public static bool Linecast(INavmesh graph, VInt3 tmp_origin, VInt3 tmp_end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List <GraphNode> trace) { VInt3 vInt = tmp_end; VInt3 vInt2 = tmp_origin; hit = default(GraphHitInfo); if (float.IsNaN((float)(tmp_origin.x + tmp_origin.y + tmp_origin.z))) { throw new ArgumentException("origin is NaN"); } if (float.IsNaN((float)(tmp_end.x + tmp_end.y + tmp_end.z))) { throw new ArgumentException("end is NaN"); } TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = hint as TriangleMeshNode; if (triangleMeshNode == null) { triangleMeshNode = ((graph as NavGraph).GetNearest(tmp_origin, NNConstraint.None).node as TriangleMeshNode); if (triangleMeshNode == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find a valid node to start from"); hit.point = tmp_origin; return(true); } } if (vInt2 == vInt) { hit.node = triangleMeshNode; return(false); } vInt2 = (VInt3)triangleMeshNode.ClosestPointOnNode((Vector3)vInt2); hit.origin = vInt2; if (!triangleMeshNode.Walkable) { hit.point = vInt2; hit.tangentOrigin = vInt2; return(true); } List <VInt3> list = ListPool <VInt3> .Claim(); List <VInt3> list2 = ListPool <VInt3> .Claim(); int num = 0; while (true) { num++; if (num > 2000) { break; } TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = null; if (trace != null) { trace.Add(triangleMeshNode); } if (triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(vInt)) { goto Block_9; } for (int i = 0; i < triangleMeshNode.connections.Length; i++) { if (triangleMeshNode.connections[i].GraphIndex == triangleMeshNode.GraphIndex) { list.Clear(); list2.Clear(); if (triangleMeshNode.GetPortal(triangleMeshNode.connections[i], list, list2, false)) { VInt3 vInt3 = list.get_Item(0); VInt3 vInt4 = list2.get_Item(0); float num2; float num3; if ((Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vInt3, vInt4, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vInt3, vInt4, tmp_end)) && Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vInt3, vInt4, hit.origin, tmp_end, out num2, out num3) && num3 >= 0f && num2 >= 0f && num2 <= 1f) { triangleMeshNode2 = (triangleMeshNode.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode); break; } } } } if (triangleMeshNode2 == null) { goto Block_17; } triangleMeshNode = triangleMeshNode2; } Debug.LogError("Linecast was stuck in infinite loop. Breaking."); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list2); return(true); Block_9: ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list2); return(false); Block_17: int vertexCount = triangleMeshNode.GetVertexCount(); for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++) { VInt3 vertex = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(j); VInt3 vertex2 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex((j + 1) % vertexCount); VFactor vFactor; VFactor vFactor2; if ((Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vertex, vertex2, hit.origin) || !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(vertex, vertex2, tmp_end)) && Polygon.IntersectionFactor(vertex, vertex2, hit.origin, tmp_end, out vFactor, out vFactor2) && !vFactor2.IsNegative && !vFactor.IsNegative && vFactor.nom / vFactor.den <= 1L) { VInt3 vInt5 = (vertex2 - vertex) * (float)vFactor.nom; vInt5 = IntMath.Divide(vInt5, vFactor.den); vInt5 += vertex; hit.point = vInt5; hit.node = triangleMeshNode; hit.tangent = vertex2 - vertex; hit.tangentOrigin = vertex; ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list2); return(true); } } Debug.LogWarning("Linecast failing because point not inside node, and line does not hit any edges of it"); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list); ListPool <VInt3> .Release(list2); return(false); }
public static int Lerp(int src, int dest, int nom, int den) { return(IntMath.Divide(src * den + (dest - src) * nom, den)); }
private static void MoveAlongEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, int edge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, out VInt3 result) { bool flag; DebugHelper.Assert((edge >= 0) && (edge <= 2)); VInt3 vertex = node.GetVertex(edge); VInt3 num2 = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3); VInt3 num3 = destLoc - srcLoc; num3.y = 0; VInt3 a = num2 - vertex; a.y = 0; a.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); int num5 = (a.x * num3.x) + (a.z * num3.z); VInt3 rhs = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref num2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag); if (!flag) { if (!Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, srcLoc) || !Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, destLoc)) { result = srcLoc; return; } if (num5 >= 0) { int num7 = (a.x * (num2.x - vertex.x)) + (a.z * (num2.z - vertex.z)); int num8 = (a.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x)) + (a.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z)); rhs = (num7 <= num8) ? num2 : destLoc; DebugHelper.Assert((num7 >= 0) && (num8 >= 0)); } else { int num9 = (-a.x * (vertex.x - num2.x)) - (a.z * (vertex.z - num2.z)); int num10 = (-a.x * (destLoc.x - num2.x)) - (a.z * (destLoc.z - num2.z)); rhs = (Mathf.Abs(num9) <= Mathf.Abs(num10)) ? vertex : destLoc; DebugHelper.Assert((num9 >= 0) && (num10 >= 0)); } } int num11 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L); int num12 = IntMath.Sqrt(num2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L); if ((num5 >= num11) && (num5 <= num12)) { result = IntMath.Divide(a, (long)num5, 0xf4240L) + srcLoc; if (!node.ContainsPoint(result)) { int num15; int num16; int num17; int num18; Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(num2 - vertex); vector.y = 0f; vector.Normalize(); VInt3 num13 = num2 - vertex; num13.y = 0; num13 *= 0x2710; long magnitude = num13.magnitude; VFactor factor = new VFactor { nom = num5, den = magnitude * 0x3e8L }; getMinMax(out num15, out num17, (long)num13.x, ref factor); getMinMax(out num16, out num18, (long)num13.z, ref factor); if (!MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num15, num17, num16, num18, srcLoc) && !MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num15 - 4, num17 + 4, num16 - 4, num18 + 4, srcLoc)) { result = srcLoc; } } if (MoveAxisY) { CalculateY(ref result, node); } } else { int num19; int num20; VInt3 num21; int num22; if (num5 < num11) { num19 = num5 - num11; num20 = (edge + 2) % 3; num21 = vertex; } else { num19 = num5 - num12; num20 = (edge + 1) % 3; num21 = num2; } TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(num20, out num22); if (neighborByEdge != null) { VInt3 num23 = ((VInt3)((a * num19) / 1000000f)) + num21; checkedNodes.Add(node); MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, num22, num21, num23, out result); } else { result = num21; } } }
private static void MoveAlongEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, int edge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, MoveDirectionState state, out VInt3 result, bool checkAnotherEdge = true) { DebugHelper.Assert(edge >= 0 && edge <= 2); VInt3 vertex = node.GetVertex(edge); VInt3 vertex2 = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3); VInt3 vInt = destLoc - srcLoc; vInt.y = 0; VInt3 vInt2 = vertex2 - vertex; vInt2.y = 0; vInt2.NormalizeTo(1000); int num; if (state != null) { num = vInt.magnitude2D * 1000; VInt3 vInt3 = state.enabled ? state.firstAdjDir : vInt; if (VInt3.Dot(ref vInt2, ref vInt3) < 0) { num = -num; vInt3 = -vInt2; } else { vInt3 = vInt2; } if (!state.enabled) { state.enabled = true; state.firstAdjDir = VInt3.Lerp(vInt, vInt3, 1, 3); state.firstDir = state.curDir; state.adjDir = vInt3; } else if (VInt3.Dot(ref state.adjDir, ref vInt3) >= 0) { state.adjDir = vInt3; } else { num = 0; } state.applied = true; } else { num = vInt2.x * vInt.x + vInt2.z * vInt.z; } bool flag; VInt3 rhs = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref vertex2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag); if (!flag) { if (!Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, vertex2, srcLoc) || !Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, vertex2, destLoc)) { result = srcLoc; return; } if (num >= 0) { int num2 = vInt2.x * (vertex2.x - vertex.x) + vInt2.z * (vertex2.z - vertex.z); int num3 = vInt2.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x) + vInt2.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z); rhs = ((num2 > num3) ? destLoc : vertex2); DebugHelper.Assert(num2 >= 0 && num3 >= 0); } else { int num4 = -vInt2.x * (vertex.x - vertex2.x) - vInt2.z * (vertex.z - vertex2.z); int num5 = -vInt2.x * (destLoc.x - vertex2.x) - vInt2.z * (destLoc.z - vertex2.z); rhs = ((Mathf.Abs(num4) > Mathf.Abs(num5)) ? destLoc : vertex); DebugHelper.Assert(num4 >= 0 && num5 >= 0); } } int num6 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 1000000L); int num7 = IntMath.Sqrt(vertex2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 1000000L); if (num >= num6 && num <= num7) { result = IntMath.Divide(vInt2, (long)num, 1000000L) + rhs; if (!node.ContainsPoint(result)) { Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex); vector.y = 0f; vector.Normalize(); VInt3 lhs = vertex2 - vertex; lhs.y = 0; lhs *= 10000; long num8 = (long)lhs.magnitude; VFactor vFactor = default(VFactor); vFactor.nom = (long)num; vFactor.den = num8 * 1000L; int num9; int num10; PathfindingUtility.getMinMax(out num9, out num10, (long)lhs.x, ref vFactor); int num11; int num12; PathfindingUtility.getMinMax(out num11, out num12, (long)lhs.z, ref vFactor); if (!PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num9, num10, num11, num12, srcLoc) && !PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num9 - 4, num10 + 4, num11 - 4, num12 + 4, srcLoc)) { result = srcLoc; } } if (PathfindingUtility.MoveAxisY) { PathfindingUtility.CalculateY(ref result, node); } } else { int rhs2; int edge2; VInt3 vInt4; if (num < num6) { rhs2 = num - num6; edge2 = (edge + 2) % 3; vInt4 = vertex; } else { rhs2 = num - num7; edge2 = (edge + 1) % 3; vInt4 = vertex2; } VInt3 vInt5 = vInt2 * rhs2 / 1000000f; int startEdge; TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(edge2, out startEdge); if (neighborByEdge != null) { PathfindingUtility.checkedNodes.Add(node); PathfindingUtility.MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, startEdge, vInt4, vInt5 + vInt4, state, out result); } else { if (checkAnotherEdge) { VInt3 vertex3 = node.GetVertex((edge + 2) % 3); VInt3 lhs2 = (vertex3 - vInt4).NormalizeTo(1000); if (VInt3.Dot(lhs2, vInt5) > 0) { PathfindingUtility.checkedNodes.Add(node); PathfindingUtility.MoveAlongEdge(node, edge2, vInt4, vInt5 + vInt4, state, out result, false); return; } } result = vInt4; } } }
public static VInt3 Transform(VInt3 point, ref VInt3 axis_x, ref VInt3 axis_y, ref VInt3 axis_z, ref VInt3 trans) { return(new VInt3(IntMath.Divide(axis_x.x * point.x + axis_y.x * point.y + axis_z.x * point.z, 1000) + trans.x, IntMath.Divide(axis_x.y * point.x + axis_y.y * point.y + axis_z.y * point.z, 1000) + trans.y, IntMath.Divide(axis_x.z * point.x + axis_y.z * point.y + axis_z.z * point.z, 1000) + trans.z)); }
public static VInt3 Lerp(VInt3 a, VInt3 b, VFactor f) { return(new VInt3(((int)IntMath.Divide((long)((b.x - a.x) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.x, ((int)IntMath.Divide((long)((b.y - a.y) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.y, ((int)IntMath.Divide((long)((b.z - a.z) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.z)); }
public void Move(out VInt3 targetDir, int dt) { targetDir = VInt3.forward; if (this.targetReached || !this.canMove) { return; } ActorRoot handle =; VInt3 location = handle.location; VInt3 vInt = this.CaculateDir(location); if (this.targetDirection.x != 0 || this.targetDirection.z != 0) { targetDir = this.targetDirection; targetDir.NormalizeTo(1000); } else { targetDir = handle.forward; } VInt3 vInt2 = handle.location; VInt3 vInt3 = vInt; vInt3 *= this.speed * dt / 1000; vInt3 /= 1000f; bool flag = this.rvo != null && this.rvo.enabled; bool hasReachedNavEdge = false; if (this.checkNavNode && !flag) { VInt groundY; vInt3 = PathfindingUtility.Move(, vInt3, out groundY, out hasReachedNavEdge, null); handle.groundY = groundY; } if ((handle.location - this.targetPos).get_sqrMagnitudeLong2D() <= vInt3.get_sqrMagnitudeLong2D()) { if (this.checkNavNode && !this.targetPosIsValid) { vInt2 = handle.location + vInt3; } else { vInt2 = this.targetPos; } this.targetReached = true; this.OnTargetReached(); } else { vInt2 = handle.location + vInt3; } if (flag) { VInt3 vInt4 = vInt2 - handle.location; vInt4 = IntMath.Divide(vInt4, 1000L, (long)dt); this.rvo.Move(vInt4); } else { handle.location = vInt2; handle.hasReachedNavEdge = hasReachedNavEdge; } }
public static Int2 operator *(Int2 v, VFactor f) { return(IntMath.Divide(v, f.nom, f.den)); }
public static Int3 operator /(Int3 v, VFactor f) { return(IntMath.Divide(v, f.den, f.nom)); }
public int GetLerpMotionDistance(int _allTime) { long a = ((long)this.lerpMotionSpeed * (long)_allTime << 1) + (long)this.curLerpAccelaration * ((long)_allTime * (long)_allTime) / 1000L; return((int)IntMath.Divide(a, 2000L)); }
public override void Enter(AGE.Action _action, Track _track) { this.done_ = false; base.Enter(_action, _track); this.actor_ = _action.GetActorHandle(this.targetId); if (this.actor_ != 0) { if (!this.actor_.handle.isMovable) { this.actor_.Release(); this.done_ = true; } else { this.actor_.handle.ActorControl.TerminateMove(); this.actor_.handle.ActorControl.AddNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_Move); this.lastTime_ = 0; this.movement = this.actor_.handle.MovementComponent as PlayerMovement; this.motionControler = new AccelerateMotionControler(); if (this.movement != null) { int motionControlerCount = this.movement.GravityMode.GetMotionControlerCount(); if (motionControlerCount < 3) { if (motionControlerCount == 0) { this.motionControler.InitMotionControler(base.length, 0, this.gravity); } else if (motionControlerCount == 1) { this.motionControler.InitMotionControler(base.length, 0, IntMath.Divide((int)(this.gravity * 6), 10)); } else if (motionControlerCount == 2) { this.motionControler.InitMotionControler(base.length, 0, IntMath.Divide((int)(this.gravity * 4), 10)); } this.movement.GravityMode.AddMotionControler(this.motionControler); this.movement.isFlying = true; this.bMotionControl = true; } } } } }
public override int GetMotionDistance(int _allTime) { long a = ((long)this.motionSpeed * (long)_allTime << 1) + (long)this.curAccelaration * ((long)_allTime * (long)_allTime) / 1000L; return((int)IntMath.Divide(a, 2000L)); }
public void ProcessInner(AGE.Action _action, Track _track, int delta) { VInt3 location = this.moveActor.handle.location; if ((this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) && (this.tarActor != 0)) { this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; if ((this.tarActor != 0) && (this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo != null)) { CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 0x3e8L); } this.destPosition.y += this.hitHeight; } this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - location; this.lerpDirection = this.moveDirection; if (this.bMoveRotate) { this.RotateMoveBullet(this.moveDirection); } int newMagn = 0; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { newMagn = (this.velocity * delta) / 0x3e8; } else { long num4 = (this.lastVelocity * delta) + ((((this.acceleration * delta) * delta) / 2L) / 0x3e8L); num4 /= 0x3e8L; newMagn = (int)num4; this.lastVelocity += (this.acceleration * delta) / 0x3e8; } if ((newMagn * newMagn) >= this.moveDirection.sqrMagnitudeLong2D) { this.moveActor.handle.location = this.destPosition; this.stopCondtion = true; } else { VInt3 num5; if (this.gravity < 0) { VInt num6; this.moveDirection.y = 0; num5 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(newMagn); num5.y += this.gravityControler.GetMotionDeltaDistance(delta); if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out num6) && (num5.y < num6.i)) { num5.y = num6.i; } } else { num5 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(newMagn); } this.moveActor.handle.location = num5; } SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); if (refParamObject != null) { refParamObject.EffectPos = this.moveActor.handle.location; refParamObject.EffectDir = this.moveDirection; } }
public void Enter(AGE.Action _action) { this.skillContext = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); this.lastTime = 0; this.lastVelocity = this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity; this.stopCondtion = false; this.moveActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.targetId); if (this.moveActor != 0) { this.gravityControler = new AccelerateMotionControler(); this.moveActor.handle.ObjLinker.AddCustomMoveLerp(new CustomMoveLerpFunc(this.ActionMoveLerp)); if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) { this.tarActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.destId); if (this.tarActor == 0) { return; } this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; if (charInfo != null) { this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 0x3e8L); } this.destPosition.y += this.hitHeight; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Directional) { VInt3 one =; if (this.skillContext == null) { return; } PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> originator = this.skillContext.Originator; if (originator == 0) { return; } one = originator.handle.forward.RotateY(this.offsetDir.y); this.destPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location + one.NormalizeTo(this.distance); this.destPosition.y = this.moveActor.handle.location.y; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Position) { this.destPosition = this.targetPosition; } if (this.bAdjustSpeed) { VInt3 num3 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num4 = this.length - 100; num4 = (num4 > 0) ? num4 : this.length; this.velocity = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)(num3.magnitude2D * 0x3e8L), (long)num4); } if (this.gravity < 0) { if (this.velocity == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; } else { VInt3 num5 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num6 = 0; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num6 = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)(num5.magnitude2D * 0x3e8L), (long)this.velocity); } else { long velocity = this.velocity; long acceleration = this.acceleration; long num9 = num5.magnitude2D; long num10 = (velocity * velocity) + ((2L * acceleration) * num9); num6 = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)((IntMath.Sqrt(num10) - velocity) * 0x3e8L), acceleration); this.lastVelocity = this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity; } if (num6 == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; } else { VInt num11; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out num11)) { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num6, num11.i - this.moveActor.handle.location.y, this.gravity); } else { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num6, 0, this.gravity); } } } } } }
public static VInt3 Cross(VInt3 lhs, VInt3 rhs) { return(new VInt3(IntMath.Divide(lhs.y * rhs.z - lhs.z * rhs.y, 1000), IntMath.Divide(lhs.z * rhs.x - lhs.x * rhs.z, 1000), IntMath.Divide(lhs.x * rhs.y - lhs.y * rhs.x, 1000))); }
public void Enter(Action _action) { this.skillContext = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); this.lastTime = 0; this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); this.stopCondtion = false; this.moveActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.targetId); if (!this.moveActor) { return; } this.gravityControler = new AccelerateMotionControler(); this.xControler = new xAxisAccelerateMotionControler(); this.moveActor.handle.ObjLinker.AddCustomMoveLerp(new CustomMoveLerpFunc(this.ActionMoveLerp)); if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) { if (this.bFindTargetByRotateBodyBullet) { _action.refParams.GetRefParam("FindEnemyActor", ref this.tarActor); } else { this.tarActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.destId); } if (!this.tarActor) { return; } this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; if (charInfo != null) { this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 1000L); } this.destPosition.y = this.destPosition.y + this.hitHeight; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Directional) { VInt3 vInt =; if (this.skillContext == null) { return; } PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> originator = this.skillContext.Originator; if (!originator) { return; } if (this.bBulletUseDir) { _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletUseDir", ref vInt); } else if (this.bUseIndicatorDir) { SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); VInt3 vInt2; if (refParamObject != null && refParamObject.CalcAttackerDir(out vInt2, originator)) { vInt = vInt2; } else { vInt = originator.handle.forward; } } else { vInt = originator.handle.forward; } this.moveActor.handle.forward = vInt; this.moveActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt); vInt = vInt.RotateY(this.offsetDir.y); if (this.bResetMoveDistance) { int num = 0; _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletRealFlyingTime", ref num); int num2 = num * this.velocity / 1000; this.distance = ((num2 > 0) ? num2 : this.distance); } this.destPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location + vInt.NormalizeTo(this.distance); this.destPosition.y = this.moveActor.handle.location.y; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Position) { if (this.bReachDestStop) { this.destPosition = this.targetPosition; } else { VInt3 lhs = this.targetPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; lhs.y = 0; lhs = lhs.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location + lhs * (this.length * this.velocity / 1000); VInt vInt3; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt3)) { this.destPosition.y = vInt3.i; } } } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.RotateBody) { this.originateActor = this.skillContext.Originator; if (!this.originateActor) { DebugHelper.Assert(false, "产生子弹的originateActor不能为空!!!"); return; } this.rotateBodyBulletCount = Mathf.Clamp(this.rotateBodyBulletCount, 1, 360); this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle = 360 / this.rotateBodyBulletCount * this.skillContext.BulletPos.x; VInt3 vInt4 = this.moveActor.handle.forward.RotateY(-this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle); this.moveActor.handle.forward = vInt4; this.moveActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt4); } if (this.bAdjustSpeed) { VInt3 vInt5 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num3 = this.length - 100; num3 = ((num3 <= 0) ? this.length : num3); this.velocity = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt5.magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)num3); } if (this.gravity < 0) { if (this.velocity == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt3 vInt6 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; int num4; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt6.magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)this.velocity); } else { long num5 = (long)this.velocity; long num6 = (long)this.acceleration; long num7 = (long)vInt6.magnitude2D; long a2 = num5 * num5 + 2L * num6 * num7; num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide(((long)IntMath.Sqrt(a2) - num5) * 1000L, num6); this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); } if (num4 == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt vInt7; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt7)) { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, vInt7.i - this.moveActor.handle.location.y, this.gravity); } else { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, 0, this.gravity); } } if (this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.zDirection = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; this.xDirection = VInt3.Cross(VInt3.up, this.zDirection); this.zCurPosition = this.moveActor.handle.location; if (this.bReachDestStop) { int[] array = new int[3]; VInt3[] array2 = new VInt3[] { default(VInt3), default(VInt3), this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location }; array2[0] = array2[2]; array2[1] = array2[2]; array2[0].NormalizeTo(this.distanceZ0); array2[1].NormalizeTo(this.distanceZ1); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { array[i] = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)array2[i].magnitude2D * 1000L, (long)this.velocity); } else { long num8 = (long)this.velocity; long num9 = (long)this.acceleration; long num10 = (long)array2[i].magnitude2D; long a3 = num8 * num8 + 2L * num9 * num10; array[i] = (int)IntMath.Divide(((long)IntMath.Sqrt(a3) - num8) * 1000L, num9); } } if (array[2] > array[1] && array[1] > array[0] && array[0] > 0) { this.xControler.InitMotionControler(array[0], array[1], array[2], this.distanceZ0, this.distanceZ1, this.distanceX); int desPostion = this.xControler.getDesPostion(); this.xDestPosition = this.xDirection; this.xDestPosition.NormalizeTo(Math.Abs(desPostion)); if (desPostion < 0) { this.xDestPosition = -this.xDestPosition; } } else { this.bMoveOnXAxis = false; } } } }
public static VInt3 Cross(VInt3 lhs, VInt3 rhs) { return(new VInt3(IntMath.Divide((int)((lhs.y * rhs.z) - (lhs.z * rhs.y)), 0x3e8), IntMath.Divide((int)((lhs.z * rhs.x) - (lhs.x * rhs.z)), 0x3e8), IntMath.Divide((int)((lhs.x * rhs.y) - (lhs.y * rhs.x)), 0x3e8))); }
public void ProcessInner(Action _action, Track _track, int delta) { if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.RotateBody) { int num = this.rotateBodyDegreeSpeed * delta / 1000; VInt3 vInt = this.moveActor.handle.forward.RotateY(-num); this.moveActor.handle.forward = vInt; this.moveActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt); this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle += num; this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle %= 360; long nom = (long)((float)this.rotateBodyCurDirDegreeAngle * 0.0174532924f * 1000f); VFactor f; VFactor f2; IntMath.sincos(out f, out f2, nom, 1000L); this.destPosition.x = this.originateActor.handle.location.x + this.rotateBodyRadius * f2; this.destPosition.y = this.rotateBodyHeight; this.destPosition.z = this.originateActor.handle.location.z + this.rotateBodyRadius * f; this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location; this.lerpDirection = this.moveDirection; this.moveActor.handle.location = this.destPosition; } else { VInt3 location = this.moveActor.handle.location; if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target && this.tarActor) { this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; if (this.tarActor && this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo != null) { CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 1000L); } this.destPosition.y = this.destPosition.y + this.hitHeight; } if (this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - this.zCurPosition; } else { this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - location; } this.lerpDirection = this.moveDirection; if (this.bMoveRotate && !this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.RotateMoveBullet(this.moveDirection); } int num2; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num2 = this.velocity * delta / 1000; } else { long num3 = (long)this.lastVelocity * (long)delta + (long)this.acceleration * (long)delta * (long)delta / 2L / 1000L; num3 /= 1000L; num2 = (int)num3; this.lastVelocity += this.acceleration * delta / 1000; } if ((long)num2 * (long)num2 >= this.moveDirection.sqrMagnitudeLong2D && this.bReachDestStop) { int magnitude2D = (this.destPosition - this.moveActor.handle.location).magnitude2D; if (this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.destPosition += this.xDestPosition; } this.moveActor.handle.location = this.destPosition; this.stopCondtion = true; if (this.moveActor.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorType == ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Bullet) { BulletWrapper bulletWrapper = this.moveActor.handle.ActorControl as BulletWrapper; if (bulletWrapper != null && bulletWrapper.GetMoveCollisiong()) { bulletWrapper.SetMoveDelta(magnitude2D); } } } else { VInt3 vInt2; if (this.gravity < 0) { this.moveDirection.y = 0; vInt2 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(num2); vInt2.y += this.gravityControler.GetMotionDeltaDistance(delta); VInt vInt3; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt3) && vInt2.y < vInt3.i) { vInt2.y = vInt3.i; } } else { vInt2 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(num2); } if (this.bMoveOnXAxis) { this.zCurPosition += this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(num2); int motionDeltaDistance = this.xControler.GetMotionDeltaDistance(delta); VInt3 vInt4 = this.xDirection; vInt4.NormalizeTo(Math.Abs(motionDeltaDistance)); if (motionDeltaDistance < 0) { vInt4 = -vInt4; } vInt2 += vInt4; if (this.bMoveRotate) { VInt3 dir = vInt2 - location; this.RotateMoveBullet(dir); } } if (this.moveActor.handle.TheActorMeta.ActorType == ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Bullet) { BulletWrapper bulletWrapper2 = this.moveActor.handle.ActorControl as BulletWrapper; if (bulletWrapper2 != null && bulletWrapper2.GetMoveCollisiong()) { bulletWrapper2.SetMoveDelta(num2); } } this.moveActor.handle.location = vInt2; } } SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); if (refParamObject != null) { refParamObject.EffectPos = this.moveActor.handle.location; refParamObject.EffectDir = this.moveDirection; } }
public static VInt3 Lerp(VInt3 a, VInt3 b, int factorNom, int factorDen) { return(new VInt3(IntMath.Divide((int)((b.x - a.x) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.x, IntMath.Divide((int)((b.y - a.y) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.y, IntMath.Divide((int)((b.z - a.z) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.z)); }
public static VInt3 operator *(VInt3 v, VFactor f) { return(IntMath.Divide(v, f.nom, f.den)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="node">所在node</param> /// <param name="edge">所沿着的边</param> /// <param name="srcLoc">from</param> /// <param name="destLoc">to</param> /// <param name="result">实际可到达的点</param> private static void MoveAlongEdge(NavMeshNode node, int edge, Int3 srcLoc, Int3 destLoc, out Int3 result, bool checkAnotherEdge = true) { bool flag; //DebugHelper.Assert((edge >= 0) && (edge <= 2)); Int3 vertex = node.GetVertex(edge); Int3 num2 = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3); Int3 a = destLoc - srcLoc; a.y = 0; Int3 lhs = num2 - vertex; lhs.y = 0; lhs.NormalizeTo(1000); int num5 = 0; // 点乘移动向量和边向量 num5 = (lhs.x * a.x) + (lhs.z * a.z); // 移动向量和边向量的交点 Int3 rhs = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref num2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag); // 不相交? if (!flag) { // 边和from to存在不共线,则不能移动 if (!VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(vertex, num2, srcLoc) || !VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(vertex, num2, destLoc)) { result = srcLoc; return; } // 计算本三角形内可移动到的点 rhs // 移动向量和边向量 同向 if (num5 >= 0) { int num8 = (lhs.x * (num2.x - vertex.x)) + (lhs.z * (num2.z - vertex.z)); int num9 = (lhs.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x)) + (lhs.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z)); rhs = (num8 <= num9) ? num2 : destLoc; //DebugHelper.Assert((num8 >= 0) && (num9 >= 0)); } else { // 移动向量和边向量 异向 int num10 = (-lhs.x * (vertex.x - num2.x)) - (lhs.z * (vertex.z - num2.z)); int num11 = (-lhs.x * (destLoc.x - num2.x)) - (lhs.z * (destLoc.z - num2.z)); rhs = (Mathf.Abs(num10) <= Mathf.Abs(num11)) ? vertex : destLoc; //DebugHelper.Assert((num10 >= 0) && (num11 >= 0)); } } // 计算交点到边的顶点的距离1000倍 int num12 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L); // 一百万 int num13 = IntMath.Sqrt(num2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L); // num5是在边上的投影 if ((num5 >= num12) && (num5 <= num13)) { result = IntMath.Divide(lhs, (long)num5, 0xf4240L) + rhs; if (!node.ContainsPoint(result)) { int num16; int num17; int num18; int num19; Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(num2 - vertex); vector.y = 0f; vector.Normalize(); Int3 num14 = num2 - vertex; num14.y = 0; num14 *= 10000; long magnitude = num14.magnitude; VFactor factor = new VFactor(); factor.nom = num5; factor.den = magnitude * 1000L; getMinMax(out num16, out num18, (long)num14.x, ref factor); getMinMax(out num17, out num19, (long)num14.z, ref factor); if (!MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num16, num18, num17, num19, srcLoc) && !MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num16 - 4, num18 + 4, num17 - 4, num19 + 4, srcLoc)) { result = srcLoc; } } if (MoveAxisY) { CalculateY(ref result, node); } } else { int num20; int num21; Int3 num22; int num24; if (num5 < num12) { num20 = num5 - num12; num21 = (edge + 2) % 3; num22 = vertex; } else { num20 = num5 - num13; num21 = (edge + 1) % 3; num22 = num2; } Int3 num23 = (Int3)((lhs * num20) / 1000000f); NavMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(num21, out num24); if (neighborByEdge != null) { checkedNodes.Add(node); MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, num24, num22, num23 + num22, out result); } else { if (checkAnotherEdge) { Int3 num27 = node.GetVertex((edge + 2) % 3) - num22; if (Int3.Dot(num27.NormalizeTo(1000), num23) > 0) { checkedNodes.Add(node); MoveAlongEdge(node, num21, num22, num23 + num22, out result, false); return; } } result = num22; } } }
public static VInt2 operator /(VInt2 v, VFactor f) { return(IntMath.Divide(v, f.den, f.nom)); }
public static VInt2 Divide(VInt2 a, long m, long b) { a.x = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)a.x * m, b); a.y = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)a.y * m, b); return(a); }
public static int operator *(int i, VFactor f) { return((int)IntMath.Divide((long)i * f.nom, f.den)); }
public static VInt3 Transform(ref VInt3 point, ref VInt3 axis_x, ref VInt3 axis_y, ref VInt3 axis_z, ref VInt3 trans, ref VInt3 scale) { long num = (long)point.x * (long)scale.x; long num2 = (long)point.y * (long)scale.x; long num3 = (long)point.z * (long)scale.x; return(new VInt3((int)IntMath.Divide((long)axis_x.x * num + (long)axis_y.x * num2 + (long)axis_z.x * num3, 1000000L) + trans.x, (int)IntMath.Divide((long)axis_x.y * num + (long)axis_y.y * num2 + (long)axis_z.y * num3, 1000000L) + trans.y, (int)IntMath.Divide((long)axis_x.z * num + (long)axis_y.z * num2 + (long)axis_z.z * num3, 1000000L) + trans.z)); }
public void Enter(Action _action) { this.skillContext = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); this.lastTime = 0; this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); this.stopCondtion = false; this.moveActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.targetId); if (!this.moveActor) { return; } this.gravityControler = new AccelerateMotionControler(); this.moveActor.get_handle().ObjLinker.AddCustomMoveLerp(new CustomMoveLerpFunc(this.ActionMoveLerp)); if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) { this.tarActor = _action.GetActorHandle(this.destId); if (!this.tarActor) { return; } this.destPosition = this.tarActor.get_handle().location; CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.get_handle().CharInfo; if (charInfo != null) { this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 vInt = this.moveActor.get_handle().location - this.destPosition; vInt.y = 0; vInt = vInt.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(vInt, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 1000L); } this.destPosition.y = this.destPosition.y + this.hitHeight; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Directional) { VInt3 vInt2 =; if (this.skillContext == null) { return; } PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> originator = this.skillContext.Originator; if (!originator) { return; } if (this.bBulletUseDir) { _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletUseDir", ref vInt2); } else if (this.bUseIndicatorDir) { SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); VInt3 vInt3; if (refParamObject != null && refParamObject.CalcAttackerDir(out vInt3, originator)) { vInt2 = vInt3; } else { vInt2 = originator.get_handle().forward; } } else { vInt2 = originator.get_handle().forward; } vInt2 = vInt2.RotateY(this.offsetDir.y); if (this.bResetMoveDistance) { int num = 0; _action.refParams.GetRefParam("_BulletRealFlyingTime", ref num); int num2 = num * this.velocity / 1000; this.distance = ((num2 <= 0) ? this.distance : num2); } this.destPosition = this.moveActor.get_handle().location + vInt2.NormalizeTo(this.distance); this.destPosition.y = this.moveActor.get_handle().location.y; } else if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Position) { if (this.bReachDestStop) { this.destPosition = this.targetPosition; } else { VInt3 vInt4 = this.targetPosition - this.moveActor.get_handle().location; vInt4.y = 0; vInt4 = vInt4.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition = this.moveActor.get_handle().location + vInt4 * (this.length * this.velocity / 1000); VInt vInt5; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt5)) { this.destPosition.y = vInt5.i; } } } if (this.bAdjustSpeed) { VInt3 vInt6 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.get_handle().location; int num3 = this.length - 100; num3 = ((num3 > 0) ? num3 : this.length); this.velocity = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt6.get_magnitude2D() * 1000L, (long)num3); } if (this.gravity < 0) { if (this.velocity == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt3 vInt7 = this.destPosition - this.moveActor.get_handle().location; int num4; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)vInt7.get_magnitude2D() * 1000L, (long)this.velocity); } else { long num5 = (long)this.velocity; long num6 = (long)this.acceleration; long num7 = (long)vInt7.get_magnitude2D(); long num8 = num5 * num5 + 2L * num6 * num7; num4 = (int)IntMath.Divide(((long)IntMath.Sqrt(num8) - num5) * 1000L, num6); this.lastVelocity = (this.lastLerpVelocity = this.velocity); } if (num4 == 0) { this.stopCondtion = true; return; } VInt vInt8; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt8)) { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, vInt8.i - this.moveActor.get_handle().location.y, this.gravity); } else { this.gravityControler.InitMotionControler(num4, 0, this.gravity); } } }
public static long Lerp(long src, long dest, long nom, long den) { return(IntMath.Divide(src * den + (dest - src) * nom, den)); }
public void ProcessInner(Action _action, Track _track, int delta) { VInt3 location = this.moveActor.get_handle().location; if (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target && this.tarActor) { this.destPosition = this.tarActor.get_handle().location; if (this.tarActor && this.tarActor.get_handle().CharInfo != null) { CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.get_handle().CharInfo; this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 vInt = this.moveActor.get_handle().location - this.destPosition; vInt.y = 0; vInt = vInt.NormalizeTo(1000); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(vInt, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 1000L); } this.destPosition.y = this.destPosition.y + this.hitHeight; } this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - location; this.lerpDirection = this.moveDirection; if (this.bMoveRotate) { this.RotateMoveBullet(this.moveDirection); } int num; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num = this.velocity * delta / 1000; } else { long num2 = (long)this.lastVelocity * (long)delta + (long)this.acceleration * (long)delta * (long)delta / 2L / 1000L; num2 /= 1000L; num = (int)num2; this.lastVelocity += this.acceleration * delta / 1000; } if ((long)num * (long)num >= this.moveDirection.get_sqrMagnitudeLong2D() && this.bReachDestStop) { int magnitude2D = (this.destPosition - this.moveActor.get_handle().location).get_magnitude2D(); this.moveActor.get_handle().location = this.destPosition; this.stopCondtion = true; if (this.moveActor.get_handle().TheActorMeta.ActorType == ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Bullet) { BulletWrapper bulletWrapper = this.moveActor.get_handle().ActorControl as BulletWrapper; if (bulletWrapper != null && bulletWrapper.GetMoveCollisiong()) { bulletWrapper.SetMoveDelta(magnitude2D); } } } else { VInt3 location2; if (this.gravity < 0) { this.moveDirection.y = 0; location2 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(num); location2.y += this.gravityControler.GetMotionDeltaDistance(delta); VInt vInt2; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out vInt2) && location2.y < vInt2.i) { location2.y = vInt2.i; } } else { location2 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(num); } if (this.moveActor.get_handle().TheActorMeta.ActorType == ActorTypeDef.Actor_Type_Bullet) { BulletWrapper bulletWrapper2 = this.moveActor.get_handle().ActorControl as BulletWrapper; if (bulletWrapper2 != null && bulletWrapper2.GetMoveCollisiong()) { bulletWrapper2.SetMoveDelta(num); } } this.moveActor.get_handle().location = location2; } SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); if (refParamObject != null) { refParamObject.EffectPos = this.moveActor.get_handle().location; refParamObject.EffectDir = this.moveDirection; } }
public static Int2 Divide(Int2 a, long b) { a.x = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)a.x, b); a.y = (int)IntMath.Divide((long)a.y, b); return(a); }
public override int GetMotionDistance(int _allTime) { long a = ((base.motionSpeed * _allTime) << 1) + (this.accelerateSpeed * (_allTime * _allTime)); return((int)IntMath.Divide(a, 0x7d0L)); }