public async Task <PaginationViewModel <ModuleViewModel> > GetItemsAsync(string name, int skipCount = 0, int takeCount = 0)
            var filterPaginatedSpecification =
                new ModuleFilterPaginatedSpecification(name, skip: skipCount, take: takeCount);

            var itemsOnPage = await _moduleRepository.ListAsync(filterPaginatedSpecification);

            var totalCount = await _moduleRepository.CountAsync(filterPaginatedSpecification);

            var vm = new PaginationViewModel <ModuleViewModel>()
                rows = itemsOnPage.Select(item => new ModuleViewModel()
                    CreateDate   = item.CreateDate,
                    CreateUserId = item.CreateUserId,
                    Icon         = item.Icon,
                    Id           = item.Id,
                    IsShow       = item.IsShow,
                    Levels       = item.Levels,
                    ModulePath   = item.ModulePath,
                    Name         = item.Name,
                    Order        = item.Order,
                    ParentId     = item.ParentId,
                total = totalCount

        public async Task <HomeIndexViewModel> GetHomeIndexViewModel(int pageIndex, int itemsPerPage, int?categoryId, int?brandId)
            int totalItems = await _productRepository.CountAsync(new ProductsFilterSpecification(categoryId, brandId));

            var products = await _productRepository.ListAsync(new ProductFilterPaginatedSpecifition((pageIndex - 1) * itemsPerPage, itemsPerPage, categoryId, brandId));

            var vm = new HomeIndexViewModel
                Categories = await GetCategories(),
                Brands     = await GetBrands(),
                Products   = products
                             .Select(x => new ProductViewModel
                    Id          = x.Id,
                    ProductName = x.ProductName,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    UnitPrice   = x.UnitPrice,
                    PhotoPath   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.PhotoPath) ? "no-product-image.png" : x.PhotoPath
                CategoryId     = categoryId,
                BrandId        = brandId,
                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    TotalItems  = totalItems,
                    TotalPages  = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalItems / itemsPerPage),
                    ActualPage  = totalItems == 0 ? 0 : pageIndex,
                    ItemsOnPage = products.Count

            vm.PaginationInfo.Previous = vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage <= 1 ? "disabled" : "";
            vm.PaginationInfo.Next     = vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage >= vm.PaginationInfo.TotalPages ? "disabled" : "";

        public async Task Get_Album_Of_Specific_User_Should_Match_Album_Count()
            var albumFilterSpecification = new AlbumFilterSpecification(1);
            var numberOfAlbums           = await _albumRepository.CountAsync(albumFilterSpecification);

            Assert.Equal(10, numberOfAlbums);
        public async Task <TorrentsViewModel> GetTorrents(int pageIndex, int itemsPage, string searchText)
            var filterSpecification          = new CatalogFilterSpecification(searchText);
            var filterPaginatedSpecification = new CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification(itemsPage * pageIndex, itemsPage, searchText);

            var torrentsOnPage = await _torrentRepository.ListAsync(filterPaginatedSpecification);

            var totalTorrents = await _torrentRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            var ci = new TorrentsViewModel
                CatalogTorrents = torrentsOnPage.Select(x => new TorrentViewModel()
                    Id          = x.Id,
                    Title       = x.Title,
                    Size        = x.Size,
                    RegistredAt = x.RegistredAt
                SearchText     = searchText,
                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    ActualPage      = pageIndex,
                    TorrentsPerPage = torrentsOnPage.Count,
                    TotalTorrents   = totalTorrents,
                    TotalPages      = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalTorrents / itemsPage).ToString())

            ci.PaginationInfo.Previous = (ci.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == 0) ? "is-disabled" : "";
            ci.PaginationInfo.Next     = (ci.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == ci.PaginationInfo.TotalPages - 1) ? "is-disabled" : "";
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task <HomeIndexViewModel> GetHomeIndexViewModel(int?categoryId, int?brandId, int pageId)
            var spec    = new ProductFilterPaginatedSpecification(categoryId, brandId, (pageId - 1) * Constants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE, Constants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
            var specAll = new ProductFilterSpecification(categoryId, brandId);

            var products = await _productRepository.ListAsync(spec);

            var allCount = await _productRepository.CountAsync(specAll);

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(allCount / (double)Constants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE);

            return(new HomeIndexViewModel()
                Products = products.Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                    Id = x.Id,
                    Name = x.Name,
                    Price = x.Price,
                    PictureUri = x.PictureUri
                Categories = await GetCategoryListItems(),
                Brands = await GetBrandListItems(),
                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    ItemsOnPage = products.Count,
                    TotalItems = allCount,
                    CurrentPage = pageId,
                    TotalPages = totalPages,
                    HasPrevious = pageId > 1,
                    HasNext = pageId < totalPages
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task <IActionResult> SingleMeme(int id, int commentPage)
            int maxNumberOfPages = (await commentRepo.CountAsync(new CountCommentsOnMeme(id)) - 1) / 20 + 1;

            if (maxNumberOfPages == 0)
                maxNumberOfPages = 1;

            if (commentPage < 0 || commentPage > maxNumberOfPages)

            var memes = await memeRepo.GetAsync(new SingleMemeSpec(id));

            var meme = memes.FirstOrDefault();

            if (meme == null)

            var userId = this.GetCurrentUserId();

            var memeUserPoint = await memeXdPointRepo.GetAsync(new MemeXdPointConcreteUserIdAndMemeIdSpec(userId, meme.Id));

            var isMemeXdClicked = (userId == null || memeUserPoint.FirstOrDefault() == null) ? false : true;

            var comments = await commentRepo.GetAsync(new PageOfCommentsSingleMemeSpec(commentPage, id));

            var commentViewModels = new List <CommentViewModel>();

            foreach (var comment in comments)
                var userPoint = await commentXdPointRepo.GetAsync(new CommentXdPointConcreteUserIdAndMemeIdSpec(userId, comment.Id));

                var isXdClicked = (userId == null || userPoint.FirstOrDefault() == null) ? false : true;
                commentViewModels.Add(new CommentViewModel(comment, isXdClicked, configuration));

            var paginationViewModel = new PaginationViewModel()
                ActionName       = "SingleMeme",
                ControllerName   = "Home",
                CurrentPage      = commentPage,
                MaxNumberOfPages = maxNumberOfPages,
                AllRouteData     = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "id", meme.Id.ToString() }
                AlternativePageName = "commentPage"

            return(View(new SingleMemeViewModel
                MemeCardViewModel = new MemeCardViewModel(meme, isMemeXdClicked, configuration),
                CommentViewModels = commentViewModels,
                PaginationViewModel = paginationViewModel
Esempio n. 7
        public override async Task <ActionResult <ListPagedCatalogItemResponse> > HandleAsync([FromQuery] ListPagedCatalogItemRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var response = new ListPagedCatalogItemResponse(request.CorrelationId());

            var filterSpec = new CatalogFilterSpecification(request.CatalogBrandId, request.CatalogTypeId);
            int totalItems = await _itemRepository.CountAsync(filterSpec, cancellationToken);

            var pagedSpec = new CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification(
                skip: request.PageIndex * request.PageSize,
                take: request.PageSize,
                brandId: request.CatalogBrandId,
                typeId: request.CatalogTypeId);

            var items = await _itemRepository.ListAsync(pagedSpec, cancellationToken);

            response.CatalogItems.AddRange(items.Select(_mapper.Map <CatalogItemDto>));
            foreach (CatalogItemDto item in response.CatalogItems)
                item.PictureUri = _uriComposer.ComposePicUri(item.PictureUri);

            if (request.PageSize > 0)
                response.PageCount = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalItems / request.PageSize).ToString());
                response.PageCount = totalItems > 0 ? 1 : 0;

Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <HomeIndexViewModel> GetHomeIndexViewModel(int?categoryId, int?authorId, int page, int pageSize)
            var spec          = new ProductsWithAuthorSpecification(categoryId, authorId);
            var specPaginated = new ProductsWithAuthorSpecification(categoryId, authorId, (page - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
            var totalItems    = await _productRepository.CountAsync(spec);

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalItems / pageSize);
            var products   = await _productRepository.ListAsync(specPaginated);

            var vm = new HomeIndexViewModel()
                Products = products.Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                    Id         = x.Id,
                    Name       = x.Name,
                    PictureUri = x.PictureUri,
                    Price      = x.Price,
                    AuthorName = x.Author?.FullName
                Authors        = await GetAuthors(),
                Categories     = await GetCategories(),
                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    Page        = page,
                    ItemsOnPage = products.Count,
                    TotalItems  = totalItems,
                    TotalPages  = totalPages,
                    HasPrev     = page > 1,
                    HasNext     = page < totalPages

        public async Task <IActionResult> GetPaging([FromQuery] PagingSettings _pagingSettings)
            Boolean hasPaging = false;
            int     page      = 1;
            int     pageSize  = appConfig.pageSize;

            if (_pagingSettings != null)
                hasPaging = true;
                page      = ?? page;
                pageSize  = _pagingSettings.pagesize ?? pageSize;

            var totalItems = await _repository.CountAsync();

            if (!hasPaging)
                pageSize = totalItems;

            int currentPage     = page;
            int currentPageSize = pageSize;

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalItems / pageSize);

            IEnumerable <dynamic> _items = await _repository.GetAllAsync();

            JsonResult json = Json(_items.Skip((currentPage - 1) * currentPageSize)

            Response.AddPagination(page, pageSize, totalItems, totalPages);

        public async Task <HomeIndexViewModel> GetHomeIndexViewModel(int?categoryId, int?authorId, int page, int pageSize)
            //alttaki satır app core da ki spec ve ef deki list async ile çalışıyor. Include işlemi yaptık. Daha sonra filtre yaptık.
            var spec          = new ProductsWithAuthorSpecification(categoryId, authorId);
            var specPaginated = new ProductsWithAuthorSpecification(categoryId, authorId, (page - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
            var totalItems    = await _productRepository.CountAsync(spec);//degistirdik count diye

            var products = await _productRepository.ListAsync(specPaginated);

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalItems / pageSize);
            var vm         = new HomeIndexViewModel()
                Products = products.Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                    Id         = x.Id,
                    Name       = x.Name,
                    PictureUri = x.PictureUri,
                    Price      = x.Price,
                    AuthorName = x.Author?.FullName //yazar yoksa yazma
                Authors        = await GetAuthors(),
                Categories     = await GetCategories(),
                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    Page        = page,
                    ItemsOnPage = products.Count,
                    TotalItems  = totalItems,
                    TotalPages  = totalPages,
                    HasPrev     = page > 1,
                    HasNext     = page < totalPages

Esempio n. 11
        public async Task <ProductCatalogDto> ListProductsAsync(int pageIndex, int itemsPage, string orderBy, string search)
            var filterPaginatedEspecification = new ProductFilterPaginatedSpecification(itemsPage * pageIndex, itemsPage, orderBy, search);
            var filterSpecification           = new ProductFilterSpecification(orderBy, search);

            var itemsOnPage = await _productRepository.ListAsync(filterPaginatedEspecification);

            var totalItems = await _productRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            var products = new ProductCatalogDto()
                Products = itemsOnPage.Select(s => s.MapProductDto()).ToList(),

                PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoDto()
                    ActualPage   = pageIndex,
                    ItemsPerPage = itemsOnPage.Count,
                    TotalItems   = totalItems,
                    TotalPages   = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalItems / itemsPage)).ToString())

            products.PaginationInfo.Next     = (products.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == products.PaginationInfo.TotalPages - 1) ? "is-disabled" : "";
            products.PaginationInfo.Previous = (products.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == 0) ? "is-disabled" : "";

Esempio n. 12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get(int skip, int take, string searchQuery = null)
            IReadOnlyList <CropVariety> cropVarieties = await _repository.GetAsync(new CropVarietySpecification(skip, take, searchQuery));

            if (cropVarieties.Any())
                PaginatedResponse <CropVarietyResponse> response = new()
                    Data  = cropVarieties.Select(cv => _mapper.Map(cv)),
                    Total = await _repository.CountAsync(new CropVarietySpecification(searchQuery))


Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get(int skip, int take, string searchQuery = null)
            IReadOnlyList <WorkItem> workItems = await _repository.GetAsync(new WorkItemSpecification(skip, take, searchQuery));

            if (workItems.Any())
                PaginatedResponse <WorkItemResponse> response = new()
                    Data  = workItems.Select(wi => _mapper.Map(wi)),
                    Total = await _repository.CountAsync(new WorkItemSpecification(searchQuery))


        public async Task <IActionResult> Get(int skip, int take, string searchQuery = null)
            IReadOnlyList <Product> products = await _repository.GetAsync(new ProductSpecification(skip, take, searchQuery));

            if (products.Any())
                ApiResponse <ProductResponse> response = new()
                    Data  = products.Select(p => _mapper.Map(p)),
                    Total = await _repository.CountAsync(new ProductSpecification(searchQuery))


Esempio n. 15
        public async Task <int> BasketItemsCount(int basketId)
            // basketId 'sine göre sepetteki kalem adedini say
            //basketItemspecification' da sepetId'leri eşleştirdik, eşleştirdiğimiz sepetin kalem adedini say.
            var spec = new BasketItemSpecification(basketId);

            return(await _basketItemRepository.CountAsync(spec));
        public async Task <PaginatedList <Movie> > Handle(GetPaginatedMoviesQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var paginatedMovies = await _repositoryAsync.ListAsync(new GetPaginatedMoviesWithItemsSpecification(request.SearchString, request.PageIndex, request.PageSize));

            var totalItems = await _repositoryAsync.CountAsync(new GetMoviesSpecification(request.SearchString));

            return(new PaginatedList <Movie>(paginatedMovies.ToList(), totalItems, request.PageIndex, request.PageSize));
        public async Task <CatalogIndexViewModel> GetCatalogItems(
            int pageIndex, int itemsPage,
            string searchText,
            int?brandId, int?typeId,
            bool convertPrice = true,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            _logger.LogInformation("GetCatalogItems called.");

            var pageItemsOffset              = itemsPage * pageIndex;
            var filterSpecification          = new CatalogFilterSpecification(searchText, brandId, typeId);
            var filterPaginatedSpecification =
                new CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification(
                    pageItemsOffset, itemsPage, searchText, brandId, typeId);

            // the implementation below using ForEach and Count. We need a List.
            var itemsOnPage = await _itemRepository.ListAsync(filterPaginatedSpecification);

            // var itemsOnPage = await ListCatalogItems(
            // itemsPage * pageIndex, itemsPage, brandId, typeId);
            var totalItems = await _itemRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            // var totalItems = await CountCatalogItems(brandId, typeId);

            foreach (var itemOnPage in itemsOnPage)
                itemOnPage.PictureUri = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOnPage.PictureUri)
                     ? _configuration.GetValue <string>("ImagePictureUri")
                     : _uriComposer.ComposePicUri(itemOnPage.PictureUri);
            var CatalogItemsTask = Task.WhenAll(itemsOnPage.Select(
                                                    catalogItem => CreateCatalogItemViewModelAsync(catalogItem, convertPrice, cancellationToken)));


            var vm = new CatalogIndexViewModel()
                CatalogItems       = await CatalogItemsTask, // catalogItemsList,
                Brands             = await GetBrands(),
                Types              = await GetTypes(),
                BrandFilterApplied = brandId ?? 0,
                TypesFilterApplied = typeId ?? 0,
                PaginationInfo     = new PaginationInfoViewModel()
                    ActualPage   = pageIndex,
                    ItemsPerPage = itemsOnPage.Count,
                    TotalItems   = totalItems,
                    TotalPages   = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalItems / itemsPage)).ToString())

            vm.PaginationInfo.Next     = (vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == vm.PaginationInfo.TotalPages - 1) ? "is-disabled" : "";
            vm.PaginationInfo.Previous = (vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == 0) ? "is-disabled" : "";

Esempio n. 18
        public async Task <int> GetDuplicateCount(int countryid, string name)
            _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount started by:" + _userSettings.UserName, true);

                var filterSpecification = new ProvinceFilterSpecification(countryid, name);

                var totalItems = await _provinceRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount failed:" + ex.Message, false);
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task <int> GetDuplicateCount(string ediid)
            _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount started by:" + _userSettings.UserName, true);

                var filterSpecification = new ChildFilterSpecification(ediid);

                var totalItems = await _childRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount failed:" + ex.Message, false);
Esempio n. 20
        public async Task <ListTransactionHistoryViewModel> GetTransactionHistory(EntityType entityType, int entityid, string daterange, int page, int pagesize)
            var date = Common.Helpers.DateRangeHelper.GetDateRangeByDate(daterange);

            var walletid = await _walletRepository.GetWalletId(entityType, entityid);

            var filter = new TransactionHistorySpecification(walletid, date);

            var total = await _transactionHistoryRepository.CountAsync(filter);

            var transactionHistory = await _transactionHistoryRepository.ListPagedAsync(filter, "Id_desc", page, pagesize);

            return(new ListTransactionHistoryViewModel()
                TransactionHistories = TransactionHistoryViewModel.GetList(transactionHistory),
                Pager = new PagerViewModel(page, pagesize, total)
Esempio n. 21
        public async Task <int> GetDuplicateCount(int schoolid, string teachernumber)
            _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount started by:" + _userSettings.UserName, true);

                var filterSpecification = new TeacherFilterSpecification(schoolid, teachernumber);

                var totalItems = await _teacherRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount failed:" + ex.Message, false);
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task <int> GetQCDuplicateCount(string entityname, string entityfield)
            _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetQCDuplicateCount started by:" + _userSettings.UserName, true);

                var filterSpecification = new QuestionnaireConfigurationFilterSpecification(entityname, entityfield);

                var totalItems = await _questionnairesConfigurationRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetQCDuplicateCount failed:" + ex.Message, false);
        public async Task <PaginatedList <ListDataBasesDTO> > Handle(GetListDataBesesWithPaginationQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var list = await _dataBaseRepository.GetPagedReponseAsync(request.PageNumber, request.PageSize);

            var item  = _mapper.Map <List <ListDataBasesDTO> >(list);
            var count = await _dataBaseRepository.CountAsync();

            return(new PaginatedList <ListDataBasesDTO>(item, count, request.PageNumber, request.PageSize));
            //return new ListDataBasesWithPaginationVM(item, count, request.PageNumber, request.PageSize);
        public async Task <ListCampaignAccountContentViewModel> GetCampaignAccountContents(int campaignAccountId, string order, int page, int pagesize)
            var filter = new CampaignAccountContentByCampaignAccountIdSpecification(campaignAccountId);

            var total = await _CampaignAccountContentRepository.CountAsync(filter);

            var list = await _CampaignAccountContentRepository.ListPagedAsync(filter, "DateModified_desc", page, pagesize);

            return(new ListCampaignAccountContentViewModel()
                CampaignAccountContents = CampaignAccountContentViewModel.GetList(list),
                Pager = new PagerViewModel()
                    Page = page,
                    PageSize = pagesize,
                    Total = total
Esempio n. 25
        public async Task<int> GetDuplicateCount(int yearnumber)
            _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount started by:" + _userSettings.UserName, true);

                var filterSpecification = new YearFilterSpecification(yearnumber);

                var totalItems = await _yearRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

                return totalItems;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _sharedService.WriteLogs("GetDuplicateCount failed:" + ex.Message, false);
                return -1;
Esempio n. 26
 public async Task<int> BasketItemsCount(string buyerId)
     if (!await BasketExistsAsync(buyerId))
         return 0;
     var basketId = await GetBasketIdAsync(buyerId);
     var spec = new BasketItemSpecification(basketId);
     return await _basketItemRepository.CountAsync(spec);
        public override async Task <ActionResult <GetItemListResponse> > HandleAsync([FromQuery] GetItemListRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var response = new GetItemListResponse(request.CorrelationId());

            int totalItems = 0;
            var items      = new List <ShopItem>().AsReadOnly() as IReadOnlyList <ShopItem>;

            if (request.PriceSpecification)
                if (request.PriceFrom > request.PriceTo)
                    return(BadRequest("Price from can't be less than Price to"));

                var filterSpec = new ItemFilterSpecification(request.PriceFrom, request.PriceTo);
                totalItems = await _itemRepository.CountAsync(filterSpec);

                var pagedSpec = new ItemFilterPaginatedSpecification(
                    request.ItemsPerPage * (request.PageIndex - 1),

                items = await _itemRepository.ListAsync(pagedSpec);
                var filterSpec = new ItemFilterSpecification();
                totalItems = await _itemRepository.CountAsync(filterSpec);

                var pagedSpec = new ItemFilterPaginatedSpecification(
                    request.ItemsPerPage * (request.PageIndex - 1),

                items = await _itemRepository.ListAsync(pagedSpec);

            response.Items.AddRange(items.Select(_mapper.Map <ItemDto>));

            response.PageCount = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalItems / request.ItemsPerPage).ToString());

Esempio n. 28
            public async Task <Result <List <CatalogItemViewModel> > > Handle(GetCatalogItemsQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var filterSpecification          = new CatalogFilterSpecification(request.brandId, request.typeId);
                var filterPaginatedSpecification = new CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification(request.itemsPage * request.pageIndex, request.itemsPage, request.brandId, request.typeId);

                // the implementation below using ForEach and Count. We need a List.
                var itemsOnPage = await _itemRepository.ListAsync(filterPaginatedSpecification);

                var totalItems = await _itemRepository.CountAsync(filterSpecification);

        private bool BeUnique(Order order)
            var Spec  = new OrderByPONumberSpecification(order.PONumber, order.ClientGatewayId);
            var count = _asyncOrderRepository.CountAsync(Spec).Result;

            if (count > 0)
Esempio n. 30
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?page)
            page ??= new int?(1);
            int maxNumberOfPages = (await memeRepo.CountAsync(new BaseSpecification <Meme>()) - 1) / 10 + 1;

            if (maxNumberOfPages == 0)
                maxNumberOfPages = 1;

            if (page.Value < 1 || page.Value > maxNumberOfPages)

            var userId = this.GetCurrentUserId();

            var memes = await memeRepo.GetAsync(new PageOfMemesOrderedByDateSpec(page.Value));

            var memeViewModels = new List <MemeCardViewModel>();

            foreach (var meme in memes)
                var userPoint = await memeXdPointRepo.GetAsync(new MemeXdPointConcreteUserIdAndMemeIdSpec(userId, meme.Id));

                var isXdClicked = (userId == null || userPoint.FirstOrDefault() == null) ? false : true;
                memeViewModels.Add(new MemeCardViewModel(meme, isXdClicked, configuration));

            var paginationViewModel = new PaginationViewModel()
                ActionName       = "Index",
                ControllerName   = "Home",
                CurrentPage      = page.Value,
                MaxNumberOfPages = maxNumberOfPages

            return(View(new IndexViewModel {
                MemeCardViewModels = memeViewModels, PaginationViewModel = paginationViewModel