private static bool GetCharacterStuff(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg args, out Character character, out CameraMount camera, out ItemRepresentation itemRep, out ArmorModelRenderer armor) { character = null; itemRep = null; armor = null; camera = CameraMount.current; if (!camera) { args.ReplyWith("Theres no active camera mount."); return false; } character = IDBase.GetMain(camera) as Character; if (!character) { args.ReplyWith("theres no character for the current mounted camera"); return false; } armor = character.GetLocal<ArmorModelRenderer>(); InventoryHolder local = character.GetLocal<InventoryHolder>(); if (local) { itemRep = local.itemRepresentation; } return true; }
public BulletWeaponImpact(BulletWeaponDataBlock dataBlock, IBulletWeaponItem item, ItemRepresentation itemRep, Transform hitTransform, Vector3 localHitPoint, Vector3 localHitDirection) : base(dataBlock, item, itemRep) { this.hitTransform = hitTransform; this.hitPoint = localHitPoint; this.hitDirection = localHitDirection; }
public void Init(float arrowSpeed, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBowWeaponItem itemInstance, bool firedLocal) { this.speedPerSec = arrowSpeed; if (itemRep != null && itemInstance != null) { this._myBow = itemRep; this._myItemInstance = itemInstance; } }
public override void DoAction3(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation itemRep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { this.StartSwingWorldAnimations(itemRep); }
// privatescope internal void IHeldItem.set_itemRepresentation(ItemRepresentation value) { base.itemRepresentation = value; }
public override void DoAction1(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { Vector3 vector3 = stream.ReadVector3(); this.FireArrow(vector3, stream.ReadQuaternion(), rep, null); }
public override void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { bool flag; Socket socket; Character character = itemInstance.character; if (character == null) { return; } if (itemInstance.clipAmmo <= 0) { return; } Ray ray = character.eyesRay; int num = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref num); uLink.BitStream bitStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); float bulletRange = this.GetBulletRange(itemRep); for (int i = 0; i < this.numPellets; i++) { Ray ray1 = ray; ray1.direction = (Quaternion.LookRotation(ray.direction) * Quaternion.Euler(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.xSpread, this.xSpread), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.ySpread, this.ySpread), 0f)) * Vector3.forward; Component component = null; this.FireSingleBullet(bitStream, ray1, itemRep, out component, out flag); this.MakeTracer(ray1.origin, ray1.origin + (ray1.direction * bulletRange), bulletRange, component, flag); } itemRep.ActionStream(1, uLink.RPCMode.Server, bitStream); bool flag1 = vm; if (!flag1) { socket = itemRep.muzzle; } else { socket = vm.muzzle; } this.DoWeaponEffects(character.transform, socket, flag1, itemRep); if (flag1) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float single = 1f; if (sample.aim) { single = single - this.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { single = single - this.crouchRecoilSubtract; } float single1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilPitchMin, this.recoilPitchMax) * single; float single2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilYawMin, this.recoilYawMax) * single; RecoilSimulation recoilSimulation = character.recoilSimulation; if (recoilSimulation) { recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(this.recoilDuration, single1, single2); } HeadBob headBob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (headBob && this.shotBob) { headBob.AddEffect(this.shotBob); } }
public WeaponImpact(WeaponDataBlock dataBlock, IWeaponItem item, ItemRepresentation itemRep) { this.dataBlock = dataBlock; this.item = item; this.itemRep = itemRep; }
public virtual void Local_DryFire(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep) { this.dryFireSound.PlayLocal(itemRep.transform,, 1f, 0); }
public override void DoAction2(BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation itemRep, ref NetworkMessageInfo info) { }
public static void StructureComponentAction(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info, StructureComponentDataBlock SCDB) { uLink.NetworkPlayer netPlayer = info.sender; PlayerClient playerClient = Array.Find(AllPlayerClients.ToArray(), (PlayerClient pc) => pc.netPlayer == netPlayer); IStructureComponentItem item; NetCull.VerifyRPC(ref info); if (rep.Item<IStructureComponentItem>(out item) && (item.uses > 0)) { StructureComponent structureToPlacePrefab = SCDB.structureToPlacePrefab; Vector3 origin = stream.ReadVector3(); Vector3 direction = stream.ReadVector3(); Vector3 position = stream.ReadVector3(); Quaternion rotation = stream.ReadQuaternion(); uLink.NetworkViewID viewID = stream.ReadNetworkViewID(); StructureMaster component = null; if (nearZone(position) && !buildList.Contains(playerClient.userID.ToString())) { Rust.Notice.Popup(info.sender, "", "You can't place that near safe zones or war zones.", 4f); } else { if (viewID == uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned) { if (SCDB.MasterFromRay(new Ray(origin, direction))) { return; } if (structureToPlacePrefab.type != StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Foundation) { Debug.Log("ERROR, tried to place non foundation structure on terrain!"); } else { component = NetCull.InstantiateClassic<StructureMaster>(Bundling.Load<StructureMaster>("content/structures/StructureMasterPrefab"), position, rotation, 0); component.SetupCreator(item.controllable); } } else { component = uLink.NetworkView.Find(viewID).gameObject.GetComponent<StructureMaster>(); } if (component == null) { Debug.Log("NO master, something seriously wrong"); } else if (SCDB._structureToPlace.CheckLocation(component, position, rotation) && SCDB.CheckBlockers(position)) { StructureComponent comp = NetCull.InstantiateStatic(SCDB.structureToPlaceName, position, rotation).GetComponent<StructureComponent>(); if (comp != null) { component.AddStructureComponent(comp); int count = 1; if (item.Consume(ref count)) { item.inventory.RemoveItem(item.slot); } } } } } }
private void OnDestroy() { if (this._modSlot != -2) { try { if (this._modSlot != -1) { if (!this._itemRep) { this._itemRep = null; } else { try { if ((byte)(this.caps & ItemModRepresentation.Caps.Shutdown) == 128) { try { this.Shutdown(); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError(exception, this); } } try { this._itemRep.ItemModRepresentationDestroyed(this); } catch (Exception exception1) { Debug.LogError(exception1, this); } } finally { this._itemRep = null; } } } } finally { this._modSlot = -2; } } }
internal void SetItemRepresentation(ItemRepresentation value) { if (this.itemRep != value) { this.itemRep = value; this.hasItem = this.itemRep; if (!this.hasItem) { this._animationGroupNameCached = null; } else { this._animationGroupNameCached = this.itemRep.worldAnimationGroupName; if (this._animationGroupNameCached != null && this._animationGroupNameCached.Length == 1) { this._animationGroupNameCached = null; } } } }
internal void ClearItemRepresentation(ItemRepresentation value) { if (this.hasItem && this.itemRep == value) { this.itemRep = null; this.hasItem = false; this._animationGroupNameCached = null; } }
private void SetViewModel(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation rep, IHeldItem item) { if (!this.awoke) { this.viewModel = vm; this.rep = rep; this.item = item; return; } if (this.viewModel != vm) { if (this.viewModel) { if (this.viewModel.itemRep) { try { this.viewModel.itemRep.UnBindViewModel(this.viewModel, this.viewModel.item); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogException(exception, this.viewModel.itemRep); } } this.viewModel.UnBindTransforms(); this.viewModel.idMain = null; } this.viewModel = vm; if (vm) { if (!CameraFX.viewModelRootTransform) { Transform gameObject = (new GameObject("__View Model Root")).transform; CameraFX.viewModelRootTransform = (new GameObject("Eye Camera Difference")).transform; CameraFX.viewModelRootTransform.parent = gameObject; } vm.idMain = this.idMain; vm.transform.parent = CameraFX.viewModelRootTransform; if (rep) { rep.PrepareViewModel(vm, item); } vm.BindTransforms(CameraFX.viewModelRootTransform, base.transform.parent); if (rep) { rep.BindViewModel(vm, item); vm.itemRep = rep; vm.item = item; } } for (int i = (int)this._effects.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this._effects[i]) { this.effects[i].OnViewModelChange(vm); } } } }
protected new void Awake() { =; this.adaptiveNearPlane = base.GetComponent<AdaptiveNearPlane>(); int num = 0; if (this._effects != null && (int)this._effects.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)this._effects.Length; i++) { if (!this._effects[i] || !(this._effects[i] is ICameraFX)) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Concat("effect at index ", i, " is missing, null or not a ICameraFX"), this); } else { int num1 = num; num = num1 + 1; this._effects[num1] = this._effects[i]; } } } Array.Resize<MonoBehaviour>(ref this._effects, num); Array.Resize<ICameraFX>(ref this.effects, num); if (num != 0) { for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { this.effects[j] = (ICameraFX)this._effects[j]; } } else { Debug.LogWarning("There are no effects", this); } this.awoke = true; if (this.viewModel) { ViewModel viewModel = this.viewModel; this.viewModel = null; ItemRepresentation itemRepresentation = this.rep; this.rep = null; IHeldItem heldItem = this.item; this.item = null; this.SetViewModel(viewModel, itemRepresentation, heldItem); } base.Awake(); }
public static void ReplaceViewModel(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation rep, IHeldItem item, bool butDontDestroyOld) { CameraFX cameraFX = CameraFX.mainCameraFX; if (cameraFX && cameraFX.viewModel != vm) { ViewModel viewModel = cameraFX.viewModel; cameraFX.SetViewModel(vm, rep, item); if (!butDontDestroyOld && viewModel) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(viewModel.gameObject); } } }
public BulletWeaponImpact(BulletWeaponDataBlock dataBlock, IBulletWeaponItem item, ItemRepresentation itemRep, Vector3 worldHitPoint, Vector3 worldHitDirection) : this(dataBlock, item, itemRep, null, worldHitPoint, worldHitDirection) { }
public virtual void Local_MidSwing(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IMeleeWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { BodyPart bodyPart; IDBase dBase; IDMain dMain; Character character = itemInstance.character; if (character == null) { return; } Ray ray = character.eyesRay; bool flag = false; Collider collider = null; Vector3 vector3 =; Vector3 vector31 = Vector3.up; NetEntityID netEntityID = NetEntityID.unassigned; bool flag1 = false; flag = this.Physics2SphereCast(ray, 0.3f, this.GetRange(), 406721553, out vector3, out vector31, out collider, out bodyPart); bool flag2 = false; TakeDamage component = null; if (flag) { TransformHelpers.GetIDBaseFromCollider(collider, out dBase); if (!dBase) { dMain = null; } else { dMain = dBase.idMain; } IDMain dMain1 = dMain; if (dMain1) { netEntityID = NetEntityID.Get(dMain1); flag1 = !netEntityID.isUnassigned; component = dMain1.GetComponent <TakeDamage>(); if (component && component.ShouldPlayHitNotification()) { this.PlayHitNotification(vector3, character); } } flag2 = collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Tree Collider"); if (flag2) { WoodBlockerTemp blockerForPoint = WoodBlockerTemp.GetBlockerForPoint(vector3); if (blockerForPoint.HasWood()) { blockerForPoint.ConsumeWood(this.efficiencies[2]); } else { flag2 = false; Notice.Popup("", "There's no wood left here", 2f); } } this.DoMeleeEffects(ray.origin, vector3, Quaternion.LookRotation(vector31), collider.gameObject); if (vm && (component || flag2)) { vm.CrossFade("pull_out", 0.05f, PlayMode.StopSameLayer, 1.1f); } } uLink.BitStream bitStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); if (!flag1) { bitStream.WriteBoolean(false); bitStream.WriteVector3(vector3); } else { bitStream.WriteBoolean(flag1); bitStream.Write <NetEntityID>(netEntityID, new object[0]); bitStream.WriteVector3(vector3); } bitStream.WriteBoolean(flag2); itemRep.ActionStream(1, uLink.RPCMode.Server, bitStream); this.EndSwingWorldAnimations(itemRep); }
public virtual bool IsSilenced(ItemRepresentation itemRep) { return((itemRep.modFlags & ItemModFlags.Audio) == ItemModFlags.Audio); }
public virtual void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { Component component; Vector3 point; RaycastHit2 hit; IDMain main; bool flag4; Socket muzzle; bool flag5; Character shooterOrNull = itemInstance.character; if (shooterOrNull == null) { return; } if (itemInstance.clipAmmo <= 0) { return; } Ray eyesRay = shooterOrNull.eyesRay; NetEntityID unassigned = NetEntityID.unassigned; bool hitNetworkView = false; int count = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref count); bool didHit = Physics2.Raycast2(eyesRay, out hit, this.GetBulletRange(itemRep), 0x183e1411); TakeDamage damage = null; if (!didHit) { main = null; point = eyesRay.GetPoint(1000f); component = null; goto Label_019E; } point = hit.point; IDBase id =; component = (hit.remoteBodyPart == null) ? ((Component)hit.collider) : ((Component)hit.remoteBodyPart); main = (id == null) ? null : id.idMain; if (main == null) { goto Label_019E; } unassigned = NetEntityID.Get((MonoBehaviour)main); if (unassigned.isUnassigned) { goto Label_019E; } hitNetworkView = true; damage = main.GetComponent <TakeDamage>(); if ((damage != null) && damage.ShouldPlayHitNotification()) { this.PlayHitNotification(point, shooterOrNull); } bool flag3 = false; if (hit.remoteBodyPart != null) { BodyPart bodyPart = hit.remoteBodyPart.bodyPart; switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Brain: case BodyPart.L_Eye: case BodyPart.R_Eye: break; default: switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Head: case BodyPart.Jaw: break; case BodyPart.Scalp: case BodyPart.Nostrils: goto Label_016C; default: goto Label_016C; } break; } flag3 = true; } goto Label_0174; Label_016C: flag3 = false; Label_0174: if (flag3) { this.headshotSound.Play(); } Label_019E: flag4 = didHit && ((!hit.isHitboxHit || hit.bodyPart.IsDefined()) || (damage != null)); if (vm != null) { Socket.Slot slot = vm.socketMap["muzzle"]; muzzle = slot.socket; flag5 = true; } else { muzzle = itemRep.muzzle; flag5 = false; } Vector3 position = muzzle.position; this.DoWeaponEffects(shooterOrNull.transform, position, point, muzzle, flag5, component, flag4, itemRep); if (flag5) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float num2 = 1f; if (sample.aim && sample.crouch) { num2 -= this.aimingRecoilSubtract + (this.crouchRecoilSubtract * 0.5f); } else if (sample.aim) { num2 -= this.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { num2 -= this.crouchRecoilSubtract; } num2 = Mathf.Clamp01(num2); float pitch = Random.Range(this.recoilPitchMin, this.recoilPitchMax) * num2; float yaw = Random.Range(this.recoilYawMin, this.recoilYawMax) * num2; if (weaponRecoil && (shooterOrNull.recoilSimulation != null)) { shooterOrNull.recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(this.recoilDuration, pitch, yaw); } HeadBob bob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (((bob != null) && (this.shotBob != null)) && headRecoil) { bob.AddEffect(this.shotBob); } BitStream sendStream = new BitStream(false); this.WriteHitInfo(sendStream, ref eyesRay, didHit, ref hit, hitNetworkView, unassigned); itemRep.ActionStream(1, RPCMode.Server, sendStream); }
public virtual void DoAction1(BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref NetworkMessageInfo info) { }
public virtual void DoWeaponEffects(Transform soundTransform, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Socket muzzleSocket, bool firstPerson, Component hitComponent, bool allowBlood, ItemRepresentation itemRep) { Vector3 forward = endPos - startPos; forward.Normalize(); bool flag = this.IsSilenced(itemRep); Tracer component = ((GameObject)Object.Instantiate(this.tracerPrefab, startPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(forward))).GetComponent <Tracer>(); if (component != null) { component.Init(hitComponent, 0x183e1411, this.GetBulletRange(itemRep), allowBlood); } if (flag) { component.startScale =; } this.PlayFireSound(soundTransform, firstPerson, itemRep); if (!flag) { Object.Destroy(muzzleSocket.InstantiateAsChild(!firstPerson ? this.muzzleFlashWorld : this.muzzleflashVM, false), 1f); } }
public void OnExtinguish(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, ITorchItem torchItem) { }
public virtual void DoWeaponEffects(Transform soundTransform, Socket muzzleSocket, bool firstPerson, ItemRepresentation itemRep) { this.PlayFireSound(soundTransform, firstPerson, itemRep); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(muzzleSocket.InstantiateAsChild((!firstPerson ? this.muzzleFlashWorld : this.muzzleflashVM), false), 1f); }
public override void DoAction1(BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref NetworkMessageInfo info) { (rep as TorchItemRep).RepExtinguish(); }
public override void DoAction1(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { }
public override void DoAction2(BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation itemRep, ref NetworkMessageInfo info) { this.Ignite(null, itemRep, null); }
public void ArrowReportMiss(ArrowMovement arrow, ItemRepresentation itemRepresentation) { uLink.BitStream bitStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); bitStream.Write <Vector3>(arrow.transform.position, new object[0]); itemRepresentation.ActionStream(3, uLink.RPCMode.Server, bitStream); }
public void DoActualIgnite(ItemRepresentation itemRep, IThrowableItem itemInstance, ViewModel vm) { this.Ignite(vm, itemRep, this.GetTorchInstance(itemInstance)); itemRep.Action(2, RPCMode.Server); }
public virtual void DoWeaponEffects(Transform soundTransform, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, Socket muzzleSocket, bool firstPerson, Component hitComponent, bool allowBlood, ItemRepresentation itemRep) { }
public TorchItemRep GetTorchRep(ItemRepresentation rep) { return(rep as TorchItemRep); }
public static void DeployableItemAction(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation rep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info, DeployableItemDataBlock DIDB) { uLink.NetworkPlayer netPlayer = info.sender; PlayerClient playerClient = Array.Find(AllPlayerClients.ToArray(), (PlayerClient pc) => pc.netPlayer == netPlayer); IDeployableItem item; NetCull.VerifyRPC(ref info); if (rep.Item<IDeployableItem>(out item) && (item.uses > 0)) { Vector3 vector3; Quaternion quaternion; TransCarrier carrier; Vector3 origin = stream.ReadVector3(); Vector3 direction = stream.ReadVector3(); Ray ray = new Ray(origin, direction); if (!DIDB.CheckPlacement(ray, out vector3, out quaternion, out carrier)) { Rust.Notice.Popup(info.sender, "", "You can't place that here.", 4f); } else { if (nearZone(vector3) && !buildList.Contains(playerClient.userID.ToString())) { Rust.Notice.Popup(info.sender, "", "You can't place that near safe zones or war zones.", 4f); } else { DeployableObject component = NetCull.InstantiateStatic(DIDB.DeployableObjectPrefabName, vector3, quaternion).GetComponent<DeployableObject>(); // Creates model in world space if (component != null) { try { component.SetupCreator(item.controllable); // Sets object variables such as ownerID DIDB.SetupDeployableObject(stream, rep, ref info, component, carrier); } finally { int count = 1; if (item.Consume(ref count)) { item.inventory.RemoveItem(item.slot); } } } } } } }
public virtual void DoAction3(uLink.BitStream stream, ItemRepresentation itemRep, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { }
public virtual void Local_CancelStrikes(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IStrikeGunItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { vm.CrossFade("idle", 0.15f); }
public virtual float GetDamage(ItemRepresentation itemRep) { return(Random.Range(base.damageMin, base.damageMax) * (!this.IsSilenced(itemRep) ? 1f : 0.8f)); }
public PhysicalFileParser(string fileLocation) { //set file name ParserName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileLocation); // parse the content ItemParam = new List<ItemRepresentation>(); ItemRepresentation prev = null; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileLocation)) { string line = " "; while (line != null) { // do the checking of string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line == null) continue; line = line.Trim(); if (line.Length <= 0 || line[0] == '#') { continue; } if ((line[0] == '>') && (prev != null)) { CompositeItem CI = new CompositeItem(); int index = line.IndexOf(','); = line.Substring(1, index - 1); CI.location = int.Parse(line.Substring(index + 1, line.Length - index - 1)); prev.compositeValues.setItem(CI); continue; } prev = null; ItemRepresentation current = new ItemRepresentation(); // process the configuration name int SeparatorIndex = line.IndexOf(','); current.ItemName = line.Substring(0, SeparatorIndex); line = line.Substring(SeparatorIndex + 1, line.Length - SeparatorIndex - 1); // process the configuration length SeparatorIndex = line.IndexOf(','); string tempLengthValueHolder; if (SeparatorIndex < 0) { tempLengthValueHolder = line; current.lengthType = ItemRepresentation.LengthType.independent; } else { tempLengthValueHolder = line.Substring(0, SeparatorIndex); string typeOfEntry = line.Substring(SeparatorIndex + 1, line.Length - SeparatorIndex - 1).Trim(); switch (typeOfEntry) { case "N": current.valueType = ItemRepresentation.ValueType.normal; current.lengthType = ItemRepresentation.LengthType.affectNext; break; case "C": current.valueType = ItemRepresentation.ValueType.composite; current.compositeValues = new CompositeValue(); prev = current; break; } } int lengthValue = Int32.Parse(tempLengthValueHolder); current.ItemLength = lengthValue; // process the configuration next ItemParam.Add((current)); } } }
internal void Initialize(ItemRepresentation itemRep, int modSlot, CharacterStateFlags flags) { if (this._modSlot != -1) { if (this._modSlot == -2) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This ItemModRepresentation has been destroyed"); } if (itemRep != this._itemRep || modSlot < 0 && modSlot < 5 && modSlot != this._modSlot) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The ItemModRepresentation was already initialized with {{\"item\":\"{0}\",\"slot\":{1}}} and cannot be re-initialized to use {{\"item\":\"{2|\",\"slot\":{3}}}", new object[] { this._itemRep, this._modSlot, itemRep, modSlot })); } } else { if (!itemRep) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("itemRep", itemRep, "!itemRep"); } if (modSlot < 0 || modSlot >= 5) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("modSlot", (object)modSlot, "modSlot<0||modSlot>=MAX_SUPPORTED_ITEM_MODS"); } this._itemRep = itemRep; this._modSlot = modSlot; if ((byte)(this.caps & ItemModRepresentation.Caps.Initialize) == 1) { try { this.Initialize(); } catch (Exception exception) { this._itemRep = null; this._modSlot = -1; throw; } } this.HandleChangedStateFlags(flags, false); } }