Esempio n. 1
 public override void Process(object obj, IClassPersister persister)
     object[] values = persister.GetPropertyValues(obj);
     IType[]  types  = persister.PropertyTypes;
     ProcessValues(values, types);
     if (IsSubstitutionRequired)
         persister.SetPropertyValues(obj, values);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="persister"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static object[] Assemble(object[] values, object result, object id, IClassPersister persister, IInterceptor interceptor, ISessionImplementor session)
            IType[]  propertyTypes  = persister.PropertyTypes;
            object[] assembledProps = new object[propertyTypes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                assembledProps[i] = propertyTypes[i].Assemble(values[i], session, result);

            interceptor.OnLoad(result, id, assembledProps, persister.PropertyNames, propertyTypes);

            persister.SetPropertyValues(result, assembledProps);

            if (persister.ImplementsLifecycle)
                (( ILifecycle )result).OnLoad(session, id);

		public override void Process(object obj, IClassPersister persister)
			object[] values = persister.GetPropertyValues( obj );
			IType[] types = persister.PropertyTypes;
			ProcessValues( values, types );
			if( IsSubstitutionRequired )
				persister.SetPropertyValues( obj, values );
		private object DoSave(
			object theObj,
			Key key,
			IClassPersister persister,
			bool replicate,
			bool useIdentityColumn,
			Cascades.CascadingAction cascadeAction,
			object anything )
			if( persister.ImplementsValidatable )
				( ( IValidatable ) theObj ).Validate();

			object id;
			if( useIdentityColumn )
				id = null;
				id = key.Identifier;

			// Put a placeholder in entries, so we don't recurse back to try and Save() the
			// same object again. QUESTION: Should this be done before OnSave() is called?
			// likewise, should it be done before OnUpdate()?
			AddEntry( theObj, Status.Saving, null, id, null, LockMode.Write, useIdentityColumn, persister, false ); // okay if id is null here

			// cascade-save to many-to-one BEFORE the parent is saved
				Cascades.Cascade( this, persister, theObj, cascadeAction, CascadePoint.CascadeBeforeInsertAfterDelete, anything );

			object[ ] values = persister.GetPropertyValues( theObj );
			IType[ ] types = persister.PropertyTypes;

			bool substitute = false;
			if( !replicate )
				substitute = interceptor.OnSave( theObj, id, values, persister.PropertyNames, types );

				// Keep the existing version number in the case of replicate!
				if( persister.IsVersioned )
					// IsUnsavedVersion bit below is NHibernate-specific
					substitute = Versioning.SeedVersion(
						values, persister.VersionProperty, persister.VersionType, persister.IsUnsavedVersion( values )
						) || substitute;

			if( persister.HasCollections )
				// TODO: make OnReplicateVisitor extend WrapVisitor
				if( replicate )
					OnReplicateVisitor visitor = new OnReplicateVisitor( this, id );
					visitor.ProcessValues( values, types );
				WrapVisitor visitor2 = new WrapVisitor( this );
				// substitutes into values by side-effect
				visitor2.ProcessValues( values, types );
				substitute = substitute || visitor2.IsSubstitutionRequired;

			if( substitute )
				persister.SetPropertyValues( theObj, values );

			TypeFactory.DeepCopy( values, types, persister.PropertyUpdateability, values );
			NullifyTransientReferences( values, types, useIdentityColumn, theObj );
			CheckNullability( values, persister, false );

			if( useIdentityColumn )
				ScheduledIdentityInsertion insert = new ScheduledIdentityInsertion( values, theObj, persister, this );
				Execute( insert );
				id = insert.GeneratedId;
				persister.SetIdentifier( theObj, id );
				key = new Key( id, persister );
				CheckUniqueness( key, theObj );

			object version = Versioning.GetVersion( values, persister );
			AddEntity( key, theObj );
			AddEntry( theObj, Status.Loaded, values, id, version, LockMode.Write, useIdentityColumn, persister, replicate );
			nonExists.Remove( key );

			if( !useIdentityColumn )
				insertions.Add( new ScheduledInsertion( id, values, theObj, version, persister, this ) );

			// cascade-save to collections AFTER the collection owner was saved
				Cascades.Cascade( this, persister, theObj, cascadeAction, CascadePoint.CascadeAfterInsertBeforeDelete, anything );

			return id;
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="values"></param>
		/// <param name="result"></param>
		/// <param name="id"></param>
		/// <param name="persister"></param>
		/// <param name="session"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static object[ ] Assemble( object[ ] values, object result, object id, IClassPersister persister, IInterceptor interceptor, ISessionImplementor session )
			IType[ ] propertyTypes = persister.PropertyTypes;
			object[ ] assembledProps = new object[propertyTypes.Length];
			for( int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++ )
				assembledProps[ i ] = propertyTypes[ i ].Assemble( values[ i ], session, result );

			interceptor.OnLoad( result, id, assembledProps, persister.PropertyNames, propertyTypes );

			persister.SetPropertyValues( result, assembledProps );

			if( persister.ImplementsLifecycle )
				( ( ILifecycle ) result ).OnLoad( session, id );

			return assembledProps;