public void Setup(IRobot robot) { var settings = robot.Settings.SettingsFor<ImageAdapter>(); // for now there's no point in registering this listener if there's no api key if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) settings.Settings.ApiKey)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No API key was found for bing image search. If you do not have one you can get one by signing up here"); return; } SafeSearch safeSearch; if (!Enum.TryParse((string) settings.Settings.SafeSearch, true, out safeSearch)) { safeSearch = SafeSearch.Strict; // this will become the default value settings.Settings.SafeSearch = safeSearch.ToString(); } robot.AddListener(@"^(bing )?image( me)? (?<query>.*)", (session, message, room, match) => { var query = match.ValueFor("query"); var searchResult = _bingClient.ImageSearch((string) settings.Settings.ApiKey, query, safeSearch); // ToDo: unhack this if (searchResult.StartsWith("{", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var results = JObject.Parse(searchResult); var urls = results["d"]["results"].SelectList(x => (string) x["MediaUrl"]); string messageResult; if (urls.Count > 0) { messageResult = urls.RandomElement(new Random()); } else { messageResult = string.Format("@{0} I couldn't find any images for '{1}'", session.Message.User.Name, query); } robot.SendMessage(room, messageResult); } }); }
public void Setup(IRobot robot) { robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"help\s*(?<command>.*)?$", (session, message, from, match) => { var command = match.ValueFor("command"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { robot.SendPrivateMessage(@from, "Help\n\n{0}", robot.HelpText()); return; } var helpMessage = "Help for {0}\n\n{1}"; var helpText = robot.HelpTextFor(command); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(helpText)) { helpMessage = "No help for '{0}'"; } robot.SendPrivateMessage(@from, helpMessage, command, helpText); }); robot.AddListener(@"jibbe?r jabbe?r", (session, message, room, match) => { robot.SendMessage(room, "@{0} I got no time for the jibber-jabber!", session.Message.User.Name); }); robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"note (?<note>.*)$", (session, message, from, match) => { // ToDo: add permission check var note = match.ValueFor("note"); robot.SetNote(note); }); robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"flag (?<country>.*)$", (session, message, from, match) => { // ToDo: add permission check var countryCode = match.ValueFor("country"); robot.SetFlag(countryCode); }); robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"where (?:are you|is (?<who>.*))\b\?*", (session, message, from, match) => { var who = match.ValueFor("who"); var toSay = "{0} is in #{1}"; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(who)) { who = session.BotName; toSay = "I'm in #{1}"; } var where = string.Empty; List<string> rooms; if (robot.Settings.KnownUsers.TryGetValue(who, out rooms)) { where = string.Join(", #", rooms); } else { toSay = "I can't find {0}"; } robot.SendPrivateMessage(from, toSay, who, where); }); }