public override bool IsValidMove(IPlayer player, IMove move) { var checkersBoard = (CheckersBoard)CurrentGameState; var checkersMove = (CheckersMove)move; var checkersPlayer = (CheckersPlayer)player; var startPiece = (CheckersPiece)checkersBoard.GetPieceAt(checkersMove.MovePath[0]); if (startPiece==null) return false; if (startPiece.Color != checkersPlayer.Color) return false; int maxEat=0; bool eatMove=false; foreach (var piece in checkersBoard.GetPiecesOfColor(startPiece.Color)) { var possibleMoves = piece.PossibleMoves; if (possibleMoves.Count > 0) { var otherMove = possibleMoves[0] as CheckersMove; if (maxEat < otherMove.MovePath.Length) { maxEat = otherMove.MovePath.Length; } if (otherMove.EatMove) eatMove = true; } } bool isPossible = startPiece.PossibleMoves.Cast<CheckersMove>().Contains(checkersMove); return eatMove==checkersMove.EatMove && checkersMove.MovePath.Length==maxEat && isPossible; }
internal NodeBase(INode parentNode, IMove move, float uctk, IPlayer player) { this.parent = parentNode; this.move = move; this.uctk = uctk; this.playerJustMoved = player; }
internal Pouring(IReadOnlyList<int> capacities, IReadOnlyList<int> state, Pouring previous, IMove move) { Capacities = capacities; State = state; Move = move; Previous = previous; }
public DeliverGoods(Actor self) { trader = self.Trait<Trader>(); traderInfo = self.Info.Traits.Get<TraderInfo>(); move = self.Trait<IMove>(); pathFinder = self.World.WorldActor.Trait<IPathFinder>(); }
protected Enter(Actor self, Actor target, int maxTries = 1, bool targetCenter = false) { this.move = self.Trait<IMove>(); = Target.FromActor(target); this.maxTries = maxTries; this.targetCenter = targetCenter; }
public GameState Execute() { _numPushed = 0; _oldPieceToMove = _state.PieceToMove; _oldLastMove = _state.LastMove; _start = _piece.Position; int ystep = _end.Y - _start.Y; _state.BoardPositions[_piece.Position.Y][_piece.Position.X] = null; Piece currentPiece = _piece; while (_state.BoardPositions[currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep][currentPiece.Position.X] != null) { Piece next = _state.BoardPositions[currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep][currentPiece.Position.X]; _state.BoardPositions[currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep][currentPiece.Position.X] = currentPiece; currentPiece.Position = new Point(currentPiece.Position.X, currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep); currentPiece = next; _numPushed++; } _state.BoardPositions[currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep][currentPiece.Position.X] = currentPiece; currentPiece.Position = new Point(currentPiece.Position.X, currentPiece.Position.Y + ystep); _state.IsPlayerTwo = !_state.IsPlayerTwo; _state.PieceToMove = currentPiece; _state.LastMove = this; List<IMove> possible = new List<IMove>(); possible.Add(new SumoDazedMove(_state, currentPiece)); _state.PossibleMoves = possible; return _state; }
public Contrail(Actor self, ContrailInfo info) { contrailTurret = new Turret(info.ContrailOffset); history = new ContrailHistory(info.TrailLength, info.UsePlayerColor ? ContrailHistory.ChooseColor(self) : info.Color); facing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); move = self.Trait<IMove>(); }
public Follow(Actor self, Target target, WRange minRange, WRange maxRange) { = target; this.minRange = minRange; this.maxRange = maxRange; move = self.Trait<IMove>(); }
public Refuel(Actor self, Actor host) { move = self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>(); = host; target = Target.FromActor(host); refuels = host.TraitOrDefault<RefuelsUnits>(); fueltank = self.TraitOrDefault<Fueltank>(); }
public LayMines(Actor self) { minelayer = self.TraitOrDefault<Minelayer>(); info = self.Info.TraitInfo<MinelayerInfo>(); ammoPools = self.TraitsImplementing<AmmoPool>().ToArray(); movement = self.Trait<IMove>(); rearmBuildings = info.RearmBuildings; }
public Drag(Actor self, WPos start, WPos end, int length) { positionable = self.Trait<IPositionable>(); movement = self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>(); moveDisablers = self.TraitsImplementing<IDisableMove>().ToArray(); this.start = start; this.end = end; this.length = length; }
public static Computer getInstance(IMove lvl) { if (instance == null) { instance = new Computer(lvl); } return instance; }
protected virtual void Start() { this.moveBehaviour = this.GetComponent<IMove> (); if (this.moveBehaviour == null) { this.moveBehaviour = this.gameObject.AddComponent<EmptyMove> (); } this.moveBehaviour.Init (this.sea); }
public PutShipsUserControl(IMove lvl) { InitializeComponent(); computer = Computer.getInstance(lvl); DisableComputerBoard(); computerShipsAdded = computer.PutComputerShips(); MessageBox.AppendText("Dodano wszystkie statki przeciwnika."); MessageBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + "Proszę dodać dwumasztowy statek."); }
public Board(int[,] data, IMove move) { if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data)); } _data = (int[,])data.Clone(); _data[move.Row, move.Column] = move.Value; // Validate(_data); }
public Drag(Actor self, WPos start, WPos end, int length) { positionable = self.Trait<IPositionable>(); movement = self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>(); disableable = movement as IDisabledTrait; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.length = length; }
internal SingleThreadedNode(INode parent, IMove move, IGameState gameState, float uctk) : base(parent, move, uctk, gameState.PlayerJustMoved) { this.wins = 0L; this.visits = 0L; this.childs = new List<INode>(); var moves = gameState.GetMoves(); var shuffled = moves.Shuffle(); this.untriedMoves = new Stack<IMove>(shuffled); //randomize Moves }
protected override bool CanStrategyMovePiece(IPlayer player, IBoard board, IMove move, IGameRuleStrategyContext context) { if (board.Bar.Any(x => x.Player == player.Name)) { context.IsDone = true; return this.IsMoveValid(board, move.Die.Value, player.Name); } return false; }
public bool CanMovePiece(IPlayer player, IBoard board, IMove move) { var context = new DefaultGameRuleStrategyContext(); var canMovePiece = false; for (var strategy = this; !context.IsDone && !canMovePiece && strategy != null; strategy = { canMovePiece = strategy.CanStrategyMovePiece(player, board, move, context); } return canMovePiece; }
public PickupUnit(Actor self, Actor cargo) { this.cargo = cargo; carryable = cargo.Trait<Carryable>(); cargoFacing = cargo.Trait<IFacing>(); movement = self.Trait<IMove>(); carryall = self.Trait<Carryall>(); helicopter = self.Trait<Helicopter>(); selfFacing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); state = State.Intercept; }
public Attack(Actor self, Target target, WRange minRange, WRange maxRange, bool allowMovement) { Target = target; this.minRange = minRange; this.maxRange = maxRange; attack = self.Trait<AttackBase>(); facing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); move = allowMovement ? self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>() : null; }
public AttackActivity(Actor self, Target target, bool allowMove) { attack = self.Trait<AttackFollow>(); move = allowMove ? self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>() : null; // HACK: Mobile.OnRails is horrible var mobile = move as Mobile; if (mobile != null && mobile.Info.OnRails) move = null; = target; }
public GameState Execute() { _oldPieceToMove = _state.PieceToMove; _oldLastMove = _state.LastMove; _state.IsPlayerTwo = !_state.IsPlayerTwo; _state.PieceToMove = _state.PiecePositions[_state.IsPlayerTwo ? 1 : 0][(int)Board.Tile[_end.Y, _end.X]]; _state.PossibleMoves = null; _state.LastMove = this; return _state; }
public Attack(Actor self, Target target, bool allowMovement, bool forceAttack) { Target = target; this.forceAttack = forceAttack; attack = self.Trait<AttackBase>(); facing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); positionable = self.Trait<IPositionable>(); move = allowMovement ? self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>() : null; }
public DeliverUnit(Actor self) { carryall = self.Trait<Carryall>(); this.self = self; cargo = carryall.Carrying; movement = self.Trait<IMove>(); carryable = cargo.Trait<Carryable>(); aircraft = self.Trait<Aircraft>(); positionable = cargo.Trait<IPositionable>(); cargoFacing = cargo.Trait<IFacing>(); selfFacing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); state = State.Transport; }
public PickupUnit(Actor self, Actor cargo, int delay) { this.cargo = cargo; this.delay = delay; carryable = cargo.Trait<Carryable>(); carryableFacing = cargo.Trait<IFacing>(); carryableBody = cargo.Trait<BodyOrientation>(); movement = self.Trait<IMove>(); carryall = self.Trait<Carryall>(); carryallFacing = self.Trait<IFacing>(); state = State.Intercept; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the RotationInfo class /// </summary> /// <param name="move">Move or move collection that will be rotated animated</param> /// <param name="milliseconds">Duration of animated rotation</param> public RotationInfo(IMove move, int milliseconds) { this.Milliseconds = milliseconds; this.Name = move.Name; this.Moves = new List<AnimatedLayerMove>(); if (move.MultipleLayers) { foreach (var m in (LayerMoveCollection)move) { this.Moves.Add(new AnimatedLayerMove(m)); } } else { this.Moves.Add(new AnimatedLayerMove((LayerMove)move)); } }
public Board(IBoard board, IMove move) { if (board == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(board)); } Board other = (Board)board; if (other != null) { _data = (int[,])other._data.Clone(); if (move != null) { _data[move.Row, move.Column] = move.Value; } } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown board type {nameof(board)}"); } // Validate(_data); }
protected override bool CanStrategyMovePiece(IPlayer player, IBoard board, IMove move, IGameRuleStrategyContext context) { var targetIndex = move.LaneIndex + move.Die.Value; if (targetIndex < board.Lanes.Count || this.NeedToMovePiece(board, player.Name)) return false; else if (targetIndex == board.Lanes.Count) return true; else { for (var i = (board.Lanes.Count * 3) / 4; i < move.LaneIndex; i++) { var lane = board.Lanes[i]; if (lane.Count > 0 && lane[0].Player == player.Name) return false; } return true; } }
private int Compute(ref IMove bestMove, GameBoard board, PlayerColor currentPlayer, int startDepth, int depth) { CheckForStop(); if (depth == 0) return Evaluator.Evaluate(board, currentPlayer); var moves = RuleEngine.GetAllMovesForPlayer(board, currentPlayer); CheckForStop(); if (moves.Count() == 0) return Evaluator.Evaluate(board, currentPlayer); int bestValue = int.MinValue; PlayerColor opponent = GameUtils.OtherPlayer(currentPlayer); GameBoard boardCopy = board.Copy(); CheckForStop(); foreach (var move in moves) { CheckForStop(); boardCopy.DoMove(move, true); int moveValue = -Compute(ref bestMove, boardCopy, opponent, startDepth, depth - 1); IMove revMove = move.Reverse(); boardCopy.DoMove(revMove, true); CheckForStop(); if (depth == startDepth) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Move: {0} Value: {1}", move.ToString(), moveValue.ToString())); if (bestMove == null || moveValue > bestValue) { bestMove = move; } } bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, moveValue); } return bestValue; }
public void BeginBestMove() { stani = false; // Task.Run(() => { int i = 1; while (true) { if (stani) { stani = false; break; } BestMove = ContextMakao.AlfaBeta(context, i, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); i++; } } // ); }
public void Bacenekarte(List <Karta> karte, Boja boja, int BrojKarataProtivnika) { if (karte != null && karte.Count > 0) { talon = karte.Last(); remainingCards.remove(karte); } novaBoja = boja; brojKarataEnemy = BrojKarataProtivnika; BestMove = new Move(); kupio = false; if (karte != null && karte.Count > 0) { kupioKaznene = false; } else { kupioKaznene = true; } }
public void ApplyMove(IMove move) { Requires.IsNotNull(move, "move"); if (move.Column < 0 || move.Column >= Width) { throw new InvalidColumnException( StringResources.ColumnOutsideTheScope("ApplyMove", move.Column)); } if (fields[move.Row, move.Column].PlayerId == 0) { fields[move.Row, move.Column].PlayerId = move.PlayerId; LastMove = move; return; } throw new InvalidColumnException( StringResources.ColumnIsFull("ApplyMove", move.Column)); }
private async void CPUMove() { while (game.players[playerTurn].GetPlayerType() == PlayerType.CPU) { IMove move = null; var task = Task.Run(() => { move = game.AIMakeMove(); }); await task; if (move == null) { watch.Stop(); return; } var btn = buttons[10000 * move.GetField().GetX() + move.GetField().GetY()]; UpdateGUI(btn); } }
public Ship(IMove moveImplementation, IRotation rotationImplementation, IShoot shootImplementation, Transform transform, ITransformRegistry transformRegistry, Stat health, ShipMarkUp shipGameObjectMarkUp) { _moveImplementation = moveImplementation; _rotationImplementation = rotationImplementation; shooter = shootImplementation; GameTransform = transform; TransformRegistryBind = transformRegistry; TransformRegistryBind.RegisterTransform(this, GameTransform); StatHolder = new StatHolder(); healthStat = health; healthStat.CurrentChanged += ProcessHealthChange; StatHolder.AddStat(StatType.Health, healthStat); colliderListener = shipGameObjectMarkUp.ColliderListener; colliderListener.EnterCollider += ProcessCollisions; }
public bool CompareTo(IMove move) { var cmp = move as ChainMove; if (cmp != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cmp.Moves.Count; i++) { if (!cmp.Moves[i].CompareTo(Moves[i])) { return(false); } } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void MakeMoveForMoveType(IMove move) { switch (move.SpecialMoveType) { case SpecialMoveType.AuPassant: AuPassant(move); break; case SpecialMoveType.CastleKingside: CastleKingside(move); break; case SpecialMoveType.CastleQueenside: CastleQueenside(move); break; case SpecialMoveType.PawnPromotionKnight: _board[move.Destination] = CurrentPlayer == Player.White ? ChessPiece.WhiteKnight : ChessPiece.BlackKnight; _board[move.Source] = ChessPiece.None; break; case SpecialMoveType.PawnPromotionBishop: _board[move.Destination] = CurrentPlayer == Player.White ? ChessPiece.WhiteBishop : ChessPiece.BlackBishop; _board[move.Source] = ChessPiece.None; break; case SpecialMoveType.PawnPromotionRook: _board[move.Destination] = CurrentPlayer == Player.White ? ChessPiece.WhiteRook : ChessPiece.BlackRook; _board[move.Source] = ChessPiece.None; break; case SpecialMoveType.PawnPromotionQueen: _board[move.Destination] = CurrentPlayer == Player.White ? ChessPiece.WhiteQueen : ChessPiece.BlackQueen; _board[move.Source] = ChessPiece.None; break; default: MovePieceOnBoard(move.Source, move.Destination); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Add a piece to the board /// </summary> /// <param name="piece">The piece to be placed</param> /// <param name="column">The column number</param> public void AddPiece(IPiece piece, IMove move) { // validate the inputs // If the piece is null, throw ArgumentNullException // If the move is null, throw ArgumentNullException // NOT USING THIS MAKE THIS NOT BE ERRORS!!! // if (piece == null) // { // throw new ArgumentNullException(); // } // if (move == null) // { // throw new ArgumentNullException(); // } // if the column is invalid, throw InvalidMoveException with an appropriate message // if the if the column is full, throw InvalidMoveException with an appropriate message // NOT NEEDED WHEN UI IS IMPLEMENTED //if (move.Column < 0 || move.Column > 6) //{ // throw new InvalidMoveException(); //} // find out what row the piece would end up on by getting the "lowest" free space on the board for this column // add the piece to the board in the correct spot // finally, update the row in the move passed in so the caller will know where the piece ended up if (this.IsColumnFull(move.Column)) { throw new InvalidMoveException(); } for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { if (pieces[move.Column, i] == null) { pieces[move.Column, i] = piece; move.Row = i; break; } } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public sealed override void ReceiveMove(IMove opponentMove) { LatestOpponentMove = opponentMove; if (!_connectionTestOverride) { // Basic validation var move = new SingleMove(opponentMove); if (Board.ValueAt(move.PrevPos) == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Player [isWhite={!IsPlayerWhite}] Tried to move a from position that is empty"); } if (Board.ValueAt(move.PrevPos) is PieceBase opponentPiece) { if (opponentPiece.IsWhite == IsPlayerWhite) { throw new ArgumentException($"Opponent tried to move player piece"); } } // TODO intelligent analyzing what actually happened if (Board.ValueAt(move.NewPos) is PieceBase playerPiece) { // Opponent captures player targetpiece if (playerPiece.IsWhite == IsPlayerWhite) { move.Capture = true; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Opponent tried to capture own piece."); } } Board.ExecuteMove(move); GameHistory.Add(opponentMove); TurnCount++; } }
public Resupply(Actor self, Actor host, WDist closeEnough, bool stayOnResupplier = false) { = Target.FromActor(host); this.closeEnough = closeEnough; this.stayOnResupplier = stayOnResupplier; allRepairsUnits = host.TraitsImplementing <RepairsUnits>().ToArray(); health = self.TraitOrDefault <IHealth>(); repairable = self.TraitOrDefault <Repairable>(); repairableNear = self.TraitOrDefault <RepairableNear>(); rearmable = self.TraitOrDefault <Rearmable>(); notifyResupplies = host.TraitsImplementing <INotifyResupply>().ToArray(); transportCallers = self.TraitsImplementing <ICallForTransport>().ToArray(); move = self.Trait <IMove>(); aircraft = move as Aircraft; playerResources = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); var valued = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <ValuedInfo>(); unitCost = valued != null ? valued.Cost : 0; var cannotRepairAtHost = health == null || health.DamageState == DamageState.Undamaged || !allRepairsUnits.Any() || ((repairable == null || !repairable.Info.RepairActors.Contains(host.Info.Name)) && (repairableNear == null || !repairableNear.Info.RepairActors.Contains(host.Info.Name))); if (!cannotRepairAtHost) { activeResupplyTypes |= ResupplyType.Repair; // HACK: Reservable logic can't handle repairs, so force a take-off if resupply included repairs. // TODO: Make reservation logic or future docking logic properly handle this. wasRepaired = true; } var cannotRearmAtHost = rearmable == null || !rearmable.Info.RearmActors.Contains(host.Info.Name) || rearmable.RearmableAmmoPools.All(p => p.HasFullAmmo); if (!cannotRearmAtHost) { activeResupplyTypes |= ResupplyType.Rearm; } }
/// <summary> /// ノードをJSON化します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="enableLog"></param> /// <param name="src_Sky_base"></param> /// <param name="thisNode"></param> /// <param name="comment"></param> /// <param name="logTag"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string JsonElements_Node(bool enableLog, SkyConst src_Sky_base, Node <IMove, KyokumenWrapper> thisNode, string comment) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!enableLog) { goto gt_EndMethod; } IMove move = thisNode.Key; RO_Star srcKoma = Util_Starlightable.AsKoma(move.LongTimeAgo); RO_Star dstKoma = Util_Starlightable.AsKoma(move.Now); Finger finger = Util_Sky_FingersQuery.InMasuNow(src_Sky_base, srcKoma.Masu).ToFirst(); // 駒1つ PieceType ks14 = Util_Komahaiyaku184.Syurui(dstKoma.Haiyaku); //sb.AppendLine(" ["); // マスの色 sb.AppendLine(" { act:\"colorMasu\", style:\"rgba(100,240,100,0.5)\" },"); // マス sb.AppendLine($" {{ act:\"drawMasu\" , masu:{Conv_SyElement.ToMasuNumber(dstKoma.Masu)} }},"); string komaImg = Util_Converter_LogGraphicEx.Finger_ToString(src_Sky_base, finger, ""); sb.AppendLine($" {{ act:\"drawImg\", img:\"{komaImg}\", masu: {Conv_SyElement.ToMasuNumber(dstKoma.Masu)} }},");//FIXME:おかしい? // コメント sb.AppendLine($" {{ act:\"drawText\", text:\"{comment}\" , x:0, y:20 }},"); //sb.AppendLine(" ],"); gt_EndMethod: return(sb.ToString()); }
void ProcessMove(IMove move = null, TakEngine.Notation.MoveNotation notation = null, bool alreadyExecuted = false) { if (move == null && notation == null) { throw new ArgumentException("move and notation cannot both be null"); } if (notation == null) { if (!TakEngine.Notation.MoveNotation.TryParse(move.Notate(), out notation)) { throw new ApplicationException("Critical move error"); } } else if (move == null) { _tempMoveList.Clear(); Helper.EnumerateMoves(_tempMoveList, _game, _ai.NormalPositions); move = notation.MatchLegalMove(_tempMoveList); if (move == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Illegal move: " + notation.Text); } } if (!alreadyExecuted) { move.MakeMove(_game); } if (!_gameRecord.MoveNotations.Contains(notation)) // if opening an existing game file then we may have already loaded the notation { _gameRecord.MoveNotations.Add(notation); } _navigating = true; if (_historyForm != null) { _historyForm.AddPly(notation.Text); } _navigating = false; _movesOfNotation[notation] = move; _game.Ply++; _boardView.InvalidateRender(); }
private void Way(HexagonControl hexagonFinish, IMove EnemyTarget) { List <HexagonControl> Way; Way = Control.HexagonMain().GetWay(hexagonFinish); if (Way != null) { if (_isClever) { Way = NavStatic.PathCheck(Way, EnemyTarget, this); } else { Way.Remove(Way[0]); } _wayList.AddRange(Way); _isMove = true; } }
public string HandlePlayingSession(ISession session) { var currentPlayer = _playerService.GetCurrentPlayer(session.Id); IMove moveToUpdate = _moveService.GetAll(currentPlayer.Id).OrderBy(t => t.Start).LastOrDefault(); moveToUpdate = moveToUpdate.WithEnd(DateTime.Now); _moveService.Update(moveToUpdate); currentPlayer = _playerService.UpdateCurrentPlayer(session.Id); //TODO: refactor this _moveService.Add(new Move { Player = (Player)currentPlayer, PlayerId = currentPlayer.Id, Start = DateTime.Now, }); return($"Отлично. {currentPlayer.Name}, теперь ваш ход."); }
/// <summary> /// [巻戻し]時の、駒台にもどる動きを吸収。 /// </summary> /// <param name="syurui2"></param> /// <param name="move">棋譜に記録するために「指す前/指した後」を含めた手。</param> /// <param name="kifu"></param> /// <param name="isMakimodosi"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static IMoveHalf Do36_KomaOnDestinationMasu( PieceType syurui2, IMove move, SkyConst src_Sky) { IMoveHalf dst; RO_Star srcKoma = Util_Starlightable.AsKoma(move.LongTimeAgo); //移動元 RO_Star dstKoma = Util_Starlightable.AsKoma(move.Now); //移動先 // 次の位置 dst = new RO_Starlight( new RO_Star(dstKoma.Pside, dstKoma.Masu, syurui2) ); return(dst); }
public static bool IsMovePossibleStatic(IMove move) { try { var position = move.Board.FindPiece(move.Piece); var diagonal = Positions.Diagonal(position, move.To); foreach (var diagonalPosition in diagonal.SkipLast(1)) { if (move.Board.IsTherePiece(diagonalPosition)) { return(false); } } return(!move.Board.IsTherePieceOfColor(move.To, move.Piece.Color)); } catch (ArgumentException) { return(false); } }
private void GetIMove() { bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < _parameterList.Count; ++i) { BehaviorParameter parameter = _parameterList[i]; if (parameter.parameterName.CompareTo(BTConstant.TargetType) == 0) { _targetType = (TargetTypeEnum)parameter.intValue; result = true; } } if (!result) { return; } _iMove = _owner.GetIMove(_targetType); }
public Follow(Actor self, Target target, WDist minRange, WDist maxRange, WPos?initialTargetPosition, Color?targetLineColor = null) { = target; this.minRange = minRange; this.maxRange = maxRange; this.targetLineColor = targetLineColor; move = self.Trait <IMove>(); // The target may become hidden between the initial order request and the first tick (e.g. if queued) // Moving to any position (even if quite stale) is still better than immediately giving up if ((target.Type == TargetType.Actor && target.Actor.CanBeViewedByPlayer(self.Owner)) || target.Type == TargetType.FrozenActor || target.Type == TargetType.Terrain) { lastVisibleTarget = Target.FromPos(target.CenterPosition); } else if (initialTargetPosition.HasValue) { lastVisibleTarget = Target.FromPos(initialTargetPosition.Value); } }
public bool IsAvailableMove(IMove move) { Point start = move.Line.Start.Location; Point end = move.Line.End.Location; if (CornerPointOnBoard(start) && CornerPointOnBoard(end)) { foreach (Move m in m_Moves) { if (m.Line.Start == move.Line.Start && m.Line.End == move.Line.End) { return(false); } } return(true); } return(false); }
public bool IsAvailableMove(IMove move) { Point start = move.GetLine().GetStart().GetLocation(); Point end = move.GetLine().GetEnd().GetLocation(); if (CornerPointOnBoard(start) && CornerPointOnBoard(end)) { foreach (Move m in m_Moves) { if (m.GetLine().GetStart() == move.GetLine().GetStart() && m.GetLine().GetEnd() == move.GetLine().GetEnd()) { return(false); } } return(true); } return(false); }
public void OnTargetFound(GameObject targetObj) { Transform targetTransform = targetObj.transform; SetInitialTarget(targetTransform); IMove[] moves = Utils.GetAllIMoveComponentsFromAGameObject(this.gameObject); if (moves == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) { IMove move = moves[i]; move.Setup(targetObj, 3.0f); move.SetTargetObject(targetObj); move.SetAngle(_angle); move.Run(); } }
public WithVoxelWalkerBody(Actor self, WithVoxelWalkerBodyInfo info) { = info; movement = self.Trait <IMove>(); var body = self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>(); var rv = self.Trait <RenderVoxels>(); var voxel = VoxelProvider.GetVoxel(rv.Image, "idle"); frames = voxel.Frames; rv.Add(new VoxelAnimation(voxel, () => WVec.Zero, () => new[] { body.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation) }, () => false, () => frame)); // Selection size var rvi = self.Info.Traits.Get <RenderVoxelsInfo>(); var s = (int)(rvi.Scale * voxel.Size.Aggregate(Math.Max)); size = new int2(s, s); }
//Checks in the case of enemy collisions void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision) { Collider2D collider = collision.collider; if (collider.tag == enemyTag && dashing) //If hit an enemy, do damage to enemy and recoil { currentMove.enactEffects(collider); StartCoroutine(recoil()); } else if (collider.tag == enemyAttackTag && dashing) //If hit an enemy attack, gain damage { IMove enemyMove = collider.GetComponent <AttackBox>().currentMove; enemyMove.enactEffects(GetComponent <Collider2D>()); //If player is stunned after damage or priority of enemy attack is higher, recoil if (entity.isStunned() || collider.GetComponent <AttackBox>().priority >= priority) { StartCoroutine(recoil()); } } }
void Start() { character = GetComponent <Character>(); characterAsMove = GetComponent <Character>() as IMove; if (characterAsMove == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Chase State set on an object (" + name + ") that does not have a Character component that implements IMove."); } characterAsAI = GetComponent <Character>() as IHaveAI; if (characterAsAI == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Chase State set on an object (" + name + ") that does not have a Character component that implements IHaveAI."); } target = characterAsAI.Target.gameObject.GetComponent <Character>() as IHaveStats; if (target == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Target set on an object (" + name + ") that does not have a Character component that implements IHaveStats."); } SetMaterial(); }
//Offensive setup. Called when player wants to use a move public Transform offensiveSetup(int priority, IMove curMove, float kbVal) { initialSetup(priority, curMove, kbVal); //load variables Transform hitbox = GetComponent <Transform>(); Animator anim = currentMove.getBasis().GetComponent <Animator>(); int xDir = anim.GetInteger("aHorizontalDirection"); int yDir = anim.GetInteger("aVerticalDirection"); float rotation = 90f * xDir; if (rotation == 0) { rotation = 90f + 90f * yDir; } else { rotation += Mathf.Sign(rotation) * yDir * 45f; } Vector2 dirVector = new Vector2(xDir, yDir); dirVector.Normalize(); Vector2 pos = dirVector * OFFSET; knockback = dirVector * knockbackVal; //Enact variables and instantiate hitbox.localPosition = pos; hitbox.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, rotation); Transform curBlast = Object.Instantiate(hitbox, anim.transform); curBlast.GetComponent <ShotgunHitbox>().currentMove = this.currentMove; curBlast.parent = null; return(curBlast); }
/// <summary> /// Makes the given move. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is thrown, if the given move is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Is thrown, if the given move is invalid.</exception> public void makeMove(IMove move) { if (move == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (gameSituation == _GAME_SITUATION_TAKE_DICE) { if (!(move is TestChanceGame_TakeDiceMove)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("CLASS: TestChanceGame_GameState, METHOD: makeMove - invalid given move!"); } gameSituation = _GAME_SITUATION_ROLL_DICE; } else if (gameSituation == _GAME_SITUATION_ROLL_DICE) { if (!(move is TestChanceGame_RollDiceMove rollDiceMove)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("CLASS: TestChanceGame_GameState, METHOD: makeMove - invalid given move!"); } lastDrawnDigit = rollDiceMove.drawnDigit; gameSituation = _GAME_SITUATION_SELECT_POSITION; } else { if (!(move is TestChanceGame_SelectPositionMove selectPositionMove)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("CLASS: TestChanceGame_GameState, METHOD: makeMove - invalid given move!"); } _board[selectPositionMove.playerWhoDoesTheMove][selectPositionMove.digitPosition] = lastDrawnDigit; gameSituation = _GAME_SITUATION_TAKE_DICE; phasingPlayer = selectPositionMove.nextPlayer; } }
// Awake is called when game boots up. // Pre: pkmnSpecies string must be filled out and found within the baseStatInv in the static BaseStats class void Awake() { if (fighterName == null || level <= 0 || level > 100) { throw new System.Exception("Error: Parameters for PKMNEntity not filled out appropriately"); } statChangeQ = new SE_PriorityQueue(this); //Establish stat priority queue curStats = new float[BaseStat.BASE_STATS_LENGTH]; //Establish curStats statUpgradesUsed = new int[BaseStat.BASE_STATS_LENGTH]; controller = (transform.parent != null) ? transform.parent.GetComponent <Controller>() : GetComponent <Controller>(); soundFXs = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); shieldDamageMult = BASE_SHIELD_DAMAGE_MULT; restoreCurStats(); armor = baseArmor; curStats[BaseStat.HEALTH] = baseStats[BaseStat.HEALTH]; //Establish stats for character moves = new List <IMove>(); //Adds move to the list for (int i = 0; i < moveList.Length; i++) { IMove curMove = BaseStat.moveInv(moveList[i], GetComponent <Animator>(), this, progress); if (curMove != null) { moves.Add(curMove); } } maxExp = BASE_MAX_EXP; curExp = 0f; aTimer = 0.0f; hTimer = 0.0f; assistStatus = false; dead = false; //numOpenStatBoosts = 6; }
public static Dictionary <string, SasuEntry> ToMoveBetuSky1( Maps_OneAndOne <Finger, SySet <SyElement> > komabetuSusumuMasus, SkyConst src_Sky ) { Dictionary <string, SasuEntry> result_komabetuEntry = new Dictionary <string, SasuEntry>(); komabetuSusumuMasus.Foreach_Entry((Finger key, SySet <SyElement> value, ref bool toBreak) => { RO_Star koma = Util_Starlightable.AsKoma(src_Sky.StarlightIndexOf(key).Now); foreach (SyElement dstMasu in value.Elements) { IMove move = Util_Sky258A.BuildMove( //key, new RO_Star(src_Sky.KaisiPside, koma.Masu, koma.Haiyaku), new RO_Star(src_Sky.KaisiPside, dstMasu, koma.Haiyaku),//FIXME:配役は適当。 PieceType.None ); string moveStr = ConvMoveStrSfen.ToMoveStrSfen(move);//重複防止用のキー if (!result_komabetuEntry.ContainsKey(moveStr)) { result_komabetuEntry.Add( moveStr, new SasuEntry( move, key, //動かす駒 dstMasu, //移動先升 false //成りません ) ); } } }); return(result_komabetuEntry); }
void m_InkPicture_Stroke(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e) { m_Move = null; e.Cancel = true; InkPicture ip = sender as InkPicture; Graphics g = null; lock (ip.Image) { g = Graphics.FromImage(ip.Image); } List <ICorner> corners = new List <ICorner>(); foreach (Point p in e.Stroke.GetPoints()) { Point clientP = StrokePointToClientPoint(g, p); ICorner c = m_GameBoard.ClosestCornerFromGraphicsPoint(clientP); if (!corners.Contains(c)) { corners.Add(c); } } if (corners.Count == 2) { try { Line l = new Line(corners[0] as Corner, corners[1] as Corner); m_Move = new Move(l, this); } catch (ArgumentException) { /* the line sucks - eat it */ } } m_Waiter.Set(); }
private void MakeMove(IMove result) { if (result != null && result.Row >= 0) { Panel panel1 = new Panel(); panel1.BackColor = (result.PlayerId == 1) ? Color.Red : Color.Black; panel1.Name = "panel" + result.Column + result.Row; panel1.Size = new Size(91, 91); panel1.TabIndex = 0; tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(panel1, result.Column, result.Row); if (result.IsConnected) { MessageBox.Show("Success! Player " + result.PlayerId.ToString() + " won!"); } } if (result != null && result.IsTie) { MessageBox.Show("Game Over!"); } }