Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new RelationSupport object.
 /// This constructor has to be used when the user relation MBean implements the interfaces expected 
 /// to be supported by a relation by delegating to a RelationSupport object.
 /// This object needs to know the Relation Service expected to handle the relation. So it has to know 
 /// the MBean Server where the Relation Service is registered.
 /// According to a limitation, a relation MBean must be registered in the same MBean Server as the 
 /// Relation Service expected to handle it. So the user relation MBean has to be created and 
 /// registered, and then the wrapped RelationSupport object can be created with identified MBean Server.
 /// Nothing is done at the Relation Service level, i.e. the RelationSupport object is not added, 
 /// and no check if the provided values are correct. The object is always created, EXCEPT if:
 /// <list type="bullet">
 /// <item>one required parameter is not provided</item>
 /// <item>the same name is used for two roles.</item>
 /// </list>
 /// To be handled as a relation, the object has then to be added in the Relation Service using the Relation 
 /// Service method <see cref="RelationServiceMBean.AddRelation"/>().      
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relationId">Relation identifier, to identify the relation in the Relation Service. Expected to be unique in the given Relation Service.</param>
 /// <param name="relationServiceName">ObjectName of the Relation Service where the relation will be registered.
 /// It is required as this is the Relation Service that is aware of the definition of the relation type 
 /// of given relation, so that will be able to check update operations (set).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="relationServiceMBeanServer">MBean Server where the wrapping MBean is or will be registered.
 /// Expected to be the MBean Server where the Relation Service is or will be registered.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="relationType">Name of relation type. Expected to have been created in given Relation Service.</param>
 /// <param name="roles">Roles (Role objects) to initialised the relation. Can be null. Expected to conform to relation info in associated relation type.</param>
 public RelationSupport(string relationId, ObjectName relationServiceName, IMBeanServer relationServiceMBeanServer,
     string relationType, IEnumerable<Role> roles)
     _relationId = relationId;
      if (relationServiceMBeanServer == null || relationServiceName.Domain != "")
     _relationServiceName = relationServiceName;
     _relationServiceName = new ObjectName(relationServiceMBeanServer.GetDefaultDomain(), relationServiceName.KeyPropertyList);
      _relationServiceMBeanServer = relationServiceMBeanServer;
       _relationService = _relationServiceMBeanServer.CreateDynamicProxy(_relationServiceName);
      _relationTypeName = relationType;
      _roles = new Dictionary<string, Role>();
      if (roles != null)
     foreach (Role role in roles)
        if (!_roles.ContainsKey(role.Name))
           _roles[role.Name] = role;
           throw new InvalidRoleValueException();
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new RelationSupport object.
 /// This constructor has to be used when the user relation MBean implements the interfaces expected
 /// to be supported by a relation by delegating to a RelationSupport object.
 /// This object needs to know the Relation Service expected to handle the relation. So it has to know
 /// the MBean Server where the Relation Service is registered.
 /// According to a limitation, a relation MBean must be registered in the same MBean Server as the
 /// Relation Service expected to handle it. So the user relation MBean has to be created and
 /// registered, and then the wrapped RelationSupport object can be created with identified MBean Server.
 /// Nothing is done at the Relation Service level, i.e. the RelationSupport object is not added,
 /// and no check if the provided values are correct. The object is always created, EXCEPT if:
 /// <list type="bullet">
 /// <item>one required parameter is not provided</item>
 /// <item>the same name is used for two roles.</item>
 /// </list>
 /// To be handled as a relation, the object has then to be added in the Relation Service using the Relation
 /// Service method <see cref="RelationServiceMBean.AddRelation"/>().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relationId">Relation identifier, to identify the relation in the Relation Service. Expected to be unique in the given Relation Service.</param>
 /// <param name="relationServiceName">ObjectName of the Relation Service where the relation will be registered.
 /// It is required as this is the Relation Service that is aware of the definition of the relation type
 /// of given relation, so that will be able to check update operations (set).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="relationServiceMBeanServer">MBean Server where the wrapping MBean is or will be registered.
 /// Expected to be the MBean Server where the Relation Service is or will be registered.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="relationType">Name of relation type. Expected to have been created in given Relation Service.</param>
 /// <param name="roles">Roles (Role objects) to initialised the relation. Can be null. Expected to conform to relation info in associated relation type.</param>
 public RelationSupport(string relationId, ObjectName relationServiceName, IMBeanServer relationServiceMBeanServer,
                        string relationType, IEnumerable <Role> roles)
     _relationId = relationId;
     if (relationServiceMBeanServer == null || relationServiceName.Domain != "")
         _relationServiceName = relationServiceName;
         _relationServiceName = new ObjectName(relationServiceMBeanServer.GetDefaultDomain(), relationServiceName.KeyPropertyList);
     _relationServiceMBeanServer = relationServiceMBeanServer;
     _relationService            = _relationServiceMBeanServer.CreateDynamicProxy(_relationServiceName);
     _relationTypeName           = relationType;
     _roles = new Dictionary <string, Role>();
     if (roles != null)
         foreach (Role role in roles)
             if (!_roles.ContainsKey(role.Name))
                 _roles[role.Name] = role;
                 throw new InvalidRoleValueException();
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetUp()
            _server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

             _connectorServer = new Jsr262ConnectorServerFactory().NewNetMXConnectorServer(new Uri(_serviceUrl), _server);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void InitializeMBeanServer()
            _beanServer = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

             _beanServer.RegisterMBean(new RelationService(), RelationService.ObjectName);

             Sample sample1 = new Sample();
             Sample sample2 = new Sample();
             Sample sample3 = new Sample();
             _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample1, "Sample:type=Sample,id=1");
             _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample2, "Sample:type=Sample,id=2");
             _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample3, "Sample:type=Sample,id=3");

             RelationServiceMBean relationSerice = NetMXProxyExtensions.NewMBeanProxy<RelationServiceMBean>(_beanServer, RelationService.ObjectName);
             relationSerice.CreateRelationType("Binding", new RoleInfo[] {
            new RoleInfo("Source", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Source"),
            new RoleInfo("Destination", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Destination")});

             relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel1", "Binding", new Role[] {
            new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
            new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=2"))});

             relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel2", "Binding", new Role[] {
            new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
            new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=3"))});

             Uri serviceUrl = new Uri("net.pipe://localhost/MBeanServer");

             _connectorServer = NetMXConnectorServerFactory.NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _beanServer);
Esempio n. 5
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     base.Initialize(name, new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {
         new MBeanNotificationInfo(new string[] { MBeanServerNotification.RegistrationNotification,
                                                  MBeanServerNotification.UnregistrationNotification }, typeof(MBeanServerNotification).AssemblyQualifiedName, null)
Esempio n. 6
 public void Initialize()
     _bean = new Sample
         Attribute = "Text"
     _server = new MBeanServer();
     _server.RegisterMBean(_bean, "sample:id=1");
 public void Initialize()
     _bean = new Sample
                     Attribute = "Text"
     _server = new MBeanServer();
     _server.RegisterMBean(_bean, "sample:id=1");
 public RemotingConnectionImpl(IMBeanServer server, INetMXSecurityProvider securityProvider,  RemotingServerImpl remotingServer, string connectionId, object subject, int bufferSize)
     _server = server;
     _securityProvider = securityProvider;
     _remotingServer = remotingServer;
     _connectionId = connectionId;
     _subject = subject;
     _buffer = new NotificationBuffer(bufferSize);
     _listenerProxys = new Dictionary<int, ListenerProxy>();
Esempio n. 9
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     _relationServiceMBeanServer = server;
     if (_relationServiceName.Domain == "")
         _relationServiceName = new ObjectName(server.GetDefaultDomain(), _relationServiceName.KeyPropertyList);
     _relationService = _relationServiceMBeanServer.CreateDynamicProxy(_relationServiceName);
        private static INetMXConnectorServer DoCreateJsr262Server(IMBeanServer server)
            const string uri = "http://localhost:8888/MBeanServer";

            Logger.InfoFormat("URI used to establish the JSR262 MBeanServer: {0}", uri);

            var serviceUrl = new Uri(uri);

            return(new Jsr262ConnectorServerProvider().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server));
Esempio n. 11
 public RemotingConnectionImpl(IMBeanServer server, INetMXSecurityProvider securityProvider, RemotingServerImpl remotingServer, string connectionId, object subject, int bufferSize)
     _server           = server;
     _securityProvider = securityProvider;
     _remotingServer   = remotingServer;
     _connectionId     = connectionId;
     _subject          = subject;
     _buffer           = new NotificationBuffer(bufferSize);
     _listenerProxys   = new Dictionary <int, ListenerProxy>();
Esempio n. 12
        public void SetUp()
            _notificationFlag = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            _server           = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IMBeanServer>();
            Uri serviceUrl = GetUri();

            _connectorServer = GetConnectorServerFactory().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _server);
            _connector    = GetConnectorFactory().Connect(serviceUrl, null);
            _remoteServer = _connector.MBeanServerConnection;
 public RemotingConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server, INetMXSecurityProvider securityProvider, int bufferSize)
     if (!serviceUrl.IsLoopback)
         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot start server on remote host", "serviceUrl");
     _serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
     _server = server;
     _securityProvider = securityProvider;
     _bufferSize = bufferSize;
Esempio n. 14
        public void SetUp()
            _notificationFlag = new ManualResetEvent(false);
             _server = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMBeanServer>();
             Uri serviceUrl = GetUri();

             _connectorServer = GetConnectorServerFactory().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _server);
             _connector = GetConnectorFactory().Connect(serviceUrl, null);
             _remoteServer = _connector.MBeanServerConnection;
Esempio n. 15
 public RemotingConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server, INetMXSecurityProvider securityProvider, int bufferSize)
     if (!serviceUrl.IsLoopback)
         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot start server on remote host", "serviceUrl");
     _serviceUrl       = serviceUrl;
     _server           = server;
     _securityProvider = securityProvider;
     _bufferSize       = bufferSize;
        public void TestMBeanServer()
            IMBeanServer mbeanServer = mbeanServerExtension.MBeanServer;

            var       name = new ObjectName("MBeanServer:component=ValidMBean");
            MBeanInfo info = mbeanServer.GetMBeanInfo(name);

            Assert.AreEqual("MBean", info.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("CrimsonLogic.Common.Library.Tests.ValidInstanceMBean, CrimsonLogic.Common.Library.Tests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5fb9aab394206ec1", info.ClassName);
            foreach (MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo in info.Attributes)
                string attribute = string.Format("Attribute {0} ({1}) [{2}{3}]: {4}", attributeInfo.Name,
                                                 attributeInfo.Readable ? "r" : "", attributeInfo.Writable ? "w" : "",
                Assert.AreEqual("Attribute Counter (Counter value) [rw]: System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", attribute);
            int index = 0;

            foreach (MBeanOperationInfo operationInfo in info.Operations)
                string operation = string.Format("Operation {0} ({1}) [{2}]", operationInfo.Name, operationInfo.Description,
                    index == 0
                        ? "Operation AddAmount (Adds specified value to value of the counter) [Unknown]"
                        : "Operation ResetCounter (Sets counter value to 0) [Unknown]", operation);


            object counter = mbeanServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, counter);

            mbeanServer.SetAttribute(name, "Counter", 5);
            counter = mbeanServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, counter);

            mbeanServer.Invoke(name, "AddAmount", new object[] { 5 });
            counter = mbeanServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");

            Assert.AreEqual(10, counter);

            mbeanServer.Invoke(name, "ResetCounter", new object[] { });
            counter = mbeanServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, counter);

            Logger.Debug("Completed testing the MBeanServer!");
Esempio n. 17
        public void SetUp()
            _server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
            SimpleStandard o = new SimpleStandard();
            ObjectName name = new ObjectName("Tests:key=value");
            _server.RegisterMBean(o, name);
            Uri serviceUrl = GetUri();

            _connectorServer = GetConnectorServerFactory().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _server);
            _connector = GetConnectorFactory().Connect(serviceUrl, null);
            _remoteServer = _connector.MBeanServerConnection;
Esempio n. 18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IMBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
            Counter      o      = new Counter();
            ObjectName   name   = new ObjectName("QuickStart:type=counter");

            server.RegisterMBean(o, name);

            MBeanInfo info = server.GetMBeanInfo(name);

            Console.WriteLine("MBean description: {0}", info.Description);
            Console.WriteLine("MBean class name: {0}", info.ClassName);
            foreach (MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo in info.Attributes)
                Console.WriteLine("Attribute {0} ({1}) [{2}{3}]: {4}", attributeInfo.Name, attributeInfo.Description,
                                  attributeInfo.Readable ? "r" : "", attributeInfo.Writable ? "w" : "", attributeInfo.Type);
            foreach (MBeanOperationInfo operationInfo in info.Operations)
                Console.WriteLine("Operation {0} ({1}) [{2}]", operationInfo.Name, operationInfo.Description,

            server.AddNotificationListener(name, CounterChanged, null, null);

            object counter = server.GetAttribute(name, "Value");

            Console.WriteLine("Counter value is {0}", counter);

            server.SetAttribute(name, "Value", 5);
            counter = server.GetAttribute(name, "Value");

            Console.WriteLine("Now, counter value is {0}", counter);

            counter = server.Invoke(name, "Add", new object[] { 5 });
            counter = server.GetAttribute(name, "Value");

            Console.WriteLine("Now, counter value is {0}", counter);

            counter = server.Invoke(name, "Reset", new object[] { });
            counter = server.GetAttribute(name, "Value");

            Console.WriteLine("Now, counter value is {0}", counter);

            server.RemoveNotificationListener(name, CounterChanged, null, null);

Esempio n. 19
        public void SetUp()
            _server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
            SimpleStandard o    = new SimpleStandard();
            ObjectName     name = new ObjectName("Tests:key=value");

            _server.RegisterMBean(o, name);
            Uri serviceUrl = GetUri();

            _connectorServer = GetConnectorServerFactory().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _server);
            _connector    = GetConnectorFactory().Connect(serviceUrl, null);
            _remoteServer = _connector.MBeanServerConnection;
Esempio n. 20
        public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
            _server = server;
            var timer = new Timer.Timer();
            IDictionary <string, string> props = name.KeyPropertyList;

            props.Add("EmbeddedTimer", "true");
            var timerName = new ObjectName(name.Domain, props);

            server.RegisterMBean(timer, timerName);
            _timer = _server.CreateDynamicProxy(timerName);
            _server.AddNotificationListener(timerName, OnTimerEvent, null, null);
Esempio n. 21
        public void SetAttributePermissionTest()
            IMBeanServer server = null;

                server = new MBeanServer();
                server.RegisterMBean(new Dummy(), new ObjectName("dummy:"));
                server.SetAttribute(new ObjectName("dummy:"), "IntValue", 5);
            }, "IntValue", "DoSomething", MBeanPermissionAction.SetAttribute, MBeanPermissionAction.GetAttribute);
Esempio n. 22
        public void UnregisterMBeanPermissionTest()
            IMBeanServer server = null;

                server = new MBeanServer();
                server.RegisterMBean(new Dummy(), new ObjectName("dummy:"));
                server.UnregisterMBean(new ObjectName("dummy:"));
            }, null, null, MBeanPermissionAction.UnregisterMBean, MBeanPermissionAction.RegisterMBean);
Esempio n. 23
        public void Initialize()
            Server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

            Server.RegisterMBean(new Sample(), "sample:a=b");
            var dynamicMBean = new SampleDynamicMBean();
            dynamicMBean.AddRow(1, "Simon");
            dynamicMBean.AddRow(2, "John");
            dynamicMBean.SetComposite(3, "Jane");
            dynamicMBean.SetArray(new[]{1, 2.5m, 4m, 5m});

            Server.RegisterMBean(dynamicMBean, "dynamic:a=b");

            Adaptor = new SelfHostingHttpAdaptor(Server, "http://localhost:12345/adaptor");
Esempio n. 24
        public void Initialize()
            Server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

            Server.RegisterMBean(new Sample(), "sample:a=b");
            var dynamicMBean = new SampleDynamicMBean();

            dynamicMBean.AddRow(1, "Simon");
            dynamicMBean.AddRow(2, "John");
            dynamicMBean.SetComposite(3, "Jane");
            dynamicMBean.SetArray(new[] { 1, 2.5m, 4m, 5m });

            Server.RegisterMBean(dynamicMBean, "dynamic:a=b");

            Adaptor = new SelfHostingHttpAdaptor(Server, "http://localhost:12345/adaptor");
Esempio n. 25
        public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
            _server  = server;
            _ownName = name;
            MBeanNotificationInfo info = new MBeanNotificationInfo(new string[]
            }, typeof(RelationNotification).AssemblyQualifiedName, "Relation notification");

            this.Initialize(name, new MBeanNotificationInfo[] { info });
Esempio n. 26
        public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
            ObjectName newName = name;

            if (_registration != null)
                newName = _registration.PreRegister(server, name);
            _objectName = newName;
            if (_notifEmitter == null)
                _notificationSupport = new NotificationEmitterSupport();
                _notificationSupport.Initialize(newName.ToString(), _info.Notifications);
                _notifEmitter = _notificationSupport;
Esempio n. 27
        public void Initialize()
            _server = new NetMX.Default.MBeanServer();
             _relationService = new RelationService();
             _server.RegisterMBean(_relationService, ":type=RelationService");

             _parent = new Parent();
             _server.RegisterMBean(_parent, ":type=Parent");
             _child1 = new Child();
             _server.RegisterMBean(_child1, ":type=Child,id=1");
             _child2 = new Child();
             _server.RegisterMBean(_child2, ":type=Child,id=2");

            new RoleInfo[] {
               new RoleInfo("Parent", typeof(ParentMBean), true, true, 1, 1, "Parent"),
               new RoleInfo("Child", typeof(ChildMBean), true, true, 0, RoleInfo.RoleCardinalityInfinity, "Child") });
        public void SetUp()
            _bean1   = new Test();
            _server1 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("1");
            _server1.RegisterMBean(_bean1, "someDomain:t=test");

            _bean2   = new Test();
            _server2 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("2");
            _server2.RegisterMBean(_bean2, "someDomain:t=test");

            _bean3   = new Test();
            _server3 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("3");
            _server3.RegisterMBean(_bean3, "someDomain:t=test");
            _server3.RegisterMBean(_bean3, "invalidPrefix.someDomain:t=test");

            _aggregateConnection = new AggregateMBeanServerConnection(_server3);
            _aggregateConnection.AddChildServer("one", _server1);
            _aggregateConnection.AddChildServer("two", _server2);
Esempio n. 29
        public void Initialize()
            _server          = new MBeanServer();
            _relationService = new RelationService();
            _server.RegisterMBean(_relationService, ":type=RelationService");

            _parent = new Parent();
            _server.RegisterMBean(_parent, ":type=Parent");
            _child1 = new Child();
            _server.RegisterMBean(_child1, ":type=Child,id=1");
            _child2 = new Child();
            _server.RegisterMBean(_child2, ":type=Child,id=2");

                                                new RoleInfo[] {
                new RoleInfo("Parent", typeof(ParentMBean), true, true, 1, 1, "Parent"),
                new RoleInfo("Child", typeof(ChildMBean), true, true, 0, RoleInfo.RoleCardinalityInfinity, "Child")
Esempio n. 30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IMBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
            Timer        timer  = new Timer();
            ObjectName   name   = new ObjectName("Timer:");

            server.RegisterMBean(timer, name);

            var timerBean = server.CreateDynamicProxy(name);

            server.AddNotificationListener(name, OnTimerEvent, null, null);

            timerBean.AddNotification2("Type1", "Message1", 4, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2), new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1));
            //timerBean.AddNotification4("Type1", "Message1", 4, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2), new TimeSpan(0,0,0,1),3,true);
            timerBean.SendPastNotifications = true;
            bool exit = false;

            while (!exit)
                ConsoleKeyInfo info = Console.ReadKey();
                switch (char.ToUpper(info.KeyChar))
                case 'X':
                    exit = true;

                case 'S':
                    if (timerBean.IsActive)
Esempio n. 31
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     if (_inner != null)
             return(_inner.PreRegister(server, name));
         catch (Exception ex)
             if (ex is SecurityException)
             throw new MBeanRegistrationException("PreRegister.", ex);
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     if (_inner != null)
        return _inner.PreRegister(server, name);
     catch (Exception ex)
        if (ex is SecurityException)
        throw new MBeanRegistrationException("PreRegister.", ex);
     return name;
Esempio n. 33
 public void Initialize()
     _firstBean = new Sample()
         IntAttribute     = 1,
         LongAttribute    = 2,
         DoubleAttribute  = 3,
         DecimalAttribute = 4,
         StringAttribute  = "5"
     _secondBean = new Sample()
         IntAttribute     = 10,
         LongAttribute    = 20,
         DoubleAttribute  = 30,
         DecimalAttribute = 40,
         StringAttribute  = "50"
     _server = new MBeanServer();
     _server.RegisterMBean(_firstBean, "sample:id=1");
     _server.RegisterMBean(_secondBean, "sample:id=2");
Esempio n. 34
        public static bool initializeServerMBean()
            if (!initializedServerMBean)
                server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
                server1Counter = new Counter();
                server2Counter = new Counter();
                server3Counter = new Counter();
                name = new ObjectName("server1Counter:");
                name2 = new ObjectName("server2Counter:");
                name3 = new ObjectName("server3Counter:");
                server.RegisterMBean(server1Counter, name);
                server.RegisterMBean(server2Counter, name2);
                server.RegisterMBean(server3Counter, name3);
                Uri serviceUrl = new Uri(Global.Server.MBeansServer);
                connectorServer = NetMXConnectorServerFactory.NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server);
                initializedServerMBean = true;
            return true;

Esempio n. 35
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Server side
            IMBeanServer     server       = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("PlatformMBeanServer");
            PerfCounterMBean processMBean = new PerfCounterMBean("Process", true, new[] { "% Processor Time" });

            server.RegisterMBean(processMBean, "CLR:type=Process");

            //Client side
            Console.WriteLine("Attributes of 'CLR:type=Process' MBean:");
            foreach (AttributeValue v in server.GetAttributes("CLR:type=Process", server.GetMBeanInfo("CLR:type=Process").Attributes.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", v.Name, v.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Attributes of 'CLR:type=Memory' MBean:");
            foreach (AttributeValue v in server.GetAttributes("CLR:type=Memory", server.GetMBeanInfo("CLR:type=Memory").Attributes.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", v.Name, v.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Esempio n. 36
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IMBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();
            Sample       o      = new Sample();
            ObjectName   name   = new ObjectName("Sample:");

            server.RegisterMBean(o, name);
            Uri serviceUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:1010/MBeanServer");

            using (INetMXConnectorServer connectorServer = NetMXConnectorServerFactory.NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server))

                using (INetMXConnector connector = NetMXConnectorFactory.Connect(serviceUrl, null))
                    IMBeanServerConnection remoteServer = connector.MBeanServerConnection;
                    //MBeanInfo metadata = remoteServer.GetMBeanInfo(name);
                    object counter = remoteServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");
                    Console.WriteLine("Counter value is {0}", counter);
                    //remoteServer.SetAttribute(name, "Counter", 1);
                    //counter = remoteServer.GetAttribute(name, "Counter");
                    //Console.WriteLine("Counter value is {0}", counter);
                    //int beanCount = remoteServer.GetMBeanCount();
                    //Console.WriteLine("MBean count is {0}", beanCount);
                    //string defaultDomain = remoteServer.GetDefaultDomain();
                    //Console.WriteLine("Default domain is {0}", defaultDomain);
                    //string domains = string.Join(", ", remoteServer.GetDomains().ToArray());
                    //Console.WriteLine("Registered domains: {0}", domains);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Is {0} instance of {1}: {2}", name, typeof(SampleMBean).FullName, remoteServer.IsInstanceOf(name,typeof(SampleMBean).AssemblyQualifiedName));
                    //Console.WriteLine("Is {0} registered: {1}", name, remoteServer.IsRegistered(name));
                    //string beans = string.Join(", ", remoteServer.QueryNames(null, null).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());
                    //Console.WriteLine("Registered MBeans: {0}", beans);
Esempio n. 37
        private static void InitializeMBeanServer()
            _beanServer = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

            _beanServer.RegisterMBean(new RelationService(), RelationService.ObjectName);

            Sample sample1 = new Sample();
            Sample sample2 = new Sample();
            Sample sample3 = new Sample();

            _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample1, "Sample:type=Sample,id=1");
            _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample2, "Sample:type=Sample,id=2");
            _beanServer.RegisterMBean(sample3, "Sample:type=Sample,id=3");

            RelationServiceMBean relationSerice = NetMXProxyExtensions.NewMBeanProxy <RelationServiceMBean>(_beanServer, RelationService.ObjectName);

            relationSerice.CreateRelationType("Binding", new RoleInfo[] {
                new RoleInfo("Source", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Source"),
                new RoleInfo("Destination", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Destination")

            relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel1", "Binding", new Role[] {
                new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
                new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=2"))

            relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel2", "Binding", new Role[] {
                new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
                new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=3"))

            Uri serviceUrl = new Uri("net.pipe://localhost/MBeanServer");

            _connectorServer = NetMXConnectorServerFactory.NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, _beanServer);
 public Jsr262ExtensionMethodHandler(IMBeanServer server)
     _server = server;
Esempio n. 39
 public Jsr262ConnectorServer(string serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     _serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
     _server     = server;
 ///<param name="mbeanServer"></param>
 public MBeanServerJsr262Exporter(IMBeanServer mbeanServer)
     this.mbeanServer = mbeanServer;
Esempio n. 41
 public INetMXConnectorServer NewNetMXConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     return(new ServiceModelConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server));
Esempio n. 42
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     _server = server;
 public QueryNamesEnumerationRequestHandler(IMBeanServer server)
     _server = server;
Esempio n. 44
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     _server = server;
      _ownName = name;
      return name;
Esempio n. 45
 public RemotingServerImpl(IMBeanServer server, INetMXSecurityProvider securityProvider, int bufferSize)
     _server = server;
     _securityProvider = securityProvider;
     _bufferSize = bufferSize;
 public INetMXConnectorServer NewNetMXConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     return new ServiceModelConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server);
        private static INetMXConnectorServer DoCreateJsr262Server(IMBeanServer server)
            const string uri = "http://localhost:8888/MBeanServer";
            Logger.InfoFormat("URI used to establish the JSR262 MBeanServer: {0}", uri);

            var serviceUrl = new Uri(uri);
            return new Jsr262ConnectorServerProvider().NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server);
Esempio n. 48
 public Jsr262ConnectorServer(string serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     _serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
     _server = server;
Esempio n. 49
 public ServiceModelConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer beanServer)
     _beanServer  = beanServer;
     _serviceUrl  = serviceUrl;
     _serviceHost = new ServiceHost(new MBeanServerService(beanServer), _serviceUrl);
 public MBeanServerManagementRequestHandler(IMBeanServer beanServer)
     _server = beanServer;
Esempio n. 51
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     _thisName = name;
      return name;
 public INetMXConnectorServer NewNetMXConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     return new RemotingConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server, _securityProvider, _bufferSize);
Esempio n. 53
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IMBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer();

            server.RegisterMBean(new RelationService(), RelationService.ObjectName);

            Sample sample1 = new Sample();
            Sample sample2 = new Sample();
            Sample sample3 = new Sample();

            server.RegisterMBean(sample1, "Sample:type=Sample,id=1");
            server.RegisterMBean(sample2, "Sample:type=Sample,id=2");
            server.RegisterMBean(sample3, "Sample:type=Sample,id=3");
            SampleDynamicMBean dynSample = new SampleDynamicMBean();

            dynSample.AddRow(1, "First row");
            dynSample.AddRow(2, "Second row");

            dynSample.AddNestedRow(1, 3, "First nested row");
            dynSample.AddNestedRow(2, 4, "Second nested row");
            server.RegisterMBean(dynSample, "Sample:type=SampleDynamicMBean");

            var relationSerice = server.CreateDynamicProxy(RelationService.ObjectName);

            relationSerice.CreateRelationType("Binding", new[] {
                new RoleInfo("Source", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Source"),
                new RoleInfo("Destination", typeof(SampleMBean), true, false, 1, 1, "Destination")

            relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel1", "Binding", new Role[] {
                new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
                new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=2"))

            relationSerice.CreateRelation("Rel2", "Binding", new Role[] {
                new Role("Source", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=1")),
                new Role("Destination", new ObjectName("Sample:type=Sample,id=3"))

            OpenMBeanMapperService mapperService = new OpenMBeanMapperService(new ObjectName[] { "Sample:type=SampleMappedMBean" });

            server.RegisterMBean(mapperService, ":type=OpenMBeanMapperService");

            SampleMapped      mappedMBean = new SampleMapped();
            CollectionElement firstColEl  = new CollectionElement();

            firstColEl.Elements.Add(new NestedCollectionElement(1, "Name1"));
            firstColEl.Elements.Add(new NestedCollectionElement(2, "Name2"));
            CollectionElement secondColEl = new CollectionElement();

            secondColEl.Elements.Add(new NestedCollectionElement(3, "Name3"));
            secondColEl.Elements.Add(new NestedCollectionElement(4, "Name4"));
            server.RegisterMBean(mappedMBean, "Sample:type=SampleMappedMBean");

            Uri serviceUrl             = new Uri("tcp://localhost:1234/MBeanServer.tcp");
            var connectorServerFactory = new RemotingConnectorServerFactory(100, new NullSecurityProvider());

            using (INetMXConnectorServer connectorServer = connectorServerFactory.NewNetMXConnectorServer(serviceUrl, server))
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit");
Esempio n. 54
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     ObjectName newName = name;
      if (_registration != null)
     newName = _registration.PreRegister(server, name);
      _objectName = newName;
      if (_notifEmitter == null)
     _notificationSupport = new NotificationEmitterSupport();
     _notificationSupport.Initialize(newName.ToString(), _info.Notifications);
     _notifEmitter = _notificationSupport;
      return newName;
        public void SetUp()
            _bean1 = new Test();
            _server1 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("1");
            _server1.RegisterMBean(_bean1, "someDomain:t=test");

            _bean2 = new Test();
            _server2 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("2");
            _server2.RegisterMBean(_bean2, "someDomain:t=test");

            _bean3 = new Test();
            _server3 = MBeanServerFactory.CreateMBeanServer("3");
            _server3.RegisterMBean(_bean3, "someDomain:t=test");
            _server3.RegisterMBean(_bean3, "invalidPrefix.someDomain:t=test");

            _aggregateConnection = new AggregateMBeanServerConnection(_server3);
            _aggregateConnection.AddChildServer("one", _server1);
            _aggregateConnection.AddChildServer("two", _server2);
Esempio n. 56
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     base.Initialize(name, new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {
     new MBeanNotificationInfo(new string[] { MBeanServerNotification.RegistrationNotification,
        MBeanServerNotification.UnregistrationNotification }, typeof(MBeanServerNotification).AssemblyQualifiedName, null)});
      return name;
Esempio n. 57
 public void Initialize()
     _firstBean = new Sample()
                         IntAttribute = 1,
                         LongAttribute = 2,
                         DoubleAttribute = 3,
                         DecimalAttribute = 4,
                         StringAttribute = "5"
     _secondBean = new Sample()
         IntAttribute = 10,
         LongAttribute = 20,
         DoubleAttribute = 30,
         DecimalAttribute = 40,
         StringAttribute = "50"
     _server = new MBeanServer();
     _server.RegisterMBean(_firstBean, "sample:id=1");
     _server.RegisterMBean(_secondBean, "sample:id=2");
 public IsRegisteredEnumerationRequestHandler(IMBeanServer server)
     _server = server;
Esempio n. 59
 public ObjectName PreRegister(IMBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
     _server = server;
     _ownName = name;
     MBeanNotificationInfo info = new MBeanNotificationInfo(new string[]
     }, typeof(RelationNotification).AssemblyQualifiedName, "Relation notification");
     this.Initialize(name, new MBeanNotificationInfo[] { info });
     return name;
 public INetMXConnectorServer NewNetMXConnectorServer(Uri serviceUrl, IMBeanServer server)
     return new Jsr262ConnectorServer(serviceUrl+"/", server);