public void ShouldNotUploadWhenTrexProxyReturnsInternalProcessingErrorType() { var e = CreateExecutor <TagFileSnsProcessExecutor>(); var theFileName = "test-filename-no-download"; var payLoad = new SnsPayload() { Type = SnsPayload.NotificationType, TopicArn = "TestArn", Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SnsTagFile() { Data = MockRequest.Data, FileName = theFileName, FileSize = MockRequest.Data.Length }) }; var key = TagFileProcessExecutor.GetS3Key(theFileName); var expectedS3PathOnFailure = $"{TagFileProcessExecutor.CONNECTION_ERROR_FOLDER}/{key}"; var expectedS3Path = $"{key}"; var expectedErrorCode = 3124; // Executor should forward on the error code and in this case, not archive this internal error // Setup a failed connection TRexTagFileProxy .Setup(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new ContractExecutionResult(expectedErrorCode))); // Handle the upload TransferProxy.Setup(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <string>())); // Run the test var result = e.ProcessAsync(payLoad).Result; // Validate we tried to upload TRexTagFileProxy .Verify(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>()), Times.Exactly(1)); // Validate that the file was not saved anywhere TransferProxy.Verify(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <MemoryStream>(), It.Is <string>(s => s == expectedS3Path)), Times.Never); TransferProxy.Verify(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <MemoryStream>(), It.Is <string>(s => s == expectedS3PathOnFailure)), Times.Never); // Validate we got a non-zero result result.Code.Should().Be(ContractExecutionStatesEnum.InternalProcessingError); }
public void ShouldHandleSubscription() { var e = CreateExecutor <TagFileSnsProcessExecutor>(); // Subscription payloads are only logged, and only sent when we first subscribe to the SNS topic // There is no Tag File included var payLoad = new SnsPayload() { Type = SnsPayload.SubscriptionType, TopicArn = "TestArn" }; var result = e.ProcessAsync(payLoad).Result; result.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Code.Should().Be(0); }
/// <summary> /// Publishes a SNS message, when a user uploads a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="uploadFileResponse"></param> private static async Task <PublishResponse> PublishMessageToAws(UploadFileResponse uploadFileResponse) { var accessKeyId = AppSettings["IAMUser.AccessKeyId"]; var secretKey = AppSettings["IAMUser.SecretKey"]; var sns = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretKey, RegionEndpoint.EUWest1); var topicArn = AppSettings["SNS.Topic.ARN"]; var snsPayload = new SnsPayload { Email = "*****@*****.**", // Normally here we should pass user email. DocumentId = uploadFileResponse.Id, DocumentUrl = uploadFileResponse.Url }; var awsRequest = new PublishRequest(topicArn, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(snsPayload)); return(await sns.PublishAsync(awsRequest)); }
public void ShouldUploadWhenTrexProxyPasses() { var e = CreateExecutor <TagFileSnsProcessExecutor>(); var theFileName = "test-filename-no-download"; var payLoad = new SnsPayload() { Type = SnsPayload.NotificationType, TopicArn = "TestArn", Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SnsTagFile() { Data = MockRequest.Data, FileName = theFileName, FileSize = MockRequest.Data.Length }) }; var key = TagFileProcessExecutor.GetS3Key(theFileName); var expectedS3Path = $"{key}"; // Ensure the tag file will be upload and save the response TRexTagFileProxy .Setup(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>())) .Callback <CompactionTagFileRequest, IHeaderDictionary>((tagFileRequest, _) => { }) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new ContractExecutionResult())); // Handle the upload TransferProxy.Setup(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <string>())); // Run the test var result = e.ProcessAsync(payLoad).Result; // Validate we tried to upload TRexTagFileProxy .Verify(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>()), Times.Exactly(1)); // Validate that the path was correct (we check the data separately) TransferProxy.Verify(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <MemoryStream>(), It.Is <string>(s => s == expectedS3Path)), Times.Once); // Validate we got a non-zero result result.Code.Should().Be(0); }
public void ShouldForwardTagfile() { // When a SNS message comes in with data, it should be mapped to a Tag File Request and processed var e = CreateExecutor <TagFileSnsProcessExecutor>(); CompactionTagFileRequest receivedTagFile = null; var payLoad = new SnsPayload() { Type = SnsPayload.NotificationType, TopicArn = "TestArn", Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SnsTagFile() { Data = MockRequest.Data, FileName = "test-filename-no-download", FileSize = MockRequest.Data.Length }) }; // Ensure the tag file will be upload and save the response TRexTagFileProxy .Setup(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>())) .Callback <CompactionTagFileRequest, IHeaderDictionary>((tagFileRequest, _) => receivedTagFile = tagFileRequest) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new ContractExecutionResult())); // Handle the upload TransferProxy.Setup(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <string>())); var result = e.ProcessAsync(payLoad).Result; // Validate TRexTagFileProxy .Verify(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>()), Times.Once); // Validate result and data result.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Code.Should().Be(0); receivedTagFile.Should().NotBeNull(); receivedTagFile.Data.Should().BeEquivalentTo(MockRequest.Data); receivedTagFile.FileName.Should().Be("test-filename-no-download"); }
public void ShouldDownloadDataWhenNeeded() { // When a SNS message comes in, it may contain a URL to download the file content // This test checks that, and ensures the data is downloaded and sent as a tag file correctly var e = CreateExecutor <TagFileSnsProcessExecutor>(); var testUrl = "http://not-a-real-host/tag"; CompactionTagFileRequest receivedTagFile = null; var payLoad = new SnsPayload() { Type = SnsPayload.NotificationType, TopicArn = "TestArn", Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SnsTagFile() { DownloadUrl = testUrl, FileName = "test-filename", FileSize = MockRequest.Data.Length }) }; WebRequest.Setup(m => m.ExecuteRequestAsStreamContent(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <HttpMethod>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>(), It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <int?>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <bool>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult <HttpContent>(new ByteArrayContent(MockRequest.Data.ToArray()))); // Ensure the tag file will be upload and save the response TRexTagFileProxy .Setup(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>())) .Callback <CompactionTagFileRequest, IHeaderDictionary>((tagFileRequest, _) => receivedTagFile = tagFileRequest) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new ContractExecutionResult())); // Handle the upload TransferProxy.Setup(m => m.Upload(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <string>())); var result = e.ProcessAsync(payLoad).Result; // Validate WebRequest.Verify(m => m.ExecuteRequestAsStreamContent(It.Is <string>(m => m == testUrl), It.Is <HttpMethod>(m => m == HttpMethod.Get), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>(), It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <int?>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <bool>()), Times.Once); TRexTagFileProxy .Verify(m => m.SendTagFile(It.IsAny <CompactionTagFileRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>()), Times.Once); // Validate result and data result.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Code.Should().Be(0); receivedTagFile.Should().NotBeNull(); receivedTagFile.Data.Should().BeEquivalentTo(MockRequest.Data); receivedTagFile.FileName.Should().Be("test-filename"); }