// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure( IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService ) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseExceptionHandler("/Error"); JwtIdentityInitializer.Seed(appUserService, appUserRoleService, appRoleService).Wait(); app.UseRouting(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SignUp(AppUserAddDto appUserAddDto, [FromServices] IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, [FromServices] IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var appUser = await _appUserService.FindByUserName (appUserAddDto.UserName); if (appUser == null) { return(BadRequest($"{appUserAddDto.UserName} already taken")); } await _appUserService.AddAsync(_mapper.Map <AppUser>(appUserAddDto)); var user = await _appUserService.FindByUserName(appUserAddDto.UserName); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); await appUserRoleService.AddAsync(new AppUserRole { AppRoleId = role.Id, AppUserId = user.Id }); return(Created("", appUserAddDto)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService , IAppRoleService appRoleService) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } //addSwagger app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwaggerUI(c => { c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API V1"); }); app.UseExceptionHandler("/Error"); //Bir hata olunca buraya git. localhost/error JwtIdentityInitializer.Seed(appUserService, appUserRoleService, appRoleService).Wait(); app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseRouting(); app.UseAuthentication(); //token için authorization üstünde olmalý app.UseAuthorization(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); }); }
public RoleController(IAppRoleService appRoleService) { this._appRoleService = appRoleService; _jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public AuthController(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IJwtService jwtService, IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment) { _appUserService = appUserService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _appUserRoleService = appUserRoleService; _jwtService = jwtService; _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment; }
public AppRoleStore(IAppRoleService roleService, ILogger <AppRoleStore> logger) { ThrowIf.Null(roleService, nameof(roleService)); ThrowIf.Null(logger, nameof(logger)); _roleService = roleService; _logger = logger; }
public AppGroupController(IErrorService errorService, IAppGroupService appGroupService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, ApplicationUserManager userManager ) : base(errorService) { _appGroupService = appGroupService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _userManager = userManager; }
public AppGroupController(IErrorService errorService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, ApplicationUserManager userManager, IAppGroupService appGroupService, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) : base(errorService) { _userManager = userManager; _appGroupService = appGroupService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _unitOfWork = unitOfWork; }
public UserController(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, ITokenService tokenService) { _appUserService = appUserService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _tokenService = tokenService; _jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public AuthController(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { appUserService = serviceProvider.GetService <IAppUserService>(); userService = serviceProvider.GetService <IGenericService <AppUser> >(); userRoleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IGenericService <UserRole> >(); appRoleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IAppRoleService>(); mapper = serviceProvider.GetService <IMapper>(); logger = serviceProvider.GetService <ILogger <AuthController> >(); appUserSessionService = serviceProvider.GetService <IAppUserSessionService>(); accountHelper = serviceProvider.GetService <AccountHelper>(); }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService , IAppRoleService appRoleService) { //Rol varsa eklemicem yoksa eklicem var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByNameAsync(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByNameAsync(RoleInfo.Member); if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } //admin kullanıcı eklmedim. var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync("ADMIN"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.Add(new AppUser { UserName = "******", Password = "******" }); } //appuserrole tablosuna bu ilişkiyi eklemem lazım var role = await appRoleService.FindByNameAsync(RoleInfo.Admin); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync("ADMIN"); //daha önce eklenmiş mi var allUSerRole = await appUserRoleService.GetAll(); int kontrol = allUSerRole.Where(x => x.AppRoleId == role.Id && x.AppUserId == admin.Id).Count(); if (kontrol == 0) { await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppRoleId = role.Id, AppUserId = admin.Id }); } }
public AccountController( ApplicationUserManager userManager, ApplicationSignInManager signInManager, IAppGroupService appGroupService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, IErrorService errorService) : base(errorService) { _userManager = userManager; _appGroupService = appGroupService; _signInManager = signInManager; _appRoleService = appRoleService; }
public TokenController(IConfiguration configuration, ITokenService tokenService, IAppUserService appUserService, SignInManager <AppUser> signInManager, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { _configuration = configuration; _tokenService = tokenService; _appUserService = appUserService; _signInManager = signInManager; _appRoleService = appRoleService; JsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public AdminController(IGenericService <AppRole> genericServiceR, IApplicationUserRoleService applicationUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, UserManager <AppUser> userManager, RoleManager <AppRole> roleManager, IMapper mapper, IYaziService yaziService, ITagService tagService, IAppUserService appUserService, IGenericService <Yazi> genericService) { _genericServiceR = genericServiceR; _applicationUserRoleService = applicationUserRoleService; _userManager = userManager; _roleManager = roleManager; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _genericService = genericService; _mapper = mapper; _yaziService = yaziService; _tagService = tagService; _appUserService = appUserService; }
private static async Task <AppRole> CheckRole(IAppRoleService appRoleService, IGenericService <AppRole> roleService, string roleName) { AppRole role = await appRoleService.FindByName(roleName); if (role == null) { role = new AppRole() { Name = roleName }; await roleService.AddAsync(role); } return(role); }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserName("veysel"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.Add(new AppUser() { FullName = "ahmet veysel bozoğlu", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserName("veysel"); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppUserId = admin.Id, AppRoleId = role.Id }); } }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService) { //have a role var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserName("enesb"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.Add(new AppUser { UserName = "******", FullName = "enes baysal", Password = "******" }); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserName("enesb"); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppRoleId = role.Id, AppUserId = admin.Id }); } }
public async static Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName("Admin"); var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName("Member"); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.InsertAsync(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.InsertAsync(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync("pcparticle"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.InsertAsync(new AppUser { FullName = "Erol Aksoy", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync("pcparticle"); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName("Admin"); await appUserRoleService.InsertAsync(new AppUserRole { AppRoleId = role.Id, AppUserId = admin.Id }); } }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.AddAsync(new Entities.Concrete.AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.AddAsync(new Entities.Concrete.AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserName("Uzay"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.AddAsync(new AppUser { FullName = "Uzay KAHRAMAN", UserName = "******", Password = "******" }); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserName("Uzay"); await appUserRoleService.AddAsync(new AppUserRole { AppUserId = admin.Id, AppRoleId = role.Id }); } }
public AppUsersController ( IAppUserService appUserService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, IEmailSender emailSender, UserManager <AppUser> userManager, RoleManager <AppRole> roleManager, ILogger <AppUsersController> logger ) : base ( userManager, roleManager, logger ) { Guard.Argument(appUserService, nameof(appUserService)).NotNull(); Guard.Argument(appRoleService, nameof(appRoleService)).NotNull(); Guard.Argument(emailSender, nameof(emailSender)).NotNull(); _appUserService = appUserService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; _emailSender = emailSender; }
public static async Task Seed(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { IAppUserService appUserService = serviceProvider.GetService <IAppUserService>(); IUserRoleService UserRoleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IUserRoleService>(); IAppRoleService appRoleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IAppRoleService>(); IGenericService <AppUser> userService = serviceProvider.GetService <IGenericService <AppUser> >(); IGenericService <AppRole> roleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IGenericService <AppRole> >(); IGenericService <UserRole> userRoleService = serviceProvider.GetService <IGenericService <UserRole> >(); AppRole adminRole = await CheckRole(appRoleService, roleService, RoleInfo.Admin); await CheckRole(appRoleService, roleService, RoleInfo.Member);//Member Role AppRole developerRole = await CheckRole(appRoleService, roleService, RoleInfo.Developer); AppUser developerUser = await CheckUser(appUserService, userService, new AppUserAddDto() { UserName = "******", Password = "******", FullName = "Recep Şen" }); await UserAddRole(UserRoleService, userRoleService, developerUser, developerRole); await UserAddRole(UserRoleService, userRoleService, developerUser, adminRole); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromQuery] AppUserAddDto appUserAddDto, [FromServices] IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, [FromServices] IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var user = await this.appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync(appUserAddDto.Name); if (user != null) { return(BadRequest($"{appUserAddDto.UserName} is already registered in the system")); } await this.appUserService.Add(this.mapper.Map <AppUser>(appUserAddDto)); var appuser = await this.appUserService.FindByUserNameAsync(appUserAddDto.Name); var role = await appRoleService.FindByNameAsync(RoleInfo.Member); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppUserId = appuser.Id, AppRoleId = role.Id }); return(Created("", appUserAddDto)); }
public TestController(IAppRoleService appRoleService, IAppUserService appUserService, ISchoolManagerService corporationManagerService) { _appRoleService = appRoleService; _appUserService = appUserService; _corporationManagerService = corporationManagerService; }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { //ilgili rol varmı? var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserName("sametirkoren"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.Add(new AppUser { FullName = "Samet İrkören", UserName = "******", Password = "******" }); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); var admin = await appUserService.FindByUserName("sametirkoren"); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppUserId = admin.Id, AppRoleId = role.Id }); } }
public AppRoleController(IErrorService errorService , IAppRoleService appRoleService) : base(errorService) { _appRoleService = appRoleService; }
public PermisionController(IConfiguration configuaration, IAppRoleService roleService, IViewEnginerService viewEngineService) { _configuration = configuaration; _roleService = roleService; _viewEngineService = viewEngineService; }
public AppRoleController(IErrorService errorService, IAppRoleService appRoleService, IPermissionService permissionService, IFunctionService functionService) : base(errorService) { _functionService = functionService; _permissionService = permissionService; _appRoleService = appRoleService; }
public HomeController(IAppRoleService roleService) { _roleService = roleService; }
public async Task <IActionResult> SignUp(AppUserAddDto appUserAddDto, [FromServices] IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, [FromServices] IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var checkAppUser = await _appUserService.FindByUserName(appUserAddDto.UserName); if (checkAppUser != null) { return(BadRequest($"{checkAppUser.UserName} kullanıcı adı zaten alınmış.")); } var appUser = _iMapper.Map <AppUser>(appUserAddDto); await _appUserService.Add(appUser); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole() { AppRoleId = role.Id, AppUserId = appUser.Id }); return(Created("", appUserAddDto)); }
public static async Task Seed(IAppUserService appUserService, IAppUserRoleService appUserRoleService, IAppRoleService appRoleService) { var adminRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); if (adminRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Admin }); } var memberRole = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Member); if (memberRole == null) { await appRoleService.Add(new AppRole { Name = RoleInfo.Member }); } var adminUser = await appUserService.FindByUserName("savas.ev"); if (adminUser == null) { await appUserService.Add(new AppUser { FullName = "Savaş Ev", UserName = "******", Password = "******" }); var role = await appRoleService.FindByName(RoleInfo.Admin); var user = await appUserService.FindByUserName("savas.ev"); await appUserRoleService.Add(new AppUserRole { AppUserId = user.Id, AppRoleId = role.Id }); } }