public String CDOGetSubjects()
            MAPI.Session objSession = new MAPI.Session();
            String       retVal     = "";

            // Missing.Value represents a default argument
            object objEmpty = Missing.Value;

            // Logon the session using CDO's UI
            objSession.Logon(objEmpty, objEmpty, true, true, 0, true, objEmpty);

            MAPI.Folder   objInbox    = (MAPI.Folder)objSession.Inbox;
            MAPI.Messages objMessages = (MAPI.Messages)objInbox.Messages;
            MAPI.Message  objMessage  = (MAPI.Message)objMessages.GetFirst(objEmpty);

            while (objMessage is MAPI.Message)
                retVal    += objMessage.Subject.ToString();
                objMessage = (MAPI.Message)objMessages.GetNext();
                if (objMessage is MAPI.Message)
                    retVal += "\r\n";
        public static bool GetFile(string filename, DateTime date)
            //Log.WriteLine("Create MAPI Session");
                MAPI.Session oSession = new MAPI.Session();

                //Log.WriteLine("Created MAPI Session");

                // Will use vEmpty for Empty parameter
                Object vEmpty = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                //setup profile
                string strProfileInfo = "" + "\n" + "SLLists";

                // Logon
                //Log.WriteLine("Loging in");
                oSession.Logon("SLLists", "welcome", false, true, 0, true, strProfileInfo);
                //Log.WriteLine("Logged in");

                //get inbox
                MAPI.Folder inbox = (MAPI.Folder)oSession.Inbox;

                //get the processed folder
                MAPI.Folders oFolders = (MAPI.Folders)inbox.Folders;

                MAPI.Folder processedFolder = (MAPI.Folder)oFolders.get_Item("Processed");

                // Get Messages collection.
                MAPI.Messages oMsgs = (MAPI.Messages)inbox.Messages;

                //process the collection
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)oMsgs.Count; i++)
                    MAPI.Message msg = (MAPI.Message)oMsgs.get_Item(i + 1);

                    if (DateTime.Parse(msg.TimeReceived.ToString()) >= date.Date)
                        MAPI.Attachments atm = (MAPI.Attachments)msg.Attachments;

                        // modified to check all attachments
                        for (int j = 0; j < (int)atm.Count; j++)
                            MAPI.Attachment a = (MAPI.Attachment)atm.get_Item(j + 1);

                            if (a.Name.ToString().ToUpper() == filename.ToUpper())
                                //Log.WriteLine("Saving file");
                                a.WriteToFile(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Properties.Settings.Default.ImportDir + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + a.Name);
                                //a.WriteToFile(@"C:\" + a.Name); // remove
                                //Log.WriteLine("Saved file");
                                return true;


                // Log off session.
                if (oSession != null)
            catch (Exception e)
            return false;