// Loading Active Games To List, Player Can Choose What Game To Continue Playing public static void LoadGamesUI() { Console.Clear(); List <Game> games = new LudoDbAccess().GetAllUnfinishedGames(); List <Player> players = new LudoDbAccess().GetAllPlayers(); UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(); if (games.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry mate, no games to be found " + "\nPlease create a new game."); Thread.Sleep(2000); userInterface.MainMenu(); } while (isRunning) { Console.WriteLine("What game do you want to load?\n"); for (int i = 0; i < games.Count; i++) { playerCounter = 0; Console.WriteLine($"[{games[i].Id}]\nGame Id: {games[i].Id}\nLast Played: {games[i].LastTimePlayedDate}"); Console.Write($"Players:"); foreach (Player p in players) { if (p.GameId == games[i].Id) { Console.Write($"\nPlayer: {p.Name} | Color: {playerColors[playerCounter]}"); playerCounter++; } } Console.WriteLine($"\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userInput); foreach (var g in games) { if (userInput == g.Id) { LoadGame loadGame = new LoadGame(); Console.WriteLine($"Loading game id {g.Id}..."); loadGame.LoadAnyGame(g.Id); } } } }