Esempio n. 1
        public void Run()
            // TODO:
            // Grab an image from a public URL and write a function thats rescale the image to a desired format
            // The use of 3rd party plugins is permitted
            // For example: 100x80 (thumbnail) and 1200x1600 (preview)

            // Install-Package ImageLibrary


            var image = new KalikoImage(@"");

            image.SaveJpg(@"C:\MyImages\org.jpg", 99);

            // Create thumbnail by cropping
            KalikoImage thumb = image.Scale(new CropScaling(128, 128));

            thumb.SaveJpg(@"C:\MyImages\thumbnail-fit.jpg", 99);

            // Create preview 1200x1600
            image.Resize(1600, 1200);
            image.SaveJpg(@"C:\MyImages\preview.jpg", 99);

            Console.WriteLine("Images saved to C:\\MyImages\\");
Esempio n. 2
        private string SaveImage()
            if (!DoesImageNeedHandling)

            var image = new KalikoImage(Server.MapPath(_originalPath));

            // TODO: Temporary fix for selecting full image, try to do this without loading the image first..
            if (IsCropValueFullImage(image))

            if (_hasCropValues)
                image.Crop(_cropX, _cropY, _cropW, _cropH);

            if (_width > 0 || _height > 0)
                image.Resize(_width, _height);

            var imagePath  = GetNewImagePath();
            var serverPath = Server.MapPath(imagePath);

            if (File.Exists(serverPath))
                var originalServerPath = Server.MapPath(_originalPath);

                if (File.GetLastWriteTime(originalServerPath) < File.GetLastWriteTime(serverPath))


            // TODO: Config quality
            image.SaveJpg(Server.MapPath(imagePath), 90);

Esempio n. 3
        private void ProcessImage(KalikoImage image)
            image.Resize(XSIZE, YSIZE);        // for faster operations / debugging

            // operating on image
            NormalizationFilter normalization = new NormalizationFilter();


            FastGaussianBlurFilter gaussian = new FastGaussianBlurFilter(5f);


            Histogram histogram         = new Histogram(image);
            byte      filteredThreshold = histogram.GetThresholdLevel();

            ThresholdFilter threshold = new ThresholdFilter(filteredThreshold);

Esempio n. 4
        public void CropAndResizeImage(HttpPostedFileBase imageFile, string outPutFilePath, string outPuthFileName, int width, int height, bool pngFormat = false)
                Image image = Image.FromStream(imageFile.InputStream);
                //if (!width.HasValue)
                //	width = image.Width;
                //if (!height.HasValue)
                //	height = new int?(image.Height);
                KalikoImage kalikoImage = new KalikoImage(image);

                kalikoImage.Resize(width, height);

                //KalikoImage kalikoImage1 = kalikoImage.Scale(new CropScaling(width, height));
                //KalikoImage kalikoImage1 = kalikoImage.Scale(new FitScaling(width.Value, height.Value));
                if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Concat("~/", outPutFilePath))))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Concat("~/", outPutFilePath)));
                string str = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Concat("~/", Path.Combine(outPutFilePath, outPuthFileName)));
                if (!pngFormat)
                    kalikoImage.SaveJpg(str, 99);
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception(exception.Message);
Esempio n. 5
        // WARNING: Very ugly code ahead, quick and dirty method to generate an image
        private Dictionary <string, string> BuildCDMBar(string barName, string barNameBackgroundColour, string ingredient1, string ingredient2, string ingredient3, string directoryId, string userImagesPath)
            // Locate base directory for CDM bar assets
            string cdmBarAssetsPath = Path.Combine(GetRequestApplicationPath(), "App_Data", "cdm_bar");

            var    fileId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            string imageFilePath = $"{directoryId}/{fileId}-1.jpg";
            //string imageShareFilePath = $"{directoryId}/{fileId}-2.jpg";
            string imageShareWideFilePath = $"{directoryId}/{fileId}-3.jpg";

            // Count the amount of ingredients
            int ingredientAmount = 0;

            ingredientAmount += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ingredient1) ? 1 : 0;
            ingredientAmount += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ingredient2) ? 1 : 0;
            ingredientAmount += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ingredient3) ? 1 : 0;

            // Create a new canvas based on background image (helps in getting a dynamic dimension also)
            String backgroundImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, "background.png");

            using (var image = new KalikoImage(backgroundImagePath))
                // Composite the image with ingredients by blitting, yeah too many nested IFs
                if (ingredientAmount > 0)
                    var ingredient1ImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, ingredient1.ToLower());
                    using (var ingredientImage = new KalikoImage(ingredient1ImagePath))
                        // Very important to set the image to the same resolution as the exported file, else proportions won't be maintained
                        ingredientImage.SetResolution(96, 96);
                        image.BlitImage(ingredientImage, 2596, 1090);

                    if (ingredientAmount > 1)
                        var ingredient2ImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, ingredient2.ToLower());
                        using (var ingredientImage = new KalikoImage(ingredient2ImagePath))
                            // Very important to set the image to the same resolution as the exported file, else proportions won't be maintained
                            ingredientImage.SetResolution(96, 96);
                            image.BlitImage(ingredientImage, 2646, 698);

                        if (ingredientAmount > 2)
                            var ingredient3ImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, ingredient3.ToLower());
                            using (var ingredientImage = new KalikoImage(ingredient3ImagePath))
                                // Very important to set the image to the same resolution as the exported file, else proportions won't be maintained
                                ingredientImage.SetResolution(96, 96);
                                image.BlitImage(ingredientImage, 2390, 392);

                // Overlay the CDM Bar with "masking" holes
                var cdmBarImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, $"bar-ingredient-x{ingredientAmount.ToString()}.png");
                using (var cdmBarImage = new KalikoImage(cdmBarImagePath))
                    cdmBarImage.SetResolution(96, 96);


                // Overlay the text background if any
                if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(barNameBackgroundColour) || barNameBackgroundColour.ToLower().Equals("transparent")))
                    var barNameBackgroundImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, $"back-{barNameBackgroundColour.ToLower()}.png");
                    using (var barNameBackgroundImage = new KalikoImage(barNameBackgroundImagePath))
                        barNameBackgroundImage.SetResolution(96, 96);

                // Add the final touch, the "pièce de résistance", the centered angled text!
                var fontPath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, "MonkyBasicRegular.ttf");
                image.SetFont(fontPath, 110, FontStyle.Regular);
                var text = new TextField(barName.ToUpper());
                text.Rotation          = -14.1f;
                text.TextColor         = Color.White;
                text.Alignment         = StringAlignment.Center;
                text.VerticalAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                text.TargetArea        = new Rectangle(900, 1231, 1800, 618);

                // Create destination directory if it doesn't already exist
                String destinationDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(userImagesPath, directoryId);

                // Create the share image (square aspect ratio)

                 * String backgroundShareImagePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, "background-share.png");
                 * using (var shareImage = new KalikoImage(backgroundShareImagePath))
                 * {
                 *  shareImage.SetResolution(96, 96);
                 *  shareImage.BlitImage(image);
                 *  // Save the square share image
                 *  String destinationShareFilePath = Path.Combine(userImagesPath, imageShareFilePath);
                 *  // Resize it for front-end display
                 *  shareImage.Resize(1200, 1200);
                 *  shareImage.SaveJpg(destinationShareFilePath, 90, true);
                 * }

                // Create the share image (wide aspect ratio)
                String backgroundShareImageWidePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, "background-share-wide.png");
                using (var shareImageWide = new KalikoImage(backgroundShareImageWidePath))
                    shareImageWide.SetResolution(96, 96);
                    shareImageWide.BlitImage(image, 1286, -68);
                    // Compose the text onto the image
                    String textShareImageWidePath = Path.Combine(cdmBarAssetsPath, "text-share-wide.png");
                    using (var shareTextWide = new KalikoImage(textShareImageWidePath))
                        shareTextWide.SetResolution(96, 96);

                    // Save the wide share image
                    String destinationShareWideFilePath = Path.Combine(userImagesPath, imageShareWideFilePath);
                    // Resize it for front-end display
                    shareImageWide.Resize(1200, 630);
                    shareImageWide.SaveJpg(destinationShareWideFilePath, 90, true);


                // Save the composited image
                String destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(userImagesPath, imageFilePath);
                image.SetResolution(96, 96);
                // Resize it for front-end display
                image.Resize(520, 360);
                image.SaveJpg(destinationFilePath, 90, true);


            return(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "FileId", fileId },
                { "CompositedImage", imageFilePath },
                { "CompositedImageShare", imageShareWideFilePath },
                { "CompositedImageShareWide", imageShareWideFilePath }