Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <Bitmap> Process(Bitmap image)
            Bitmap processedImage = new Bitmap(image);

            var rect  = new Rectangle(0, 0, processedImage.Width, processedImage.Height);
            var data  = processedImage.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, processedImage.PixelFormat);
            var depth = Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(data.PixelFormat) / 8; //bytes per pixel

            var buffer = new byte[data.Width * data.Height * depth];

            //copy pixels to buffer
            Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                ImageByteData oldImageData = new ImageByteData(buffer, data.Width, depth);

                ImageByteData processedImageData = ApplyFilterToPixels(oldImageData, 0, 0, data.Width, data.Height);

                //Copy the buffer back to image
                Marshal.Copy(processedImageData.Data, 0, data.Scan0, buffer.Length);


Esempio n. 2
        protected override ImageByteData ApplyFilterToPixels(ImageByteData image, int x, int y, int endx, int endy)
            ImageByteData newImage = new ImageByteData(image.Data.ToArray(), image.Width, image.Depth);

            Parallel.For(y, endy, (indexY) =>
                Parallel.For(x, endx, (indexX) =>
                    PixelByteData pixel = image.GetPixel(indexX, indexY);
                    pixel = CalculateConvolutedValue(indexX, indexY, endx, endy, image);
                    newImage.SetPixel(indexX, indexY, pixel);

        protected override ImageByteData ApplyFilterToPixels(ImageByteData image, int x, int y, int endx, int endy)
            ImageByteData newImage = new ImageByteData(image.Data.ToArray(), image.Width, image.Depth);

            Parallel.For(x, endx, (indexX) =>
                Parallel.For(y, endy, (indexY) =>
                    PixelByteData pixel = image.GetPixel(indexX, indexY);
                    byte gray           = (byte)(pixel.R * 0.21 + pixel.G * 0.72 + pixel.B * 0.07);
                    pixel.R             = gray;
                    pixel.G             = gray;
                    pixel.B             = gray;

                    newImage.SetPixel(indexX, indexY, pixel);

Esempio n. 4
        protected override ImageByteData ApplyFilterToPixels(ImageByteData image, int x, int y, int endx, int endy)
            ImageByteData newImage = new ImageByteData(image.Data.ToArray(), image.Width, image.Depth);

            Parallel.For(x, endx, (indexX) =>
                Parallel.For(y, endy, (indexY) =>
                    PixelByteData pixel = image.GetPixel(indexX, indexY);
                    byte intensity      = 0;

                    if (this._isImageInColor)
                        intensity = (byte)(pixel.R * 0.21 + pixel.G * 0.72 + pixel.B * 0.07);
                        intensity = pixel.R;

                    if (intensity < this._threshold)
                        pixel.R = 0;
                        pixel.G = 0;
                        pixel.B = 0;
                        pixel.R = 255;
                        pixel.G = 255;
                        pixel.B = 255;

                    newImage.SetPixel(indexX, indexY, pixel);

Esempio n. 5
        protected override PixelByteData CalculateConvolutedValue(int indexX, int indexY, int endX, int endY, ImageByteData image)
            int red   = 0;
            int green = 0;
            int blue  = 0;

            int finalDivider = _Divider;

            for (int i = 0; i < _KernelDimentinSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _KernelDimentinSize; j++)
                    GetImageCoordinatesFromKernelCoordinates(out int currentX, out int currentY, i, j, indexX, indexY);
                    if (((currentX < 0) || (currentY < 0)) || ((currentX > endX - 1) || (currentY > endY - 1)))
                        //red += 0;
                        //green += 0;
                        //blue += 0;

                        finalDivider -= this._Kernel[i, j];
                        red   += image.GetPixel(currentX, currentY).R *this._Kernel[i, j];
                        green += image.GetPixel(currentX, currentY).G *this._Kernel[i, j];
                        blue  += image.GetPixel(currentX, currentY).B *this._Kernel[i, j];

            return(new PixelByteData((byte)(red / finalDivider), (byte)(green / finalDivider), (byte)(blue / finalDivider)));
Esempio n. 6
 protected abstract PixelByteData CalculateConvolutedValue(int indexX, int indexY, int endX, int endY, ImageByteData image);
Esempio n. 7
        protected override PixelByteData CalculateConvolutedValue(int indexX, int indexY, int endx, int endy, ImageByteData image)
            int newColorValue           = 0;
            int newColorValueVertical   = 0;
            int newColorValueHorizontal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _KernelDimentinSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _KernelDimentinSize; j++)
                    byte intensity = 0;
                    GetImageCoordinatesFromKernelCoordinates(out int currentX, out int currentY, i, j, indexX, indexY);
                    if (((currentX < 0) || (currentY < 0)) || ((currentX > endx - 1) || (currentY > endy - 1)))
                        newColorValue += 0;
                        PixelByteData pixel = image.GetPixel(currentX, currentY);

                        if (this._isImageInColor)
                            intensity = (byte)(pixel.R * 0.21 + pixel.G * 0.72 + pixel.B * 0.07);
                            intensity = pixel.R;

                        if (!_isDirectionBoth)
                            newColorValue += intensity * this._Kernel[i, j];
                            newColorValueHorizontal += intensity * this._horizontalEdgeKernel[i, j];
                            newColorValueVertical   += intensity * this._verticalEdgeKernel[i, j];

            if (!_isDirectionBoth)
                int bigValue = newColorValue;
                newColorValue = Math.Abs(newColorValue);

                if (newColorValue > 255)
                    newColorValue = 255;

                PixelByteData newPixel = new PixelByteData((byte)(newColorValue), (byte)(newColorValue), (byte)(newColorValue));
                int bigValue = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((newColorValueHorizontal * newColorValueHorizontal) + (newColorValueVertical * newColorValueVertical)));
                if (bigValue > 255)
                    bigValue = 255;

                PixelByteData newPixel = new PixelByteData((byte)(bigValue), (byte)(bigValue), (byte)(bigValue));
Esempio n. 8
 protected virtual ImageByteData ApplyFilterToPixels(ImageByteData image, int x, int y, int endx, int endy)