public LimitLoopBoundScheduler(IStateScheduler underlyingScheduler, BigInteger loopBound) { this.UnderlyingScheduler = underlyingScheduler; this.LoopBound = loopBound; if (this.LoopBound < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid loop bound"); } this.StateToCurrentLoops = new Dictionary <ExecutionState, ExecutionStateNestedLoopInfo>(); this.ProgramLoopInfo = null; // Set elsewhere this.Executor = null; // Set elsewhere }
private void ExploreOrderInit(IStateScheduler scheduler, out Implementation main, out Block entryBlock, out List <Block> l) { p = LoadProgramFrom("programs/StateScheduleTest.bpl"); e = GetExecutor(p, scheduler, GetSolver()); main = p.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType <Implementation>().Where(i => i.Name == "main").First(); entryBlock = main.Blocks[0]; Assert.AreEqual("entry", entryBlock.Label); // Collect "l<N>" blocks l = new List <Block>(); for (int index = 0; index <= 5; ++index) { l.Add(main.Blocks[index + 1]); Assert.AreEqual("l" + index, l[index].Label); } }
public static IStateScheduler GetScheduler(CmdLineOpts options) { IStateScheduler scheduler = null; switch (options.scheduler) { case CmdLineOpts.Scheduler.DFS: scheduler = new DFSStateScheduler(); break; case CmdLineOpts.Scheduler.BFS: scheduler = new BFSStateScheduler(); break; case CmdLineOpts.Scheduler.UntilEndBFS: scheduler = new UntilTerminationBFSStateScheduler(); break; case CmdLineOpts.Scheduler.AltBFS: scheduler = new AlternativeBFSStateScheduler(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported scheduler"); } if (options.PreferLoopEscapingPaths > 0) { scheduler = new LoopEscapingScheduler(scheduler); } if (options.MaxLoopDepth > 0) { scheduler = new LimitLoopBoundScheduler(scheduler, options.MaxLoopDepth); } return(scheduler); }
public static Executor GetExecutor(Program p, IStateScheduler scheduler = null, ISolver solver = null, bool useConstantFolding = false) { if (scheduler == null) { scheduler = new DFSStateScheduler(); } if (solver == null) { solver = new SimpleSolver(new DummySolver()); } IExprBuilder builder = new SimpleExprBuilder(/*immutable=*/ true); if (useConstantFolding) { builder = new ConstantFoldingExprBuilder(new ConstantCachingExprBuilder(builder)); } Executor e = new Executor(p, scheduler, solver, builder, new SimpleSymbolicPool()); return(e); }
public LimitExplicitDepthScheduler(IStateScheduler underlyingScheduler, int maxDepth) { this.UnderlyingStateScheduler = underlyingScheduler; this.MaxDepth = maxDepth; }
private void SimpleLoop(IStateScheduler scheduler) { p = LoadProgramFrom("programs/SimpleLoop.bpl"); e = GetExecutor(p, scheduler, GetSolver(), /*useConstantFolding=*/ true); var main = p.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType <Implementation>().Where(i => i.Name == "main").First(); var boundsVar = main.InParams[0]; var entryBlock = main.Blocks[0]; Assert.AreEqual("entry", entryBlock.Label); var loopHead = main.Blocks[1]; Assert.AreEqual("loopHead", loopHead.Label); var loopBody = main.Blocks[2]; Assert.AreEqual("loopBody", loopBody.Label); var loopBodyAssume = loopBody.Cmds[0] as AssumeCmd; Assert.IsNotNull(loopBodyAssume); var loopExit = main.Blocks[3]; Assert.AreEqual("loopDone", loopExit.Label); var loopExitAssume = loopExit.Cmds[0] as AssumeCmd; Assert.IsNotNull(loopExitAssume); var exitBlock = main.Blocks[4]; Assert.AreEqual("exit", exitBlock.Label); var tc = new TerminationCounter(); tc.Connect(e); int change = 1; int contextChangeCount = 0; e.ContextChanged += delegate(object sender, Executor.ContextChangeEventArgs eventArgs) { ++contextChangeCount; // FIXME: //var symbolicForBound = eventArgs.Previous.Symbolics.Where( s => s.Origin.IsVariable && s.Origin.AsVariable == boundsVar).First(); SymbolicVariable symbolicForBound = null; // Just so we can compile if (change == 1) { // FIXME: The Executor shouldn't pop the last stack frame so we can check where we terminated successfully Assert.IsTrue(eventArgs.Previous.TerminationType.ExitLocation.IsTransferCmd); Assert.IsTrue(eventArgs.Previous.TerminationType.ExitLocation.AsTransferCmd is ReturnCmd); Assert.IsTrue(eventArgs.Previous.Finished()); Assert.AreEqual(3, eventArgs.Previous.Constraints.Count); var exitConstraint = eventArgs.Previous.Constraints.Constraints.Where(c => c.Origin.IsCmd && c.Origin.AsCmd == loopExitAssume); Assert.AreEqual(1, exitConstraint.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(symbolicForBound.Name + " <= 0", exitConstraint.First().Condition.ToString()); Assert.AreSame(loopBody, eventArgs.Next.GetCurrentBlock()); Assert.AreEqual(2, eventArgs.Next.Constraints.Count); var bodyConstraint = eventArgs.Next.Constraints.Constraints.Where(c => c.Origin.IsCmd && c.Origin.AsCmd == loopBodyAssume); Assert.AreEqual(1, bodyConstraint.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("0 < " + symbolicForBound.Name, bodyConstraint.First().Condition.ToString()); } else if (change == 2) { Assert.IsTrue(eventArgs.Previous.Finished()); Assert.AreSame(loopBody, eventArgs.Next.GetCurrentBlock()); Assert.AreEqual(4, eventArgs.Previous.Constraints.Count); var exitConstraint = eventArgs.Previous.Constraints.Constraints.Where(c => c.Origin.IsCmd && c.Origin.AsCmd == loopExitAssume); Assert.AreEqual(1, exitConstraint.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(symbolicForBound.Name + " <= 1", exitConstraint.First().Condition.ToString()); Assert.AreSame(loopBody, eventArgs.Next.GetCurrentBlock()); Assert.AreEqual(3, eventArgs.Next.Constraints.Count); var bodyConstraints = eventArgs.Next.Constraints.Constraints.Where(c => c.Origin.IsCmd && c.Origin.AsCmd == loopBodyAssume).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, bodyConstraints.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("0 < " + symbolicForBound.Name, bodyConstraints[0].Condition.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("1 < " + symbolicForBound.Name, bodyConstraints[1].Condition.ToString()); } ++change; }; e.Run(main); Assert.AreEqual(3, tc.NumberOfTerminatedStates); Assert.AreEqual(3, tc.Sucesses); Assert.AreEqual(2, contextChangeCount); }
public static int RealMain(String[] args) { // Debug log output goes to standard error. Debug.Listeners.Add(new ExceptionThrowingTextWritierTraceListener(Console.Error)); // FIXME: Urgh... we are forced to use Boogie's command line // parser becaue the Boogie program resolver/type checker // is dependent on the parser being used...EURGH! CommandLineOptions.Install(new Microsoft.Boogie.CommandLineOptions()); var options = new CmdLineOpts(); if (!CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse args"); ExitWith(ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR); } if (options.boogieProgramPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("A boogie program must be specified. See --help"); ExitWith(ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR); } if (!File.Exists(options.boogieProgramPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Boogie program \"" + options.boogieProgramPath + "\" does not exist"); ExitWith(ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR); } Program program = null; if (options.Defines != null) { foreach (var define in options.Defines) { Console.WriteLine("Adding define \"" + define + "\" to Boogie parser"); } } int errors = Microsoft.Boogie.Parser.Parse(options.boogieProgramPath, options.Defines, out program); if (errors != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse"); ExitWith(ExitCode.PARSE_ERROR); } errors = program.Resolve(); if (errors != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to resolve."); ExitWith(ExitCode.RESOLVE_ERROR); } if (options.useModSetTransform > 0) { // This is useful for Boogie Programs produced by the GPUVerify tool that // have had instrumentation added that invalidates the modset attached to // procedures. By running the analysis we may modify the modsets attached to // procedures in the program to be correct so that Boogie's Type checker doesn't // produce an error. var modsetAnalyser = new ModSetCollector(); modsetAnalyser.DoModSetAnalysis(program); } errors = program.Typecheck(); if (errors != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to Typecheck."); ExitWith(ExitCode.TYPECHECK_ERROR); } IStateScheduler scheduler = GetScheduler(options); // Limit Depth if necessary if (options.MaxDepth >= 0) { scheduler = new LimitExplicitDepthScheduler(scheduler, options.MaxDepth); Console.WriteLine("Using Depth limit:{0}", options.MaxDepth); } if (options.FailureLimit < 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("FailureLimit must be >= 0"); ExitWith(ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR); } Console.WriteLine("Using Scheduler: {0}", scheduler.ToString()); var nonSpeculativeterminationCounter = new TerminationCounter(TerminationCounter.CountType.ONLY_NON_SPECULATIVE); var speculativeTerminationCounter = new TerminationCounter(TerminationCounter.CountType.ONLY_SPECULATIVE); IExprBuilder builder = new SimpleExprBuilder(/*immutable=*/ true); ISymbolicPool symbolicPool = null; if (options.useSymbolicPoolCache > 0) { throw new Exception("DON'T USE THIS. IT'S BROKEN"); symbolicPool = new CachingSymbolicPool(); } else { symbolicPool = new SimpleSymbolicPool(); } Console.WriteLine("Using Symbolic Pool: {0}", symbolicPool.ToString()); if (options.useConstantFolding > 0) { if (options.ConstantCaching > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Using ConstantCachingExprBuilder"); builder = new ConstantCachingExprBuilder(builder); } builder = new ConstantFoldingExprBuilder(builder); } // Destroy the solver when we stop using it using (var solver = BuildSolverChain(options)) { Executor executor = new Executor(program, scheduler, solver, builder, symbolicPool); executor.ExecutorTimeoutReached += delegate(object sender, Executor.ExecutorTimeoutReachedArgs eventArgs) { TimeoutHit = true; // Record so we can set the exitcode appropriately later Console.Error.WriteLine("Timeout hit. Trying to kill Executor (may wait for solver)"); }; // Check all implementations exist and build list of entry points to execute var entryPoints = new List <Implementation>(); // This is specific to GPUVerify if (options.gpuverifyEntryPoints) { var kernels = program.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType <Implementation>().Where(impl => QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(impl.Attributes, "kernel")); foreach (var kernel in kernels) { entryPoints.Add(kernel); } if (entryPoints.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find any kernel entry points"); ExitWith(ExitCode.ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR); } } else { // Set main as default. if (options.entryPoints == null) { options.entryPoints = new List <string>() { "main" } } ; foreach (var implString in options.entryPoints) { Implementation entry = program.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType <Implementation>().Where(i => i.Name == implString).FirstOrDefault(); if (entry == null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find implementation \"" + implString + "\" to use as entry point"); ExitWith(ExitCode.ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR); } entryPoints.Add(entry); } } if (options.useInstructionPrinter) { Console.WriteLine("Installing instruction printer"); var instrPrinter = new InstructionPrinter(Console.Out); instrPrinter.Connect(executor); } if (options.useCallSequencePrinter) { Console.WriteLine("Installing call sequence printer"); var callPrinter = new CallPrinter(Console.Out); callPrinter.Connect(executor); } if (options.gotoAssumeLookAhead > 0) { executor.UseGotoLookAhead = true; } else { executor.UseGotoLookAhead = false; } if (options.ForkAtPredicatedAssign) { executor.UseForkAtPredicatedAssign = true; } if (options.CheckEntryRequires > 0) { executor.CheckEntryRequires = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Requires at the entry point are not being checked"); executor.CheckEntryRequires = false; } if (options.CheckEntryAxioms > 0) { executor.CheckEntryAxioms = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Axioms are not being checked"); executor.CheckEntryAxioms = false; } if (options.CheckUniqueVariableDecls > 0) { executor.CheckUniqueVariableDecls = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unique variables are not being checked"); executor.CheckUniqueVariableDecls = false; } if (options.GlobalDDE > 0) { executor.UseGlobalDDE = true; Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Using GlobalDDE. This may remove unsatisfiable axioms"); } else { executor.UseGlobalDDE = false; } // Just print a message about break points for now. executor.BreakPointReached += BreakPointPrinter.handleBreakPoint; // Write to the console about context changes var contextChangeReporter = new ContextChangedReporter(); contextChangeReporter.Connect(executor); var stateHandler = new TerminationConsoleReporter(); stateHandler.Connect(executor); nonSpeculativeterminationCounter.Connect(executor); speculativeTerminationCounter.Connect(executor); if (options.FileLogging > 0) { SetupFileLoggers(options, executor, solver); } SetupTerminationCatchers(executor); ApplyFilters(executor, options); if (options.FailureLimit > 0) { var failureLimiter = new FailureLimiter(options.FailureLimit); failureLimiter.Connect(executor); Console.WriteLine("Using failure limit of {0}", options.FailureLimit); } try { // Supply our own PassManager for preparation so we can hook into its events executor.PreparationPassManager = GetPassManager(options); foreach (var entryPoint in entryPoints) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Entering Implementation " + entryPoint.Name + " as entry point"); Console.ResetColor(); executor.Run(entryPoint, options.timeout); } } catch (InitialStateTerminated) { if (options.CatchExceptions == 0) { throw; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Error.WriteLine("The initial state terminated. Execution cannot continue"); Console.ResetColor(); ExitWith(ExitCode.INITIAL_STATE_TERMINATED); } catch (RecursiveFunctionDetectedException rfdException) { if (options.CatchExceptions == 0) { throw; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Error.WriteLine("Detected the following recursive functions"); foreach (var function in rfdException.Functions) { Console.Error.Write(function.Name + ": "); if (function.Body != null) { Console.Error.WriteLine(function.Body.ToString()); } if (function.DefinitionAxiom != null) { Console.Error.WriteLine(function.DefinitionAxiom.Expr.ToString()); } } Console.ResetColor(); ExitWith(ExitCode.RECURSIVE_FUNCTIONS_FOUND_ERROR); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { if (options.CatchExceptions == 0) { throw; } Console.Error.WriteLine("Ran out of memory!"); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); ExitWith(ExitCode.OUT_OF_MEMORY); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { if (options.CatchExceptions == 0) { throw; } Console.Error.WriteLine("Feature not implemented!"); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); ExitWith(ExitCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_EXCEPTION); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { if (options.CatchExceptions == 0) { throw; } Console.Error.WriteLine("Feature not supported!"); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); ExitWith(ExitCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION); } Console.WriteLine("Finished executing"); DumpStats(executor, solver, nonSpeculativeterminationCounter, speculativeTerminationCounter); } if (TimeoutHit) { ExitWith(nonSpeculativeterminationCounter.NumberOfFailures > 0 ? ExitCode.ERRORS_TIMEOUT : ExitCode.NO_ERRORS_TIMEOUT); throw new InvalidOperationException("Unreachable"); } var exitCode = nonSpeculativeterminationCounter.NumberOfFailures > 0 ? ExitCode.ERRORS_NO_TIMEOUT : ExitCode.NO_ERRORS_NO_TIMEOUT; if (exitCode == ExitCode.NO_ERRORS_NO_TIMEOUT) { // If no errors were found we may need to pick a different exit code // because path exploration may not have been exhaustive due to speculative paths // or hitting a bound. This isn't perfect because we may hit a bound and have speculative // paths so we could use either exit code in this case. if (nonSpeculativeterminationCounter.DisallowedSpeculativePaths > 0 || speculativeTerminationCounter.NumberOfTerminatedStates > 0) { exitCode = ExitCode.NO_ERRORS_NO_TIMEOUT_BUT_FOUND_SPECULATIVE_PATHS; Console.WriteLine("NOTE: Bugs may have been missed!"); } else if (nonSpeculativeterminationCounter.DisallowedPathDepths > 0) { exitCode = ExitCode.NO_ERRORS_NO_TIMEOUT_BUT_HIT_BOUND; Console.WriteLine("NOTE: Bugs may have been missed!"); } } ExitWith(exitCode); return((int)exitCode); // This is required to keep the compiler happy. }
public LoopEscapingScheduler(IStateScheduler underlyingScheduler) { this.UnderlyingScheduler = underlyingScheduler; this.LoopEscapingStates = new Stack <ExecutionState>(); // Deliberately do not initialise EscapingBlocks here }