private static MapTileSet DeserializeMapTileSet(BinaryReader Reader)
            MapTileSet tileSet = new MapTileSet();
            int        Count   = DeserializeLength(Reader);
            Dictionary <Guid, Guid> destroyedReferences = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                MapVisualObject tile = DeserializeMapObject(Reader, destroyedReferences) as MapVisualObject;
                if (tile != null)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, Guid> reference in destroyedReferences)
                MapVisualObject tileSource = GetTile(reference.Key, tileSet);
                MapVisualObject tileTarget = GetTile(reference.Value, tileSet);

                //if ((tileSource is MapWall) && (tileTarget is MapWall))
                //    (tileSource as MapWall).DestroyedWall = tileTarget as MapWall;

                if ((tileSource is MapActiveObject) && (tileTarget is MapActiveObject))
                    (tileSource as MapActiveObject).DestroyedActiveObject = tileTarget as MapActiveObject;

        private static MapVisualObject GetTile(Guid Id, MapTileSet TileSet)
            if ((TileSet != null) && TileSet.ContainsId(Id))

Esempio n. 3
 public BitmapTileSet(MapPoint center, double zoom, BitmapSize totalSize, BitmapSize tileSize, MapTileSet <TTileCollection> tileSet)
     _tileSet    = tileSet;
     _totalSize  = totalSize;
     _tileSize   = tileSize;
     _center     = center;
     _zoom       = zoom;
     _collection = CreateCollection(EnumerateBitmapTiles());
Esempio n. 4
 public static void SerializeMapTileSet(BinaryWriter Writer, MapTileSet TileSet)
     SerializeMapObject(Writer, TileSet);
     SerializeLength(Writer, TileSet.Count);
     foreach (MapVisualObject tile in TileSet.ToArray())
         Serialize(Writer, tile);
        public TileSetViewModel(MapTileSet mapTileSet)
            : base(mapTileSet)
            if (mapTileSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mapTileSet");

            Source = mapTileSet;
            Places = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapPlace).Select(t => new PlaceViewModel(t as MapPlace)).ToList());
            Walls = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapWall).Select(t => new WallViewModel(t as MapWall)).ToList());
            ActiveObjects = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapActiveObject).Select(t => new ActiveObjectViewModel(t as MapActiveObject)).ToList());
Esempio n. 6
        static internal MapTileSet TileSetFromFlowSquares(FlowTileSet squares)
            var result = new MapTileSet();

            foreach (FlowTile fs in squares)

Esempio n. 7
        /// turns MapTileSets into FlowTileSets and back again, used by AI.
        // todo can these classes be better integrated?

        static internal FlowTileSet FlowSquaresFromTileSet(MapTileSet tiles, FlowMap fm)
            var result = new FlowTileSet();

            foreach (MapTile ti in tiles)

Esempio n. 8
        public TileSetViewModel(MapTileSet mapTileSet)
            : base(mapTileSet)
            if (mapTileSet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapTileSet");

            Source        = mapTileSet;
            Places        = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapPlace).Select(t => new PlaceViewModel(t as MapPlace)).ToList());
            Walls         = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapWall).Select(t => new WallViewModel(t as MapWall)).ToList());
            ActiveObjects = new ListCollectionView(Source.Where(t => t is MapActiveObject).Select(t => new ActiveObjectViewModel(t as MapActiveObject)).ToList());
Esempio n. 9
        public MapGridSpaceInfo[,] GetGrid(MapTileSet[] tilesets)
            MapGridSpaceInfo[,] grid = new MapGridSpaceInfo[width, height];
            int i = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    grid[x, y] = new MapGridSpaceInfo(data[i], tilesets);

            return grid;
        public static MapActiveObjectState DeserializeMapActiveObjectState(BinaryReader Reader, MapTileSet mapTileSet)
            Guid activeObjectId = DeserializeMapObjectReference(Reader);
            if (activeObjectId == Guid.Empty) return null;
            MapActiveObject activeObject = null;
            if ((mapTileSet != null) && mapTileSet.ContainsId(activeObjectId)) activeObject = mapTileSet[activeObjectId] as MapActiveObject;
            if (activeObject == null) return null;

            MapPoint position = DeserializeMapPoint(Reader);
            MapActiveObjectState state = new MapActiveObjectState(activeObject, position);
            state.Direction = DeserializeMapDirection(Reader);
            state.ArmorType = DeserializeMapArmorType(Reader);
            state.Health = Reader.ReadUInt16();

            return state;
Esempio n. 11
        public static MapTileSet LoadTiledTileset(XmlElement tileSetElement)
            MapTileSet tileSetToReturn = new MapTileSet();

            tileSetToReturn.FirstGrid  = Convert.ToInt32(tileSetElement.GetAttribute("firstgid"));
            tileSetToReturn.Name       = tileSetElement.GetAttribute("name");
            tileSetToReturn.TileWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(tileSetElement.GetAttribute("tilewidth"));
            tileSetToReturn.TileHeight = Convert.ToInt32(tileSetElement.GetAttribute("tileheight"));

            foreach (XmlElement currentEle in tileSetElement.ChildNodes)
                #region Image
                if (currentEle.Name == "image")

                if (currentEle.Name == "tile")

                if (currentEle.Name == " tileoffset")
                    tileSetToReturn.Offset = LoadOffSet(currentEle);

                if (currentEle.Name == "properties")
                    tileSetToReturn.Properties = LoadProperties(currentEle);

                if (currentEle.Name == "image")

                if (currentEle.Name == "terraintypes")
                    tileSetToReturn.TerrainTypes = LoadTerrainTypes(currentEle);

 public byte[] SerializeMapTileSet(MapTileSet tileSet)
     return Serialize(tileSet);
        private static MapVisualObject GetTile(Guid Id, MapTileSet TileSet)
            if ((TileSet != null) && TileSet.ContainsId(Id))
                return TileSet[Id];

            return null;
        private static MapTileSet DeserializeMapTileSet(BinaryReader Reader)
            MapTileSet tileSet = new MapTileSet();
            int Count = DeserializeLength(Reader);
            Dictionary<Guid, Guid> destroyedReferences = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                MapVisualObject tile = DeserializeMapObject(Reader, destroyedReferences) as MapVisualObject;
                if (tile != null)

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid> reference in destroyedReferences)
                MapVisualObject tileSource = GetTile(reference.Key, tileSet);
                MapVisualObject tileTarget = GetTile(reference.Value, tileSet);

                //if ((tileSource is MapWall) && (tileTarget is MapWall))
                //    (tileSource as MapWall).DestroyedWall = tileTarget as MapWall;

                if ((tileSource is MapActiveObject) && (tileTarget is MapActiveObject))
                    (tileSource as MapActiveObject).DestroyedActiveObject = tileTarget as MapActiveObject;

            return tileSet;
 private static MapVisualObject DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(BinaryReader Reader, int IdIndexBytesCount, List<Guid> IdTable, MapTileSet TileSet)
     return GetTile(DeserializeMapCellIdIndex(Reader, IdIndexBytesCount, IdTable), TileSet);
        private static MapCell DeserializeMapCell(BinaryReader Reader, List<Guid> IdTable, MapTileSet TileSet)
            MapCell cell = new MapCell();
            MapCellSerializationType cellType = DeserializeMapCellType(Reader);

            if (cellType == MapCellSerializationType.Null) return null;

            int idIndexBytesCount = 4;
            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex8) != 0) idIndexBytesCount = 1; else
            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex16) != 0) idIndexBytesCount = 3; else
            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex32) != 0) idIndexBytesCount = 4;

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.Place) != 0)
                cell.Place = DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapPlace;

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.NorthWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.North, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.SouthWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.South, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.WestWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.West, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.EastWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.East, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            return cell;
 public byte[] SerializeMapTileSet(MapTileSet tileSet)
 public void Serialize(MapTileSet tileSet, Stream stream)
     Serialize(tileSet, stream);
Esempio n. 19
 public static void SaveTiledTileset(MapTileSet tileSetToSave)
     // TODO: Finish save Tileset to file
     throw new Exception("Not yet implanted");
 public void Serialize(MapTileSet tileSet, Stream stream)
     Serialize(tileSet, stream);
 public static void SerializeMapTileSet(BinaryWriter Writer, MapTileSet TileSet)
     SerializeMapObject(Writer, TileSet);
     SerializeLength(Writer, TileSet.Count);
     foreach (MapVisualObject tile in TileSet.ToArray())
         Serialize(Writer, tile);
        private static MapCell DeserializeMapCell(BinaryReader Reader, List <Guid> IdTable, MapTileSet TileSet)
            MapCell cell = new MapCell();
            MapCellSerializationType cellType = DeserializeMapCellType(Reader);

            if (cellType == MapCellSerializationType.Null)

            int idIndexBytesCount = 4;

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex8) != 0)
                idIndexBytesCount = 1;
            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex16) != 0)
                idIndexBytesCount = 3;
            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.IdIndex32) != 0)
                idIndexBytesCount = 4;

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.Place) != 0)
                cell.Place = DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapPlace;

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.NorthWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.North, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.SouthWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.South, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.WestWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.West, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

            if ((cellType & MapCellSerializationType.EastWall) != 0)
                cell.SetWall(MapDirection.East, DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(Reader, idIndexBytesCount, IdTable, TileSet) as MapWall);

 private static MapVisualObject DeserializeMapCellObjectReference(BinaryReader Reader, int IdIndexBytesCount, List <Guid> IdTable, MapTileSet TileSet)
     return(GetTile(DeserializeMapCellIdIndex(Reader, IdIndexBytesCount, IdTable), TileSet));
        public static MapActiveObjectState DeserializeMapActiveObjectState(BinaryReader Reader, MapTileSet mapTileSet)
            Guid activeObjectId = DeserializeMapObjectReference(Reader);

            if (activeObjectId == Guid.Empty)
            MapActiveObject activeObject = null;

            if ((mapTileSet != null) && mapTileSet.ContainsId(activeObjectId))
                activeObject = mapTileSet[activeObjectId] as MapActiveObject;
            if (activeObject == null)

            MapPoint             position = DeserializeMapPoint(Reader);
            MapActiveObjectState state    = new MapActiveObjectState(activeObject, position);

            state.Direction = DeserializeMapDirection(Reader);
            state.ArmorType = DeserializeMapArmorType(Reader);
            state.Health    = Reader.ReadUInt16();
