Beispiel #1
        public void Setup(IRobot robot)
            var settings = robot.Settings.SettingsFor<ImageAdapter>();

            // for now there's no point in registering this listener if there's no api key
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) settings.Settings.ApiKey))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No API key was found for bing image search. If you do not have one you can get one by signing up here");

            SafeSearch safeSearch;
            if (!Enum.TryParse((string) settings.Settings.SafeSearch, true, out safeSearch))
                safeSearch = SafeSearch.Strict;

                // this will become the default value
                settings.Settings.SafeSearch = safeSearch.ToString();

            robot.AddListener(@"^(bing )?image( me)? (?<query>.*)", (session, message, room, match) =>
                var query = match.ValueFor("query");

                var searchResult = _bingClient.ImageSearch((string) settings.Settings.ApiKey, query, safeSearch);

                // ToDo: unhack this
                if (searchResult.StartsWith("{", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var results = JObject.Parse(searchResult);
                    var urls = results["d"]["results"].SelectList(x => (string) x["MediaUrl"]);

                    string messageResult;
                    if (urls.Count > 0)
                        messageResult = urls.RandomElement(new Random());
                        messageResult = string.Format("@{0} I couldn't find any images for '{1}'", session.Message.User.Name, query);

                    robot.SendMessage(room, messageResult);
Beispiel #2
        public void Setup(IRobot robot)
            robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"help\s*(?<command>.*)?$", (session, message, from, match) =>
                var command = match.ValueFor("command");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
                    robot.SendPrivateMessage(@from, "Help\n\n{0}", robot.HelpText());

                var helpMessage = "Help for {0}\n\n{1}";
                var helpText = robot.HelpTextFor(command);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(helpText))
                    helpMessage = "No help for '{0}'";

                robot.SendPrivateMessage(@from, helpMessage, command, helpText);

            robot.AddListener(@"jibbe?r jabbe?r", (session, message, room, match) =>
                robot.SendMessage(room, "@{0} I got no time for the jibber-jabber!", session.Message.User.Name);

            robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"note (?<note>.*)$", (session, message, from, match) =>
                // ToDo: add permission check
                var note = match.ValueFor("note");


            robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"flag (?<country>.*)$", (session, message, from, match) =>
                // ToDo: add permission check
                var countryCode = match.ValueFor("country");


            robot.AddPrivateResponder(@"where (?:are you|is (?<who>.*))\b\?*", (session, message, from, match) =>
                var who = match.ValueFor("who");

                var toSay = "{0} is in #{1}";

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(who))
                    who = session.BotName;
                    toSay = "I'm in #{1}";

                var where = string.Empty;

                List<string> rooms;
                if (robot.Settings.KnownUsers.TryGetValue(who, out rooms))
                    where = string.Join(", #", rooms);
                    toSay = "I can't find {0}";

                robot.SendPrivateMessage(from, toSay, who, where);