private static void RenderSection(
            object value,
            BindingContext context,
            Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> body,
            Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> inversion
            switch (value)
            case bool boolValue when boolValue:
                body(context, context.TextWriter, context);

            case null:
            case object _ when HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value):
                inversion(context, context.TextWriter, context);


            case string _:
                body(context, context.TextWriter, value);

            case IEnumerable enumerable:
                Iterator.Iterate(context, BlockParamsVariables, enumerable, body, inversion);

                body(context, context.TextWriter, value);
Esempio n. 2
 private static void Iterate(
     ObjectEnumeratorBindingContext context,
     IEnumerable target,
     Action <TextWriter, object> template,
     Action <TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
     if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
         context.Index = 0;
         var keysProperty = target.GetType().GetProperty("Keys");
         if (keysProperty != null)
             var keys = keysProperty.GetGetMethod().Invoke(target, null) as IEnumerable <object>;
             if (keys != null)
                 foreach (var key in keys)
                     context.Key = key.ToString();
                     var value = target.GetType().GetMethod("get_Item").Invoke(target, new[] { key });
                     context.First = (context.Index == 0);
                     template(context.TextWriter, value);
         if (context.Index == 0)
             ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
         ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
 private static void RenderEmptySection(object value, BindingContext context, Action <TextWriter, object> template)
     if (HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value) == true)
         template(context.TextWriter, value);
Esempio n. 4
 private static void RenderSection(object value, BindingContext context, Action <TextWriter, object> template)
     if (value is bool && (bool)value == true)
         template(context.TextWriter, context);
     else if (HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value))
     else if (value is IEnumerable)
         foreach (var item in ((IEnumerable)value))
             template(context.TextWriter, item);
     else if (value != null)
         template(context.TextWriter, value);
         throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException("Could not render value for the section");
Esempio n. 5
 private static void Iterate(
     ObjectEnumeratorBindingContext context,
     object target,
     Action <TextWriter, object> template,
     Action <TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
     if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
         context.Index = 0;
         foreach (MemberInfo member in target.GetType()
                  .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).OfType <MemberInfo>()
                      target.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
             context.Key = member.Name;
             var value = AccessMember(target, member);
             context.First = (context.Index == 0);
             template(context.TextWriter, value);
         if (context.Index == 0)
             ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
         ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
Esempio n. 6
        public static void CalcHelper(TextWriter output, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{calc}} helper must have exactly three argument: (lvalue) op (rvalue)");

                double.TryParse(arguments[0]?.ToString(), out var left);
                var op = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();
                double.TryParse(arguments[2]?.ToString(), out var right);

                switch (op)
                case "+": output.Write(left + right); break;

                case "-": output.Write(left - right); break;

                case "*": output.Write(left * right); break;

                case "/": output.Write(left / right); break;

                case "%": output.Write(left % right); break;
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{calc}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a}")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");
Esempio n. 7
        private static void Iterate(
            ObjectEnumeratorBindingContext context,
            object target,
            Action <TextWriter, object> template,
            Action <TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
            if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                context.Index = 0;
                var targetType = target.GetType();
                var properties = targetType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).OfType <MemberInfo>();
                var fields     = targetType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                foreach (var enumerableValue in new ExtendedEnumerable <MemberInfo>(properties.Concat(fields)))
                    var member = enumerableValue.Value;
                    context.Key = member.Name;
                    var value = AccessMember(target, member);
                    context.First = enumerableValue.IsFirst;
                    context.Last  = enumerableValue.IsLast;
                    context.Index = enumerableValue.Index;

                    template(context.TextWriter, value);

                if (context.Index == 0)
                    ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
                ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
Esempio n. 8
 private static void Iterate(
     ObjectEnumeratorBindingContext context,
     IDynamicMetaObjectProvider target,
     Action <TextWriter, object> template,
     Action <TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
     if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
         context.Index = 0;
         var meta = target.GetMetaObject(Expression.Constant(target));
         foreach (var name in meta.GetDynamicMemberNames())
             context.Key = name;
             var value = GetProperty(target, name);
             context.First = (context.Index == 0);
             template(context.TextWriter, value);
         if (context.Index == 0)
             ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
         ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
Esempio n. 9
        public static void MathBlockHelper(TextWriter output, object root, HelperOptions options, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3 && arguments.Length != 4)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{math}} helper must have exactly at least three arguments: (lvalue) op (rvalue) [digits]");

                var op = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();

                if (arguments[0] is DateTime ||
                    arguments[0] is TimeSpan)
                    CalcWithTime(op, output, options, arguments);
                else if (arguments[0] is Vector3)
                    CalcWithVector(op, output, options, arguments);
                    CalcWithDouble(op, output, options, arguments);
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{math}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a}")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");
        private static void RenderSection(object value, BindingContext context, Action <TextWriter, object> body, Action <TextWriter, object> inversion)
            var boolValue  = value as bool?;
            var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;

            if (boolValue == true)
                body(context.TextWriter, context);
            else if (boolValue == false)
                inversion(context.TextWriter, context);
            else if (HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value))
                inversion(context.TextWriter, context);
            else if (value is string)
                body(context.TextWriter, value);
            else if (enumerable != null)
                foreach (var item in enumerable)
                    body(context.TextWriter, item);
                body(context.TextWriter, value);
Esempio n. 11
        public static void Iterate(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            object target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            if (!HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            if (!ObjectDescriptor.TryCreate(target, out var descriptor))
                throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Cannot create ObjectDescriptor for type {descriptor.DescribedType}");

            if (descriptor.Iterator == null)
                throw new HandlebarsRuntimeException($"Type {descriptor.DescribedType} does not support iteration");

            descriptor.Iterator.Iterate(writer, context, blockParamsVariables, target, template, ifEmpty);
        protected override Expression VisitBoolishExpression(BoolishExpression bex)
            var condition = Visit(bex.Condition);

            condition = FunctionBuilder.Reduce(condition, _compilationContext);
            var @object = ExpressionShortcuts.Arg <object>(condition);

            return(ExpressionShortcuts.Call(() => HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthyOrNonEmpty(@object)));
Esempio n. 13
        public static void TestBlockHelper(TextWriter output, object root, HelperOptions options, dynamic context, object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 3)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{test}} helper must have exactly three argument: (testvalue) 'eq'|'le'|'leq'|'ge'|'geq'|'in' (compareto)");

                var left = arguments[0];
                var op   = HandlebarsUtils.IsUndefinedBindingResult(arguments[1])
                                ? arguments[1].GetType().GetField("Value").GetValue(arguments[1])
                                : arguments[1]?.ToString();
                var right = arguments[2];

                var renderTemplate = false;

                switch (op)
                case "=":
                case "==":
                case "eq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) == 0; break;

                case "<>":
                case "!=":
                case "neq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) != 0; break;

                case "<":
                case "le": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) < 0; break;

                case "<=":
                case "leq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) <= 0; break;

                case ">":
                case "ge": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) > 0; break;

                case ">=":
                case "geq": renderTemplate = Compare(left, right) >= 0; break;

                case "in": renderTemplate = In(left, right); break;

                if (renderTemplate)
                    options.Template(output, context as object);
                    options.Inverse(output, context as object);
            catch (Exception error)
                throw new HandlebarsException($"{{test}} [{arguments?.Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, a) => s + $"{a} ")}]:{EmpyrionScripting.ErrorFilter(error)}");
Esempio n. 14
        public void Execute(IHandlebarsEngine engine, TextWriter output, HandlebarsBlockHelperOptions options,
                            dynamic context, params object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{with}} helper must have exactly one argument");

            if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthyOrNonEmpty(arguments[0]))
                options.Template(output, arguments[0]);
                options.Inverse(output, context);
        public static void Iterate(
            BindingContext context,
            EncodedTextWriter writer,
            ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables,
            object target,
            TemplateDelegate template,
            TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
            if (!HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            var targetType = target.GetType();

            if (!context.Configuration.ObjectDescriptorProvider.TryGetDescriptor(targetType, out var descriptor))
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(context.Value);
                ifEmpty(writer, frame);

            if (!descriptor.ShouldEnumerate)
                var properties = descriptor.GetProperties(descriptor, target);
                if (properties is IList <ChainSegment> propertiesList)
                    IterateObjectWithStaticProperties(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, descriptor, target, propertiesList, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

                IterateObject(context, writer, descriptor, blockParamsVariables, target, properties, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

            if (target is IList list)
                IterateList(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, list, template, ifEmpty);

            IterateEnumerable(context, writer, blockParamsVariables, (IEnumerable)target, template, ifEmpty);
Esempio n. 16
        private static void Iterate(
            ObjectEnumeratorBindingContext context,
            IEnumerable target,
            Action <TextWriter, object> template,
            Action <TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
            if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                context.Index = 0;
                var targetType = target.GetType();
#if netstandard
                var keysProperty = targetType.GetRuntimeProperty("Keys");
                var keysProperty = targetType.GetProperty("Keys");
                if (keysProperty != null)
                    var keys = keysProperty.GetGetMethod().Invoke(target, null) as IEnumerable;
                    if (keys != null)
                        var getItemMethodInfo = targetType.GetMethod("get_Item");
                        var parameters        = new object[1];
                        foreach (var enumerableValue in new ExtendedEnumerable <object>(keys))
                            var key = parameters[0] = enumerableValue.Value;
                            context.Key = key.ToString();
                            var value = getItemMethodInfo.Invoke(target, parameters);
                            context.First = enumerableValue.IsFirst;
                            context.Last  = enumerableValue.IsLast;
                            context.Index = enumerableValue.Index;

                            template(context.TextWriter, value);
                if (context.Index == 0)
                    ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
                ifEmpty(context.TextWriter, context.Value);
        private static void With(TextWriter output, HelperOptions options, dynamic context, params object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{with}} helper must have exactly one argument");

            options.BlockParams(WithBlockParamsConfiguration, arguments[0]);

            if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthyOrNonEmpty(arguments[0]))
                options.Template(output, arguments[0]);
                options.Inverse(output, context);
Esempio n. 18
 private void RegisterIfAndHelper(IHandlebars hbs)
     hbs.RegisterHelper("ifand", (writer, options, context, arguments) =>
         bool res = true;
         foreach (var arg in arguments)
             res = res && HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthyOrNonEmpty(arg);
         if (res)
             options.Template(writer, (object)context);
             options.Inverse(writer, (object)context);
Esempio n. 19
        public static void Iterate(BindingContext context,
                                   BlockParamsValueProvider blockParamsValueProvider,
                                   object target,
                                   Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> template,
                                   Action <BindingContext, TextWriter, object> ifEmpty)
            if (!HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(target))
                ifEmpty(context, context.TextWriter, context.Value);

            var targetType = target.GetType();

            if (!(context.Configuration.ObjectDescriptorProvider.CanHandleType(targetType) &&
                  context.Configuration.ObjectDescriptorProvider.TryGetDescriptor(targetType, out var descriptor)))
                ifEmpty(context, context.TextWriter, context.Value);

            if (!descriptor.ShouldEnumerate)
                var properties = descriptor.GetProperties(target);
                if (properties is IList propertiesList)
                    IterateObjectWithStaticProperties(context, descriptor, blockParamsValueProvider, target, propertiesList, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

                IterateObject(context, descriptor, blockParamsValueProvider, target, properties, targetType, template, ifEmpty);

            if (target is IList list)
                IterateList(context, blockParamsValueProvider, list, template, ifEmpty);

            IterateEnumerable(context, blockParamsValueProvider, (IEnumerable)target, template, ifEmpty);
        public override void Invoke(TextWriter output, HelperOptions options, object context, params object[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw new HandlebarsException("{{with}} helper must have exactly one argument");

            if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthyOrNonEmpty(arguments[0]))
                using var frame = options.CreateFrame(arguments[0]);
                var blockParamsValues = new BlockParamsValues(frame, options.BlockParams);

                blockParamsValues.CreateProperty(0, out var _0);

                blockParamsValues[_0] = arguments[0];

                options.Template(output, frame);
                options.Inverse(output, context);
        private static void RenderSection(object value,
                                          BindingContext context,
                                          EncodedTextWriter writer,
                                          TemplateDelegate body,
                                          TemplateDelegate inversion)
            switch (value)
            case bool boolValue when boolValue:
                body(writer, context);

            case null:
            case object _ when HandlebarsUtils.IsFalsyOrEmpty(value):
                inversion(writer, context);


            case string _:
                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(value);
                body(writer, frame);

            case IEnumerable enumerable:
                Iterator.Iterate(context, writer, BlockParamsVariables, enumerable, body, inversion);

                using var frame = context.CreateFrame(value);
                body(writer, frame);
Esempio n. 22
        public void BlockHelperWithInversion()
            string source = "{{^test input}}empty{{else}}not empty{{/test}}";

            var handlebars = Handlebars.Create();

            handlebars.RegisterHelper("test", (output, options, context, arguments) =>
                if (HandlebarsUtils.IsTruthy(arguments[0]))
                    options.Template(output, context);
                    options.Inverse(output, context);

            var template = handlebars.Compile(source);

            Assert.Equal("empty", template(null));
            Assert.Equal("empty", template(new { otherInput = 1 }));
            Assert.Equal("not empty", template(new { input = 1 }));