_itemList = new List <int>();
            RTree <int> this_RTree       = new RTree <int>(maxEntry, minEntry);
            List <BoundingBox.Rectangle> this_recList = new List <BoundingBox.Rectangle>();
            double this_best_so_far_dist = -Constants.INFINITE;
            double this_best_so_far_loc  = -1;

            BoundingBox.Rectangle new_rec;

            // Useless variable to pass parameter
            int        dumb      = 0;
            List <int> dumb_list = new List <int>();
            List <BoundingBox.Rectangle> dumb_rectlist = new List <BoundingBox.Rectangle>();
            RTree <int> dumb_rtree = new RTree <int>(maxEntry, minEntry);

            // Sanchez_method
            double this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord = -Constants.INFINITE;

            double old_mean = MathFuncs.CalcMean(raw_buffer);
            double old_std = MathFuncs.CalcStd(raw_buffer, old_mean);
            double new_mean, new_std;

            List <double> result_dist = new List <double>();
            List <double> result_loc  = new List <double>();

            var watch   = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();///calc execution time
            int num_nor = 0;

            while (true)
                manualResetEvent.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite);//help for PAUSE, RESUME button

                if (is_the_first_time)
                    watch2 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();///calc execution time
                    switch (algorithm)
                    case "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream":
                        result = BitClusterDiscord.squeezer(ref lCluster_NonMember, ref cluster_belong, ref b_cluster, norm_buffer, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, threshold_sim, BitClusterDiscord.PAA);                            Console.WriteLine("Case 1");

                    case "BFHS":
                    case "HOTSAX_Stream":
                        result = HOTSAX.HOTSAX.originalHOTSAX(0, norm_buffer, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH,
                                                              ref tree, ref count_table, ref total_table, true);

                    case "Bounding_Box":
                        result = BoundingBox.BoundingBoxDiscordDiscovery.RunOfflineMinDist(raw_buffer, N_LENGTH, maxEntry, minEntry, R, W_LENGTH, ref this_id_item, ref this_id_itemList, ref this_recList, ref this_RTree, true);
                        this_best_so_far_dist = result[0];
                        this_best_so_far_loc  = result[1];

                    case "Sanchez_Method":
                        result = BoundingBox.BoundingBoxDiscordDiscovery.RunOfflineMinDist(raw_buffer, N_LENGTH, maxEntry, minEntry, R, W_LENGTH, ref this_id_item, ref this_id_itemList, ref this_recList, ref this_RTree, true);
                        this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord = result[0];
                        result = new List <double> {
                            -1, -1
                    is_the_first_time = false;
                    elapsedMs2 = watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    //print through console
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\t best_so_far_dist = " + result.ElementAt(0) +
                                      "\n\t best_so_far_loc = " + result.ElementAt(1) +
                                      "\n\t execution_time = " + elapsedMs2);
                    Console.WriteLine("----------------- finished i = {0}--------------- \n\n", index_stream - 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Finished the first call.");
                    if (chart_timeSeries.IsHandleCreated)
                            // call updateChart fucntion in GUI thread by chart thread

                            if (algorithm == "Bounding_Box" || algorithm == "Sanchez_Method")
                                this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { updateChart(raw_buffer, (int)(result[1]), N_LENGTH, index_stream, elapsedMs2); });
                                this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { updateChart(norm_buffer, (int)(result[1]), N_LENGTH, index_stream, elapsedMs2); });
                        { }
                    if (index_stream >= stream_data.Count)
                        watch.Stop();//stop timer
                        var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        Console.WriteLine("Streaming is Done in " + elapsedMs + ".\nKeep going...Please wait");
                        // Write File
                        string[] all_dist = result_dist.Select(dist => dist.ToString()).ToArray();
                        string[] all_loc  = result_loc.Select(loc => loc.ToString()).ToArray();

                        var    data_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file_name);
                        var    extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file_name);
                        string newPath   = "Output\\" + data_name + "\\" + algorithm;
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(newPath + "\\dist" + extension, all_dist);
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(newPath + "\\loc" + extension, all_loc);
                        using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                                   new System.IO.StreamWriter(newPath + "\\time" + extension, false))
                        this.txt_speed.Text = "0";
                        Statistical_Form statistical_form = new Statistical_Form(algorithm, file_name, result_loc, result_dist, elapsedMs);
                        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("stream_data ran out of points");
                        Console.WriteLine("num norm: " + num_nor);

                    //get the next data point:
                    next_data_point = stream_data[index_stream];

                    new_mean = MathFuncs.CalcNewMean(old_mean, raw_buffer_len, raw_buffer[0], next_data_point);

                    //store the last subsequence of the buffer for Bounding Box and Sanchez algorithms:
                    List <double> last_sub = raw_buffer.GetRange(raw_buffer.Count - N_LENGTH, N_LENGTH);

                    //get the first sub before update the buffer (help to find the small match in Liu's method)
                    List <double> first_sub = raw_buffer.GetRange(0, N_LENGTH);

                    //update raw_buffer:

                    new_std = MathFuncs.CalcStd(raw_buffer, new_mean);
                    watch2  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();///calc execution time

                    switch (algorithm)
                    case "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream":
                    case "BFHS":
                    case "HOTSAX_Stream":
                        if ((Math.Abs(new_mean - old_mean) <= threshold_mean) && (Math.Abs(new_std - old_std) <= threshold_std))
                            new_norm_point = (next_data_point - old_mean) / old_std;



                            //calc 'currDist':
                            currDist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(norm_buffer.GetRange((int)result[1], N_LENGTH), norm_buffer.GetRange(norm_buffer.Count - N_LENGTH, N_LENGTH));

                            //if the case (a): Modify the Tree, Tables:
                            if (currDist < result[0] || (int)(result[1]) == 0 || algorithm == "BFHS")
                                Console.WriteLine("--- Running case (a)... ---");

                                if (algorithm == "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream")
                                    result = BitClusterDiscord.squeezer(ref lCluster_NonMember, ref cluster_belong, ref b_cluster, norm_buffer.Select(point => point).ToList(), N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, threshold_sim, BitClusterDiscord.PAA, index_table, false);
                                    //update buffer:
                                    Console.WriteLine("B_cluster.Count: " + b_cluster.Count.ToString());
                                    //call the original HOTSAX ver3:
                                    result = HOTSAX.HOTSAX.originalHOTSAX(index_table, norm_buffer,
                                                                          N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, ref tree, ref count_table, ref total_table);
                            else     // case (b), we can limit candidate_list:
                                Console.WriteLine("--------------- Running case (b)... -----------------");
                                /* Find the candidate_list:  */
                                candidate_list.Clear();     //reset the list

                                //The local discord at time t:
                                candidate_list.Add((int)(result[1]) - 1);

                                //The subsequence (m-n+1, n)(t+1):
                                candidate_list.Add(norm_buffer_len - N_LENGTH);

                                //The small match of subsequence (1, n)(t):
                                first_segment = norm_buffer.GetRange(0, N_LENGTH);
                                for (int j = N_LENGTH; j <= norm_buffer_len - N_LENGTH; j++)
                                    small_match_dist = MathFuncs.EuDistance(norm_buffer.GetRange(j, N_LENGTH), first_segment);
                                    if (small_match_dist < result[0])
                                        if ((int)(result[1]) != j)
                                            candidate_list.Add(j - 1);

                                if (algorithm == "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream")
                                    result = BitClusterDiscord.squeezerAgain(ref lCluster_NonMember, candidate_list, index_table, ref cluster_belong, ref b_cluster, norm_buffer.Select(point => point).ToList(), N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, threshold_sim, BitClusterDiscord.PAA);
                                    //update buffer:
                                    Console.WriteLine("B_cluster.Count: " + b_cluster.Count.ToString());
                                    //update buffer:

                                    //searching on candidates;
                                    result = HOTSAX.HOTSAX.candidateHOTSAX(candidate_list, index_table, norm_buffer,
                                                                           N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, ref tree, ref count_table, ref total_table);

                                i_b++;    //count number of cases (b) - just for testing

                                Console.WriteLine("len(candidate_list) = {0}, Number of cases (b) is {1}/{2}", candidate_list.Count, i_b, index_stream);
                            }    //end else - case (b)
                            Console.WriteLine("--------------- Normalizing buffer ... -----------------");
                            index_table    = 0;
                            norm_buffer    = MathFuncs.zScoreNorm(raw_buffer, raw_buffer_len);
                            count_table    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                            total_table    = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                            cluster_belong = new List <int>();
                            b_cluster      = new List <Cluster_Squeezer>();

                            //Making the root node:
                            root = new HOTSAX.TreeNode('R');

                            //init the path (to print the tree later)
                            path = new List <char>();

                            // Making the augmented tree:
                            tree = new AugmentedTrie(root, path);

                            if (algorithm == "HOTSAX_Squeezer_Stream")
                                result = BitClusterDiscord.squeezer(ref lCluster_NonMember, ref cluster_belong, ref b_cluster, norm_buffer, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, threshold_sim, BitClusterDiscord.PAA);
                                result = HOTSAX.HOTSAX.originalHOTSAX(0, norm_buffer, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH,
                                                                      ref tree, ref count_table, ref total_table, true);
                            old_std  = new_std;
                            old_mean = new_mean;

                    case "Bounding_Box":
                        //update last_sub at time t to get new_sub at time (t+1):
                        List <double> new_sub = last_sub;    // the same object

                        // Insert the new entry into the tree:

                        // Add the new rec to the tree:
                        new_rec = new BoundingBox.Rectangle(Utils.MathFuncs.PAA_Lower(new_sub, W_LENGTH, R).ToArray(), Utils.MathFuncs.PAA_Upper(new_sub, W_LENGTH, R).ToArray(), raw_buffer.Count - N_LENGTH + 1 + index_stream);
                        this_RTree.Add(new_rec, this_id_item);

                        //remove the oldest entry:
                        this_RTree.Delete(this_recList[index_stream], this_id_itemList[index_stream]);

                        result = BoundingBoxDiscordDiscovery.RunOnline_LiuMethod_edited(raw_buffer, index_stream, first_sub, this_RTree, this_best_so_far_dist, (int)this_best_so_far_loc, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH);
                        this_best_so_far_dist = result[0];
                        this_best_so_far_loc  = result[1];


                    case "Sanchez_Method":
                        //update last_sub at time t to get new_sub at time (t+1):
                        new_sub = last_sub;     // the same object

                        // Insert the new entry into the tree:

                        // Add the new rec to the tree:
                        new_rec = new BoundingBox.Rectangle(Utils.MathFuncs.PAA_Lower(new_sub, W_LENGTH, R).ToArray(), Utils.MathFuncs.PAA_Upper(new_sub, W_LENGTH, R).ToArray(), raw_buffer.Count - N_LENGTH + 1 + index_stream);
                        this_RTree.Add(new_rec, this_id_item);

                        //remove the oldest entry:
                        this_RTree.Delete(this_recList[index_stream], this_id_itemList[index_stream]);

                        result = BoundingBoxDiscordDiscovery.NewOnlineAlgorithm(raw_buffer, 2 * period, index_stream, period, new_sub, this_RTree, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, R, maxEntry, minEntry, ref this_best_so_far_dist_TheMostDiscord);


                    watch2.Stop(); //stop timer
                    elapsedMs2 = watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    //print through console
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\t best_so_far_dist = " + result.ElementAt(0) +
                                      "\n\t best_so_far_loc = " + result.ElementAt(1) +
                                      "\n\t execution_time = " + elapsedMs2);
                    Console.WriteLine("----------------- finished i = {0}--------------- \n\n", index_stream);

                    index_stream++;// make 'index' increase by 1 to get the next data point
                }//end else

                if (chart_timeSeries.IsHandleCreated)
                        // call updateChart fucntion in GUI thread by chart thread

                        if (algorithm == "Bounding_Box" || algorithm == "Sanchez_Method")
                            this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { updateChart(raw_buffer, (int)(result[1]), N_LENGTH, index_stream, elapsedMs2); });
                            this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { updateChart(norm_buffer, (int)(result[1]), N_LENGTH, index_stream, elapsedMs2); });
                    { }

                // Store result