public void Image_Blur(ImageItem imageItem) { KalikoImage bluredImage = new KalikoImage(imageItem.UriSource.OriginalString); bluredImage.ApplyFilter(new GaussianBlurFilter()); imageItem.Image = ImageToBitmapImage(bluredImage); }
public string Execute(FileItem item, string infile, string dest, ValuePairEnumerator configData) { try { var conf = new ChromakeyViewModel(configData); dest = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dest) + ".jpg"); KalikoImage image = new KalikoImage(infile); var x = (System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(conf.BackgroundColor); var filter = new ChromaKeyFilter(); filter.KeyColor = Color.FromArgb(x.R, x.G, x.B); filter.ToleranceHue = conf.Hue; filter.ToleranceSaturnation = conf.Saturnation / 100f; filter.ToleranceBrightness = conf.Brigthness / 100f; image.ApplyFilter(filter); var res = image.Clone(); if (conf.UnsharpMask) { res.ApplyFilter(new UnsharpMaskFilter(1.4f, 1.32f, 5)); } var backdrop = new KalikoImage(conf.BackgroundFile); backdrop = backdrop.Scale(new FitScaling(image.Width, image.Height)); backdrop.BlitImage(res); backdrop.SaveJpg(dest, 90); return(dest); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug("Chromakey error", e); } return(null); }
private void ProcessImage(KalikoImage image) { image.Resize(XSIZE, YSIZE); // for faster operations / debugging // operating on image NormalizationFilter normalization = new NormalizationFilter(); image.ApplyFilter(normalization); FastGaussianBlurFilter gaussian = new FastGaussianBlurFilter(5f); image.ApplyFilter(gaussian); Histogram histogram = new Histogram(image); byte filteredThreshold = histogram.GetThresholdLevel(); ThresholdFilter threshold = new ThresholdFilter(filteredThreshold); image.ApplyFilter(threshold); }
public void Unsharpmask(object b22) { KalikoImage image = new KalikoImage("C:\\Users\\Dima\\Pictures\\1.jpg"); // Create a thumbnail of 128x128 pixels KalikoImage thumb = image.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, ThumbnailMethod.Crop); // Apply unsharpen filter (radius = 1.4, amount = 32%, threshold = 0) thumb.ApplyFilter(new UnsharpMaskFilter(1.4f, 0.32f, 0)); // Save the thumbnail as JPG in quality 99 (very high) thumb.SaveJpg("C:\\Users\\Dima\\Pictures\\1111.jpg", 99); }
static void Main(string[] args) { KalikoImage image = new KalikoImage("testimage.jpg"); image.BackgroundColor = Color.Aquamarine; image.Scale(new FitScaling(100, 100)).SaveJpg("thumbnail-fit.jpg", 90); image.Scale(new CropScaling(100, 100)).SaveJpg("thumbnail-crop.jpg", 90); image.Scale(new PadScaling(100, 100)).SaveJpg("thumbnail-pad.jpg", 90); KalikoImage sharpimg = image.Scale(new CropScaling(100, 100)); sharpimg.ApplyFilter(new UnsharpMaskFilter(1.2f, 0.3f, 1)); sharpimg.SaveJpg("thumbnail-unsharpened.jpg", 90); sharpimg.ApplyFilter(new DesaturationFilter()); sharpimg.SaveJpg("thumbnail-gray.jpg", 90); sharpimg.ApplyFilter(new ContrastFilter(30)); sharpimg.SaveJpg("thumbnail-contrast.jpg", 90); }
void SetBackground(string str) { if (panel.InvokeRequired) { delegateString a = new delegateString(SetBackground); panel.Invoke(a, str); } else { var image = new KalikoImage(str); image.ApplyFilter(new FastGaussianBlurFilter(30.0f)); image = image.Scale(new FitScaling(1024, 1024)); panel.BackgroundImage = image.GetAsBitmap(); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image); //Thread Unsharpmaskthread = new Thread(Unsharpmask); //Unsharpmaskthread.Start(bmp); KalikoImage image = new KalikoImage("C:\\Users\\Dima\\Pictures\\1.jpg"); // Create a thumbnail of 128x128 pixels //KalikoImage thumb = image.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, ThumbnailMethod.Crop); // Apply unsharpen filter (radius = 1.4, amount = 32%, threshold = 0) image.ApplyFilter(new UnsharpMaskFilter(1.4f, 0.32f, 0)); // Save the thumbnail as JPG in quality 99 (very high) image.SaveJpg("C:\\Users\\Dima\\Pictures\\1111.jpg", 99); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); m_chromeBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(""); panel_Youtube.Controls.Add(m_chromeBrowser); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 15, 15)); this.Controls.SetChildIndex(this.panel_leftBackground, 1); Panel transparent = new Panel(); transparent.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.transparent30; transparent.Width = 320; transparent.Height = 554; transparent.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.panel_leftBackground.Controls.Add(transparent); this.Controls.SetChildIndex(this.panel_Youtube, 0); var image = new KalikoImage(@""); image.ApplyFilter(new FastGaussianBlurFilter(30.0f)); panel_leftBackground.BackgroundImage = image.GetAsBitmap(); var pb_logo = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.logo, new Size((int)(150 * 0.65f), (int)(36 * 0.65f)), new Point(160 - (int)(150 * 0.65f) / 2, 15)); var pb_close = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnCloseDefault_Normal, new Size(22, 22), new Point(19, 15)); var pb_hide = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnHideDefault_Normal, new Size(22, 22), new Point(42, 15)); var pb_play = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnPauseDefault_Normal, new Size(44, 44), new Point(138, 430)); var pb_prev = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnPrevDefault_Normal, new Size(32, 32), new Point(90, 435)); var pb_next = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnNextDefault_Normal, new Size(32, 32), new Point(198, 435)); var pb_shuffle = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnShuffleDefault_Normal, new Size(32, 32), new Point(48, 435)); var pb_repeat = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnRepeatDefault_Normal, new Size(32, 32), new Point(239, 435)); var pb_volume = CreatePicturBox(transparent, Properties.Resources.btnVolumeDefault_Normal, new Size(32, 32), new Point(144, 487)); label_Title = new Label(); label_Title.Text = "재생을 기다리고 있습니다"; label_Title.Font = new Font("나눔바른고딕", 12); label_Title.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); label_Title.Width = 320; label_Title.Location = new Point(0, 385); label_Title.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; transparent.Controls.Add(label_Title); Label leftTime = new Label(); leftTime.Text = "00:00"; leftTime.Font = new Font("나눔바른고딕", 9); leftTime.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); leftTime.Width = 50; leftTime.Location = new Point(16, 355); transparent.Controls.Add(leftTime); Label rightTime = new Label(); rightTime.Text = "00:00"; rightTime.Font = new Font("나눔바른고딕", 9); rightTime.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); rightTime.Width = 50; rightTime.Location = new Point(265, 355); transparent.Controls.Add(rightTime); seekbar = new Ye0junSeekbar(transparent, 280, 300); seekbar.SetPosition(new Point(16, 340)); seekbar.SetValue(0); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pb_play.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { player.Toggle((b) => { if (b) { pb_play.Image = Properties.Resources.btnPauseDefault_Normal; } else { pb_play.Image = Properties.Resources.btnPlayDefault_Normal; } }); }); pb_prev.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { player.preVideo(() => { label_Title.Text = player._title; }); }); pb_next.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { player.nextVideo(); label_Title.Text = player._title; }); pb_shuffle.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { player.shuffle = !player.shuffle; if (player.shuffle) { pb_shuffle.Image = Properties.Resources.btnShuffleOnDefault_Normal; } else { pb_shuffle.Image = Properties.Resources.btnShuffleDefault_Normal; } }); pb_repeat.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { if (player.GetRepeatState() == 2) { player.SetRepeatState(0); } else { player.SetRepeatState(player.GetRepeatState() + 1); } switch (player.GetRepeatState()) { case 0: pb_repeat.Image = Properties.Resources.btnRepeatDefault_Normal; break; case 1: pb_repeat.Image = Properties.Resources.btnRepeatOnDefault_Normal; break; case 2: pb_repeat.Image = Properties.Resources.btn1RepeatOnDefault_Normal; break; } }); Youtube youtube = new Youtube(); searchBar.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler((o, e) => { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { pb_myList.Image = Properties.Resources.menuMymusicDefault_Normal; underline_my.Visible = false; UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] encodedBytes = utf8.GetBytes(searchBar.Text); string utf8String = ""; foreach (byte b in encodedBytes) { utf8String += "%" + String.Format("{0:X}", b); } youtube.Search(utf8String, (arr) => { musicList.SetSearchList(arr); }); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// line_1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230); line_2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230); panel_rightbottom.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(243); underline_my.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(252, 63, 59); player = new Player(m_chromeBrowser, label_Title, panel_leftBackground, leftTime, seekbar); musicList = new MusicList(panel_right, player); messageFromBrowser = new MessageFromBrowser(() => { Console.WriteLine(player.GetRepeatState() + " "); if (player.GetRepeatState() != 2) { player.nextVideo(); } else { player.reVideo(); } //label_Title.Text = "ffff"; }, m_chromeBrowser, seekbar, rightTime); m_chromeBrowser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("toCSharp", messageFromBrowser); pb_close.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(FClose); pb_hide.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(FMinimized); var bMouseClick = false; var myX = 0; var myY = 0; transparent.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { bMouseClick = true; myX = e.X; myY = e.Y; }); transparent.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { bMouseClick = false; }); transparent.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler((o, e) => { if (bMouseClick) { const short SWP_NOMOVE = 0X2; const short SWP_NOSIZE = 1; const short SWP_NOZORDER = 0X4; const int SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0040; Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); IntPtr handle = process.MainWindowHandle; var finalX = MousePosition.X - myX; var finalY = MousePosition.Y - myY; if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { SetWindowPos(handle, 0, finalX, finalY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } } }); searchBar.GotFocus += new EventHandler((o, e) => { disappear_icon.Visible = false; disappear_label.Visible = false; }); searchBar.LostFocus += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (searchBar.Text == "") { disappear_icon.Visible = true; disappear_label.Visible = true; } }); }