public void Add(IInspectable inspectable) { if (!objects.Contains(inspectable)) { objects.Add(inspectable); } }
protected override void DrawOverride(ref bool isGameViewFocused) { if (Context.SelectedObject != _currentSelectedObject) { _currentInspectable = (Context.SelectedObject as IInspectable) ?? new DefaultInspectable(Context.SelectedObject, Context); _currentSelectedObject = Context.SelectedObject; } if (_currentInspectable != null) { ImGui.Text(_currentInspectable.Name); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.PushItemWidth(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() * 0.55f); _currentInspectable.DrawInspector(); ImGui.PopItemWidth(); } else { ImGui.Text("Nothing selected"); } }
private List <IInspectable> FindInspectablesInView(AICharacter character) { List <IInspectable> inspectables = new List <IInspectable> (); RaycastHit[] castStar = Physics.SphereCastAll(character.transform.position, 165, Vector3.forward, 50); foreach (RaycastHit raycastHit in castStar) { if (raycastHit.collider.GetComponentInChildren <AICharacter>() != character) { IInspectable inspectable = null; if (raycastHit.collider.GetComponentInChildren <IInspectable>() != null) { inspectable = raycastHit.collider.GetComponentInChildren <IInspectable> (); } else if (raycastHit.collider.GetComponentInParent <IInspectable>() != null) { inspectable = raycastHit.collider.GetComponentInParent <IInspectable> (); } if (inspectable != null && !inspectables.Contains(inspectable)) { inspectables.Add(inspectable); } } } return(inspectables); }
void DrawInspectable( VisualElement outputVisualElement, IInspectable inspectable, IPropertyDrawer propertyDrawerToUse = null) { InspectorUtils.GatherInspectorContent(m_PropertyDrawerList, outputVisualElement, inspectable, TriggerInspectorUpdate, propertyDrawerToUse); }
private static void QueryInspectableInterfaces(IntPtr punk, HashSet <COMInterfaceInstance> list) { if (punk == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } object obj = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(punk); IInspectable inspectable = obj as IInspectable; if (inspectable != null) { IntPtr iids = IntPtr.Zero; try { int iid_count; inspectable.GetIids(out iid_count, out iids); for (int i = 0; i < iid_count; ++i) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; Marshal.Copy(iids + i * 16, buffer, 0, buffer.Length); list.Add(new COMInterfaceInstance(new Guid(buffer))); } } catch { } finally { if (iids != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(iids); } } } }
public void Execute(AICharacter character, IGoal goal) { List <IInspectable> inspectables = FindInspectablesInView(character); inspectables.Sort(delegate(IInspectable x, IInspectable y) { return((character.Position - x.Position).magnitude.CompareTo((character.Position - y.Position).magnitude)); }); IInspectable inspectable = inspectables.Find(delegate(IInspectable obj) { return(!character.Knows(obj)); }); if (inspectable == null) { NavMeshAgent agent = character.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> (); NavMeshHit navHit; do { NavMesh.SamplePosition(UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * agent.speed + character.Position, out navHit, agent.speed, -1); } while (character.ExploredArea.Contains(navHit.position)); character.AddGoal(new Goal(new List <IRequirement> () { new AtPosition(navHit.position) }, goal)); } else { character.AddGoal(new Goal(new List <IRequirement> () { new Inspected(inspectable) }, goal)); } }
private bool TryGetConstructFromInspectable(IInspectable inspectable, out ConstructData data) { switch (inspectable) { case InspectableCoordinate inspectableCoordinate: if (_currentMap.TryGet <Construct>(inspectableCoordinate.Coordinate, out var construct)) { data = construct?.Data; return(true); } else if (_currentMap.TryGet <Stronghold>(inspectableCoordinate.Coordinate, out var stronghold)) { data = stronghold?.Data?.ConstructData; return(true); } data = default; return(false); case PaletteData <Preset <ConstructData> > paletteData: data = paletteData.Data.Data; return(true); default: data = default; return(false); } }
internal static void GatherInspectorContent( List <Type> propertyDrawerList, VisualElement outputVisualElement, IInspectable inspectable, Action propertyChangeCallback, List <IPropertyDrawer> allPropertyDrawerInstances, IPropertyDrawer propertyDrawerToUse = null) { var dataObject = inspectable.GetObjectToInspect(); if (dataObject == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("DataObject returned by Inspectable is null!"); } var properties = inspectable.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (properties == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("PropertyInfos returned by Inspectable is null!"); } foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) { var attribute = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute <InspectableAttribute>(); if (attribute == null) { continue; } var propertyType = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true).Invoke(inspectable, new object[] { }).GetType(); var propertyDrawerInstance = propertyDrawerToUse; if (propertyDrawerInstance == null) { if (IsPropertyTypeHandled(propertyDrawerList, propertyType, out var propertyDrawerTypeToUse)) { propertyDrawerInstance = (IPropertyDrawer)Activator.CreateInstance(propertyDrawerTypeToUse); } } if (propertyDrawerInstance != null) { // Assign the inspector update delegate so any property drawer can trigger an inspector update if it needs it propertyDrawerInstance.inspectorUpdateDelegate = propertyChangeCallback; // Supply any required data to this particular kind of property drawer inspectable.SupplyDataToPropertyDrawer(propertyDrawerInstance, propertyChangeCallback); var propertyGUI = propertyDrawerInstance.DrawProperty(propertyInfo, dataObject, attribute); outputVisualElement.Add(propertyGUI); if (allPropertyDrawerInstances != null) { allPropertyDrawerInstances.Add(propertyDrawerInstance); } } } }
public static unsafe Guid[] GetIids(this IInspectable inspectable) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(inspectable.GetIids(out var count, out var ptr)); Guid[] iids = new Guid[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { iids[i] = ((Guid *)ptr)[i]; } return(iids); }
public void DeselectAll() { if (_selectedObject is StateNode node) { node.Deselect(); } _selectedObject = null; Repaint(); }
private void OnInspectableUpdate(IInspectable inspectable) { if (inspectable is InspectableCoordinate inspectableCoordinate) { _currentCoordinate = inspectableCoordinate.Coordinate; UpdateStrongholdData(); UpdateVisibility(IsNeedToInspectCurrentCoordinate()); } else { UpdateVisibility(false); } }
private static int GetTrustLevel(IntPtr thisPtr, IntPtr trustLevel) { try { InspectableShadow shadow = ToShadow <InspectableShadow>(thisPtr); IInspectable callback = (IInspectable)shadow.Callback; // Write full trust Marshal.WriteInt32(trustLevel, (int)TrustLevel.FullTrust); } catch (Exception exception) { return((int)Result.GetResultFromException(exception)); } return(Result.Ok.Code); }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); var setup = new ScriptRuntimeSetup(); setup.HostType = typeof(DlrHost); setup.AddRubySetup(); var runtime = Ruby.CreateRuntime(setup); this.engine = Ruby.GetEngine(runtime); this.scope = engine.CreateScope(); this.scope.SetVariable("Main", this); runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(TextSetOptions).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(TextAlignment).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); string outputText = @" box = main.find_name('OutputBox') p box.text_alignment box.text_alignment = Windows::UI::Xaml::TextAlignment.Right p box.text_alignment "; InputBox.IsSpellCheckEnabled = false; OutputBox.IsSpellCheckEnabled = false; InputBox.Document.SetText(TextSetOptions.None, outputText); // IInspectable insp = (IInspectable)InputBox.Document; string winTypeName; insp.GetRuntimeClassName(out winTypeName); Guid[] iids; int iidCount; insp.GetIids(out iidCount, out iids); // winTypeName = "Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterator`1<Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView`2<Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector`1<String>, String>>"; var parts = ParseWindowsTypeName(winTypeName); Type type = MakeWindowsType(parts); var guid = type.GetTypeInfo().GUID; }
public void Draw(Rect windowRect, IInspectable inspectable) { var position = new Vector2(LeftPadding, TopPadding); var size = new Vector2(Width, Height); var boxRect = new Rect(position, size); var previousColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.gray; GUILayout.BeginArea(boxRect,; GUI.color = previousColor; DrawTitle(); inspectable?.DrawControls(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
protected override object CreateObject(IntPtr externalComObject, CreateObjectFlags flags) { IObjectReference objRef = ComWrappersSupport.GetObjectReferenceForInterface(externalComObject); if (objRef.TryAs <IInspectable.Vftbl>(out var inspectableRef) == 0) { IInspectable inspectable = new IInspectable(inspectableRef); string runtimeClassName = inspectable.GetRuntimeClassName(noThrow: true); if (runtimeClassName == null) { // If the external IInspectable has not implemented GetRuntimeClassName, // we use the Inspectable wrapper directly. return(inspectable); } return(ComWrappersSupport.GetTypedRcwFactory(runtimeClassName)(inspectable)); }
public void SelectTransition(TransitionConnection transition) { DeselectAll(); for (int i = 0; i < _transitions.Count; i++) { var currentTransition = _transitions[i]; if (currentTransition == transition) { GUI.FocusControl(null); _selectedObject = currentTransition; } } Repaint(); }
private static unsafe int GetRuntimeClassName(IntPtr thisPtr, IntPtr *className) { try { InspectableShadow shadow = ToShadow <InspectableShadow>(thisPtr); IInspectable callback = (IInspectable)shadow.Callback; // Use the name of the callback class string name = callback.GetType().FullName; Win32.WinRTStrings.WindowsCreateString(name, (uint)name.Length, out IntPtr str); *className = str; } catch (Exception exception) { return((int)Result.GetResultFromException(exception)); } return(Result.Ok.Code); }
public void SelectNode(StateNode node) { DeselectAll(); for (int i = 0; i < _nodes.Count; i++) { var currentNode = _nodes[i]; if (currentNode == node) { GUI.FocusControl(null); _selectedObject = currentNode; currentNode.Select(); } } Repaint(); }
private bool TryGetTileFromInspectable(IInspectable inspectable, out TileData data) { switch (inspectable) { case InspectableCoordinate inspectableCoordinate: var hasTile = _currentMap.TryGet <Tile>(inspectableCoordinate.Coordinate, out var tile); data = tile?.Data; return(hasTile); case PaletteData <Preset <TileData> > paletteData: data = paletteData.Data.Data; return(true); default: data = default; return(false); } }
public static IAsyncOperation <UserConsentVerificationResult> RequestVerificationForWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, string Message) { //Use WinRT's GuidGenerator to get the correct guid var guid = GuidGenerator.CreateIID(typeof(IAsyncOperation <UserConsentVerificationResult>)); //leverage winrt .As<> operator to cast winrt type to its interop interface IUserConsentVerifierInterop userConsentVerifierInterop = UserConsentVerifier.As <IUserConsentVerifierInterop>(); //Handle marshalling the string to WinRT's HString var marshalStr = MarshalString.CreateMarshaler(Message); //Call the Interop api that pops a dialog, passing in the hWnd parameter IntPtr outPtr; userConsentVerifierInterop.RequestVerificationForWindowAsync(hWnd, MarshalString.GetAbi(marshalStr), ref guid, out outPtr); //Marshal the return object as an IAsyncOperation<> return((IAsyncOperation <UserConsentVerificationResult>)IInspectable.FromAbi(outPtr)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (debugModeManager.DebugModeActive) { IInspectable inspectable = LookForInspectable(); if (inspectable != null) { if (inspectable.DeveloperComment != userInterfaceManager.DeveloperCommentText) { userInterfaceManager.UpdateDeveloperComment(inspectable.DeveloperComment); Debug.Log("IsLookingAtObject"); TargetObject.SetActive(true); } } else if (userInterfaceManager.DeveloperCommentPanelIsActive) { userInterfaceManager.HideDeveloperComment(); TargetObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private static unsafe int GetIids(IntPtr thisPtr, int *iidCount, IntPtr *iids) { try { InspectableShadow shadow = ToShadow <InspectableShadow>(thisPtr); IInspectable callback = (IInspectable)shadow.Callback; ShadowContainer container = callback.Shadow; int countGuids = container.Guids.Length; // Copy GUIDs deduced from Callback iids = (IntPtr *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(IntPtr.Size * countGuids); *iidCount = countGuids; MemoryHelpers.CopyMemory((IntPtr)iids, new ReadOnlySpan <IntPtr>(container.Guids)); } catch (Exception exception) { return((int)Result.GetResultFromException(exception)); } return(Result.Ok.Code); }
public static string Inspect(this IInspectable value) { return(JSON.Generate(value)); }
public static object CreateRcw(IInspectable obj) { var pair = new KeyValuePair <K, V>(obj.As <Vftbl>()); return((object)new global::System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <K, V>(pair.Key, pair.Value)); }
/// <summary> /// Return a pointer to the unmanaged version of this callback. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">The callback.</param> /// <returns>A pointer to a shadow c++ callback</returns> public static IntPtr ToIntPtr(IInspectable callback) { return(ToCallbackPtr <IInspectable>(callback)); }
/// <summary> /// Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">The callback.</param> /// <returns>A pointer to a shadow c++ callback</returns> public static IntPtr ToIntPtr(IInspectable callback) { return ToIntPtr<IInspectable>(callback); }
public static TrustLevel GetTrustLevel(this IInspectable inspectable) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(inspectable.GetTrustLevel(out var trustLevel)); return(trustLevel); }
public static string GetRuntimeClassName(this IInspectable inspectable) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(inspectable.GetRuntimeClassName(out var name)); return(name); }
public int Invoke(IToastNotification sender, IInspectable args) { return(InvokeCore(sender, args, (h, s, a) => h(s, null))); }
// Determins the Users movment and actions based on frame by frame input void Update () { Vector3 moveDir; Vector3 targetMoveAmount; //Camara Movment controls if (locked == true && targetMob != null) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0); moveDir = (targetMob.position - transform.position).normalized; targetMoveAmount = moveDir * movementSpeed; moveAmount = Vector3.SmoothDamp(moveAmount, targetMoveAmount, ref smoothMoveVelocity, .2f); controller.Move(moveAmount); } else { moveDir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")).normalized; targetMoveAmount = moveDir * movementSpeed; moveAmount = Vector3.SmoothDamp(moveAmount, targetMoveAmount, ref smoothMoveVelocity, .2f); controller.Move(moveAmount); } //Cross hair implementation /* Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); Plane uiPlane = new Plane(Vector3.forward, ((Vector3.forward * 5))); float rayDistance; if (uiPlane.Raycast(ray, out rayDistance)) { Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(rayDistance); crossHairs.position = point; }*/ if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && locked != true) { transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * Time.deltaTime * mouseSensitivityX); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { verticalLookRotation += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * Time.deltaTime * mouseSensitivityY; verticalLookRotation = Mathf.Clamp(verticalLookRotation, 30, 90); viewCamera.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(verticalLookRotation, viewCamera.localEulerAngles.y, viewCamera.localEulerAngles.z); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { foreach(GameObject DisplayItem in Displayobjects) { DisplayItem.SetActive(false); } RaycastHit lookHit = new RaycastHit(); Ray lookRay = viewCamera.GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); Debug.DrawRay(lookRay.origin, lookRay.direction,, 200f); if (Physics.Raycast(lookRay, out lookHit, 200f)) { Debug.Log(lookHit.collider.gameObject.ToString() + "Locking on to this"); currentlySelected = lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<IInspectable>(); if (currentlySelected != null) { selectionData = currentlySelected.BeInspected(); SimControls.UpdateSelection(selectionData); StartCoroutine(UpdataSelectionData()); } else { currentlySelected = null; selectionData = null; SimControls.UpdateSelection(selectionData); } if (lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LivingEntity>() == true) { locked = true; targetMob = lookHit.collider.gameObject.transform; Displayobjects[0].SetActive(true); Displayobjects[0].transform.localScale = targetMob.transform.localScale; Displayobjects[0].GetComponent<Renderer>().material = targetMob.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material; targetMob.GetComponent<LivingEntity>().OnDeath += onfllowingDeath; transform.position = new Vector3(targetMob.position.x, transform.position.y, targetMob.position.z); viewCamera.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, viewCamera.localEulerAngles.y, viewCamera.localEulerAngles.z); transform.Rotate(Vector3.up); } else if (lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<AnimatEssence>() == true) { Displayobjects[1].SetActive(true); } else if (lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>() == true) { Terrain currentTerrain = lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>(); if (currentTerrain.isWater == true) { Displayobjects[2].SetActive(true); } else { Displayobjects[3].SetActive(true); } } else if (lookHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<PrimaryProducer>() == true) { /*switch ( { }*/ } else { locked = false; selectionData = null; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown("p")) { TogglePause(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("-") || Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0) { veiwheight -= 5; veiwheight = Mathf.Clamp(veiwheight, 10, 50); transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, veiwheight, transform.position.z); //Camera.main.orthographicSize = veiwheight; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("+") || Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0) { veiwheight += 5; ; veiwheight = Mathf.Clamp(veiwheight, 10, 50); transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, veiwheight, transform.position.z); //Camera.main.orthographicSize = veiwheight; } if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") != 0 || Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") != 0) { locked = false; } }
public int Invoke(IToastNotification sender, IInspectable args) { return(InvokeCore(sender, GetActivationString(args as IToastActivatedEventArgs), (h, s, a) => h(s, a))); }
public Inspect(IInspectable inspectable) { this.inspectable = inspectable; }