Esempio n. 1
        private async Task RollbackBatch(Batch batch, bool deleteDataset = false)
            _logger.LogInformation("Rolling back batch '{BatchToken}'", batch.Token);

            // I know we will have concurrency problems here because we could be in the middle of the rollback when another client calls for another one
            // To mitigate this issue we are going to commit the status change of the batch as soon as possible

            batch.Status = BatchStatus.Rolledback;
            batch.End    = DateTime.Now;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await _context.Entry(batch).Collection(item => item.Entries).LoadAsync();

            await _context.Entry(batch).Reference(item => item.Dataset).LoadAsync();

            var ds = batch.Dataset;

            await _context.Entry(ds).Reference(item => item.Organization).LoadAsync();

            var org = ds.Organization;

            if (deleteDataset)
                await _datasetsManager.Delete(org.Slug, ds.Slug);
                foreach (var entry in batch.Entries)
                    await _objectsManager.Delete(org.Slug, ds.Slug, entry.Path);
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Delete([FromRoute] string orgSlug, [FromRoute] string dsSlug, [FromForm] string path)
                _logger.LogDebug("Objects controller Delete('{OrgSlug}', '{DsSlug}', '{Path}')", orgSlug, dsSlug, path);

                await _objectsManager.Delete(orgSlug, dsSlug, path);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Exception in Objects controller Delete('{OrgSlug}', '{DsSlug}', '{Path}')", orgSlug, dsSlug, path);

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <CleanupBatchesResultDto> CleanupBatches()
            if (!await _authManager.IsUserAdmin())
                throw new UnauthorizedException("Only admins can perform system related tasks");

            var expiration = DateTime.Now - _settings.UploadBatchTimeout;

            // I'm scared
            var toRemove = (from batch in _context.Batches
                            .Include(b => b.Dataset.Organization)
                            .Include(b => b.Entries)
                            where batch.Status == BatchStatus.Committed ||
                            ((batch.Status == BatchStatus.Rolledback || batch.Status == BatchStatus.Running) &&
                             batch.Entries.Max(entry => entry.AddedOn) < expiration)
                            select batch).ToArray();

            var removed = new List <RemovedBatchDto>();
            var errors  = new List <RemoveBatchErrorDto>();

            foreach (var batch in toRemove)
                var ds  = batch.Dataset;
                var org = ds.Organization;

                    // Remove intermediate files
                    if (batch.Status is BatchStatus.Rolledback or BatchStatus.Running)
                        var entries = batch.Entries.ToArray();

                        foreach (var entry in entries)
                            _logger.LogInformation("Deleting '{EntryPath}' of '{OrgSlug}/{DsSlug}'", entry.Path, org.Slug, ds.Slug);
                            await _objectManager.Delete(org.Slug, ds.Slug, entry.Path);

                        var ddb = _ddbManager.Get(org.Slug, ds.InternalRef);

                        // Remove empty ddb
                        if (!(await ddb.SearchAsync("*", true)).Any())
                            _ddbManager.Delete(org.Slug, ds.InternalRef);


                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    removed.Add(new RemovedBatchDto
                        Status       = batch.Status,
                        Start        = batch.Start,
                        End          = batch.End,
                        Token        = batch.Token,
                        UserName     = batch.UserName,
                        Dataset      = ds.Slug,
                        Organization = org.Slug
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "Cannot remove batch '{BatchToken}'", batch.Token);
                    errors.Add(new RemoveBatchErrorDto
                        Message      = ex.Message,
                        Token        = batch.Token,
                        Dataset      = ds.Slug,
                        Organization = org.Slug

            return(new CleanupBatchesResultDto
                RemovedBatches = removed.ToArray(),
                RemoveBatchErrors = errors.ToArray()