public async Task HandleAsync(ProductPurchasedEvent @event)
            var shippingInvoice = new ShippingInvoice(@event.PurchaseOrderNo, @event.BuyerId, @event.PurchaseOrderList, @event.ShippingAddress);

            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 2
        protected TData Add(TData data)
            var entity = GetEntityObject(data);

            entity = _repository.Add(entity);
        public ProductCategoryViewModel Add(ProductCategoryViewModel productCategoryVm)
            var productCategory = _mapper.Map <ProductCategoryViewModel, ProductCategory>(productCategoryVm);

        public async Task HandleAsync(CreatePurchaseOrderCommand command)
            //Issue: Crossing the boundary context to cut shot the time.
            //This should call the Basket Api and get the details. Not the repository directly.
            var basketSpecification = new BasketWithItemsSpecification(command.BasketId);
            var basket = await _basketAsyncRepository.GetSingleAsync(basketSpecification);

            var items = new List <PurchaseOrderItem>();

            foreach (var basketItem in basket.BasketItems)
                var catalogItem = await _catalogItemAsyncRepository.GetByIdAsync(basketItem.CatalogItemId);

                var itemOrdered = new CatalogItemOrdered(catalogItem.Id,
                                                         (CatalogItemType)catalogItem.CatalogType, catalogItem.Name, catalogItem.PictureUri);
                var orderItem = new PurchaseOrderItem(itemOrdered, basketItem.UnitPrice, basketItem.Quantity);

            var purchaseOrderId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var purchaseOrderIdNumberMapping = new PurchaseOrderIdNumberMapping {
                PurchaseOrderId = purchaseOrderId

            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

            var purchaseOrder = new Domain.PurchaseOrder(purchaseOrderId, purchaseOrderIdNumberMapping.Id, basket.BuyerId, command.Address, items);
            await _shopAggregateRepositoryService.SaveAsync(purchaseOrder);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task <ContentResult> CaptureOrder([FromQuery] string token, [FromQuery] string payerid)
            //return $"{token}:{payerid}";
            string bearerToken = await Helper.getAccessToken(_clientFactory, _configRoot);

            String             uri     = string.Format(_configRoot.Paypal_capture_payment_url, token);
            HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage
                Method = HttpMethod.Post,
                // RequestUri = new Uri($"{token}/capture"),
                RequestUri = new Uri(uri),

                //this really suck, took me a whole day => HttpRequestMessage prevented me add content-type for httpclient post with NO content.
                //I tried all => only work with empty string
                Content = new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

            request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", bearerToken);
            var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient();

            _logger.LogInformation("About to Request capture order");
            var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                _logger.LogInformation("Done request capture order");
                var res = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                // await _hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("cartcomponent", "From backend server, done with paypal capture payment");

                var capturedOrder = QuickType.OrderViewModel.FromJson(res);

                var order = _mapper.Map <Order>(capturedOrder);

                await _orderRepo.Add(order);

                return(new ContentResult
                    ContentType = "text/html",
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    //Content = "<html><head><script>(function(){window.close()})()</script></head><body></body></html>"
                    Content = $"<html><body><head><script></script></head><div style=\"text-align:center\"><h3>Your payment with Paypal is completed. </h3><a href=\"{_configRoot.BaseAddress}\"><button>Back to Store</button></a><br></body></html>"
                return(new ContentResult
                    ContentType = "text/html",
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    //Content = "<html><head><script>(function(){window.close()})()</script></head><body></body></html>"
                    Content = response.ToString()
Esempio n. 6
 public async Task HandleAsync(BasketCreatedEvent @event)
     _basketAsyncRepository.Add(new Query.ViewModel.Basket
         BasketId = @event.BasketId,
         BuyerId  = @event.BuyerId
     await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 7
        public void AddFoodPerDay(FoodPerDayView foodPerDay)
            var foodPerDayEntity = new FoodPerDayEntity()
                Day = foodPerDay.Day

Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <ActionResult <StudioDto> > PostStudio(StudioDto studioDto)
            var studio = _mapper.Map <Studio>(studioDto);

            studio = await _repository.Add(studio);

            var result = _mapper.Map <StudioDto>(studio);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetStudio", new { id = result.Id }, result));
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <ActionResult <RatingDto> > PostRating(RatingDto ratingDto)
            var rating = _mapper.Map <Rating>(ratingDto);

            rating = await _repository.Add(rating);

            var result = _mapper.Map <RatingDto>(rating);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetRating", new { id = result.Id }, result));
        public async Task <ActionResult <TriviaDto> > PostTrivia(TriviaDto triviaDto)
            var trivia = _mapper.Map <Trivia>(triviaDto);

            trivia = await _repository.Add(trivia);

            var result = _mapper.Map <TriviaDto>(trivia);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetTrivia", new { id = result.Id }, result));
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task <ActionResult <RentalDto> > PostRental(RentalDto rentalDto)
            var rental = _mapper.Map <Rental>(rentalDto);

            rental = await _repository.Add(rental);

            var result = _mapper.Map <RentalDto>(rental);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetRental", new { id = result.Id }, result));
        public async Task <ActionResult <MovieDto> > PostMovie(MovieDto movieDto)
            var movie = _mapper.Map <Movie>(movieDto);

            movie = await _repository.Add(movie);

            var result = _mapper.Map <MovieDto>(movie);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetMovie", new { id = result.Id }, result));
        public void AddFood(FoodView foodView)
            var food = new FoodEntity()
                //Id = foodView.FoodId,
                Name            = foodView.Name,
                CaloriesPer100G = foodView.CaloriesPer100G

Esempio n. 14
        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(TagViewModel tagViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var tag = tagViewModel.GetEntity();
            await tagRepository.Add(tag);

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { Area = "Admin" }));
 public IActionResult Post([FromBody] RoleVM model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var Output = roleContext.Add(model);
         if (Output.Result == true)
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task ConfirmAttendace(Attendance attendance,
                                           IAsyncRepository <Attendance> attendaceRepository)
            var userHadConfirmed =
                attendaceRepository.GetWhere(exp => exp.EventId == attendance.EventId && exp.UserName == attendance.UserName).Result.Any();

            if (userHadConfirmed)
                throw new AttendanceExistsException();

            await attendaceRepository.Add(attendance);
Esempio n. 17
        public async Task AddMovieReview(ReviewRequestModel reviewRequest)
            if (_currentUserService.UserId != reviewRequest.UserId)
                throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "You are not Authorized to Review");

            var review = new Review
                UserId     = reviewRequest.UserId,
                MovieId    = reviewRequest.MovieId,
                ReviewText = reviewRequest.ReviewText,
                Rating     = reviewRequest.Rating,

            await _reviewRepository.Add(review);
Esempio n. 18
        private async void CreateOrder()
                if (ListOD.Count() > 0)
                    var newOrder = new OrderHeader();

                    if (SelectedCus != null)
                        newOrder.CusID = SelectedCus.CusID;

                    newOrder.Discount = SelectedDis;

                    if (SelectedLog != null)
                        newOrder.LogId = SelectedLog.LogID;

                    newOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;

                    foreach (var i in ListOD)
                        newOrder.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail()
                            ProductId = i.ProductID,
                            OrderQty  = i.OrderQty,
                            UnitPrice = (decimal)i.UnitPrice,
                            StoreID   = i.StoreID

                    var result = await oh_repo.Add(newOrder);

                    MessengerInstance.Send <OrderHeader>(result);
                MessageBox.Show("Có Lỗi");
Esempio n. 19
        protected async Task <IActionResult> _AddItem(Model item)
            IActionResult result = BadRequest(ResponseDTO.BadRequest());

                var insertedItem = await _repository.Add(item);

                result = Ok(ResponseDTO.Ok(insertedItem));
            catch (DbUpdateException ex)
                var res = ResponseDTO.BadRequest($"Cannot add new { typeof(Model).Name }.");
                result = BadRequest(res);

Esempio n. 20
        protected async Task PrepareForInsertOrUpdateAsync <T>(
            IAsyncRepository <T> repository,
            IQueryable <T> query,
            Func <T, IAsyncRepository <T>, IQueryable <T>, CancellationToken, Task <T> > updateConditionExpression,
            Action <T, T> preUpdateDelegate,
            T newEntity,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var foundEntity = await updateConditionExpression(newEntity, repository, query, cancellationToken);

            if (foundEntity == null)

            preUpdateDelegate?.Invoke(foundEntity, newEntity);
Esempio n. 21
        public async Task AddFavorite(FavoriteRequestModel favoriteRequest)
            if (_currentUserService.UserId != favoriteRequest.UserId)
                throw new HttpException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "You are not Authorized to purchase");
            // See if Movie is already Favorite.
            if (await FavoriteExists(favoriteRequest.UserId, favoriteRequest.MovieId))
                throw new ConflictException("Movie already Favorited");

            var favorite = new Favorite
                UserId  = favoriteRequest.UserId,
                MovieId = favoriteRequest.MovieId,

            await _favoriteRepository.Add(favorite);
Esempio n. 22
 public override async Task AddRole(UserRole newRole, int adderRef)
     await userRoleRepository.Add(newRole, adderRef);
Esempio n. 23
 public override async Task Add(User newUser, int adderRef)
     await repository.Add(newUser, adderRef);
Esempio n. 24
 public async Task Handle(AddAgentCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 => await Agent.Register(Guid.NewGuid(), request.FirstName, request.LastName)
 .OnSuccess(async agent => await _repository.Add(agent))
 .OnSuccess(async agentId => await _unitOfWork.Compleate());
Esempio n. 25
 public override async Task Add(Machine MachineInformation, int adderRef)
     await repository.Add(MachineInformation, adderRef);
 public override async Task Add(DefinationProcess DefinationProcessInformation, int adderRef)
     await repository.Add(DefinationProcessInformation, adderRef);
Esempio n. 27
 public virtual async Task <T> Add(T reg)
     return(await _repository.Add(reg));
        private async void Submit(string obj)
                var newsup = new Supplier()
                    Name     = Name,
                    Delegate = Delegate,
                    Email    = Email,
                    Phone    = Phone,

                if (SupImg != null)
                    newsup.Avatar = SupImg.ConvertToByte();

                if (obj == null)
                    //Create new sup
                    var objresult = await supplier_repo.Add(newsup);

                    if (objresult != null)
                        dc = new DialogContent()
                            Content = "Thêm Thành Công", Tilte = "Thông Báo"
                        dialog = new DialogOk()
                            DataContext = dc
                        DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
                        await DialogHost.Show(dialog, DialogHostId);

                        dc = new DialogContent()
                            Content = "Thêm Thất Bại", Tilte = "Thông Báo"
                        dialog = new DialogOk()
                            DataContext = dc
                        DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
                        await DialogHost.Show(dialog, DialogHostId);
                    //update sup

                    newsup.SupID = Convert.ToInt32(obj);

                    if (await supplier_repo.Update(newsup))
                        dc = new DialogContent()
                            Content = "Cập Nhật Thành Công", Tilte = "Thông Báo"
                        dialog = new DialogOk()
                            DataContext = dc
                        DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
                        await DialogHost.Show(dialog, DialogHostId);

                        ListSupplier = new ObservableCollection <Supplier>(await supplier_repo.GetAllAsync());
                        dc = new DialogContent()
                            Content = "Cập Nhật Thất Bại", Tilte = "Thông Báo"
                        dialog = new DialogOk()
                            DataContext = dc
                        DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
                        await DialogHost.Show(dialog, DialogHostId);
                dc.Content = "Có Lỗi";
                dc.Tilte   = "Thông Báo";
                dialog     = new DialogOk()
                    DataContext = dc
                DialogHost.CloseDialogCommand.Execute(null, null);
                await DialogHost.Show(dialog, DialogHostId);
 public override async Task Add(DomainInformation domainInformation, int adderRef)
     await repository.Add(domainInformation, adderRef);
Esempio n. 30
 public override async Task AddRuloProcess(RuloProcess ruloProcess, int adderRef)
     await ruloProcessRepository.Add(ruloProcess, adderRef);