Esempio n. 1
        //////// OPTIONAL ////////

        // Processs any SDL2 events manually if required.
        // Return false to not allow the default event handler to process it.
        public bool MyEventHandler(SDL2Window _self, SDL.SDL_Event e)
            // We're replacing OnEvent and thus call ImGuiSDL2CSHelper.OnEvent manually.
            if (!ImGuiSDL2CSHelper.HandleEvent(e, ref g_MouseWheel, g_MousePressed))

            // Any custom event handling can happen here.

Esempio n. 2
        private bool MyEventHandler(SDL2Window window, SDL.SDL_Event e)
            int mouseX;
            int mouseY;

            SDL.SDL_GetMouseState(out mouseX, out mouseY);

            if (!ImGuiSDL2CSHelper.HandleEvent(e, ref g_MouseWheel, g_MousePressed))

            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && e.button.button == 1 & !ImGui.GetIO().WantCaptureMouse)
                _state.Camera.IsGrabbingMap        = true;
                _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementX = e.motion.x;
                _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementY = e.motion.y;
                mouseDownX = mouseX;
                mouseDownY = mouseY;
            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && e.button.button == 1)
                _state.Camera.IsGrabbingMap = false;

                if (mouseDownX == mouseX && mouseDownY == mouseY)                                           //click on map.
                    _state.MapClicked(_state.Camera.WorldCoordinate(mouseX, mouseY), MouseButtons.Primary); //sdl and imgu use different numbers for buttons.

            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && e.button.button == 3 & !ImGui.GetIO().WantCaptureMouse)
                mouseDownAltX = mouseX;
                mouseDownAltY = mouseY;
            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && e.button.button == 3)
                _state.Camera.IsGrabbingMap = false;

                if (mouseDownAltX == mouseX && mouseDownAltY == mouseY)                                 //click on map.
                    _state.MapClicked(_state.Camera.WorldCoordinate(mouseX, mouseY), MouseButtons.Alt); //sdl and imgu use different numbers for buttons.

            if (_state.Camera.IsGrabbingMap)
                int deltaX = _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementX - e.motion.x;
                int deltaY = _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementY - e.motion.y;
                _state.Camera.WorldOffset(deltaX, deltaY);

                _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementX = e.motion.x;
                _state.Camera.MouseFrameIncrementY = e.motion.y;

            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYUP)
                if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_ESCAPE)
                    MainMenuItems mainMenu = MainMenuItems.GetInstance();
                    mainMenu.IsActive = true;

            if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL)
                if (e.wheel.y > 0)
                    _state.Camera.ZoomIn(mouseX, mouseY);
                else if (e.wheel.y < 0)
                    _state.Camera.ZoomOut(mouseX, mouseY);