Esempio n. 1
    public bool PosTest1()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1: Verify the monotonicity of cosh function...");

            float variable       = TestLibrary.Generator.GetSingle(-55);
            float value1         = MathF.Cosh(variable);
            float positiveoffset = MathF.Exp(-15);
            float value2         = MathF.Cosh(variable + positiveoffset);

            if (value2 <= value1)
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "the monotonicity of cosh function [x>=y -> cosh(x)>=cosh(y)]");
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002", "Unexpected exception occurs: " + e);
            retVal = false;

Esempio n. 2
    public bool PosTest2()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest2: Verify the evenness of cosh function [cosh(x)=cosh(-x)]");

            float variable = TestLibrary.Generator.GetSingle(-55);
            float value1   = MathF.Cosh(variable);
            float value2   = MathF.Cosh(-variable);

            if (!MathFTestLib.SingleIsWithinEpsilon(value1, value2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003", "The parity of cosh should be even function!");
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("004", "Unexpected exception occurs: " + e);
            retVal = false;

Esempio n. 3
    public bool PosTest5()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest5: Verify the value of cosh(float.MinValue)=+inf");

            float variable = float.MinValue;
            float value    = MathF.Cosh(variable);
            if (value != float.PositiveInfinity)
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("009", "The value should be float.PositiveInfinity, actual: " +
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("010", "Unexpected exception occurs: " + e);
            retVal = false;

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolates between two bookmarks. The t argument must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive), and
        /// the two endpoints must have the same mode (ORBIT or MAP).
        /// </summary>
        public static Bookmark Interpolate(Bookmark a, Bookmark b, float time)
            Bookmark result = new Bookmark();

            if (a.Mode == Mode.Map)
                Debug.Assert(b.Mode == Mode.Map);

                float rho = MathF.Sqrt(2.0f);
                float rho2 = 2, rho4 = 4;
                float ux0 = a.Map.Center.X, uy0 = a.Map.Center.Y, w0 = a.Map.Extent;
                float ux1 = b.Map.Center.X, uy1 = b.Map.Center.Y, w1 = b.Map.Extent;
                float dx    = ux1 - ux0;
                float dy    = uy1 - uy0;
                float d2    = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                float d1    = MathF.Sqrt(d2);
                float b0    = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + rho4 * d2) / (2.0f * w0 * rho2 * d1);
                float b1    = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - rho4 * d2) / (2.0f * w1 * rho2 * d1);
                float r0    = MathF.Log(MathF.Sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1.0f) - b0);
                float r1    = MathF.Log(MathF.Sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1f) - b1);
                float dr    = r1 - r0;
                bool  valid = dr != 0;
                float s     = ((valid ? dr : MathF.Log(w1 / w0)) / rho);
                s = time * s;

                // this performs Van Wijk interpolation to animate between two waypoints on a map.
                if (valid)
                    var coshr0 = MathF.Cosh(r0);
                    var u      = w0 / (rho2 * d1) * (coshr0 * MathF.Tanh(rho * s + r0) - MathF.Sinh(r0));

                    result.Map.Center.X = (ux0 + u * dx);
                    result.Map.Center.Y = (uy0 + u * dy);
                    result.Map.Extent   = (w0 * coshr0 / MathF.Cosh(rho * s + r0));


                // for degenerate cases, fall back to a simplified interpolation method.
                result.Map.Center.X = ux0 + time * dx;
                result.Map.Center.Y = uy0 + time * dy;
                result.Map.Extent   = (w0 * MathF.Exp(rho * s));


            Debug.Assert(b.Mode == Mode.Orbit);

            result.Orbit.Phi      = MathUtils.Lerp(a.Orbit.Phi, b.Orbit.Phi, time);
            result.Orbit.Theta    = MathUtils.Lerp(a.Orbit.Theta, b.Orbit.Theta, time);
            result.Orbit.Distance = MathUtils.Lerp(a.Orbit.Distance, b.Orbit.Distance, time);
            result.Orbit.Pivot    = Vector3.Lerp(a.Orbit.Pivot, b.Orbit.Pivot, time);

Esempio n. 5
    public bool PosTest3()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest3: Verify the value of cosh(0) = 1...");

            float zero  = 0;
            float value = MathF.Cosh(zero);
            if (!MathFTestLib.SingleIsWithinEpsilon(value, 1))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("005", "The value of cosh(0) should be 1, actual: " + value.ToString());
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("006", "Unexpected exception occurs: " + e);
            retVal = false;

Esempio n. 6
 public static float Cosh(float value) =>
Esempio n. 7
 public static float cosh(float x)
 => MathF.Cosh(x);
Esempio n. 8
        public Test(Mode modeParam, TextWriter errorOutParam, TextWriter infoOutParam, Table table)
            _table            = table;
            _mode             = modeParam;
            _errorOut         = errorOutParam;
            _infoOut          = infoOutParam;
            _failedOperations = new HashSet <string>();

            // Validate parsing, this whole program expects little endian
                uint val = 1234567891;
                if (Convert.ToUInt32(ToBinary(Convert.ToUInt32(ToBinary(val), 2)), 2) != val)
                    ReportError($"{nameof(ToBinary)} and back failed");

            for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < _table.Data.Length; testIndex++)
                for (int testResult = 0; testResult < (_table.Data[testIndex].results?.Length ?? 0); testResult++)
                    var result  = _table.Data[testIndex].results[testResult];
                    var asFloat = To <uint, float>(result.i);
                    if (asFloat != result.f && !NaNAndBitsMatch(asFloat, result.f))
                        ReportError($"FAILED PARSING {ToBinary(result.i)} to value {result.f.ToString("G9", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, expected {ToBinary(result.f)}");
            for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < _table.Data.Length; testIndex++)
                float value = To <uint, float>(_table.Data[testIndex].initialValue);

                // Certain operations are funneling tests into specific ranges of values
                // so we aren't just using them as is, that is dVal's purpose in this code

                Validate(testIndex, "BIN", value);
                Validate(testIndex, "+", value + 0.1735f);
                Validate(testIndex, "-", value - 17f);
                Validate(testIndex, "*", value * 7.7757f);
                Validate(testIndex, "/", value / 0.3353f);
                Validate(testIndex, "%", value % 7.0f);
                // MATHF
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Abs), MathF.Abs(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Acos), MathF.Acos(value % 1f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Acosh), MathF.Acosh(1f + MathF.Abs(value)));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Asin), MathF.Asin(value % 1f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Asinh), MathF.Asinh(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Atan), MathF.Atan(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Atan2), MathF.Atan2(value, 0.17f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Atanh), MathF.Atanh(value % 1f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Cbrt), MathF.Cbrt(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Ceiling), MathF.Ceiling(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Cos), MathF.Cos(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Cosh), MathF.Cosh(value % 2f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Exp), MathF.Exp(1f / value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Floor), MathF.Floor(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.FusedMultiplyAdd), MathF.FusedMultiplyAdd(value, 1.33f, -1.5f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.IEEERemainder), MathF.IEEERemainder(value, 25.78f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Log), MathF.Log(MathF.Abs(value)));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Log) + "(x,y)", MathF.Log(MathF.Abs(value), 4f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Log2), MathF.Log2(MathF.Abs(value)));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Log10), MathF.Log10(MathF.Abs(value)));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Pow), MathF.Pow(MathF.Abs(value) % 1E+23f, 1.7f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.ScaleB), MathF.ScaleB(value % 1E+23f, 2));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Sin), MathF.Sin(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Sinh), MathF.Sinh(value % 2f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Sqrt), MathF.Sqrt(MathF.Abs(value)));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Tan), MathF.Tan(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Tanh), MathF.Tanh(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Max), MathF.Max(value, 0.9f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.MaxMagnitude), MathF.MaxMagnitude(value, -0.7f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Min), MathF.Min(value, 307f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.MinMagnitude), MathF.MinMagnitude(value, -8.89f));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Round), MathF.Round(value));
                if (float.IsNaN(value) == false)
                    Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Sign), MathF.Sign(value));
                Validate(testIndex, nameof(MathF.Truncate), MathF.Truncate(value));
                // MATH
                double valueAsDouble = value;
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Abs)}", Math.Abs(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Acos)}", Math.Acos(valueAsDouble % 1d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Acosh)}", Math.Acosh(1d + Math.Abs(valueAsDouble)));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Asin)}", Math.Asin(valueAsDouble % 1d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Asinh)}", Math.Asinh(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Atan)}", Math.Atan(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Atan2)}", Math.Atan2(valueAsDouble, 0.17d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Atanh)}", Math.Atanh(valueAsDouble % 1d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Cbrt)}", Math.Cbrt(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Ceiling)}", Math.Ceiling(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Cos)}", Math.Cos(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Cosh)}", Math.Cosh(valueAsDouble % 2d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Exp)}", Math.Exp(1d / valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Floor)}", Math.Floor(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.FusedMultiplyAdd)}", Math.FusedMultiplyAdd(valueAsDouble, 1.33d, -1.5d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.IEEERemainder)}", Math.IEEERemainder(valueAsDouble, 25.78d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Log)}", Math.Log(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble)));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Log)}" + "(x,y)", Math.Log(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble), 4d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Log2)}", Math.Log2(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble)));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Log10)}", Math.Log10(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble)));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Pow)}", Math.Pow(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble) % 1E+23d, 1.7d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.ScaleB)}", Math.ScaleB(valueAsDouble % 1E+23d, 2));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Sin)}", Math.Sin(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Sinh)}", Math.Sinh(valueAsDouble % 2d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Sqrt)}", Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(valueAsDouble)));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Tan)}", Math.Tan(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Tanh)}", Math.Tanh(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Max)}", Math.Max(valueAsDouble, 0.9d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.MaxMagnitude)}", Math.MaxMagnitude(valueAsDouble, -0.7d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Min)}", Math.Min(valueAsDouble, 307d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.MinMagnitude)}", Math.MinMagnitude(valueAsDouble, -8.89d));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Round)}", Math.Round(valueAsDouble));
                if (float.IsNaN(value) == false)
                    Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Sign)}", Math.Sign(valueAsDouble));
                Validate(testIndex, $"D.{nameof(Math.Truncate)}", Math.Truncate(valueAsDouble));