Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher Parameters</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The public or private key</param>
        /// <param name="Tag">An identity field</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid key is used</exception>
        public AsymmetricContainer(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair, byte[] Tag = null)
            if (!(KeyPair is IAsymmetricKeyPair))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("KeyContainer:Ctor", "Not a valid key-pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _publicKey = KeyPair.PublicKey;
            _privateKey = KeyPair.PrivateKey;
            _asmParameters = Parameters;
            _idTag = Tag;
Esempio n. 2
        private void PopulateDsaKeys()
            IAsymmetricKeyPair dsaKeyPair      = dsaKeyProvider.CreateKeyPair(2048);
            string             firstPublicKey  = pkcs8PemFormatter.GetAsPem(dsaKeyPair.PublicKey);
            string             firstPrivateKey = pkcs8PemFormatter.GetAsPem(dsaKeyPair.PrivateKey);

            files.Add("private.dsa.first", encoding.GetBytes(firstPrivateKey));
            files.Add("public.dsa.first", encoding.GetBytes(firstPublicKey));

            dsaKeyPair = dsaKeyProvider.CreateKeyPair(2048);

            string secondPublicKey  = pkcs8PemFormatter.GetAsPem(dsaKeyPair.PublicKey);
            string secondPrivateKey = pkcs8PemFormatter.GetAsPem(dsaKeyPair.PrivateKey);

            files.Add("private.dsa.second", encoding.GetBytes(secondPrivateKey));
            files.Add("public.dsa.second", encoding.GetBytes(secondPublicKey));
            public void Setup()
                var rsaKeyProvider         = new RsaKeyProvider(keyPairGenerator);
                IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair = rsaKeyProvider.CreateKeyPair(2048);

                key = keyPair.PublicKey;

                string keyContent = provider.GetRsaPublicKeyContent(key);

                result = base64.FromBase64String(keyContent);

                using (var stream = new MemoryStream(result))
                    rawHeader   = ReadNextContent(stream);
                    rawExponent = ReadNextContent(stream);
                    rawModulus  = ReadNextContent(stream);
        public static void TestSignVerifyNormalization()
            IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair = New <IAsymmetricFactory>().CreateKeyPair(512);

            Signer   signer   = new Signer(keyPair.PrivateKey);
            Verifier verifier = new Verifier(keyPair.PublicKey);

            byte[] signature;

            signature = signer.Sign("A", "simple", "string");
            Assert.That(verifier.Verify(signature, "A simple string"));

            signature = signer.Sign("Asimplestring");
            Assert.That(verifier.Verify(signature, "A simple string"));

            signature = signer.Sign(" A simple string ");
            Assert.That(verifier.Verify(signature, "         A       \r\nsimple\t string"));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Setup()
            keyPair = Mock.Of <IAsymmetricKeyPair>();

            keyProvider = new Mock <IElGamalKeyProvider>();
            keyProvider.Setup(kp => kp.CreateKeyPair(2048, true))

            console        = new Mock <ConsoleWrapper>();
            commandHandler = new CreateElGamalKeyCommandHandler(keyProvider.Object, console.Object);
            command        = new CreateKeyCommand <ElGamalKey>
                KeySize         = 2048,
                UseRfc3526Prime = true

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="MPKCPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="MPKCPrivateKey"/> for decryption</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Encryption">When true cipher is for encryption, if false, decryption</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the McEliece public or private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="MPKCException">Thrown if the cipher is not initialized or the key is invalid</exception>
        public void Initialize(bool Encryption, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            if (!(KeyPair is MPKCKeyPair))
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid McEliece key pair!", new InvalidOperationException());

            // init implementation engine
            _encEngine.Initialize(Encryption, KeyPair);

            // get the sizes
            if (Encryption)
                if (KeyPair.PublicKey == null)
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Encryption requires a public key!", new InvalidOperationException());
                if (!(KeyPair.PublicKey is MPKCPublicKey))
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "The public key is invalid!", new ArgumentException());

                MPKCPublicKey pub = (MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey;
                _maxCipherText = pub.N >> 3;
                _maxPlainText  = pub.K >> 3;
                if (KeyPair.PrivateKey == null)
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Decryption requires a private key!", new InvalidOperationException());
                if (!(KeyPair.PrivateKey is MPKCPrivateKey))
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "The private key is invalid!", new ArgumentException());

                MPKCPrivateKey pri = (MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey;
                _maxPlainText  = pri.K >> 3;
                _maxCipherText = pri.N >> 3;

            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 7
        public string Decrypt(IAsymmetricKeyPair privateKey, byte[] encryptedText)
            var splitArray = encryptedText.Select((x, i) => new { Key = i / EncryptedTextSize, Value = x })
                             .GroupBy(x => x.Key, x => x.Value, (k, g) => g.ToArray())
            var decryptedText = "";

            foreach (var bytes in splitArray)
                using (var cipher = new NTRUEncrypt(this.encParams))
                    var dec = cipher.Decrypt(bytes);
                    decryptedText += Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dec);

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert an external representation of a key-pair to an internal representation that is suitable for actual use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountKey">The account key.</param>
        /// <param name="passphrase">The passphrase to decrypt the private key, if any, with.</param>
        /// <returns>A UserKeyPair or null if it was not possible to decrypt it.</returns>
        public static UserKeyPair ToUserKeyPair(this Api.Model.AccountKey accountKey, Passphrase passphrase)
            if (accountKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accountKey));

            string privateKeyPem = DecryptPrivateKeyPem(accountKey.KeyPair.PrivateEncryptedPem, passphrase);

            if (privateKeyPem == null)

            IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair            = Resolve.AsymmetricFactory.CreateKeyPair(accountKey.KeyPair.PublicPem, privateKeyPem);
            UserKeyPair        userAsymmetricKeys = new UserKeyPair(EmailAddress.Parse(accountKey.User), accountKey.Timestamp, keyPair);

Esempio n. 9
        static double SignTest(int Iterations, RNBWParameters Param, bool Sign = true)
            Stopwatch runTimer = new Stopwatch();

            byte[]             code;
            RNBWKeyGenerator   mkgen = new RNBWKeyGenerator(Param, new CTRPrng(BlockCiphers.RDX, SeedGenerators.CSPRsg, 16384, 16));
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] data = new byte[200];
            new CSPRng().GetBytes(data);

            using (RNBWSign sgn = new RNBWSign(Param))
                if (Sign)

                    for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                        code = sgn.Sign(data, 0, data.Length);
                    // sign the array first
                    code = sgn.Sign(data, 0, data.Length);
                    // init for verify

                    for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                        sgn.Verify(data, 0, data.Length, code);

Esempio n. 10
        public async Task TestCreateAndLoadAsymmetricKeysStore()
            IDataContainer workFolder  = New <IDataContainer>(@"C:\Temp\");
            AccountStorage store       = new AccountStorage(new LocalAccountService(new LogOnIdentity(EmailAddress.Parse(@"*****@*****.**"), new Passphrase("secret")), workFolder));
            UserKeyPair    userKeyPair = new UserKeyPair(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**"), 512);

            await store.ImportAsync(userKeyPair);

            Assert.That((await store.AllKeyPairsAsync()).First().KeyPair.PrivateKey, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That((await store.AllKeyPairsAsync()).First().KeyPair.PublicKey, Is.Not.Null);

            IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair = (await store.AllKeyPairsAsync()).First().KeyPair;

            store = new AccountStorage(new LocalAccountService(new LogOnIdentity(EmailAddress.Parse(@"*****@*****.**"), new Passphrase("secret")), workFolder));

            Assert.That((await store.AllKeyPairsAsync()).First().KeyPair.PrivateKey.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(keyPair.PrivateKey.ToString()));
            Assert.That((await store.AllKeyPairsAsync()).First().KeyPair.PublicKey.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(keyPair.PublicKey.ToString()));
Esempio n. 11
        public bool VerifyKeyPair(IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair)
            ECPrivateKeyParameters privateKey;
            ECPublicKeyParameters  publicKey;

                privateKey = GetKeyParameter <ECPrivateKeyParameters>(keyPair.PrivateKey?.Content, AsymmetricKeyType.Private);
                publicKey  = GetKeyParameter <ECPublicKeyParameters>(keyPair.PublicKey?.Content, AsymmetricKeyType.Public);
            catch (CryptographicException)

            return(privateKey.Parameters.Equals(publicKey.Parameters) &&
                   publicKey.Parameters.Curve.A.FieldName == privateKey.Parameters.Curve.A.FieldName &&
        public void SetupFormattingProviderTest()
            var secureRandom = new SecureRandomGenerator();

            rsaKeyProvider = new RsaKeyProvider(new AsymmetricKeyPairGenerator(secureRandom));
            keyPair        = rsaKeyProvider.CreateKeyPair(2048);

            var oidMapper = new OidToCipherTypeMapper();
            var asymmetricKeyConverter = new AsymmetricKeyProvider(oidMapper, new KeyInfoWrapper(), rsaKeyProvider, null, null, null);

            pkcs8PemFormattingProvider = new Pkcs8PemFormattingProvider(asymmetricKeyConverter);

            var configuration = Mock.Of <IConfiguration>(m => m.Get <int>("SaltLengthInBytes") == 100 &&
                                                         m.Get <int>("KeyDerivationIterationCount") == 1);

            var encryptionProvider = new KeyEncryptionProvider(configuration, secureRandom, asymmetricKeyConverter, new Pkcs12KeyEncryptionGenerator(), new AesKeyEncryptionGenerator());

            pkcsEncryptedKey = encryptionProvider.EncryptPrivateKey(keyPair.PrivateKey, "password", EncryptionType.Pkcs);
            aesEncryptedKey  = encryptionProvider.EncryptPrivateKey(keyPair.PrivateKey, "password", EncryptionType.Aes);
Esempio n. 13
        public bool VerifyKeyPair(IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair)
            DsaPrivateKeyParameters privateKey;
            DsaPublicKeyParameters  publicKey;

                publicKey  = GetKeyParameter <DsaPublicKeyParameters>(keyPair.PublicKey?.Content, AsymmetricKeyType.Public);
                privateKey = GetKeyParameter <DsaPrivateKeyParameters>(keyPair.PrivateKey?.Content, AsymmetricKeyType.Private);
            catch (CryptographicException)

            return(privateKey.X.BitCount > 0 &&
                   publicKey.Y.BitCount > 0 &&
                   privateKey.Parameters.Equals(publicKey.Parameters) &&
                   publicKey.Y.Equals(publicKey.Parameters.G.ModPow(privateKey.X, publicKey.Parameters.P)));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="MPKCPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="MPKCPrivateKey"/> for decryption</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Encryption">When true cipher is for encryption, if false, decryption</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the McEliece public or private key</param>
        public void Initialize(bool Encryption, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            _isEncryption = Encryption;
            _keyPair      = KeyPair;

            if (_isEncryption)
                _secRnd       = GetPrng(_cipherParams.RandomEngine);
                _N            = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).N;
                _K            = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).K;
                _T            = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).T;
                _maxPlainText = (((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).K >> 3);
                _N = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).N;
                _K = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).K;
                _T = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).T;
Esempio n. 15
        private bool TryParseNonces(IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair, List <Message> requestedContactsMessages)
            foreach (var message in requestedContactsMessages)
                    var encryptedNonce = new TryteString(
                            message.Payload.Value.IndexOf(Constants.LineBreak.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal) + Constants.LineBreak.TrytesLength));

                    var nonce = this.Encryption.Decrypt(keyPair, encryptedNonce.ToBytes());
                    return(DateTime.TryParse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(nonce), out _));
                    // ignored

Esempio n. 16
        static void FullCycle(RLWEParameters Param)
            RLWEKeyGenerator   mkgen = new RLWEKeyGenerator(Param);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] enc;

            using (RLWEEncrypt mpe = new RLWEEncrypt(Param))

                byte[] data = new byte[mpe.MaxPlainText];
                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);
                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Compare.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Encryption test: decryption failure!");
Esempio n. 17
        static void FullCycle()
            MPKCParameters     mpar  = MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256; //APR2011743FAST
            MPKCKeyGenerator   mkgen = new MPKCKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] enc;

            using (MPKCEncrypt mpe = new MPKCEncrypt(mpar))

                byte[] data = new byte[mpe.MaxPlainText];
                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);
                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Compare.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Encryption test: decryption failure!");
        public static void TestGetSetRecipientsAndClone()
            V2AsymmetricRecipientsEncryptedHeaderBlock headerBlock = new V2AsymmetricRecipientsEncryptedHeaderBlock(new V2AesCrypto(SymmetricKey.Zero256, SymmetricIV.Zero128, 0));
            IAsymmetricKeyPair aliceKeyPair = New <IAsymmetricFactory>().CreateKeyPair(512);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair bobKeyPair   = New <IAsymmetricFactory>().CreateKeyPair(512);

            List <UserPublicKey> publicKeys = new List <UserPublicKey>();

            publicKeys.Add(new UserPublicKey(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**"), aliceKeyPair.PublicKey));
            publicKeys.Add(new UserPublicKey(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**"), bobKeyPair.PublicKey));
            Recipients recipients = new Recipients(publicKeys);

            headerBlock.Recipients = recipients;
            Assert.That(headerBlock.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[0].Email, Is.EqualTo(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**")));
            Assert.That(headerBlock.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[1].Email, Is.EqualTo(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**")));

            V2AsymmetricRecipientsEncryptedHeaderBlock clone = (V2AsymmetricRecipientsEncryptedHeaderBlock)headerBlock.Clone();

            Assert.That(clone.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[0].Email, Is.EqualTo(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**")));
            Assert.That(clone.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[0].PublicKey.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(aliceKeyPair.PublicKey.ToString()));
            Assert.That(clone.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[1].Email, Is.EqualTo(EmailAddress.Parse("*****@*****.**")));
            Assert.That(clone.Recipients.PublicKeys.ToList()[1].PublicKey.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(bobKeyPair.PublicKey.ToString()));
Esempio n. 19
        static void FullCycle()
            NTRUParameters     mpar  = NTRUParamSets.APR2011439FAST; //APR2011743FAST
            NTRUKeyGenerator   mkgen = new NTRUKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] enc;

            using (NTRUEncrypt mpe = new NTRUEncrypt(mpar))

                byte[] data = new byte[mpe.MaxPlainText];
                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);
                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Compare.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Тест шифрования: отказ дешифрования!");
Esempio n. 20
        static double Encrypt(int Iterations, NTRUParameters Param)
            NTRUKeyGenerator   mkgen = new NTRUKeyGenerator(Param);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[]    ptext = new CSPRng().GetBytes(64);
            byte[]    ctext;
            Stopwatch runTimer = new Stopwatch();

            using (NTRUEncrypt mpe = new NTRUEncrypt(Param))

                for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                    ctext = mpe.Encrypt(ptext);

Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypts a byte array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyPair">The correct key pair</param>
        /// <param name="encryptedBytes">The encrypted byte array</param>
        /// <returns>Decrypted string</returns>
        public byte[] Decrypt(IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair, byte[] encryptedBytes)
            var splitArray = encryptedBytes.Select((x, i) => new { Key = i / this.maxEncryptionSize, Value = x })
                             .GroupBy(x => x.Key, x => x.Value, (k, g) => g.ToArray()).ToArray();
            var bytesList = new List <byte[]>();

            foreach (var bytes in splitArray)
                using (var cipher = new NTRUEncrypt(this.ntruParameters))
                        // ignored

            return(bytesList.SelectMany(a => a).ToArray());
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="MPKCPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="MPKCPrivateKey"/> for decryption</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Encryption">When true cipher is for encryption, if false, decryption</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the McEliece public or private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="MPKCException">Thrown if the cipher is not initialized or the key is invalid</exception>
        public void Initialize(bool Encryption, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            if (!(KeyPair is MPKCKeyPair))
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid McEliece key pair!", new InvalidOperationException());

            // init implementation engine
            _encEngine.Initialize(Encryption, KeyPair);

            // get the sizes
            if (Encryption)
                if (KeyPair.PublicKey == null)
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Encryption requires a public key!", new InvalidOperationException());
                if (!(KeyPair.PublicKey is MPKCPublicKey))
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "The public key is invalid!", new ArgumentException());

                MPKCPublicKey pub = (MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey;
                _maxCipherText = pub.N >> 3;
                _maxPlainText = pub.K >> 3;
                if (KeyPair.PrivateKey == null)
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "Decryption requires a private key!", new InvalidOperationException());
                if (!(KeyPair.PrivateKey is MPKCPrivateKey))
                    throw new MPKCException("MPKCEncrypt:Initialize", "The private key is invalid!", new ArgumentException());

                MPKCPrivateKey pri = (MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey;
                _maxPlainText = pri.K >> 3;
                _maxCipherText = pri.N >> 3;

            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the McEliece public or private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="MPKCException">Thrown if an invalid keypair is used</exception>
        public void Initialize(IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            if (!(KeyPair is MPKCKeyPair))
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCSign:Initialize", "The key pair is not a valid McEliece key pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _keyPair = KeyPair;
            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher for Decryption; This Initialize() method is only for Decryption.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="NTRUPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="NTRUPrivateKey"/> for decryption contained in an <see cref="NTRUKeyPair"/> class.
        /// NTRU requires both Public and Private keys to decrypt a message.
        /// Use the <see cref="Initialize(IAsymmetricKey)"/> method and pass the NTRUPublicKey for Encryption.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the NTRU public or private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if a key is invalid</exception>
        public void Initialize(IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            if (!(KeyPair is NTRUKeyPair))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
            if (KeyPair.PublicKey == null)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
            if (!(KeyPair.PublicKey is NTRUPublicKey))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
            if (KeyPair.PrivateKey == null)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
            if (!(KeyPair.PrivateKey is NTRUPrivateKey))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _keyPair = (NTRUKeyPair)KeyPair;
            _isEncryption = false;
            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 25
 public UserKeyPair(EmailAddress userEmail, DateTime timestamp, IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair)
     UserEmail = userEmail;
     Timestamp = timestamp;
     KeyPair   = keyPair;
Esempio n. 26
        public static List <ChatMessage> FilterChatMessages(IEnumerable <TryteString> trytes, NtruKex ntruKex, IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair)
            var chatMessages = new List <ChatMessage>();

            foreach (var tryte in trytes)
                    var trytesString  = tryte.ToString();
                    var indexBreak    = trytesString.IndexOf("9CHIOTAYOURIOTACHATAPP9", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    var messageTrytes = new TryteString(trytesString.Substring(0, indexBreak));
                    var dateTrytes    = new TryteString(trytesString.Substring(indexBreak + 23, trytesString.Length - indexBreak - 23));

                    // can only decrypt messages from other user (send with own public key)!
                    var decryptedMessage = ntruKex.Decrypt(keyPair, messageTrytes.ToBytes());
                    var date             = DateTime.Parse(dateTrytes.ToUtf8String());
                    var chatMessage      = new ChatMessage {
                        Message = decryptedMessage, Date = date

Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Generat an asymmetric key-pair
        /// </summary>
        private IAsymmetricKeyPair GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
            using (IAsymmetricGenerator gen = GetAsymmetricGenerator(Parameters))
                _authKeyPair = gen.GenerateKeyPair();

            return (IAsymmetricKeyPair)_authKeyPair.Clone();
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the servers Auth-Stage Asymmetric Public key; <see cref="IAsymmetricKey"/>, built using the PKE params id from the servers identity structure.
        /// <para>The packet header; <see cref="DtmPacket"/>, contains the message type, payload length, sequence number, and exchange state.
        /// The payload is the servers Auth-Stage asymmetric Public Key.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A raw packet containing the packet header, and the servers Auth-Stage asymmetric Public Key</returns>
        private MemoryStream CreatePreAuth()
            // server asym params
            _srvAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_srvIdentity.PkeId);
            // generate the servers auth-stage key pair
            _authKeyPair = GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(_srvAsmParams);
            // serialize servers public key
            MemoryStream pbk = _authKeyPair.PublicKey.ToStream();
            // stage completed
            _exchangeState = DtmExchangeFlags.PreAuth;

            return pbk;
Esempio n. 29
 public FakeLicenseAuthority()
     _keyPair = New <IAsymmetricFactory>().CreateKeyPair(512);
Esempio n. 30
        private void TestEncode()
            RLWEParameters     mpar  = RLWEParamSets.RLWEN256Q7681;
            RLWEKeyGenerator   mkgen = new RLWEKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            RLWEPublicKey pub = (RLWEPublicKey)akp.PublicKey;

            byte[] enc = pub.ToBytes();
            using (RLWEPublicKey pub2 = RLWEPublicKey.From(enc))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pubstr = pub.ToStream();

            using (RLWEPublicKey pub2 = RLWEPublicKey.From(pubstr))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key stream test"));

            RLWEPrivateKey pri = (RLWEPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey;

            enc = pri.ToBytes();
            using (RLWEPrivateKey pri2 = RLWEPrivateKey.From(enc))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pristr = pri.ToStream();

            using (RLWEPrivateKey pri2 = RLWEPrivateKey.From(pristr))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key stream test"));

            using (RLWEEncrypt mpe = new RLWEEncrypt(mpar))

                int    sz   = mpe.MaxPlainText;
                byte[] data = new byte[sz];
                new VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Prng.CSPRng().GetBytes(data);

                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);

                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Compare.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: decryption failure!");
                OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed encryption test"));

Esempio n. 31
        private void TestEncrypt()
            MPKCParameters     mpar  = (MPKCParameters)MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256.DeepCopy();
            MPKCKeyGenerator   mkgen = new MPKCKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] enc;

            // Fujisaki
            using (MPKCEncrypt mpe = new MPKCEncrypt(mpar))

                int    sz   = mpe.MaxPlainText - 1;
                byte[] data = new byte[sz];
                new CSPPrng().GetBytes(data);

                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);

                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Evaluate.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Encryption test: decryption failure!");
                OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed Fujisaki encryption test"));

            // KobaraLmai
            using (MPKCEncrypt mpe = new MPKCEncrypt(mpar))
                mpar = (MPKCParameters)MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256.DeepCopy();

                int    sz   = mpe.MaxPlainText - 1;
                byte[] data = new byte[sz];
                new VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Prng.CSPPrng().GetBytes(data);

                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);

                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Evaluate.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Encryption test: decryption failure!");
                OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed KobaraImai encryption test"));

            // Pointcheval
            using (MPKCEncrypt mpe = new MPKCEncrypt(mpar))
                mpar = (MPKCParameters)MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256.DeepCopy();

                int    sz   = mpe.MaxPlainText - 1;
                byte[] data = new byte[sz];
                new VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Prng.CSPPrng().GetBytes(data);

                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);

                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Evaluate.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("Encryption test: decryption failure!");
                OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed Pointcheval encryption test"));
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="NTRUPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="NTRUPrivateKey"/> for decryption</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Encryption">When true cipher is for encryption, if false, decryption</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the NTRU public or private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="NTRUException">Thrown if a key is invalid</exception>
        public void Initialize(bool Encryption, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            if (!(KeyPair is NTRUKeyPair))
                throw new NTRUException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _keyPair = (NTRUKeyPair)KeyPair;

            if (_keyPair.PublicKey == null)
                throw new NTRUException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
            if (!(_keyPair.PublicKey is NTRUPublicKey))
                throw new NTRUException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            if (!Encryption)
                if (_keyPair.PrivateKey == null)
                    throw new NTRUException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());
                if (!(_keyPair.PrivateKey is NTRUPrivateKey))
                    throw new NTRUException("NTRUEncrypt:Initialize", "Not a valid NTRU key pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher.
        /// <para>Requires a <see cref="MPKCPublicKey"/> for encryption, or a <see cref="MPKCPrivateKey"/> for decryption</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Encryption">When true cipher is for encryption, if false, decryption</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The <see cref="IAsymmetricKeyPair"/> containing the McEliece public or private key</param>
        public void Initialize(bool Encryption, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair)
            _isEncryption = Encryption;
            _keyPair = KeyPair;

            if (_isEncryption)
                _secRnd = GetPrng(_cipherParams.RandomEngine);
                _N = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).N;
                _K = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).K;
                _T = ((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).T;
                _maxPlainText = (((MPKCPublicKey)KeyPair.PublicKey).K >> 3);
                _N = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).N;
                _K = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).K;
                _T = ((MPKCPrivateKey)KeyPair.PrivateKey).T;
Esempio n. 34
        private async Task <List <Contact> > LoadContactsOnAddressAsync(Address contactAddress, IAsymmetricKeyPair keyPair)
            var requestedContactsMessages = await this.Messenger.GetMessagesByAddressAsync(contactAddress);

            var contacts = new List <Contact>();

            foreach (var message in requestedContactsMessages)
                    var contactPayload   = message.Payload.GetChunk(0, message.Payload.Value.IndexOf(Constants.LineBreak.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    var decryptedPayload = this.Encryption.Decrypt(keyPair, contactPayload.ToBytes());

                    var value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedPayload);
                    contacts.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Contact>(value));
                    // ignored, since invalid contact requests lead us here

Esempio n. 35
        private void TestEncode()
            MPKCParameters     mpar  = (MPKCParameters)MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256.DeepCopy();
            MPKCKeyGenerator   mkgen = new MPKCKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            MPKCPublicKey pub = (MPKCPublicKey)akp.PublicKey;

            byte[] enc = pub.ToBytes();
            using (MPKCPublicKey pub2 = MPKCPublicKey.From(enc))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
                if (pub.GetHashCode() != pub2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pubstr = pub.ToStream();

            using (MPKCPublicKey pub2 = MPKCPublicKey.From(pubstr))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
                if (pub.GetHashCode() != pub2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key stream test"));

            MPKCPrivateKey pri = (MPKCPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey;

            enc = pri.ToBytes();
            using (MPKCPrivateKey pri2 = new MPKCPrivateKey(enc))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
                if (pri.GetHashCode() != pri2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pristr = pri.ToStream();

            using (MPKCPrivateKey pri2 = MPKCPrivateKey.From(pristr))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
                if (pri.GetHashCode() != pri2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key stream test"));

            using (MPKCEncrypt mpe = new MPKCEncrypt(mpar))

                int    sz   = mpe.MaxPlainText - 1;
                byte[] data = new byte[sz];
                new VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Prng.CSPPrng().GetBytes(data);

                enc = mpe.Encrypt(data);

                byte[] dec = mpe.Decrypt(enc);

                if (!Evaluate.AreEqual(dec, data))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: decryption failure!");
                OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed encryption test"));

Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypt an array with an asymmetric cipher
        /// </summary>
        private byte[] AsymmetricDecrypt(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair, byte[] Data)
            using (IAsymmetricCipher cipher = GetAsymmetricCipher(Parameters))
                if (cipher.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUEncrypt)))

                return cipher.Decrypt(Data);
Esempio n. 37
        private static void TestSign(GMSSParameters CipherParam)
            GMSSKeyGenerator   mkgen = new GMSSKeyGenerator(CipherParam);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] data = new byte[200];
            new VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Prng.CSPPrng().GetBytes(data);

            // public key serialization test:
            var pubKeySerialized = akp.PublicKey.ToBytes();

            var pubKeyExported = $"-----BEGIN GMSS PUBLIC KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}{Convert.ToBase64String(pubKeySerialized, Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks)}{Environment.NewLine}-----END GMSS PUBLIC KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}";

            File.WriteAllText("TestPublicKey.txt", pubKeyExported);
            var pubKeyImported = File.ReadAllText("TestPublicKey.txt").Replace($"-----BEGIN GMSS PUBLIC KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}", "").Replace($"-----END GMSS PUBLIC KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}", "");

            var pubKey = GMSSPublicKey.From(Convert.FromBase64String(pubKeyImported));

            var currentPrivKey = ((GMSSPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey); //.NextKey();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)                           //2000; i++)
                    //var test = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(akp);

                    using (GMSSSign sgn = new GMSSSign(CipherParam))
                        //////// sign the array
                        //////byte[] code = sgn.Sign(data, 0, data.Length);
                        //////// verify the signature
                        //////if (!sgn.Verify(data, 0, data.Length, code))
                        //////    throw new Exception("RLWESignTest: Sign operation failed!");

                        //if (i == 15)
                            //var test1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPrivKey);
                            //var keyBytes = currentPrivKey.ToBytes();
                            //var currentPrivKeyCopy = currentPrivKey.DeepCopy();

                            // private key serialization test
                            //if (i == 19)
                            //    currentPrivKey.DebugGetTreehashes("before");
                            var privKeySerialized = currentPrivKey.ToBytes();

                            var privKeyExported = $"-----BEGIN GMSS.{GMSSVersion} PRIVATE KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}{Convert.ToBase64String(privKeySerialized, Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks)}{Environment.NewLine}-----END GMSS PRIVATE KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}";
                            File.WriteAllText("TestPrivateKey.txt", privKeyExported);
                            var privKeyImported = File.ReadAllText("TestPrivateKey.txt").Replace($"-----BEGIN GMSS.{GMSSVersion} PRIVATE KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}", "").Replace($"-----END GMSS PRIVATE KEY-----{Environment.NewLine}", "");

                            var currentPrivKeyRegen = GMSSPrivateKey.From(Convert.FromBase64String(privKeyImported));
                            //if (i == 19)
                                using (SHA512Managed sha = new SHA512Managed())
                                    var test1 = Convert.ToBase64String(sha.ComputeHash(currentPrivKey.ToBytes()));
                                    var test2 = Convert.ToBase64String(sha.ComputeHash(currentPrivKeyRegen.ToBytes()));

                                    var iAmI = i;

                                    if (test1 != test2)
                                        //////GMSSPrivateKey.DEBUG_HIT_NOW = true;

                                        var test1b = ByteArrayToString(currentPrivKey.ToBytes());
                                        var test2b = ByteArrayToString(currentPrivKeyRegen.ToBytes());
                            //    currentPrivKey.DebugGetTreehashes("after");
                            //var xxx = 1;
                            currentPrivKey = currentPrivKeyRegen;

                            //var testXXX = currentPrivKey.NextKey();

                            //var test2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPrivKeyCopy);
                            //var test3 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPrivKey);

                            //if(test1 != test2 || test2 != test3)


                            //currentPrivKey = new GMSSPrivateKey()

                            //var test1 = currentPrivKey.IsUsed;
                            //using (SHA256Managed sha = new SHA256Managed())
                            //    var currentPrivKeyHash = Convert.ToBase64String(sha.ComputeHash(keyBytes));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;

                        //////var test1 = currentPrivKey.ToBytes();

                        var code = sgn.Sign(new MemoryStream(data));

                        File.WriteAllText("TestSignature.txt", Convert.ToBase64String(code));

                        // verify the signature

                        if (!sgn.Verify(new MemoryStream(data), code))
                            throw new Exception("RLWESignTest: Verify test failed!");

                            // get the next available key (private sub-key is used only once)
                            //////GMSSPrivateKey nk = ((GMSSPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey).NextKey();
                            currentPrivKey = currentPrivKey.NextKey(); // ((GMSSPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey).NextKey(); // currentPrivKey.NextKey();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the servers Primary-Stage <see cref="IAsymmetricKey">AsymmetricKey</see> Public key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Stream containing the raw packet data</returns>
        private MemoryStream CreatePrimeEx()
            // get the cipher parameters
            _srvAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_srvIdentity.PkeId);
            // create new public key pair
            _primKeyPair = GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(_srvAsmParams);
            // serailize the public key
            byte[] keyBytes = _primKeyPair.PublicKey.ToBytes();
            // pad public key
            keyBytes = WrapMessage(keyBytes, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyAppend, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyPrePend);
            // encrypt the servers public key
            byte[] enc = SymmetricTransform(_srvSymProcessor, keyBytes);
            // payload container
            MemoryStream pldStm = new MemoryStream(enc);
            // stage completed
            _exchangeState = DtmExchangeFlags.PrimeEx;

            // optional wait random timeout
            if (_dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS > 0)
                SendWait(_dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS / 2);

            return pldStm;
Esempio n. 39
 public BaseMethods()
     encParams = (MPKCParameters)MPKCParamSets.MPKCFM11T40S256.DeepCopy();
     keyGen    = new MPKCKeyGenerator(encParams);
     keyPair   = keyGen.GenerateKeyPair();
Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Tear down the connection; destroys all structures provided by this class
        /// </summary>
        private void TearDown()
            if (_rndGenerator != null)
                _rndGenerator = null;
            if (_authKeyPair != null)
                _authKeyPair = null;
            if (_cltAsmParams != null)
                _cltAsmParams = null;
            if (_cltPublicKey != null)
                _cltPublicKey = null;
            if (_primKeyPair != null)
                _primKeyPair = null;
            // cipher streaming managed through class
            if (SessionEstablished == null || _disposeEngines == true)
                if (_cltKeyParams != null)
                    _cltKeyParams = null;
                if (_srvKeyParams != null)
                    _srvKeyParams = null;
                if (_srvSymProcessor != null)
                    _srvSymProcessor = null;
                if (_cltSymProcessor != null)
                    _cltSymProcessor = null;

            _bufferCount = 0;
            _bytesSent = 0;
            _bytesReceived = 0;
            _fileCounter = 0;
            _maxSendCounter = 0;
            _maxSendAttempts = MAXSNDATTEMPT;
            _rcvSequence = 0;
            _sndSequence = 0;
Esempio n. 41
        private void TestEncode()
            RNBWParameters     mpar  = RNBWParamSets.FromName(RNBWParamSets.RNBWParamNames.N33L5);
            RNBWKeyGenerator   mkgen = new RNBWKeyGenerator(mpar);
            IAsymmetricKeyPair akp   = mkgen.GenerateKeyPair();

            RNBWPublicKey pub = (RNBWPublicKey)akp.PublicKey;

            byte[] enc = pub.ToBytes();
            using (RNBWPublicKey pub2 = RNBWPublicKey.From(enc))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
                if (pub.GetHashCode() != pub2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pubstr = pub.ToStream();

            using (RNBWPublicKey pub2 = RNBWPublicKey.From(pubstr))
                if (!pub.Equals(pub2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key comparison test failed!");
                if (pub.GetHashCode() != pub2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: public key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed public key stream test"));

            RNBWPrivateKey pri = (RNBWPrivateKey)akp.PrivateKey;

            enc = pri.ToBytes();
            using (RNBWPrivateKey pri2 = RNBWPrivateKey.From(enc))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
                if (pri.GetHashCode() != pri2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key serialization"));

            MemoryStream pristr = pri.ToStream();

            using (RNBWPrivateKey pri2 = RNBWPrivateKey.From(pristr))
                if (!pri.Equals(pri2))
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key comparison test failed!");
                if (pri.GetHashCode() != pri2.GetHashCode())
                    throw new Exception("EncryptionKey: private key hash test failed!");
            OnProgress(new TestEventArgs("Passed private key stream test"));
