Esempio n. 1
        public void OnGrandOutputEventInfo(ReceivedData receivedData)
            var version = Convert.ToInt32(receivedData.ServerClientSession.ClientData["LogEntryVersion"]);

            _memoryStream.Write(receivedData.Data.ToArray(), 0, receivedData.Data.Count);
            _memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var logEntry = LogEntry.Read(_binaryReader, version, out _) as IMulticastLogEntry;

            receivedData.ServerClientSession.ClientData.TryGetValue("AppName", out var appName);
            var alertEntry = new AlertEntry(logEntry, appName);

            List <IAlertModel> faulty = null;

            foreach (var alert in _alerts)
                    if (!alert.Condition(alertEntry))

                    _activityMonitor.Info("An alert has been sent");
                    foreach (var sender in alert.Senders)
                catch (Exception exception)
                    const string message = "Alert crashed.";
                    _activityMonitor.Fatal(message, exception);
                    if (faulty == null)
                        faulty = new List <IAlertModel>();

            if (faulty == null)

            foreach (var faultyAlert in faulty)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a file or folder. It must be physically accessible
        /// (<see cref="IFileInfo.PhysicalPath"/> must not be null): if inside a <see cref="GitFolder"/>, it must
        /// be a in the current head (ie. corresponds to a file in the current working directory).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The monitor.</param>
        /// <param name="subPath">The item path to delete.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success, false on error (error is logged into the monitor).</returns>
        public bool Delete(IActivityMonitor m, NormalizedPath subPath)
            IFileInfo info = GetFileInfo(subPath);

            if (info.Exists)
                if (info.PhysicalPath == null)
                    m.Error($"'{subPath}' to delete is not physically available.");
                    if (info.IsDirectory)
                        m.Info($"Deleting folder '{subPath}'.");
                        FileHelper.RawDeleteLocalDirectory(m, info.PhysicalPath);
                        m.Info($"Deleting file '{subPath}'.");
                catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy a content to a <paramref name="destination"/> path in this
        /// file system.
        /// The destination must not be an existing folder and must be physically accessible
        /// (<see cref="IFileInfo.PhysicalPath"/> must not be null): if inside a <see cref="GitFolder"/>, it must
        /// be a in the current head (ie. corresponds to a file in the current working directory).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The activity monitor.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The content source.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The target path in this file system.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success, false on error.</returns>
        public bool CopyTo(IActivityMonitor m, Stream content, NormalizedPath destination)
            IFileInfo fDest = GetWritableDestination(m, ref destination);

            if (fDest == null)
            using (m.OpenInfo($"{(fDest.Exists ? "Replacing" : "Creating")} {destination}."))
                    using (var d = new FileStream(fDest.PhysicalPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 4
 public bool FetchBranches(IActivityMonitor m, bool originOnly = true)
     using (m.OpenInfo($"Fetching {(originOnly ? "origin" : "all remotes")} in repository '{SubPath}'."))
             foreach (Remote remote in Git.Network.Remotes.Where(r => !originOnly || r.Name == "origin"))
                 m.Info($"Fetching remote '{remote.Name}'.");
                 IEnumerable <string> refSpecs = remote.FetchRefSpecs.Select(x => x.Specification).ToArray();
                 Commands.Fetch(Git, remote.Name, refSpecs, new FetchOptions()
                     CredentialsProvider = (url, user, cred) => PATCredentialsHandler(m),
                     TagFetchMode        = TagFetchMode.All
                 }, $"Fetching remote '{remote.Name}'.");
         catch (Exception ex)
             using (m.OpenFatal("This error need manual fix : "))
Esempio n. 5
        PocoType?CreatePocoType(IActivityMonitor monitor, Type t)
            if (!_typeFilter(monitor, t))
                monitor.Info($"Poco interface '{t.AssemblyQualifiedName}' is excluded.");
            PocoType?theOnlyRoot = null;

            foreach (Type b in t.GetInterfaces())
                if (b == typeof(IPoco) || b == typeof(IClosedPoco))
                // Base interface must be a IPoco. This is a security to avoid "normal" interfaces to appear
                // by mistake in a Poco.
                if (!typeof(IPoco).IsAssignableFrom(b))
                    monitor.Fatal($"Poco interface '{t.AssemblyQualifiedName}' extends '{b.Name}'. '{b.Name}' must be marked with CK.Core.IPoco interface.");
                // Attempts to register the base if and only if it is not a "definer".
                if (_actualPocoPredicate(monitor, b))
                    var baseType = DoRegisterInterface(monitor, b);
                    if (baseType == null)
                    // Detect multiple root Poco.
                    if (theOnlyRoot != null)
                        if (theOnlyRoot != baseType.Root)
                            monitor.Fatal($"Poco interface '{t.AssemblyQualifiedName}' extends both '{theOnlyRoot.Type.Name}' and '{baseType.Root.Type.Name}' (via '{baseType.Type.Name}').");
                        theOnlyRoot = baseType.Root;
            return(new PocoType(t, theOnlyRoot));
 void DemoLogs( IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo f, Exception ex )
     m.Trace().Send( "Data from '{0}' processed.", f.Name );
     m.Info().Send( ex, "An error occurred while processing '{0}'. Process will be retried later.", f.Name );
     m.Warn().Send( "File '{0}' is too big ({1} Kb). It must be less than 50Kb.", f.Name, f.Length / 1024 );
     m.Error().Send( ex, "File '{0}' can not be processed.", f.Name );
     m.Fatal().Send( ex, "This will cancel the whole operation." );
Esempio n. 7
 void DemoLogs(IActivityMonitor m, FileInfo f, Exception ex)
     m.Trace().Send("Data from '{0}' processed.", f.Name);
     m.Info().Send(ex, "An error occurred while processing '{0}'. Process will be retried later.", f.Name);
     m.Warn().Send("File '{0}' is too big ({1} Kb). It must be less than 50Kb.", f.Name, f.Length / 1024);
     m.Error().Send(ex, "File '{0}' can not be processed.", f.Name);
     m.Fatal().Send(ex, "This will cancel the whole operation.");
Esempio n. 8
        private void DoCallStObjConstruct(IActivityMonitor monitor, BuildValueCollector valueCollector, IStObjValueResolver?valueResolver, MethodInfo stobjConstruct, IReadOnlyList <MutableParameter> mutableParameters)
            object?[] parameters = new object[mutableParameters.Count];
            int       i          = 0;

            foreach (MutableParameter t in mutableParameters)
                // We inject our "setup monitor" for IActivityMonitor parameter type.
                if (t.IsSetupLogger)
                    t.BuilderValueIndex = Int32.MaxValue;
                    MutableItem?resolved = null;
                    if (t.Value == System.Type.Missing)
                        // Parameter reference have already been resolved as dependencies for graph construction since
                        // no Value has been explicitly set for the parameter.
                        resolved = t.CachedResolvedStObj;
                        if (resolved != null)
                            Debug.Assert(resolved.InitialObject != System.Type.Missing);
                    if (valueResolver != null)
                        valueResolver.ResolveParameterValue(monitor, t);
                    if (t.Value == System.Type.Missing && !t.IsRealParameterOptional)
                        if (!t.IsOptional)
                            // By throwing an exception here, we stop the process and avoid the construction
                            // of an invalid object graph...
                            // This behavior (FailFastOnFailureToResolve) may be an option once. For the moment: log the error.
                            monitor.Fatal($"{t}: Unable to resolve non optional. Attempting to use a default value to continue the setup process in order to detect other errors.");
                        Debug.Assert(t.Type != null);
                        t.SetParameterValue(t.Type.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(t.Type) : null);
                    if (resolved != null && t.Value == resolved.InitialObject)
                        t.BuilderValueIndex = -(resolved.IndexOrdered + 1);
                        t.BuilderValueIndex = valueCollector.RegisterValue(t.Value);
                parameters[i++] = t.Value;
            stobjConstruct.Invoke(_leafData.StructuredObject, parameters);
 public void LogErrorAndWarnings(IActivityMonitor monitor)
     using (monitor.OpenTrace($"Collector summary:"))
         if (PocoSupport == null)
             monitor.Fatal($"Poco support failed!");
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the simple git version <see cref="RepositoryInfo"/> from a branch.
        /// Returns null if an error occurred or if RepositoryInfo.xml has not been successfully read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The monitor to use.</param>
        /// <param name="branchName">Defaults to <see cref="CurrentBranchName"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The RepositoryInfo or null if it it cannot be obtained.</returns>
        public RepositoryInfo ReadRepositoryVersionInfo(IActivityMonitor m, string branchName = null)
            if (branchName == null)
                branchName = CurrentBranchName;
                Branch b = Git.Branches[branchName];
                if (b == null)
                    m.Error($"Unknown branch {branchName}.");
                var pathOpt = b.IsRemote
                                ? SubPath.AppendPart("remotes").Combine(b.FriendlyName)
                                : SubPath.AppendPart("branches").AppendPart(branchName);

                pathOpt = pathOpt.AppendPart("RepositoryInfo.xml");
                var fOpt = FileSystem.GetFileInfo(pathOpt);
                if (!fOpt.Exists)
                    m.Error($"Missing required {pathOpt} file.");
                var opt = RepositoryInfoOptions.Read(fOpt.ReadAsXDocument().Root);
                opt.StartingBranchName = branchName;
                var result = new RepositoryInfo(Git, opt);
                if (result.RepositoryError != null)
                    m.Error($"Unable to read RepositoryInfo. RepositoryError: {result.RepositoryError}.");
                if (result.Error != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                m.Fatal($"While reading version info for branch '{branchName}'.", ex);
Esempio n. 11
 void LogDemo(IActivityMonitor m)
     m.Info("This is an info.");
     using (m.OpenInfo($"This is an info group."))
         m.Fatal($"Ouch! a faaaaatal.");
         m.OpenTrace($"A trace");
         var group = m.OpenInfo($"This is another group (trace).");
                 throw new Exception();
             catch (Exception ex)
                 m.Error("An error occurred.", ex);
         m.CloseGroup("This is a close group.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds and returns a <see cref="StObjCollectorResult"/> if no error occurred during type registration.
 /// On error, <see cref="StObjCollectorResult.HasFatalError"/> is true and this result should be discarded.
 /// If <see cref="RegisteringFatalOrErrorCount"/> is not equal to 0, this throws a <see cref="InvalidOperationException"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The result.</returns>
 public StObjCollectorResult GetResult()
     if (_registerFatalOrErrorCount > 0)
         throw new InvalidOperationException($"There are {_registerFatalOrErrorCount} registration errors.");
     if (_computedResult)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be called once and only once.");
     _computedResult = true;
         var(typeResult, orderedItems, buildValueCollector) = CreateTypeAndObjectResults();
         if (orderedItems != null)
             // This is far from elegant but simplifies the engine object model:
             // We set the final ordered results on the crappy mutable EngineMap (that should
             // not exist and be replaced with intermediate - functional-like - value results).
             // But this would be a massive refactoring and this internal mutable state is, to be honest,
             // quite convenient!
             if (!RegisterServices(typeResult))
                 // Setting the valueCollector to null indicates the error to the StObjCollectorResult.
                 buildValueCollector = null;
         return(new StObjCollectorResult(typeResult, _tempAssembly, buildValueCollector));
     catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 13
 StObjEngineResult DoRun(IStObjCollectorResultResolver?resolver)
     Throw.CheckState("Run can be called only once.", !_hasRun);
     _hasRun = true;
     if (!_config.CheckAndValidate(_monitor))
         return(new StObjEngineResult(false, _config));
     if (_ckSetupConfig != null)
         _config.ApplyCKSetupConfiguration(_monitor, _ckSetupConfig);
     if (!_config.Initialize(_monitor, out bool canSkipRun))
         return(new StObjEngineResult(false, _config));
     // If canSkipRun is true here it means that regarding the 2 core generated artifacts, there is
     // nothing to do.
     using var _   = _monitor.OpenInfo("Running StObjEngine setup.");
     _status       = new Status(_monitor);
     _startContext = new StObjEngineConfigureContext(_monitor, _config, _status, canSkipRun);
         // Creating and configuring the aspects.
         _startContext.CreateAndConfigureAspects(() => _status.Success = false);
         if (_status.Success && _startContext.CanSkipRun)
             _monitor.Info("Skipping run.");
             _status.Success |= UpdateGeneratedArtifacts(_config.Groups);
             _startContext.OnSkippedRun(() => _status.Success = false);
             return(new StObjEngineResult(_status.Success, _config));
         if (_status.Success)
             StObjEngineRunContext runCtx = new StObjEngineRunContext(_monitor, _startContext);
             // Creates the StObjCollectorResult for each group of compatible BinPaths
             // and instantiates a StObjEngineRunContext.GenPath that exposes the engine map and the dynamic assembly
             // for each of them through IGeneratedBinPath, ICodeGenerationContext and ICSCodeGenerationContext.
             foreach (var g in _config.Groups)
                 using (_monitor.OpenInfo(g.IsUnifiedPure
                                             ? $"Analyzing types from Unified Working directory '{g.Configuration.Path}'."
                                             : $"Analyzing types from BinPaths '{g.SimilarConfigurations.Select( b => b.Path.Path ).Concatenate( "', '" )}'."))
                     StObjCollectorResult?r = resolver?.GetResult(g) ?? SafeBuildStObj(g);
                     if (r == null)
                         _status.Success = false;
                     runCtx.AddResult(g, r);
             // This is where all aspects runs before Code generation: this is where CK.Setupable.Engine.SetupableAspect.Run():
             // - Builds the ISetupItem items (that support 3 steps setup) associated to each StObj (relies on EngineMap.StObjs.OrderedStObjs).
             // - Projects the StObj topological order on the ISetupItem items graph.
             // - Calls the DynamicItemInitialize methods that can create new Setup items (typically as child of existing containers like SqlProcedure on SqlTable)
             // - The ISetupItems are then sorted topologically (this is the second graph).
             // - The Init/Install/Settle steps are executed.
             if (_status.Success)
                 runCtx.RunAspects(() => _status.Success = false, postCode: false);
             // Code Generation.
             if (_status.Success)
                 using (_monitor.OpenInfo("Code Generation."))
                     foreach (var g in runCtx.AllBinPaths)
                         if (!g.Result.GenerateSourceCode(_monitor,
                                                          runCtx.Aspects.OfType <ICSCodeGenerator>()))
                             _status.Success = false;
             // Handling generated artifacts.
             _status.Success &= UpdateGeneratedArtifacts(runCtx.AllBinPaths.Select(g => g.ConfigurationGroup));
             // Run the aspects Post Code Generation.
             if (_status.Success)
                 runCtx.RunAspects(() => _status.Success = false, postCode: true);
             // Secure errors (ensure error log and logs error path).
             if (!_status.Success)
                 // Emit the last error log path as an error and ensure that at least one error
                 // has been logged on failure.
                 var errorPath = _status.LastErrorPath;
                 if (errorPath == null || errorPath.Count == 0)
                     _monitor.Fatal("Success status is false but no error has been logged.");
             // Always runs the aspects Termination.
             var termCtx = new StObjEngineTerminateContext(_monitor, runCtx);
             termCtx.TerminateAspects(() => _status.Success = false);
         return(new StObjEngineResult(_status.Success, _config));
        void OnTime(object state)
            // This is a simple lock that is non reentrant.
            // One may perfectly have used a standard .Net lock object here (Monitor.Enter/Exit) but
            // this is even lighter than standard lock.
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _reentrancyFlag, 1, 0) == 0)
                using (_monitor.OpenInfo($"Work n°{++_workCount}."))
                    switch (_workCount % 15)
                    case 0: _monitor.Debug("A debug line (most verbose level)."); break;

                    case 1: _monitor.Trace("A trace line."); break;

                    case 2: _monitor.Info("An info line."); break;

                    case 3: _monitor.Warn("A warning line."); break;

                    case 4: _monitor.Error("An error line."); break;

                    case 5: _monitor.Fatal("A fatal line (most severe level)."); break;

                    case 6:
                        _monitor.Info(@"throw new Exception( ""Unhandled exception, directly on the thread pool, during the timer handling."" );

My first idea was that such an exception directly on the timer thread would have been trapped by AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException. This was not the case:
see the (still opened) issue:

The application exits because entire process is crashing. The host isn't gracefully shutting down, the process is just dying.
This happens when using timers or the thread pool directly without a try catch.

                    case 7:
                        _monitor.Trace(@"Calling: Task.Run( () => throw new Exception( ""Unhandled exception on the default Task scheduler."" ) );

This 'lost' exception will be hooked by a TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException an logged... but at the next GC time!
                        Task.Run(() => throw new Exception("Unhandled exception on the default Task scheduler."));

                    case 8:
                        if (_dotNetLogger == null)
                            _monitor.Info("Creating the '.Net Standard Demo' logger (this case n°8 emits a .Net LogTrace below).");
                            _dotNetLogger = _dotNetLoggerFactory.CreateLogger(".Net Standard Demo");
                        _dotNetLogger.LogTrace($".Net LogTrace (most verbose .Net log level).");

                    case 9: _dotNetLogger.LogDebug($".Net LogDebug (Debug is less verbose than Trace fo .Net logs)."); break;

                    case 10: _dotNetLogger.LogInformation($".Net LogInformation."); break;

                    case 11: _dotNetLogger.LogWarning($".Net LogWarning."); break;

                    case 12: _dotNetLogger.LogError($".Net LogError."); break;

                    case 13: _dotNetLogger.LogCritical($".Net LogCritical (most severe .Net level)."); break;

                        using (_monitor.OpenInfo("Calling the Garbage collector: this will release the Task.UnobservedExceptions."))
                            _monitor.Trace("Waiting for completion.");
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _reentrancyFlag, 0);
Esempio n. 15
        void OnTime(object state)
            // This is a simple lock that is non reentrant.
            // One may perfectly have used a standard .Net lock object here (Monitor.Enter/Exit) but
            // this is lighter than standard lock (since we don't want to wait to enter the lock, we just want to
            // skip the run).
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _reentrancyFlag, 1, 0) == 0)
                using (_monitor.OpenInfo($"Work n°{++_workCount}."))
                    switch (_workCount % 16)
                    case 0: _monitor.Debug("A debug line (most verbose level)."); break;

                    case 1: _monitor.Trace("A trace line."); break;

                    case 2: _monitor.Info("An info line."); break;

                    case 3: _monitor.Warn("A warning line."); break;

                    case 4: _monitor.Error("An error line."); break;

                    case 5: _monitor.Fatal("A fatal line (most severe level)."); break;

                    case 6:
                        _monitor.Info(@"This would crash the entire process: throw new Exception( ""Unhandled exception, directly on the thread pool, during the timer handling."" ); ");
My first idea was that such an exception directly on the timer thread would have been trapped by AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException. This is not the case:
see the (closed) issue:

The application exits because entire process is crashing. The host isn't gracefully shutting down, the process is just dying.
This happens when using timers or the thread pool directly without a try catch.

                    case 7:
                        if (_options.CurrentValue.ThrowTaskSchedulerUnobservedTaskException)
                            _monitor.Trace(@"Calling: Task.Run( () => throw new Exception( ""Unhandled exception on the default Task scheduler."" ) );

This 'lost' exception will be hooked by a TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException an logged... but at the next GC time!
                            Task.Run(() => throw new Exception("Unhandled exception on the default Task scheduler."));
                            _monitor.Trace(@"Throwing unhandled exception has been skipped since ThrowTaskSchedulerUnobservedTaskException is false.");

                    case 8:
                        if (_dotNetLogger == null)
                            _monitor.Info("Creating the '.Net Standard Demo' logger (this case n°8 emits a .Net LogTrace below).");
                            _dotNetLogger = _dotNetLoggerFactory.CreateLogger(".Net Standard Demo");
                        _dotNetLogger.LogTrace($".Net LogTrace (most verbose .Net log level).");

                    case 9: _dotNetLogger.LogDebug($".Net LogDebug (Debug is less verbose than Trace fo .Net logs)."); break;

                    case 10: _dotNetLogger.LogInformation($".Net LogInformation."); break;

                    case 11: _dotNetLogger.LogWarning($".Net LogWarning."); break;

                    case 12: _dotNetLogger.LogError($".Net LogError."); break;

                    case 13: _dotNetLogger.LogCritical($".Net LogCritical (most severe .Net level)."); break;

                    case 14:
                        CheckSafeFailFast(() =>
                                Debug.Assert(false, "Debug.Assert failure results in a CK.Monitoring.MonitoringFailFastException and not a fail fast of the application.");

                        CheckSafeFailFast(() =>
                                Trace.Assert(false, "Trace.Assert failure results in a CK.Monitoring.MonitoringFailFastException and not a fail fast of the application.");

                        void CheckSafeFailFast(Action a)
                            catch (CK.Monitoring.MonitoringFailFastException ex)
                                _monitor.Info($"Received a MonitoringFailFastException with message: {ex.Message}");


                        using (_monitor.OpenInfo("Calling the Garbage collector: this will release the TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException."))
                            _monitor.Trace("Waiting for completion.");
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _reentrancyFlag, 0);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <ConnectResult> ConnectAsync(IActivityMonitor?m, MqttClientCredentials?credentials = null, OutgoingLastWill?lastWill = null)
            if (IsConnected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This client is already connected.");
            using (m?.OpenTrace("Connecting..."))
                    (IOutgoingPacketStore store, IIncomingPacketStore packetIdStore) = await _config.StoreFactory.CreateAsync(m, _pConfig, _config, _config.ConnectionString, credentials?.CleanSession ?? true);

                    IMqttChannel channel = await _config.ChannelFactory.CreateAsync(m, _config.ConnectionString);

                    ConnectAckReflex     connectAckReflex = new();
                    Task <ConnectResult> connectedTask    = connectAckReflex.Task;
                    var             output = new OutputPump(this, _pConfig);
                    OutputProcessor outputProcessor;
                    var             input = new InputPump(this, channel.DuplexPipe.Input, connectAckReflex.ProcessIncomingPacket);
                    OpenPumps(m, new ClientState(input, output, channel, packetIdStore, store));
                    ReflexMiddlewareBuilder builder = new ReflexMiddlewareBuilder()
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new PublishReflex(_config, packetIdStore, OnMessage, output))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new PublishLifecycleReflex(packetIdStore, store, output))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new SubackReflex(store))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new UnsubackReflex(store));
                    if (_config.KeepAliveSeconds == 0)
                        outputProcessor = new OutputProcessor(output, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, store);
                        OutputProcessorWithKeepAlive withKeepAlive = new(_config, output, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, store);;
                        outputProcessor = withKeepAlive;
                        _ = builder.UseMiddleware(withKeepAlive);
                    connectAckReflex.Reflex = builder.Build(InvalidPacket);
                    OutgoingConnect             outgoingConnect    = new(_pConfig, _config, credentials, lastWill);
                    CancellationTokenSource     cts                = new(_config.WaitTimeoutMilliseconds);
                    IOutgoingPacket.WriteResult writeConnectResult = await outgoingConnect.WriteAsync(_pConfig.ProtocolLevel, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, cts.Token);

                    if (writeConnectResult != IOutgoingPacket.WriteResult.Written)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.Timeout));
                    Task timeout = _config.DelayHandler.Delay(_config.WaitTimeoutMilliseconds, CloseToken);
                    _ = await Task.WhenAny(connectedTask, timeout);

                    // This following code wouldn't be better with a sort of ... switch/pattern matching ?
                    if (connectedTask.Exception is not null)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.InternalException));
                    if (CloseToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.RemoteDisconnected));
                    if (!connectedTask.IsCompleted)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.Timeout));
                    ConnectResult res = await connectedTask;
                    if (res.ConnectError != ConnectError.Ok)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(res.ConnectError));
                    bool askedCleanSession = credentials?.CleanSession ?? true;
                    if (askedCleanSession && res.SessionState != SessionState.CleanSession)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.ProtocolError_SessionNotFlushed));
                    if (res.SessionState == SessionState.CleanSession)
                        ValueTask task = packetIdStore.ResetAsync();
                        await store.ResetAsync();

                        await task;
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                catch (Exception e)
                    m?.Error("Error while connecting, closing client.", e);
                    _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                    return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.InternalException));