public ThrustProfiler(IMyCubeGrid grid) { if (grid == null) throw new NullReferenceException("grid"); myLogger = new Logger("ThrustProfiler", () => grid.DisplayName); myGrid = grid; foreach (Base6Directions.Direction direction in Base6Directions.EnumDirections) thrustersInDirection.Add(direction, new List<MyThrust>()); List<IMySlimBlock> thrusters = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); myGrid.GetBlocks(thrusters, block => block.FatBlock != null && block.FatBlock is IMyThrust); foreach (IMySlimBlock thrust in thrusters) newThruster(thrust); myGrid.OnBlockAdded += grid_OnBlockAdded; myGrid.OnBlockRemoved += grid_OnBlockRemoved; }
private GridCellCache(IMyCubeGrid grid) { m_logger = new Logger("GridCellCache", () => grid.DisplayName); m_grid = grid; List<IMySlimBlock> dummy = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); MainLock.UsingShared(() => { using (lock_cellPositions.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) grid.GetBlocks(dummy, slim => { Add(slim); return false; }); grid.OnBlockAdded += grid_OnBlockAdded; grid.OnBlockRemoved += grid_OnBlockRemoved; grid.OnClosing += grid_OnClosing; }); m_logger.debugLog("Initialized"); }
public ThrustProfiler(IMyCubeBlock autopilot) { if (autopilot == null) throw new NullReferenceException("autopilot"); myLogger = new Logger(GetType().Name, autopilot); myGrid = autopilot.CubeGrid; Standard = new StandardFlight(autopilot, Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, Base6Directions.Direction.Up); Gravity = new StandardFlight(autopilot, Base6Directions.Direction.Up, Base6Directions.Direction.Forward); foreach (Base6Directions.Direction direction in Base6Directions.EnumDirections) thrustersInDirection.Add(direction, new List<MyThrust>()); List<IMySlimBlock> thrusters = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); myGrid.GetBlocks(thrusters, block => block.FatBlock != null && block.FatBlock is IMyThrust); foreach (IMySlimBlock thrust in thrusters) newThruster(thrust); myGrid.OnBlockAdded += grid_OnBlockAdded; myGrid.OnBlockRemoved += grid_OnBlockRemoved; ClearOverrides(); }
public static OrientedBoundingBoxD GetBoundingBox(IMyCubeGrid entity) { var min = new Vector3D(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); var max = new Vector3D(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue); float multiplier = 2.5f; if (entity.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small) multiplier = 0.5f; List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); entity.GetBlocks(blocks, null); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { //Vector3 pos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(block); min = Vector3D.Min(block.Position * multiplier, min); max = Vector3D.Max(block.Position * multiplier, max); } Vector3D size = max - min; BoundingBoxD bb = new BoundingBoxD(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), size).Translate(entity.GetPosition() - (size / 2)); return new OrientedBoundingBoxD(bb.Center, bb.HalfExtents, Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(entity.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation())); }
static public void FindByName(String pylonName, out Dictionary <String, List <IMyCubeBlock> > testList, out List <IMyCubeBlock> beaconList, long playerId) { IMyCubeGrid beaconParent = null; testList = new Dictionary <string, List <IMyCubeBlock> >(); beaconList = new List <IMyCubeBlock>(); HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); Wrapper.GameAction(() => { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, null); }); foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities) { if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; if (cubeGrid == null || cubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small) { continue; } if (!cubeGrid.BigOwners.Contains(playerId) && !cubeGrid.SmallOwners.Contains(playerId)) { continue; } testList.Clear(); beaconList.Clear(); beaconParent = cubeGrid; List <IMySlimBlock> cubeBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(cubeBlocks); foreach (IMySlimBlock entityBlock in cubeBlocks) { if (entityBlock.FatBlock == null) { continue; } if (!(entityBlock.FatBlock is IMyCubeBlock)) { continue; } IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = (IMyCubeBlock)entityBlock.FatBlock; if (!(cubeBlock is IMyBeacon)) { continue; } IMyTerminalBlock beacon = (IMyTerminalBlock)cubeBlock; /* * MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock blockObject; * try * { * blockObject = entityBlock.FatBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); * if (blockObject == null) * continue; * } * catch * { * continue; * } * * if (!(blockObject is MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)) * continue; * * MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)blockObject; */ if (beacon.CustomName == null || beacon.CustomName == "") { continue; } if (beacon.IsFunctional && beacon.CustomName.ToLower() == pylonName.ToLower() ) { beaconList.Add(entityBlock.FatBlock); Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(entityBlock.FatBlock); continue; } if (testList.ContainsKey(beacon.CustomName)) { testList[beacon.CustomName].Add(entityBlock.FatBlock); } else { List <IMyCubeBlock> testBeaconList = new List <IMyCubeBlock>(); testBeaconList.Add(entityBlock.FatBlock); testList.Add(beacon.CustomName, testBeaconList); } } if (beaconList.Count == 4) { break; } } }
public static IMyFaction GetOwnerFaction(this IMyCubeGrid Grid, bool RecalculateOwners = false) { try { if (RecalculateOwners) { (Grid as MyCubeGrid).RecalculateOwners(); } IMyFaction FactionFromBigowners = null; IMyFaction Faction = null; if (Grid.BigOwners.Count > 0 && Grid.BigOwners[0] != 0) { long OwnerID = Grid.BigOwners[0]; FactionFromBigowners = GeneralExtensions.FindOwnerFactionById(OwnerID); } else { Grid.LogError("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", new Exception("Cannot get owner faction via BigOwners.", new Exception("BigOwners is empty."))); } IMyGridTerminalSystem Term = Grid.GetTerminalSystem(); List <IMyTerminalBlock> AllTermBlocks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); Term.GetBlocks(AllTermBlocks); if (AllTermBlocks.Empty()) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Terminal system is empty!"); return(null); } var BiggestOwnerGroup = AllTermBlocks.GroupBy(x => x.GetOwnerFactionTag()).OrderByDescending(gp => gp.Count()).FirstOrDefault(); if (BiggestOwnerGroup != null) { string factionTag = BiggestOwnerGroup.Key; Faction = MyAPIGateway.Session.Factions.TryGetFactionByTag(factionTag); if (Faction != null) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Found owner faction {factionTag} via terminal system"); } return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } else { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"CANNOT GET FACTION TAGS FROM TERMINALSYSTEM!"); List <IMyShipController> Controllers = Grid.GetBlocks <IMyShipController>(); if (Controllers.Any()) { List <IMyShipController> MainControllers; if (Controllers.Any(x => x.IsMainCockpit(), out MainControllers)) { Faction = MyAPIGateway.Session.Factions.TryGetFactionByTag(MainControllers[0].GetOwnerFactionTag()); if (Faction != null) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Found owner faction {Faction.Tag} via main cockpit"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } } // Controls falls down if faction was not found by main cockpit Faction = MyAPIGateway.Session.Factions.TryGetFactionByTag(Controllers[0].GetOwnerFactionTag()); if (Faction != null) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Found owner faction {Faction.Tag} via cockpit"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } else { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Unable to owner faction via cockpit!"); Faction = MyAPIGateway.Session.Factions.TryGetFactionByTag(AllTermBlocks.First().GetOwnerFactionTag()); if (Faction != null) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Found owner faction {Faction.Tag} via first terminal block"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } else { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Unable to owner faction via first terminal block!"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } } } else { Faction = MyAPIGateway.Session.Factions.TryGetFactionByTag(AllTermBlocks.First().GetOwnerFactionTag()); if (Faction != null) { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Found owner faction {Faction.Tag} via first terminal block"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } else { Grid.DebugWrite("Grid.GetOwnerFaction", $"Unable to owner faction via first terminal block!"); return(Faction ?? FactionFromBigowners); } } } } catch (Exception Scrap) { Grid.LogError("Faction.GetOwnerFaction", Scrap); return(null); } }
public static void InitNpcStoreBlock(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, ImprovedSpawnGroup spawnGroup) { var errorLog = new StringBuilder(); errorLog.Append("Starting Store Block Init For Grid").AppendLine(); try { errorLog.Append(" - Check if Grid Exists").AppendLine(); if (cubeGrid == null || MyAPIGateway.Entities.Exist(cubeGrid) == false) { return; } errorLog.Append(" - Check if Grid Is Active NPC").AppendLine(); if (NPCWatcher.ActiveNPCs.ContainsKey(cubeGrid) == false) { return; } errorLog.Append(" - Get Blocks From Grid: " + cubeGrid.CustomName).AppendLine(); var blockList = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); var storeBlockList = new List <IMyStoreBlock>(); var containerList = new List <IMyCargoContainer>(); var gastankList = new List <IMyGasTank>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blockList); foreach (var block in blockList.Where(x => x.FatBlock != null)) { var storeBlock = block.FatBlock as IMyStoreBlock; var cargo = block.FatBlock as IMyCargoContainer; var gasTank = block.FatBlock as IMyGasTank; if (storeBlock != null) { errorLog.Append(" - Found Store Block " + storeBlock.EntityId.ToString()).AppendLine(); storeBlockList.Add(storeBlock); } if (cargo != null) { errorLog.Append(" - Found Container Block " + cargo.EntityId.ToString()).AppendLine(); containerList.Add(cargo); } /* * if(gasTank != null) { * * gastankList.Add(gasTank); * * } */ } var usedCargoContainers = new List <IMyCargoContainer>(); //var usedTanks = new List<IMyGasTank>(); errorLog.Append(" - Processing Store Blocks").AppendLine(); //Process Stores foreach (var store in storeBlockList) { try{ errorLog.Append(" - Check Store For Existing Items And Remove " + store.EntityId.ToString()).AppendLine(); var ob = (MyObjectBuilder_StoreBlock)store.SlimBlock.GetObjectBuilder(); errorLog.Append(" - Check If ObjectBuilder Null" + store.EntityId.ToString()).AppendLine(); if (ob != null) { var existingIdList = new List <long>(); if (ob.PlayerItems != null) { foreach (var item in ob.PlayerItems.ToList()) { store.CancelStoreItem(item.Id); } } } }catch (Exception exc) { errorLog.Append(" - Exception Encountered, Probably One Of Those Troublesome ATMs" + store.EntityId.ToString()).AppendLine(); } var itemsAvailable = new Dictionary <MyDefinitionId, int>(); var gasAvailable = new Dictionary <MyDefinitionId, int>(); var storeInv = store.GetInventory(); var storeitemList = storeInv.GetItems(); errorLog.Append(" - Check Items In Store Inventory To Sell").AppendLine(); foreach (var item in storeitemList) { var itemDefId = new MyDefinitionId(item.Content.TypeId, item.Content.SubtypeId); //Logger.AddMsg("Item: " + itemDefId.ToString(), true); if (itemDefId.SubtypeName == "SpaceCredit") { continue; } var amount = (float)item.Amount; int amountRounded = (int)Math.Floor(amount); if (itemsAvailable.ContainsKey(itemDefId) == false) { itemsAvailable.Add(itemDefId, amountRounded); } else { itemsAvailable[itemDefId] += amountRounded; } } //Get Gas /* * double hydrogen = 100000; * double oxygen = 100000; * * foreach(var tank in gastankList) { * * if(usedTanks.Contains(tank) == true) { * * continue; * * } * * usedTanks.Add(tank); * * if(tank.IsWorking == false || tank.IsFunctional == false) { * * continue; * * } * * var tankDef = (MyGasTankDefinition)tank.SlimBlock.BlockDefinition; * var tankInv = tank.GetInventory(); * * if(tankInv.IsConnectedTo(storeInv) == false || tank.IsSameConstructAs(store) == false) { * * continue; * * } * * if(tankDef.StoredGasId.SubtypeName == "Hydrogen") { * * hydrogen += tank.Capacity * tank.FilledRatio; * * } * * if(tankDef.StoredGasId.SubtypeName == "Oxygen") { * * oxygen += tank.Capacity * tank.FilledRatio; * * } * * } * * hydrogen = Math.Floor(hydrogen / 1000); * oxygen = Math.Floor(oxygen / 1000); */ errorLog.Append(" - Check Items in Attached Cargo Containers To Sell").AppendLine(); //Get Items For Offers foreach (var cargo in containerList) { //Logger.AddMsg("Checking Cargo Container On: " + cargo.CubeGrid.CustomName); if (usedCargoContainers.Contains(cargo)) { continue; } var cargoInv = cargo.GetInventory(); if (cargoInv.IsConnectedTo(storeInv) == false || cargo.IsSameConstructAs(store) == false) { continue; } usedCargoContainers.Add(cargo); var itemList = cargoInv.GetItems(); foreach (var item in itemList) { var itemDefId = new MyDefinitionId(item.Content.TypeId, item.Content.SubtypeId); //Logger.AddMsg("Item: " + itemDefId.ToString(), true); if (itemDefId.SubtypeName == "SpaceCredit") { continue; } var amount = (float)item.Amount; int amountRounded = (int)Math.Floor(amount); if (itemsAvailable.ContainsKey(itemDefId) == false) { itemsAvailable.Add(itemDefId, amountRounded); } else { itemsAvailable[itemDefId] += amountRounded; } } } if (Logger.LoggerDebugMode == true) { foreach (var item in itemsAvailable.Keys) { Logger.AddMsg("Item For StoreBlock: " + item.ToString() + " - " + itemsAvailable[item], true); } } /* * errorLog.Append(" - Populate Store With Offers").AppendLine(); * //TODO: Populate Store With Offers * * IMyPlayer dummyPlayer = null; * var playerList = new List<IMyPlayer>(); * MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(playerList); * var storecube = (store as IMyEntity) as MyCubeBlock; * long originalOwner = store.OwnerId; * long originalPlayerBalance = 0; * * errorLog.Append(" - Search For A Player To Use A Temp Dummy, Since We Cannot Add Credits To NPC Identities To Cover The List Fee").AppendLine(); * foreach(var player in playerList) { * * errorLog.Append(" - Changing Ownership To Player: " + player.DisplayName).AppendLine(); * dummyPlayer = player; * dummyPlayer.TryGetBalanceInfo(out originalPlayerBalance); * dummyPlayer.RequestChangeBalance(1000000); * storecube.ChangeOwner(dummyPlayer.IdentityId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction); * break; * * } */ /* * if(hydrogen > 0) { * * MyStoreItemData gasData = new MyStoreItemData(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Hydrogen"), (int)hydrogen, 150, null, null); * long gasorderResult = 0; * var storeAddResult = store.InsertOffer(gasData, out gasorderResult); * Logger.AddMsg("Hydrogen Add To Store Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString(), true); * * } * * if(oxygen > 0) { * * MyStoreItemData gasData = new MyStoreItemData(new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Oxygen"), (int)hydrogen, 150, null, null); * long gasorderResult = 0; * var storeAddResult = store.InsertOffer(gasData, out gasorderResult); * Logger.AddMsg("Oxygen Add To Store Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString(), true); * * } */ errorLog.Append(" - Add Each Item To The Store Block").AppendLine(); foreach (var item in itemsAvailable.Keys) { errorLog.Append(" - Checking Item: " + item.ToString()).AppendLine(); if (ItemsWithBadValue.Contains(item) || MinimumValuesMaster.ContainsKey(item) == false) { errorLog.Append(" - Item Has Bad Value According To Economy Helper").AppendLine(); Logger.AddMsg(item.ToString() + " has invalid economy value or was not in master reference", true); continue; } double markup = 1.2; //TODO: Figure out how reputation affects this int itemValue = (int)Math.Floor((double)MinimumValuesMaster[item] * markup); MyStoreItemData orderData = new MyStoreItemData(item, itemsAvailable[item], itemValue, OnSaleComplete, null); long orderResult = 0; var storeAddResult = store.InsertOffer(orderData, out orderResult); errorLog.Append(" - Added Item To Store With Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString()).AppendLine(); Logger.AddMsg(item.ToString() + " Add To Store Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString(), true); } /* * if(dummyPlayer != null) { * * errorLog.Append(" - Changing Owner Back To Original NPC Identity").AppendLine(); * storecube.ChangeOwner(originalOwner, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction); * long newPlayerBalance = 0; * dummyPlayer.TryGetBalanceInfo(out newPlayerBalance); * var balanceDifference = newPlayerBalance - originalPlayerBalance; * dummyPlayer.RequestChangeBalance(-balanceDifference); * * } */ //Populate Store With Orders if (spawnGroup != null) { if (spawnGroup.ContainerTypesForStoreOrders.Count > 0) { var containerString = spawnGroup.ContainerTypesForStoreOrders[SpawnResources.rnd.Next(0, spawnGroup.ContainerTypesForStoreOrders.Count)]; var containerDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetContainerTypeDefinition(containerString); if (containerDef != null) { foreach (var item in containerDef.Items) { if (ItemsWithBadValue.Contains(item.DefinitionId) || MinimumValuesMaster.ContainsKey(item.DefinitionId) == false) { continue; } double markup = 1.2; int itemCount = SpawnResources.rnd.Next((int)item.AmountMin, (int)item.AmountMax); int itemValue = (int)Math.Floor((double)MinimumValuesMaster[item.DefinitionId] * markup); MyStoreItemData orderData = new MyStoreItemData(item.DefinitionId, itemCount, itemValue, null, null); long orderResult = 0; var storeAddResult = store.InsertOrder(orderData, out orderResult); if (storeAddResult == Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyStoreInsertResults.Success && SpawnResources.IsIdentityNPC(store.OwnerId) == true) { MyAPIGateway.Players.RequestChangeBalance(store.OwnerId, itemCount * itemValue); } errorLog.Append(" - Added Item To Store With Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString()).AppendLine(); Logger.AddMsg(item.ToString() + " Add To Store Result: " + storeAddResult.ToString(), true); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.AddMsg("Init Store Blocks for NPC Grid Failed. Please Provide The Log File To The Modular Encounters Spawner Mod Author:"); Logger.AddMsg(errorLog.ToString()); } }
private static List <IMyEntity> DisableTurretsWithoutTargets(IMyEntity entity) { m_scanCache.Clear(); List <IMyEntity> turretList = new List <IMyEntity>(); if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { return(turretList); } IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); //bool disable = false; bool ignore = false; foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { if (block.FatBlock == null) { continue; } if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret)) { IMyEntity turret = block.FatBlock; bool state = FunctionalBlockEntity.GetState(turret); if (state) { m_turretsEnabled++; } else { m_turretsDisabled++; } if (state) // && !ignore) { //Console.WriteLine("Finding targets on: {0}", entity.DisplayName); // No target, so we're not going to enable anything on this grid //if (!disable && DoesGridHaveTarget(grid, block)) if (DoesGridHaveTarget(grid, block)) { // We'll ignore state and only collect for statistics ignore = true; continue; } // Console.WriteLine("Disabling"); //disable = true; if (PluginSettings.Instance.DynamicTurretAllowExemption) { IMyFunctionalBlock functional = (IMyFunctionalBlock)turret; if (functional.CustomName.ToLower().Contains("[manualcontrol]")) { continue; } } m_turretsToggled++; turretList.Add(turret); } } } return(turretList); }
private void TryUpdateBlockLimits() { ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "TryUpdateBlockLimits start"); try { if (m_mycubegrid == null) { return; } var entity = m_mycubegrid; if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { return; } if (entity.Physics == null || entity.MarkedForClose || entity.Closed) { return; } if (!entity.InScene) { return; } bool temphasoverhead = false; // ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "TryUpdateBlockLimits point1"); if (addonschanged) { UpdateAddons(); } CheckAndReplaceOwner(); //Dictionary<AllLimits.Addons, int> copy_installedAddons = new Dictionary<AllLimits.Addons, int>(MyLimitsSettings.installedAddons); Dictionary <AllLimits.BlockLimitItem, int> blocks = new Dictionary <AllLimits.BlockLimitItem, int>(); IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; List <IMySlimBlock> blockstoProcess = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blockstoProcess, x => x.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock); foreach (IMySlimBlock myTerminalBlock in blockstoProcess) { if (myTerminalBlock?.FatBlock == null) { continue; } IMyTerminalBlock block = (IMyTerminalBlock)myTerminalBlock.FatBlock; foreach (AllLimits.BlockLimitItem item in MyLimitsSettings.Big_List_of_Limits) { if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.Off) { continue; } if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.BlockTypeId && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BlockTypeId)) { ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "Block Enforcement item for \"{0}\" is set to mode BlockTypeId but does not have BlockTypeId set."); continue; } if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.BlockSubtypeId && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BlockSubtypeId)) { ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "Block Enforcement item for \"{0}\" is set to mode BlockSubtypeId but does not have BlockSubtypeId set."); continue; } if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.BlockSubtypeId && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId) && block.BlockDefinition.SubtypeId.Contains(item.BlockSubtypeId)) { if (blocks.ContainsKey(item)) { blocks[item] += 1; } else { blocks.Add(item, 1); } } if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.BlockTypeId && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(block.BlockDefinition.TypeIdString) && block.BlockDefinition.TypeIdString.Contains(item.BlockTypeId)) { if (blocks.ContainsKey(item)) { blocks[item] += 1; } else { blocks.Add(item, 1); } } } foreach (AllLimits.BlockLimitItem item in MyLimitsSettings.Big_List_of_Limits) { if (item.Mode == AllLimits.BlockLimitItem.EnforcementMode.Off) { continue; } if (!blocks.ContainsKey(item)) { continue; } if (blocks[item] > item.MaxPerGrid) { // if (!MyAPIGateway.Session.HasCreativeRights) // { if (MyAPIGateway.Session.Config.Language == MyLanguagesEnum.Russian) { ShowMessageInGame("ShipCore:", string.Format("Вы превысили максимальное количество блоков {0} в корабле '{1}'. При следующей чистке удаляться {2} блока!", item.BlockSubtypeId, grid.DisplayName, blocks[item] - item.MaxPerGrid)); } ShowMessageInGame("ShipCore:", string.Format("You have exceeded the max block count of {0} on the ship '{1}'. Next cleanup will delete {2} block(s) to enforce this block limit.", item.BlockSubtypeId, grid.DisplayName, blocks[item] - item.MaxPerGrid)); temphasoverhead = true; // } } } } // ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "hasoverhead" + hasoverhead + "temphasoverhead" + temphasoverhead); hasoverhead = temphasoverhead; if (!(m_block.Closed || m_block.MarkedForClose)) { SetBlockState(); _processing2 = false; } else { _processing2 = false; //ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "hasoverhead null found!"); } ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "TryUpdateBlockLimits end"); } catch { // ShowMessageInGame("dbg", "TryUpdateBlockLimits catch!"); _processing2 = false; } finally { _processing2 = false; } }
private static bool CheckRevealBlockRules(IMyCubeGrid grid, List<IMyPlayer> players, out string reason) { reason = ""; // This is actually faster, but doesn't include power checks // Live dangerously List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null); //CubeGrids.GetAllConnectedBlocks(m_processedGrids, grid, blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null); //bool found = false; //bool powered = false; foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = block.FatBlock; if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)) { //MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon beacon = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon)cubeBlock; if (!beacon.Enabled) continue; //Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock functionalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock)cubeBlock; //if (!functionalBlock.Enabled) // continue; //Console.WriteLine("Beacon: {0} {1} {2}", beacon.BroadcastRadius, terminalBlock.IsWorking, terminalBlock.IsFunctional); //if (!terminalBlock.IsWorking) // continue; foreach (IMyPlayer player in players) { double distance = 0d; if (Entity.GetDistanceBetweenPointAndPlayer(grid.GetPosition(), player, out distance)) { if (distance < beacon.Radius) { //found = true; //break; reason = string.Format("{0} distance to beacon broadcast: {1}", player.DisplayName, distance); return true; } } } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna)) { //MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna antenna = (MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRadioAntenna antenna = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRadioAntenna)cubeBlock; if (!antenna.Enabled) continue; //Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock functionalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock)cubeBlock; //if (!functionalBlock.Enabled) // continue; foreach (IMyPlayer player in players) { double distance = 0d; if (Entity.GetDistanceBetweenPointAndPlayer(grid.GetPosition(), player, out distance)) { if (distance < antenna.Radius) { //found = true; //break; reason = string.Format("{0} distance to antenna broadcast: {1}", player.DisplayName, distance); return true; } } } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)) { //MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom medical = (MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom medical = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom)cubeBlock; if (!medical.Enabled) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock functionalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock)cubeBlock; if (!functionalBlock.IsFunctional) continue; //if (!functionalBlock.Enabled) // continue; if (PluginSettings.Instance.DynamicConcealIncludeMedBays) { lock (m_online) { foreach (ulong connectedPlayer in m_online) { long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(connectedPlayer); //if (medical.Owner == playerId || (medical.ShareMode == MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction && Player.CheckPlayerSameFaction(medical.Owner, playerId))) if (functionalBlock.OwnerId == playerId) { reason = string.Format("Grid has medbay and player is logged in - playerid: {0}", playerId); return true; } if(functionalBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId) == Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare) { reason = string.Format("Grid has medbay and player is factionshare - playerid: {0}", playerId); return true; } } } /* foreach (ulong connectedPlayer in PlayerManager.Instance.ConnectedPlayers) { long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(connectedPlayer); //if (medical.Owner == playerId || (medical.ShareMode == MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction && Player.CheckPlayerSameFaction(medical.Owner, playerId))) //if (functionalBlock.OwnerId == playerId || (functionalBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId) == Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare)) if(medical.HasPlayerAccess(playerId)) { reason = string.Format("Grid has medbay and player is logged in - playerid: {0}", playerId); return true; } } */ } else { reason = string.Format("Grid has medbay and conceal can not include medbays"); return true; } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock)) { MyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock production = (MyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); if (!production.Enabled) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyProductionBlock productionBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyProductionBlock)cubeBlock; if (production.Queue.Length > 0) { reason = string.Format("Grid has production facility that has a queue"); return true; } } } return false; }
public void HandleChatCommand(ulong steamId, string command) { MyPromoteLevel level = MyAPIGateway.Session.GetUserPromoteLevel(steamId); Logging.Instance.WriteLine($"Got chat command from {steamId} : {command}"); if (command.Equals("!join", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (!Settings.Instance.Hub) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Join commands are not valid in battle servers!"); return; } Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"There are {Servers.Count} battle servers. Please select the one you want by sending '!join [number]'"); List <int> availableServers = (from server in Servers.Values where server.CanJoin select server.Index + 1).ToList(); if (availableServers.Count < Servers.Count) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"These servers are ready for matches: {string.Join(", ", availableServers)}"); } else { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"All {Servers.Count} servers are available for new matches!"); } return; } if (command.StartsWith("!join", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (!Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Couldn't find server {num}"); return; } if (!server.CanJoin) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Sorry, this server is not open to new members. Please try another."); return; } IMyPlayer player = Utilities.GetPlayerBySteamId(steamId); var block = player?.Controller?.ControlledEntity?.Entity as IMyCubeBlock; IMyCubeGrid grid = block?.CubeGrid; if (grid == null) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Can't find your ship. Make sure you're seated in the ship you want to take with you."); return; } var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); if (blocks.Count > Settings.Instance.MaxBlockCount) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Your ship has {blocks.Count} blocks. The limit for this server is {Settings.Instance.MaxBlockCount}"); return; } byte[] payload = Utilities.SerializeAndSign(grid, Utilities.GetPlayerBySteamId(steamId), block.Position); Communication.SegmentAndSend(Communication.MessageType.ClientGridPart, payload, MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.ServerId, steamId); server.Join(steamId); var timer = new Timer(10000); timer.AutoReset = false; timer.Elapsed += (a, b) => MyAPIGateway.Utilities.InvokeOnGameThread(() => grid.Close()); timer.Start(); return; } if (command.Equals("!hub", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (Settings.Instance.Hub) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "You're already in the hub!"); return; } else if (Settings.Instance.ReturnShip) { var player = Utilities.GetPlayerBySteamId(steamId); var block = player?.Controller?.ControlledEntity?.Entity as IMyCubeBlock; IMyCubeGrid grid = block?.CubeGrid; if (grid == null) { PlayerGrids.TryGetValue(steamId, out grid); } if (grid != null) { byte[] payload = Utilities.SerializeAndSign(grid, player, block?.Position ?? Vector3I.Zero); Communication.SegmentAndSend(Communication.MessageType.ClientGridPart, payload, MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.ServerId, steamId); } } Communication.RedirectClient(steamId, Settings.Instance.HubIP); return; } if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Moderator) { if (command.StartsWith("!spectate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (!Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Couldn't find server {num}"); return; } MyAPIGateway.Utilities.DeleteFileInLocalStorage("Ship.bin", typeof(LinkModCore)); Communication.RedirectClient(steamId, server.IP); return; } } if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Admin) { if (command.Equals("!endjoin", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { _lobbyTimer.Stop(); _lobbyRunning = false; _matchRunning = true; Communication.SendNotification(0, "MATCH START!", MyFontEnum.Green); Logging.Instance.WriteLine("Starting match"); _matchTimer.Start(); return; } if (command.Equals("!endmatch", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { _matchTimer.Stop(); _matchRunning = false; Communication.SendNotification(0, "MATCH OVER!", MyFontEnum.Red, 10000); Logging.Instance.WriteLine("Ending match"); Utilities.ScrubServer(); return; } if (command.Equals("!reload", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Settings.LoadSettings(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Okay."); return; } if (command.Equals("!save", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Settings.SaveSettings(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Okay."); return; } if (command.StartsWith("!reset", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { foreach (var s in Servers.Values) { s.Reset(); } Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Reset all servers"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { server.Reset(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Reset server {num}"); } } } if (command.Equals("!help", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Admin) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, ADMIN_HELP); } else { if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Moderator) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, MODERATOR_HELP); } else { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, HELP_TEXT); } } } }
private static void GetAttachedGrids(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, ref List <IMyCubeGrid> results) { if (cubeGrid == null) { return; } var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b != null && b.FatBlock != null && !b.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId.IsNull); foreach (var block in blocks) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Block", string.Format("{0}", block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId)); if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorSuspension) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorBase)) { // The MotorStator which inherits from MotorBase. IMyMotorBase motorBase = block.FatBlock as IMyMotorBase; if (motorBase == null || motorBase.Top == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = motorBase.TopGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RealWheel) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Wheel)) { // The Rotor Part. IMyMotorRotor motorRotor = block.FatBlock as IMyMotorRotor; if (motorRotor == null || motorRotor.Base == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = motorRotor.Base.CubeGrid; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonTop)) { // The Piston Top. IMyPistonTop pistonTop = block.FatBlock as IMyPistonTop; if (pistonTop == null || pistonTop.Piston == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = pistonTop.Piston.CubeGrid; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ExtendedPistonBase) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonBase)) { IMyPistonBase pistonBase = block.FatBlock as IMyPistonBase; if (pistonBase == null || pistonBase.Top == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = pistonBase.TopGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results); } } } }
// /admin movefrom x y z x y z radius public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words) { HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); Wrapper.GameAction(() => { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid); }); HashSet <long> playerOwners = new HashSet <long>(); foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities) { IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBlock = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)grid.GetObjectBuilder(); foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in gridBlock.CubeBlocks) { if (block.Owner == 0) { continue; } if (!playerOwners.Contains(block.Owner)) { playerOwners.Add(block.Owner); } } } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total block owners: {0}", playerOwners.Count)); int count = 0; foreach (long owner in playerOwners) { ulong steamId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(owner).SteamId; if (steamId == 0) { count++; } } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total owners without a steam Id: {0}", count)); HashSet <long> badPlayers = new HashSet <long>(); HashSet <long> noLogin = new HashSet <long>(); foreach (long owner in playerOwners) { MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem item = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(owner); if (item.SteamId == 0) { continue; } if (!Players.Instance.PlayerLogins.ContainsKey(item.SteamId)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("No login information: {0}", item.Name)); noLogin.Add(owner); continue; } PlayerItem playerItem = Players.Instance.PlayerLogins[item.SteamId]; if (DateTime.Now - playerItem.LastLogin > TimeSpan.FromDays(20)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Player hasn't logged in 20 days: {0}", item.Name)); badPlayers.Add(owner); } } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Users not logged in the last 20 days: {0}", badPlayers.Count)); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Users with no login information: {0}", noLogin.Count)); /* * count = 0; * List<CubeGridEntity> grids = SectorObjectManager.Instance.GetTypedInternalData<CubeGridEntity>(); * foreach(CubeGridEntity grid in grids) * { * Thread.Sleep(100); * foreach (CubeBlockEntity block in grid.CubeBlocks) * { * MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock blockBuilder = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock)block.Export(); * if (badPlayers.Contains(blockBuilder.Owner) || noLogin.Contains(blockBuilder.Owner)) * { * //grid.DeleteCubeBlock(block); * block.Dispose(); * count++; * } * } * } */ Wrapper.GameAction(() => { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid); foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities) { IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null && x.FatBlock.OwnerId != 0); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = (IMyCubeBlock)block.FatBlock; if (badPlayers.Contains(cubeBlock.OwnerId) || noLogin.Contains(cubeBlock.OwnerId)) { grid.RazeBlock(cubeBlock.Min); count++; } } } }); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Blocks disposed: {0}", count)); return(true); }
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string command) { string[] words = command.Split(' '); bool showConcealed = true; if (words.Length > 0 && words[0].ToLower() == "revealed") { showConcealed = false; } if (showConcealed) { HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); Wrapper.GameAction(() => { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities); }); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "==== Concealed Entities ==="); int count = 0; foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities) { if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } if (entity.InScene) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; long ownerId = 0; string ownerName = ""; if (grid.BigOwners.Count > 0) { ownerId = grid.BigOwners.First(); ownerName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(ownerId).Name; } if (ownerName == "") { ownerName = "No one"; } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3} Position: {4}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()))); count++; } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total concealed entities: {0}", count)); } else { HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); Wrapper.GameAction(() => { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities); }); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "==== Revealed Entities ==="); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "==== Unconnected Entities ==="); HashSet <IMyEntity> entitiesFound = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); CubeGrids.GetGridsUnconnected(entitiesFound, entities); int count = 0; List <IMySlimBlock> slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound) { if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } if (!entity.InScene) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; long ownerId = 0; string ownerName = ""; if (grid.BigOwners.Count > 0) { ownerId = grid.BigOwners.First(); ownerName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(ownerId).Name; } if (ownerName == "") { ownerName = "No one"; } grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, null); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3} Position: {4} BlockCount: {5}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()), slimBlocks.Count)); slimBlocks.Clear(); count++; } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total unconnected revealed entities: {0}", count)); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "==== Connected Entities ==="); HashSet <IMyEntity> connectedFound = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); CubeGrids.GetConnectedGrids(connectedFound); Console.WriteLine("Here: {0} : {1} {2}", connectedFound.Intersect(entitiesFound).Count(), entitiesFound.Count, connectedFound.Count); count = 0; slimBlocks.Clear(); foreach (IMyEntity entity in connectedFound) { if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } if (entitiesFound.Contains(entity)) { continue; } if (!entity.InScene) { continue; } if (CubeGrids.GetRecursiveGridList((IMyCubeGrid)entity).Count < 2) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; long ownerId = 0; string ownerName = ""; if (grid.BigOwners.Count > 0) { ownerId = grid.BigOwners.First(); ownerName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(ownerId).Name; } if (ownerName == "") { ownerName = "No one"; } grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, null); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3} Position: {4} BlockCount: {5} Connections: {6}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()), slimBlocks.Count, CubeGrids.GetRecursiveGridList(grid).Count)); //Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3} Position: {4} BlockCount: {5} Connections: {6}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()), slimBlocks.Count)); slimBlocks.Clear(); count++; } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Total connected revealed entities: {0}", count)); } return(true); }
private void _cubeGrid_OnBlockOwnershipChanged(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid) { // only execute on server instance if (ChatCommandLogic.Instance != null && ChatCommandLogic.Instance.ServerCfg == null) { return; } if (_firstOwnershipChange) { _firstOwnershipChange = false; _cachedOwners = new List <long>(cubeGrid.GetAllSmallOwners()); return; } var allSmallOwners = cubeGrid.GetAllSmallOwners(); if (_cachedOwners == allSmallOwners) { return; } // if the grid wasn't owned or a owner was removed, we dont need to do anything but update the cached owners if (_cachedOwners.Count == 0 || _cachedOwners.Count > allSmallOwners.Count) { _cachedOwners = new List <long>(allSmallOwners); return; } var newOwners = allSmallOwners.Except(_cachedOwners).ToList(); if (newOwners.Count == 0) { return; } if (!ProtectionHandler.IsProtected(cubeGrid)) { _cachedOwners = new List <long>(allSmallOwners); return; } Dictionary <long, int> blocksPerOwner = new Dictionary <long, int>(); foreach (IMyCubeGrid attachedCubeGrid in cubeGrid.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static)) { List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); attachedCubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b.FatBlock != null); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { long ownerId = block.FatBlock.OwnerId; // we dont want the new owners, the small owners or the 'nobody' (0) if (ownerId == 0 || !attachedCubeGrid.BigOwners.Contains(ownerId) || newOwners.Contains(ownerId)) { continue; } if (!blocksPerOwner.ContainsKey(ownerId)) { blocksPerOwner.Add(ownerId, 1); } else { blocksPerOwner[ownerId]++; } } } var sortedBpo = new List <KeyValuePair <long, int> >(blocksPerOwner.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value)); // if we cannot identify an owner we allow the change if (sortedBpo.Count == 0) { _cachedOwners = new List <long>(allSmallOwners); return; } var bigOwner = sortedBpo[0].Key; List <IMySlimBlock> ownershipChangedBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(ownershipChangedBlocks, b => b.FatBlock != null && newOwners.Contains(b.FatBlock.OwnerId)); foreach (IMySlimBlock slimBlock in ownershipChangedBlocks) { var block = (Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock)slimBlock.FatBlock; // TODO check if the block was created/built just moments ago, do not change owner otherwise block.ChangeOwner(bigOwner, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None); ConnectionHelper.SendMessageToAllPlayers(new MessageSyncBlockOwner() { OwnerId = bigOwner, EntityId = block.EntityId }); // no need to update the cached owners as we don't want them to change } // TODO maybe allow the faction to build... }
public void HandleChatCommand(ulong steamId, string command) { MyPromoteLevel level = MyAPIGateway.Session.GetUserPromoteLevel(steamId); ServerJumpClass.Instance.SomeLog($"Got chat command from {steamId} : {command}"); if (command.Equals("!join", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { InitJump(steamId); return; } if (command.StartsWith("!join", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (!Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Couldn't find server {num}"); return; } if (!server.CanJoin) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Sorry, this server is not open to new members. Please try another."); return; } IMyPlayer player = Utilities.GetPlayerBySteamId(steamId); var block = player?.Controller?.ControlledEntity?.Entity as IMyCubeBlock; IMyCubeGrid grid = block?.CubeGrid; if (grid == null) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Can't find your ship. Make sure you're seated in the ship you want to take with you."); return; } var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); if (blocks.Count > Settings.MaxBlockCount) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Your ship has {blocks.Count} blocks. The limit for this server is {Settings.MaxBlockCount}"); return; } byte[] payload = Utilities.SerializeAndSign(grid, Utilities.GetPlayerBySteamId(steamId), block.Position); Communication.SegmentAndSend(Communication.MessageType.ClientGridPart, payload, MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.ServerId, steamId); server.Join(steamId); var timer = new Timer(10000); timer.AutoReset = false; timer.Elapsed += (a, b) => MyAPIGateway.Utilities.InvokeOnGameThread(() => grid.Close()); timer.Start(); return; } if (command.Equals("!hub", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (Settings.Hub) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "You're already in the hub!"); return; } Communication.RedirectClient(steamId, Settings.HubIP); return; } if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Moderator) { if (command.StartsWith("!spectate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (!Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Couldn't find server {num}"); return; } ServerJumpClass.Instance.SomeLog("DeleteFileInLocalStorage"); // MyAPIGateway.Utilities.DeleteFileInLocalStorage("Ship.bin", typeof(ServerJump)); Communication.RedirectClient(steamId, server.IP); return; } } if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Admin) { if (command.Equals("!reload", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { //Settings.LoadSettings(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Okay."); return; } if (command.Equals("!save", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // Settings.SaveSettings(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Okay."); return; } if (command.StartsWith("!reset", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { int ind = command.IndexOf(" "); if (ind == -1) { foreach (var s in Servers.Values) { s.Reset(); } Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Reset all servers"); return; } string numtex = command.Substring(ind); ServerItem server; int num; if (!int.TryParse(numtex, out num)) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, "Couldn't parse your server selection!"); return; } if (Servers.TryGetValue(num - 1, out server)) { server.Reset(); Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, $"Reset server {num}"); } } } if (command.Equals("!help", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Admin) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, ADMIN_HELP); } else { if (level >= MyPromoteLevel.Moderator) { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, MODERATOR_HELP); } else { Communication.SendServerChat(steamId, HELP_TEXT); } } } }
private static void RecursiveGetAttachedGrids(IMyCubeGrid grid) { grid.GetBlocks(Blocks, GetAttachedGridsLoopBlocks); }
private static void GetAttachedGrids(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, ref List <IMyCubeGrid> results, AttachedGrids type) { if (cubeGrid == null) { return; } var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b != null && b.FatBlock != null && !b.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId.IsNull); foreach (var block in blocks) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Block", string.Format("{0}", block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId)); if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorSuspension) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorBase)) { // The MotorStator which inherits from MotorBase. IMyMotorBase motorBase = block.FatBlock as IMyMotorBase; if (motorBase == null || motorBase.Top == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = motorBase.TopGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RealWheel) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Wheel)) { // The Rotor Part. IMyMotorRotor motorRotor = block.FatBlock as IMyMotorRotor; IMyCubeGrid entityParent = null; if (motorRotor == null || motorRotor.Base == null) { // Wheels appear to not properly populate the Stator property. IMyCubeBlock altBlock = Support.FindRotorBase(motorRotor.EntityId); if (altBlock == null) { continue; } entityParent = altBlock.CubeGrid; } else { entityParent = motorRotor.Base.CubeGrid; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonTop)) { // The Piston Top. IMyPistonTop pistonTop = block.FatBlock as IMyPistonTop; if (pistonTop == null || pistonTop.Piston == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = pistonTop.Piston.CubeGrid; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ExtendedPistonBase) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonBase)) { IMyPistonBase pistonBase = block.FatBlock as IMyPistonBase; if (pistonBase == null || pistonBase.Top == null) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid entityParent = pistonBase.TopGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ShipConnector) && type == AttachedGrids.All) { var connector = (IMyShipConnector)block.FatBlock; if (connector.Status != Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected || connector.OtherConnector == null) { continue; } var otherGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)connector.OtherConnector.CubeGrid; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == otherGrid.EntityId)) { results.Add(otherGrid); GetAttachedGrids(otherGrid, ref results, type); } } // Commented out temporarily, as it isn't been used, but may not work under 1.126. //else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LandingGear) && type == AttachedGrids.All) //{ // var landingGear = (IMyLandingGear)block.FatBlock; // if (landingGear.IsLocked == false) // continue; // var entity = landingGear.GetAttachedEntity(); // if (entity == null || !(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) // continue; // var otherGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; // if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == otherGrid.EntityId)) // { // results.Add(otherGrid); // GetAttachedGrids(otherGrid, ref results, type); // } //} } // Loop through all other grids, find their Landing gear, and figure out if they are attached to <cubeGrid>. var allShips = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); var checkList = results; // cannot use ref paramter in Lambada expression!?!. MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(allShips, e => e is IMyCubeGrid && !checkList.Contains(e)); //if (type == AttachedGrids.All) //{ // foreach (IMyCubeGrid ship in allShips) // { // blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); // ship.GetBlocks(blocks, // b => // b != null && b.FatBlock != null && !b.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId.IsNull && // b.FatBlock is IMyLandingGear); // foreach (var block in blocks) // { // var landingGear = (IMyLandingGear)block.FatBlock; // if (landingGear.IsLocked == false) // continue; // var entity = landingGear.GetAttachedEntity(); // if (entity == null || entity.EntityId != cubeGrid.EntityId) // continue; // if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == ship.EntityId)) // { // results.Add(ship); // GetAttachedGrids(ship, ref results, type); // } // } // } //} }
private void OfferPotentialNpcShip(IMyCubeGrid grid) { // ModLog.Info("Potentential NPC:" + grid.CustomName); NpcGroupSaveData npcGroupSaveData; if (restoredNpcGroupData.TryGetValue(grid.EntityId, out npcGroupSaveData)) { // ModLog.Info(" Potentential NPC: Found in restored NPC Group data:" + npcGroupSaveData.NpcGroupType.ToString() + " Type="+ npcGroupSaveData.LeaderUnitType.ToString()); if (npcGroupSaveData.NpcGroupType == NpcGroupType.Backup) { npcGroups.Add(new BackupGroup(npcGroupSaveData.State, npcGroupSaveData.GroupDestination, grid, heatSystem, audioSystem, DateTime.FromBinary(npcGroupSaveData.SpawnTime))); } else // Must be convoy { if (modBuildWhenLastSaved > 30 || !bInitialInit) { restoredConvoys.Add(grid.EntityId, RegisterConvoy(grid, npcGroupSaveData.State, npcGroupSaveData.LeaderUnitType, npcGroupSaveData.GroupDestination, DateTime.FromBinary(npcGroupSaveData.SpawnTime))); } else { // else old drones with scripts that don't work on 1.193.100 if (grid.IsControlledByFaction("GCORP")) // see npcgroup.AttemptDespawn() { ModLog.Info("save build#:" + modBuildWhenLastSaved.ToString() + " Initial=" + bInitialInit.ToString()); ModLog.Info("Removing dead drone Grid:" + grid.CustomName); bOldRemovals = true; grid.CloseAll(); } } } } else { // ModLog.Info(" Potentential NPC: NOT in restored NPC Group data:" + grid.CustomName); if (modBuildWhenLastSaved > 30 || !bInitialInit) { possibleEscorts.Add(grid); } else { // Need better discernment to not delete placed G-Corp grids like G-Corp AP Turret and GCorp Experimental Mech if (grid.IsControlledByFaction("GCORP")) // see npcgroup.AttemptDespawn() { var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyBeacon); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var fb = slim.FatBlock as IMyBeacon; if (fb.CustomName.Contains(EscortName)) { ModLog.Info("Removing dead escort drone Grid:" + grid.CustomName); bOldRemovals = true; grid.CloseAll(); break; } } } } } }
private int SwitchShipSystemsOnOff(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, SwitchSystems control, bool mode) { int counter = 0; var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, f => f.FatBlock != null); foreach (var block in blocks) { // reactors, batteries if ((SwitchSystems.Power & control) == SwitchSystems.Power && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Reactor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_BatteryBlock))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } // refineries, arc furnaces, assemblers if ((SwitchSystems.Production & control) == SwitchSystems.Production && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Refinery) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Assembler))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Programmable & control) == SwitchSystems.Programmable && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MyProgrammableBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Projectors & control) == SwitchSystems.Projectors && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Projector)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Timers & control) == SwitchSystems.Timers && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_TimerBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Weapons & control) == SwitchSystems.Weapons && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallGatlingGun) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncher) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncherReload))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.SpotLights & control) == SwitchSystems.SpotLights && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ReflectorLight)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Sensors & control) == SwitchSystems.Sensors && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SensorBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Medical & control) == SwitchSystems.Medical && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CryoChamber))) { // Switch the power systems that control the grid instead. // I'm unsure if we should go with it like this, which is why it is as yet undocumented. // The idea is, if you have turned the power off to all ships, you can turn the power back on only for grids with Medical and Cryo. SwitchShipSystemsOnOff(cubeGrid, SwitchSystems.Power, mode); counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Mass & control) == SwitchSystems.Mass && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_VirtualMass))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Grinder & control) == SwitchSystems.Grinder && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ShipGrinder))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Welder & control) == SwitchSystems.Welder && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ShipWelder))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).Enabled = mode; // turn power on/off. counter++; } } return(counter); }
private static void SetDestination(IMyCubeGrid grid, Vector3D destination) { bool bOldNav = false; // true=old way of NAV, false= new way // old= set gyro customname to NAV: // new = run PB directly with argument bool bKeenAutopilot = false; // force using keen autopilot if (ConvoySpeed != 10f) { ModLog.Info("Using test convoy speed of " + ConvoySpeed.ToString()); } var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyProgrammableBlock); IMyProgrammableBlock NavPB = null; foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { // var block = slim.FatBlock as IMyGyro; var block = slim.FatBlock as IMyProgrammableBlock; // ModLog.Info(" Found PB:" + block.CustomName); if (block.CustomName.Contains("NAV")) { if (block.CustomData.Contains("Assembly not found.")) { ModLog.Info("NAV computer not compiling:" + grid.CustomName); continue; } NavPB = block as IMyProgrammableBlock; } } // ModLog.Info("Set Destinatiion of:" + grid.CustomName); // C <comment> // S <max speed> // D <arrival distance> // W x:y:z // W <GPS> // set destination // block.CustomName = "NAV: C STARTED_DELIVERY; S 80; D 80 ; W " + destination.X + ":" + destination.Y + ":" + destination.Z; // ModLog.Info("Set Waypoint to: " + block.CustomName); string sCommand = "S " + ConvoySpeed.ToString("0") + "; D 80; W " + destination.X + ":" + destination.Y + ":" + destination.Z; if (!bOldNav && !bKeenAutopilot && NavPB != null) { // new way & not override keen autopilot and we found working nav pb // V31 Change to calling Nav module directly NavPB.Run(sCommand); bKeenAutopilot = false; } else if (!bKeenAutopilot && NavPB != null) { // old way and we found working nav PB bool bFound = false; slimBlocks.Clear(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyGyro); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var block = slim.FatBlock as IMyGyro; // using STARTED_DELIVERY as a way to find our grids! For autopilot it's a harmless comment. // NOTE: comment is not correct: it's not used as a way to find our grids // C <comment> // S <max speed> // D <arrival distance> // W x:y:z // W <GPS> // set destination block.CustomName = "NAV: " + sCommand;// C STARTED_DELIVERY; S 80; D 80 ; W " + destination.X + ":" + destination.Y + ":" + destination.Z; ModLog.Info("oldnav. Setting Destination for:" + grid.CustomName + " to:" + block.CustomName); // ModLog.Info("Set Waypoint to: " + block.CustomName); bFound = true; break; } if (!bFound) { ModLog.Info("No Gyro Found! Defaulting to Keen Autopilot. " + grid.CustomName); bKeenAutopilot = true; } } if (bKeenAutopilot || NavPB == null) { // force keen autopilot or didn't find working nav pb grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyRemoteControl); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var remoteControl = slim.FatBlock as IMyRemoteControl; remoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); remoteControl.AddWaypoint(destination, "Target"); remoteControl.SpeedLimit = ConvoySpeed; remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } // throw exception if no remote found? (change to Inactive state...) } }
private static bool CheckConcealBlockRules(IMyCubeGrid grid, List<IMyPlayer> players) { List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); // Live dangerously grid.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null); //CubeGrids.GetAllConnectedBlocks(m_processedGrids, grid, blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null); int beaconCount = 0; //bool found = false; //bool powered = false; foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = block.FatBlock; if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)) { Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon beacon = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon)cubeBlock; //MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); beaconCount++; // Keep this return here, as 4 beacons always means true if(beaconCount >= 4) { return true; } if (!beacon.Enabled) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock terminalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock)cubeBlock; // Console.WriteLine("Found: {0} {1} {2}", beacon.BroadcastRadius, terminalBlock.IsWorking, terminalBlock.IsFunctional); //if (!terminalBlock.IsWorking) //{ // continue; //} foreach(IMyPlayer player in players) { double distance = 0d; if(Entity.GetDistanceBetweenPointAndPlayer(grid.GetPosition(), player, out distance)) { if (distance < beacon.Radius) { // Console.WriteLine("Not concealed due to broadcast radius"); //found = true; //break; return true; } } } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna)) { //MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna antenna = (MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRadioAntenna antenna = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyRadioAntenna)cubeBlock; if (!antenna.Enabled) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock terminalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock)cubeBlock; //if (!terminalBlock.IsWorking) // continue; foreach (IMyPlayer player in players) { double distance = 0d; if (Entity.GetDistanceBetweenPointAndPlayer(grid.GetPosition(), player, out distance)) { if (distance < antenna.Radius) { // Console.WriteLine("Not concealed due to antenna broadcast radius"); //found = true; //break; return true; } } } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)) { //MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom medical = (MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom medical = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom)cubeBlock; if (!medical.Enabled) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock functionalBlock = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyFunctionalBlock)cubeBlock; //if (!terminalBlock.IsWorking) // continue; if(PluginSettings.Instance.DynamicConcealIncludeMedBays) { lock (m_online) { foreach (ulong connectedPlayer in m_online) { //if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(connectedPlayer).Count < 1) //continue; //long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(connectedPlayer).First(); long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(connectedPlayer); if (functionalBlock.OwnerId == playerId || (functionalBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId) == Sandbox.Common.MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare)) //if (functionalBlock.Owner == playerId || (functionalBlock.ShareMode == MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction && Player.CheckPlayerSameFaction(functionalBlock.Owner, playerId))) //if (medical.HasPlayerAccess(playerId)) { return true; } } } /* foreach (ulong connectedPlayer in PlayerManager.Instance.ConnectedPlayers) { //if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(connectedPlayer).Count < 1) //continue; //long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(connectedPlayer).First(); long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(connectedPlayer); //if (medical.Owner == playerId || (medical.ShareMode == MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction && Player.CheckPlayerSameFaction(medical.Owner, playerId))) if(medical.HasPlayerAccess(playerId)) { return true; } } */ } else { return true; } } if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Refinery) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Assembler)) { //MyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock production = (MyObjectBuilder_ProductionBlock)cubeBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyProductionBlock production = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyProductionBlock)cubeBlock; if (!production.Enabled) continue; if (production.IsProducing) return true; } foreach(string subType in PluginSettings.Instance.DynamicConcealIgnoreSubTypeList) { if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName.Contains(subType)) { // Console.WriteLine("Not concealed due subtype"); //found = true; return true; } } } return false; }
private int SwitchShipSystemsOnOff(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, SwitchSystems control, bool mode) { int counter = 0; var blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, f => f.FatBlock != null); foreach (var block in blocks) { // reactors, batteries if ((SwitchSystems.Power & control) == SwitchSystems.Power && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Reactor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_BatteryBlock))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } // refineries, arc furnaces, assemblers if ((SwitchSystems.Production & control) == SwitchSystems.Production && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Refinery) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Assembler))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Programmable & control) == SwitchSystems.Programmable && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MyProgrammableBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Projectors & control) == SwitchSystems.Projectors && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Projector)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Timers & control) == SwitchSystems.Timers && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_TimerBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Weapons & control) == SwitchSystems.Weapons && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallGatlingGun) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncher) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SmallMissileLauncherReload))) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.SpotLights & control) == SwitchSystems.SpotLights && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ReflectorLight)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Sensors & control) == SwitchSystems.Sensors && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SensorBlock)) { ((IMyFunctionalBlock)block.FatBlock).RequestEnable(mode); // turn power on/off. counter++; } if ((SwitchSystems.Medical & control) == SwitchSystems.Medical && block.FatBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock && (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_CryoChamber))) { // Switch the power systems that control the grid instead. // I'm unsure if we should go with it like this, which is why it is as yet undocumented. // The idea is, if you have turned the power off to all ships, you can turn the power back on only for grids with Medical and Cryo. SwitchShipSystemsOnOff(cubeGrid, SwitchSystems.Power, mode); counter++; } } return counter; }
private static bool CheckRevealMedbay(IMyCubeGrid grid, ulong steamId) { // Live dangerously List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = block.FatBlock; if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)) { Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom medical = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyMedicalRoom)cubeBlock; if (!medical.Enabled) continue; long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(steamId); //if (medical.Owner == playerId || (medical.ShareMode == MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction && Player.CheckPlayerSameFaction(medical.Owner, playerId))) if(medical.HasPlayerAccess(playerId)) { return true; } } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Fix up the blocks in ALL grids to have correct values /// This routine could also be used to set text panels for other languages. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="grid"></param> void BlocksFixup(IMyCubeGrid grid) { if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info("Grid:" + grid.CustomName + "\n ID=" + grid.EntityId.ToString()); Vector3D gridPos = grid.GetPosition(); ModLog.Info(" GPS:" + grid.CustomName + ":" + gridPos.X.ToString("0.00") + ":" + gridPos.Y.ToString("0.00") + ":" + gridPos.Z.ToString("0.00") + ":"); } MyStringId gridID; if (MyStringId.TryGet("G" + grid.EntityId.ToString(), out gridID)) { // we found grid name string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(gridID).ToString(); grid.CustomName = str; } bool bMiki = false; if (grid.EntityId == 135216604045890710) { bMiki = true; } long medbayID = 79910699489349926; var slimBlocksMed = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksMed, b => b.FatBlock is IMyMedicalRoom); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksMed) { var medbay = slim.FatBlock as IMyMedicalRoom; if (medbay.EntityId == medbayID) { medbay.Enabled = true; } } // fix up the Gatling blocks to have max range //V28 var slimBlocksG = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksG, b => b.FatBlock is IMyLargeGatlingTurret); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksG) { var gatling = slim.FatBlock as IMyLargeGatlingTurret; // gatling.Range get only :( } // fix up the beacon blocks // V26 //V 36: dump and get localization var slimBlocksB = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksB, b => b.FatBlock is IMyBeacon); if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info("BEACON"); } foreach (var slim in slimBlocksB) { var beacon = slim.FatBlock as IMyBeacon; if (beacon.CustomName.Contains("CLEANCE")) { // beacon in HQ has spelling error string sName = beacon.CustomName; ModLog.Info("Fixing Beacon Text:" + sName); beacon.CustomName = sName.Replace("CLEANCE", "CLEARANCE"); } if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info(" B" + beacon.EntityId.ToString() + " :" + beacon.CustomName); } MyStringId beaconID; if (MyStringId.TryGet("B" + beacon.EntityId.ToString(), out beaconID)) { // we found size setting string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(beaconID).ToString(); beacon.CustomName = str; } } //V 36: dump and get localization if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info("Antenna"); } var slimBlocksA = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksA, b => b.FatBlock is IMyRadioAntenna); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksA) { var antenna = slim.FatBlock as IMyRadioAntenna; if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info(" A" + antenna.EntityId.ToString() + " : " + antenna.CustomName); } MyStringId antenaID; if (MyStringId.TryGet("A" + antenna.EntityId.ToString(), out antenaID)) { // we found size setting string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(antenaID).ToString(); antenna.CustomName = str; } } // fix up the text panel blocks var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyTextPanel); if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info("TEXT PANEL"); } foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var textPanel = slim.FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; textPanel.ShowOnHUD = false; // optimize; only one pass through textpanels //bool bShow = textPanel.GetValueBool("ShowTextOnScreen"); // V 1.190 bool bShow = textPanel.ContentType == VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE; // bool bShow = textPanel.ShowOnScreen != VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ShowTextOnScreenFlag.NONE; if (bShow) { if (bDumpLocalization) { string txt = textPanel.GetText(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt)) { ModLog.Info(" T" + textPanel.EntityId.ToString()); ModLog.Info(txt); } } //V36: Get screen translations. MyStringId textID; if (MyStringId.TryGet("T" + textPanel.EntityId.ToString(), out textID)) { // we found replacement string in MyTexts. string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(textID).ToString(); str = str.Replace("\\n", "\n"); textPanel.WriteText(str); } if (MyStringId.TryGet("T" + textPanel.EntityId.ToString() + "_size", out textID)) { // we found size setting float size = textPanel.FontSize; string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(textID).ToString(); if (float.TryParse(str, out size)) { textPanel.FontSize = size; } } if (MyStringId.TryGet("T" + textPanel.EntityId.ToString() + "_padding", out textID)) { // we found size setting float size = textPanel.FontSize; string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(textID).ToString(); if (float.TryParse(str, out size)) { textPanel.TextPadding = size; } } if (MyStringId.TryGet("T" + textPanel.EntityId.ToString() + "_alignment", out textID)) { // we found alignment setting string str = VRage.MyTexts.Get(textID).ToString(); if (str == "center") { textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; } else if (str == "left") { textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.LEFT; } else if (str == "right") { textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.RIGHT; } } } // V26 else { var strings = new List <string>(); textPanel.GetSelectedImages(strings); // textPanel.TextPadding = 0; //V26 if (strings.Count < 1) { // note: better method would be use use .CustomData of the textpanels. // Using this EntityID method to be backward compatible with player's existing worlds. switch (textPanel.EntityId) { // long buildGuideID = 80461927256500036; case 110371608100898677: //TOOLS LOCKER // textPanel.FontSize = 5; // textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; // if (textPanel.GetText().Length < 20) // textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% // else textPanel.TextPadding = 1f; break; case 143319951822334717: //143319951822334717:TEXT! SPARE PARTS STORAGE // textPanel.FontSize = 5; /* * textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; * if(textPanel.GetText().Length<20) * textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% * else textPanel.TextPadding = 1f; */ break; case 87005598531295535: //87005598531295535TEXT!EMERGENCY SUPPLIES /* * / textPanel.FontSize = 5; * textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; * textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% */ break; case 80461927256500036: // Crash ship build info screen /* "old" text * Mabel: Loading survival guide... * * > Recommend searching cargo * and disassembling shuttle for * rover parts * > Recommend configuration: * - Six wheels * - Friction 10% * - Damping 30% * - Strength ~5% * (Depends on load) * - Speed Limit 100km/h */ /* * textPanel.WriteText("Mabel: Loading survival guide..."+ * "\n"+ * "\n> Recommend searching cargo"+ * "\n and disassembling shuttle for"+ * "\n rover parts"+ * "\n> Recommend configuration:"+ * "\n -Six wheels"+ * "\n - Friction 60%"+ * "\n - *Strength 10%" + * "\n - *Power 50%" + * "\n - Speed Limit 50km/h" + * "\n * =Depends on load" * ); */ break; /* * ((Ice Mine Entrance)) * Static Grid 1300:141864706275857195 * { X: 1869175.27852051 Y: -2004745.97266307 Z: 1316375.91819424} * -----TEXTPANELS * 74525033656413945:1:+LCD Panel 2 | Galactic Corporation Logo */ case 74525033656413945: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; // MIKI FIXUP case 81986956045310309: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 103164071082162108: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 120342266177165062: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 96762650175047086: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 78808963600022563: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 102592293973822089: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 93732106466977771: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 119196087123513740: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 115470908890383058: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 84905149027762603: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 73748511314883089: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 108707493869969783: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 107003280298094914: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 93717234609661072: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 100685062896355827: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; //green house case 110846399081478285: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // Signal Station:139030682896359375 //{ X: 1844500.54997961 Y: -1995403.72976435 Z: 1323630.52767273} case 132717438306395557: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // ((MRE MedBay 2)) //MRE Emergency Medical Station:120085596920753880 //{ X: 1844533.71376673 Y: -1995424.91354928 Z: 1323629.33162825} case 104050761648970549: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // {X:1856577.01869837 Y:-1999257.98373971 Z:1321414.17733138} case 110250540272021112: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; // {X:1857176.1781222 Y:-2000013.37619576 Z:1321553.01815169} case 89933889116515952: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((and another HQ SAM)) //GCorp Mobile SAM: 89611551362269325 //{ X: 1857213.83363977 Y: -1998518.53635201 Z: 1320657.55013411} case 95067624877541028: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((another HQ SAM)) //GCorp Mobile SAM: 104043950566026386 //{ X: 1858538.51759973 Y: -1999989.95859322 Z: 1320777.02901595} case 120326586562634149: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((Bunker in weapons Research)) //GCorp Bunker:132649980418733079 //{ X: 1843291.04608973 Y: -1996439.44943181 Z: 1324491.09281518} case 102565050409374890: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 76555655031247133: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 82207545563969038: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 140611613672853263: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; //((Air Research)) //GCorp Flight Research Center:76779347935557670 //{ X: 1854754.1883761 Y: -2005852.06052194 Z: 1325419.84578841} case 91899503586440685: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 89540866723022250: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 139513180460721275: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 123742114812299814: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 72707843196346809: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 84058947393377852: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 124309978476859628: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 85895320964444780: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 117967784354173602: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 128468555565951583: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 107231006349635239: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; //((MRE hidden Base)) //MRE Experiment Base: 104361129531664144 //{ X: 1858398.21613573 Y: -1989137.98910994 Z: 1312706.48643797} case 98971232666660757: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; case 97512105090353134: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; case 81228556864103207: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; //((HQ)) //GCorp HQ Tower: 144104082158837389 //{ X: 1857310.65834681 Y: -1999316.80991158 Z: 1321066.96761458} case 125129893494374181: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 134131747655270782: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 74727284886995000: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 98708608904781783: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 138656136990359379: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 80870473015345748: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; case 98370398719554346: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 80724503483430325: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 87324639907322082: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 110549946960318740: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 142860245424722839: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 117922822138601150: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; // ((HQ Rocket)) //GCorp Space Transport: 97585502667028994 //{ X: 1857324.30678431 Y: -1999293.08872018 Z: 1321075.17171614} case 140237983630899577: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; case 105805752262318800: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Arrow"); break; case 104593951810486921: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 141641456443241951: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 101582007425482292: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 80366112655444611: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; } } } if (bMiki) { if ( textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 10" || // (there are two) textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 5" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 6" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 7" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 9" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 13" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 14" || textPanel.CustomName == "LCD Panel 15" ) { textPanel.ContentType = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE; var strings = new List <string>(); textPanel.GetSelectedImages(strings); // textPanel.TextPadding = 0; //V26 if (strings.Count < 1) { // nothing is currently listed textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); } } } } // fix up the sound blocks var slimBlocks2 = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks2, b => b.FatBlock is IMySoundBlock); MyStringId soundblockID; foreach (var slim in slimBlocks2) { var soundBlock = slim.FatBlock as IMySoundBlock; // Fixed V21 if (bDumpLocalization) { ModLog.Info(" S" + soundBlock.EntityId.ToString()); ModLog.Info(" " + soundBlock.SelectedSound.ToString()); } // if (soundBlock == null) continue; // why do we need this? switch (soundBlock.EntityId) { // air base alpha: case 116378614635193269: if (MyStringId.TryGet("WelcomeToGcorp", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; } break; /* * case XXXX: * if (MyStringId.TryGet("IntruderDetectedGCorp", out soundblockID)) * { * soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); * } * else * soundBlock.SelectedSound = "IntruderDetectedGCorp"; * break; */ // ice mine entrance case 101979433782763108: if (MyStringId.TryGet("NotAuthorisedDeployDefences", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "NotAuthorisedDeployDefences"; } break; // ice mine shaft botom case 106640376870960334: if (MyStringId.TryGet("MineClosed", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "MineClosed"; } break; //((Upper Ice Mine Meeting Room)) //{ X: 1869176.67818993 Y: -2004930.50366838 Z: 1316377.58089576} case 80185389104537910: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; // MRE HIdden base case 95206901925432014: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 100498114358496283: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 77589249328205128: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 104066113506074975: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 90866709199081947: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 141427853315146800: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 116242415031561830: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 110850485077900653: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 88298229398547791: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; // wrecked drone case 102293828213773618: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "PowerUpClipped"; break; //((old drone @ hangar 1)) case 108074122634121508: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "PowerUpClipped"; break; // air research case 84998344586050021: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "SoundBlockAlert2"; break; case 91070301367474416: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "AirplaneSound"; break; case 90629854631902381: if (MyStringId.TryGet("FlightResearchExhibition", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "FlightResearchExhibition"; } break; // air base beta case 130193226083241264: if (MyStringId.TryGet("WelcomeToGcorp", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; } break; // mech case 82762879450865423: // bodyGrid.SetSoundBlocks("Mech Intruders Must Be Destroyed"); // fix missing sound on sound block on mech if (MyStringId.TryGet("IntruderRobot", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "IntruderRobot"; } break; // HQ case 95872484442737911: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "SoundBlockAlert1"; break; case 82604291774017685: if (MyStringId.TryGet("WelcomeToGcorp", out soundblockID)) { soundBlock.SelectedSound = VRage.MyTexts.Get(soundblockID).ToString(); } else { soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; } break; // MIKI case 129379111872365143: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "Carmen"; break; case 140249950038454545: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "LavaLoop"; break; } } }
public void FindTargetKeyPoint() { IMyCubeGrid grid = Ship; var centerPosition = Ship.GetPosition(); _keyPoints.Clear(); //get position, get lenier velocity in each direction //add them like 10 times and add that to current coord if (grid != null) { Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyGridTerminalSystem gridTerminal = Sandbox.ModAPI.MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetTerminalSystemForGrid(grid); List <IMyTerminalBlock> reactorBlocks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyReactor>(reactorBlocks); //List<IMyTerminalBlock> solarBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>(); //gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType<IMySolarPanel>(solarBlocks); List <IMyTerminalBlock> batteryBlocks = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyBatteryBlock>(batteryBlocks); List <IMyTerminalBlock> cockpitsTarget = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyCockpit>(cockpitsTarget); List <IMyTerminalBlock> allBlocksTarget = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyTerminalBlock>(allBlocksTarget); List <IMyTerminalBlock> missileLuanchersTarget = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <IMyMissileGunObject>(missileLuanchersTarget); List <IMyTerminalBlock> batteriesTarget = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>(); gridTerminal.GetBlocksOfType <Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyBatteryBlock>(batteriesTarget); List <IMySlimBlock> weaponsTarget = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(weaponsTarget, (x) => x.FatBlock is Sandbox.ModAPI.IMyUserControllableGun); //now that we have a list of reactors and guns lets primary one. //try to find a working gun, if none are found then find a reactor to attack foreach (var weapon in weaponsTarget.OrderBy(x => (x.FatBlock.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (weapon != null) { if (weapon.FatBlock.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(weapon.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - weapon.FatBlock.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } foreach (var missile in missileLuanchersTarget.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (missile != null) { if (missile.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(missile); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - missile.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } foreach (var reactor in reactorBlocks.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (reactor != null) { if (reactor.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(reactor); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - reactor.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } foreach (var reactor in batteryBlocks.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (reactor != null) { if (reactor.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(reactor); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - reactor.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } //foreach (var reactor in solarBlocks.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) //{ // if (reactor != null) // { // if (reactor.IsFunctional) // { // _keyPoints.Add(reactor); // var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - reactor.GetPosition()).Length(); // if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) // ShipSize = distFromCenter; // } // } //} foreach (var battery in batteriesTarget.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (battery != null) { if (battery.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(battery); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - battery.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } foreach (var c*k in cockpitsTarget.OrderBy(x => (x.GetPosition() - Ship.GetPosition()).Length())) { if (c*k != null) { if (c*k.IsFunctional) { _keyPoints.Add(c*k); var distFromCenter = (centerPosition - c*k.GetPosition()).Length(); if (distFromCenter > ShipSize) { ShipSize = distFromCenter; } } } } } }
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words) { if (words.Length != 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp()); return(true); } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; HashSet <IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities); int count = 0; int enabled = 0; int disabled = 0; int keepOn = 0; foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities) { if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } if (!entity.InScene) { continue; } IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; //MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid builder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder((IMyCubeGrid)entity); //if (builder == null) // continue; List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) //foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in builder.CubeBlocks) { //if (block is MyObjectBuilder_TurretBase) if (block.FatBlock == null) { continue; } if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_InteriorTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LargeMissileTurret)) { //IMyEntity turret = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(block.EntityId); IMyEntity turret = block.FatBlock; bool state = FunctionalBlockEntity.GetState(turret); if (words[0].ToLower() == "toggle") { FunctionalBlockEntity.SetState(turret, !state); } count++; if (state) { enabled++; } else { disabled++; } if (words[0].ToLower() == "test" && state) { BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(grid.GetPosition(), 2000); List <IMyEntity> testEntities = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere); bool found = false; foreach (IMyEntity testEntity in testEntities) { if (entity == testEntity) { continue; } if (testEntity is IMyCubeBlock) { continue; } if (!(testEntity is IMyControllableEntity)) { //Console.WriteLine("Entity: {0}", testEntity.GetType()); continue; } IMyCubeGrid testGrid = testEntity as IMyCubeGrid; if (testGrid != null) { foreach (long owner in testGrid.BigOwners) { if (block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(owner) == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Enemies || block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(owner) == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral) { found = true; keepOn++; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Relation: {0} - {1}", block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(owner), testGrid.DisplayName); } } if (found) { break; } } else { var builderBase = testEntity.GetObjectBuilder(); MyObjectBuilder_Character c = builderBase as MyObjectBuilder_Character; if (c != null) { ulong steamId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetSteamId(c.EntityId); if (steamId < 1) { continue; } long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetFastPlayerIdFromSteamId(steamId); if (playerId < 1) { continue; } if (block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId) == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Enemies || block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId) == MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral) { found = true; keepOn++; break; } /* * else * { * Console.WriteLine("Character Relation: {0} - {1}", block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(playerId), c.DisplayName); * } */ if (found) { break; } } } } //break; } } } } Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("{0} turrets. {1} on, {2} off. {3} keepon ({4} ms)", count, enabled, disabled, keepOn, (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds)); return(true); }
private bool affectEnemyBlocks() { bool done = true; scanArea = scanRange.TransformSlow(thisBlock.WorldMatrix); List <IMyEntity> entityList = null; lock (MyAPIGateway.Entities) { // Scan for nearby entities (grids) entityList = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetElementsInBox(ref scanArea); } if (entityList != null) { List <IMySlimBlock> gridBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); foreach (IMyEntity entity in entityList) { try { if (entity is IMyCubeGrid) { IMyCubeGrid grid = entity as IMyCubeGrid; if (isEnemyGrid(grid)) { gridBlocks.Clear(); grid.GetBlocks(gridBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyTerminalBlock && (b.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock).IsWorking && isEnemyBlock(b.FatBlock)); //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Found grid #"+i+" named "+grid.Name+" & "+grid.GetFriendlyName()+", ID="+grid.EntityId+"; size = "+grid.GridSizeEnum+", owners = "+grid.SmallOwners.ToString()+", grid elements = "+gridBlocks.ToString(), 5000, MyFontEnum.Red); foreach (IMySlimBlock slim in gridBlocks) { IMyTerminalBlock block = slim.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock; EMPReaction reaction = Configuration.getEMPReaction(block); if (reaction != null) { bool share = thisGrid == grid; if (rand.Next(100) >= (share ? reaction.ResistanceSameGrid : reaction.Resistance)) { bool inRange = reaction.InfRangeSharedGrid; double distance = reaction.InfRangeSharedGrid ? 0 : Vector3D.Distance(thisBlock.GetPosition(), block.GetPosition()); if (!inRange) { double d = reaction.MaxDistance; if (share) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("boosting range (from "+d+" by "+reaction.SameGridBoost+"x) due to grid sharing ("+emp_grid.EntityId+"/"+emp_grid.GridSizeEnum+" & "+grid.EntityId+"/"+grid.GridSizeEnum+") for block "+block.CustomName+" @ "+distance, 5000, MyFontEnum.Red); d *= reaction.SameGridBoost; } else { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Not boosting range (from "+d+", using native "+distanceMultiplier+"x instead); no grid sharing ("+emp_grid.EntityId+"/"+emp_grid.GridSizeEnum+" & "+grid.EntityId+"/"+grid.GridSizeEnum+") for block "+block.CustomName+" @ "+distance, 5000, MyFontEnum.Red); d *= distanceMultiplier; } inRange = distance < d; } if (inRange) { done &= empBlock(slim, block, distance, share, reaction, !(block is IMyFunctionalBlock), false); } else { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Not EMPing block "+block.CustomName+" @ "+distance+"; out of range", 5000, MyFontEnum.Red); } } else if (reaction.Resistance < 100) { done = false; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Could not run EMP cycle: "+ex.ToString(), 5000, MyFontEnum.Red); IO.log("Could not run EMP cycle: " + ex.ToString()); } } } return(done); }
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string command) { string[] words = command.Split(' '); if (!PluginSettings.Instance.DockingEnabled) { return(false); } if (words.Length < 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp()); return(true); } if (m_undocking) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Server is busy, try again")); return(true); } m_undocking = true; try { String pylonName = String.Join(" ", words); if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count < 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to find player Id: {0}", userId)); return(true); } long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).First(); Dictionary <String, List <IMyCubeBlock> > testList; List <IMyCubeBlock> beaconList; DockingZone.FindByName(pylonName, out testList, out beaconList, playerId); if (beaconList.Count == 4) { foreach (IMyCubeBlock entity in beaconList) { if (!Entity.CheckOwnership(entity, playerId)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You do not have permission to use '{0}'. You must either own all the beacons or they must be shared with faction.", pylonName)); return(true); } } IMyCubeBlock e = beaconList.First(); IMyCubeGrid parent = (IMyCubeGrid)e.Parent; long[] beaconListIds = beaconList.Select(p => p.EntityId).ToArray(); long ownerId = beaconList.First().OwnerId; List <DockingItem> dockingItems = Docking.Instance.Find(d => d.PlayerId == ownerId && d.TargetEntityId == parent.EntityId && d.DockingBeaconIds.Intersect(beaconListIds).Count() == 4); if (dockingItems.Count < 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You have no ships docked in docking zone '{0}'.", pylonName)); return(true); } DockingItem dockingItem = dockingItems.First(); // Figure out center of docking area, and other distance information double maxDistance = 99; Vector3D vPos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList) { Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b); vPos += beaconPos; } vPos = vPos / 4; foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList) { Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b); maxDistance = Math.Min(maxDistance, Vector3D.Distance(vPos, beaconPos)); } List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); parent.GetBlocks(blocks); foreach (IMySlimBlock slim_cbe in blocks) { if (slim_cbe is IMyCubeBlock) { IMyCubeBlock cbe = slim_cbe.FatBlock; if (cbe.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock() is MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit) { MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit c = (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)cbe.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); if (c.Pilot != null) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Carrier ship has a pilot. The carrier should be unpiloted and fully stopped before undocking. (Sometimes this can lag a bit. Wait 10 seconds and try again)", pylonName)); return(true); } } } } String dockedShipFileName = Essentials.PluginPath + String.Format("\\Docking\\docked_{0}_{1}_{2}.sbc", ownerId, dockingItem.TargetEntityId, dockingItem.DockedEntityId); // Load Entity From File and add to game FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(dockedShipFileName); //CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity(fileInfo); MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = BaseObjectManager.ReadSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(dockedShipFileName); // Rotate our ship relative to our saved rotation and the new carrier rotation cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.Physics.GetWorldMatrix().GetOrientation()) * dockingItem.SaveQuat).GetOrientation()); // Move our ship relative to the new carrier position and orientation Quaternion newQuat = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.Physics.GetWorldMatrix().GetOrientation()); Vector3D rotatedPos = Vector3D.Transform(dockingItem.SavePos, newQuat); //cubeGrid.Position = rotatedPos + parent.GetPosition(); cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(rotatedPos + parent.GetPosition(), cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up); // Add object to world cubeGrid.EntityId = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId(); cubeGrid.LinearVelocity = Vector3.Zero; cubeGrid.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero; bool undock = false; Wrapper.GameAction(() => { try { MyAPIGateway.Entities.CreateFromObjectBuilderAndAdd(cubeGrid); List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase> addList = new List <MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>(); addList.Add(cubeGrid); MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendEntitiesCreated(addList); undock = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { Logging.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Error undocking ship: {0}", Ex.ToString())); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to undock ship due to error.")); } }); if (!undock) { return(true); } //SectorObjectManager.Instance.AddEntity(cubeGrid); // Remove the docking file File.Delete(dockedShipFileName); Docking.Instance.Remove(dockingItem); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' has been undocked from docking zone '{1}'", dockingItem.DockedName, pylonName)); /* * // Queue for cooldown * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem(); * cItem.Name = pylonName; * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now; * * lock (m_cooldownList) * m_cooldownList.Add(cItem); * * IMyEntity gridEntity = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(dockingItem.DockedEntityId); * IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)gridEntity; * * Quaternion q = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation()) * dockingItem.SaveQuat; * Quaternion newQuat = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation()); * Vector3 parentPosition = parent.GetPosition(); * Vector3 rotatedPos = Vector3.Transform(dockingItem.savePos, newQuat); * Vector3 position = rotatedPos + parentPosition; * Matrix positionMatrix = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(q); * * cubeGrid.ChangeGridOwnership(playerId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None); * gridEntity.SetPosition(dockingItem.savePos); * * gridEntity.WorldMatrix = positionMatrix; * gridEntity.SetPosition(position); * * // We need to update again, as this doesn't seem to sync properly? I set world matrix, and setposition, and it doesn't go where it should, and I * // have to bump into it for it to show up, it's mega weird. * * if (PluginDocking.Settings.DockingItems == null) * throw new Exception("DockingItems is null"); * * // Remove from docked items * PluginDocking.Settings.DockingItems.Remove(dockingItem); * * // Notify user * Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' has been undocked from docking zone '{1}'", gridEntity.DisplayName, pylonName)); */ // Queue for cooldown /* * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem(); * = pylonName; * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now; * PluginDocking.CooldownList.Add(cItem); */ } else if (beaconList.Count > 4) // Too many beacons, must be 4 { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Too many beacons with the name or another zone with the name '{0}'. Place only 4 beacons to create a zone or try a different zone name.", pylonName)); } else // Can't find docking zone { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Can not locate docking zone '{0}'. There must be 4 beacons with the name '{0}' to create a docking zone. Beacons must be fully built!", pylonName)); } } finally { m_undocking = false; } return(true); }
public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation() { timer += 1; if (timer % 600 == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < gridList.Count; i++) { if (gridList[i] != null) { bool isSelling = false; IMyTextPanel pn = null; var blocklist = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); gridList[i].GetBlocks(blocklist, b => b != null); for (int n = 0; n < blocklist.Count; n++) { if (blocklist[n].FatBlock != null) { IMyTextPanel panel = blocklist[n].FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; if (panel != null) { if (panel.CustomName == "SellLCD") { isSelling = true; pn = panel; } } } } if (isSelling == true && pn != null) { float ingotworth = Calculator(gridList[i], "Ingot"); float compworth = Calculator(gridList[i], "Component"); Double avg = Math.Round((ingotworth + compworth) / 2f); float maxWorth = 0; float minWorth = 0; if (ingotworth > compworth) { maxWorth = ingotworth; minWorth = compworth; } if (ingotworth < compworth) { maxWorth = compworth; minWorth = ingotworth; } if (ingotworth == compworth) { maxWorth = compworth; minWorth = ingotworth; } List <string> ex = new List <string>(); ex = pn.CustomData.Split('\n').ToList(); string listing = "No listing"; string status = "Idle"; if (ex.Count == 2) { listing = ex[1]; if (listing == string.Empty) { listing = "No listing"; } status = ex[0]; if (status == string.Empty) { status = "Idle"; } } else if (ex.Count > 2) { listing = "Improper format"; status = "Improper format"; } else if (ex.Count == 1) { listing = "Missing format"; status = "Missing format"; } string LCDMessage = gridList[i].CustomName + "\n" + status + "\nListing Price: " + listing + "\nAvg Worth: " + String.Format("{0:n0}", avg) + " SC" + "\nMax Worth: " + String.Format("{0:n0}", maxWorth) + " SC " + "\nMin Worth: " + String.Format("{0:n0}", minWorth) + " SC "; pn.WriteText(LCDMessage); } } } } if (timer % 60 == 0) { IMyCubeGrid grid = MyAPIGateway.CubeBuilder.FindClosestGrid(); if (grid != null) { //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.SendChatMessage(grid.CustomName + " grids: " + gridList.Count.ToString()); var blocklist = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocklist); bool isSelling = false; for (int n = 0; n < blocklist.Count; n++) { if (blocklist[n].FatBlock != null) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification(blocklist[n].ToString() + " found", 1, "Red"); IMyTextPanel panel = blocklist[n].FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; if (panel != null) { if (panel.CustomName == "SellLCD") { isSelling = true; } } } } if (isSelling == true) { float ingotworth = Calculator(grid, "Ingot"); float compworth = Calculator(grid, "Component"); Double avg = Math.Round((ingotworth + compworth) / 2f); string message = "This grid is " + grid.CustomName + " and is worth " + String.Format("{0:n0}", ingotworth) + " SC in ingots and " + String.Format("{0:n0}", compworth) + " SC in components"; MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification(message, 950, "White"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Fix up the blocks in ALL grids to have correct values /// This routine could also be used to set text panels for other languages. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="grid"></param> void BlocksFixup(IMyCubeGrid grid) { // fix up the Gatling blocks to have max range //V28 var slimBlocksG = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksG, b => b.FatBlock is IMyLargeGatlingTurret); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksG) { var gatling = slim.FatBlock as IMyLargeGatlingTurret; // gatling.Range get only :( } // fix up the LCD blocks with show on hud // V27 var slimBlocksT = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksT, b => b.FatBlock is IMyTextPanel); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksT) { var textPanel = slim.FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; textPanel.ShowOnHUD = false; } // fix up the beacon blocks // V26 var slimBlocksB = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocksB, b => b.FatBlock is IMyBeacon); foreach (var slim in slimBlocksB) { var beacon = slim.FatBlock as IMyBeacon; if (beacon.CustomName.Contains("CLEANCE")) { // beacon in HQ has spelling error string sName = beacon.CustomName; ModLog.Info("Fixing Beacon Text:" + sName); beacon.CustomName = sName.Replace("CLEANCE", "CLEARANCE"); } } // fix up the text panel blocks var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyTextPanel); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var textPanel = slim.FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; //bool bShow = textPanel.GetValueBool("ShowTextOnScreen"); // V 1.190 bool bShow = textPanel.ContentType == VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE; // bool bShow = textPanel.ShowOnScreen != VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ShowTextOnScreenFlag.NONE; if (bShow) { // We've already set this up once before (or world was created post 1.189 /* Try to fix text not showing on text panels * * (on further testing, panels are showing.. maybe Keen fixed this themselves?) * * Saw on Rity's stream that they were NOT showing in all places. * And on EpikTek's * */ // textPanel.SetValue("ShowTextOnScreen", false); // textPanel.SetValue("ShowTextOnScreen", true); // textPanel.SetShowOnScreen(VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.ShowTextOnScreenFlag.PUBLIC); // Could set text of text panels here to be language specific // switch (textPanel.EntityId) { //Crashed Shuttle:92770753627258475 //{ X: 1868088.00058876 Y: -2003485.99356789 Z: 1316645.85240929} /* Example of setting text: * case 121786820996539580: //TEXT! * textPanel.WritePublicText( * "OUTGOING TRANSMISSION\n" + "ERROR: FAILED TO SEND\n" + "\n" + "M,\n" + "I'm going to Mars to talk to\n" + "he CEO about what that\n" + "weasel Bhaskar has been up to.\n" + "I think we can trust him.\n" + " \n" + "-T\n" + ); + break; */ } } // V26 else { var strings = new List <string>(); textPanel.GetSelectedImages(strings); textPanel.TextPadding = 0; //V26 if (strings.Count < 1) { // note: better method would be use use .CustomData of the textpanels. // Using this EntityID method to be backward compatible with player's existing worlds. switch (textPanel.EntityId) { // long buildGuideID = 80461927256500036; case 110371608100898677: //TOOLS LOCKER textPanel.FontSize = 5; textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% textPanel.WriteText("TOOLS LOCKER"); // remove left padding from text break; case 143319951822334717: //143319951822334717:TEXT! SPARE PARTS STORAGE textPanel.FontSize = 5; textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% // textPanel.WriteText("SPARE PARTS STORAGE"); break; case 87005598531295535: //87005598531295535TEXT!EMERGENCY SUPPLIES textPanel.FontSize = 5; textPanel.Alignment = VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel.TextAlignment.CENTER; textPanel.TextPadding = 20f; // 20% break; case 80461927256500036: // Crash ship build info screen /* "old" text * Mabel: Loading survival guide... * * > Recommend searching cargo * and disassembling shuttle for * rover parts * > Recommend configuration: * - Six wheels * - Friction 10% * - Damping 30% * - Strength ~5% * (Depends on load) * - Speed Limit 100km/h */ textPanel.WriteText("Mabel: Loading survival guide..." + "\n" + "\n> Recommend searching cargo" + "\n and disassembling shuttle for" + "\n rover parts" + "\n> Recommend configuration:" + "\n -Six wheels" + "\n - Friction 60%" + "\n - *Strength 10%" + "\n - *Power 50%" + "\n - Speed Limit 50km/h" + "\n * =Depends on load" ); break; /* * ((Ice Mine Entrance)) * Static Grid 1300:141864706275857195 * { X: 1869175.27852051 Y: -2004745.97266307 Z: 1316375.91819424} * -----TEXTPANELS * 74525033656413945:1:+LCD Panel 2 | Galactic Corporation Logo */ case 74525033656413945: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; // MIKI FIXUP case 81986956045310309: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 103164071082162108: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 120342266177165062: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 96762650175047086: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 78808963600022563: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 102592293973822089: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 93732106466977771: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 119196087123513740: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 115470908890383058: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 84905149027762603: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 73748511314883089: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 108707493869969783: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 107003280298094914: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 93717234609661072: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; case 100685062896355827: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MikiScrap"); break; //green house case 110846399081478285: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // Signal Station:139030682896359375 //{ X: 1844500.54997961 Y: -1995403.72976435 Z: 1323630.52767273} case 132717438306395557: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // ((MRE MedBay 2)) //MRE Emergency Medical Station:120085596920753880 //{ X: 1844533.71376673 Y: -1995424.91354928 Z: 1323629.33162825} case 104050761648970549: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; // {X:1856577.01869837 Y:-1999257.98373971 Z:1321414.17733138} case 110250540272021112: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; // {X:1857176.1781222 Y:-2000013.37619576 Z:1321553.01815169} case 89933889116515952: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((and another HQ SAM)) //GCorp Mobile SAM: 89611551362269325 //{ X: 1857213.83363977 Y: -1998518.53635201 Z: 1320657.55013411} case 95067624877541028: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((another HQ SAM)) //GCorp Mobile SAM: 104043950566026386 //{ X: 1858538.51759973 Y: -1999989.95859322 Z: 1320777.02901595} case 120326586562634149: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; //((Bunker in weapons Research)) //GCorp Bunker:132649980418733079 //{ X: 1843291.04608973 Y: -1996439.44943181 Z: 1324491.09281518} case 102565050409374890: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 76555655031247133: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 82207545563969038: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 140611613672853263: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; //((Air Research)) //GCorp Flight Research Center:76779347935557670 //{ X: 1854754.1883761 Y: -2005852.06052194 Z: 1325419.84578841} case 91899503586440685: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 89540866723022250: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 139513180460721275: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 123742114812299814: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 72707843196346809: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 84058947393377852: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 124309978476859628: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 85895320964444780: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 117967784354173602: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 128468555565951583: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; case 107231006349635239: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Clouds"); break; //((MRE hidden Base)) //MRE Experiment Base: 104361129531664144 //{ X: 1858398.21613573 Y: -1989137.98910994 Z: 1312706.48643797} case 98971232666660757: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; case 97512105090353134: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; case 81228556864103207: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("MRE Logo"); break; //((HQ)) //GCorp HQ Tower: 144104082158837389 //{ X: 1857310.65834681 Y: -1999316.80991158 Z: 1321066.96761458} case 125129893494374181: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 134131747655270782: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 74727284886995000: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 98708608904781783: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 138656136990359379: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 80870473015345748: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; case 98370398719554346: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 80724503483430325: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 87324639907322082: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("White screen"); break; case 110549946960318740: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 142860245424722839: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 117922822138601150: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; // ((HQ Rocket)) //GCorp Space Transport: 97585502667028994 //{ X: 1857324.30678431 Y: -1999293.08872018 Z: 1321075.17171614} case 140237983630899577: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); break; case 105805752262318800: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Arrow"); break; case 104593951810486921: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 141641456443241951: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 101582007425482292: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; case 80366112655444611: textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Galactic Corporation Logo"); textPanel.AddImageToSelection("Automation Simplified"); break; } } } } // fix up the sound blocks var slimBlocks2 = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks2, b => b.FatBlock is IMySoundBlock); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks2) { var soundBlock = slim.FatBlock as IMySoundBlock; // Fixed V21 // if (soundBlock == null) continue; // why do we need this? switch (soundBlock.EntityId) { // air base alpha: case 116378614635193269: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; break; // ice mine entrance case 101979433782763108: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "NotAuthorisedDeployDefences"; break; // ice mine shaft botom case 106640376870960334: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "MineClosed"; break; //((Upper Ice Mine Meeting Room)) //{ X: 1869176.67818993 Y: -2004930.50366838 Z: 1316377.58089576} case 80185389104537910: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; // MRE HIdden base case 95206901925432014: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 100498114358496283: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 77589249328205128: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 104066113506074975: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 90866709199081947: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 141427853315146800: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 116242415031561830: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 110850485077900653: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; case 88298229398547791: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "BigSwitch"; break; // wrecked drone case 102293828213773618: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "PowerUpClipped"; break; //((old drone @ hangar 1)) case 108074122634121508: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "PowerUpClipped"; break; // air research case 84998344586050021: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "SoundBlockAlert2"; break; case 91070301367474416: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "AirplaneSound"; break; case 90629854631902381: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "FlightResearchExhibition"; break; // air base beta case 130193226083241264: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; break; // mech case 82762879450865423: // bodyGrid.SetSoundBlocks("Mech Intruders Must Be Destroyed"); // fix missing sound on sound block on mech soundBlock.SelectedSound = "IntruderRobot"; break; // HQ case 95872484442737911: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "SoundBlockAlert1"; break; case 82604291774017685: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "WelcomeToGcorp"; break; // MIKI case 129379111872365143: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "Carmen"; break; case 140249950038454545: soundBlock.SelectedSound = "LavaLoop"; break; } } }
public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words) { if (!PluginSettings.Instance.DockingEnabled) { return(false); } if (words.Length < 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp()); return(true); } if (m_docking) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, "Server is busy"); return(true); } m_docking = true; try { String pylonName = String.Join(" ", words); /* * int timeLeft; * if (Entity.CheckCoolDown(pylonName, out timeLeft)) * { * Communication.Message(String.Format("The docking zone '{0}' is on cooldown. Please wait a {1} seconds before trying to dock/undock again.", pylonName, Math.Max(0, timeLeft))); * return; * } */ if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).Count < 1) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Unable to find player Id: {0}", userId)); return(true); } long playerId = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(userId).First(); Dictionary <String, List <IMyCubeBlock> > testList; List <IMyCubeBlock> beaconList; DockingZone.FindByName(pylonName, out testList, out beaconList, playerId); if (beaconList.Count == 4) { // Check ownership foreach (IMyCubeBlock entityBlock in beaconList) { IMyTerminalBlock terminal = (IMyTerminalBlock)entityBlock; if (!terminal.HasPlayerAccess(playerId)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("You do not have permission to use '{0}'. You must either own all the beacons or they must be shared with faction.", pylonName)); return(true); } } // Check for bounding box intsection of other docking zones int intersectElement = 0; if (Entity.CheckForIntersection(testList, beaconList, out intersectElement)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The docking zone '{0}' intersects with docking zone '{1}'. Make sure you place your docking zones so they don't overlap.", pylonName, testList.ElementAt(intersectElement).Key)); return(true); } // Check if ship already docked in this zone IMyCubeBlock e = beaconList[0]; IMyCubeGrid parent = (IMyCubeGrid)e.Parent; long[] beaconListIds = beaconList.Select(b => b.EntityId).ToArray(); long ownerId = beaconList.First().OwnerId; List <DockingItem> checkItems = Docking.Instance.Find(d => d.PlayerId == ownerId && d.TargetEntityId == parent.EntityId && d.DockingBeaconIds.Intersect(beaconListIds).Count() == 4); if (checkItems.Count >= PluginSettings.Instance.DockingShipsPerZone) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Docking zone already '{0}' already contains the maximum capacity of ships.", pylonName)); return(true); } // Figure out center of docking area, and other distance information double maxDistance = 99; Vector3D vPos = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList) { Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b); vPos += beaconPos; } vPos = vPos / 4; foreach (IMyCubeBlock b in beaconList) { Vector3D beaconPos = Entity.GetBlockEntityPosition(b); maxDistance = Math.Min(maxDistance, Vector3D.Distance(vPos, beaconPos)); } // Find ship in docking area IMyCubeGrid dockingEntity = null; HashSet <IMyEntity> cubeGrids = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(cubeGrids, f => f is IMyCubeGrid); foreach (IMyCubeGrid gridCheck in cubeGrids) { if (gridCheck.IsStatic || gridCheck == parent) { continue; } double distance = Vector3D.Distance(gridCheck.GetPosition(), vPos); if (distance < maxDistance) { dockingEntity = gridCheck; break; } } // Figure out if the ship fits in docking area, and then save ship if (dockingEntity != null) { // Get bounding box of both the docking zone and docking ship OrientedBoundingBoxD targetBounding = Entity.GetBoundingBox(beaconList); OrientedBoundingBoxD dockingBounding = Entity.GetBoundingBox(dockingEntity); // Make sure the docking zone contains the docking ship. If they intersect or are disjointed, then fail if (!Entity.GreaterThan(dockingBounding.HalfExtent * 2, targetBounding.HalfExtent * 2)) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' is too large for it's carrier. The ship's bounding box must fit inside the docking zone bounding box!", dockingEntity.DisplayName)); return(true); } if (targetBounding.Contains(ref dockingBounding) != ContainmentType.Contains) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship '{0}' is not fully inside the docking zone '{1}'. Make sure the ship is fully contained inside the docking zone", dockingEntity.DisplayName, pylonName)); return(true); } // Calculate the mass and ensure the docking ship is less than half the mass of the dock float parentMass = Entity.CalculateMass(parent); float dockingMass = Entity.CalculateMass(dockingEntity); if (dockingMass > parentMass) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The ship you're trying to dock is too heavy for it's carrier. The ship mass must be less than half the large ship / stations mass! (DM={0}kg CM={1}kg)", dockingMass, parentMass)); return(true); } // Check to see if the ship is piloted, if it is, error out. // TODO: Check to see if we can get a real time copy of this entity? List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); dockingEntity.GetBlocks(blocks, x => x.FatBlock != null && x.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)); foreach (IMySlimBlock slim_cbe in blocks) { MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit c = (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)slim_cbe.FatBlock.GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock(); if (c.Pilot != null) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Ship in docking zone '{0}' has a pilot! Please exit the ship before trying to dock. (Sometimes this can lag a bit. Wait 10 seconds and try again)", pylonName)); return(true); } } // Save position and rotation information. Some fun stuff here. // Get our dock rotation as a quaternion Quaternion saveQuat = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(parent.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation()); // Transform docked ship's local position by inverse of the the parent (unwinds parent) and save it for when we undock Vector3D savePos = Vector3D.Transform(dockingEntity.GetPosition() - parent.GetPosition(), Quaternion.Inverse(saveQuat)); // Get local rotation of dock ship, and save it for when we undock saveQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(saveQuat) * Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(dockingEntity.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation()); // Save ship to file and remove FileInfo info = new FileInfo(Essentials.PluginPath + String.Format("\\Docking\\docked_{0}_{1}_{2}.sbc", ownerId, parent.EntityId, dockingEntity.EntityId)); //CubeGridEntity dockingGrid = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)dockingEntity.GetObjectBuilder(), dockingEntity); MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(dockingEntity); if (gridBuilder == null) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Failed to load entity for export: {0}", dockingEntity.DisplayName)); return(true); } // Save item DockingItem dockItem = new DockingItem(); dockItem.DockedEntityId = dockingEntity.EntityId; dockItem.TargetEntityId = parent.EntityId; dockItem.PlayerId = ownerId; dockItem.DockingBeaconIds = beaconList.Select(s => s.EntityId).ToArray(); dockItem.DockedName = dockingEntity.DisplayName; dockItem.SavePos = savePos; dockItem.SaveQuat = saveQuat; Docking.Instance.Add(dockItem); // Serialize and save ship to file BaseObjectManager.WriteSpaceEngineersFile <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(gridBuilder, info.FullName); //BaseObjectManager.SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid, MyObjectBuilder_CubeGridSerializer>(gridBuilder, info); BaseEntityNetworkManager.BroadcastRemoveEntity(dockingEntity); //dockingEntity.Close(); Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Docked ship '{0}' in docking zone '{1}'.", dockItem.DockedName, pylonName)); /* * // Add a cool down * DockingCooldownItem cItem = new DockingCooldownItem(); * = pylonName; * cItem.startTime = DateTime.Now; * PluginDocking.CooldownList.Add(cItem); */ } else { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("No ships in docking zone '{0}'.", pylonName)); } } else if (beaconList.Count > 4) { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Too many beacons with the name or another zone with the name '{0}'. Place only 4 beacons to create a zone or try a different zone name.", pylonName)); } else { Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Can not locate docking zone '{0}'. There must be 4 beacons with the name '{0}' to create a docking zone. Beacons must be fully built!", pylonName)); } return(true); } finally { m_docking = false; } }
private void DisableGrid(IMyCubeGrid grid) { HashSet<long> disabledBlocks = new HashSet<long>(); List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { if (block.FatBlock == null) continue; IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = block.FatBlock; if(!(cubeBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock)) continue; if (cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Reactor) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Thrust) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Battery) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_SolarPanel) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Gyro) || cubeBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MedicalRoom)) { continue; } if(cubeBlock is IMyProductionBlock) { IMyProductionBlock productionBlock = (IMyProductionBlock)cubeBlock; if (productionBlock.IsProducing) continue; } if (FunctionalBlockEntity.GetState(cubeBlock)) { FunctionalBlockEntity.SetState(cubeBlock, false); disabledBlocks.Add(cubeBlock.EntityId); _enableCount++; } } lock (GridDisabled) { GridDisabled.Add(grid.EntityId); //if (disabledBlocks.Count > 0) //{ Console.WriteLine("Adding"); GridBlocksDisabled.Add(grid.EntityId, disabledBlocks); //} } }
private void _cubeGrid_OnBlockOwnershipChanged(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid) { // only execute on server instance if (ChatCommandLogic.Instance != null && ChatCommandLogic.Instance.ServerCfg == null) return; if (_firstOwnershipChange) { _firstOwnershipChange = false; _cachedOwners = new List<long>(cubeGrid.GetAllSmallOwners()); return; } var allSmallOwners = cubeGrid.GetAllSmallOwners(); if (_cachedOwners == allSmallOwners) return; // if the grid wasn't owned or a owner was removed, we dont need to do anything but update the cached owners if (_cachedOwners.Count == 0 || _cachedOwners.Count > allSmallOwners.Count) { _cachedOwners = new List<long>(allSmallOwners); return; } var newOwners = allSmallOwners.Except(_cachedOwners).ToList(); if (newOwners.Count == 0) return; if (!ProtectionHandler.IsProtected(cubeGrid)) { _cachedOwners = new List<long>(allSmallOwners); return; } Dictionary<long, int> blocksPerOwner = new Dictionary<long, int>(); foreach (IMyCubeGrid attachedCubeGrid in cubeGrid.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static)) { List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); attachedCubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b.FatBlock != null); foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { long ownerId = block.FatBlock.OwnerId; // we dont want the new owners, the small owners or the 'nobody' (0) if (ownerId == 0 || !attachedCubeGrid.BigOwners.Contains(ownerId) || newOwners.Contains(ownerId)) continue; if (!blocksPerOwner.ContainsKey(ownerId)) blocksPerOwner.Add(ownerId, 1); else blocksPerOwner[ownerId]++; } } var sortedBpo = new List<KeyValuePair<long, int>>(blocksPerOwner.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value)); // if we cannot identify an owner we allow the change if (sortedBpo.Count == 0) { _cachedOwners = new List<long>(allSmallOwners); return; } var bigOwner = sortedBpo[0].Key; List<IMySlimBlock> ownershipChangedBlocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(ownershipChangedBlocks, b => b.FatBlock != null && newOwners.Contains(b.FatBlock.OwnerId)); foreach (IMySlimBlock slimBlock in ownershipChangedBlocks) { var block = (Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeBlock)slimBlock.FatBlock; block.ChangeOwner(bigOwner, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None); ConnectionHelper.SendMessageToAllPlayers(new MessageSyncBlockOwner() {OwnerId = bigOwner, EntityId = block.EntityId}); // no need to update the cached owners as we don't want them to change } // TODO maybe allow the faction to build... }
private static void GetGridBlocks( IMyCubeGrid grid, List<IMySlimBlock> blockList, Func<IMySlimBlock, bool> collect = null ) { blockList.Clear( ); List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>( ); grid.GetBlocks( blocks, collect ); blockList.AddRange( blocks ); }
public int SetPBScripts(string scriptName, string PBTag, IMyCubeGrid grid) { int scriptsChangedCount = 0; List <IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); List <IMySlimBlock> temp = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++) { var myProgrammable = blocks[i].FatBlock as IMyProgrammableBlock; if (myProgrammable == null || !myProgrammable.CustomName.Contains(PBTag)) { continue; } string program = ""; try { program = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(new string[] { MyFileSystem.UserDataPath, "IngameScripts", "local", scriptName, "script.cs" })); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { try { program = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(new string[] { MyFileSystem.UserDataPath, "IngameScripts", "local", scriptName, "Script.cs" })); } catch (FileNotFoundException f) { continue; } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { continue; } if (program == "") { continue; } myProgrammable.ProgramData = program; scriptsChangedCount++; } return(scriptsChangedCount); }
public static void UpdateLcdOutput(IMyEntity entity, StationBase station, bool searchOnConnectedGrids = false) { IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid = entity.GetTopMostParent() as IMyCubeGrid; List <IMySlimBlock> textPanels = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); if (cubeGrid == null) { return; } cubeGrid.GetBlocks( textPanels, e => e?.FatBlock != null && e.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel) ); if (searchOnConnectedGrids) { var connectedShips = GridApi.GetConnectedShips(entity); foreach (var connector in connectedShips.Keys) { var grid = connectedShips[connector]; if (grid == null) { continue; } List <IMySlimBlock> panels = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks( panels, e => e?.FatBlock != null && e.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel) ); textPanels.AddRange(panels); } } if (textPanels.Count <= 0) { return; } Dictionary <string, StringBuilder> output = new Dictionary <string, StringBuilder>(); IOutputRepresentor outputRepresentor = StationOutputFactory.CreateRepresentor(station); outputRepresentor.CreateOutput(output, cubeGrid); foreach (var lcd in textPanels) { var myLcd = lcd.FatBlock as IMyTextPanel; if (myLcd == null) { continue; } var title = myLcd.GetPublicTitle().ToLower(); if (title.IndexOf("info", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StringBuilder> pair in output) { string lcdTextInfo = ""; if (!title.Contains(pair.Key.ToLower())) { continue; } lcdTextInfo = pair.Value.ToString(); if (lcdTextInfo == myLcd.GetPublicText()) { continue; } myLcd.WritePublicText(lcdTextInfo); myLcd.ShowPublicTextOnScreen(); } } }
public override void GridInitialising(IMyCubeGrid grid) { // ModLog.Info("Checking grid: " + grid.CustomName); // TODO: Limit to certain owners? // TODO: prevent player from pasting or building and then game loading something with unlock codes. // find unlock points var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); // limit to PBs for now.. could do it from ANYTHING, really... grid.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyProgrammableBlock); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var tb = slim.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock; // ModLog.Info("Checking PB:" + pb.CustomName); string data = tb.CustomData; if (data.Contains("[WICORESEARCH]")) { int techgroup = -1; Vector3D location = tb.GetPosition(); // ModLog.Info("Found our section"); // get an array of the all of lines string[] aLines = data.Split('\n'); // walk through all of the lines for (int iLine = 0; iLine < aLines.Count(); iLine++) { if (aLines[iLine].Contains("[WICORESEARCH]")) { // ModLog.Info("Found our section 2"); int foundCount = 0; // we found our section int iSectionLine = iLine + 1; for (; iSectionLine < aLines.Count(); iSectionLine++) { if (aLines[iSectionLine].StartsWith("[")) { iSectionLine--; break; } string sLine = aLines[iSectionLine].Trim(); string[] aKeyValue = sLine.Split('='); if (aKeyValue.Count() > 1) { // key is 0 value is 1 if (aKeyValue[0] == "Group") { // ModLog.Info("Found Group:"+aLines[iSectionLine]); int iTest; bool bOK = int.TryParse(aKeyValue[1], out iTest); if (bOK) { techgroup = iTest; foundCount++; } else { ModLog.Info("group parse fail"); } } if (aKeyValue[0] == "Location") { Vector3D testLocation; bool bOK = Vector3D.TryParse(aKeyValue[1], out testLocation); if (bOK) { location = testLocation; } foundCount++; } } } iLine = iSectionLine; // ModLog.Info("Foundcount=" + foundCount.ToString()); if (foundCount > 0) { UnlockLocation ul = new UnlockLocation(); ul.location = location; ul.techGroup = techgroup; // ModLog.Info("Adding research unlock from: " + pb.CustomName); unlockLocationList.Add(ul); } } } } } }
//public readonly static Dictionary<long, IMyCubeGrid> Grids = new Dictionary<long, IMyCubeGrid>(); public static void DeconstructGrid(IMyInventory inventory, ref IMyCubeGrid SelectedGrid, ref List <MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem> Items) { Items.Clear(); var Blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); SelectedGrid.GetBlocks(Blocks); MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject physicalObjBuilder; MyPhysicalInventoryItem phys; MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock Obj; var InvItems = new List <VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.MyInventoryItem>(); MyDefinitionId Id; foreach (var block in Blocks) { block.FullyDismount(inventory); Obj = block.GetObjectBuilder(); if (Obj.ConstructionStockpile != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Obj.ConstructionStockpile.Items.Count(); i++) { phys = new MyPhysicalInventoryItem(Obj.ConstructionStockpile.Items[i].Amount, Obj.ConstructionStockpile.Items[i].PhysicalContent); Id = phys.Content.GetObjectId(); if (!TempItems.ContainsKey(Id)) { TempItems.Add(Id, phys); } else { TempItems[Id] = new MyPhysicalInventoryItem(phys.Amount + TempItems[Id].Amount, phys.Content); } } } if (block.FatBlock != null && block.FatBlock.HasInventory) { InvItems.Clear(); block.FatBlock.GetInventory().GetItems(InvItems); for (var i = 0; i < InvItems.Count; i++) { physicalObjBuilder = (MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject)MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject((MyDefinitionId)InvItems[i].Type); phys = new MyPhysicalInventoryItem(InvItems[i].Amount, physicalObjBuilder); Id = phys.Content.GetObjectId(); if (!TempItems.ContainsKey(Id)) { TempItems.Add(Id, phys); } else { TempItems[Id] = new MyPhysicalInventoryItem(phys.Amount + TempItems[Id].Amount, phys.Content); } } } } foreach (var item in TempItems) { Items.Add(item.Value.GetObjectBuilder()); } TempItems.Clear(); }
public void EnableGrid(IMyCubeGrid grid) { List<IMySlimBlock> blocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); grid.GetBlocks(blocks); lock (GridDisabled) { if (!GridBlocksDisabled.ContainsKey(grid.EntityId)) { if (GridDisabled.Contains(grid.EntityId)) GridDisabled.Remove(grid.EntityId); return; } } HashSet<long> disabledBlocks = GridBlocksDisabled[grid.EntityId]; foreach (IMySlimBlock block in blocks) { if (block.FatBlock == null) continue; IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = block.FatBlock; if (!(cubeBlock is IMyFunctionalBlock)) continue; if (!disabledBlocks.Contains(cubeBlock.EntityId)) continue; if (!FunctionalBlockEntity.GetState(cubeBlock)) { FunctionalBlockEntity.SetState(cubeBlock, true); _enableCount++; } } lock (GridDisabled) { if(GridDisabled.Contains(grid.EntityId)) GridDisabled.Remove(grid.EntityId); GridBlocksDisabled.Remove(grid.EntityId); } }
public static void GetBlocks_Safe(this IMyCubeGrid grid, List <IMySlimBlock> blocks, Func <IMySlimBlock, bool> collect = null) { UsingShared(() => grid.GetBlocks(blocks, collect)); }
public static Dictionary<string, List<IMyCubeBlock>> GetZonesInGrid(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid) { Dictionary<String, List<IMyCubeBlock>> testList = new Dictionary<string, List<IMyCubeBlock>>(); List<IMySlimBlock> cubeBlocks = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(cubeBlocks); foreach (IMySlimBlock entityBlock in cubeBlocks) { if (entityBlock.FatBlock == null) continue; if (!(entityBlock.FatBlock is IMyCubeBlock)) continue; IMyCubeBlock cubeBlock = (IMyCubeBlock)entityBlock.FatBlock; if (!(cubeBlock is Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon)) continue; Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon beacon = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyBeacon)cubeBlock; if (beacon.CustomName == null || beacon.CustomName == "") continue; if (testList.ContainsKey(beacon.CustomName)) { testList[beacon.CustomName].Add(entityBlock.FatBlock); } else { List<IMyCubeBlock> testBeaconList = new List<IMyCubeBlock>(); testBeaconList.Add(entityBlock.FatBlock); testList.Add(beacon.CustomName, testBeaconList); } } Dictionary<String, List<IMyCubeBlock>> resultList = new Dictionary<string, List<IMyCubeBlock>>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<String, List<IMyCubeBlock>> p in testList) { if (p.Value.Count == 4) { resultList.Add(p.Key, p.Value); } } return resultList; }
private static void GetAttachedGrids(IMyCubeGrid cubeGrid, ref List <IMyCubeGrid> results, AttachedGrids type) { if (cubeGrid == null) { return; } var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); cubeGrid.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b != null && b.FatBlock != null && !b.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId.IsNull); foreach (var block in blocks) { //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Block", string.Format("{0}", block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId)); if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorStator) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorSuspension) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorBase)) { // The MotorStator which inherits from MotorBase. var motorBase = block.GetObjectBuilder() as MyObjectBuilder_MotorBase; if (motorBase == null || !motorBase.RotorEntityId.HasValue || motorBase.RotorEntityId.Value == 0 || !MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(motorBase.RotorEntityId.Value)) { continue; } var entityParent = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(motorBase.RotorEntityId.Value).Parent as IMyCubeGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_MotorRotor) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_RealWheel) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Wheel)) { // The Rotor Part. var motorCube = Support.FindRotorBase(block.FatBlock.EntityId); if (motorCube == null) { continue; } var entityParent = (IMyCubeGrid)motorCube.Parent; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonTop)) { // The Piston Top. var pistonCube = Support.FindPistonBase(block.FatBlock.EntityId); if (pistonCube == null) { continue; } var entityParent = (IMyCubeGrid)pistonCube.Parent; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ExtendedPistonBase) || block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_PistonBase)) { var pistonBase = block.GetObjectBuilder() as MyObjectBuilder_PistonBase; if (pistonBase == null || pistonBase.TopBlockId == 0 || !MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(pistonBase.TopBlockId)) { continue; } var entityParent = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(pistonBase.TopBlockId).Parent as IMyCubeGrid; if (entityParent == null) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == entityParent.EntityId)) { results.Add(entityParent); GetAttachedGrids(entityParent, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ShipConnector) && type == AttachedGrids.All) { // There isn't a non-Ingame interface for IMyShipConnector at this time. var connector = (Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyShipConnector)block.FatBlock; if (connector.IsConnected == false || connector.IsLocked == false || connector.OtherConnector == null) { continue; } var otherGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)connector.OtherConnector.CubeGrid; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == otherGrid.EntityId)) { results.Add(otherGrid); GetAttachedGrids(otherGrid, ref results, type); } } else if (block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LandingGear) && type == AttachedGrids.All) { var landingGear = (IMyLandingGear)block.FatBlock; if (landingGear.IsLocked == false) { continue; } var entity = landingGear.GetAttachedEntity(); if (entity == null || !(entity is IMyCubeGrid)) { continue; } var otherGrid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity; if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == otherGrid.EntityId)) { results.Add(otherGrid); GetAttachedGrids(otherGrid, ref results, type); } } } // Loop through all other grids, find their Landing gear, and figure out if they are attached to <cubeGrid>. var allShips = new HashSet <IMyEntity>(); var checkList = results; // cannot use ref paramter in Lambada expression!?!. MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(allShips, e => e is IMyCubeGrid && !checkList.Contains(e)); if (type == AttachedGrids.All) { foreach (IMyCubeGrid ship in allShips) { blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); ship.GetBlocks(blocks, b => b != null && b.FatBlock != null && !b.FatBlock.BlockDefinition.TypeId.IsNull && b.FatBlock is IMyLandingGear); foreach (var block in blocks) { var landingGear = (IMyLandingGear)block.FatBlock; if (landingGear.IsLocked == false) { continue; } var entity = landingGear.GetAttachedEntity(); if (entity == null || entity.EntityId != cubeGrid.EntityId) { continue; } if (!results.Any(e => e.EntityId == ship.EntityId)) { results.Add(ship); GetAttachedGrids(ship, ref results, type); } } } } }