public static void CheckDateTimeQueries(IDatabaseAccess db, DatabaseStorage storage) { storage.EnterFluidMode(); var dateTime = SAMPLE_DATETIME; var date = SAMPLE_DATETIME.Date; storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("d", date)); storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("d", dateTime)); Assert.Equal(2, db.Cell<int>(false, "select count(*) from foo where d = {0} or d = {1}", date, dateTime)); db.Exec("delete from foo"); for(var i = -2; i <= 2; i++) storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("d", date.AddDays(i))); Assert.Equal(3, db.Cell<int>(false, "select count(*) from foo where d between {0} and {1}", date.AddDays(-1), date.AddDays(1))); Assert.Equal(date, db.Cell<DateTime>(false, "select d from foo where d = {0}", date)); }
public object ExecInsert(IDatabaseAccess db, string tableName, string autoIncrementName, IDictionary<string, object> data) { db.Exec( CommonDatabaseDetails.FormatInsertCommand(this, tableName, data.Keys), data.Values.ToArray() ); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(autoIncrementName)) return null; // per-connection, robust to triggers // return db.Cell<long>(false, "select last_insert_rowid()"); }
public object ExecInsert(IDatabaseAccess db, string tableName, string autoIncrementName, IDictionary<string, object> data) { var hasAutoIncrement = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(autoIncrementName); var valuesPrefix = hasAutoIncrement ? "output inserted." + QuoteName(autoIncrementName) : null; var sql = CommonDatabaseDetails.FormatInsertCommand(this, tableName, data.Keys, valuesPrefix: valuesPrefix); var values = data.Values.ToArray(); if(hasAutoIncrement) return db.Cell<object>(false, sql, values); db.Exec(sql, values); return null; }
public object ExecInsert(IDatabaseAccess db, string tableName, string autoIncrementName, IDictionary<string, object> data) { db.Exec( CommonDatabaseDetails.FormatInsertCommand(this, tableName, data.Keys, defaultsExpr: "values ()"), data.Values.ToArray() ); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(autoIncrementName)) return null; // per-connection, // robust to triggers, return db.Cell<object>(false, "select last_insert_id()"); }
public void ExecInitCommands(IDatabaseAccess db) { _charset = db.Cell<string>(false, "show charset like 'utf8mb4'") != null ? "utf8mb4" : "utf8"; db.Exec("set names " + _charset); }
public static void CheckLongToDouble(IDatabaseAccess db, DatabaseStorage storage) { storage.EnterFluidMode(); var bigLong = Int64.MinValue + 12345; var longID = storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("p", bigLong)); storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("p", Math.PI)); Assert.Equal(bigLong, db.Cell<long>(false, "select p from foo where id = {0}", longID)); }
public static void CheckGuidQuery(IDatabaseAccess db, DatabaseStorage storage) { storage.EnterFluidMode(); storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("g", SAMPLE_GUID)); Assert.Equal(SAMPLE_GUID, db.Cell<Guid>(false, "select g from foo where g = {0}", SAMPLE_GUID)); }
public static void CheckReadUncommitted(IDatabaseAccess db1, IDatabaseAccess db2) { db1.Exec("create table foo(f text)"); db1.Exec("insert into foo(f) values('initial')"); db1.Transaction(delegate() { db1.Exec("update foo set f='dirty'"); db2.TransactionIsolation = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted; db2.Transaction(delegate() { Assert.Equal("dirty", db2.Cell<string>(false, "select f from foo")); return true; }); return true; }); }
public static void CheckSchemaReadingKeepsCache(IDatabaseAccess db, DatabaseStorage storage) { db.Exec("create table foo(bar int)"); db.Exec("insert into foo(bar) values(1)"); var queryCount = 0; db.QueryExecuting += cmd => queryCount++; db.Cell<int>(true, "Select * from foo"); storage.GetSchema(); var savedQueryCount = queryCount; db.Cell<int>(true, "Select * from foo"); Assert.Equal(savedQueryCount, queryCount); }
public void CustomRank_ExistingColumn() { _db.Exec("create table foo(id int, p smallmoney)"); _storage.Store("foo", SharedChecks.MakeRow("p", new SqlMoney(9.9))); Assert.Equal(9.900M, _db.Cell <object>(false, "select p from foo")); }
public void TypedReadsUseConvertSafe() { Assert.Equal(DayOfWeek.Thursday, _db.Cell <DayOfWeek?>(false, "select 4")); }
public void CustomRank_ExistingColumn() { _db.Exec("create table foo(id int, p point)"); _storage.Store("foo", SharedChecks.MakeRow("p", new NpgsqlPoint(54.2, 37.61667))); Assert.Equal(54.2, _db.Cell <NpgsqlPoint>(false, "select p from foo").X); }
public static void CheckGuidQuery(IDatabaseAccess db, DatabaseStorage storage) { storage.EnterFluidMode(); storage.Store("foo", MakeRow("g", SAMPLE_GUID)); Assert.Equal(SAMPLE_GUID, db.Cell <Guid>(false, "select g from foo where g = {0}", SAMPLE_GUID)); }
public void ExecInitCommands(IDatabaseAccess db) { _charset = db.Cell <string>(false, "show charset like 'utf8mb4'") != null ? "utf8mb4" : "utf8"; db.Exec("set names " + _charset); }