Esempio n. 1
        public void GivenExistingMatch_WhenPreviousGameWonAndNoDynamitesAvailableInTheGame_ThenBotsMoveShouldBeOfOneThatBeatsItsPreviousHandWithNoDynamitAndNoWaterbomb()
            // Assemble
            var           botStrategy = new BotStrategy();
            IMatchService service     = new MatchService(botStrategy);

            service.NewMatch(3, 0);


            //first game
            var botsFirstMove = service.BotsMove();

            service.GameResult(Outcome.Win, Move.Paper);

            //second game
            var         botsSecondMove = service.BotsMove();
            MoveHelpers mh             = new MoveHelpers();
            var         beaters        = mh.GetBeaters(botsFirstMove).ToList();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(Move.Dynamite, botsSecondMove);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Move.Waterbomb, botsSecondMove);
            Assert.Contains(botsSecondMove, beaters);
Esempio n. 2
 public HomeController(
     IAddGames addGames,
     MatchService matchService)
     this.addGames     = addGames;
     this.matchService = matchService;
Esempio n. 3
        public void GivenExistingMatch_WhenDynamiteAvailableInTheGameAndAlreadyUsedByBot_ThenBotsMoveShouldBeOfOneThatBeatsPlayersPreviousHand()
            // Assemble
            var botStrategy = new BotStrategy();

            var strategyMock = new Mock <IBotStrategy>();

            var sequence = strategyMock.SetupSequence(m => m.GetBotsNextMove(It.IsAny <Game>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>()));

            IMatchService service = new MatchService(strategyMock.Object);

            service.NewMatch(3, 1);

            Move playersMove = Move.Waterbomb;


            //first game
            var botsFirstMove = service.BotsMove();
            var gameResult    = service.GameResult(Outcome.Lose, playersMove);

            //second game
            sequence.Returns(botStrategy.GetBotsNextMove(gameResult, false, true));
            var         botsSecondMove = service.BotsMove();
            MoveHelpers mh             = new MoveHelpers();
            var         beaters        = mh.GetBeaters(playersMove).ToList();

            Assert.Contains(botsSecondMove, beaters);
 public SellTicketsServer(TicketService ticketService, UserService userService, MatchService matchService)
     this._ticketService = ticketService;
     this._userService   = userService;
     this._loggedClients = new Dictionary <string, ISellTicketsClient>();
     this._matchService  = matchService;
Esempio n. 5
 public MarketSvc(MatchService ms, IConnectionMgr <IMarketCallBack> connmgr, ISubscribeMgr mgr)
     this.srv     = ms;
     this.connMgr = connMgr;
     this.smgr    = mgr;
     this.log     = new TextLog("marketsvc.txt");
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles OnNavigatedTo event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments passed to this page including parameter.</param>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            this.matchService = e.Parameter as MatchService;

            if (this.matchService == null)
                throw new Exception("Parameter not of type MatchService");

            numPlayers = this.matchService.StandardMatch.Players.Count();




            if (numPlayers > 2)
                PlayersListView.ItemsSource = PlayerScoreItems;

            // Initialize values.

            var player = this.matchService.GetTurn();

            if (player.PlayerType == PlayerType.Bot)
        public UserControl_HomeAwayTeams(UserControl_MainContent mainContent)
            new Thread(() =>

                _mainContent       = mainContent;
                IsDrawableMenuOpen = false;

                IsMatchType = false;
                IsHomeTeam  = true;
                matchPeriod = MatchPeriodTypeValues.FullTime;
                ImageLogo.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => ImageLogo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible));
                LabelInfo.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => LabelInfo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible));
                LabelExtraInfo.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => LabelExtraInfo.Visibility = Visibility.Visible));

                teamService  = new TeamService();
                matchService = new MatchService();

                DrawableMenuContainer.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                                                                      DrawableMenuContainer.Content = new UserControl_DrawableMenuTeams(_mainContent, this)));

Esempio n. 8
        public async Task Substitution_WhenAllSubsUsed_ThrowsException()
            var userId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var matchId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var mockMatch = new Mock <ApplicationCore.Models.Match>();

            mockMatch.SetupGet(x => x.HomeTeam).Returns(new TeamDetails()
                UserId   = userId,
                UsedSubs = MatchService.SubCount

            var mockMatchmakingService = new Mock <IMatchmakingService>();

            var stubMatchEngine = new Mock <IMatchEngine>();

            stubMatchEngine.Setup(x => x.SimulateReentrant(It.IsAny <ApplicationCore.Models.Match>()))

            var mockBus             = new Mock <IBus>();
            var mockMatchRepository = new Mock <IMatchRepository>();

            mockMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.GetAsync(matchId)).ReturnsAsync(mockMatch.Object);

            _matchService = new MatchService(mockMatchmakingService.Object, stubMatchEngine.Object,
                                             mockMatchRepository.Object, mockBus.Object);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(() => _matchService.Substitution(Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), matchId, userId));
Esempio n. 9
        public void GetTurn()
            var leg = new Leg();

            leg.LegByPlayers.Add(new LegByPlayer("PlayerOne")
                DartsThrown = { 5, 5, 5, 5 },
                HasStarted  = true,
                IsWon       = true.ToMaybe(),
                Scores      = new List <int> {
                    46, 83, 41, 60
            leg.LegByPlayers.Add(new LegByPlayer("PlayerTwo")
                DartsThrown = { 5, 5, 5, 5 },
                HasStarted  = true,
                IsWon       = true.ToMaybe(),
                Scores      = new List <int> {
                    46, 83, 41, 60
            var match = new MatchService(this.LegsMatch);

            Assert.AreEqual(this.Players.Skip(1).First(), match.GetTurn());

            match = new MatchService(this.LegsMatch);
            Assert.AreEqual(this.Players.First(), match.GetTurn());
Esempio n. 10
        public void GetMatches_CorrectValue()
            var matchService = new MatchService();
            var matches      = matchService.GetMatches();

            Assert.AreEqual("Getting Matches", matches);
Esempio n. 11
        public BetDetails(DALBase.Data.Bet bet)
            MatchService matchService = new MatchService();
            Match        match        = matchService.Get(bet.MatchId);

            Team1Name = match.Team1Name;
            Team2Name = match.Team2Name;

            IEnumerable <Game> games = matchService.GetGamesFromMatch(bet.MatchId);

            foreach (Game game in games)
                if (game.WinnerId == match.Team1Id)
                else if (game.WinnerId == match.Team2Id)

            if (bet.BettedWinner == match.Team1Id && Team1Score > Team2Score)
                isWon = true;
            else if (bet.BettedWinner == match.Team2Id && Team2Score > Team1Score)
                isWon = true;
                isWon = false;
Esempio n. 12
        public void EndLeg()
            var leg = new Leg();

            leg.LegByPlayers.Add(new LegByPlayer("PlayerOne")
                DartsThrown = { 5, 5, 5, 5 },
                HasStarted  = true,
                IsWon       = true.ToMaybe(),
                Scores      = new List <int> {
                    46, 83, 41, 60, 180
            leg.LegByPlayers.Add(new LegByPlayer("PlayerTwo")
                DartsThrown = { 5, 5, 5, 5 },
                HasStarted  = true,
                IsWon       = true.ToMaybe(),
                Scores      = new List <int> {
                    46, 83, 41, 60, 180
            var match = new MatchService(this.LegsMatch);

            Assert.AreEqual(19, match.EndLeg(2).LegByPlayers.First(x => x.PlayerId == this.Players.First().Name).DartsThrown);
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task GetByTeamId_Success()
            List <RugbyMatch> matchResponse     = RugbyMatchMocks.GetData();
            string            matchResponseJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(matchResponse);

            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                Content    = new StringContent(matchResponseJson)

            IHttpClientFactory            mockFactory        = BuildMockHttpClient(response);
            IOptions <ExternalApiOptions> externalApiOptions = CreateMockConfiguration();
            IMatchService matchService = new MatchService(externalApiOptions, mockFactory);

            List <RugbyMatch> result = await matchService.GetByTeamId(103969);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);

            RugbyMatch firstMatch = result.First(m => m.matchId == 1);

            Assert.AreEqual("W", firstMatch.result);
            Assert.AreEqual("Old Trafford", firstMatch.stadiumName);

            RugbyMatch secondMatch = result.First(m => m.matchId == 2);

            Assert.AreEqual("W", secondMatch.result);
            Assert.AreEqual("Signal Iduna Park", secondMatch.stadiumName);

            RugbyMatch thirdMatch = result.First(m => m.matchId == 3);

            Assert.AreEqual("L", thirdMatch.result);
            Assert.AreEqual("Bernabeu", thirdMatch.stadiumName);
Esempio n. 14
        public void IsGameFinished()
            this.LegsMatch.Legs = 3;
            var match = new MatchService(this.LegsMatch);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, match.IsGameFinished(this.Players.Last()));
Esempio n. 15
        public void SaveMatchVliadDay()
            var baseMoney = Request["baseMoney"] != null?Convert.ToDecimal(Request["baseMoney"]) : 0;

            var startDate = Request["startDate"] != null?Convert.ToDateTime(Request["startDate"]) : DateTime.MinValue;

            DateTime endtime;
            var      endDate = Request["endDate"] != null && DateTime.TryParse(Request["endDate"], out endtime) ? Convert.ToDateTime(Request["endDate"]) : DateTime.MaxValue;
            var      matchID = Request["matchID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Request["matchID"]) : 0;

                var entity = MatchService.GetMatchByMatchID(matchID);
                if (entity.BaseMoney > 0)
                MatchService.UpdateMatch(baseMoney, startDate, endDate, matchID);
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 16
        public void AddScore()
            var match = new MatchService(this.LegsMatch);

            match.AddScore(377, this.Players.First());
            Assert.AreEqual(377, match.GetCurrentLeg().LegByPlayers.First(x => x.PlayerId == this.Players.First().Name).Scores.Last());
Esempio n. 17
        public async Task GetMatchStatus_ReturnsCorrectModel()
            var userId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var matchId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var mockMatch = new Mock <ApplicationCore.Models.Match>();

            var mockMatchmakingService = new Mock <IMatchmakingService>();

            var stubMatchEngine = new Mock <IMatchEngine>();

            var mockBus             = new Mock <IBus>();
            var mockMatchRepository = new Mock <IMatchRepository>();

            mockMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.HasUnclaimedAsync(userId)).ReturnsAsync(true);
            mockMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.GetInProgressAsync(userId)).ReturnsAsync((Guid?)null);

            _matchService = new MatchService(mockMatchmakingService.Object, stubMatchEngine.Object,
                                             mockMatchRepository.Object, mockBus.Object);

            var result = await _matchService.GetMatchStatus(userId);

Esempio n. 18
        public async Task GetLineupAsync_CallsGetAsyncOnce()
            var userId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var matchId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var mockMatch = new Mock <ApplicationCore.Models.Match>();

            mockMatch.SetupGet(x => x.HomeTeam).Returns(new TeamDetails()
                UserId = userId,
                Squad  = new Squad()

            var mockMatchmakingService = new Mock <IMatchmakingService>();

            var stubMatchEngine = new Mock <IMatchEngine>();

            var mockBus             = new Mock <IBus>();
            var mockMatchRepository = new Mock <IMatchRepository>();

            mockMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.GetAsync(It.IsAny <Guid>())).ReturnsAsync(mockMatch.Object);

            _matchService = new MatchService(mockMatchmakingService.Object, stubMatchEngine.Object,
                                             mockMatchRepository.Object, mockBus.Object);

            var result = await _matchService.GetLineupAsync(matchId, userId);

            mockMatchRepository.Verify(x => x.GetAsync(matchId), Times.Once);
Esempio n. 19
 private void OnTeamSelected(object sender, TeamSelectedEventArgs args)
     SELECTED_TEAM_ID = args.SelectedTeamId;
     OPPONENT_TEAM_ID = args.OpponentTeamId;
     MatchService.CreateMatch(SELECTED_TEAM_ID, OPPONENT_TEAM_ID);
     SceneManager.LoadScene("Main", LoadSceneMode.Single);
Esempio n. 20
        public async Task Get_ReturnsMatch()
            var mockMatchmakingService = new Mock <IMatchmakingService>();
            var mockMatchRepository    = new Mock <IMatchRepository>();

            var matchId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var match   = new ApplicationCore.Models.Match {
                Id = matchId

            mockMatchRepository.Setup(x => x.GetAsync(matchId)).Returns(Task.FromResult(match));

            var stubMatchEngine = new Mock <IMatchEngine>();

            var mockBus = new Mock <IBus>();

            _matchService = new MatchService(mockMatchmakingService.Object, stubMatchEngine.Object,
                                             mockMatchRepository.Object, mockBus.Object);

            var returnedMatch = await _matchService.GetAsync(matchId);

            Assert.Equal(returnedMatch, match);
Esempio n. 21
        public override Task <ParseResult> ParseAsync(ChatState state, Chat_ParseField chatParseField, ChatMessage message)
            var tokens = TextClassificationService.Tokenize(message.UserInput);

            // HTC One and iPhone match words quite easily
            var cleanedTokens = (from t in tokens
                                 where t != "phone" && t != "phones" && t != "phone's" && t != "the" && t != "tone"
                                 select t.ToLower()).ToArray();

            (string matchedText, int matchedIndex, float ratio) = MatchService.FindMatch(cleanedTokens, 1, 4, deviceCatalog.MatchCharacters);
            var device = deviceCatalog.MakeModelList[matchedIndex];

            var deviceMatch = new DeviceMatchResult
                Id          = device.Id,
                Make        = device.Make,
                Model       = device.Model,
                DisplayName = device.DisplayName,
                IsUncommon  = device.IsUncommon,
                Ratio       = ratio

            double minConfidence = ChatConfiguration.MinimumDeviceConfidence;

            if (device.IsUncommon)
                minConfidence = ChatConfiguration.MinimumUncommonDeviceConfidence;
            if (deviceMatch.Ratio > minConfidence)

Esempio n. 22
        public fmMain()

            _match = new Match();
            new FmStart(_match).ShowDialog();

            _players = _match.SetPlayers;

            lblScorePlayer1.Text = "0";
            lblScorePlayer2.Text = "0";
            lblTime.Text         = "00:00:00";

            lblNamePlayer1.Text = _players[0].Name;
            lblNamePlayer2.Text = _players[1].Name;

            pbBallPlayer1.Visible = _players[0].IsServe;
            pbBallPlayer2.Visible = _players[1].IsServe;

            //добавляем игроков в таблицу и оставляем нужное кол-во сетов
            dgSummMatch.RowCount = 2;
            dgSummMatch.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = _players[0].Name;
            dgSummMatch.Rows[1].Cells[0].Value = _players[1].Name;
            dgSummMatch.ColumnCount            = _match.CountSets + 1;

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            tMatchDuration.Enabled = true;

            _matchService = new MatchService(_match, Victory);
Esempio n. 23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome To Dota Challenger!");
            PlayerService playerService = new PlayerService();
            int           accountId     = 87285329;
            Player        player        = playerService.GetPlayerProfile(accountId);

            if (player.profile == null)
                Console.WriteLine($"The player with id {accountId} cannot be found");
                //exit the program if the player cannot be found
            Console.WriteLine($"The player name is {} competitive rank: {player.solo_competitive_rank}");

            //Create a new instance of the new match service found in services folder (MatchService.cs)
            MatchService matchservice = new MatchService();

            //use the method GetMatches to retrieve the recent matches of the player using the accountId above and assign them to a variable recentMatches below

            List <Match> recentMatches = matchservice.GetMatches(accountId);

            //Print out all the received matches in the format "PLAYERNAME:  KILLS , DEATHS , MATCHDURATION , K/D RATIO (Create a method in this class to calculate this You have to calculate this)
            //HINT:  User a foreach loop i.e foreach(Match item in recentMatches){}....
            foreach (Match x in recentMatches)
                Console.WriteLine("Kills:" + "\t" + x.kills + "\t" + "  Deaths:" + "\t" + x.deaths + "\t" + "  Assists:" + "\t" + x.assists);

            //reffer to the entities folder fo the  Match class to find out the necessary properties of matches
Esempio n. 24
        public static void Update()
            HttpClient      client  = new HttpClient();
            string          Url     = PandaScoreUtils.PandaBaseAddress + $"matches?token={PandaScoreUtils.Token}&{PandaScoreUtils.MaxPerPage}";
            List <MatchApi> matches = new List <MatchApi>();

                HttpResponseMessage msg = client.GetAsync(Url).Result;
                matches.AddRange(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MatchApi> >(msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result));

                Url = msg.Headers.GetNextURL();
            } while (Url != null);

            MatchService matchService = new MatchService();
            GameService  gameService  = new GameService();

            foreach (MatchApi m in matches)
                DALBase.Data.Match match;
                if (m.Opponents.Length >= 2)
                    match = new DALBase.Data.Match()
                        BeginAt       = m.BeginAt,
                        Draw          = m.Draw,
                        EndAt         = m.EndAt,
                        Forfeit       = m.Forfeit,
                        Id            = m.Id,
                        MatchType     = m.MatchType,
                        NumberOfGames = m.NumberOfGames,
                        Team1Id       = m.Opponents[0].opponent.Id,
                        Team2Id       = m.Opponents[1].opponent.Id,
                        TournamentId  = m.TournamentId

                    if (matchService.Update(match))
                        foreach (GameApi g in m.Games)
                            Game game = new Game()
                                Id       = g.Id,
                                Forfeit  = g.Forfeit,
                                BeginAt  = g.BeginAt,
                                EndAt    = g.EndAt,
                                Finished = g.Finished,
                                Length   = g.Length,
                                Position = g.Position,
                                Status   = g.Status,
                                WinnerId = g.Winner.Id,
                                MatchId  = m.Id
Esempio n. 25
        public async Task GetAllMatches_Test()
            // Arrange
            var matchesService = new MatchService(this.dbContext);

            this.dbContext.Matches.Add(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Manchester United",
                AwayTeam  = "CSKA Moscow",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow
            this.dbContext.Matches.Add(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Basel",
                AwayTeam  = "CSKA Moscow",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow
            this.dbContext.Matches.Add(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Manchester United",
                AwayTeam  = "Basel",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow
            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Act
            var matches = matchesService.GetAllMatches();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, matches.Count);
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task GetByTeamId_Error()
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                Content    = new StringContent("Failed to retrieve matches")

            IHttpClientFactory            mockFactory        = BuildMockHttpClient(response);
            IOptions <ExternalApiOptions> externalApiOptions = CreateMockConfiguration();
            IMatchService matchService = new MatchService(externalApiOptions, mockFactory);

            Exception result = null;

                await matchService.GetByTeamId(103969);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = ex;

            Assert.AreEqual("BadRequest - Failed to retrieve matches", result.Message);
Esempio n. 27
        public async Task AddMultipleMatches_Test()
            // Arrange
            var matchesService = new MatchService(this.dbContext);

            // Act
            await matchesService.CreateMatch(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Manchester United",
                AwayTeam  = "CSKA Moscow",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow

            await matchesService.CreateMatch(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Basel",
                AwayTeam  = "CSKA Moscow",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow

            await matchesService.CreateMatch(new Match
                HomeTeam  = "Manchester United",
                AwayTeam  = "Basel",
                BeginTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, DateTime.UtcNow.Minute, DateTime.UtcNow.Second),
                Date      = DateTime.UtcNow

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, this.dbContext.Matches.Count());
        private void ExecuteLoadItemsCommand()
            if (IsBusy)

            IsBusy = true;

                var result = MatchService.GetKnockoutMatches();

                foreach (var item in result)
            catch (Exception)
                var page = new ContentPage();
                page.DisplayAlert("Error", "Unable to load matches.", "OK", null);

            IsBusy = false;
Esempio n. 29
        IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
            MatchService ms = new MatchService();
            Match        m  = ms.Get(id);

Esempio n. 30
        public async Task InsertUpdateMatch(object matchInfo, int phaseId, bool removeMatch)
            var matchDTO = convertMatchInfo(matchInfo);

            using (var matchService = new MatchService())
                using (var competitorService = new CompetitorService(matchService.DbContext))
                    using (var competitionPhaseService = new CompetitionPhaseService(matchService.DbContext))
                        var settings = competitionPhaseService.GetCompetitionPhaseInfoSettings(phaseId) as GroupPhaseSettings;
                        // update of match
                        var matchSettings = removeMatch ? null : extractMatchInfo(matchDTO);
                        matchService.UpdateMatch(matchDTO.MatchId, matchSettings);

                        // update of all competitors
                        var competitors = matchService.DbContext.CompetitorPhaseInfoes.Where(x => x.IdCompetitionPhase == phaseId).ToList();
                        var matches     = matchService.GetMatches <TableTennisMatchInfo>(phaseId);

                        // update only match group
                        var groupIndex   = matchDTO.GroupIndex;
                        var groupMatches = matches.Where(x => settings.MatchIds[groupIndex].Contains(x.MatchId)).ToList();
                        var groupPlayers = competitors.Where(x => settings.CompetitorIds[groupIndex].Contains(x.IdCompetitor)).ToList();

                        var sorter = GetNewSorter();
                        var sortedData = sorter.SortCompetitors();
                        updateCompetitors(groupPlayers, sortedData);

                        await matchService.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 31
        static void Main()
            new PolicyServer("clientaccesspolicy.xml");
            Console.WriteLine("Silverlight policy service has been started.");

            var service = new MatchService();
            service.Start(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4530));

            Console.WriteLine("Match service has been started. Press any key to quit.");
 public MouseLeftButtonDownCommand(MatchService matchService)
     _matchService = matchService;
Esempio n. 33
 public MouseMoveCommand(MatchService matchService)
     _matchService = matchService;
Esempio n. 34
 public KeyPressCommand(MatchService matchService)
     _matchService = matchService;
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the ConnectCommand class.</summary>
 /// <param name="provider">Realm client to connect to remote service.</param>
 /// <param name="endpoint">Endpoint to connect to.</param>
 public ConnectCommand(MatchService provider, IPEndPoint endpoint)
     _endpoint = endpoint;
     _provider = provider;